Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    HTli V.KE: OMAHA. THUKSDAV. MAUHI 2. 1015.
Bringing Up Father
Copyright ii4. International
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
" Trrrrrr" i u c i ( mr.jiwia ) . the. , .
I Bt ALL f?liHT vf MAMIE'S AKEL ( usvJI? FiSt TO OREW ,T v. ,
L U1-7-r-r SES LATER! DRE f -J fifel T
. . r i i j
Will Carry Boosters for Joe Stecher
from Oakdale Right of Match
With Weitftgnard.
Fairbury Wants
Long Schedule
FAIRBURT. Neb., March 24.-Kperial
Telegram.) President Crawford of the
Fairbury Bam Ball association, left to
night to attend a conference of State
league prtsldents tomorrow to arrange
a schedule. Kelrbury I bitterly
Johnson and Willard Are Forced by
Weather to Do Practically All
Work Indoori.
Mat fans who hsye been following the
srnsstlonal career of Joe Stecher, the
Nebraska youngster who haa come so
rapidly to the fore, - will Invade Omaha
In a special train to sec the Kteoher
l Vetctgaar1 fracas at the Auditorium
'thr. .night of March The train will
come fi-om Oakdale over the Northwest
ern and will Have Oakdale at W o'clook
In the "horning- It la posslhle a second
special will como from Norfolk.
It la expected that fully 1.5'ifl wrestling
buna 111 come to' Omaha from Norfolk,
Onkilale, Scrlbncr. DoiIkc, Fremont, Lin
coln and other points where Steelier la
popular. ' Augmented by (he Omaha
fans 'the hcusn at the Auditorium the
night of tire) match should reach well
toward capacity. ' . -
Kteclier la said to be working- diligently
every Cay. He haa recently thrown two
chap who thought they co"!d pin him.
KUCher dumped a lad named Woods at
Norfolk Saturday and threw Hassan Kly,
the Boston Turk, at I.oiilsville. Ky., a
fsw night ago.
J." P. Ilrtmahek, malinger for Joe an I
hla brother.. Anton, who will alao wrestle ;
here Tueaday night, la expected n !
Omaha today to complete final arrinigo-l HASTING8, Neb., March 24. (Special
menta for the big fray. Telegram.)- A proposal to cut the ache-
I dule from 112 to ninety-eight game will
5. be conaldored at a meeting of the State
j llaae Ball league which Prea'dent Mill
i haa called for Orand laland next Frl
! day afternoon.
HAVANA. March M.-Juck Johnson and
oppoed to the nlnety-rlght-game ached ilc Jrill Wlllard have aettled down to the
advocated by fork. President Crawford I regular routine of training In preparation
favora U2 games, and asserts It does not
coat any more to assemble a team for a
longer ached ule than for a ahort one.
Kalrbtiry would favor a logame sched
ule. Fairbury will stand only for a lonssr
schedule of games.
Savannah Atlantics
Lose to Highlanders S
SAVANNAH, Oa.. March ;4 -The New
York American defeated the Savannah
Bouth Atlantic league club here today.
Pcore: It H E.
New York 1 1
Harannah S 9 2
Batterlea: Keating, CaldwelL Warhop
and Nunarnaker; Sweeney, Hpiingman,
Whitfield. Camnitg and Short, Hchwert.
State League Will
Hold Meeting Friday
; i
Science is lin Jin. a more
important place in every
human activity, and the
clothing industry is no ex
ception. The maker of our Ken
sington Clothes have re
duced good clothes making
to an absolute scientific
A Kensington Suit does
the business in every way
that, amade to. order suit
will do and will cost you
13 to $15 less. Handsome
Kensingtons for Easter
$20. 25 and 30.
i East and west playrra: r:-
Fose antt Blttinger
! Kills and Martin
Abbott and Kirk lor
, Scanned and Dreyfus...).,.
.Nelson and MeOann
. . I-OBEHfl.
Aicke and Thomas. ,i
Hruce and gliawcrons. ........ v. ..
Con ley and Iwls
North and south players:
Bawaon and Krell....... ji,
Price and Manning , ,m
Barton Keynolda 2'a
Wilson and Morgan vi,
Ulster and Bell
I Ros and Htebblns. ,...l4
' Buck and- King I",
1 Crampton all' Balrd v
... V
.. m
for their fight for the heavyweight cham
pionship of the world on April 4. Con
stant ralna confine their work chlefl to
j Indoor training. The champion haa hla
; headquarters In the gymnasium at the
i Stadium and the challenger la training; at
the wiburb of Mlramar. Both men are
charging admission fees to their quarters.
! which are visited every afternoon by sev
eral hundred Cubans and Americana.
oxlng la a novelty to the natives,' al
though the tourtata appreciate the fine
points of the sport.
The Americana are Interested chiefly
In Johnson'! condition. The champion
appear to be In surprisingly good form,
lie' weighs 28 pounds and In the eleven
day before the fight expects to reduce
hla weight to 216 pounds. He Is a trifle
fat at the hips, although hla weight is
not eioeaslve, considering- the amount of
time left for training and the moist Cu
ban climate. He work In heavy clothe
and perspires profusely.
Johnson' exercise yesterday consisted
of Shadow boxing, work with dumb
bells and eight round of boxing, with no
Intermission, with Pave Mills, Colin Bell
and BUI Scott, all heavy, fast men.
Johnson's wind was excellent and hi
old cleverness In hitting, blocking and
clinching was evident. Hid Judgment of
distance waa trifle short, but he aald
this Would be rectified by practice. He
was as confident and good natured a la
usual with him. Willard, after his Ions;
period of training at F.I Paso, la going
at' -an easy" peace, taking- up about the
same routine as Johnson. His' road Work
I lighter than the champion's. His wind
la good and his form Is Improving. Hit
beat work Is -with Jim Savage. -
. The ticket sale opened today,
far there haa been no betting.
j Tlaera Open Heaaon.
PRINCETON.'!. l March !t.-Prlice-)ton
opened the bane hull season here to-'
i day wllh a to Victory over Uettvs-
Widow of General
Stonbw.all Jackson
Dies at Charlotte
the man or young man wanting
htylihh clothes for lens money.
We guarantee everyone.
. n south lath.
Diamond Dope
Chiropractic Bill
Through Both Houses
I From a Steff Correepondent.)
LINCOLN. March 24 (Hpeclal.) All
that Is needed now to legalize the chiro
practic profession In Nebraska. Is Oov
ernor Morehead's signature to sennte file
!!. That bill passed the house Tuesday
afternoon, with o votes for and 25
agulnit. All the doctors In the house
voted against the bill.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 24. Iftpoclal.) f h
the Idea of eliminating nlKht aesslons,
the house voted to extend the afternoon
eesslons until 6: TO. This was done on
motion of Mr. Tlbbets.
Mr. IBounty Indicated that he would
make an attempt to secure a reconsid
eration of his bill, H.. R. t.3, appropri
ation JuO.OOO for Improvements at Curtis
School of Agriculture, which the finance
committee reported for indefinite postponement.
Bombs Are Dropped by Aeroplanes
on Partly Completed Subma
rines at Hoboken.
LONDON, March 24. The British ad
miralty this afternoon Issued a statement
saying that a British air raid has been
successfully cairlcd out today on Ger
man submarines at Hoboken, three miles
outside of Antwerp.
The text of the admiralty's statement
was as follows:
"The following has been received from
Wing Commander Longmore:
" 'I hove to report that a successful
nlr attack was carried out this morning;
by five machines of the Dunkirk squadron
on the German submarines being con
structed at Hoboken, near Antwerp.
" 'Two of the pilots had to return,
owing to thick weather, but Squadron
Commander Iver T. Courtney and Flight
Lieutenant H. Roser reached their objec
tive and after planing down to 1.000 feet
dropped four bombs each
" 'It is believed that considerable dam
age has been done to both the works and
two submarines,
' 'The works were observed to be on
fire. In all,, five submarines were Ob
served on the Blip.
" 'Flight Lieutenant B. Croesley-Meates
was c bilged by engine trouble to descend.
In Holland. Owing to the mist the two
pilots experienced considerable difficulty
In finding their way and they were sub
jected to a heavy gunfire while deliver
ing their attacks.' "
Flight Commander Crossleey-Meates of
the British aviation service, in conse
quence of englen trouble while en route
to make an attack on Antwerp, waa
obliged, to land at Krunlngen, according
to a dispatch from The Hague to Ren
ters. The airman was not Injured, lie
will be Interned.
llnrnn Stand Br Commission Form.
HURON. S. D.. March 24. (Special.) A
movement to change the city g-overament
of Huron from the commbislon plan back
to the alderraanlc waa decisively defeated
Tuesday, the total vote for the commis
sion being 762 and for the aldermanio
form 23. This gives a majority of 4S9,
the total .vote cast being 1,015.. The prepo
sition waa submitted to the people mainly
on the plea that com'mlselon government
had proved too expensive. . "'.
;.' j , , '. ' r ':
Warehouse Bill
) i Made Special Order
; ' (From a Staff. CorresponJlent.).
LINCOLN. March 24. (Speelat Tele
gram.) The ws re house bill, senate file
No. 1, which has had a more- or lsa up
and down existence, will be made a epe
clal order for Friday morning at ' H:
o'clock. .Republicans .were not erv fa
vorable to the bill and tried to hay it
postponed, 'but Senator Howell craeked
the party whip and the democrat fell in
lino and made the special order.
To Open New Silica Beds. .
8LTERIOR, Neb., March 24. (Speoal
Telegram.) Santa Fe surveyor arrived
yesterday wtlh their outfit at Webber.
Kan., where they are surveying; for a
spur to the silicta beds four miles south
east of this city, which are owned by the
Cudahy interests. It I reported the ones
being worked In the western part of this
state arc depleted and they will open
these beds this spring or summer.
P. CJ. l Smm
ssj "s sW
CHAJRLOTTE, N. C March I4.-Mr.
Mary Anna Jackson, widow of General
Stonewall Jackson, died at her home
j here this evening. ' i
! Mrs. Jackson waa born near this city
July B, 1M1, the daughter of Rev. Robert
Hall Morrison, a Pi-esbyiertan minister
j and founder of Davidson college. She
jattended Salem (N. C.) academy and cul
lleae, finishing In 14.
Her marriage look place In July. 167. I
Jackson was then a major, serving as In-
structor In the Virginia Military Institute
at Lexington. She became a close student
c cf military tactics and always took an
THIS CkCAT UTTL1 SOOC ivgresetve Interest In the fortunes of
the confederate armies. After her hus-
bnnd died of wounds In IMS she wrote a
olum of memoirs of his career.
Oenenral and Mrs. Jackson had two
f fflftel CUvinff Dulse ' children, both daughters. On died In
UIICIU nlJlGJHUUJ inf, nd th. other married William
trnu of fart for fan ' K. Chvlstlan. At her death In HW she
left a daughter, aho beame the wife of
F. R. Prratnn. a charlotte attorney, and
a son, Thomas Jarkson Christian, now a
Contain rule for
Pitchitur Corves, life
histories and ni-enr
baseball tar. and 1915 i,luUnl ln l'nl4 cavalry.
Baseball Catalogue ol ' tal,,,n" "h Philippine.
1 ft as sa svri m m w mm j m xri y frwri)l V
the I 1 ;
Iver I I
surferett a relapse yesterday.
The funeral will be held at the First
I Presbyterian church here tomorrow af
ternoon. Public buildings, s hools and
busJlnsea eatabllshinents mill b cloawt
during the services. The hodv will be
taken la Islington. a . ax omrHiiiied
by a military escort snd will rest heviriv
that ef Mr Jarkson hustiatil
ftfSl STh a m 1 1 If VlSTIHIi i,he JrkUB homestead In tble clt
I -XlM'rn;fiJ!'h had been ill for many month, s.
Official in
Western League hla JOHNNY
h YE It ft Glove; -
modeled after the'
glove used by
famous V.
himself. Y ou
pu! down lb
high one. The bJI
To. 10Z iaa laathw. tl
Ma-Sftnea. aoraia
oU by Omaha's HCttJitTS T-
X-aTiu ooottm itoa.
We l4 la ktT STls sovtIim fr
its aa.b. Tcaaia d uvir
riMst fuv&s. kiSMI M-WM. rl
W. Eiweva. Sim 1 iw !!..
Steamship Denver
Abandoned by Its
Crew in Mid-Ocean
NEW YORK, Mann S4.-The Malto rail
way line, owner of the American steam
ship Denver, received confirmation today
cf the wireless mensage sent last night
from the steamer tit. Louis announcing
that the Denver' crew had been taken
of I and th Denver had been abandoned
1,309 milea tt of New York.
This confirmation came In a wirelea
message from captain Avery' of the Den
ver. The message said that the Denver
bad been . abandoned In a sinking condi
tion and that Captain Avery and hia crew
were aboard the Atlantic transport liner
Manhattan and would reach thla port
next Saturday. ' .
A somewhat conflicting message which
stated that the Denver's captain and hla
wife were aboard the steamer Megantlo
wss received by wireless tuday from Q.
II Metcalfe, the Meganttc.' captain, by
the White Star line. The message read
as follows:
"This afternoon rescued captain and
wife and thirteen members of .crew of
Denver, also 'Captain Smith of the Amer.
lean steamer Avtland. , Manhattan ha
r inaliidei-. fifty-six."
The total of persons rescued, a i cording
to the message from the Megantlc' com
mander, is seventy-one.
The Denver sailed for New York from
Hremrrhaven March 1. having delivered
there a cargo of cotton. It waa built ln
1K01 at Wilmington. Del. It was JT2 teat
long and of 4.54D gross tonnage. Until
recently It sailed between this port and
Galveston, and last spring it was utt.'lsed
aa a government transport to take troop
from l.alveaton to Vera Crux,
toe apparent conrilct In message
aa cleared up with the announcement
by the Mallory line that Captain Avery
of the steamer lienver ass boar-l the
.nm, inun nu n ins message was
sent, and that the Megantir was the vea-
el due here Saturday. Tlt Manhitttaa
I expected to reach here Monday
Frint .'ser4l
TROR. U , Mi- h .
-1fcV ll!ne if-e',-!..' A
'' 1 i'" V a
r". M efif sT' ! r. tr r- t r
i ;. . i
J. -1 1 '
From s Ftaff CorrcKpcndcnt
I.INtXiLN. March 24 .-i Kp.-. u i The
Kilwsv ruiuiiiiMKHi lia fixed
I April 1 aa a rtste to luar l' sppli-ntlon
of the Monroe Independent T-1. plion
i f' (jn siM'li itli'n fi.r f" !! n t
J'.r. ' worth f r. k
U i '. rt u f ffi-
P' '1 IS t
jib fm
f. X. " A j
s i
Smassas .fc.J,f.Ml"1'" II
- i
1 !
3 : ;.;
(ByiheHovse of Kuppenlieimojj
IT-0RTUNATE man if your dealer can rapplr
ryou wiia b genuine ivlavivix opnng uver
coat, under the actual KunDenheimer trade
name and trade-mark, as exclusively designed
and tailored by this great House.
The KLAYlCLE, as first created and intro
duced hy the House of Kuppenheimer, became at
once the sensation of the overcoat world.
It is the most widely imitated overcoat style in
America there being endless attempts or varia
tions in the wav of copying the style cr the name.
The Kuppenheimer KLAVICLE is a superb coat
as interpreted for Spring, with silk yoke and sleeve
lining and light skeleton treatment inside.
Its peat feature is the absence of all seams
in back and arm-hole. The entire sleeves and
back cut from one piece cf cloth making a per
fect draping, roomy coat that doesn't bind the
arms or shoulders a military idea based upon
the Cavalryman's cape.
It has wide collar and lapel, full soft roll; the
front buttons through. There are outside patch
pockets with flaps.
You must try on this coat to realize how be
coming it is, what a dash it has of its own, and
how it separates itself from mny loose models and
"slip-over" coats offered so generally this Spring.
Prices $20 to $40
KBpfreahrater OotKes art sold j rtprt
XMrtitirt store ia Bearfr CTcry MciropdiLaa
c Miter ef the United States ass! Guuria. Ytw
name a pest caxtl will brinf yon our fWok trf
; .''hrnrjt V