THE OMAIFA srXDAV WV.V.: MAKCH LN, 1015. 7-A HOWELL LETS MAN tJnited States Attorney Sympathizes and Gives Morris Lanigan Free dom on Own Word. CHARGED WITH BOXCAR THEFT TAYLOR AND ESTELLE GET HATS FROM PHILIPPINES Cill'rtoi of Oit in Cil. t and Pii-tnrt Iwdcp I .re t'ntrlle hrf rforlvnl their l'nster bonnt ts Thry camp from tin- l'M'd'i'lnr tsl.irH "nd sre thr Rift of Mr Tiiv loi s (ton. Colonel Wall no t". Ta lor, chief of the Philippine Island I'onMnlmlnry, in dinrgo of th Manila illstrlrt. Ttie lint. 4 arr of the fiicM wovn Pan ama. Thov are large ami so llKht that when toiwil mtn thr air thry fait to th' floor slowly like tissue ivinor. On Mi" sinles rach wclshs a trifle less t tin 11 oiu ounce A going buslneoa through, The nor can tr nol.i qui, kly "T'.iislncss i'lmn CHICAGO BOHEMIANS MAY STOP HOURS IN OMAHA Ml'tlll" Ts of thr tiotn niiall Korlrty of t'hiiair". to the nnml'or nf ;ni, iirionlltn,' to Jor Mlk. 111 Kpriul n portion of a ilny In Oiiinh.i cniviite1 to thr t'm tfii- I'oaat. Thii will travel n n ?te 1 1 it in iner i tin- Nort l sit i n-l nlon Pin-tfii-, arrlvinK l'i oiiihIih :it liiHin, Jiior :l, ninillniii until 4 o'rloi k In thr nftenv"n lnnliiK thr Mny or thr fhlinun llohem-' Inn 'M li tv In Omnliii thr mcmlVr will lo c nt. i lniii"il by thr local societies. I. urn limn w ill lir ve, ami thrrr wilt hn a rlile almiit tin' .ity. Investors with mom y road ths Ttral Pstate ado In Thr Advertise, youf property for a uulck fale. i Morris Lanlgan's tearful protests Hons of innocence touched the heart of United States Attorney Howell. Morris was arrested in South Omaha on a charge of breaking into box cars and stealing goods being conveyed In interstate commerce. He was to have had a hearing before the United States commissioner, but on account of witnesses not being pres ent the hearing was put over until April 10. Morris couldn't furnish bond and the prospect of returning to jail during the interim was not one of those prospects which pleases. Thry were in the I'nitrd States attor ney's office. "Now, see hrre," paid Mr. Howell, shak ing a finger at Morris, "If I let you go will you show up hrre at the time art for your hearing?" Morris declared that trn years In the penitentiary wouldn't keep litm from ap pearing. 'Well," said Mr. Howell, "I'm going- to let you out Just on your promise. It's Just between you and me, and i don't believe you'll disappoint nie. It was some what thr government's fault for not hav ing witnesses here." s A bond was signed by Morris' wife. "Judse. 1 tliank you from the bottom of my heart, and 1 won't never throw j ou down," Morris declared to Mr. Howell. Motion in Matters Case Up Monday ! Two divisions of the federal court will be In operation In Omaha next Monday. Judge Thomas ('. Hunger will be here from Lincoln to hear bankruptcy and equity eases and Judge Frank A. You raans will come from Fort Smith, Ark., to hear arguments on two motions in the Thomas H. Matters case. Matters was found guilty on nineteen out of twenty counts charging him with aiding President Luebben of the defunct First National bunk of Sutton to Iswuc certificates of without authority. Tlie motions to be heard arr for a new trial and for arrest of Judgment. Judge Elliott, who has been hearing the damage suit of John A. Moore against the I'nion Pacific ruilway, will return to Sioux Falls, S. D. Rate Increase from Omaha Postponed The proposed Increase In freight rates on furniture to Omaha from Chicago and points west, is not to go Into effect April 3, as planned by the railroads. .The In terstate Commerce commission has de cided to hold up the advanced schedule Until June 29. This was done when the commission received a vigorous "protest against the advance from the Associated Retailers of Omaha. Secretary J. "W. Sletcalfe of the Associated Retailers re ceived a letter this morning from Secretary McGlnty of the Commerce com mission, conveying this Information, in the meantime the local furnltuia men will prepare their cas3 to go before tlio commission to ask for a permanent sus pension of the proposed new schedule. Wheat Drops to Law Price of the Year A cable report that 11,600,000 bushels of r51lierian wheat is In storage at Vlad ivostok, ready to be shipped to thr war eone of Europe as soon as an opening is made through the Dardenrlles, drove wheat down three to 4 cents per bushel and the Omaha market quickly followed the lead, prices here dropping to $1.45 per bushel, the lowest of the year. There twere but fourteen cars of wheat on the market. Corn was on the decline, but the loss was only Vtf'i cents per bushel, prices lieing maintained at tMjGl cents per bushel. oats were off of u cent, Belling at J4&e4' cents per bushel. Corn rrceipts were thirty-two cars, and cats, twenty-five car. Commercial Club Teams Are Named The memtierthip committee of the Com mercial club has been divided into tennis with a captain and vice captuln at the bead of each. Stanley Kosewater. chair man of the committee, has made the ap pointments of captains and vice captains as follows: F. It. Hansen, captain; H. O. Vilh-lin. i0o captain; Phillip Horan, captain; C. I- Hopper, loe captain; I,. A. Keller, captsin: ISIchard Kitchen. vice tail. tin. H. A. Koch, raptuln; Hugh Wallace. ice captain; N. T. Thorson. captuln. J. Iean Itlnger. vice captain. Captain Horn learn leads In the contest for the first week, with Captain Thoison ami Keller's teams closely following in the order named. WMILLAN DRAWS NINETY DAYS AND SMALL FINE Lucius McMillan, colored, waa sen ten il to t.lnety days 'n the county Jail for throwInK a brick thniUKh the window of ii li.dite ntre t car and hitting a babv. M, had all argument with the nm d..t"i' or "ine rhaurfe snl ntirtcd a fr-'tit Two ""l TMI..II. Paul 1 loll 1. 1 ) ;m II. i r. ili-"ii. wen. also tried. The r w i .Hu kusi lob d lit. I" b.i ! tin l ittei fn.ed and costs M Mill, o food ti'- and orX W to II be 11 . ollM RURAL CREDIT ASSOCIATION COMPLETES ITS ELECTION At a meeting of the direct, rs of Ihe AmnVn Hural I rm lal" N'eh la !!. lanculn. waa elatl dlr-or an I itM ra.rr Willis H4. Xi.liaofi. rl.-d'rf arneraj ernic t t.ffi. rn cf t'i iatla aaarrt that grt'fl i't"r- ) tint ni4e In t'ia i f . rai.nati ii and mat an .t'P I r tt " l ;inl a Mnn- aiu u la m scar future. SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 191!- BURGESS-NASH COMPANY STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY BURGESS-NASH COMPANY- PHONE DOUGLAS 137. Spring Is at Hand and Easter Just Ahead--There's Something Better, Newer, Lovelier Every Day Now at Burgess -Nash Our Printed Word Shows What the Store Is Thinking About IT is like u person wlmsr lmv is alitrht with the con stant come ami i"o of ideas. Todav on the Secoml Floor it nniv he thinking of WOMKX'K KKADV TO AVKAK. In other sections it mav he thinking SILKS or it may U UXKXs! While in other jarts of the store it mav he MILLINERY, (X)USKTS or IXFAXI'S' AVEAR. In every corner, everywhere and at all times it is thinking. Betterment Growth Service Originality Progress Our daily advertisements are records for the information and convenience of ottr customers. Get in the habit of reading them every day. it will be greatly to your benefit. Bl'ROKSS-NASH COMPANY. I MW Millinery Smart, Beautiful and Becoming Monday at $5 St) thoroughly is the creation of millinery done by Bur-gess-Xash designers, that aside from the superb collec tion of styles to fit young women, a special corps of work ers design styles for elderly women. For the matron who does not wear a bonnet or toque and who has grown tired of the conventional turban, there are many pretty anil suitable hats. Grandmother's bonnet may be just as cor rectly stylish as your own. There are the new shep herdess, large sailors, smart pokes and small turbans. "Hie color range affords an extremelv large selection. The price, $3.00. Burffaai-Naah Co. -Second Floor. The Silk Store Is Aglow With New EASTER Weaves and Colorings EVERY weave, coloring and pattern that has found favor this Spring js represented here in splendid selection. These specials Monday: Heal Imported Pongee Silk, 00c Natural color, the kind that will wash and wear perfectly; 32 lilt hes wide the correct wash f?ilk of the season. Foulard or Messaline Silks, 40c Foulards in pretty neat designs, stripe and check messaline, bro caded taffeta and plain color mescalines. atl-Ijich Chiffon Taffeta Silks, $1.49 :iG inches wide, soft as skill can make them, shown In all the new est shades; also cream and pretty changeable effects. lllnck and White Checked Taffetas, $1.40 Considered the smartest style shown in the World of Fashion for the coming season, two different Bize checks, 36 inches wide. Burireis-lfaah Co Main Floor. Dainty Crepe de Chine Negligees Are Indeed Remarkable Values Made to Sell to $19.50 Monday, $8J5 THKY are the sample garments of one of the foremost makers, In cluding a wide range of charmiug styles. Made of a splendid quality of crepe de chine, with accordion plaited effects; others with double plaited back, also loose styles. All beautifully trimmed with fine lace and insertions. Negligees intended to retail for $12.50 to $19.50, very special Monday at $H.7S. Crepe Night Gowns, 95c Sllpon style, with square, round or V neck: finished with dainty bows; very special values Monday. Burfaaa-Vaah Co. Bacond Floor. , 1 0 " if--. ,'". ; k 11 x ( 7, . f 1 Li r "Standard" Rotary Sewing Machines List Price $65, Special Monday, $39 THE "Stamlard" Kotaiy is the mo.-t wonderful sewing machine in the world. It received the (Sold Medal ex cellence at the Omaha Exjosition in Ik;m. The following wonderful features make uod our claim; A round shuttle machine -two machines In one lock and chain stitch, lnatantly inter chaneealile; a central needle, sit straight ball bearing stand; eusy and silent running; wonderful guarantee, one good for a life time. Our vlt. rating shuttle mixhliK's are th best tliiit nuiiiy and labor can produce. No lm .r'. i nit-tits of any talue that are not iiu or li'inited In tln-lr i onst ru t mn. 1 1 h I i.rr.inn-'iH iit direct iti the factory we ran I if-ll nii the '"ft in. t1'!' li'' in 'In- world for hus nioiifr than you con 1.1 liny the . ni- in.n tune from sinull deulerx or a K ti 1 1 VOI C VX IT r:nV TKICMH AS $ fl it WKr k Oilier siM'iiaN .1 Stan. lard m- iul lil iir tlllMi; kle rt e . Jt.7. I New Home (litftitl ui ilt; Hale ri e . IJ .'Vt '2 Hour No. I TO. iiiitoiiiHtlr lift ; Kali Tlir luii. S- A KmlllK Iramnia frer. urf aaa-Maaa Co. Tkir4 Fluor. It Is High Time Now to Pick Out Easter GLOVES AND we know of no better place than Burgess-Nash to make that selection. The most worthy makes are represented and at prices that are pleasing; and satisfactory to every one. Expert fitters in constant at tendance. Burraaa.iraah Co. Main Floor. Easter Novelties of Endless Variety HKN and chicks, coop and chickens, candy eggs of all sizes and kinds. Hen on nest, roosters, bunnies with carrot and so on an almost endless variety at modest prices. Bnrraaa-Naab Co. Baaamant. Women's Thread SILK HOSE at $1.00 Per Pair MADE specially for Hurgoss Nash to conform with our "Hurnasco Standard" of quality and are 100 per cent pure and ab solutely free from any adultera tion. Black or white with high splic ed heel and double sole; double garter top. For strength and dur ability this stocking is unequalled. Borgaaa-ITaah Co. Main Floor. NEW EASTER NECK FIXINGS pvAINTY new conceits in wide selection of styles to com plete the new Easter toilet. Col lars, gulmpes, vestees, collar and cuff sets, etc., price 2flc, 50c & $1. Burraaa-aTaah Co. Main Floor. New Wash Voiles at 25c Per Yard A SELECTION of at least 60 new styles embracing dot, stripes and floral effects, 40 Ins. wide. Dresden Wash Silks, 5c New Dresden wash silks, in pretty floral effects, stripes and dots, all new pretty colorings, 36 inches wide, will wash perfectly. New I -ace Voiles, 85r In all the wanted styles and col ors, 38 inches wide, very much favored. Rutine at 10c Plain shades of old rose, blue, tan, lavender, brown, pink, also black and white. Borraaa-Xaah Co Main Floor Ready -To-Wear For the Miss and Her Young Sister WE'VE provided well-Dresses, coats, suits in a most pleas ing array of new styles and ef fects. Special care has been given to the selection of these lines for Miss SIx-to-Elghteen. Barf aaa-Baah Co. Baeond Floor. The untiring efforts we make to maintain our style supremacy were never better illustrated than by our present comprehensive assortment of WE have saved you the trouhle of "shopi'intr" for your Easter suit you merely come here to jct it ready to wear. Particularly interesting 1o those who demand ex- clusiveness, hut prefer a wide variety from which to choose, are the suits at $35.00, $45.00 and $55.00 All (he fascination or the original models have been retained in these charming Spring creations. Novel introductions or silk - a tier or buttons a new plait flare proclaim them recent arrivals. Ma terials may b listed by the dozen and new colors are legion. ' " Women's Tailored Suits Charming Modi fications of French Importations at $25.00 IN fact they set the style and quality standard of our Tailored Suit Section designed hy a genius who knows how to hring out those individual style features so much sought hv every woman with taste. Then there are other features to he considered: THKY FIT MANY FKU HK H WITHOI'T AITKHATION Then we've selected styles ever with the thought of Individual type of figure In mind. So, If th stilt Is needed for Immediate wear It's likely you can select it today and wear it tomorrow. To Women Who Wish To Secure a Remarkable Value in New MODISH GOWNS for AFTERNOON A NKW tvne of gown Is achieved. A semi-fancy gown, dressy enough for evening affairs, yet not too. xx dressy for afternoon. A gown equally smart for theater, the club, restaurant, bridge, dansant, church and calling, yet correct and fashionable for afternoon wear. downs, 905.00 and $30.50 TT EUK are presented styles that are novel, dlffer- ent and exclusive. New bewitching originations. Developed in striped pussy willow faille, novelty crepe, crepe de chine, supple taffeta and meteor. CJowns. at 10.5O and ii5.(M AWAITING you In this group Is a fascinating ar ray of Spring's newest colors in her daintiest styleB. The materials from which you may choose are crepe meteors, crepe ae cnines uu iimiy ian-in. KXQl'IHITK NKW KAHTK U JOWNH, AT $30.00 nirATiONS of artistic skill are these. Featuring quaint Period Styles, exclusive, yet with a rtvactty J consnlclous in 1915 Fashions. Figured chiffons, tiros de Londres, striped Voile, Faille, Georgette Crepe and Novelty Taffeta are the materials. They make their appeal at the price, sou.uu. THE NKW KAHTK K X)ATH, TOO AUF coming In for a host of compliments these days. "They're so different from what are seen else ii hr" u the wav one woman put it. The attractive features that appeal strongly are the newer ....,...,iulin r,f th lull flare: the swagger mannish box type; the nobby belted sport coats. A decided . .,.!., tth -mariiv dressed women, also the white chinchilla coat in sport and length. New ...u nH now novel touches of trimming are plentifully shown. They may be kad tor ai little as 815.00nd onup to 7fi,(K). Mmm $10 (M, TO Bnrgaaa-Naah Co. Baeond Floor. H0MEFURNISH1NG Specials Monday Everyday Needs of the Home Specially Priced lluldi Ocuns- 7c l.V Sifters for lc JOc er, "c Old Dutch Cleans er, 10c size for 2 cans to customer Toilet I'aiM-r, III, ItollH, a.v j Tissue toilet pa- One cup nirkel- per, full size' plated sifters. rolls, 10 np j well for .... 6uC made "White Nmv" t-lfflrl'' wuhIiiiik tna lilim v. Hit l lutfurm unit tif - uMltlf IliiltUlflt Hill.K- Ht ltt'l!Miltt, :!' I lot hen IJnea, lc Extra heavy, tit) foot, braided white cotton clothes line, t'g. :!c alue 25c 9c 1.V Aluminum KMMriHt tic A 1 u in I n u in in a u r 1 ii ti ftpooriH, ;i hpooriH In one, 1 Uv vulu .... r r lulrl v k iiai tin l ) , MlriiilWl Vrthir Mt SA7.6J 'V'hll VV" 'lt-flrit: riMliiM tuii MtainJ, lo .r ruarfciit-1, i h $65.00 liirkfatoilf I r I Vaafcttlllltf NIB) t.ll Mtl l vrlntfH, rrH.4tl ifi rv ny Hit'l u 1 nt r i it !..) ..I . 947 0 i l Irii . Ill If llltt l.llif", Noll-l fc.ll Mil I ') Hil l ft w ,(. Hi tr" "i. aiii'l m II itrllioita' i . .1 . . (M OO 'I til lllat lilflf Ml r iHiuir'tl "t, f!.r lni I i'ii nt l(lfl I .tli'l Mrr irt I iiim, un rnfi mt . w.lO I ! II II f ll'NH uulfr o ri liia- liinr , Kiiuranlff I. 9 i cm v.i i u m. only . Illi taiirM, aVllxIt ( I V Hl O. UI II. I' in aat . . $7.i0 1 C II 1 1 IIIMM'H V H (' II II III WUMillliK II I til I (I'M, r wuimI ir Vat I yam- I luti. I tin ittt Kin linn WjHlur iri I lit ii i it r k t Ml tltOO N-i " ! Mivv nil .(.,. i I ( : .. a i ' a.r V . hill. I I tl W . M :M, !( i t i l-rninl 1.J -i k'iinrril'il nch :l:f. I . .t.l I il fi 1 I Int.. Mf . . 9J Thrriiijit (Vifrlt- a- If.itiH, K iMf -ll.trnl 9tM9 llfinir ir ) .t'rt I f .11 In ir ir-'i.n.K in-rtf't, -" r i -!, l." af ' 1 ic on ti.f ti.fcrfc-! $9 OO at urf rtl Mtlh Co Kcoioiy lamiit. ;..,. mi (.tin Mtrftt lii-m, a. nlv 4o V tAKl' iMiar-lM, liruHi, k'l.iH vlnt . fit- , V.I I tlt-H 89c iHi nn: hhIi iMitir), ...i- ulili-N . I luUMtloil M It MtilC - r tftn tiN. IimI'I ') uf N'T4l Ul." Mf. I i' I It-rn, I t-i f.Hi m ! r fooi . , loo Hikh urH'l (! (,( l i . li iiiiflc. rui ' t-lt I.I J. !. W lilt h'i t I f .,i I l. lit t vrfil In., lu i U't f "in m 1 1 I r . I f I Hitrm. I r f i aa. I l-l I I ll-Il f .M.I W i'H iit,i mii a ' I li"' I r ' t f f l I ll.ft M" M'-til tig t , I m t.m.t ;;. r 4 ,tri.ia:. iiim- II 1. MH 7f Men: You'll Want To "Tog Up" Easter Sunday; Let Us Assist You 0 i'K line of men's furnishings is recognized as the best selected In the city. Just such fixings as the average man wants. Men's Kttxter HIilrlN I!g variety of patterns and color ings in new Spring styles, .Star," "K. & W.." "Ideal" and other high grail hhlrts priced especial ly for Kasler selling, l.Ml, I..V and up to fil.-Vl. .Meii'N Kanler (ilovea Silk fabric and leather In such inskes as Kayst-r, Fownes, II and I', eli'., all silk gloves. The Kay k.t make at 7m' and $I.IN. Kubrii' glows, i.unie make, $I.UT, 9 1 .I'll, 7-r and AIN-. I'd lie, Knglihli. at 'i and "Wi ll and I. I..VI to I.IMI. ,Mi-n' tnol'-r nlrr All lievt .ni'l piiappy Htylcs made by l no In- I maker of high gradn in- k r-rinif X. prires most r a soniilili' at ."(ir, ,W', "'', II.imi ami U Imrints I:uhI"-i ntfk e lll offer u M"''UI lot of on and f I r.u nlk cut in ry Urt-f uprnn x ti ,1 1 if . f Ii ir I iinl" nf K.lkn n li mil hm- mi, I) line mih l ti ol a nliriii or ltt rn liohal valiM'k. nut m UrK bl iillif-r if )'! 4iil lit one-half on )ioir l.4"irr lie. lln-y ate priced for iiii k illliifc at "Jr. U n m l.lrr llal, VI.IMI Si lmlilr' .ft and atifi bat. alaa a kimhI lt Stiff hat In black onl. Mill lii In all ih nrw liaden and loiitrj-t color Una. Our f.lur- bal ! !". Iinm aTaaa C Maia rlMr. Kicep- Victor Records for April Iniluiilr.g Hi .in) l.eautitul hauler um I . h rll an all il.e Iul of iih r ill t nine h. i It, .-in 1 1 li l-'l,, hi i Nasm "everybody's store 0MMMY. RoHer Skates (or Boys & Girls lu-1 I li tiling t'nr hi'l-walk or l ra-a-t. pin r I n 1 1 Ix-arin?. SfM' t pi i.v. (KiMirtli lImr.)