Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 16-A, Image 16

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fill ImMllimliikilgl
Your lawn should have u resoeding of our Stand
ard Orasa Seed and Fertilizer to insure a perfect
preen lawn for the entire season. Ask for Catalog.
Stewart's Seed Store
119 North Sixteenth Street.
Phone Douglas 977. Opposite Postoffice.
Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
Also Fruit Trees and t-mall FrulU OP OUR OWN OROWINQ.
Pi rone Concord flrape Vine. COc per doien. 3.00 per 100.
FIRST CLASS APPLF3 TKKE3, 3 ft., 10c. to J ft., 15c.
Ileav? Apple Trees, i-7 ft., 85c each.
A larre atock of Dwarf Mulberry In all size at greatly reduc
ed prlcee. Large assort men t of other hedge plants.
Large stocks cf Shrubs and Roves. We save you 30 of the
agents' prices.
WTUTE, CALL or PHONK Benson 634.
Office and Salesground, 61st and Rlggs Streets.
Benson-Omaha Nurseries
P. J. FLYNN, Proprietor BENSON, NEB.
THERE Is almost no limit to the good things that can b grown
In a fertile, well-cultivated garden. The farmer who raises
a variety of vegetables for home use is without doubt the
most successful farmer. Lettuce, garden peas, onion sets and
radish seed may be planted any time after the ground thaws out
and the soli Is dry enough, as these are not Injured by dampness
and cold. Beginning with the growing season, lettuce, young
onions, mustard, turnip greens, rhubarb and asparagus form a
continuous supply of crisp, Juicy vegetables until the later grown
ones come on. All through the growing season an unlimited sup
piy of fresh vegetables can be had from a well arranged and well
tended garden. After the earlier sorts come the snap bean, early
potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, butter beans, sweet corn and sweet
potatoes. Any surplus vegetables grown la the garden can bo
canned or stored In the cellar for winter use. Pieplant, aspara
gus, beans, peas, tomatoes, corn and beets, when canned, help out
wonderfully la a blll-of-fare through the winter season. We al
ways aim to grow a great variety of vegetables la the garden and '
we can only do this by making a succession of plantings of the
quicker-maturing sorts, such as radishes, bush beans, etc We
always plant sweet corn at Intervals through the growing season
until August. By so doing we have an abundant supply for the
table until the field corn comes In the latter part of summer. The
last planting of sweet corn Is canned for winter. Cucumber seeds
are planted as soon as all danger of frost and freeslng Is past, In
the open, for early pickling. A later planting Is made In June
for our supply of winter pickles.
' We arrange our garden s that all tbe planting can be done,
the long way. This makes cultivation easier, as much can be
done with the horse and plow,. lessening the labor with the hoe.
However, tbe hoe Is a much used tool In our garden, loosening up
the soil and subduing weeds which the plow cannot reach near
the growing plants. Last season. In spite of tbe continued drouth,
our tomatoes continued fruiting from the time they began until
frost. From two rows extondts; tbe length of oqr garden wo
secured an abundance all through the summer for table use; be
sides, my wife canned sixty quarts for winter and had any amount
of pickling (green ones), which we picked before the frost.
We think no home garden complete without a row of rhu
barb and a bed of asparagus, and these are easy to growWhen
once these "greens" are established they will last for years. Rhu
barb may be stsrted from seed, but we prefer the roots for plant
ing, as they become established and mature much sooner. I have
found from experience that it Is not best to pull rhubarb stalks
the first season. Tbe plant should be allowed to grow for storing
up food matter In the roots, which Insures a large crop the next
season. Rhubarb will grow and multiply In the same place for
years. If the planting be done In the spring (which time Is con
sidered best, yet we have planted It In the fall with good success),
the plants should receive good, cleaa cultivation and should te
mulched heavily with manure In the fall. The following year a
choice crop of stalks will be secured. The rhubarb plant Is u
heavy feeder and the soil cannot be made too rich at the time of
planting. We find that barnyard manure Is tbe best fertiliser
for rhubarb. Tbe deeper and richer the aotl the larger and mon
tender the stalks. Asparagus, like rhubarb, requires a rich soil,
and second year's roots should be set out early In the spring. One
or two crowns to the root U sufficient. The early setting of tne
crown roots has the advantage of moisture soil conditions for the
starting of new growth.. Asparagus roots should be set one foot
apart in rows which should be four feet wide, while rhubarb
should be set In rows tour feet apart, mlth a distance of four or
five feet between the plants In the row. The sage plant has al
ways found a place in our garden, for Its uses are many. Fur
seasoning ituun It baa no equal, and for a severe cold ta winter
there Is nothing better than to drtnk a cup of hot tea made from
tbe dried leaves.. In various kinds of drevalng for fowl and
meats, sage leaves are used, and every farmer's wife should have
a few plaata in the garden.
IT 13 certainly a pleasure to go from a well-kept front yard f
the back one aad find the latter a model of aeataees. So
ftear the reverse la the rule that It ta thought of little mo
tasat to have hot ry so much la appoareares. The backyard
is vully more private than the front one, aad la that capacity
it tuay be so arranged that this prtvary caa be enjoyed to a far
greater etteau To a4d to Ue prhery, Jt is wall to exclude as
Sv ' . '
Hess & Swohoda
Phones Douglas 1501, Websler 4689
Easter Flowers
We have a fine lot of Easter and Calla Lilies, also a selection of other desir
able plants in bloom, such as Rhododendron, Lilacs, Azalea, Rases, Oenistia, Hy
drangea, Hyacinth, Daffodils, Jonquils, Lily of the Valley. Cut flowers, Ameri
can I3eau1ies", Tea Roses, Lilies, Lilacs, Sweet Peas, Violets, Lily of the Valley,
Forget-Me-Nots, Daffodils, Narcissus and beautiful Carnations.
'MK .' is
'' ' "
Home Gardener and Farmer Aiding Mother Earth
Bring Forth Everchanging Beauty From Bleakness.
Spring time Is here; and Spnng time means for garden
and home lover and for tiller of the soli, whose creation of new
wealth is, after all, the very backbone of national prosperity,
preparation. If all the glorious possibilities of the new life that
thrills the world are to be realized.
The snow may still linger in seeuded spots. In shaded,
sun-protected hillsides like those along the upper Missouri the
ground still may be hard and fast asleep. But the awakening
is near. Out In the Park,where tbe sun climbing a little
higher each day lays full and warm on the fields, flower buds
of crocus and scilla and snowdrop-are opening; the thin blades
of the Iris have cut their way through the moist earth; In tha
beds from under the protection of the manure mulch tulips and
hyacinths and daffodils are pushing their way into sunlight and
jDloom time; buds of tbe forsythia are showing gold In the sun
light and overhead the bluebird and the song sparrow are her
alding the end of the all too long season of cold and hiberna
tion, .
And the lesson which bird and blossom bear to mankind
and womankind, too is of preparation.
Countless are the ways In which the lesson may be applied.
It may mean the reseedlng of the front lawn to abolish an eye
sore or the planting of seeds under the protection of cold frame
sash or In shallow boxes in the protection of the heat of the
home; it may mean that thought be given now at this glorious
season of tbe new life to the equipment of the home with those
conveniences which make for comfort and utility the Instal
lation of a gas range to save from mid-summer heat fatigues,
of a telephone as the marvelous saver of time, the completo
screening of the home or the equipment of the front porch wltn
inviting rustic furniture. Or, yet again, it may mean that tho
lessons which modern agricultural science has to give on the
conservation of soil moisture, on the physical amelioration of
tbe soil by the use of lime, its Inoculation by those wonderful
nitrogen gathering bacteria which make a thousand blades of
clover grow where none grew before; early plowing, early seed,
ing. pruning and spraying. ' And it may mean, too. that breed-,
era of specialized egg or meat fowl be consulted for a supply ol
day-old chicks that In Fall and Winter time to come will lay
the golden eggs.
Springtime may bear a differing lesson to each man and
woman. As an aid towards bringing together those who have
something of value to dispose of and tboso who desire to secure
It. "The Bee." ln this, its annual Garden Page, has arranged
an exposition of the best offerings of representative seedsmen,
nurserymen, dealers In horticultural and agricultural supplies,
and In poultry, all, however, of special importance at this
Guaranteed in Every Way Priceu Right
Be sure that the order blank reads: Meneray-Omaha Nursery Co. Do not be confused by
a similarity of names. Also beware of misrepresenting salesmen. We are represented In Omaha.
South Omaha and Council Bluffs by tbe salesiuru named blow, only: F. W. Meneray, A. O.
Meneray. M. Jackson. C. L. Clark. J. lioeldobler, W. Majevsky and W. A. Webber., If solicited
by other salesmen, claiming to represent us. phone our office before ordering.
We are the Old Established Meneray Nurseries, since 1868, only large growers in the vici
nity of Omaha or Council Bluffs. Be sure your order reaches us.
43:1 Htate lUitg K1U. Itioae Tytar 1104.
Oiuaua, .cb
3lkt Mreet and Avenue A. lttone N72.
CtMiurit Bluff !, Iowa.
muc h as possible of the public view along the bor
ders by high growths of shrubbery, hedges or troo
trailing with vine. In this, however. It Is eay
to overdo things, or la shutting out the public
gate completely one can make tbe arraageiaeat
ridiculous la purpose aad extent. It is mot neces
sary to have these borders or boundaries of ua
brokea tinea.
Backyard arraegvsssat depends mark spo
the eavlronmenL rrvbably ao two yards are
alike la this regard, for th swttlags are usaalty
differeat. One houae may differ from another
and offer lens Induremeat to adora la ntaay waye.
Arrangements of flowers la beds and planting of
shrubs will depend a great deal upon how one ex
pects lo get about among them or around them to
or from the bouse. It would never do to have
tbe in so much ta the way that you oiunl go around
them or over them when la a hurry. To aid in
this choice of sotting out flower beds It Is a good
plaa to recognise all paanagewa)e aod paths, aul
where they lead, their width, etc.. not forgcttiaff.
ef course, that too iaui h is worse thsn at coouxl..
A simply arracged yar4 U better every way lhaa
one loo crow ded or oerdsoried.
Trans - Mississippi
Lawn Mixture
Successful for
Seventeen Years
The Nebraska Seed Co.
Douglas 1261
1613 Howard Street
la th
bart vhra It
in also tha moat vf-
fectlva war. and when tblnga ha,T to
ba too, aa In kaaplni chlckana trea
from Tannin, and prarentln tbalr minor
llaordara from becoming apldamle ar
Laa'a Lie Killer and Grrmoiona are
aaaantlata to ract.'tn with poultry. Tha
former la almply aprayed or painted on
rooata and kllle all Inierta there aa
well aa tna Ue aa Ue audita ot tae
chtokaaa meeting over It. eraley leg
asltaa, etc. . Na handling, duating, dip
ping or greaaing. Germorone la glrvn
In the drinking water. It purlllee tha
water and reaeela. It Brerente conta
gion from one to the othera. It eoun
teracta muatr or apolled food. It pre
vent and rellerea bowel trouble. It la
a reedy remedy for roup, colda, awelleS
bead, canker or ekln dleeaae.
Conveniently obtainable at moat every
elty or towa.
Get our free Poultry Book.
SEO. H. LEE CO., Hfrt. Otaiks, Ntk.
T i J
kCtf 'Vx.
t efc
T i tk
Cyclone Sanitary
Lawn Fence
Is the highest grade fence on
the market heavier, strong
er and closer spaced than any
other. Complete, erected on
wood post. 25 cnts per lineal
foot and up.
We carry a full line of wire
and iron fences and gates,
trellises for roses and vines,
flower bed borders, fence
stays, carbo steel posts for
field fencing. Come in and
see the line and get our low
prices. Eend for .catalogue.
so7 v. i7th at.
Fboae Bed 814.
0O LAl'jn gRAS
FREE Booklet
We have prepared a
fine little booklet un
der the title-
It tells how to mak
old lawns new, what
kind of grass seeds to
use, and contains much
Information -about trees
shrubs and plants.
Drop us a postal card
Wa Will Mail You Copy
Choice New Crop Seed at Low Prices
atentnoky Bine Grass. . . lb. SOo; 0 lbs. SI. 00
White Dntob. Clover lb. SOol S lba. Sa.SS
Evergreen Ltvn Grass. . lb. 8 So; 8 lbs. S1.O0
Shad? riacaXrftwnQrasa. lb. 35oi 8 lb. 81.80
Tarraee Uwg Ormas. . . lb. 36e; B lbs. 81.60
Bnbtubaa Some Grass. . lb. BOo; 8 lba. 81.00
Postpaid to eay home in Omaha at
above prioea.
Patrons la other STabraska towns add
4e peg pound for postage.
Des Moines. Iowa
An Acre of Ground with
a Brand New House
This acre home can be bought on easy terms
small cash payment; balance like rent.
Large vineyard, big crop of grapes last year;
balance of soil fine for truck gardening.
Will take you to see this any day
next week If you'll phone us. '
Jjjankrrs Jjjfalhi JJttufstment fflpmpanu
' Ground Floor Itee BuiltUiiK.
Telephone Doug. 2026.
M - ' irniiamiT air-'-' "- "V" i"
ack Yard Garden
This page will tell
you how to do it
and where to buy
Seeds, Shrubbery, Etc.