V ill u. A T11H BEE: OMAHA, SATVWDAY, MAKVIl '27, l!t:. 9 v LA rtSfafc our thirty-third ynkiad for this week a tsetses of wonderful scope s. Watch the ads. Underwear Specials Womcn'i Union Suits Low neck and sleeveless. Cuff and umbrella knee styles. Regular and extra sizes. Hen. 50o vaR, Fnturdsv, a suit, Sler. Children's "M" Knit Vnlon Suits lxw neck and sleeveless; knea length. Patent tapes, eeania and hut tons. A 2 to I J yenra. 60c villus, A suit, 9. WEAR mbraceil in this extensive aroup- $ore so than they are right now. :Sat': spring fashion deems cor ing that are most in favor, the t tvle in Fashion' realm, arc all (this magnificent collection. tin ere is a style dJQF? of tJJ the, one price Hp to $15 their value. It to the moment, shades correct. those that are preferred he -Crepe de Chint, Crepe immed in laces and ribbons, gyles. All sizes are included. Gloves for f.$1.19 relay , of about . &.that-, hav ; . jaaQreven $2. , pivcits. as black or. st ; ctf them are Rea ttiuqijty. The gloves' r-,:;9pld at $1.50 or t a manufacturer eon- Iitt-jft8 they are sok' rTvpot permitted tt kijf.-e.The gloves are eiacK, -wuite and. a ieaii or piaue sewn $1.19. eYou Wish To MEN'S CLOTHING Great Purchase of Men9 s and Young Men's Fine Spring Suits in a Rousing Sale on Saturday At a big reduction from the price they usually would bring we secured more than 600 suits from manufacturers in New York City and Rochester. N. Y. They have reached us in time for a great Saturday sale. They are in the correct spring styles, made of the kind of fabrics that will be most popular for spring wear and in the most seasonable shades. Three great lotsthree small prices MEN'S and Young Mod's Buits Fancy worsteds and blue serges; also young men's blue serge suits. De pendable and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Reg ular $12.50 to $15.00 values. Saturday $(0)75 EN'S and Young Men's "ool Suits "Worsted)?, tweeds, cheviots, cassimeres and blue serges. Splendid fitting" clothes, that compare favorably with suits that sell everywhere for $t7.50. Saturday $1111 75 M1 EN'S and Young Men's "Wool Suits Fancy and silk mixed worsteds and blue serges. Serviceable qualities in the latest patterns, com pare favorably with suits sold everywhere at $19.50 to $22.50- MZ setift. Raincoats A Wonderful Balmacaans-Saturday at Sale Slip-ons and About Half Price By buying surplus Stock of Raincoats from the Harris Rain coat Co. New York City, we secured the great assortment in such a way that we can sell them at about fifty cents on the dollar. There is a great op portunity in this sile to select rarely good coats just at the time you need them at a price much smaller than is usually asked for similar qualities. These Coats Are: Double textures in popular materials and desirable shades. Bombazines Paramettos, Silks, Worsteds, Can tons, Tweeds, Cheviots and Cassimeres. Full length coats, plain and regular; Balmacaan models. Y 1 rvtaw fF I I 1 1 wm nil wlS II 1 L W mi ( i 'Soring Balmacaans" liaphragm, shoulders or All this can be accom rsets and W. B. brassieres. uta figure women niust give.isome id this season because the corset njjel. The smaller waist is back gher bust. We are confident that a La Vida corset you need never at apologj' for your appearance. ere fit you we have only expert of., figure imperfections and who 4orrect them. y be had in coutil, batiste and .oonel with Exeelen. Thev The popular coat for cool evenings, made with plain or relret collar, wtth aatln leeve and yoke. All the newest fabrics and pattern In Scotch Tweed and plaids, homespuns, cheviots; also "Top Coats" for th conservative dresser In blacks and oxfords silk lined to the edge. $12.50 to $22.50 Values $9.75,$11.75, $14.75 Raincoats worth up to (51 AO $3.50, at - .- - - - ipl.yo Raincoats to $4.50 and dJO QQ $5.00, at. - - - - -iP.yO i Raincoats up to $6 50 dQ AO and $8.50, at - - - O.VO aincoats up to $ and $15.00, at - Raincoats up to $10.00 CA Men's Shirts, Ties and Other Stylish Apparel for Easter in Glad Array at Prices that are Very Attractive MEN'S SHIRTS, $1.00 TIES FOR SOc 125 Dozen Beautiful Silk Four-in-Hand Ttea for Easter wear. Excellent value in thia lot. Large open end atyU. Regular $1.00 shape. Your Chow for 50c Our stock of Munsmg Union Suits for Men' is now com plete,, with all the spring weight and new fabrics. Ex ceptional values at, a suit, $1.00 to Man's Silk Hose All the new shades. "Run of the mill" quality; worth tut $5 to 3oc. Special, a pr . Sprint Neckties Large open end four-in-hands. Many of thee tie worth 50e. Saturday, ftp each AJC Hosiery for Man xjiu Iwre. exclusively. Inter woven Mole Hoe in the new eerln ahaAes 25c and wisht. A pair.. . Interwove a4 Ptioeatx Milk Km for Men Excel lent for wear. A J1 Art P.J r. too, T6e an4 . . . 1 UV Mtn's Sample Pajamas Made af od quality fancy Muriras and Solsstte. Worth 11.21. Iat- 7Q-. urdar. a suit 9 We have what we consider are the bent shirt values tlutt we have ever placed bo fore the men of oinalia nhirtu of excep tional matrriah, that will wear, hold tlielr color and Rive vt Isfaction. Thousands to choose from, 1st all the d An latest patterns. Kach p 1 elU Men's Shirts $1.50 We are offering high-grade shirts, many exclusive pat terns, made of materials found In shirts worth a great deal more. Every shirt guar anteed to give satisfaction in every detail, at $1.50 Men's Shirts $1.50 to SS We are offering excep tional values in Manhat tan. Emery and other high grade makes. We show many exclusive patterns in this lot. ?ohr.k:-..$i.5o to $5 1,000 ONE-DOLLAR SHIRTS, 69c 1,000 New Spring Shirts Consisting of all the select lots of shirts from our big shirt purchase. Collar attached or neckband style. Not a shirt in the lot worth less than $liO, fiQ many worth more. Special Saturday. Each UJC 1L , prices are $3.00 to 52J. To fit every type of figure, are 53.00. n uje on Saturday chcs and Transformationa i Pompeian P.oora.) j Beautiful 20 and 22-Iach Switches, l.r J)3o I All Around Transformations t Fir!t nua'.ity h:iir. Kfgulnr j piiov, j".(x. Sihe price, 31.75 E3.&0 Transrornoations -K' p tionol vjilues fr $1.05 Iniii.il i -it., .i t t.n t ii in "iv-M fil y.Mail (inl. r. t vv.nl' l'r ali kind- -t Heauiy ;e. EASTER HATS FOR MEN ARE SHOWING NOW Men. you should see the very newest hat. "The Maye." sol4 eirlasively ia Omaha by the Hran Ufla Stores It's the quality of them that really makes tbe strongest pall on your parse. But, in addition to swUt yea get soveity in style, richness nd strength la eoior sad a fr wear guarantee, all for pOeVvl "lirandeis Social" Soft aaul Stiff Hats Stunning lylec and new, QQ JOHN B. STETSON HATS All the Very Latest Spring Styles o ttf are here at . . JKJ For Those Who Like Good Candies Chocolate In cream; 29c Special Cream Dipped Brazil Nnts lf -ular ( Special Quintal Dipped Cherries- Saturday, 1 pound box Oar Delicious Pompeian Chocolate Bitter Sweets and : Swiss Style IXilk Chooolates ' Fruit and not renter. Sporial. One-ouod QQ j tot eC7C ! Wo llava a CompUta Lino of Caater Novel' ties. Including All Kind of Chocolate Kgga. Cream aUgg. Jelly and Marahmallow Lgja, Kral-. A iomid. . Bpeeial Cocoannt Kiurs - unilla, Ktrawl rry a n 1 clioelat. A r jMjund IOC ()H-' -khmma lllah Wataat I'oi.- 29c NEW SPRING WALL PAPERS Hritfliti n up your walls for Master. Our Moek is now eoin- plete. I il I hiUiger? furnished on short liotiee, at reason lio priees; Morli Uai ant Parlor, himtitf Kmhi, IIiiSI in l'att'iri" of Regular .) and Store 1'ai.eis All eol. 'ir l.lsui and . i . . nirdluui lolurit. Sulur or ainl tleittgiis; : a .'I o4y ru SUi a rVi OC ; -.r- I'UI. and .....red Worth to 4c Saturday, in io lot. Ill ltd iold Pa(i'r--8.iliattli for ' roll. Ii'r OOL living rwonis. if'lUi-i halls and i aad sCmJC UVrsry. w it b tordr lo n.sirh 1 Sale prire. a roll ... 1 afa 2 C 3c A complete line of borders at special prices. SOCIALIST PLATFORM MADE Measure to Cover City Eleotion This Spring it Drafted and Made Public. n I en cu D; ralablu and undo power i a vt II ra fl D 98c $2.00 Sample H&ts, 98c Odd lots and sample linos of Men's Soft and Stiff Hat New spring ntvlcs. Choice for $1.00 Caps, 50c Sample lines of new fpririK eapa for men mid young men. Regular 1 .nil valuch. Oioice Saturday, for. . . OVlC 1 1 ' 0 ri 3nA I I i f i-t-jf r it mi f th t 'ft si II rot r sv i a a mm f I 7 1H J A VI II v n II MADE UP OF NIKE PLANKS Tlie ttoi'iallet rsrty has prepered Iti platfurm lo rover the city eleotion this oprlns. The pUUorm i-onalsu ot nine plenke. The firm of thcao calls for home rule of cltle, providing; for the call of a charter convention. Other plonk hav ' to do w Ith sclf-govcrntiwnt, labor tneaa- lUies. public ownership, education, health ' meaamvs, public amunrmciits and recres- tlnn nnd flnancUl mi!ur-a. I IIOHU Rt'UB rOR 11TIKS. I Complete home rule ia Ofiimndrd for I the (ily In all munh-ipal affaire. And to tnw etui a cnarter convention enoinu a lied in oruer t formuliitn new cliarter lw for the city. Those laws ahould wr i nilt the citjr to own and oavtut all iuh ! llo unlitlce. I S.Ljr-VKRrTfcIrMT. j The Initiative, rcteremltmi and the lisht i of recall ehould be put him mi a works mo I laala J.ABOR MRARrilrV. I L Union tabor la alwaya to 1 recosntxed and Slven prcicieitoa In an puhllo worm. ' X The union label la to l required on all city priaUus. t Itlinateiy the city in to ealablwh a prlntliui plHot of Ita own. when necoamiy nM'inaad la In be upon the elate leaiatAture for the rr to do ao. nloa waxes to be naJd on all uuh- llc worka, tnua ratelmc and maiutRln4nc I oade union atanoard. , i. Kla hl-hour day to ba rarocntaed and ! lioura of labor on all publto worka to be rruuceu aa mpwiy aa poeeinie to .iih hours er day. Hat and holhtay to ha 1 provuied thee provleton aleti to be re quired ot all contractors dHns work for ihe city. 4. remllna national leaielatlon In thl line, tho city ahouiil ettatilei accMeait I Inaurance, eli te leneflt and owl ess pen atone for ali public employee. e. The city ahould have a lhroohlr equipped empUiviiH-nt bureau for the tti-niKlHiiie of tSoea out of wort. 7. Public work and public Inetltutiona In varloua llnee should be executed aa far aa practical ao as to give work to the unemployed. S. (.'nnatliuUonal and legal rtehta of worker to be maintained. 1'ollre not al lowed to uaa unnereeawxy rovsbnesa or violence or to Interiere wllk peaceful plcketrnsi, the riht of aaomMy, er free apcccli. . Ranltary condltlona to be maintained In all place of employment, pro pee light, heat, ventilation, toilet taclilile, aaCetir appliances, etc. llealtti department to co-operate In thee matter; extra fac tory Inapertora to be appointed for thia imruoee where neceeeary. 10. Olrect employment of labor to b anbetttuted for contract labor aa far and as foM a pneelble. I'l'HLlC OWNERSHIP. I 1. All public utilitlea, water works, lluhl, power and healing planta, tranapor tatlon ayatrine, lea planta slaughter houaea, coal yard, etc., to ba publicly owned and operated. Them In be oper ated ao aa to rats wagee, ahorten hours. Improve conditions and reduce the coat of aervlce. 2. The establishment of public under taking establishment and crematory. - a. The city should secure for Itself aa rar a iid as raat as possioi ai unearned Increment In land valuee. Thle to be ao compllnlted by purchaee, lease, tuxaUnn or otherwise. EDUCATION. 1. Adequate free school facilities In all respects demanded. Including sufficient I buildings, play around, gymnasia, bwtths. 1 1 libraries, etc. , t Z. warm meals to ne supplied in th schools at cost, and where necessary free. 3. Medical Inspection and cars of chil dren. 4. Industrial and occupational training. R. Night and vacation schools where re quired. A. Teaching standard to be raised: bet ter wages paid and retirement fundi maintained. T. Hchool buildings to be alwaya avail able for all soelai and civic purposes re quired by the community not Interfer ing with school functions. HRALTH MKASUREft. 1. The city shall extend the free medt- : cal services, Including hospitals, medical Inspections In schools and free treatment i where nocesaary, of contagious. Infectious and dangerous diseases. 2. Food supply to be carefully In spected. a. Modem, sclent! fin snd sanitary mothodi nf garbage and sewage disposal to be established and operated by the , city. 4. Rigid Inspection nf all places of em ployment to Insure sanitary condition. PUBLIC AMUBFMKNT AND RECRBATION. t. Parka and parkways to be extended; social centers with lectures, gymnasia and bat ha. clubs, games, dancing and other wholesome recreation to be estaU. llxhed public school buildings to be used for the same. 2. Public concerts to he maintained In I the parks during the summer snd In suit- ' . I. In kalla In wlnl.. 8AtX)ON. ! Strict enforcement of laws regulating : saloons, especially as to revoking licenses ' of and denying licenses to violators of the law. FINANCIAL. MKASUHKfl. 1. Scientific accounting to be estab I llahed In all detriments nf the govern ment Including tho unit cost system and , pillule accountability. I 2. Rigid and carefully considered sso 1 omlcs to be practiced. I . Kxlhting laws to be enforead. All corpora t tons snd Individuals to be re 1 quired to pur their Just share of taxes. Taxation to ts gradually eiiuieu io warn values. 4. Ho mt issues to be eliminated as tar nd aa fust aa uoaaiMa. In eider to relieve lie city of the heavy burdea of Interest payments o. rtevenue producing enterprises sucti as llubtlna plants, gas plants, street ear ! Ilnea and Jitney bus systems t be estab ; llshed as rapidly as poesibl. . The socialist party pledges Its un i tiring snd unqualified support to to sub I lie manufacture and ' sals ef electrical I current 1 7. Establishment of a publicly owned Jitney bus system to be run In campeU llo a with the street railway system aad ' as extensions to the same. Streets to le paved as rapidly as possible, so as to tacllltate their operation. . Pending adoprleei of public owner ship of iiuhllc utlllttoa. th socialist party pledges Itself to work for lover rates and better service to the public and , vigorous prosucution by the city of the . seven-ferea-for-a-uartr ordinance. OMAHA ONE PLACE TO INVEST HONEY So Declare Officials of International Realty Corporation in Omaha Looking at Property. PREDICT END OF WAR SOON "As soon as this war Is over this country I going to see ait unprece dented boom In real estate," said Edward S. Judd of Chicago, treas urer of the International Realty as sociates, an Investment corporation that is looking for a real estate in vestment In Omaha. Mr. Judd and N. J. I'pham of Duluth, president of the game corporation, are in Omaha looking at several pieces of property which have been offered them. i When Is It Coming; f "What we would like to know, though." ventured an Omaha man, "Is when this war is to be over so that we may know when ta look for this boom yon predict." "Well," said President Uphsm, "you Just set it dewn and watch whst I tell you, this war won't last longer than fall. The way tt la going It can't last much longer." Ho did not predict who woult be vtcterimte. Tbs twe representative of the Interna rlenal RcaJty Associates came In from Kansas City where they spent a day looking at some property. They tlld More then look at Kansas City property. They bought two pieces, on a brick ef- fVre building ef fnsr stories, and another Hat wrth a small building on it. They paid $ a front foot for the lot. Here St WwIm A a. A half dnjen weeks so Treeidenl t'p ham was In Omaha looking over some peaslbla r4 estate Investments for the corporation. He giit some figures then, rort did iwt Mir at th ttm. Th fact that he is hark hers again to look thee ptHce ever, U taken as somewhst sig nificant by local real estat men. The officials admit that they are not going far out of the great eentral grata belt at present la search ef real estate In vestment. "Ordinarily." said th presi dent, "we srs willing to Invest any where. But Just at th pressnt time w are sticking pretty close to this central . territory, to Kansas City, th Twin Cities and Omaha. W believe these are th best places to Invest money In real estate at the present time, with Omaha probably th best of them stl. I National Corporation. The International Realty Associates is an Investment company wheee stock holder are all members ef local real estate boards, and all members of th National Association of Rest Estate Ex change. It Is capitalised at fMO.ortX The esTporatie sells its stoek to anyone tut members ef the National Association of Real Estate Exchange. They do not wish to in er esse their capital stock by, money from outside th rank of real estat men. This corporation hougtit tract In Duluth some time ago and mads) sto.000 on It In a remarkably short period of tlm. Byron llastlngs snd C. V. Harrison of Omaha are members of the executive board ef tits corporation. These men with other real estate men of Omaha are showing; th visit ars around today. -A luncheon at the Vontenelts hetel at noon was a part of th day's program, Mjv Hit by Ambulance, Is Given Damages Krsliey ranrram. ewners of s pil I vat smbalancs which tr k Mis Anna Hammrrluii white speeding past s street j rar at the corner of Twealr-fMirth sad I A me avenue. July IS. 1H, mast pa y bar ' t2.n damage, a Jury X J lg leelie a ! district court darkled. ; Judge IsmII held that s are. although permitted hv law to trarel at peed through the streets, t en a i re Its , owner 1 table In tiaanage ta say person i iajured ss s result of aellgne la H pritts. Mis Itaaimerlun ieer fee $;(o dan. ages. tils llammerlua wee smS b tha amtiiia arbll abost to beid a SI reel A leg and arm were aawerely I- ,..r. Juied Wedded at City Jail, Now Are Divorced B a as alaat J erina I ah bsedi U. i i ali, (Hen. ah ftgviM-W i e'.tJ n rre i.iiey In the ir 'all te ireii eg- a. I. rlre4 b J idse Pe-U k Tl fuiUlhg diwn pet it to hate torn rthd in dletrtt court: Arthur tlatne i plilnr. cruelly alleged: Kslb- xsin aaial fharUa rurlty at- Lura la h it aaatnst J.d.a II. smmb- ppMt Sil-S'4 teUtsa IM Alvla I4v Marshall Party Calls On Foreign Commissioners SAN FRANCISCO. March SH.-Vke President Thomas R. Marshall snd As sistant Secretary of the Nary Franklin D. Roosevelt, with their mllitsry aides, formally called today nt all foreign build ings at tho Panama. Faeifie exposition. Commissioners from various nation re ceived th vie p Id en t i al party. Eighteen calls were made. Th vie president and Mrs. Marshall and their party will atttnd a Japan reception and dinner at th California building tonight, to he given ta honor of ths exposition officials. Th vie presidential party will reav Ran Francisco tomorrow for a visit at th beats of UniUd State Senator Jame D. Phelaa at Saratoga, Cal. Lt In th day th party win start n ths trip t Pan Diego to visit the Panama- Cali fornia exposition. Mrs. Merriam Dies After an Operation Mr. Clara E. Merriam, for tws mairoa at tU Old Feopto's Horn, died Thursday st ths Wis Memorial hespttar following a surgical operation performed lass Saturday. Mrs. Merriem was SI y-ear M and was for many years acttv la the First Captlst aad Calvary Baptist church. he wss aa earnest worker an th WoiMa'i Missionary and Aid e- clety. Tha fuaaral will be be4 Saturday afternoon at 1:4s from Sarkott's sadsi -taking paHer. Kr. J. K. Maxwell of Calvary Raptlst church officiating. Jn termant will be at Red Oak. Ia. Mrs. M erf lam hi survived by tw see. J. H. Mosrtaen mt Ashland sad CbeeSar W. kUrtiam of UouievlU: a daugltUr. Mrs. A. H. Welti, of Ctttee; a brotlter, . A. Huntoon, and a sister. Mia Agws HoaaVnk Thretsgta marrtas Mr. Mei rlasa was ietid re tws 1st Mrs. Oeoiiji TWdea. Peace Memorial Day Observance Monday Plaaa foe th r'ac of Meraortel dsy this year will be dt uased Medday eeiud at o'cloek at Memuilal hall t th court bins i. Th meeting will e coenf need of feur reprsesataUv flXMt s'h oaJ sees and cars of th Grant Army of th Republic. Major R. fc Wil cox I chairman ef th whole committer. ILLINOIS TRIXX S&IU0 G0S TO THE EXPOSITION F.nraut to th Panama i realties where they will take part ta th th letie eoenpatttloa. lwety fiv member r th University ef lt!teet trsy-aj team pass I tbrwagli tmaha la a er-ertsl ear. ver lb Northwestern snd I'akiai P- StfiC. sela eaatb linrt I a l.ooae. It bel Fta.Tsr-llMr s:?s tee and pre'eai yeur I ttiM 1.1 I X Y 3 I XmTsCIZbimI son It's s-Mlaatead OtOy I rug teta Ad fi 1 1 mraL I Ueut Iwuss ajMa mi I tee Waal A4