Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    T11K lU:i;: OMAHA, WKDNT.snAV. MARCH :,
My Tired Fe t
Let your sore, swollen, aching
feet spread out in a bath
of "TIZ."
"Just ceuUnl
wait to tak
my bat offl"
Just take vour shoes off and then put
those weary, shoe-wrinkled, aching. burn
In, corn-pestered. . bunion-tortured feet
of yours In "TIZ"' bath. Your toes
will wriggle 'with Joy; they'll look up at
you and almost talk and then they'll
take another dive in that "TIZ" bath.
When your feet feel like lump of lead
all tired out Juat try 'Tra." Ita grand
Its glorious. Tour feet will dance with,
Joy; alao you will find all ;paln gone
from corns, callouses and bunions.
There's nothing; like "TIZ." It's the
only remedy that draws out all tlie pot
onous exudations which puff up your
feet and cause foot torture.
Get a K cent box of "TIZ" at any drug1
or department store don't wait. Ah!
how giad your feet get; how comfortable
your shoes feel. Tou can wear shoes
size smaller if you desire.
A Diamond for An Easter Gift
If you hare, bn thinking of burins a Diamond,
Watch. Wrist Watch, or other Jawelr-jr. for person
al wear or for sn Raster, weddlnfc birthday or an
niversary gift, this la your opportunity to save
J.eV 8 "P
Bracalat can be antlrety Satachas. m watch
can be worn as a pendant, or u a rernlar watch.
Fio colli flllad,. small popular aiaa. Full U-Rubr
J-ld nickel moreoiant, pendant aet, etttier
mhtt n- I -1 n.MnAAjl A .MIS. BMnAla.
ran .be arijustad to any alee, as eaub 4m a EC
link Is daUehablA Ws han cut tbe 41 JJ
priea to, "bed-rook" and offer this I J
l.rMt .Lt.t Wrlri WeiAh ml
Terms: $1.50 a Month
eGte-Ladles'. Cla
mond . Ring, 14k
eolld gold iyiftle
"Perfection- ft C ft
mounting.... 99 W
as a lCoath.
Scarf Pin
TtT Meu'a Diamond
Kins, I prong . Tooth
Mountlns. Hk 7C
olid sold
17. ou a Monin
Xas Scarf Pin.
solid Bolii, 1 pearl.
1 sjenulne din
tnond, . f Q Cn
XlOl La Valll
ere. fine solid
rold. 1 fine dia-
- mond. t srnulne
v vi w w
pearls, Is
In. chain.
tl a Muntk
1.40 a atontfe
Open Dill! Till 8 P. U. Saturday Tilt 9:33
'all or write for Illustrated Catalogue
No. 903. Phone Douglaa 1144 and our
vaJfHinun will call.
' Credit Jewslers
bros ft can.. 409 'kT
are combined In a Savings ac
count opened in the South Omeum
Savings Bank where your deposits
will earn
The man who says he can't save
hasu't the right stuff in him.
Is your make-up right T A bank
book is tbe answer.
One Dollar will open an account.
24 th and M Streets
H. O. B08TWICX, President
F. R. GETTY, CWUler.
iv Pendant, or Regular VUhA7
Noted Russian Jewish Writer
Breaks Her Rule Never to Talk,
for Publication.
Cuddled up like a little kitten In
a comer of the train, her dark, closo-
cut. curly head bent ovr Ollre
Schrelner's "Woman and Labor,
Mary Aatin, noted author of "The
Promised Land," was found. Only
tha nromlnent ere classes, which
did not conceal the bright blue eyes,
betrayed that here vu a woman, for
her diminutive aUe, fresh complexion
and girlish-figure, clad la a simple
Norfolk gown suggestive ,f a child's
apparel, carried out the deception ofj
the close-cut curls.
"A reporter? But I never give Inter,
vlens. neither do I go to parties. I should
like very much to get out" of thla train
and walk ten miles. It Is so glorious out
doors, that would be my salvation.
"Meeting peoplo Is one of the pleasures
I am denied. My strength Is limited and
I give so fully of myself In friendship
that I must deny myself that pleasure.
As for Interviews. I say all I wish to
In my lectures. No one can say It for
me as well."
iBprrasril Immigration.
"What will be the effect of the war
on Immigration? J think that there will
be a great flow ot Immigration to these
shores as soon as the war will be over, j
They will not come In such great num
bers, but, still, they will come because
they will wsnt to get away from the
I horrors on the Other side, notwithstand
ing H has been said that the demand for
labor will be very great In Europe after
the war."
"The effect on tho Women and children ?
Well, they, too, will come In great num
bers." "Do you not think this will provide
another problem for Americans to
solve T' she was a?ked.
"It will provide another argument for
the restrlctlonlsts." wss the prompt re
Glad to Talk ts BafTraaf.
1 1 am glad that I was not asked to
talk on suffrage," said Miss. Anlln In
speaking of tho Political Equality league.
."Are you then not a suffragist?" she
was asked.
"Oh, yes, I am a suffragist, but then
every Christian . cannot be a preacher.
Neither should every suffragist essay to
be a speaker on the subject."
Miss Antin, or Mrs. A. W. Grabau, as
she Is In private life, was met at the
station by Mrs. F. O. Wead, president
of the Political Equality league; Mrs.
Frederick Cohn, and Miss Jessie Arnold,
head resident of the Social Settlement.
fContlnued from Page Two.)
while In Grecian olrolea - there Is grow
ing an uneasy feeling that Bulgaria may
again assert lta primacy in Balkan af
faire .by taking Jthe first step toward ao-
tlve participation tn the struggle.
The lull along the western battiefront
now apparently is oemg aupncaiea in
the east, where nothing more than Iso
lated actions are . being reported.
Interest In' the blockade centers .today
in the attack . of German aeroplanes on
Putoh cargo ships, one of which flew
the flag of the commission of Belgian re
lief. Holland is awaiting Information
from Berlin before making a formal pro
test la this connection.
. Ca.ll It Wat Victory.
rETROGHAD, March (Via London.)
The highest Importance Is attached to
the fall of Praemysl by the Novoe
Vremya. Liking the surrender of the Ga-
liclan fortress to the fall of Mets during
the Franco-Prussian war and the capitu
lation of Port Arthur In the Russo-Japa-cose
war, the paper states that the last
obstacle now has been removed to the
Russian advance In Qallcla and t) tbe
heart of the Carpathians.
"Thus is decided the fate of the whole
Hapsburg empire and consequently that
of ita ally, Germany," the Novoe Vremya
continues. "There Is nothing now to pre.
vent the advance of Russian armies di
rect to Ussok and Lupkow passes."
The Russian authorities have rei-eived
Information to the effect that the de
fenses of Przemysl are In good condition,
notwithstanding the long alege, and are
capable of being put Into working order
Immediately. ' Six hundred guns of the
newest type were found lb the fortress
Gerinaa Official Report.
BERLIN, March -By Wireless to
Eayvllle,. ) The following report was given
out today at tbe war office:
'Two French night attacks near Ca-
rency, northwest of Arras, were repulsed.
I "Tn fhammiffnA Gorman traons aucneaa-
fully blew .up mines and repulsed a night
attack north of Beausejour.
"Minor French advances near Combres,
Apremont and Fllrey were without suc
cess. An attack against the German posi
tions northeast of Badonvlller broke down
under the German fire. The enemy sus
tained heavy losses.
"Hostile aviator again threw several
bomb on Ostend. No damage was don
to the military establishments, but sev
eral Belgians were killed or wounded.
Northwest of Verdun a French aviator
was shot down.. A V. French aircraft
manned with two French noncommis
sioned officers wss forced to land near
Freiburg. The occupants of the aeroplane
were captured.
"German troop are pursuing the Rus
sian troops who were driven from Memel,
Kat Prussia. The Germans occupied tha
Russian town ot Krottingen across the
i border from Memel and freed more than
J.000 Germans who had been dragged
away from their homes by the Russians.
"Attacks made by Russian troop on
both aide of the Orsye river la Russian
Foland were repulsed."
rrrars Official HeKrl.
PARIS. Max-h 3.-Vta London. )-The
official eommunketloo given out thl
afternoon by the) French war department
The enemy yesterday bonibar.l.-l
It helms A German aviator drpie
boenb OA the t-e. and claimed thite
victim among the rHiilejis
"la the C'haniraiiA r'. 'e r , u
l-roaree. to the ri ,,f tli .
"In ne Ar"im. . i,.r I i.-.'. .
v : f
Nary Antizt
General Agent of Frisco System
Tells Commission that Fuel
Traffic is Unprofitable.
CHICAGO, March M.-Haullng coal Is
one of the most unprofitable businesses
the railroads do. Etifrerte McAullffe,
general coal agent of the Ft. Louis as
San Francisco railroad, ;so testified today
at the Interstate Commerce commission
bearing of the forty-one western rail
road systems" application for an Increase
of freight rates. The railroads are ask
ing for an Increase In the rate on soft
coal, averaging 7.93 cents a ton from mines
in certain states west of and Including
Indiana. From this Increase Mr. Mc
Aullffe testified, the railroads would be
able to add U.6,123 to their annual In
come. "Tno average weighted haul," said Mr.
McAullffe, "Is .103 miles, while the aver
age gross revenue is IL4S per ton under
tho present rate. Thlse yields 3.42 mills
per gross ton mile, while If 90 per cent of
the empty return haul Is Included the
revenue Is only !.M mills per grosi ton
The average , Increase asked In the
western territory Is .7.95 cents per ton.
which would add about one-fortieth of
one cent per net ton mile to the cost of
'Tncluilng all roads affeeted the total
additional revenue per year would be
$1,210,122. Thl represents an oncrease of
only B.S6 per .cent and would entail an
addition of 6 37 cents per capital yearly
to the expenses of the population In the
states "affected.
Mr. McAullffe testified that the ad
vance of 7.85 cents per ton applied from
mines in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa,
Kansas, Arkansas and Oklahoma and
some from western Kentucky and Ala
bama to Iowa, Wisconsin, ' Minnesota,
North and South Dakota. Nebraska, Mis
souri, Arkansas, Kansas,' Louisiana,
Texas and Oklahoma.
The popular mind, and the railroad
baiter should be disabused of the Idea
that coal, .with., Its heavy carloads '.and
heavy tralnloads, is a necessary founda
tion to traffic," said the witness. '"It
Is often said that the railway should haul
coal at any price and make Its profit
on hauling other products. This Is not
true. The coal movement Is spasmodic.
Instead of being adapted to filling out
our trains, It monopolizes almost our en
tire facilities at the worst season of the
year, cold weather."
Everybody read Bee Want Ada
Italy Preparing
to Limit Sojourn
of the Foreigners
I IS i
ROS1K. March 23. (Via Pari.) An
nouncement Is made that a royal decree
soon will, be signed giving rules govern
ing the sojourn of foreigners in Italy.
The regulations are designed to proteet
the country against- the operation of
Ouch! Backache!
Rub Lumbago or
Stiffness Away
When your back 4 aors and lame or
lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has. you
stiffened up, don't suffer! Oet a small
trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs
Oil" at any drug store, pour a little In
your hand and rub It right on your ach
ing back, and by the time you count
fifty, the soreness snd lameness Is gone.
Don't stay crippled! This soothing,
penetrating oil needs to be used only
once. It takes the pain right out and
ends the misery. It Is magical, yet ab
solutely harmless and doesn't burn the
Nothing else stops lumbago siiatlca,
backache or rehumatlsm so promptly.
It never disappoints. Advertisement.
Time and Trial Prove
the unequalled value of Eeecham's Pills as the
best corrective of cilmcnts of the digestive organs
bo common and the best preventive of lasting and
serious skkness bo often resulting from defective or
irregular action of the ' stomach, liver or bowels.
eecGnam's P'Ms
have a pr;tt rcr.H. F
T ov r half
IK ir, .a f t 1
entir !.'.. f fart .
" i t! it v 'j (
1 t
, 1
Thousands Flee to Protection of the j t,
iTeiDyxerian. mission, uvcr
American Flag Waves.
XEW YORK, March 23. ltoport
of plundering and murdering of
Christians in northern Tersla were
contained In a cablegram from Tifllr.
Transcaucasia, received today by the
Persian war relief committee, with
headquarters In this city. The cable-1
gram said:
"All viuages uurnra er,.t ll" i
Two Christian tjuartere of Urumlah '
plundered nd t great many pooplo'ton to ne his Influence in an attempted
killed. Women taken, captive. Fif
teen tbousandretugees In the Amer
ican mission. Great danger.
"The irenchmtsslon has been de
stroyed. There are 10,00 refugees
In Russia."
The message was signed by Aslanoff, a
Russian contractor of-Ttftls.
V'ruminh Is In Northwestern Tersi.v A
jxevlous dispatch from Vjulfa, Persia,
received here March 21, was to the ef
fect that the Turkish consul at Urumiah.
t tho head of seventy Askarls, recently
attacked the American mission there.
Priests and deacons upon being ordered
to leave the mission were Insulted and
beaten, it was stated tn the dispatch.
Russian troops. It was also said, had
been sent for to save the lives of Chris
tlans, whom the mission was unable to
Mob Rale for Weeks.
"- Crumlah has bn In the throes of mob
rule for weeks, according to report re
ceived here by the Presbyterian board of
foreign missions. A reign of terror, In
which marauders and bandit hold sway,
has driven tens of thousands from the
city and Into the outlying province and '
has sent other thousands to the protection
of the American flag, which waves above
the Presbyterian mission there.
Ton thousand persons were housed In
the mission three weeks ago, according to
Information received here.. These refu
gees included almost the entire native
Christian population of the city between
4,000 and 6,000. the 200 or 300 American mis
sionaries and teachers whose activities
have been conducted under the board's
supervision, and a heterogeneous sggce
gation of foreigners.
-Danes, Swedes, Norwegians and other
European pressed beside Moselms In the
headlong flight for life from tl)o mob
to the missions, according to the reports.
The doors were open to all. All who
could be accommodated within the build
ings, It was said, were accorded the pro
tection of the American flag.
The missions themselves embrace a
Apply Q-Ban Not a Dye.
Harness Wonderful
Makes Gray Hair
' r GlossyDark . '
Don t look old look young so If your
hair Is wispy, thin, falling, gray, streaked
with gray, faded, dry, prematurely gray,
simply shampoo hair and scalp a few
times ' with Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer.
Almost before you know it your hair will
be beautifully darkened, lustrous, soft,
fresh, wavy, with' that darkr lustrous
glos which makes the hair so fascinating
and attractive. Also stops Itching scalp,
dandruff and falling hair and promote
an, abundant growth ot hair. Q-Ban I
not dye, but act on the root of the
hair so the gray hair Is so evenly and
beautifully darkened that no one can tell
Q-Ban has been used. Q-Ban I not
sticky or messy; harmless, and la guaran
teed to darken gray hair or no charge.
Try It. Big 7-os. bottle only BOo at Sher
man A. McConnoll Drug Co.. Owl Drug
Co., Harvard or Loyal Pharmacy, Omaha,
Neb. Out-of-town folk supplied by mall.
trial Quart
and Leather
Covered Flask
Finest Whiskey
Lowest Price
W m not afaM tol-t yoa try Fl Wblskr
DTSMpsjttM. ' ft PUr. nfaM wbkirv mi posMttb
uvin j. ti nrfw imii '
1 llMiitlMBUB whs rami 1 k nmn
i whiskey, W issciisU a jttrm ttm Trim Owrf
i'h yoar ardar for
Fels 3-Star Whiskey
aiTSad dlra-t at faOmHi a vtiolcaala pilm:
8 QTS. Full $C5
Measure 3""
A QT- ruii $3.95
sacs Maafturci 1
QTS. Full
l-smttiar fltvsnRi isMrt fiUA with fete I Httvr
Whikr. it you erest eetuiOad with the
'HimHjef enar you drink the Free IrveJ
luajrt. rvturn ttv ehiurneit ml etrr eufwiiM
nd w refund ism fjii sunount of gM
ooRiAjr k-p the haihe
ere en 'J, t'mt
ftn I ' J. FsitsUsLaftlltMl. Uxllmbl
HS7KKI V my W,
M rale caay. St.
a ri-i
jry t
y t '.' r.
! " 1:
' 1 -
I .
number of building. Including a gi'at
a.lmol s mile n1 a hnlf from t!i rtty
rifxr. Pfvcrsl thousand persons. It was
thought, could find protection within In
vsvys. rtulKllnKS within the. city Include
I a commodious modern hr-Hfltal, twenty
I five churches and other school. Over the
principal buildings the Amerlcsn flag
as peen pinren.
The It'reni'h mfBtrin referred in It m . a t
I r.i.i ... frtei h. .he i,
'n,l ln,..oin .he .earner. f
lure, embraced twenty-elt (hspri anl
noting Pir.
The Christian qunrt'tt lil' h
were ln-
xaded were oruplrd by colonies of na
tive Ohrlettani v ho called thenwlves
Neatorlans and whose occupancy dated
back more irrnn l.irt years. I'rumiuh
was abandoned early In their l'eralsn
president of the American Kedcratton of
i,hor. arrived here today from .Washing-.
fntiienient or trounies oetween ouildinit
rentrsctors and several trades . unions.
Mr. (tampers said that the arneral sit
uation of labor throughout the cuyntry
was "brlirhirnlns; a bit."
24th and
ualiy IH!igh---Frices Low
Not Ono Day- Out Every Day
The Greatest Rug Bargain
braska Will
9x12 Seamless BRUSSELS
BUM , $050
ior.. -
Soo Our Now Daylight Display Room
!. i . 1 B Wife -m LV mmw. i7Tki ii kv- -id m - -aw ik m I
Some corporations say: "What's
the use of trying to advertise what's
the use of telling the people anything?
They won't' listen to what a corpora
tion has to say?"
Don't you believe it! Most people
are fair, broad-minded and unpreju
diced. The public can be awfully wrong at
times, but it is usually because they
have received wrong information.
This company has been criticised
time and again in years gone by. but
we are not complaining. We should
have furnished the public more com
plete information about our business.
Today our policies and our prob
leim our rovf-nwr, and our fxj.-:; .;,
German Aeroplane
Attacks Ship With
Food for Belgians
IxiXWiN, March M.-The Pally Tele-
Rotterdam correspondent sends
f'.nlng BrCOllIlt Of the Captain
sttsi k on llie steamer tinrKr charter by
the trl4Jn relief commission by a tier,
man aeroplane!"
"Heeanee we weie carrying fondsViffs
snd clothing for tho ItriMlan rnlief com
mission, we did not cpcrt an attnek,
althoush as soon as the seropUne was
sin Med we put on full speed. When tho
Intention to attack became evident. 1
ordered a zlg-xsa: course to make my ship
a difficult Isrpet.
"Five bembs were thrown, one of them
falling so near the ship that frngmcnt
of the bursting shell fell on the deck.
The airman wss still maneuvering over
head when Flritleh torpedo boat de
stroyers were sighted cpmlng ti our as
sistance. Thereupon (he aeroplane fled
toward land. The ESfland carried tvo'
Belgian relief commission tlace, each
fifty feet long."
f nmnsE
L.Stroots, South Omaha
lV J .',11 II 5 V- Ml fv
Be Found at
9x12 Seamless
only. . . . '.
Our Policy of Publicity
.1 quarr'
Mra. Jachoh, 1631 i'alm
tvooa Ave., Toledo, Ohl
writes: "When I wrote
you for advice I hud been sick for
three years, and had been treated
by three doctors, but did not get
well. I wna very nervous, and had
trouble with my throat. Oftm I
could net breathe through my
nose, and had pain on both sides
ct It. I also had pain In the
chest and a short cough. I had
palpitation of the heart and In
ternal catarrh. My appetite
was poor, I was) always cold,
nd had gurgling In the bow
els. I took Peruna according
to directions, and now feel that
I am cured. Peruna has cured
me. - I have never been a
fleshy aa I am now, and I do
all my Work. The pain In the
shoulder and chest la all gone.
The medicine ha done ma
much good. I shall always
keep It In the bouse."
Address The Peruna Co, Co
lumbus, O, for a free copy of
"The Ills of Ufa,"
in Re
about our
business we
. . - 1
tell the public.
We are a public service corporation
and the public deserve to know what
we are doing and why we are doing it.
Then we are willing to place our
case squarely up to them. They are
the fairest jury we have ever known.
We want the people to know all
about our business, because we want
their confidence and good will.
It means more business, less trouble,
more happine33.'
We have the utmost faith in the
sense of justice and fair play of the
Arm.rinin people We bt'ieve th it
tl.t-v Wvir.t to -;iv' sqture corporations
1 r ii.
'i rv I'
' T '
j IH-H.v tm i. r .1. ' I