1 I i 5 I t i 10-A TIIK OMAHA 81NDAY HEK: MAJICH 2S, ioi:. , ' jk, Buttons, 'liil ' 'A ll f v Hemstitching JSIk 1 I f ,DEAL BUTTON IMKStJl :)m 4sJ & PLEATING co- l Easter Display of , 5 " r - ' : - Spring Millinery f ' , 4 - , , s . VS The most authoritative styles are ''' 5 ' - ' ' ' " shown here .Your inspection invited II -VI " '- ' x ' , 'X sS' house dresses - " 'I and aprons made zWk, Id, v - ' ' " " to measure. Ma- J ffk terials furnished I - ; ' V - at prices from ' J'3T? Ji " $2.00 to $5.03. Ifef v t4;II , , - Cruder iW4 $f . :- HTTTX T 4 429 Paxton Blk. Ui r"' S J Douglas 8394 v . v X I ; jS JEWELRY J fy tS TASTE ' '; MlmV r J ''IJ! j ! QUALITY. ,' ,iJ f V I I U III luiino I f ill" St I ' I r. j-i .wrni of llm 1 1 IVv, (enters ' J. ; , Says Dante Fashion: Nuetral colors are the proper wall hangings. Our Decorating Department, third floor, will show yon the very newest. " Beaton & Later Company, 0lffat Ladies 14 iff If It Is a question of Hair tell us your trouble. If you have dandruff, let u. cure It. It your hair tf$ZJP3&ff$ Is falling out, let us help ffU ' fJA you. If it Is slightly &$fczff gray, or turning gray, let us help you. If It is a 1 ; 1 VhH'iP IF?' . . i r- i- Dcauiirui silver gray, lei r . - 'fltftj it alone, ana be proua It. Let us shampoo hair once a month use tne Electro uenera- 7" tor for scalp and face Njf massage. We ub the ' ' ' latest method known to science for face and scalp ( treatment. s ay. let . - oudofy ; ,oyour Vr. " &J?XJ F. M. SCHADELL & CO. l?llDouglas . - - S 'If Smart New Millinery For Easter X See our stock of many exclusive styles in both small and large shapes all at very reasonable prices. . THE KROENERT MILLINERY EMIL L. KREBS, Proprietor 620 South 16th St. Phone Douglas 6475 YOUR EASTER HAT Must Be Correct STYLE Nothing adds to a Ladies' attire so much as one of our Beautiful Exclusive, New Hats. Every hat we have in the house is this Spring's Latest Creations all are copies of the French models. Values to $15 Many of our hatn are values thai you would hae to pay tl.l for at other stores, but on uriouni of low rentul our prie range from S5.00-ST.f50-S10.00 Second Floor Paxton Block. O'Connor & Emblen, Mili-ggr? Do the Work About the Home in Style Our aim Ih to Hiipply every need in up-to-the-minute household appllaaots 1 inakfH of fliT ' 'iig niathliii-s to Keh'ct from. pranjVcmwr $25 E2.ZCTR1. A NOW GetH all the lint anil Ihreudn. Approved by hinilre(lH of houpewiVM tn Omaha. Telephone toduy fur free trial in your home. l.lheral terniM on any 01 our muenines. E. tf. WILLIAMS Fhon Tyler 1011. 308 South 18th Bt. rr- R Mushkin Mrs. 204k NORTH 16th STREET Our Easter Showing of Millinery Now Ready for Your Inspection. M . GALBRITH MARY F COOPER SCHOOL- OF DANCING 3C6 Lyric Building. 10th and Farnam Sta. Classical, Folk and Modern Social Dancing. (ln and I'rivate l-SMn. New Classes Organized by Request. Attra-tie Stulii, Well Arranged for i'rivate Parties. 1'or Information reardin i ti-1 1 iit-t i. ri ur nntaU call Red 8:?2; Harney G26. Suite 1322 W. 0. W. Bldg. Is Showing Sprint? Style In Ladies9 Tailoring and Gowns Outfit for Paeitie t'ont and San KraneUnt -piition. l.'i x-r cent !" unt off till April l.". Douglas 49?9. Sam Early CrttioM$ i Spring Millinery... YOUR TRUNK OR BAG Our I i.-it i to ttipph o:i Vk itii the U-t there i. I Uln tin r it le a om prie-d rti l- r it more l.ilontt- I !.. li 'ii an not mre ei jtnir JUil tTTlietil, IM t a Kille I !' to tr.i FRELING t STEINLE P.-u:,: '" M.ikrn r.d Govt Li-athcr Goods 1 i Ftrr.4"i St Ihon DougLu 273 M. SEUCOW Ladies Tailor AU teLu $45 and $50 TELEPHONE, DOUCLAS 137$ 1 MRS 7. L BRADY l CO., 201 S. Kth St WK i.iki: kkpaij: JOHS