Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Nebraska Members of G. 0. P. Make
Arrangement for Big Gathering-
in April.
(From a fUift Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Mnreh X (Social. ) As a.
raault o the mtlnK held hy republicans
at tha I.lmlsll hotel 1at nicht plans have
been started to nuike the tin liquet to fee
held April 1 a flttlnr climax to the don
In of ths session of tlie legislature set
for the week following;. Although in the
minority, the republicans la both houses
hT. bad nwjch to lo with the hrtntrtng
about of what little good legislation which
haa passed and have been In the forefront
la killing aome proposed legislation which
would not have boon of lusting benefit
to tha state.
On account of the short time before the
banquet, it la not expected that the meet
ing will be the largest ever held, and
little attempt will be made to make It bo.
Ftew invttationa will ho aent out. but all
republicans of the itatc are cordially In
cited to ba present and if poeaible havo
reaerrationa for plates at the table aent
In to Senator Bark- Mallery, chairman of
the committee on arrangements, not later
. than Wednesday evening, March 31. Tho
tickets will ba $1.
Oood speakers will be present, the bent
that can be secured In the state, and the
meeting will be the initlatjve of a cam
paign for tucrym In 1911
BEAVER CITT, Neb., March 36.-(Ppe-rial.)
Mrs. Annie Ashton of Felma. Ala.,
came nil the way from her southern home
to meet and marry Peter A. Wilson, an
old soldier whose hair has been frosted
by many winters. Mrs. Ashton was met
at the train by Mayor Illnson and given
a Nebraakw. welcome of characteristic
warmth. Eaeorted ta a local hotel she
met her future husband, who became so
in fact soon thereafter, when County
Judge W. O. Butler performed the mar
riage ceremony. Mr. Wilaon reaidea at
Hendley. Mrs. Ashton Is a comely and
apparently refined and Intelligent woman.
gave her ag as ?. Their courtship
was carried on by correspondence
ALLIANCE, Neb., March M.-(Spectl
TYlegram.) In the three contest"! of the
North Platte Valley Declamatory as
sociation held in the Plielan opera house
last night, Miss Oracc Foster of Sidney,
.Neb., won.tirst; John Lynn of Kimball,
second. In oratorical class. Laura llawk
ins of Alliance won first: Nellie Dedrick
of Sidney, secand. In the dramatic class.
Hannah Cotant of Alliance won first and
Mary Cerveny second In humorous elms.
Two hundred and fifty teachers of the
Narth Platte Valley Teachers' associa
tion are in Alliance, attending the con
vention, whtch closea Saturday.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) '
LINCOLN. March M.-(SpeclaL)-StaU
engineer Price went to North Platte to
riay to sign up the contract for the North
Platta state aid bridge, the contract for
which was awarded yesterday afternoon
by tha ?tate Board of Irrigation to the
Canton Bridge company of Ohio. The
contract figure is a little over 46,000.
Half tha cost Is born by tha state and
n-half by Lincoln oounty.
Tha brldga ia on the Lincoln highway,
In to be of concrete with a twenty-foot
roadway and to conform to State En
gineer Price's specifications.
FALLS CITT. Neb., March 26. (Spa
Hal.) The congregation of the German
evangelical church held a banquet for
their pastor. Rev. M. L. Plats.' and wife
at tha Odd Fellows' hall on Wednesday
Htgbt On hundred and seventy-five were
aatd around tha table, which held a
lars wadding cake surrounded by twenty-five
lighted candles, the occasion being
the stiver wadding anniversary of the
They were presented with complete
fcheat of sliver, also a handsome bedroom
snUU. Rev. Mr. Sorg of Hiawatha made
tha presentation speech.
' Notea f ran Astasias.
AN8ELMO. Neb., March J. (Special.)
JUv. J. W. CusUa. pastor of the Metho
dist Episcopal church at this place, re
turned from a five weeks' absence In
Oregon. Wis.. Tuesday evening last He
was called east by tha serious Illness of
Ms father, a direct descendant of the
famed Daniel Boone of Kentucky. During
tha younger Custer's stay at his old home
lie buried both his father and his mother,
the latter dying two weeks after her
kusband's demise.
At a mass meeting ef the voters of
Anselmo Wednesday evening a double
ticket was nominated for the office of
Milage trustee. The three outgoing
mmbTS. J. r. Brechbahl. W. C. Moul
ton snd C. a. Empfleld, were renomi
nated. Thea to make the election a little
ti-ere interesting and to give the voters
a wider chance three more candidates
wen nominated These are V. W. I'ass,
J. C. Moore and E- J. Johnson The
liquor question Is not an Issue.
Speakers at Fremont Teachers' Meeting
I s'V ; ' ' aj
Kearney Debater
Wins in Contest
Hettry Su.zzallo
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 26. (Special.) Th
legality of the tuition (hurtle for pupils
attending a county liiffh school is to be
tested In a case that has been appealed
from Furnas county to the supreme court
by A. K. Wilson.
The appellant sent his two daughters to
the high school for several terms and re
fused to pay the tuition, whirh ainunted
altogether to 172, according lo the lower
court, which found against Wilson In a
suit brought by district No. IS.
Torin Auk fnr l-in.
LINCOLN. March 2fi. (Special.) The
town of Irwin has filed a complaint with
the State Railway commission asking for
a depot from the Northwestern. Irwin Is
In Cherry county snd has about CO" per
sons tributary to It.
Farmers Vny Klevatur.
SILVER CREK. Neb., March
(Special.) The Farmers' Elevator com
pany of Silver Creek elected directors
and officer of the company for the en
suing year Thursday. Cherles Wooster,
C. II. Hoy, F. C. Caulton. William Tal
lon and C. E. Wsmsley were elected di
rectors. Charles Wooster was elected
president. F. C. Caulton, vli president:
C. E. Wamsley, serrtary. and C. II. Hoy,"
treasurer. The association recently pur
chased the local elevator of the Omaha
Elevator company of Omaha and will
take possession April 1. The company,
which Is composed of sixty local fanners,
will buy and sell grain, live stock and Implements.
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
HEATRU E. Neb., Mar.h 2.-(Hreclal
-Blue Sprlnss has placed two tickets In I
the field for the spring campaign and a
lively fight on election day will bo the
result. The republicans have nominated
the following ticket: Mayor, L. . no t
erlck: clerk, 8. R. Kranbuel; treasurer.
R. It. Clemens; police Judge. A. H
Kraus; engineer, K. B.ho. k; councilman.
First ward. V. Trump: Second ward. W.
H. l'avldson. The citlr.ens' ticket ts com
posed of the following :Mayor, E. E.
Morrow: clerk. S. R. h.ranmiei.
urer. William Craig: police Judge, J. Ik
Hess; engineer. T. M. Sslisgiver; coun
cilman. First ward. H. O. Schooling: Sec
ond ward. A. R. Ake.
The men who recently purchased the
driving runt of H V. Rlesen havo formed
an organliutlon to be known as "T'
queen City Park company." R. J. Kll
patrlrk has secured an option upon the
real estate for T.MW. nd the new com
pany will take over the option snd have
K.MO working capital with which to im
prove tue park. The company UI have
110,000 paid up capital.
Joseph Kills of Taola, Kan., who was
called hero a few days ago ta attend the
bedside of his brother. Thomas Ellis,
died suddenly Thursday at a locat hos
pital of heart failure. Mr. Ellis settled
on a homestead near De Witt forty years
ago, but later located at Pnola, Kan.
Mo was 71 years of age and leaves a
widow and four children.
KEARNEY. Neb . Mnr. h 5r..-(Speclal
Telegram. The annual convention of the
Central Nebraska Teachers' association
was successful this year, nearly Wrt teach
ers belna In attendance during the three
days' session.
The Commercial uh entertained the
teachers on Thursday afternoon at one
of the theaters, a epellac! program hav
ing been prepared to take the pla'-f of
the proposed atit orlde.
At the election of officers held on Fri
day morning. Superintendent Alfred
t'raio of Central City wn elected presi
dent of the aaaoclntlnn: J. . Mitchell of
I Hastings, vice president, and A E.
I FIsIit of Aurora, secretary.
The next meeting will be hold at Central
"Cllw. '
' Tne debate this afternoon. In which
.right of the largest schools competed,
'ended wtlh a iitory for Dal l.anls of
! Kearney: Earl Wheeland of Edgar won
second and Stephen Robinson of Fxctcr
third. The negative side won the debate.
! the question of which wa. "Shall the
(overnment Own and Operate the Railroads?"
The ReelWsnt Ads Are Rest Business
HOI, DRF-CB, Neb., March 2S.-(Speelsl
TeleRram.) The Southwest Nehrssk.i
Teachers' association closed here tonight.
At a business meeting this morning Su
perintendent Dell Gibson of Mohireg.i
was elected president of the association
for the coming yea, V. C. Bralthstipt of
Huntley vice president, Miss Lela Court
right of Reaver City secretary-treasurer,
and Superintendent E. L. Keith of LoomM
and Superintendent Charles Herlek of
Indnanola were placed on the eaecitlva
committee. Four hundred attended tha
l.oap City Revival Offers.
LOCP CITT, Neb.. March -(Speclul
Telegram.) Tho series of evangellstlo
meetings that have been In progress In
the Presbyterian church of this city for
th laat ten days was brought to a close
last evening. Rev. Walter E. Hroonts,
evangelist, from Jacksonville, III., occu
th nulnlt and Breached some ex
cellent sermons. Quite an addition to the
membership of the churfch roll was made
ss a result of the meetings.
Havt you teen
our Spring
window displays
Cffv Hi4 iMieis rot 4a, faatki
mm I .a Urtppr.
srssg finds msny afflicted with linger
ing, hacking coughs that weaken the sys
tem. Blush aad wet cause more raids
than saro weather. Croup, bronchitis aad
pneumonia are prevalent Every family I luvs a afe and reliable cuh I
m dlcine ready for use. Foley's lloney
anl Tar Compound contains no harmful
Ingredients. It eaes a cough, checks a
cold and relieves luHsimd and congest
snenibranffs It rk-ars the sir itxatn and
aooth-s lflammtun 8wld srtn whr.
KKRt.IN iVim ludoiu. Mar. h . -Tt.
Siale.'urnt of the Ki i hst'snk Usued
lareti i3 shos bu rrsea t,r iuri.1 ks.
raausry rrilfl ir Knd noirs r ut' er
tiabks of t:r.4 nurk -f.,, gold.
J!.y:.'ff inrWs '. -'i. vixoinoi.
4 a : mrk . n irs in ilr-
t .1st! i maiks l: ;n . tr
j..,u i- ::. loaiks iji.'t .... n Tiu
(lil'i'i'M scows a 4- f. hi i.-as uf
X sH " mark iint:..
WM. L. HOIjZMAN, Trcas.
oDrmsr Glomes ror ivien
Who Want the Best
Yoil now have the advan
tage of selection from the
largest western . showing of
Rochester, N. Y., Celebrated
$20 to $40
the acknowledged st yle - leaders in the
Fashion Centers of America. "
Supreme Exhibit of Young Men' and
Men's Smart Suits
and Overcoats
$15, $20, $25
"... V.
Unrivaled Value$--Distinctive Styles
Come In and nee these superb suits from foremost
specialist designers and tailors. More than fifty dis
tinctive modelspatch pocket or plain. Broad lapel
or long lapels. All proportions. Greatest selection
of special sizes, young men's models, regular, stout,
tall, short or eitra sizes.
NF7W WEAVES Soft tone tartans. Glen Urquharts,
Roman stripes, regimental stripes. New patterns
galore In both ultra fashionable and conservative
weaves and colors. $5.00 1 JJOA t5w
to fJO.OO excess value, at. PlO Ja-U PaWa
TJl C. Largest showing of Gold Bond True Blue Serge Suits. Guaranteed fast color,
131116 sjClKe Hun tested, highest quality serge. The all 'round suit for men and young
Matchless values PlU W PJl
Men 'a and Young Men s
New Balmacaans
$10, $15, $20
Hel( or velvet collars; broad lapels, patch pock
ets. Beautiful new weaves, f 19, 915, 'JO.
4 m3
Men's Chesterfield
Spring Overcoats,
$10, $15, $20 $25
Diatlnf;ulthed looking oxford vicunas. Richly
silk UtiL-d overcoats at 913. 'J, 9.
New Covert Top Coats. One-fourth silk lined $20 and $25.
tea's mm Isuc Ms' Clatilnj tssaad Tlssr.
Your Stetson Hat for Easter
Nebraska's erfc The Newest
Greatest $3 tO "10 stetson Styles
snowing ai
for men who know.
Of rour you know Stetson Hat quality, but supplement that
knowledge with an lnsiM-tlon of Ntbraka's most roinprehenslve
exhibit uf Hteons. Jut one verdict you'll buy here and get
the hat that suits yvmr Individuality.
John D. Stetson Soft and Stiff Hats, $3.50 to $10. CO
a De Lnxe Hats America's Best Hats, at $3. IIP
:raska Special Hat The Leaders, at $2. I'b
. V-S yV
V 5
at Otpt. Stsla nr Bsst Aisls.
I j 7 ji i i ,
IW trm i noting si .
ultlllXT API'AHI.l. rOM HUN AND nOMt.N
'1 IX
Take your choice of the
fabrics of the hour in
Glen Urquharts Tartan Plaids
Handsome Club Checks Stripes
Plaids Tweeds and Homespuns
never forgetting the ever new True
Blue Serge.
Smart Model Suits $ j A $OC
for Young Omahans 1" to
We cater most studiously to tho discrim
inating Clothes ideals of Toung Men.
Specializing means leading and we are
specialists. Plenty of evidence in our
Clothing Cabinets.
Mature Models $
for older men -
The man who demands conservative styles
In his clothes will find this store wonder-'
fully prepared to servo him.
Light weight $1A $OC
Spring Overcoats, " to
Here you'll find the coat of your choice
- your idea of the right weight and wear
your preference as to pattern and price.
Boys' sturdy Spring Suits,
with two pairs Knickers, at -
One of the best values of which
our Boys' Clothes Shop can boast
Double the life of his suit extra trousers will do it. Our $5 outfit
Is an exceptional value the merits of which you'll do well to Investigate.
Hundreds of other Suits, with
two pairs of Trousers, at from
No matter what price you care to pa this is the store where you
are sure to XJSUy. as well as your boy.
A word regarding
your new -Spring Hat-
It's "Satisfac
tion," if you
. .'4 , '10
Mitii i
want it Come
Your Boarders and Roomers,
They Are Your Investment
There' are many securities in the form of
stocks and bonds, that are supposed to yield a
certain dividend. Some do and others do not
Your Board and Rooms are your stocks and bonds,
so to speak. Are you sure of your dividends?
Those who read the "For Rent" columns of The
Dee are people of character and integrity. They
want and appreciate the comforts and advantages
you, are able to offer. They are consequently good
pay and mean steady dividends to you on your in
TyU, 1000
CmtMt Sm Wmmi Adm,