0 'in-; i;i;K: omaha. .vitkiay. mai.-cii j7. h.i WAREHOUSE BILL FOR THIRD READING Senators Bring Htfonn Me&sura Out and Order it Advanced Feg. AMEUDLD BY THE BEHIBLICA1IS (Pnm ruff 0mpmwt. MNOOL.N. Marrfc SB. (Special A 1 thourh lahelea senate file No. t the flrt W! Introduce In the this Mn, the public lr rehouse bUI reached the pnc wbm tt ss report" tot mini readmit nlr ' wirnlng. The Mil has had and up and dowr In and ont sslst rnee no fr In the eenrton end tndar waa the subject of two-hour discussion. The virrhnuH measure 1 a platform pelde; of the democratic , party, hut the orlslnal bill wii so plainly a suhterfuire Introduced slmpJr to meet ths pi"1'. ' according to Fenatnr "andall. that after numerous heartntrs a tommlltw was ap pointed to draw tip another bill a substitute. The substitute, aecordln to Iho Tork senator, wse not much bettor than the original bill and he offered aome amendment wWeh ha aald would make the bill presentable and sssiet the demo crat to do something; for tha farmer. Phumway of Dixon w chairman of tho joint committee to draw up the substl tuta and waa ene of the two republicans who voted for tha bill this morning, tha other bom Mallery of Box Butte. Tha vote o tha motion to advanca to third readme wae nineteen for and twelve K&fHBt. I lanmare Wet Protld. Tha eMef objection that Bandall unred acalnst tha Mil waa that It failed to provide for Insurance by tha warehouse man storlnit tha train for the farmer, ffhumway of Dixon, author of tha substi tute, pointed out that tha bill provided for a bond for tha delivery of tha grain upon demand and tha tn the opinion of tha committee this bond anrwered for Insurance. It would be safe. It must have Ua approval of tha railway torn mission, to whom ! entrusted tha ad ministration of tha law. an Elcnton larlade. n. vm naaaed waa amended In one Important particular. Tha original sub-, etttute enoepted from tho provisions of tha act all elevator at terminal points. Thla exception waa stricken out and any elevator holding grain for private part lea for a period of longer than fifteen dy mnat file an application with the railway commission to become a publlo ware house. Another amendment makea tha ware house receipt! negotiable. Another allows co-operative farmer's companies to secure sites on railroad at a "reasonable" price. Art Is Optional. The act as It stands Is optional The objection entertained by Bandall was that It waa merely a shara," " UHsTouae law that would give tha farmers no ware houses." Shumway of Dixon read ft letter from J. tv. ghorthlll of Hampton, eeereUa of Ihe Farmers' Co-Operatlve Grain and l.lve Slock association, endorsing tha law. 'ha rare laapoaea. The charge Imposed la aa follows. 'Tor the storage of grain for tha first fifteen days, when received In carload lots, J cent a bushel; when received In wegim lots. 14 cents buehel for the first fif teen day; 1-20 of 1-cent per day a bushel for tha next thirty days; 1-1 of 1-ceut a day per bushel for time thereafter." ' Am 1 tate- riatfavcaa. Just before the vote was taken an the bill Saadall auggested that tha next time the deroocratlo party attempted to draw up a platform Chat tt be made like Mother Hubbards are constructed. Senator Bptrk aald that he was the president of a farmers elevator with a membership of . He said the bill would force disaster upoa'hla eompanji as at present constructed. 'The agricul tural committee," said Mr. Bplrk. "voted down, onos, twice, thrice, attempts at ft publlo warehouse bill and then the eonv mlttee brought out thla lUUd timet child. A ma by the name of Corey, ft lawyer and another man aald to be tha secretary ef tha democratic state , convention ap aaanut before tha committee and triad! to gat the bill through because it was democ ratio party . pledge. ' beat mt Politicians. 'That plank waa slipped Into the plat form- at tha midnight hour, when the rank and file of the democrat ie party knew nothing about It and did not want It. Politicians of the party put tt tn and row they want tt made Into a law simply to keep a party pledge." fhumway wanted tlie senate to know what the substitute bill whose letter Uhumway had read, did not know what the substitute bill contained and that there was nothing in ths substitute bl' which EhorthlU advocated. "tot" trepmirer to Invo.t ft1 per nt of M Hih fund In tti or frxmty war runt en' c-rry thorn ri. i H. It. L'. 1I- ln ro.p fine for oil ing, dlKoheod mont ntd provides an alter nMve pemtt ntlmy nt.m e. M. It. T.l. Hn Kuller, r.eljmer. Cox and Usaott A-nale ainmdmont etrlkoe out vital provision of houoe hill takinir title of rtofinr from votorlnarlan rr tirln by virtue of ten y.r' a-timl prac tiin hut hoWUnc no 'llJom and not tak ing Ixaril onmi.lrvotw.il. II. It. MS. 0tht M o m here Pro Woe for alvlry etato hlhwy rotnmleelon In rontwrtlon with tindo raieod liy new motor Vehlii rosrlelratlon law. . r. 1. of ruwer PpaJ commit tee ulet!tiite ptilnlc warehoue hill. Ilia Hmm4 hr Ixrrrnor to Iate. H. r. Krumbauah Fayment of cer tain I VI a comity warrant, N. F. Vlnk Proviso for payment of not more than tVi for fireman Injured while on duty. ApAr to citle of lo thin jr.'. H. F. WlnhBame as g. T. J4 and p- '. X, (trace Provide that trana portatlon for enrotaker of eto k ehlp- . "' ..jrpiinii.i 1 i.itiim'h ,iin.ff.i ... taMnn over land for countv fair purpoae. w w r i i.... i , " it unifc rnmiuuon i rDflgrm on Irrigntlnn. S. K. H, Wlleri of roHre Repeals law en' for t'nltod Ktnt,-a eenatnr. n. I, r no Koiat to ooundarlea of puhllr land. M. It. an, Nurton Approprtatoa 139,000 for Incidental exporo of loirtelatiire. H. R, 61, Norton-Appropriate, rt10.4ns for payment of m-mln, officer and em ploye of lofflHlatiir. II. R. 92, Rolenor rrovldo manner In which religious o-tnti may dispose of pr oerty H. R. l'fl. rvirmly-ltequlres that money paid to agricultural noi lotl.a by countle hall first be Maod to pay premluma. H. It. l.M. Itlrhmond Joint memorial to conKre on hlp purrhaae. II. It. Wm, Mchnla Appropriates for purchase o land at Norfolk asylum. II. It. X12, Chambers of Dounlae lro vldo for Inrtnllntlon of moihanll do ylre for farllitating work In county of fice. H. It. tV. Onrm County Doloaatlon Ap propriates fi.iO for purrhao of addi tional land for Beatrice Institute for the Keelile MlnoVd. If. R. ), rtialer Appropriates I2, for land for home for dopondont chlldron In Lincoln, II. It. , Finance Commttten-Appro-prlalea n,M for Hoard of Control for waxes and inaintenanee fur public Inntl ttitlons. H. K 4. Rvrland Amount to bo levld by cities and vlllatro for general pur poses not more thnn 15 mill. . K. 12, Honl Molhora' .pensions. 8. r. 20, Helford-Irovl(le that district Juilsres may l.e ex officio commiHtrionerB of supreme court. P. F. 7. BiisheeIrrKratlon Mil. H. F. M. nysland-Olve guardians of minors right to mortrsKe real aetata. . F. lii. Hod lord-Not more than f mills for xenoral punmsos nor 2 mills for siip- H. R, 21, Tllibets-Abollshes the office of county coroner. II. K. is. l etemon Pertains to perempt ory chaJlenge In civil and criminal caaos. . . i7umir aixinon ot electing Irectors of Inisatlon illstrlotn II It IU B.....U. ii . i . , ' " 'iuri k nrv uri jor rsiiona eottases. 1 "- nvmg in xi Ki Puhee Irrigation bill. II. It I'M Utn.. I . .. 1 . . -- ......r, i"ium ror piirrnae of school land, by Northweatom railroad at lng pine. a W 1 71 11 n .... Vi ' "oniry i ope mil. II It. 2, ltsner and Tlhhets Relstos tO deStniOllf.n nt mtn.,1. tt .-J t .". era or t..her,-.,i.r. l y K,Ma- VC- 1J-..""-PTT,tftr,lon ' cor ners on public roads. II. H ll k....h.u.ti . . .. ,v..i .. - "" "" or noining i. Jl rn.M'ln second Monday In June. tlAn Ho,,,tt'"' HaiTls-Bxemp- ,? A fr five-year ervlce. 1 i It loi 11.1.... . if . -r-.irm. ,i, employment or Jail prisoner In counties of over 20.000.. nuinhi: ?'fc?U",r and Llggett-Provldee r;1"' f hou " nate journals to 1 1 It wf vr iiil. n , . . -- I'lriruiiiirntTiara ror pur chase of private bridge, by counties! It. n. lloffmel.ter-Itelates to care oftv ock in transportation. of diJhi ,eL",,n-KelllU wmoval or division fenoea. uV; of-pa7rl...Cr1nkUW-ReU,tM ,0 ub0 H. Tt. I' T.... n... . t jvi sjut) ivrtsftina i j n-f emptory challenges of Jurors ill- '"'"y al.-Repeala see. 1-3 X:Z I- bridge. w .aanw V lll.srvil lyn. EUGENIC MARRIAGE BILL FINDS FAYOR Hon., Committee of Whole Takes favorable Action upon seen j Measure. SOME TREAT IT AS A JOKE (From a Ftaff Correspondent.) MNCOI,N. Nb., March 24. (Special Telegram.) The House went on record Just before adjournment thli afUrnson in favor of eusvnlc marriage, a fee for exsmlnatlons of K, a laboratory fee cf $13 In rase of a teat. The bUI will app!y tt men only, although an amendment was voted to apply to both seses, ut later killed on a motion to reconsider. Nlrhela of Madison made a fight to have the fee gut out entirely and when the house refused to de this fought gainst th bill a not being In the In terests of morality. He cited the Wis consin la, which Is similar, and said that It had resulted In common law mar riages snd In trips to other states which had no such law In order to have the marriage ceremony performed. Home of the members treated It as a Joke, Anderson of Boyd speaking of a fee as a fine for getting married and sending up a motion to cut the fee to 30 rents. The doctors appeared te he for the hilt strongly and were able te muster enough votes to have the bill recommended for pasaage, sixty-nine voting for It and thirty-two voting against It. But the house has shown itself to be a fickle body tn some Instance, and a resolution for pasaage does not necessarily mean that It will pass on third reading. The senate favored a bill of this kind two years ago, but tha house was opposed and killed it. No Legislative Sessions for Today (From ft Btaff CorresDondentLt LINCOLN. March M. (Poorl.l T, house of representatives will hold no Rat, urday session this week. A motion to meet on Saturday was defeated and the bouse then voted that when adjournment waa taken Friday afternoon It should be until Monday at 19 a. m. The approaching end doe not hasten tha senate. It adjourned this afternoon until i o clock Monday afternoon. House Kills Bill for New Hog Barn (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., March (Special Telegram.) A big change In the vote from committee of the Whole whea It re ceived M votes, waa shown on House Roll m. The bill for tm.OOO for a hog barn at the state fair this morning only received 36 favorable votes and was In definitely postponed. This may moan the defeat of the Omaha hospital bill also. Druesdow, Hunter and Negley voted against the bill. First Conference on Annexation Bill is Without Result (From ft Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Mach 26.-Speolal.) Mem bers of the Omaha annexation conference committee will take the matter under consideration untll Monday, having been unable-to agree on anything In tha three meetings held, the one thla afternoon be ing just as far from th mark aa those held previously. Legislative Proceedings NTERURBAN MEASURE MADE SPECIAL ORDER (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 24. (RpectaJ.) ben&te file No. WO, which' proposes a radical loosening up ef soma of the restriction, on tha building and financing ot Inter urban railroads, has bean made a special order of buslneea for Monday afternoon In the senate. The bill Is strongly backed by the Iouglaa county delegation and the Omaha Commercial club. CHARLES STR ACER NAMED ON BOARD OF AGRICULTURE - - (Vrom a Btaff Correspondent) ' LINCOLN, Majrclt 2,-(8pwlol Tele. gram.) Charles "trader ot Lincoln has been appointed by the State Board of Agriculture ta take the place made va- ecnt by the resignation of C. II. Rudge of Lincoln last month. Mr. Rudge with drew because he feared he might not al ways be able ta be In the city during fair week. At the Starts Issuing i tsraaeri by Haas Slftlas; ('. salttee. X. F, 214. Mattes Te esempt manufac turer from paying tl.s annual state ac rupetioa taa on corporation. Ii. K. To Wlik the Uttt-oln Baal, tary lirainase Inatrtct buer. or tot amrae the law so thai It legal wrk stmU be performed by the oounty atiorajey. 1. 14. 471 Th Meredusj kill I tr ualc wiarrlago. requiring a payali-lao'e oertKI i e belore a Unae te iasaed. H. V 1.4 at1pe th salary ef eupeem 1 urt lailaee' lega4nM fsvea H.W to i.'a it. R. Ml vVrmttttns) Lancaster county I o-l to setae the salary of the clerk In I tie ouay Judges office, bow filed at i-i vm. II. R. sat Kebeesfca-lowa Boundary mmaton. II. H. t No peasloas for Uaeola flre iiv a Wfc.Mf seething Mie awe of . . V. a Cauoiy rurai Aul dUtrlct. irta kuaamH tm lswa by ilaaa tinrtlii et WhwSv. II R. 143. Cronln. Htat Aid Bridse l'ill--Apiropfistoa 11 d.Sue foe I'lenmuin "d Ul one-tide mill levy stand. Ii. K. Til. Hunter. I'mtorm (talr Law No sale intuit ins I he foiieljrrailon of oh, re than anall be mate without a rstarn imlrnimiil shearing transfer I'. K ia. Mm ketl To apprapriala t2.ft) lr lue r 1 1( ol (he Mum! euietile ot lee tat t hoot for slshlloas persons. ljtit blis fur tuiMiua aad lrairoe liionia at state Instil uttuoa. as (olio: t'rnitreUnxr. Ilil.uau. Iinr Institute t - Kw-Mis4t. Ht tvu. Umoln Inuix loeMtal, gj.M', h'x-l for tvprnii t t.iMrea. laria. IC ms: Kearaer TuU-r. i. r boepitat. I .i Olrie InaluMriai boot. neta. -'. t H he4 f .r it lai. altilurd le4uua ilaute fiMr V, ewea, VleS. Ilta HI Hd by Mraae aa Third II n it-Atprofrtatirig M.am ft (iM ir al iuu Ian sruunda. II H. ,J rMM-Alueib4 Jttacee ta iiuu4 of haavity. Sllll K-eieBae le Faae Sen. saaallt Ibe ble. ! H S. KU lieaaa Aftfpt m 1 1 ft l fuf a... a -.4 hfli ra,i r LOAN SHARK BILL COMES FROM STANDING COMMITTEE (Prom a Btaff Correapoadent.) LINCOLN, Marv k 2. Special. )-Ajnng tit bills reported eut ef senate standing cotnmlttees this morning were: H. R. 44, by Lundgrea. the loan shark bill, and It. R. 478, by Richmond, providing for the newspaper pufeUi'atuia of personal taa iHlt.. YOUR DOLLAR IS APPRECIATED And these live dealer make tt worth your while to uy ef them by i vlns; a rails In travel for every poller you spend. Most dsalsrs are now giving "Shop per's Mileage." Ask Your Dealer I HAIR BALSAM A tail pupMsMoa of ortl nl HaMMU aa4ra. Fee SMlwai CeW aad sWety toOay er Faded rUlr Mrv i aaatOf-tirt'- BUY IT AT BEATOW'S SAVE MONEY Allouck's rorau I'laalera 11.00 r'ellow' Hvnis for l.v ItvrUvk's Malted Milk for '.it Jad toalt for 1S rnnkliajn's Cun- puurul fur Smi Ljfou' Tooth "odor for tec lkwn's Kidney Hlla for Sec limiprlan Nlahl t'reani for ic l-utnprlaa laa) t'ream for t: IS t alio Hot Water Hotllea for ..... ;lc I'uuds- Vanishing t'reani for J fx- fotfla fold rrvain for He . 82c . 67fi ,.54o 61c 17c . 33s 30c 2Tc 51,05 16s 1M Tet l.ks res i fae BeU-fVasag reast tea Veas tee Wear Sea T keig is gaaraat few a . 4Si ic I'MU'W . lrdri.oa fr. )k se-4'.le Team Durai !- 7c 6g lie Cast or I for 1171 Horlcea'a MaJtad Milk far See LaMerlaa for Jic MentheUlaaa for " Ie Cantbros fee II SO Duffy Madt Whlaky for Sac ileatou's Cold Creaia for tic Rubber Olevee for Faae'e leaf isada for tiai llaaalU a for 14c I'ebero Tooth Paste for Itc t'elgale's Toilet Waeaea. "(I. all ivdoia, for W wl lio HriMita beltier for IIIM L I, for the hl.iOd 1 1 Woeia. spet lal Kl urday tie Heerhnuan'a Itlla for fx IV at on I'aarara Totvl , arvj liver ptlle for . Albeit IJtUe tMaser tula r bKTt I'ATII " 2lc $2.71 14c . 14c . .29o . ..79o 19c 33s 28s I So 34a 173 67c 25c 16c 12c 10c THOMPSON, BELDEN & COMPANY" - A Display of Unusual Interest South 16th St. Window A display of authentic copies of dresses of the 1830 to 1850 period. Also "Ooodey" and "Peter son's" magazines of that date with fashion illustra tions. These magazines an very curious and of great style interest because of the use of these fashions as the basis of our modes today. Thtst educational ftatnrtt an a part f oar oruar pauei Fashion Service. Stamped on White Doylies and Centerpieces HALF PRICE Clearance of a number of odd renter plerr and doiliea, stumped denlRn on white; alxea 4 inrhea ta 86 Inches. Katurdar, half price. Art Dept. Third Floor. EASTER CARDS A very entenaire line of artistic Cards, in great variety of dif ferent dewiRna, eipre using the proper sentiment for an KaMer greeting;. Prices to suit everyone On sale In Art Depart me)it Third Hoor and talfle In renter aisle Main Floor New Arrivals By Express Today Give to Omaha Women the Newest Styles of Apparel for Easter $19.50 $22.50 $24-50 $35.00 To describe individually each style would take many pages. We suggest the women who desire late fash ions for moderate prices visit our second floor Saturday. Hand-tailored suits in Norfolk and novelty styles in light blue, navy, tan, black and black and white shepherd plaids. Plain tailored and Norfolk styles in blues, blacks and shepherd plaids. Norfolk, plain tailored and novelty effects in gray, light checks, mixtures and plain colors. An unusual range for discriminating women who seek the best of dress for a most mod erate price, distinctive and exclusive styles. The Skirt Section Attracts much favorable attention because of the multitude of styles and cloths . . $6.50 up The Dress Section Abounds with spring and early sum mer dresses . . $16.75 up 4 The Coats for Spring Are very attractive . $10.50 up Beautiful New Negligees This collection has been arriving for the last three days and includes many dainty fashions .$9.75 $10.50 $13.50 $16.50 The Store for Shirtwaists Has received new dress blouses for Saturday offering. For $5.95 and $6.50 Before Easter Sale of Silk Hosiery Saturday Morning at 9 A. M. Women's Silk Hose, black, white and colors, worth up to $3.50 pair, Satur day - $1.19 a pair Omaha women hardly need be in troduced to these .values; they are genuine and exceptional a very timely event' coming as it does just before Easter when, of all times, silk hose are a necessity. $1.19 a pair Beautiful New Embroideries of the differ ent sort, not ne cessarily expens ive, but, always : decidedly exclu sive1 and 'pleas , ing -- Eighteen and Twenty-sev-; en-inch Flounc ; ings of mull, or : gandie, batiste and voile, for charming 2 and 3 flounce dresses Hand embroidered baby dresses (for olds), also infants' yokes and edges babies layettes. HAND SOME SIX-INCH EDGES FOR TRIM MING SUM ME R DRESSES, These come in colors as well as white and also make very; dain ty collars and cuffs for light dresses. one to four-year-and insertions for A New Hand Bag to Go With Your New Suit The new at) lea are very at tract lr and please avery woman who luta aeen them. - The neweat aoreltiea in silk and leather are In readiness. From $1.85 to fl3.60. Notion Section. Sample Line of Tooth Brushes Saturday for 9c Toilet Good Bertion. A Great Saving Saturday Cheney Bros. Spot-proof Foulard Silks ' Regular $1 and $1.25 Qualities y 75c a Yard Styles come and go with varied degrees of popu larity, but Foulards with their irresistible charm ever remain popular. There is an indefinable something, a touch of re finement, a certain sense of luxuriousness in Foulard Silks which appeal to every woman. These are Cheney Bros.' best fabrics, every yard perfect. Saturday, 75c a yard. Children's Aprons Made of white dim ity with short sleeves or s 1 eeveless, neatly trim med, very dainty; sizes 2 6 years, 50c and 65c. Children's Fane? Color ad Atrou, 60r, tmc and 75c. This nee. to vT Easter and Your Gloves Clove will either make or mar your Easter Costume, There ie no 'if ' or "and" about it. Bright, new suits and gowns and hats can't possibly e 1 4. it. st ana xor anjuung out m nu5 ?5 and newest handwear. Stocks are Z7j? in AAmrjletA readiness to serve YOU with the season's latest, at prices within everyone's reach. Gold, Sand, Putty and Oyster, Shades lead, and, of court, white is a stylish and popular a avar. $L50, $U5,(CZ $2.00 are the prices for your Kaster Gloves. . -ii T" M M m w t Hilt -ZrrV HJLi kit 113 I Important Savings in Hair Goods A large quantity of beautiful hair accessories nec essary for the latest coiffure effects is offered at very low prices which make it well worth your while to take advantage of this special offer. Included are fine qual ity swucnes ana transiormations in a large assortment of styles and shades. J l-lax a hwttrhes of Xataral Wary User, etrefH ineaal ralss J.tl XM-UM-h Nwltrkea t4 urJ Wary Hsir, eiretstlosMsl ahaa 9&.T9 Sl-lm h Ha itches U Kiaa Wswy Haer, earesKensMl valae fl.tt SaVssxJi HWmm vt eta Wavy Hair, errituaal taiua ftXM AU-areaad Wary Trass form a. Una 99m H-aeosMMi Klaa Wary Traast rsastlosie, SlJsA .Ml arsaaa Fha Wary Tr mliini taa aaja YOU HAVEN'T READ ALL OF THE NEWS ,t. TIL YOU READ THE WANT ADS v DEAT0I1 DRUG CO. 15th and Farnam Sts.