THE OMAHA StMAY BKK: MARCH 28, 1015. 3 B What Women Are . Doing in the World VISITING WITH PARENTS. MR. AND MRS, D. C. PATTERSON. flub ( ntrntlnr. Pl"NIA Y Younir Womm's Christian an-J snrlntlim vpht service,' 4 .10 p. nv I llo bturly rluli. Miss l'Bullne R( !H'nbrg, MOSIUY- Omiilm Woronn's club, 2 30 p. in., followed by opMi piMKrnm of ora tory ilopHrtiwrit, P- '" Womrn'i weifpire n.wtinK, Young Womi-n n Chrts ttHii Bxpixt.'itioii, 4 p. ni. THincln? clrtlf. I'hllrt Conof rvRtlon lonm Mrs. A. L. Oicvn, hostess. Tinnypnii Stiuly circle, Mr. W. C. I.yle, hostfsn. TI'KSMAY Mothers' culture department. South onmha Woman's club. Library hnll. 2:3 p. m. 'I'onation Lay," old I'cop'o's homo. French department, Wonmii's club, 1:4;( p. m. l'rof. F. M. Vlinn, last current topics lecture, city hall, p. in. AVKDXKI'AV-Mn Simmi club, Mra. O. V. Noble, hostfui". Mothers' Culture club, Mrs R. V. Koch, hostess. 11o club, Mrs. C. C. Morrison, hostess. Literature department, Omaha- Wom an s club, HI a. m. Art department. Woman's club, entertainment. 2:l p. m. TIll'HSUAY Omaha Story Tellers' league, public library, 4:1." p. m. Omaha Soviet v of Vine Arts, Young Women's ChrlHtian association auditorium, 10 a. in. I lonie economics department. Wom an's club, in it. in. Kin ma Hoaftland Kiower mlf don. Association of Ool leclate Alumnne, luncheon at roner clal rlub for Miss Vlda Hunt Francis. VH . DA Y B- tin ;n Women t' ,i man Temperance, union, Mrs. K. fl. Keaaley, lioste.-w. North Side circle. Child Con servation league, Monmouth I'ark a -hnol. 2 p. m. (Notices for this column should be muled or telephoned to the club reporter before Friday noon.) KMRKRS of the Omaha Poclf ty Tk. XT 1 of Vine ATtS aKrecJ tn,lt th,s .lTA I has been the most successful year since the duo s inception. eighty new members having Joined. Especially are they pleased, aside from having sponsored the well attended and highly appreciated art exhibit brought to Omaha, with the pro gram of lectures during the year's work. Vying In Interest with the art lectures that were given by studious gentlemen from elsewhere, including Frof. J. IT. P.reasted, Kdwnrd H. Griggs and Prof. I. H. Stoughton-Holborn, and the talk given by Mlsa Mary Wlllard of New York City through the courtesy of Mrs. Leonard Kverett and Mrs. K. M. Morsman Jr., have been tho equally popular lectures by local women. Mrs. Warren Hlackwell talked on "The Art of the Tlgris-Ku-phrates Valley" and "The Life and Art of Rome" was the subject of programs given by Mesdamea William Q. Fre, Millard Langfeld, Frederick T. Rouse and Mrs. T.loyd N. Osborne. Mrs. Frank Crawford will give the program- this week. Mrs. A. W. Jefferls. first president of tho Fine Arts society nine years ago, was chairman of the program committee. Mrs. William Q. Fre. newly elected program chairman, plans to arrange an equally Interesting course for next year, when other out-of-town speakers will be secured. I ''-I HER ENGAGEMENT JUST ANNOUNCED. will talk on Rostand's genius and view of life. The Central Park Social Center gave a minstrel show Thursday evening at the Kensen theater under the auspices of the I'.cnson Municipal league. The local leamio retained one-half tho proceeds. The Needle and Thread auxiliary of tho league met Wednesday with Miss Alsa mlne King. A short program was given- The next regular meeting of the league will be held Friday. The coming week heralds the approach ing close of the club season. The French department of the Omaha Woman's club will have Its last lesson Tuesday at 1:45 p. m. at the residence-studio of the In structor, Miss May Mahoney, although election of officers will not be held until a later date. Tho oratory department will omit lt meeting this Tuesday morning, but will have its last meeting and election ot officers one week later. Mrs. Grant Will iams, the present leader, has declined to consider another term of office, so that a new leader will probably be elected, Election of officers will be held by the home economics department Thursday morning, at which time the program of work for the next year will be dis cussed. The department plans to hold one or two more meetings however before the close of the year. The last open program of the year will be given Monday afternoon, in charge of the oratory department of the Omaha Woman's olub, Mrs. Grant Williams, leader. The program will be In two part's the first Including two vocal selections by Miss Gertrude Miller, with Miss Grace Slabaugh as the accompanist. Mrs. Will- lama will read Henry Van Dyke's "Tho Lost Word," and Mrs. Henry Hillcr will read "The Beauty Shop," an original story by Mrs. F. J. Koel of Omaha. "Five Souls," a war poem by William Ever, will be given with a musical accompaniment by Will Hethcrington. Irene Capewell's "Mrs. Casey at the Tennis Party," will be given by Mrs. Anna Wray. The second part of the entertainment will be a golf playlet bjj Marion MaoMillan, "A Woman's a Woman for A' That." Mrs. , Stymie will be played by Mrs. Elisabeth Oehrle. Margaret Blufuell, M. D.. by Mrs. Agnes Lord; Niblick Stymie, by Mrs. Sue Lam bert; Mlus Iris, a trained nurse, by Miss Adeline Snecht; Katrina. by Mrs. Dale Collins; a veterinarian, Mrs. Maud High, and Mrs. Perkins, by Mrs. Josephine Ncely. lTof. N. A. Riced Is directing the Hay. An entertainment for the benefit of the ait department of the Omaha Woman's club will be given Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock In the club rooms. Mrs. C. J, Roberta, leader of the department, will give an illustrated travel talk on HelKlum and Holland, countries which he visited on her recent trip abroad. The proceeds will be for the department's fund for arranging Illustrated talks. The Omaha North Side circle of the ClnlJ Coimc rvation League of America will meet Friday , afternoon at 2 o'clock in the auditorium of the Monmouth Park schi ol. Tne subject for the day will lie "I'le.y" and will Ik- discussed In relation tu lU value In child development. The Tennyson rliapter of the cliautau liiii l.itt-rary ilrcle ili meet Monday at tho h.mie of Mrs. W. C Lyle, fat Tark aenue. lnxtead of current topics, roll call reponie will t uliei to general information .U. stlons. Mrs. II. F. Curtis w II tomiuct the r-vlcw i.f "Through Kng lund with T niiH"ii " The wtory of "The MvlU o' the Kiiik'" will lie given hy Mrs. :it n oIhii .lr Jei.e Ixxid.r will linve the hxptcr from "Ifc-inucratlc F.nif la. id ' on ti e labor movement. The Omaha Miy T'llr'V Uasjue meets at 4 U o'clock Thursday afternoon In the I iibllc llhrsrv. Am. rl. n Mnrlrs mill t t. 1.1 witii Mua Km ma lliberts as leader. "The Itlrth nf the Albutua." a Irvrnd of the IrY Cnf 1J. will be t.JJ by Mrs J. . Hire, -old lines and th I'rysd." by I.yman will tut stria by h. It. i nil tinl Mrs If T. tnrrn stve lh bIiI 1 elory im! Indian .tii1 etil tlej. ' w i y iHe fmr Pays ; LAtnl-n' by luxti! lll t-e d.a ,.e, I v !-, 111 1 HluOy lub at the barns I Mix I'auii'ki- lli i tin '.- Msi'e :--rJ a i I - it the siorr, Mix A loiircar will S I il'l l ! i ,n in-L eti-l '( Kfbn Hmm-T The Itenson circle of the Clilld Con servation league met Friday at the home of Mrs. Arthur Atack. The regular study was featured with special papers read by two members. The Rcnson Woman's club held Its an nual civic session Thursday at the home of Mrs. K. li. Parker. An address was made on "Civil Service Reform" by Mrs. M. D. Cameron of Omaha. Mrs. George Iredale recited Riley's "Little Orphan Annie." In the business session the fed eration meeting was further planned. The committee chairmen axe Mrs. J. W. Welch, reception; Mrs. R. R. Beasley, decorations; Mrs. K. R. Parker, refresh ments; Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, music. A five-course ?uncheon will bo served and tea in the evening. The members are now selling the autograph cook book compiled by-the local club. Those who assisted at the child labor exhibit Tues day were Mesdamea F. M. Paugh, M, Armstrong, R. S. Beasley, W. A. Wil cox and O. S. Brooks. The next regular meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. W. A. Wilcox. The Benson Woman's Christian Tem perance union will hold its regular ses sion Friday at the home of Mrs. R. S Beasley. A special speaker will be pres ent Muslo and refreshments will be a feature of the meeting. Tho Benson B. L. S. club met Thursday at St Bernard's hall with about thirty members present. Business was followed by cards and luncheon served by Mes dames Harry Post, Carl Spring and Harry Knudsen. The next meeting will be held at the hall in two weeks. Members of the Dundee Woman's club were conducted through the M. E. Smith factory Thursday afternoon at the In vitation of A. L. Green and Ward Bur gess. Light refreshments were served and each woman was presented with an apron made In this factory. Mrs. Frank Crawford will give the pro gram on "The Life and Art of Rome" for the Omaha Society of Fine Arts Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the Young Wo men's Christian Association auditorium. Her toplo will be "The Roman His Religion and Temples the Pantheon." Mrs. Lloyd N. Osborne, whose lecture was so enthusiastically received recently, will give the next art talk in two weeks. The last program of the year will be given by T. K. Kimball. An afternoon with grand opera will en tertain the members of the Mothers' Cul ture club at the home of Mrs. R. W. Koch Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. G. E. Mlckel, president of the club, will be In charge of the program, which will be Illustrated with Victrola selections. Mrs. W. O. Spain will be the assisting hostess. IUbbl Frederick Cohn will lecture on Browning before the Mu Sigma club Wednesday morning at the home of Mrs. G. W. Noble. The club has been studying Rrowning this year. One more meeting will complete the year's work. Mrs. C. C. MaiTison will entertain the, Clio club at her home Wednesday afternoon, when Items of interest will be the response to roll calL Mrs. K. Mc Fachron is leader of the program. Mrs. I. W. Merrow will give a review of "The Precipice." written by Mrs. Ella W. Peat tie, a former Omaha woman. Mrs. M. II I-aae will glie a book review and there will lie musical numbers. Dr i). W. A. Luckey will deliver an ad ' dress In-fore the Mothers' culture depart men' of the South Omaha Woman's club Tiii-i-.liiy afternoon at Library hall. Mm Vlda Hunt Francis of Philadel phia, general secretary of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, will Ims the guest of the omh alumnae Thursday and Friday of this mrvk. Miss Francis will entertained at a lunchaun at the Com m rcUl club when she will give a talk. ArranneiiH nl for this affair are In the haaU of Mis It A. Van Orsdel. with whom rrwrvatUma for the Ion neon may ! made. Th iHmu sett ion is rrhectsina for Its annual play .-r the benefit tif tl.e lal C til. nwnt Tnia year. 'T.- Orat r.iM rtma nl." a hhakr i rUaj pl.antaav rutin tT lb 'hi. u a lii br Anna M..ian an I .Vkt lnil.y. wt:i t Clten at lb IU but, I. Kaluri'ar a'trr i. -.n. Afi IT. Tt lay will be f-Jlo 1 y a il4fui Twrmy amwii to it.. I . ! t in tt e iit, wh I. is lln 4t- f prornised welfare beard. Mrs. Carn states that several men and women will address the meeting. The Federation of Child Con set atlen leagues will bold Its resiilai tvrrtlnn Thursday tnornlni; t 10 o'clock at the oung Women's Christian nssuclation i auditorium. A change In name will lie taken up at this meeting. . V. t. . otea. For the lust in the series of "Friend ship" talks. Ilex-. J. Twys n .tones of Council Hluffs will talk on "The Crt-at Friend," Sunday ul'ternooii fit 4 :V Mips Alice Inival will be the soloist. At the social hour, whlih follows the reRulur srvlce, Mlsa l-arji will be the hostess. All young women are most welcome, whether they are members of the asso ciation or not. Monday nlBlit the llcneva club will give a playette showing different days at Lake dctea conference. Kvery sum mer the Young Women's Christian asso ciation has conferences lit certain places in the I'nlted States for ten ibis when those Interested In the work of the asso ciation meet together and gain inspira tion and help for the work during the t .1, I 1-1.1.. a. ..,.. na. l..r,.l at ICMi'WIHK Ji-lll. lion in ij loi ii.,i,o.. . nli'lil Is to urolise interest in JfoblU til thf. I conference. Mlsa Gertrude Griffith. th national secretary for girls' work for the Young Vi'omen'a Christian association, will l with the local association trc:n Frldnv until Monday. She will mcel the guls of the different clubs and will speak at the regular vesper service on Waaler Sun dny, April 4. Hite Florence Bosietlep JUST HOME FROM STUDIES IN ENGLAND. ?w ."-- "i I Cadr Ik VM ?Iiss Vo?o(hyrown rected by Miss Mary Irene Wallace and Mrs. E. V. Parrlsh. The Dundee circle of the Child Con servation league meets Monday at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. L. Green, 4904 Underwood avenue. E. F. Denlson, general secretary of the Young Men's Christian association will talk on "The Gang Spirit In Boys; Its Proper De velopment and Its Results." As this meeting is of especial Interest, members have the privilege of bringing guests. Current events will be the response to roll call. Mrs. Walter Dale will have charge of the musical numbers. Mrs. Green will serve tea during the social hour which follows the program. The last of the current topics lectures, which have been given for eight con secutive weeks by Prof. F. M. Fling of the University of Nebraska, will be given Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock In the coun cil chamber at the city hall. Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson will entertain Prof. Fling at dinner preceding the lec ture. Mrs. N. H. Nelson, president of the Omaha Woman's club, will omit her regular ''at home" this Friday sine it will be Good Friday. Mrs. 8. A. Capen has called a meeting of representative women from all organ izations in the assembly room at the Young Men's Christian association for 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. The purpose Is to arouse further Interest In persuading the mayor to appoint two women on the Prof. Shirley to Talk Poultry at the Y.M.CA.ThisWeek Foultry raisers are again going to havo an opportunity to hear Frof. V. V.. Sh'r loy of the rState University Agricultural college. Tho Young Men's Christian as sociation has prevailed upon Trot. Shir ley for a return series of three lectures, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday even ing In tho Young Men's Christian asso ciation auditorium. Those who heard Trof. Shirley In Felr ruary obtained some of the most valu able information on poultry raising that has ever been heard in Omaha, and It goes without saying that no one Inter ested In this line enn afford to mlsa this rare opportunity. The Young Men's Christian uasoclation has gone to cnnaldcrablo expense and trouble In having Prof. Shirley return and deserves a lot of credit for the splendid work that It has done along theso lines this yesr. These lectures are free of charge and will, no doubt, bo largely attended. Mrs. Ida Harr, who has been reported as having given up etudlo work, has not done so and Is to be found at her studio aa usual. IPbcsc""t1 m iTk fir i M une weekl Until Easter The day that really starts spring and with this season of the year there comes a call for I Dainty, Exclusive Jewelry to be worn with, spring apparel. Our stock," as always, is complete in every respect and we in vite you to call and see the really new jewelry designs. fiSSCb rpl . y XlEWElXRS (1sV i NWSUt T OMAHA If Needlecraft Shop (Woman's Xxehangs) ILL xhtdi or XAXTD won OBDZH TOM BOMB BAXXbTO Everything for tns Uasa Shower. Easts Qlfts, Want's Outfits. 304 So. X8th at. Fhoas D. 18 49. Make The Flower Shop Headquarters for Your Easter Flowers We will have a complete line of First-Class Stock. The best in the city at reasonable prices, such as Easter Lilies, Spirea, Hydrangeas, Rhodendrons, Tulips, Hyacinths and Daffodils We will also have a full line of baskets and cut flowers. The Morgan-Shawler Co. Rare Bargains in Gate-Leg, Drop-Leaf and Tip-Top Mahogany Tables MONDAY AT ORCHARD & WILHELM CO. AN OlM'OinTXITY not likely to ronir uuiiiii soon. If you do not possrss one of these t lnssie reproductions, try to see these eiirly--it is n rather unusual collection at. greatly reduced prices. Twenty-five tables in all, including several tsthles of Sheraton and Chippendale design. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PART OF THE LOT FOLLOWS: $27.50 (ialP-lt'R and drop-leaf table, "u-dort liopsny top extended S2x;s. si. mrners V"' $40.00 (Jnto-loR atnl drop leaf lablp, K0llilO mahnKany top extended as Im lies. s. P0 $55.00 (iHle-leg and drop-loaf tuble, solid stfl tniiliOKiin.v top extended :ii;xt0, sn. cor r s 15. Bo Tip-top HtRinl, tnahntuiily. inlaid f top. 1!xl!7 ovhI plU $42.00 Tip-top tablo, solid mahoKany. topdjOQ extended 3:1 Indies siinare TABLE (Like Cut), $35.00 J4S.00 Tip-Top laMo, llkp cut at riplit, nolle! mahogany, top pxtcmliM US JJC liuhes. squnre, true t'o'ii;lnl design. . V $:10.00 Tip-top tablo, imihogany, top ex- C20 tetiited i! Imlies, siunre PiV $2o.00 Urop-loaf table, mahogany f,n,sn'C1ft top extended ;i:x,1K, ovnl P ."ifi.00 liroplt af tablo, solid mahogany, 39 top extended H'JxH, Sheraton $ no. on Pt opWr table, solid mahogany, tCQ top, extended llxMl PV $!s.00 Dtoplrtir tablo, boIUI mahogany, CJ5 top extended ;)Sx."iO, HMnare i orners $32.50 Table, $24.00 VLmmm. IT if1 j 1 " ' ' If $43 00 Table, $35.00 TABLE (Like Cut), $24.00 32.50 Oate-lpg, drop leaf table, like out above, solid mahogany, made by $24 Cowan, with snmll drawer, top 28x31. 'r'" Years of Satisfactory Service Are Woven Into Our Axminster Rugs ,XI) THK PKICMS XOV Willi 1'IlOXOrXCi: TIIIOI KXTItKMRLY KKAHOXAULE. In vnrietv of patterns, color combinations, prades ami sizes our showing is complete you will acknowlodire it. Alex Smith & Sons, Higelow-Hartford and Koxbury Axmin stors are hero in splendid assortment. Here are a few prices. You should sec the ruga: SEAMED AXMINSTERS In Every Size Made. IMxSO inches 1.M, ll.25 anil $I..V 27x54 Inches and $2.7.'.' 8fl72 Incho 2.7 pi.7H Mini 4tl7-l 7.0, 7.75 and $H.IM flxO JUlH.Tn. V14..VI and $I5.M 8-8x1 0- I?11.nt, 21.(M ami 22.r Dxtli 9IK.50, $-'2.50 and $24.51) 11-8x12 $2I.50, $:i2.00 and $:i5.00 ROXBURY AXMINSTERS A rug guaranteed to give satisfaction A rug to rely upon absolutely. More Iloxbury rugs come to Orchard & Wllhelm'a than to any other house in the middle west. 27x60 $2.75 8-3x10-6 ...$28.00 86x72 4.50 9x12 27.00 6x9 J0.00 11-3x12 .... 33.00 ORIENTAL RUGS A wonderful collection Blx fresh bales Just added. WK RKPAIll ORIKNTAIi HUOS. SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS A very exceptional display of seamless Ax mlnsters at prices that have been Impossible heretofore many chintz and light-colored pat terns, with plain centers. (Il $14. AO, $15.00 and $17.30 0x12 $23.00, $27.30 and $28.30 LINOLEUMS A fresh car just received. Frequent car-lot shipments Is proof of our superiority in linole ums price, quality and proper laying these aro the things to consider. Look at our linole ums. You will want us to serve you we can do It best. lMUXTKII MNOLKIM, 40c, 45c, 65c, OOc and 03c per square yard. INLAID MNOLKIM, up from 03c per square yard. CARPETS New piitfprns of enrpeta In all grades are con stantly being added, from 6 So per yard for Brus sels curprts to tlia finest Wiltons at 13. BO per yd. We can show you the largest assortment in Nebraska. Sale of Ready-Made Curtains MOMMY DRAl'KRY SECTION You will be greatly pleased with the real bargains that await you. We feel that our curtain stock is heavier than need be. A splendid assortment to choose from. These Reductions Are Truly Remarkable: $1.75 i-uffltHl swift cirrtahis, iair 03c $2.03 plain colored hurtlcr curtains, pr., $1.81) $2.50 applique ecru curtains, pulr . . . .$1.81) t $3.75 voile, with tinny edge, curtains, pair T $1.03 $4.03 Duchess ecru curtains, pair $2.05 $5.03 Arabian ecru curtains, pair. . ..$2.03 $0.3O Filet lace effect, with marquisette hody, ivory curtains, pair $:t.75 $8.73 fine bobinet, with Itarmen lace edge and insertion, ecru curtains. . . .$4.03 $11. OO cluny lace edge on French bobinet $3.03 'li New Patterns in Cretonnes, Sunfasts,. Voiles, Nets. Drapery Materials of all kinds in greatest profusion. Come in and see them. ORCHARD & WILHELM CO, 414-416-418 South 16th St. I'M) Farnajn St. I'hono DoiiK. '?-. WHEN YOU CO AWAY Store Your Silver and Valuables WITH THE Omaha Safe Deposit Company (Mr l:laK I'm Am Osaah Xaitotu.1 lUak, ism Israaia He l'r Abjt laf-nitMi Itmsr4 Trlrf4M,M Tlee loo Thousands ot Easter Lilies Tho finont fip-own at mocjorato print's. Also Cut Flowtrs and Plant of all tl'KPriitions. Henderson FLORIST 1519 FARNAM STREET AMERICA.! DRY HASH LAUHDRY sends your laundry home ready to sprinkle and iron. Tho so stinliii in work Kriilay and Saturday can havo it roady for ironing Monday giving you the ontiro w'ik with tho laundry finisht'd. Tliis is hflpful to thoso t-niploying a woman to iron. 25 Lbs. for 85c This is tho aviTiigo family wash. V also do WET WASH for thoo i.Hiifsting it, at wot wadi prift's. Phono Harnoy 1123 W havo onto horviro. I'roinpt uttrutiou. tJive us a trial and vou will havo no othi-r. Loretta De Lone HARPIST (TM raraass Mnti TU. Bar. mi. Bars rauaa4 (M rraaUca. M 7 A a i I . .