Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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    5 A
KorriJ Pimples
Kill Simples
But Milan's Calcium Wains Will
Ileum e (lie I ti-iglitljr ltlcni;s!io
In N Short a Time a to S.h'111
Almost Impossible nf lU'lii'f.
Tin- crov ir.e hpnuty nf n wnman Is
lirr skin. She miiv IimM' only ordinary
features nr t vpii u coarse, lu-avv con
tour of fiu i', lint If she is the I ci-n .mu
ff n fine, colorful sKiti. showing iiror
ous health am! ; loiro hlood, .he
P'ihv nttaet,ve to f tT' i j i-.
jexai jexaK jexaEt exalt ftewll
la La uu
This is Rexall Week in 7,000 Good Drug Stores
throughout the United States, Canada and Great Britain.
Here Arc
some oi me Remedies
n , .- 7 -1
Nebraska Youngsters Who Really Do 1 lungs
- . . .
a otiOv T q h USE
The Girl: "Betty ha A pretty faca a art
cute dimplei, but tba pimple are
The Man' ''Stuart's Calcium Wafer i
would remove them in a Jiffy."
The grpHt trouble with the nmtorltv
of women i.s that they try to remove
niinpleH tty outside treatment, mich us
Ki'tiij'f'H, innsMaK"f. cosmetic i i tr.--Itv.
etc. These methods will not cure
nor pvrn tt mpornrily remove pimples
and facia) disorders.
The difficulty is Krtierally Impure
blood. The blond is a stream of waste
matter filled with poisons. Its color
is hlucU or blue. er brownish cast, in
stead of ruby red, as It Hiioulir be.
The best color always comes ill
youth, of course, hut all the cnsmitict'
in the world will not brine hack the
color if your blood Is diseased or fill
ed with Impurities which It cannot re
move or throw off.
lio to your druitKist. whoever he
may hr. and he will uive you a box of
Stuart's 1'n.lclnm Wafers, price f0c.
Rotftll Tooth Powder.
Free Trial Ccupon
F. A. Stuart Co.. 175 8uart Bid..
Marshall, Mich., send me at onca
bv return mail, h free ti irI pack
atfe of Stuart's Calcium Wafers.
City State .........
Coughs and Colds
are prevalent and may develop into
Krip and pneumonia, if neKlecteJ.
lie on the safe side for throat and
lunR troubles and as a Ktneral tonic
Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey
Is especially valuable at this time.
A tablespoonful In an equal amount
of water before meals and on retirinif
stimulated the stomach to healthy
action, thereby lrriprovinic the diges
tion and assimilation of food, thus
Rivinir the system health and streiiKtn
to throw off Krip and pneumonia
bretnUiiK eerms. Protect yourself
"Get Du fy's and
Keep Well" today.
At most drug-
eluts. srocers and
dealers. $1. If they
can't supply you.
write us. Medical
booklet frea
The Daffy Malt Whiskey Co.. KoehMter. N. T.
i A3W? .11
f fWlWTT-TiiimTMiiiM winirin ii mill nmiaiii m inm' l"- ill I .. J Km wJUaXp.;, 1 1 I U I 1
Jv - Y ;wsnwiMii)inimiiriiii nii.-'-r- ir" - mum ti in n ,nfc u
1 j k ...
( ; iW I ft in
s Wsm- - - f J
-'-V ' '"' yjlv' TT;,'
$1.00 Hpxall Hoef. Iron and Win Q 1 lb. R.-xnll Kffpnwrnt Sodium Vros-
Krxnll Ord.Tllo...10. 25. 50 81 I pliale 75
jxaE Week Free Souvenirs
oxcM. Week Souvenir
2.".o T( lirnsh . .
, . . . I'HKF.
llHrmon) llnlr Itrniitlfl. r 81.00
jfexalfc Week Souvenir
rk bottle llnrmonj Shampoo FREE
bj r. c. ika-.
The younpsters of Neliraska In eav,
vlllnfre and country nllke have set Ihent
selve earnrsth to the task of improving
the state knowledge of HRriculture ani
of the duties or the homo, JudKlnn from
the membership of the Nebraska boys'
and Rlrls clubs lond.irlcd co-operatively
bv the I'mlcd Mates Department of
Aprlculture and the agricultural extension
aervlee, university farm at Lincoln.
Last year, one of the first years this
work has been carried on in the ft ate,
there were members, and this year
the. number is expected to be more than
Any boy or ulrl in Nebraska may Join
one of these clubs without cost. As soon
as the membership blank Is received, the
name is placed on ttie mailing list of tho
monthly lesson bulletins. The lessons are
written by specialists in their line at
the university farm and are intended to
assist In any way possible the member
to understand the work.
Besides sending the instructions the ex
tension servii e has made it possible for
the club members to compete for $2,iW
in prizes. This year the amount of prizet
has been amply enlarged.
Ist year five championships were
awarded. These were offered in corn,
potatoes, Hardening, cooking and sewing.
This year tho pig club has been organized,
and competition will be held for the
The winner of the corn championship
was Vyrle Crowcll, aged 13, of Walthlll.
Vyrle was awarded a free trip to Wash
ington and over $50 in prizes. He raised
82.46 bushels of com on his acre without
applying fertilizer. Although this was
not the highest yield of those entered
In the contest, it was the largest produced
with the smallest corresponding cost and
the one best accounted for. In the warJ
of championships tho yield, quality, cost,
report, and story of tho crop are all
taken into consideration.
The champion potato grower was Frank
Chaulk of Chadron. Frank raised twenty-
five bushels of potatoes on an upland
patch of an eighth acre with only 3 5-12
Violet lnle Toilet Wi
lexaZl Week Souvenir
tar VMt Talenm FREE
Kexall Slork Jlpplen Q for 25
jfexalt, Week Souvenir
.Vr bottle Unity Laxatlr FREE
Rtxall Rotation f nTpophoHphltevSOo
jfexaE Week Souvenir
2V Rexall Liter rills.
Rexall Shnvlnu Lotion 50
jfexaE Week Souvenir
Vc Hexall Miavlnar SI Irk.
Cream or Towder.
For Grip, Influenza,
Coughs, Sore Throat
To get the best results, take Dr.
Humphreys' "Seventy-seven" at the
first feeling of a Cold, lassitude, a
chill, or a shiver.
Don't wait till your bones ache,
till you cough and sneeze, have sore
throat and influenza or it may take
Pleasant to take, handy to carry,
fits the vest pocket.
2r.c and $1.00 at all drugglBta or
Humphreys' llomeo. Medicine Co., IB
William St.. New York.
Now is tho time to dye Ntinw lints. F,l,
k.WS HAT DVK, I'olnrn, Jet black, car
tllntil reil, blown, hhro ureon, natural,
navy blue, a bottle 25
IVoiiiicl ,leiinl c line of Toilet Art ides
llouquet Jeanlce Face I'owdcr 75C
ltouquet Jennice Toilet Water 1 J51.-"
llouquot Jeauice Extract, ht o.. .JjJl.OC
IUuiiet Jennice Soap, ck., I5; bx., 55 1
Ask to see the Itexall lllne IJne of Hub
ber ttmxls water bottles, fountain sy
rliu'.cs, etc. (itiiiranteiMl for two yenrs.
S(K'ial ItaiRrtln for Shavers tltV xvorth
for : tne Itiirbani implex Demonstra
tor Kiuor (JI.V), ene SliHln Stick (".V),
both this week for I59
NOX-Sl'l, for iM'i'HpliHtlon. 5tc fl.e, ;)
i:TUA srKt lAIi
MunvonV Witch tln.el Soin. I5e ck-S
i a
Vyrle Crowell .WalM.Corn Chimp
inches of rainfall which fell between July
2 and September 6. He used no fertilizer
and did not irrigate. It is held to be an
unusual showing considering tho low
moisture content of the soil.
Myrtle Mann, aged 12, of Chadron won
the gardening club championship. Sh
raised over a ton and a quarter ot
vegetables at a net profit of $71.40. The
tfyrlle Mann
Chddre. Cartening Club Chimpien
size of her plot was a little over half
the size of the average city lot.
Irene l'egg, aged II, of Ited Cloud cap
tured both the sewing and cooking club
Membership blanks and rules for the
contest may be obtained from the state
leader in charge at the university farm,
Interstate Commerce Commission
Holds Up Advance Asked by
Rail and Water Lines.
Apply Cream In Nostrils To
Open Up Air Passages.
Ah! What relict! Y ur clogged nos
trils open right up, the air passages of
our head ure tear and you can breathe
freely. No more hawking, snuffling,
mucous ilis.-iiarge, headache, dryness
no struggling for breath at night, your
cold or catarrh is gone.
lion't tay si lifted up' fiet a snia'i
bottle of Kly's Cream Halm from your
tlniKgist ""' -v"l'1-.' i' little 'f
flagrant, antiseptic cream In your nos
trils, let it i ciieiiati' tl.i .' n t-v. r ..r
pan-age of the I. tad. soothe arid h.ul
tin- swollen, inflame,! mucous mem
brane, giving you Instant rtluf. lay
('ream Halm is w hut every cold
and catarrh sufferer ha been seeking.
lt j'ixt splendid Advertisement.
l Every Now and Then I
I-ocal railroad freight officials ' are Id
receipt of information to the effect that
the Interstate Commerce commision has
suspended the advance of 5 per cent
asked by the rail and water lines, that
their rates might be on parity with those
of tho all-rail lines east of the Mississippi
last fall the freight lines of eastern
trunk line territory applied for permis
sion to advance rates throughout the ter
ritory east of Buffalo and soon after
this, the road of the central territory. In
cluding hat between Uie Mississippi river
and Buffalo asked to make a similar ad
vance in rates, 5 per cent. The advance
was granted about the first of the year,
but this applied to the all-rail lines.
Following the advance granted the all
rail llnea, the rain and water lines asked
have to make a 5 per cent advance.
Hearing on the application was had and
now comes the report that the proposed
lato has been suspendei until July Vc and
in tho meantime there will be another
hearing before the commission.
Ixnul railroad men are of the opinion
that the action il.-e commission will
result In the rail and water Hues doing
pi actually all the freight busliiss be-
Itween Chi' ago and New Yoik, and that
t least all of the idow freight routed
I either into or out of Omaha will be
'handled by boat and mil east of Chicago,
In-t 'Hti of by rail exclusively.
1'iior lu the advance in rates east of
'the .Mississippi river, I he rail ant water
i r ite during the open season was around
,s cents per hundred less than by the all
rail mute on everything that we hundU-d
'I., t vi ceii Chicago und New York. Now.
with the all rail rati being raised 1
per eiit. It Is fig irel that the rail and
water lines mi. I do the business, at least
mini alter the bearing In July, when the
vut-r lines he;,- for rf-riulsslon to ad
vance tin " iaf.
Deep Snow Still
Covers Range in
South Dakota
General Manager Walters of the North
western is In from a trip over the lionc-steel-Wlnner
branch, extending up Into
Mouth Dakota and returns surprised at
the amount of snow still on the ground
through northern Nebraska and the
southern part of Soutn Dakota. Said Mr.
"We are not experieneing any difficulty
now on account of snow, hut in the event
there should bo a strong wind, our Hone-steel-Wlnncr
branch would again le
blockaded. I'p in that section of the
country there has been but little warm
weather. It has not thawed enough to
form a crust on tha top of tho snow.
Generally the snow ttlll covers the
ground to a depth of tdghtcen inches to
two feet and in many places thero are
diifts that I should say are ten to fif
tocll fei t high.
"Live stock has not suftered, because
farmers and ranchers havo had plenty or
feed. The animals have been kept under
shelter and given close attention. They
havo not been uhle to graze, as the
range has been and Mill Is deep under
the snow."
Come and Go Gossip
About Omaha People
Mm. W. T. Burns leaves this evening
for a short stay in Chicago.
Mr HrandiiTi Howell and Miss Ids How
ell spent the week with college friends
lu Lincoln.
Mrs. W. 1'. Allen returned Thursday
from a week in Lincoln with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Henry Clarke.
Mr. Howard Buldrlge left the first of
the meek for the east to sis'tid the ICaster
vacation with his Bon, Malcolm, at At
lantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Lewis and son of
Portland, Ore., arrived Wednesday from
New York City, en routo to their home.
They are the guests for a few days of
Mrs. Lews' sister, Mrs. Milton Barlow,
and Mr. Barlow. As Miss Gertrude Mc
Cllntock, Mrs. Lewis was well known In
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Metz moved Wed
nesday Into their new home at Thlrty
teventh and Dewey avenue.
Mr. W. F. Clarke, accompanied by his
daughter, Miss llortense, arrived Mun
day from Fort Dodge, I.i., where Mr.
Clarke lias been confined in a hospital
for a month following a serious accident.
Miss Clarke came on from New York
I ity to be with her father and whll"
hero will be tho guest of her brother,
Mr. l.ou Clarke, and Mrs. Clarke.
All Truck Tire Money Back
If a Goodyear S-V Fails to Meet This Test
We are ready now after f,(M)( care
ful tentsto issue this defiance to all
other Truck Tire claims.
We shall not merely argue that
(Jocxlyear S-V's excel every rival
Truck Tire. We shall guarantee it in
this convincing way.
Equip opposite wheels at the same
time one with a Goodyear S-V, one
with any other standard Truck Tire,
of like rated size, bought in the open
If the Goodyear S-V fails to cost less
per mile than the other, we will return
you its full purchase price, making the
S-V free.
This offer is unlimited as to number
of tires. Equip as many wheels as you
wish under these conditions. Sign with
us the proper blank when the tires go
But it is limited to tires bought in
April, May and June. H is simply to
hhow you, in a vivid way, that (Jood
ear now outranks all others in this
iine. Our regular milage, guarantee ap
plies to these tires, in addition.
Accept this challenge. Let us prove,
at our complete risk, that Goodyear S
V's will cut down vour tire bills.
Why We Dare Do That
We remind v. el that It IS lime t'
,)., r.,.. , khiii to log i:
i ,. iiorv II. Jl lem.-mi.eTH
OI.IV l.l.eUt I I, t It W Yell Salt
.,1 o- Mill.- ... Vele
t . t an ,c . oulil .1 i is Y o .
put 11 i ll S. vial limn v.ei
o.i.le tl..- name resolution. Yoj
1 ,1 ll o!f
..i .,!i never . .'i t al
v , I, u v .,n .1., mil begin.
.. . I I VvV.
V. , i i I . oil .aV!Ml a
Twenty-Three Years Standing
24th and M Streets
II. ". IHMTnll k, rllmt
Till MAN HU H, V. rT".
K. H. TV. t ss.Ul.-r.
Convicted of Theft,
Ask Habeas Corpus
Joseph, l an.ard and 1'et.r -Millet and
I'd Mxn (.f ho'.ith ona'a. who allege
II, ty er couvlctej ,f ouo.a-ii. t"l. n
i.nlx'lly by th .""otiih ftnaha pollen
ir.,uit. .In thy rn hot pr.-oo.t.
' .'. I. r lrM l tb I..H .! or 1'i.lrt t
Judge Ki glmli l.y bai crpoa pi.e..
ll,.. T he J :ile ' .. te t ) -t dr i . .1 lh..
WLcC.r tit pu.-.t. " lira M
. ,li I' i .l, ir
.: t,l il nl
..f ., i .
4 I.. A i l.e I' '
I .. .1 at U.I
.1 in
Franksion, Texas
March M. 1M
April 13, IM
;u. tl. im
AprU im
A a It. )
"IerUI,ak illle.l nr of rh
rui Klai.'liiiK "
of t vv rut -t hrr
"I aliVI iure i,,, o.,oi t onii v lo .-k
OlU for the inellt of I'I'IUI.a"
"I'rruiia Im all you claim fnr It lo l l'l at
irrt my I jrtl, li ''
"I a-ur you that my firt mn loriM-inrnt of -.
i una a.,i nixnainl ! m.u rrl I'ar .ot
ax a Vej vaUuitLle l.uiiKchol1 i.ihm1
--"I hduI'I mam On tht I'.-runt rurr I m of
cdtaritt of t tkriii ) t i.i i yer iii'lin "
"I aJa)ra try to k'!. I'irum on l.aiot dniii.c c.r
ll.lrl to, r i..l. l.. I JUII I !!
i lie, I I. el .1., ll , o "
Bvarf on ahould aa a aupy ct Tb Ilia af Ufa. walca oa
lalaa mifi of taatiwiuutala Irvai au nan Mullf avaaat a
.(aitaui a la autkur ul alwa curraaywauaao.
The Peruna Co.,
Columbus, Ohio
This means in three month
a trcniendoiiH Htako, ami
ngalnat the entire ficlU.
Hut ve have Hpent yearn
pprfertlns this Truck Tire.
SroroH of experts have worki-1
on it. They built 29 tyies In
their pronreKH toward thin one
Then they built 7 4 Ktnirtmea
... I 4 I, La
me iiiiiiii" i" ."
to al'ain
t j'p.
Wo j-'ive you a nhuie which
ends IiuIkIhk or breaking by
dlhtrlbullni; heuvy loadu equal
ly. And a nhap which mivea
Ki ind.
lly a Hecret nietliod, we weld
the polt rubber tread, the haid
rubber barkliiK and tlu Httcl
chunntl base into a life-luliK
u ni') n.
We press I he, tii'cn on in 5
iu i.-.eol in records
of r.'H' tet t.reH. AIXI on Mile-
by-side tets with rival under
ull conditionH. We know that
none can htand up with S s.
The Reasoni
W Hive you -0 per cent inure
available tread rubber.
THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., Dek 348, Akron, Ohio
Milkers nf iMMl)er .iilonn.bilc Tire
We Make l. iinluMe. IU.h k. ('ualiiim nl tlur T)hii of Ti ii. k Tire
S-V Truck Tires
or in minutes at a minimum
of 50,000 pounds. Thus they
cannot creep. In tjjla tire
there is no auxiliary fastening
We give you a compound
which naves undue friction,
taxing tire and power.
This new tioodyear S-V ap
pears to us the limit In a Truck
Tire. Certainly it excels any
rival production. We are stak
Iiik on that fact the whole
price of the tire.
We invite every truck owner
who wants to end tire trouble
to let us Hhow him the way at
our risk. Consult your dealer
or our nearest branch.
I 2313
Typowrltoro i
hor itoni
a j auk fm aa
91 and Up Por Month
CtDtril Tfpesritir Eictiet 1
ST-JM RvtJ I Tib.
rv 4121.
f a. r mum iu i
J I ' ' Y : i
i A i , , . - .