i i.o. DOCTORS MEET IN DES MOINES NEXT Iowa Capital Wini Over Keokuk in Fight for Tall Conyention of Missouri Valey Society. SPRING SXSSIOV COMES 10 CLOSI Da Moines and Keonuk, la., bat tled Friday morning to be the next meeting place of the Medical Society of the Mleeevrt Valler. Keokuk was making a strong fight until Dea Moines pointed out that a city lo cated on the Mieelsalppi river is no place for a society of the Mlfftourt valley to be meeting. Keokuk was located on the wrong river and in the wrong valley. . Dea Moines was chosen and the time of the next meeting tet for net September 16 and 17. AM thte wen don at the Fontanel hntN at the' final meeting of the spring ecaaion ef the evrWy. Friday was occupied with the reading of papers. The fo!lowh)g were on the program: ' ' Edward J, Blair, Kansas rily. "The Mutatlllty df tioltre and its rearing n Treatment and Operation." Caryl I'otter. Ht- Joeerh. "Aprenllcoet erny for Persistent Vomltina: and vertleiilostomy f uhetltutert for Appen- nicontomy and fcntoroetomjr In Excep tional CMM. J. M. Hell. Ht. Joaerh. "The Relation ef Imlican to Oaatro-Inteetlnal Mallananry." It. J. lenhoff. Lincoln, "A Point In the Dlagnnai of Onatrln Disturbances." '. K. Ruth. Irs Molnea. "Minor Surgical neceloav." Alhe't K. Tvler. Omiiha. "Positive TliKtoi In Disrates of the Cheat" (lan-t-rn alldca). f K. Coulter. Omaha, "The Present rtrlatlon of Pyphlllls to Nervous DIs- fWfl." Alfred Schalek, Omaha , 'Inherited Syphilis." Harold nifford. Omaha, "Accessory Sinus rieaeea In Relation tn the Eye, ' I). TV QuUley, Omaim,' "The L"e of Radium In lteni;n Condition, and a an After Treatment for Mallenancy." I A. Merrtoun. Omaha. "Pout Operative "XeroU and Mental Disturbances." Officers Katertal.eg. ' Dr. John P. Lord entertained the offi cers of the society, and the guests at luncheon at tho Fontanelle hotel and the women's committee entertained the vlaltlng women. Dr. Granville N. Ryan of Dea Moines. . president of the society, entertained the officers and the Bursts of the society at dinner at the Fontcnelle last evening. Wins Race Against Time to Join Navy , Charles Forbes of pilous City won a face wKh oM father Time, the demon printer, and Vncio Bam. . , Cbarlea . deotded ,. yesterday that he wanted to Join the navy.' lie went Into the lecriiltlns subststioh In Rloux City. The question of a He was. brought up. "I'll le 30 day after tomorrow," said Charles Forbes. T,"Then If you don't ret Into the navy to morrow you'll never get In," he was told. : It was even ao. Formerly the ace limit wit JR. Cut a year or ao ago old rather Time waa given better odda In the race and the time limit waa reduced to JO. Charlee F&rbea looked all right to' the Kioux City attestation If he eould Just get U under the wire In time.' . , ,". - Time teblea were consulted It waa late In the afternoon and Charles Forbes came down on an evening train, atayed here In a hotel over night and presented hinuelf at the recruiting station In the postoffiee building thla morning before It waa open. "Bora March. Jf, 18." said hla papers., He waa a fine specimen and a deetrable acquisition for the navy and ha was runhed through his examination. The doctor found him sound as a dollar nd shortly before noon Lieutenant Tipton delivered hla celebrated epeecti of admoni tion to him and he was aworn In. ELOCUTION WINNERS AT : ! . - CREIGHTON ANNOUNCED '. The wlnnei la Um seceng prellnl-tary tlocutiou conteat at Creiahton Arte col legs, w hich waa held Wednesday, are an nounced as follows: . ' College department: Elmer Barr. L Keyerldge, John Cordes, Benedict English, Corneliua Keys, Oerald LaVlolette. Clif ford Lung. William Siangan, Joseph lietdlek, Waldo Philllngton, Joseph Stanko. Ktcholaa rAehly. alternates. Nor bert Kealer, John Mulronejr, Louis kta honey. : First and second high: Alba Ber Idga, Broaden Brown. Harry Burkley, Cornelius lleafey, Lowell Hunt. Otto I'rihyt; attrrnatea, Harold Hughes. Leo Mattery and Jeremiah Burns. TOM HUGHES REPORTED V . RECOVERING IN ST. LOUIS ' Tom Hughes, traveling passenger agent Of the Missouri Pacific, ho la In a ft. treats hospital suffering from blood pois oning. Is reported Improving rapUlly a4 ill ahertly be able to ronta home. ' Mr. Hughes had a h-Heler tmo of his heels. Hie enxe brnkt the bliMt-r and tbe foot bcine sr. Thla smwneas lt loped Into blood poHKtuiitg and he forced to go Into tin huapltal. GENERAL VON KUS MANEK, in coramaaid of the fortifications of Prze mysl, which held out for more than six months against the onslaughts of the czar's hosts. i i . J- ' "w Is ..' 1 ! V - .1 . .v f? " -;j!; Says Not Offered Water Board Job Referring to the rumor that he waa In Pne for the position of attorney for' the Metropolitan Water dlatrlct. City Attor ney John A. June declared: "Jofli Hilllngf aald 8-metlilnK about the; k i.dom of not knolne ao much, rather than knowini! ao much that la not In." Mr. lilnc rsya he hna not decided t take the position In (iiieatlon, nor lijen he know whether it will be tendered to him. t APPRAiSE DEUEL ESTATE AT HUNDRED THOUSAND An appraiser's report of t)M eeate of the late Harry I. Duel. wall known Omaha man. former reglater of deeds, t'nton Pacific ticket agent and member of the library hoard, shews It to 1e worth tM.MI.W, according to county rec ord. William A. Horton. the appraiser, valued Mt aharea of loral stret railway company stock at $T per share, taetl meny taken tn the case having ihown a depreciation of II per share since the be Klnnlng of the European war. HAIR COMING OUT? Jh."i it r.r. U' i I v. v. . -V . -rv.s , SfclUWlallMa&CB A- if Dandruff eavuw a fevertsh Irritation of the scalp, the hwir note shrink, loos en and then the hair ooroea out fast. To atop ailing rhalr at once and rid the scalp of every pnrtlcle of dandruff, get a 2&-cent bottle of Pnnderlne at any drug store, pour a little In your hand and rub" It' Into the Scalp. After a few spi1latlons the hair stops coming out and vou cait't find any dandruff. Advertisement. HAVE COLOR IN YOUR CHEEKS Itc Better Looking Olive Tablet. Take Omaha Boy on Ship Abandoned in Ocean Raymond n. Mills, son of William E. Mills, 1517 Valley street, was a member of the crew of the ship iJenver which was abandoned In mldocean a few days ago. Mr. Mills was In the crew In the engine room. Mr. Mills has received no word from hla 'son yet, but as all on board were reported ssved. U Is probable he Is on one of the rescuing boats. If your skin la yellow complexion pal lidtongue coated appetite poor you have a bad taate In your mouth a laxy. no-good feeling you should tuke Olive j Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a substi tute for calomel were prepared by Dr. Kdwards after 17 years of study with his patients. Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets are a pure ly vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. Vou will know them by their olive color. If you want a clear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood days, you must get at the cause. I Dr. Ko wards' Olive Tablets act on the ii.i-i nun uu.mii ikv I'&iunici yei nave no rsnynroiis after effects. Tuey start the bile and overcome con HilHtlon. That's why ml lions of boxes inn auld annually at 10c and 3jc per box. All Unigslflta Take one or two nightly, and note the t tcualng reaulta. Ti.e Oilve Tablet Company, Columbua. O. PRIVATE BUSINESS TURNS ' OUT POLITICAL CONFERENCE r - ' ii Thomas Bowie, acting superintendent of police and sanitation In the abwnce of (Superintendent A, C, Kugel, Invited news paper representatives to leave the public room of . the 4uitu occupied by the police superintendent In the city hall. "We are transacting private business In here," was the explanation of Mr. Bowie. The "private business" proved to be a conference with a professional organiser ho Is doing some campaign work for Mr. Kugel, candidate for city commis sioner at the primary on April g RECREATION BOARD NAMES ' TO BE GIVEN OUT TUESDAY Mayor J. C. Dahlman and City Com- mlaaioner J. B. Hummel will lecominend to the city council next Tuesday morning the names of three other men to com prise the personnel of tho new recreutlon board of five members. The ordinance makes the mayor and superintendent of parks tneiubera of the board. . Stog. the tklla'a leatk. ' It's serlaaa. Croup and whooping rough are chil dren's ailments. ti King's New Dis covery Is what )eu need it kills the cold germs. Ali drugg.ts. Advertisement. TEN CARLOADS OF SALOON FIXTURES SOLD TO OMAHA - The Omaha Future and Huffiy rim panr has bought the entire ei4Mrej v firty-ai aaluons ef I'ea Muteire. U.. a4 thte material ! evruotve ever K.w NWI feet ef liuvtr ap tm tke hf'J eiUuhaen4. Tki ee ee lea arlifa an the entauiomrni. Mi Haery -rH.q beughl the fiMuree, hk t eeM bars, task rrgtsters an4 tKr aitu Wa CAMERON MADE SECRETARY CF THE RETAIL GROCERS J J. raanerea ass beeei 1.-1. v , ( as ecrary ef the limttt fwtag tie... tees' saera tun. swee4n M alt J'u. l Mr. ratarv kss a w 4. Sr4Uia(i. 9 among gxxi aal vtber rrt f chimU.. Sore Throat Chest Pains Sore chest and tore throat can at once be relieved by Sloan's Liniment. It goes right to the seat of pain, warming and sooth ln tha affected parte; the pain presto I ii gout. . SLOATIS LIMMEHT IU1XS PAIN Haadreda ef people have sea tklr ntteial tmtloway lor wkst Sleea'i kaa doae, Atangeahara. Price Uc 10c A 11.00 Br.En1tSl8.n,tec Mt I SLLiuis Buy Where You Ge FINED FOR OPENING STREET WITHOUT GETTING PERMIT Oenra A IL vr a at at tin M - ... -- r - as ills . I W , V... at. ... II ... I ... a . I ino jwnn-T' jn-'B- wurii nrrMtnMl OH cUaWl'0 ot op. nil. Klfifs nth utrt-rt, - t.n jHi-kwn ttnd Ittiviiiril trr'ti(, w!lh- nut flr-l uri'M-iiifi city fecrmlt an i, qulivtl ly lw. A MILE FREE Wtth every dollar yoa svead. hlrst-cUaa Railroad or Mteamshla travel to any point lit the world, and it's absolutely free with each cash purchase. Have yoy started vet to save "HboppaCs Mileage?" If nut Start Now 3 fee your favorite mcvte actors wa TVs llee's Kiev Cuutx.r. Will a)yr heat MuaUey. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mrs. Jokn '. Vhrtn baa returaed frem I.iH'nln. llf, -be le4t. frte4 lr et'Vvial lee. tHwtiW-aei I". I, tiraff has goae le I'tumat 1 a4 ii.m the fcat OMitl Ne kaka e.ael Iraili.ta' aixlt'. Ttt. eee reata. it Bniaa tttta Put mbi it. la im eteee reau le YXrr Oe . ( ki eg. g . wraieg ye MM sf adJeMS clear r. Tee) Jl reeie ht retvira a IrW gaa see e.UiAn fr s lle4r aad Tae Ceia4 eKL e44e aad crwft gWy Kktaer ft'.le tmf an U etee sag ka. i he.ee l v k it le. al'ses aad tieSier aUa. es -f CaitertJ Taiois. -1. ih.ii tk ,i,r .eir. airt . I r) r bv t (U f 44 liiifttei -A- DR0:iCK!AL COUOliS WWrat thg Wucvckial titbws ass) al sect4 wttk tka wealxaabg, la Vlmg C tliry aeexi intsaedtate a4 ;LW trrulsaeaC Th trtatk leesaa lirtcf leycaweg t4 mucHta oteXnaO tioo; usuaUy Wver u prrtgnt and your Kea4 )4rt with ttty coii;h, VovlT rhct a.l.ci and the infLunma Han ctro prrit to the lanjx Th Lirxliciiiic tint la rtryrn iu vonh Lmt fori) )rar ia inut't I jnu) sum. . It timet oct the to Li, wUxb ia the rcag td the tauulle, im1 cbnLa the. couh by a-licj the hcaliaf (rorrsa J the ri.frtt.tc4 menilrrrv II )ci are trtHilJol wuh tuMhita car know aa ai".Htr4 fiWwd, ali te aeaau tW Ur4t's 1. ! t.Vis i eUes1H wfc le .nvit ttte Umtt U. a sw4. kMh 4 at J LIOUOR nnd DRUG Treatment 1BC3 & ietn ct. flioaa D. TtZS , CTTATTA Lintero SHiet Uawe ym aragj ttwgg gg tin RW fur wirt.low tlirjln and . cnre. Ml without t!lay Candiditet (or Office 111 obtatg) Ik best ab Lrtty reealts by alsg ibe. wt acake theaa. Call ar wilt a as f.r itfornatioe Iht tet EnjrtTin j DepL 103 Bee B.. 0i.U r Nobby SiPKeX U.& Pot Office S&&fl3 ar rJ 1 ill e Pramis! Tire kvestmeift Tire . purchases are investments to all intelligent buyers In maldng investments the first consideration is the dividend. "Nobby Tread" Tires are the premier tire investment of the world because they pay the biggest dividends in mileage, being tho lowest fmal-cost-per-mile tires in the world, because "punctures 90 less" means greatest security for amount invested, because they are real anti-skid tires. m , r . ii rue ii ire itcomoMy tor liveri eiae because they can now be purchased for the price paid in former years for simply ordiiiary tires, ; because few today can afford the extravagance of . buying "cheap first-cost" tires, when "Nobby Treads "have absolutely proven their ultimate economy oii the basis of lowest final-cost-per-mile. fl H 1 CTT3 flPP '-v l-. , i 'A'i i. are adjusted upon the basis of i i r- r.i .- .. . . ;, , I ! i ' 3 "Nobby Tread" Tires are today by far the largest selling high-grado cmti-sldd tires in the world. Chicago Branch: United States Tire Company, 1222 ftlichigan Avenue "Nobby Tread' Tires are sold by Leading Reliable Dealers. Do not accept substitutes i 0 n n aa . sa t a H it llF a-'J IV e.Vli-a tP 4wx ll n e"T STS Mado ty the Largest Rubber Company in tha WoxQ (Employinc 55,484 Men) 1 Qnrmlha Ktalbfoer Co DISTREBUTORS mm "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" ' r isjisa isasamaue etfN.miaj.sis i