'JllM Hhr,: UMAUA, 1ATUUA. MARCH U", 1H15. 11 BKiF CITY NEWS ave Boot Print I New Beacon Press ttfHi-anttlii Co. Lighting future eif W. Bedford for city commis sioners Advertisement. Arklns' luifuUi Cafe Carltun lio tel. fifteenth and Howard stri-ets, iiulrc different from ordinary restaurants. Iltatata Tine aaa Ioea Asa a. ,'cw oltice between city hall and Fon tenello hotel, 211 South Eighteenth St A rooUnff of eenm? in one of tht fcenfitcs acquired when yru offl-e In Tho He Building, "the building that la al ways new." See us now tor a few rooms available April 1. The MM Bank of Omaha pays 4 per cent on time deposits, 8 per cent on savings accounts. AU deposits In tht bank are protected by the depositors' guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. "Today"! Complete Harts Ft mm" Classified section today, and appears la The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer, guarantee fund of the stats of Nebraska. faaod Speaks C. V. Junod sroks on "Salesmanship" before the Omaha Manu facturers' association at the noon meeting. To Address Central Park League R. Ii. Gepeon will address the Central Tark Social and Civic league at a meeting to be held at Central Park ?lub tonight. BavMarried After XHToroe Robert and Ida Gordon, who were married In April, HH, 'and divorced In Beptember, again secured a license and were married by Justice Claiborne. They will live at 1919 t?t. Mary's avenue. laene Safety First Circulars Superin tendent of Schools E. V. Graft has sent to the parents of pupils of the Farnam chool safety-first circulars, having par ticular reference to the extent of traffic on Farnam street In front of this school. Thirty Sara fer Stealing Books Harry Holmes and William Ward were sentenced to thirty days by the police Judge, before whom they were arraigned on charges of stealing books at the Bran dels stores. Special Officer L. T. Finn made the' arrests. Chandler Wanted la Iowa I.. K. John son of the protection department of the Iowa' Bankers' association .has identified Harry Chandler of Des Moines as a fugi tive wanted In the Iowa capital on a harge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Chandler was arrested here. Baby Soften Jndge'a M.art The po lice judge Imposed thirty-day suspended sentencoa. on. C'enek Stuljk and Mary Danda of Gibson, the charges being the theft of wheat from railroad cars. The woman's statement that she had a 4- week-old baby at home moved the judge, ! ihanoe. SeteotlTO Wants Thornae Detective James' P. O'Neill of Chicago i here to take faenry Thomas, negro, to Chh-ago, where he is wanted on a charge of nigh way robbery.. It la. believed that Thomas 1 the man who- was shot at the Farns worth drug store during an attempted robbery. An alleged partner of Thomas l being held in Chicago. AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Work on raving in Magic City is Expected to Beg-in Within a VTy Short Time. BOWLING TEAK LEAVES TOKIGHT "With contracts for paving to the amount of tO".nae already let, there are petitions in for paving which totals 1V, according to City Clerk rerry Wheeler. Work on the paving is expected to begin within a fortnight. In the event of consolidation, It la saM, work wilt he rushed and other contracts let, but it Is rosslblo that not a great many will bo let To I en re far Peoria. Chief of rolioe John Prlggs, as head of Jetter's Old Age Bowling team, will leave tonight with hie teammates for the national meeting of the American bowlere at Peoria, 111. The bowling season here will clear April . Herb Oariow has not announced whether tho season will cloee with the usual tournament and banquet. taaeiallon Will Come. Henate file No S, the Greater Omaha bill, will become law with or without the Parriott amendment requiring a general electldn In the whole territory involved. This in the face of the fact that the Wll has been sent to conference ae was de sired by the antls and offlce-holdere from South Omaha and Dundee. In fact, th onlv dl'ference la that the bill was sent to conference by Us friends and not by fl'-e- I lend Its enemies, and the cty f local offl holders yesterday, that the bill was d turned quit kly into a wry smile when the true condition of affairs came out. As the bill atamls It went to committee dic tated by Its friends and composed of Senators Howell. Qlilnby and Saunders, all frrm Omaha snd all In favor of An nexation Talk of a legislative Investigation of the use of money in the annexation fight l beginning to quicken at the state capital, socordlng to late advl.es. It Is under stood that both the house and the senate have bocoine Irritated over the nllog.-d, use of money In the merarer hattl". Thosu favoring the merger said las, tiight that they welcomed an Investigation. Tallaa l.leeuaea. Loral saloon men arc nliTiidy beginning to take out their licenses for the com ing veer. The South Omaha Fire and Police Board fits May 1. In the event of consolldstlon taking elfovt before that date the licenses will be Issued by the Omaha Board of Excise, otherwise the Iocs' hoard will Issue them. Licenses Issued by the local board will be good for a year even though annexation takes plaee. The Interim between May 1 and January 1 of the year following the year covered by the licenses Issued on May 1 hss been provided for by special amend ment to the present state law. IHaanlanrd traau Force. "Tex" Itegaii, Seventh ward man and until recently connected with the South Omaha fire department, has been dis missed from the force. Helen was. thrown from a wagon and Injured in line of duty, lie was confined to his home by the Injuries, and rays he was fired because he fslled to show up while confined t,i his home by Illness. Ft lends of Regan say bla dismissal wss the result of poll tl s. An appeal to the district court will be taken st enc . it Is understood. Maale t'lty ,I. St. Agnes' routt of the Woman's Cat'i olic Order of Foresters will meet this exentng lit their luill at S o'clock. Tho suttragi' element of the ltv r. III h out In force next Tuesdnv evening to attend the blK -nf fru, movie, ' Your Girl and Mine." at the Otpheum theater. The lied Men will sl a big dance to morrow evening nt their brill at Twenty fourth and O streets. The entertainment Dyspepsia Overcome committee bns iven working hard to m.iKe tips dance n success Plana are being terminated for the commencement week exercises of tlie June graduating c lass at the local high chool. A larxo snn.nl of tin- Tooter devoted t both the mid-year and the June i lasses will be lsued bv the present Tooter stalf. , The Knglrs an I the Moose will Rive dances tomorrow evening nt their ie siicclive dan.c hallH, Sntuniay evcnniR idatues ale twcotulng ey popular smoiis; locni rtnnclug folk. l:ase bail has talen the local Mali S"hoot by storm. Ive.'ute the iIIsski e, n ble weather, recruits for the team are m out dally doing IlKht piarttce with the -(ball and mlits, in anticipation of the ,-om-I . petition for the high srhool nine whl"U llv. Sonielhlng to pbare each Indlvpl wlll tome off ilurlng the coining week. i:nl one rml tlny'11 nil like the pipe or igan. For ren tv Btlous call Siutli 7S"'. Phyllis 1 slier, organist of the local Little change has been noticed In the coinlition of t'url Heal, who Is now con fined to s bei In an otiiiiIih hospital. I'eal 's continually In a state of delliium sn.i If sleep does not none soon, attendtna ; doctors have little hope for tils tecnveiy, The Alttmnl association of the high ' si Itoe-I met last r enlna nt the hlch school. Scveinl new membets were admitted to, the association, snd other matters of I linport ance were llsctii.et. 1 1 was de cliled to give another dame In the near j fftlire. If you have fiends vlsltiuc and ou Cue to take them to an exveptlnnal dls plav of .cuires you will find a program st the Hesse Theater tonight that will warrant vom brlnglni? the entire fsm- Hesse thsster. is planning t" ilv- an sll- atnr progtam next Snnilsv at the Hesse Miss t'shei is considered the best organist. In fironter Omntia snd the trest will he' worth while. Trj This for .Nenralala. Neuralgia Is a pnln In the nerves. Sloans Liniment penetrates snd soothes the aching nerves. Get a bottle now. druggist s. Advert Isenienl All Rent room antrl: w!tt a property for a quick fsle. Tte Want A t Toae Up the Stomach Sareepurtlla. with Xood's When vom have dysHpsla your life is miserable. You have n bad taste In your mouth, a tenderness at the pit of your stomach, a feeling of puffy fullness. headache, heartburn, and sometimes nausea. Pyspepsia is difficult digestion that Is what tho word means and the only way to get rid of It Is to give vigor and tone to the stomach end the whole digestive system. Hood's Sarapnrllla, sold by all drugKists, is the one medicine which acts on the e'omach through the blood and also UiroctK-. Its beneficial effects sre fslt st once. Improvement begins Imme diately. Hood's Sarsanarllla purifies the blood, makes the rich red blood that Is needed for perfect digestion, and builds up the whole system. No other medicine can taJso its place. Advertisement. Red Cross Warns a Great- Plague Will . 'Sweep Over Europe WASHINGTON. Starch 26.-llerolsm ?of Amertbaij Hetl Croas'doctofj and nurses in tho plague-stricken distrteW of Serbia, is aocrlbed Th" reports to headquarters of A(wriiv4t4i xvevi ioso. ... .. , one report tells 0 the Inspiring and blood-tingling heroism of a ecrps of American wajr.en and me'A facing death every day that thoy have been In service in ;tU ievgella country, as Well as of certain additional American Red Cross surgeons and nurses, who, forewarned nd fully advised' about the state of af fairs in that section, volunteered to go to the rescue of their fellow Americans and are now on their. way. there, after haying arranged their personal affairs as though preparing for certain death. An official communication here places 'the deaths f r m typhus In Serbia so far nt jO.OOO, Thle atatement was made at lied Cross headquarters: With much of continental Europe In a highly unsettled etnte, -with fiehla and trenches drenched witti blood; with shal low graves or thoutands of dead scat tered throughout the war area; with ver min ami ruth 'on every hand; with hun dreda of thousands of wounded men be lag cared for in a pitifully inadequate way, a vast number of them having ln- iscuea woungs, ana witn the approach of w-arm weatnr and attending flies and mosiiitocs, Europe may be well gravely apprehsnalve fearful that an unprece- uentca plague win sweep the old world. FONTENELLE IMPROVERS FOR AUDITORIUM PURCHASE The proposition to vote bond for the purchase of the Auditorium, at the price of ,W0, which has been offered the city, was approved ot a meeting of the Fontenelle Improvement club at the School for the Deaf last evening. H. V, Parrlsh spoke briefly in favor of the proposition. The following candidates for the city crwnmlsslon addressed a mass meeting which was held following the session of the club: Mayor Janes Iahlman. Joe Jfummel. Harry Ztmman, Charles Fnttt, James McDonald.' L. Purmrster, Harry Hackett, E. I. Morrow, Theodore Jorgen sen and 3. 8. Coolcy, who will file today. J. J. Foy spoke on municipal questions of Interest at the prevent time. Mine Sweepers Are Busy in the Straits 34. Telegraphing the Daily Mall's IvONDON. Mareti Tuesday from falonlbl. i oi respondent says: Notwithstanding the continuance of the I vis. a light squadron today penetrated the Dardanelles as far ae tlie mine sone and computed rrnneiaetance without Incident. The mine aweeprra cosRlsm their work. "The cnuatton of lioatUles oeuve te the Kad weather had enabled the Turtle to effect Important lepaiis In the mere eerksusly demesrod furts and to bring new I-Mis late powtkm. repiarlng IW eteered by the fire ef the wsskhlps. The naval av-tioa will be r sou ratal shortly." Task eee mtmmwr K T T. Caasaasra. merchant. Ar.. writes: "fossy Kldaey pliu cared m a tna-jeewr rtandtsg rase of rbe mellaBi. I suffered miserably. A frtesjd teld pie ef belr.g cured; se I uaed them. miA they cured oie, too." Most middle age4 goa sad women are glad te learn Hal ruesy KWny I'tlls aftor-J a way to fsr(ai aWrp dlaturMaw bladder weakness, bi' baeke. rbeuntatUm. p ifflix-ae bailer eves, stitf sad swollen liata and ol r I!, alinkuted to adiy iruui-lee ild . , w tssce Advert taeroeaL M en, Your New Spring i a. S V. S 1 'I ' 1 I 1 try ' in 1 MB It Cot Mo More At j Are Ready and Fashions Are Different LITTLE differences, -little improvements come in every yenr. Men's elothes have nl ways improved. They are better today than they ever were at any time in history. They are smarter; they are more dignified; they fit better; they wear better. And good sound all-wool fabric and HAND TAILORING, the slogan of this store in a comprehensive line of suits for men of every walk in life, with a price' range of $13.65 and By Easy Steps to $40 are the results of careful merchandising insisting, that every garment be made to conform with our specifications, the 66 99 which means the best at any price you care to pay. The farorite fabrics for Spring are worsteds, casfiinieres, chev iots, in the late new shades of brown, gray, green, light checks, brown rlaids. brown mixture, novelty checks and striped effects. A favorite style, especially for young men, is a close natural-fitting coat, with two buttons, with patch pockets, with long full rolling 'and, broad lapel and with unpadded shoulders. It Is very smart and emphatic of aew fashions. Other moflels are conservative, but all are distinctly new. ' V -4 f e ' . ... sBaWMgyMSsHsMsaemdSBiaMMBf " ' B- w:ii Cl D J L Wearincr One of These Snifs Ensfer Snnrlnv 1 1 O -w a aaivw arwavv Mawaie mm WM w J $7.50 Values With Two Pair Pants, at $4.95 Gt,H)L, sturdy fabrics, in new patterns and colorings, splen didly tailored and finished. The coats are single and double breasted Norfolk styles, with two pairs of knickerboeker jant, lined throughout. Sizes: Ages (5 to 17 year?. Vou'll appre ciate the remarkable values, as an introductory offer, at $-1.95 FREE Boys' Pocket Saving Bank With every purchase in tho Boy's Clothing or I'urnishin'g !- payments Hatnrday, we will .ive a unique nickel-plated ptv-ket i i. . savings Dan., orgess-JTaah Co. OfonrtU rioor. Here's a Special Sale of Men's Shirts I "Star," "E. & W.,' Lion Brand" and Others Including: $1.50 to $2 Qualities, All in One Great Lot Saturday, at, Choice, 95c T'S a final clearaway of all broken lines and odd lots of some of the highest grade shirts including such makes as "Star," k "Lion" brand and others. Some oi' them have plaited bosoms, but mostly soft bosoms, s'il'f cuffs prevailing. This will probably be the last opportunity this season to buy stand ard made shirts at such a big cut price, shirts" that were formerly $1.50 to sjtf.OO, choice, Saturday, at Another Shipment of Our Famous Line of Men's Four-in-Hand Neckwear at 55c These ties are made of high quality neckwear silks In a wonderful selection of rich new patterns and colorings. Large flowing apron shapes, very special. Saturday, at 55c VHi Men's Shoe Bargains In the Men's Balmacaan Hats at Basement unusual reductions on all men's oxfords and high shoes. A clearance of all the short lines and odd pairs in our men's stock. Men's lo.50 gunmetal and tan russla calf n AfZ orfords e)eC V) Men's 13. So dull rulf snd tsn ruasla 0 A f" .elf boots. . . $&,HD Men's It. On dull alf and tan ruasla n C calf eafords. 0at.OO Men's 14. Ou dull calf and Ian ruseia e fs boots iJ)aiiV;J Men's 16 00 tan snd dull calf ox fords and boots. A $1.00 and $1.50 lST receivefl a shipment of 1 1 l Ivle liaimacuun hiits, (he new latest square $3.85 trown, drop tip effect, in snappy new pattern de signs. We do not hesitate to say they are the tlaaelest line ever shown. A special price for Saturday to lntro- tbetn. $1.50..., $1 Schobles soft and stifi', always S3.C0. Stetson hats always $3.50. $4.00 and $5.00. If you buy your Kaaier hat from Ourgeea-Nash there ill ) no dUaipuiuini-ni. areeae-aeea Cv-Maia fleer. urgess-Mash Company 'everybody's store' Our prices are always low, quality of home furnishings the best and the selection broad. Then, too, our terms of credit are exceedingly gener- iitis. I'.iiy it front Marl tilings and you w ill nlw avs lio sntNflod. A word to the wte la HAltTM.WS. Not thre hlOcndUl mx4'mI rnliiefi for Salurflsy's spiling: nriiic pttati a MTrrr. o impt i noT I It BRASS BED FOR SATURDAY ONLY I I i 1 jn With Every Purchase b(ibbJJ I iillp; kVaV II rilK liKI) IM.lltSTltATKl) IN A FULL iSlZti fJUAKANTKKD LACQUEK il-INCTI POST TJKASa 'HRD.' '"'Elegalitly finishetl in satin. Has ten fillers and heavy cross bars. It is Hiinple in design ye J, graeeful and well piojioitioncd. This ' wontlerful offer fully demonstrates llartman's liberal policy and our ability to hold down the cunt of living to the eonsmneiv Ifemember this offer ia ood for Saturday only. No red tape but giv en absolutely free with every purchase of $75 or over, Cash or Credit. W K Ol'I'ICK 1'Olt rfATl'KOA " HKI.1-1NO TH18 I1KN I' I N K HOI. ll OAK Ili'.WHIOU. Mu.le Willi "three Inrse, roomy .trawrrs. neat ly pollHh.il ami rinlHlieit koI.Icii, Mas larK'" ilst. rreni'li ievele.l plate mirror. A won derful buriialn at tills, rrmurkiililv low urlce. , 7 So Casn. 7 So a Month. -$6.25 1 1 ! w the orr COMPUTE IDiD HOtJ.V-KKtftNS 1 i 02 A MONTH 1001 l lw'?J Oatalorue THIS 111(111 URAUK HOIJU OAK KXTKX. HION TA HUM Is made throualiout of care fully selm-Uid wood. Hue heayv Dedeatal, mipportmi by four uarveil claw feel.- Taale top measure 42 ini'l.ea and when opened extrii1a to six feet lirillluntty polished in a rion snail, or aoinen a" r feretl tomurrow at tills unus ually low tirlie. . '. 1.00 CASH. . 1.00 A MOMTK. $9.90 11 OKNl'INlfi QUArtTEIl HAWKD OAK PJN1NO ROOOM CIMIR. Very atrongly . constructed and hlthl.v polished In sol dan.. Have broad baoka and roomy seats upholstered - in amaran- teed Imperial leather. A world beater at thla low prloe teainer. a. $1.59 Hartman's New Style Automatic Bed Davenport A SI'l.KNDIli VAI.I.'B IN A NKW li;hl(lN MISSIliN A I'TO.M ATI' ' HI':iJ liAVKN'l'oltT. IIjs extra I"h. slve fruiiii) mill iiihiIi t lirouxhuiii ( .-(il.ll) .VK. rii-ai iin.l ba. U iikIu'I strml In tin- l'Hl m ml.- of iinrii-ri.il Ifi.tli.T. KuhIIv iipfiMiea trom ilavenimrt bv lav t ri'cnii. full ai.Ml lien lit 1 1 1 v til. Our ari)'i lal salr (irlcii onlv -in i.a iioui it $16.75 J tops S1.75 Cash. $1.50 a Month. - at XX a-rf sw a- sa r aw a - av s 1 'yi11 " 1 la. mnanJ I ICiM'.I.V STl:l I'Tl li i-i ii.i. v est iii.i: i ;.- a it r. iiua n ei,r frwiiif. M'l lur lahlr ti k and llaen. -..ll oiut'lrtrl V l on moll. n hr. a i. Ui ala oil IfkH' ruliin-r 1 1 r rld rmu.ai lr f.u I , .. I or tmilit in mil $4.95 AN I M M M.I. V nKAI'TII I'l, ASi ATTittt'Tivi: i.i rut a M v TAin.i:. Slilllt t'llnilllinlll of wrll araxinol "iffi. n uuarln a. a.. I inntaiion ii. Ilaa l.raiv iilmik lop, eoiiprt.d lv Ines.lVf lAfil ih1. t.atlna on a liavy arroll baaai. A' s lu'ftlv new tii-aiKii. prt J $7.69 Ml.ItIT HKilKVT HTKKI. IUSI Ma.a. fill aijie with laie u en m4 It-I ota tuw liurr rrli im Mallti' el. 'I I. ral.lv nnkal tiiia- niM lii-ludlrv el, ..I tneet h.r lad with all IIm n.e l lti iniiiroTainenis ur r.rv low rit-e ... 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS STREET 'iMiaicti luiTitf U9mm rvmji .' h iv I tlL) 23.S0 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS STREET A