Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    j in-: r.r.K: uviaiia. i.'m;m'.'i
Acid in Stomach
Sours the Food
Cays Excess of Hydrochloric
Acid is Cause of Indigestion.
A well-known antliorltv mtn that
Stomach trouble and indigestion l near
ly always due to acidity acid stomach
and not. a moat folks believe, from
ft lack of digestive Jukes, lie states thai
an execs of hydrochloric add lit the
stomach tetania digestion and starts food
fermentation, then our meals sour like
garbage in a ran. forming acrid fluids
und guses which Inflate the stntnacli like
av toy balloon. We then net that heavy,
lumpy feeling In the rhest. we eructate
sour food, belch gas. or have heartburn,
flatulence, water-brash, or nausea.
He tells us to lay aside all digestive
ids and lntead. get from any pharmacy
four ounces of Jad Salts and take a
tablespoonfnl In a glass of water before
breakfast while It Is effervescing, and
furthermore, to continue thla for one.
week. While relief follows the irst
dose, it Is Important to neutralise the
acidity, remove the gas-making mass,
start the liver, stimulate the kldneya
and thus promote a free flow of pure
digest! vs juices. .
Jad Halts Is inexpensive and is made
from the acid of grapes and mon
Juice, combined with - llthla, and sodium
fhosphate. This harmless salts is used
by thousands of people for stomach
trouble with excellent results Advertisement.
Rupfuro Liko
I Cured r.lino"
Old Sea CapSaiu Cured His Own
Bnptnro After Doctors Said
, "Operate er Death."
EU Kme4r "4 Book Seat frse.
' Captain ' Colling sailed 'the seas for
many years ; then he sustained a bad
double rupture that soon forced him to
not only remain ashore, but kept hlin
bedridden for years. Jfe tried doctor
after doctor and truss after truss. No
results! Finally, he was assured that
he must either submit to a dangerous
and abhorrent operation or die. He did
heiutal Ha cured himself Instead.
FBow Mea ana Woasea, Yea Don't Have
Te Be Cut Up, ana Yea Don't Have
Ta Ba Torture By Trasses."
Captain Colllngs made a study of
himself, of his condition nd-at last be
was rewarded ty the finding of the
method that so quickly made him a well,
strong,, vigorous and happy man.
Anyone can use the same method!
It's simple, easy, safe and .Inexpensive.
Kverv ruptured person, tn - the world
should have the Captain Colllngs book,
telling all about how ha cured himself,
and now anyone! may follow the same
treatment in hi own home without
any trouble. The'btook sod medicine are
FREE. They will be seat prepaid to
any rupture' sufferer who will All out
the below coupon. But send It right
awny no btfore you put down this
Opt. VT. A. Colllngs (Inc.)
Box 70Wetertown. N. Y.
Please send me your FREE Rupture
Remedy (iid Book without any obli
gation on my part whatever.
Addrtsi ;s
ave xtoet mat t N'sw Beacon TYeee
Bargees-Oreads Ce. Lighting fixture
Tire Chief Beeorera Fire Chief
Charles Salter Is bsck at work after a
few days of Indlsponltlon.
Xebraska art age aa fceea ase'
New office between city hall and Fon
tenelle hotel, 211 South eighteenth Bt
Tie State Beak of Omaha pays
per cent on time deposits, t per cent on
savings account. All deposits In thla
bank are protected by the depositors'
"Today's Complete Movie FrosT"'
classified section today, and appears la
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer,
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
A reeling of Secorivr is one of the
benfitee acquired when ycu office in The
line Building, ' the building that la al
ways new." Pee us now for a few rooms
available April 1.
City Dads to Be Onsets The city
commissioners have accepted an Invita
tion to be guests of Union Pacific lodge
No. 17, Ancient Order of United Workmen,
Friday evening of this week.,
X-ake Forest College Cloets Lake
Forest college has closed on account of
starlet fever developing. Edwin Bunch
and Mary Roe of Omaha and other Ne
braska students have been sent home.
Begnlate Jitneys A communication
from the Hansoom Park Improvement
club regarding proposed regulation of the
.lltney buses has been referred to the
city council committee of the whole for
discussion next Monday morning.
Asks City to Pay E. Wilson of 34 J
North Twenty-aixth street, has asked the
city to nay him U damages on account
of water flowing Into his basement, due,
he asserts, to lack of a catch basin at
Twenty-sixth and Janes streets.
Bearing- on Old Bandings At 10 a.
m. on March 30 the city commissioners
will sit to hear objections against the
condemnation of old buildings at 614 to
6!t South Tenth street, owned by the
Union Pacific.
Bss Xolaes Kaa Arrested Harry
Chandler. 2517 Decatur street, waa ar
rested by Detectives Rich and Pszanowskl
and will be taken to Des Moines, a here,
he is wsnted for wife desertion.
Street Car Ken to Church Special
services will be held at the Diets Memor
ial church Sunday evening for the bene
fit of the street car men and their
Betall Clerks Meet Retail clerks and
employes of Omaha will meet on the six
teenth floor of the City National bank
building this evening. This will be
the first meeting tn a year. It waa called
by J. H. Gillespie, the president.
Take Qua from Brewery After
breaking Into the Krug Brewing company
and ransacking Xhe offices from' top to
bottom a thief or thieves stole one re
volver. Xo other articles were found
... "Place for Dance Changed On ac
count of fir at Frenser hall,' Twenty
fourth and Parker, the Fontenelle base
bait club wtlt give Its benefit dance at
Florence Eagles' hall Wednesday evening.
Beats Two Con Men at Thtir Own
Game and Comet Out of Meeting
with Roll of Bills.
Magney Rules Smith
Must Give Warrants
to Jurors for Pay
County Attorney Magney has decided
that Clerk of the blstrlct Court Smith
must " Issue to Jvora who serve In the
district court, warrants for the amount
due "therrf and these: warrants shall draw
Interest at 7 per cent; until paid. There
will be money In the treasury to pay
jurors in September, but until that time
there will be no funds, and Magney de
cided the above procedure should be fol
lowed until then. .
Mrs. Esther Wilson,
Pioneer Woman, Dead
You need never hesitate t3 use Reslnol
Ointment and Reslnol Soap. There ta
nothing In them to Injure or irritate the
tendercst skin. Reslnol Is a doctor's pre
scription which for- twenty years has
been used by careful physicians for ec
terns and many other Itching, burning,
unlslghtly skin affections. They prescribe
Ttesinol freely, knowing that Its soothing,
healing action Is brought about by a
medication so bland and gentle a to be
suited to the most delicate skin even of
a tlnv babv.
Reslnol Ointment and Reslnol Boap stop
itching Instantly, and apeedlly heal skin
humors, plmrl;, sores, bolls, bums snd
plies. All druggists sell them. For" sam
ples write to Dept. 9-U, Reslnol, Balti
more. Md.
Shampoo with Reslnol Soap, . rubbing
its lather thoroughly into the scalp, so
as to work in the soothing, healing
Reslnol medication. Thla almost always
stops dandruff and scalp itching, and
keeps the hair alive, thlik and lustrous.
ilrs. Father Wilson, aged 84 years, died
Monday, at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. J. A. Bryans, 1011 Emmet street.
She had not been !n good health for
some time, but was critically 111 only a
Mrs. Wilson had been a resident of
Omaha since 171, when she came from
Prince Edward Island with her husband.
John T. Wilson, who died shortly after
ward. Almost from the time she came to
Omaha she was an active worker In the
United Presbyterian church, being- the
oldest member In point of membership
ax the time of her death. fihe had made
her home with her daughter for several
years past.
Mrs. Wilson was born at Cornwall,
Prince Ldw.ird Island, June 22, 1830. Fur
children, seven grandchildren and two
great grandchildren ' survive her. the
former being Mrs. i. A. Bryans, Mrs. L.
TV. Devalon. Miss Maria Wilson and
James A. Wilson, all of Omaha.
Funeral services will be held froti the
home of her 'daughter at 1911 Kmmet
street at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon,
Services at the house will be open for
friends, but Interment at Prospect Hill
cemetery will be 'private.
Is John C'autolla a slicker or a
The above question la a problem
that various members of the police
department are arguing pro and con
among themselves. You can figure It
out for yourself after perusing the
following details:
John Is a section hand HvInK at Fifth,
and Marey streets, who during the course
of much pick wielding has saved the sum
of 110(1 In SI Mil. John has hoard, so he
relates, that there are certain harsh In
dividuals In our midst, who take other
people's money by various unladylike
means. Bd John to be safe decided to put
his S100 in n bank.
On his way to the dcfoltory John
paused In several oaaea and while await
ing the activities of the man with the
white Jacket and copper lined breath,
vigorously waved said bills In the
of parched strangers.
Meet (eaatrymen.
" Twi fellow countrymen, aier convers
ing In low. arid tones, approached and
made John's acquaintance. One could
speak only a few word In English, such
ns Idiosyncrasy, nypotncticai. eic, ana
was further handicapped with large
amounts of money, which he wished to
deposit for safe keeping to the account of
some good, kind friend like John.
As the conversation proceeded. John
thought deep thoughts. He excused him
self for a moment and hastened from the
emporium. A short time elapsed John
returned and negotiation were resumed.
John grew enthusiastic over the trust-
lag simplicity of his acquaintance and
once more displayed his 100 dollar bills.
John grew skeptical, did up the bills In
his bandana handkerchief and put It In
his Inside cost pocket.
John again waxed enthusiastic and drew
the kerchief from his pocket (get this,
now!), but did not display the bills.
Tied la Another Bandana.
He gave the little bundle to his
"friends," at their request, who wrapped
the notes belonging to the wealthy gent
with the limited vocabulary, around
John's wad. This they tied tightly la
another bandana and gave to John.
John received the package, bade them
farewell and started to leave when sud
denly a stsrtllng idea struck hlm-he
pauaed, and turning Informed the pair
he had forgotten, but would have to
have 8 In the bundle for Immediate use
He started to undo It, but was ex
citedly begged not to take' the trouble,
hi newly made partner offering to lend
him the amount a a token of gratitude.
John accepted the loan and disappeared.
Several blocks up the street John un
did the bundle torn newspapers fluttered
to the- ground. John laughed, 'eefully
and from the Inside pocket of hi coat
drew forth the bandana tn which reposed
his one hundred dollar Mils, while from
his outer pocket he brought forth the
IJ5 loan.
In some secluded corner two harsh In
dividuals who take other people's money
by various unlady-llke means, opened
their bundle torn newspaper fluttered
to the ground. It Is rumored the harsh
Individuals did not laugh, gleefully. - .
"Where did you get your education?"
inquirer the chief of detective of John.
"My kid, he rcad-a me da pap," re
plied John coyly.
Moral : "All Is not dough' that crackles."
The Auditorium bond ordinance has
been introduced and will be passed next
week by the city council. The proposi
tion will be submitted May 4 and the
amount of the proposed bond issue is
tir,ooo. ) ,'
Banish Scrofula
Xood's Barsapartlla Cleanse ths Blood,
kla Trouble Vanish.
Omaha Thirteenth
City in Number of
Soldiers Enlisted
Although Omaha has a population
smaller than Pittsburgh. Philadelphia.
Boston. New Pi leans, Kansss City. Buf
falo. Baltimore, !jtn Angeles. Seattl" and
Miany other largo cities, the Pate t'lty
exceeded al those and many other M
fltles during the Tast quarter of 1!14 In
the number of men enlisted for the arm.
Omaha rsnks thirteenth largest as an
army recruiting Matlon for that period,
according lo figures Just received here
from the War department. H ranked in
the same class with Minneapolis, Ietrolt
and Pittsburgh and signed up ZH re
cruits for I'ncle Sam's soldiery. Although
thirteenth In the list. Omaha is no laiger
than Bcranton. Pa., which was listed
forty-second. Omaha Is much smallei
than Baltimore, which ranked only for
tieth. Fait Lake City had the .poorest re
crultlng record, only fifty-seven men.
while Ban Francisco ranked first, with
1.MW. New Yark and Chicago coming
First Lieutenant P. A. Buell. coast ar
tillery corps, is In charge of the Omaha
recruiting station, with Recruiting Ser
geant Fred M. Hansen and three iun
under him.
Robert H. Duke, who posed as a aon
of u millionaire In Omaha and raised
money by worthless checks, changed his
plea of not guilty to a charge of forgery
tn one of guilty and was sentenced to
from one to twenty years In the penten
tlary by District Judge English.
Second Anniversary
of 1913 Tornado
Almost Unmarked
The serond anniversary of tl.r l.nnn.l.
Wl'ltii i.n i:trr Kunly. lflS. laid wat
a Ure part of Omaha and caused nmre
than l'O deaths and m.-mv Injurlr. piissed
almost unnisrk-d In tlie ilty Tuesilny sc
in the nlnrt of tho many sufferers hy
reason of ft.
Kxcept that (he puth of the storm mm
Is marked only tv newer and tmrr huild
Iiirs than stood thcro ! foro die tornmlo
tore Its way through the honrt of the i lly,
practically no hylai evidence of Us
visitation remains, o completely has
Omaha recovered from the eutastrophe.
The commission which Wiis appointed to
expend the $ine.m relief fund estsb
llshed by the state reported today that
a balance of V."4 remains. Reports on
Kren I nnr Stmrli rteanlnr.
As eeronc knows, the liowels are the
pvithiis svstem of tlie hoi'y. unit It is
of the Kieatrst Importame tlml t lie y
iroe on e ea h day. If your bnwrls r.
ropm t one! ipate 1. Ike a dose of rh.iin
berlnln's Tilr'rts l ist attr supper snl
they will correct the disorder. Obtain
able everywhere Advertisement.
j (Jeoise Y Millei. 4)-rr old son of
Ilelhuel .1. Miller, a farmer near Flor
ence, h is enlisted In the n.ivy as an hp
picntlce seaman and mill go to the tialn
Ing station at tlreat 1-Mk"s. III. lie sihl
he thoiiKht he w.iulil ll'ic the sea brttcr
than the farm, and mould lme nou
chance to get ahead In the moild, even
tluiuch some folk nre urging the hack-to-thn-liind
; Dope Fiends Break
Into Medicine Chest
' at Visiting Nurses
licit iliioulc dope fields, desperate to
. oi'tmn t lie. Foottiirs dniRs they had lv
. i ome Addict.rd to, lnoke into the meilicfiie
ehesf at the 'Visiting Nurse hearquar
ters at .Ificol.s hill. was (old by mem
'lci of the sdvisoiv committee of the
Ani-hited f'harltle In meeting at the
'iniin r in I club at noon. The advlsoi v
committee .e He. I to ask the county
h.iard to care for ,drug victims at ti e
county hospital. H was agreed the vie.
time who are lieiiiR rdeised from Jul!
are becoming so numerous as lo sp
proach a niilsince snd confinement Ir
th county hcpltiil for treatment. I tlif
Solution of the problem.
A going btislncua ear. e sold quickly
through The Bee's "Business Chances '
$25, $30, $35 and up
MELLOW Sprint? days
will be here before
you know it.
For months we've been
anticipating the time
when you'a be wanting
smart new Spring gar
ments. , -
On our tables you will
find an array of all the
new creations for this
season's wearing.
You'll find them mod
estly priced consistent "
with satisfactory tailor
ing We'd lift to have you
look over that $25 line,
Jt'e the be$t yet.
NICOLI, TheTkilor
eW Jerrems Sons '
209-211 So. 15th St.
55 Store Hours-8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Saturday, Till 9 P. M.
Musierole Gives Delicious Comfort
Scrofula eruptions on the face and body
are both annoying and disfiguring. Many
a complexion would be perfect If they
mere not present!
This disease shows Itself In other ways,
as bunches In the neck. Inflamed eye.
lids, sore ears, wasting of the muscles, a
form of dyspepsls, and general debility.
Ask your druggist for Hood's Bsraapa
rilla. Tills great medicine completely
eradicates scrofula. It purifies and en
riches the blodd, removes humors, and
builds up the whole system. It has stood
the test of forty years, snd has received
thousands of testimonials of the entire
satisfaction It has given.
Scrofula la either Inherited or acquired.
Better be asire you sre quite free from
it. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla and begin
taking it today. Advertisement.
StronsT Wlade Cease NraralaJa.
Don't suffer, get a e bettle of Bloan s
Liniment. It penetrates to the psinful
parts at ence. Kills pain. All druggists.
When those sharp pains go shooting
through your head, when' your skull
seems aa If It would split. Just rub a lit
tle MUSTEROLE oft the temples and
neck. It draws out the Inflammation,
soothes way the pain gives quick relief.
MU8TEROLK is a clean, .wrhtte oint
ment, made with oil of mustard. Better
than a mustard plaster snd dots not blister!
Doctors and nurses frankly recommend
MUSTEROLE for Bore Throat Bron
chitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neu
ralgia, Congestion, Tleurtsy. Rheumatism,
l.umbsgo, Pains and Aches of the Back
or Joints. Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises,
Chilblains, Frosted Feet Colds Of the
Chest tit often prevents Pneumonia).
At your druggist's. - In 2te and Mo jars,
and a special large hospital else for 13.60.
Be sure you get the genuine MUSTER
OLE. Refuse Imitations get what you
ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleve
land, Ohio.
a t
kuildlof ib-
pratMir anal
4 SM1UM t
U.k ( luhaicl
kiolM oa is
part ot IS rolr
ton. It's Sollsrs Is
Borkrt is ply
expert u-jial-sl tup"
Ion luck as I m aula M
teer. Call pkoss sr arlis.
Hawker Awcrtcas IsatiWU
al tvirstrtcsl mtmtr.
104 W. O. W.
Vfcoae Douglas SOJT.
Orpheumites Sign
the Peace Petition
When the peace petition was clrcu ated
Sunday at the Orpaeum it received l.Woj
signers at the matinee aad evening as-!
temblage ef spectators, and on Monday
tutre t as nearly as many signers. It Is j
ti.rough a request ef the Women's rss
club that Manager Byrne is asklnp. Or-
pi. sum patrons to sign the petition It
ia to be aent to freairient Wilson. 'sug
gesting that he ask neutral nations tn
send delegates t a peace convention sa
that they may urge a common omand
for the war to cease.
Unusual Sale on Mattresses
t? !i s m mam I
It.; TVT 1 Aff
1 mr.oivl.r -r 1 fl
ideally vru
L tl of
. a
r i k 1
Viij.?ii, f .i
Make Teething Easy for Baby
.KrSeffiflslow's Soothing STtrp
ths stttratM weaknees eftea reeult In
Impaired sm1in4.WMV.ened syMlabt.
brakchitU snd sxher troubles, bat If
AceM'e Fmmhhm is 0wm promptly,
It ctvrles itnacui to the organs
and creates rich kloAd ta huiiA
up the deviated force. T.Y
111 t U Si Wfmm AkMSwa
rt yi 'i'V.' -
For the benefit of our
patrons and those who
exwet to uewi mat-
tresses Roon, n are goinp: to put on sale our entire
line of Jnmbo, Bar-upp and famous Dixie No-Tuft Mat
tresses, covering three of most widely known good mat
tresses on the market today.
Come and have one reserved for you. We will deliver now
or later, at your convenience. You ave lilU MONKV if you
buy Miw.
SIR NoTu,t Msttrsaees. N.i
9 I wtuft to pull out. no duster dirt
pix acts, itusranierd not 10 mat wr
0 tfl select, clean, tin
VOt9U hlaiai liel cotton lln
tera, felted In alieeia. Iian I
tufied. roll eriae. art tn U.
sirirlly nllai. bla bar sal 1
at Hie uric.
Sale Price $5.75
Slrravi, luu cotton maul in
tiona. a-acli arctl.n a leifit l mutli
In li If. an ti'k
Beaton & Laier Co.
Sale Price, $11.50
Pkene'Douf.33S J
urgess-Wash Gompamy.
Tnemlay, Man h 'M. 1MI5.
"everybody's store
stoiik xi:vs I'oii vKJKsi.ii
TIhs Air praini
I 'lion e loiif(lat l.'IT.
Throughout the Store--New Fashions and New
Spring Merchandise Greet You at Every Turn
Charming Display of the New Large -Trimmed Sailors
A Feature of the Opening WednesdayPrice $7.50
AuAIN we denionstrato our style supreraacy with a showing of the very latest modes
in lartre trimmed sailors. These hats, which coino from a prominent designer, de
pict the styles that are hy far the most popular with the smartest women of Paris and
New York. '
Stunnimj hats for street and dress wear, trimmed with wings, novelty ostrich ef
fects and many other desirable trimmings.' .
The cleverest assortment of hats we have seen this season at the special price of $7.50.
Bnrrtas-Wata. Co.-"soona Floor.
Men's Strictly
Hand Tailored
, , ,.,,, , IS II
Suits at $13,65
AS correct in style aa cus
tom clothes and per
fect in fit. ,
We claim for them the greatest
value . offered anywhere at the
Smart, snappy styles la a variety
of models coats quarter or full
lined with elite or mohair, fine
button vest with soft roll collar.
The materials are casulmeres,
homespuns, tweeds and worsteds
in many color combinations.
Smart models for men and young
men of every build. Every gar
ment I strictly "Hand Tailored"
throughout and there is quality ot
fabric and standard of workman
ship that we stand back of.
Come In and let us show you
these new lines of clothing -No
trouble, we assure you rather a
Bxgess-lTesli Co. lenrtk floor.
For Opening Week
Featuring Crepe
de Chine Blouses
Sat. t)395
A .VERY stylish demi-tail-ored
blouso in splendid,
quality crepe de chine in
white, flesh, maize anl
black. The. collar is a new
shape, the buttons are "wor
ette.". Very stunning with
the new tailored suits this
season. Special for Wednes
day at $3.95.
Other crepe de chine waists,
$1.95 to $10.00 ,
BorsTess-sTash Co. Bsoond floor.
For Opening Week:--
Women's Tailored Suits Charming. Modifications of
French Importations at $25.00
TIIEHE S a witie range or style selection styles
with that varied differeutness that every wo
man can find a most becoming suit. Then, too,,
every suit in the Uurgesn-Nash collection must
pass muster of workmanship us well as for fityle.
The suit tailored plain, simple, really han'd
tailored with a touch that takes it out of the ordi
nary. The dressy suit lilted, pocketed in tweeds,
cheeks, serges and gabardines.
Fashion says first, navy blue, then the "Belgian
blue," blat-k and whito checks, "West Point"
gray and cement Kiind and black, of course.
Price range of Suits,
$16.75 to $125.00
Bargess-Vash Oe. ooad rioor.
There Seems to Be No Let Up to the Wonderful Values
in the Sale of the Aaron's Jewelry Gift Shop Stock
KWrXKY novelties of all kinds and description. Verv desirable for (rifts or per
sonal adornment, at, but a unall part of the original price.
Great Lot of Novelty Jewelry
Including bar pins, b.-oo hes, watch fobs, ruff links, belt pins, vanity raes, Jewelry ruses, brace
lets, la vallieres, scarf pins, bead nerk chains, tie el n, picture frames, solid gold and gold top jewelry,
sterling jewelry, etc., etc.
Aeroa'e frlre
SOr ealtt IYt
Aaron's 1'ritr l
ai.UOMnle Prim
arou' 1'rlci' to
V.tM) Sale Price
M.oo ImiIiI Peutlanu
SLitd C bains, MAM
Pretty, neat, real stone
set, l'l-k gold pendants.
with anllit iiiMikn'
nck a halttt Aar
ton's nrUe to .
7.AO iMthrr llajiil rUga.l.l.1
o.(M .Mel. Has. aeUI
$J.IM hiher antly (ih (I'm-
T..V Jewelry Novrhlre IH
A (aolil Hunts, 2 tM
Solid gold genuine cut
diamond rings. Tiffany
or lleliber mountings:
Aaron's- price JQWJ)
)5; sale price. 0m -
Aaron's I'rlie In
l. .V) Half Prln
$1.1 ;!. I Kings. t-V
14 k solid gold TlfUny
mounted ' carat nU-
mood rings: Aaron's
price t'i.t; sale
7..V HiUrr Vanity ( . . 1 .05
$I.IH KlUrr Vanity .. :iu
SI..V1 Kllirr anll) !
;J-.i.i- ( artiiiiC Sft gl.Ttt
axsMe-slasfe Ce. MJa floor.
Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney
Aaron's Prire to
:l.50 Sal Price
;.!. I Kinga, fia.e
H k solid gold Tiffany
mounted genuine dia
mond rings; Aaron'a
price to - C1 OCO
sale price.. P 1 ad
g l..V l-lrd kiiivra Pork $1.05
;Ch Plated Ware Ptec-oa lw-
I.H SlUer PlairU Ware. .Vh
5.UN silver CheMs. . . .1.05