Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Independence Day of the Jew to be
ObMrrtd by Special
" ratto-vsr tPr-stcr.) U the srvtn days'
rntlval observs by the Jaw hi thtearty
sprint; In f miwworatkw erf the rxtu
fmm r-nt. In tar-lout Jowls llfs. It
the first of ths thrift jtlarlm fiftl
vala, rpn which every m. wt
rssnrir re pr"t HmWf !n forfeit at
l "t ral mnrtiMtry In JoroaaJsm. Al
though the passover hat certain fetturot
In cMnimn with the twrrtrsst sprms fs
tival, tt is Its hltoVI slRtilfioeiir.
hie flvs H latitat; vlttJMv.
It Is tht treat irwlrpfiKlfe day of th
Jew; tha first event in his nstlonal his
tory, an svstit trhlrh became fundamen
tal In all hit thinking. ts as tvldeaoed
by tha frequent rpferewre to the gret
Starts Wltk ramlly services.
The festrvsl It ushered in by a family
service, railed the Seder, tt which eer
Uln tymbolle ceremonials are observed.
Etch participant tnd the lowliest It
privileged to tH at the table that nUfht
la required to drink four cupt cf wine. Id
memory of the four promise made by
the eternal to redeem Israel from
On tht table ire the unleavened raket
(Matsot), the thin-bone of a lamb
(rotated en tht coals), commemorative
of tht Faichat sacrifice, a rotated egg.
a mixture of applet and nuta (Charoteth)
to sjrmbollxe the mortar with which tht
"Kgyptlsns mtde bitter the lives' of tlie
fathert, and bitter herbs (Maror), reml
ntsrent of the unhappy day In Egypt,
la Sonar aad Story.
In sous' and ttory, tht ttle of the op
pression tnd the deliverance la rehearted.
Paul ma of thanksgiving (Hallel), ttrlkt
the keynote Of tht happy occasion. The
services. Interrupted for tho family din
ner, clotea with a number of merry folk
songs, txpretslvt of the character of the
miring the week of the, festivtl unleav
ened bread la eaten instead of the uaual
leaven, la orthodox hornet, great care
la taken that all trace of leaven be re
moved before the beginning of the feat I
vtl. Sett of dishes, otherwlte unuaed,
are provided.
Hsrvlcea are held In the synagogue, and
eermont preached In keeping with tho
thoughts of the festival. Excerpts from,
or. In tome easea, the whole book of the
Bong of Ponge, are read.
Services will ha held tt Temple Israel
Monday evening at o'clock and Tiies-
ilay morning at 10 o'clock. For tlio Inst
uay of the festival, ffundty 'night, a can.
ttta, "The rattover," will be given. Tho
flntl tervlce will bt tht following Mon
day morning at 10 o'clock, with a pulpit
eermon by Rabbi Conn.
Intrigues with her lovers of former years
rollapsea their marital house of earda.
The tweet and gentle Influence of Mar-
ruerlte Is never long absent from the
paxes, and It la her Insight and courts
that solve the proMem that develop
TOnMFJ. Ky Ciuy de Teramond. flit Tp.
li t I). Arplcton A t o. I
The sensational murder of a wealthy
woman In Pans, and a similar murder of j
a Tarls millionaire, Raron rturke's uncle, I
stranrely Involve an Innocent young man '
because he Is heard to relate a dream
that eeema to describe accurately
the details of one of the murders. Finally j
released, he determlnea to solve the mys
tery by tht ttd of the unusual psychic;
power he poetess. Then follow a teriet
of tht most ortglnaj tad exciting ok
rwrienntt In the great mrstertnoa under
world of Paris. A wtOe-a-wak story,
written wirh the liveliness of fancy pe
culiar to French novelists.
Underwear Specials
Woman's Kayser Vests Swing rib
bed, with dainty band crochet lace
yokes; various designs. Pink and
white. 60p grade lor 3hV.
Women's Union Suits Low neck
and sleeveless. Cuff and umbrella
knee. "Oumfjr-Cut," Nushap and
Kayr brands. Very sp'l, a auit, WW,
m It
Next ween we snail am
birthday. We have j pi
great series of salc
and meaningful saving
V pp.
New Books
PF,PPEH. Hv Ifolworthv Mall.
11.30. The Century rnmnanv.
Pepper being the middle name of tha
thief character one James P. MrHenry,
a llai-varil underg rn-duatt and a chap of
resource and renwrce. tf moods tnd
money, of diabolical genius and unfailing
humor. Pepper la also an adequate dc
BCTlptlon of the book, which dentr-ta in
Picturesque English and a particularly
appealing sort of slang the many larks
tnd adventures Incident to Harvard un
dergraduate life. A story of young men,
but neither a Juvenile nor a burlewque..
"Pepper" Is for all men and women (un
der W), and also for those who would like
to be young again.
AnrNDEr Hv K. P. Benson. JM rp.
$1.25. Oeiirge II. Poran company.
It happena not Infrequently that the
hero and the heroine of a novel have a
hard fight to hold their proper ahare of
the readcr'a Interest In enmpetttlon with
some one or more of the minor char
acters. Peldom, however, do they have
so difficult a task at thtt assigned to
Elizabeth Fanshawe and Edward Moi
reyd, and It may at well be admitted at
once that while Elisabeth cornea through
the ordeal triumphantly, winning and
keeping not only Interest, but affection at
well, Edward, falls to obtain either. The
novel open with a "prologue" laid In
India, where we first meet Elisabeth, her
very lovable father and her step-mother,
a lady from whom we part with sincere
regret. For Mrs. Ftnahawt Is one of
those minor characters coming perilously
near to monopollxlng the reader's Inter
eat. It It a trial to he separated from
her,, but rich consolation It In ttore, an
Introduction to Mrt. Hancock. Hhe tt a
character worthy to atnnd beside the un
forgettable Canon of "Sheaves" It would
be difficult to find higher praise. For
years she had devoted all her energies
and nearly all her Income "to rendering
herself completely and absolutely com
fortable." Edward and the other real
dents of Henthmoor wero swathed In cot
ton wool, hut their coverlnga were but
thin and scanty compared with those
whl h Mrs. Hancock wrapped about her
self. Fht cannot be described; she mutt
be known to be even faintly appreciated.
The novel la full of shrewd tnd amusing
comments, and Is quite worthy to bo
classified with Mr. Benson's best work.
Williams. 3lt) Pp. Sl.K. lloughtun
Mifflin company.
For the most part ' fiction of recent
years has dealt 'with the' psychology of
we man. Here Is a study of the psychol
ogy of man. It is an original and enter
taining tale of a type of man women
give much thought and affection to, but
seldom understand. His courtesy Is mis
taken for chivalry and his quiet lnJIffer
enoS for gentleness, and . while by tem
perament ha Is far from twtng a I Km
Jaan or a lady-killer, one after another
five women fall In love with htm. The
draoiatio. climax comes, of course, when
the ' hero himself falls In love. The
characters of the five women are aspe
i tally well drawn, tnd many of the epi
grams come under the classification of
By Msry 3.
The Century com-
Women Still Hot on
Trail of the Mayor
Mrs. rt. A. Capen, who Is heading a band
of women Intent upon having Mayor
Dahlmtn appoint at least two women on
th proposed welfare board, ' has Invited
all women interested In welfare work to
meet Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock at
the Toung Men's Christian association.
Despite repeated setbacks given the
movement by the mayor, Mrs. Capen's
enthusiasm Is not quenched. "We will dis
cuss further plans for presenting the
question to the mayor and will draw up
a Hat of, women competent to hold poal-
tlons on the board. The mayor said he
did not know any women who could fill
these positions."
Mrs. Capen la president of the Omaha
Suffrage association.
rtkrtne. 33 Pp. IUS.
. UUlle'a mother, Ruth, goes from her
peasant mother and father to Australia
as maid companion for the daughter of
tne colonel, the great man of the neigh
berhood. Their Journey It for tht pur
pose ef finding the colonel's son, who has
dropped out of eight m tht Itltnd conti
nent. An accident kills the colonel and
lesves the daughter bed-riddta Invalid
in Ruth's capable handa. : A. handsome
ytupg man finally appears, aaylng he Is
the son and presently he has won Ruth's
heart and married her. And after Bill it
la bora tht man it ensiled for murder
aad tent to prison tor fifteen years In
a passion of fear Ruth takea her rhtld
back to England . and trlea to hide
where tht convict cannot find them
Muck of tht hook la taktn up with th
account of what happened afterward, and
the striving of Ruth to keep mills safe
from his father's touch.
THE VEllM Or ISIS. By Frtnk Htrrla
SI 3 Pp. Ueorge H. Porta com
pear. I
A collection of short storiets most ef
them dealing with out-of-the-way and '
fast mating phases ( love women and ;
trtista. The story which gives title tt
the book tells of a young priest who loved
the beautiful atatue ef a goddeee in tt
ancient tempi.
MOO.YOLAPE. hy the author ef "Tt.
Martyrdom of An Empress." M Pp. II.J&.
Harper eV Brothers.
Marguerite De rtenhset. otherwise
"Moonglade." is the daughter of the lord
i a eaeUo perched on the (Jiff ef Brit
tany, aad there ere nuuiy graphic da
eertptfcxt ef the rockbound. forbidding
ueeet. the fierce storm that batter K,
aad Ms aeaUtng beeuty when the laments
are propitious. The cfce.t. ef Mae.
goente It strongly eoatrea4 HM tha
of net deereet friend, a lovely isur
girt. LAnreaoe teton who vtslie wee la
ae rati honye. and wtnt the Iww m4
Marguerite t cwttalxt Utstt, a Ktasst an
prlwee. He la a trrUorUi n4t wW a
as eetat n4 a glesuMy eid sa-te
ta. hasiara h ftueia evf. Mat
kngllali. etifs hk vn the Me- Umae aMl
letuaee assume turn Mtttoda of
tMHwiwe Unt estate K uMf
etif a ether thas as allM a the
tattt the etetita aia
epUs. There asw swne
restate of tiss ateww rttOrs ol ! .
... i -
The lltnscom Park Improvement club
It dissatisfied with the basement of
Windsor school as a meeting place. The
secretary Is to ask the Beard of Educa
tion for permission to allow the club to
meet In the assembly room. At the meet
ing Thursday night there was some com
plaint of the cold In the basement, and It
was agreed by members thst there would
be no trouble In getting all to refrain
from smoking during the meeting If that
were the requirement fixed for permis
sion to use the assembly room. The reg
ular annual election of officers Is to take
place at the meeting a week from nest
Thursday night ,
New and Greatly
Enlarged Boys' De
partment Opened
Moved now to a de
pa. tment of its own
on the third floor,
main building, the
section devoted to
boys is given a much
better arrangement
than it previously had. Much more room is gained, and
this was necessitated by the rapidly growing business in
this department of the store. Specials for Saturday have
been arranged for an opening celebration. Other inter
esting specials for boys will be given every day during the coming week
Spring extra pants suits
worth up to $5, Saturday
All suits arc now spring models and fabrics in the most pleasing variety of patterns we
ever have shown. There arc beautiful soft grays, blues and browns, stripes, checks and
plaids in abundance. Strictly all wool fabrics and every suit with two pairs of full-lined
knickcrbocker pant?. They have watch pockets, belt straps, etc. Many of them have belts
to match. . Saturday's special price, $3.65.
$1.50 and $2 Wash Suits q
Saturday very special at
All of the newest styles, comprising Balkan,
vestees, middy and Oliver Twist; beautiful
color combinations in suits that should be
sold at $1.50 and $2. Saturday special, 95c.
$6.50 Blue Serge Suits $ A 55
With Two Pairs of Pants
Suits ure made of fine, fadeless, all-wool, blue
serges; the coots are lined with a fine wear
ing serge. Every snit has two pairs of trous
ers cut full and lined throughout. They are
strictly $G.50 values. Saturday, choice, $4.55.
Saturday a Great Sale $
of Handbags for Only
At this prica ar bag worth up
soma of them are worth much
to $5;
Involved is what we believe is the beet assortment of bags we
ever have had at anything like this price. They comprise
the surplus stocks of a large New York manufacturer, and wo
pecured them at such a concession this price is possible.
All the very newest shapes and styles, and all aro
high grade leathersreal seal, real morocco, real
alligator and real walrus bags, at tha on price.
TTita it a wonderful
Baying Opportunity
Choose a New Handbag
for Easter, Saturday.
Curing Gahrrh is
to iU Source and
Cure It Then Ac
Smartest Spring Footwear
Wide Strap Pumps Patent or dull leather.
LaValliero pattern; wide toes, short fore
parts. Made to prevent slipping at the
heels. All sizes and widths. An mq
A pair i...?; ..$).ftO
Lace Oxfords With fawn or gray tops; stage
lasts; leather Louis heels. Patent or dull
leather. Very smart modes much j Qf
in vogue. All sires, a pair. ...... y t o
Shoes and Oxfords for Men Tan calf or dull calf, with gray
or brown cloth tops. Newest English lasts one of the smart
est 6pring styles. All sizes and widths, lC fifl
AA to D. A pair, $6.00 and IpJ.UU
Taney Topped Shoes for Women Button or lace; military
styles. Black and white and many other eombi- m qj
nations. Complete assortment; all sixes. A pair ylt UU
Children's Shoes Dainty Spring styles patent leather with
white, gray, fawn or black tops. Extension edge; hand turned
soles. "Foot Print" lasts. Sizes 5 to 8, An s n
$1.08; 8Va to 11 $Z4o
Infants' Soft Sola Dress Shoes- All colors and eombi- r f
nation. Painty footwear that fits. A pair OuC
H Fetch
Only thott whs ktvt us4 a 8. a
for tht blots know iat tsttrra Is sim
ply t blot.1 Irisublt.
Most pttplt. MHlnrtct4 la IHi ss.sw
fcstntttMMs Sittttt, trott tsoi Mtt to 4
thFMtl tt It etitrra wtt lttl tttwMtx
It It tot t. Tt trttl tlrrfc It Is
Hwrr tt t Into tkt tiutrfe. tht Hvts.
tht !. tht k LdftO MMl tit tht vital
f tht h4y. A4 tt ta a. a. a.
thtt tt tt taittrt tho tttlvt ht.iS tlr
tMitltotVi ait tht oob mt tht) h49. alt
tht ismwm atrfars S4 booatsot a
il ii t p t ftctor tor w.4 aoaHfc. It
ta a Ma.l. s.tki wka Saura It
"'ott. Tottrrh It tooltip ta In taws it-
tlta tf tht murotto stsntrrssrs.
Aa4 thtrt tt la K. a. a. nrmt Insrt
sttMst hlrh ttisat thtto snucout tur.
tioct 1st s tvbtttart for tat
ifng Spring Neckwear Modes
Dainty Swiss Embroidered Collars New effevt, mot grai e-
fully designed. Special 50 and up
Vestees Oriental lace andswiss embroideml. Pretty dr ac
cessory. With frill collar; also militarr eff-t. . . SO and nri
QQueea Elizabeth Neck Ruches MaJine and chiffon effect.
Kavh 20 and up to 91.50
A selection of 25o and 20c twllam covering a mot butiful
rangre of Lace, Swiss Embroidered and Organdie Collars.
J Photo Supplies Specially Priced
liaav A toortal hook an thta auhtort
tb otatats. tsahh rvwLWf Ratts Hrtu rt. I iriil ho rtil4 tt sll vht trrttt It Tha I
vtosofui tivfw that atl hut mrtu haclKvtfl tjMnlflt Ca., lit lft UUg. At
lift tht farfttt s ar asUtttAt tt4 I Uats. Oa. . . .
isisrrs ia vf ottoa io rooaii or
tosna tthtr hlooi Irtublt. tomt m
that t Inlt tho blots' a n 4 mutttvllat
brari4 tht roatrol if satutt
a tt a It tht to sat t-rttt
t twhaslttita fnr IM. matrhloaa romotv. I
Ha4 Iho irMlr rtss4 trus4 tht
bttUt, It is IssturtaBl.
tf tht Mttotl ttHaoS Vlft
ia rtrttrTt4. aa4 rcwitie tt at
It th nwAiort phiiaathrafwa sswsiiwsl
rs tswM a tht lUaxuta) aotitH y ia
tit tf IM tt tassiMOaia co4
Isoas t oa hit rwaatstfa. Hit 4irtr,
tt Its Uat tht hts boas nf lasj .o
Photo Albusia Special
each, 8c and .
Rut i l-til 1-4,
I 1-4H -t.
81st S l-i
Scout Cameras Take pU-turra "J'ii'i.
oTAto. SjstH ial Saturday
Hypo Satunlay, Mb.
inckago for
Aryo DeTtloper In
tubes. 8 for
4 ox. Qhua Orftdaates
Easy to
We develop your films free of charge when prints are ordered.
Style Aristocrats
Will in Every Way
Delight Women Who
Seek for Distinctive
Style in, Apparel
Fashion never had such ardent exponents as
she has this spring in the FASIUON&EAL suits.
Never has there appeared such comprehensive
varietv; never such altogether charming modes;
. - i ii t j: l -if i i j --i- '
never sucn an auunng uispiay ui xuatenais aua coionnga as are i
ing. FASIIIONSEAL suits are a compliment to fashion, never j
Perfectly tailored, authentic to the last degree,
exclusive in design and original in concep
tion, FASHIONSEAL suits strike the fancy
of women who are discriminating in dress.
Every mode t'
rect, the shadS
materials that
embodied in i
FASHIONSEAL suits will predominate this Easter,
for every fancy, a size for every woman and always at
Dresses That Should Sell
Will on Saturday Be Pr
One glance at them proves their worthiness and estal
also creates the wish to possess one. The styles arel
The materials just what fashion requires, andV
Sand, putty, navy and Belgian blue, reseda and blac
for early springwear. In spring's favored materials ft
Meteor, taffeta and wool crepes, they are beautifully tri
in the Chiffon combination effect or in the suspender s
Choice of the group Saturday $10.
liill iai ' Hip
Ws& ' He .jBgPH
Just 350 of These Hats for $5
They are smart tailored models made of a basket woven hemp,
and are just as illustrated. They comprise some of the most
fetching modes of the season, in all of the desirable shades
and with the most fashionable trimmings wheat, velvet rib
bons, quills, grosgrain effectE, soutache ornaments, etc.
All are in the medium and large size sailor effects.
It is seldom indeed that we can show such distinctly modish
hats at such a low price as that for Saturday. Choice, bat $5.00.
(See these hats in the Sixteenth Street window today)
Wonderful Values in Untrimmed Hats
Large sailors ol plain hemp Largo sailors of Milan hemp
Saturday, for $139 and $1:69 Saturday, for $2.50 and $2.98
Large Belgian split or Lizere sailors: Price $2.98 and $3.50
They largely are hand -blocked hats, sewn by the best makers
ia the country. In fact, so line are these Milan hemps that
they scarcely can be distinguished from the genuine Milan..
Ic the trimming sections Large varieties of pins, ornaments,
flower wreaths, daisies, cherries, ostrich, fancies, etc., etc.
Muslinwear Vry Attractively Priced
Newly arrived selection of fine
drawers, corset covers and
brawieres in plain tucked or
pretty lace and embroidery
trinuuod effects. Because of
the way wf secured them we
can U them Satur- QC
day, your choice for. . . auOC
Women's Kr
Easter Om
'K' A most timely sale Satur
3 ; 100 dozen fine kid glove
been selling for $1.50, so
Many have the new contrasting
jVhite and white on. black. 'Mo
French Kid, of the finest, sof tefct
are altogether perfect, and hav
more. "We guarantee every pai
These gloves are the product of
sidered among the very best, t
below the regular price, we'ai
advertise the name of the mak
in one and two-clasp styles, .in
few in colors. They are oVi
styles, light or medium weigifc
Saturday; i
An assortment of gowns, com
binations, princcas slips and
petticoats in all of the newer
spring models effectively
trimmed with dainty laces,
embroidery and ribbons. New
circular potlicoats with deep
flounce; acu I Saturday,
at, only ,
Drugs, Toilet Goods, Etc.
Wolht Fact PtwStr
all ahatia. Ito at. Sta
ktrloa OaajtMng iToaia
c also. too.
Motto Nail 1-attt lit
tiso. la.
KubW CsmiltiUit
rwaiiat Isaturdar, Iho.
hona'a Vanishing irtsin
lir also. IS.
I -a Mors t'mU Crtam
l o also. .
atolnroaa toity Otsia
o also. S4.
711 Hrunot Roussl
iM tit, a
AtihrT Slstsrt IJquld
Tint So also. S
lNraWt Toilot as
ltd tao fr St.
sarstts't Im IM
tAt for Tt,
KMM tin. Vtt'ot llv.
rstin o r K i so, ha.
I..1ta ll'ikssti V s
lol gsiani,4 - tt
tt.. art.
lr o s h r I s !! Tooth I
Hrualtot fi IS.
yjit.rt Manlrura Pntrdt
Tt narkajioa. Sc.
Tr triors' fo tot Manl
rura cota In loaihor
raoo. PnatiaJlv frlcoO.
a oot, at.
Two-auaM Hut Wttar
Itnllloa With oiitootju.
World It :S. for St,
aioan'a Uniiaoat lit
huKlo. It.
lio Hi etna. Ttr an4
It on. t r or rolls an I
ruh 1 5 sis f r 14a.
risit viviot -orfu
II srrt'la. iiurM-. tt.
Jot anssa lianora'i
rwtulil uulro. tt,
! aaoIrat Mark
Is" jr.. i SsVa.
tnam4 lo AH o4
A towaos-o. .
lUauj' hum r
coko. a.
ttammrh r"or rao(.
art IS a' has. .
-II tin
slit hoi-
f. Hri.atlrt
tur ava.
lJstrin ft
tla as.
Xontiolaiuia lie
f-r as.
Mma. Yals't f'w-o
ain.i II it alio.
Vttno Tala'a Jarh Rott
Ituust 11 alio. at.
liollad.Hina I'tttttrt
1-c SiikI. a,
hoidlits fo -lora 11 lo
a txiu for IS,
tjulnn R Hh'n(XM
l tlst bott.a. S.
Ilar't Mir Maaith II
t!a h4tla. So,
'aiithroa a-ansan
lo. ial. Ia at so st.
-Mul Ttn Boras
l-tb tarhaco. Ta.
ssi-nu-i :k
ro f.r las
itt. a,- ai,
Reduce Wher
Is it your hips, waist, d
bust you wish reduced?
plished with La Vida coj
Even the medii
thought to redi
styles have chai
as also is the hU
if you once try
make any menU
Let our corsetit
fitters who stuc
know just howi
Ia Viua cori
handsome brv
mold the figvjl
tain' their fhif
W. B. Brassier
priced at 50c to
Hair Goods-A id
Special Offering in SwHi
(Second Floor an:
Tint, Fluffy Switches -FirM
quality liair. Hculur .fx) v!
uc. Satunlay for $1.95
28-Inch Switches -Kxtra fiiif
tjualitv hair. Wnrth $.."0. Se
cial. for S3. 15
24-Inch Switches Kxtra fini
quality Lair. Ift-Rular J..sfl va'A
ue, Sat
Call K)uC!
unlay for $l.fS
ixr!a - At H.intiX,