Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Why Not?
Report of Committee Fixing April 6
at Date Rejected by Nearly
Unanimous Vote.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. March 23. (Spe
cial Telegram.) When the commit
tee on adjournment reported this
morning In the senate a discussion
was started, led by Senator Kohl,
against adjournment as early as
Aprtl 6, resulting in the report being
voted down, almost unanimously.
Sandall, Bushee and Howell Joined with
Kohl against such early adjournment
who the, appropriation bills had not all
len Sent over tt-om the house, Howell
charging that It (was a scheme on the
part of the houe to shift responsibility
from the house to the senate.
Appropriation for Deaf School.
The '.'Innnce committee of the house
reported out the apvrtpriatlon tor IUjO.MO
for the Omaha school for the deaf this
morning without recommendation.
HL.AIR.' Nob.. March 23.-(Ppecial.)-
First IJeutensnt W. C. Ptowe of the reiru.-
'lr army came .up from Lincoln yesterday
end last night held a soectal Inspection
rt Company F. Fourth Infantry Nebraska
National Guard at the armory quarters.
ITon the result of this Inspection do
.rends the transfer of the Blair cominy
from Infantry to a cavalry troop Tha
officers and members of the company
lave heen working hard to have this
.change made and are receiving- the sup
port of the Commercial club and the citi
zens In general. Today all equipment of
the company will be checked up and
Meutenant 8towe la maMng toll Inquiries
regarding the obtaining of horses, the
prospect of the building of substantial
urmy quartcra and a Vigorous exa-.nlna-'!iin
of the entire membership of theVom
oany. Trfvate parties - have had plans
rirepared for the erection of an armory
'building to cost not less than WO.000, and
ilho site for the building is a. -prominent
.i-orner one block from : the passenger
litpot. The plans have been approved by
'the state and government authorities and
'the government will guarantee the leash
ing of the building for ten .years. .The
present company has about 100 enlisted
members, with . Fred . Afibott, . captain;
Reed O'Hanlon, first lieutenant, and Paul
Kelley, second lieutenant
If the, jail feeding graft is fcuch a
good thing why not extend it?
Why should our sheriff be alone
favored with the privilege of col
lecting 40 cents a day for feeding
prisoners in his charge and putting
more than half of the money down
in his jeans, in addition to his
$4,000 salary and perquisites?
Why not give the superintendent
of the county hospital 40 cent a
day fof each inmate and let him
line his pockets?
Why not give the head of the
Riverview home 40 cents a day for
each of the hungry children theie.
so he can get rich quick, too ? 1
Why not give the chief of police of
Omaha 40 cents a day for each pris
oner in the city jail now being fed
at the rate of 9 cents a meal?
Why not?
P. S. Why do not the other
Omaha newspapers join The Bee -to
help head off this outrageous steal
with which the sheriff and his hired
lobbyist are theatening our tax
payers? '
Nebraska !
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March a (Special.) Vari
ous members of the jtate superintend
ent's office force areMaking part In the
programs at the various district conven
tions of school teachera held throughout
the state the latter part of this week.
A. Gregory and . Miss Lulu VVolford
will be at Alliance, MNs Edith Lathrop
t Kearney. A. V. Teed and G. A. Greg
ory at Holdrege, Superintendent Thomas
at Nnrfoik. Fremont and Lincoln, and
possibly Holdrrge.
Victor Smith Convicted of Aaaaalt.
I'LAIR, Neb.. March 23.-(Speclal.)-The
case of Victor Smith, who was bound over
to the district court on the change of
stabbing Cash Phillips at Smith's home-
ln"Fcbruary, was up before Judge iVdlck
esterday. Press of court business neces
sitated the holding of a night session
and the case went to the Jury about 10
o'clock. It brought In a verdict ifter
midnight finding Smith guilty only oa
he charge of assault and batten'.
' BEATRICE, Neb., March 23. (Special.)
i -York refuses to enter the Nebraska
State Base Ball league unless a nlncty-
eight-game schedule Is arranged. Presl
dent Miles Monday night telephoned to
the directors of the Beatrice team to get
their opinion and they 'stated they were
opposed to such a deal. It Is understood
Falrburv does not favor such a move. A
meeting has been called at Grand Island
for next Thursday night, at which, the
queation will be disposed of one way or
another bv the representatives of the
various clubs tn the league.
geeond Caaews Held 1m Ashland
ASHLAND, Neb., March 23. (Special)
Following the cltliene' 'caucus of Satur
day night, when a full ticket, headed by
T. r . Dauey lor mayor, was iuua,
Micond caucus was held Monday afternoon
which nominated E. J. Rose over Council
man W. II. Blair to oppose Mayor Dalley
for re-election, and Ralph Dean for eoun
ctlraan for the First ward tn opposition
, tn Dr. J. M. Moss of the clt liens' ticket
to succeed Dr. O. W. Meredith. The re-
maJnder of the cltixens' ticket was en.
dorsed as follows: City clerk, J. B. La-
Chapelle; city treasurer, Rj A. Town;
city engineer, D. F. DeFoU; councilman
' Hocond ward. B. F. Balder, to succeed W.
K. Blair; members Board of Education,
1'. W. Folsom, to succeed E. J. Rose, and
M. L. Mead, to succeed himself. Tbe an
nual question of licensing saloons will
be voted on directly at the April eleo-
' Hon. Ashland has been la the "dry'
column for the last four years.
Nates from Beatrice-.
BEATRICE, Neb.. March . (Special.)
Mrs. Elnore Ilanaberry, a resident of
Cage county since 1874, died Monday at
her home In this city after an Illness of
several months aged -M : years. She' Is
. survived by . two daughters and two sons.
Martin Simon, a pioneer - of Beatrice
, snd for more thsn twenty years Janitor
st the postoffice here, died at his home
' lit West Beatrice Sunday aged 57 years.
Me was a native of Germany. lie leaves
family of seven children by his first
end second wives, both of waara are dead.
Carrie A. Westgat of this city has
brought action in the district court ask.
Ing for a divorce from her husband. Jo
seph E. Westgate, charging desertion.
cruelty and nonsupport. She alleges that
her husband deserted her two years ago
and believes he la Hving In Peoria, III.
Isaportaat Irrlaiatioa Oa.
M ('OOK. Neb.. March (Special)
Yesterday at Imperial, In district ou rt
for Chaae county, opened a ease of mors
than rommon interest and importance
bring the beginning of the legal effort
ai the Kllpatrick brothers, ranch and
stockmen, to establish water rights on
tho Frenchman river. whl h they ilalm
by virtue of lung use of the mater The
CvloerUon Irrigation district claim the
water by virtue of prior filing riant. The
array of legal talent presages a stilt fight
in the court.
Yrleraa) Kmplaie Retired.
FAiRBLRY. Neb. March U-tPpeciaJ
--t'lsr.k k. a tetrran IUk k
Island empire ef this city. ha oa r-
t rt J ly the vompany an a peftolon ftr
ternty-ftte years of continuous stV-r
Mr. Kirkpetitrk was born las New York
CM Mares 1. IML lie spent hie erho.l
lays la Ik saetropalis sad at the out
break of too rlvti war enjiaad la the
Caned ata navy, sailing from New
I'vrk Crty. lie fkrtirtetd Hi a auraber
f l-iir rtat naval atigaaesnenta during
ike ctvl war.
Central Nebraska
Teachers at Kearney
KEARNEY. Neb. Marsh tPpeoUl
Telegram ITeacher of the Central Ne
braska assn Utlon will meet 111 Kearney
for a three days' convention lieglnnlng
Wednesday evening. It Is expected that
several hundred teachers will be In at
tendance and j-reparatlnns are being made
for their entertainment. On Fr'day eve
ning. March , the annual declamatory
contest of the association will be held,
twelve of the largcM schools of central
Nebraska takln gpait.
The convention was to have heen held
here last year, but was heUl at Grand
Inland because of tl disease epidemic In
this tity.
and favoring
the pulilli allon
Huge Document Cut to Provide Western Nebraska
Jenlba Hopkins.
T1LDEN. Neb.', March SJ.-(Speclnl.)
Jeptha Hopkins, one of th eflrst set
tlors In Antelope county, died here last
night of heart failure. He waa S3 years
old and ramo to Antelope county In 1S3.
taking a homestead five miles northwest
of TUdon. Mr. Hopkins was the first
sheriff .of thecemnty and served four
terms at a ftme when t took more than
the usual amount of nerve to fill the
He was captain of th home guards
In 1W snd '70, -taking part In the last
Indian fight, and had a horse killed under
him tn the fight. '
Mr. Hopkins was one of the wealthy
men of the county, and accumulated a
large amount of property. He resided
continuously on his homestead until two
years ago, when he moved to Tllden.
He leaves a wife and 'three children, two
boys and one girl, all living near the
old homestead. ,
Merely for Rural High
School?. .
rrnm a Staff Correirordf nt.
LINCOI.N. March S;.'-.(Specal.)-S. I.
107, the bulky school Inw code revision
commission bill, was tlnally reported out
of the senate standing committee this
nfternoon. biit In smb. shape that Its
denrest fi lends would fall to reensnlse. '
Just three pages ai left out of tlio
liV odd lnat composed the original
meianre. These three pnse provide for
the .malntennni'e and establishment of
rural rtigh schools. All the rest of the
Commission's strenuous labors, roYcrlnjr
two years, go Into the dlrard.
With l'T came out 8, F. 109. a com
panion Mil. providing for vocational train
ing In high schools. Chnnces that even
Post to Get Flag
U-'rom a Staff Correspondent.) J
LINCOLN. Marrh . :i.-(Spec!al The i
flag back of the lieutenant governor a
chair In the senile chamber will go to
the Orand Army of the Republic at
ltayard. Neb., at the end ef the session.
A mot 'on by lmehe of Kimball to 'Jtt.
effect carried this morning. j
f'aaena at Rsrrsna.
RAVENNA. Neb.. March tl- -perlal.)
A raticus, attended by about KJ voters
last evening, placed tn nomination for
members of the towr. hoard Frank, J.
Wtlkle, James I.. MotslcW and A. R.
Kinney. Wtlkle and Motslck are running
for re-rluecjlon, while Innev desires to
fill the place formerly occupied by Frank
Howard, the new postmaster. The wort,
la especially Iminirtant at this time, as
vork la Just commencing on a city sewer
M. w.mnnm u i i n. .r. .11... system. A referendum vote will be taken
at this late hour. !on ,he saloon question.
Invcstota with monef
rstate ads tn The Bee.
re J th Real
Advertise your
' Wife Appeals Her Caae.
LINCOLN, March 23. (Special.) Mary
McCormlck.. widow of Thomas MoCormlck
of Omaha, has appealed to the supreme
court her' claim sgatnst his estate for
ST.270 she says , Is due him for service
rendered him as an assistant In his work
ss a private detective. The lower court
disallowed her claim.
a platform opposed to saloons and favor-
ring pool halls, extension iof waterworks
and electric light systems, extension of
State to Recover Land.
LINCOLN. March 23-8peclal.) Attor
ney eneral Reed has been directed by the
Board of Educational Lands and Funds
to take . proceedings to recover for the
state a certain eighty acres of 'Furnas
county land recently sold at a tax sale.
nanhar to Vote on newer Bouda.
DUNBAR, Neb.. March 23.-(SpeclaU
A 15-mill levy for sewer purposes will
be voted on at Dunbar at ths spring
C LARKS, Neb.. .March Xt -XSp, , ial.-! pr0pfrty r
The cttliena' ticket, hliih license advo- i """ "
catea. met In cs'i'MisKtre Inst Vriday j Jefferaoa Joatlre iwltt.
evening and placel th ' a following ticket FAIRBL'RY. Neb.. March JtSpertal)
In the field. J. J. i1oeh, John liaword. Mrs. Mary F. Monia, who conducta a
W. O. Holder and W. J. rollard. The rooming house, was robbed of Slot) by
following evening the business men's ;tw-o lodgers. The men went to Oicnvllle
party met tn caucus And' nominated the : and were arrested at Uncoln. The were
following ticket: .1. U Hlpsley, F.d Wood- brought to Fatrbury and pleaded guilty
house,' C. E. Hhrader slid M. M. Kokjer. j to gl and larceny. Judge L. M. FVmber.
In addition to placing a ticket In the i ton of tteatrtro will wme to Futrbury
field, the business men's party adopted i tomorrow and pass, at ntence on Smith.
who will go to the penitentiary and the
younger man to the reformatory at
Few Minutes! No Indigestion, Gas,
Sour Stomach rape's Diapepsin
Wonder what upset 'your stomsch
which portion of the food .did the damoge
do you? Well, don't 'bother. If your
stomach Is In a revolt ;t If sour, gassy
snd upset, snd what you lust ate has fer
mented Into stubborn lumps; your head
dlssy and aches: belch 'gases and acids
and eructate undigested fqod; breath foul,
tongue coated Just take Tape's Diawp
sln. snd in five minutes you will wonder
what became of the Indigestion and dis
tress. ' Millions of men and women today
know that It Is needless to have a bad
stomach. A little Dlapepsln occasionally J ao unnecessary. A drertisement.
keeps the stomach regulated and they
eat their favorite foods without fear.
If your stomach doesn't take -care of
your liberal limit without rebellion; If
your food Is a damage Instead of a help,
remember tho Quickest, surest, moat
harmless relief, Is Tape's Diapepsin,
which costs only fifty cents for a large
caso at drug stores. It's truly wonder
fulIt digests food and sets things
straight, so gently and easily that It is
astonishing. Please don't go on snd on
with a weak, disordered stomach; Its
Not mere BRUTE power- power just for power's sake.
That's a simple thing for any engineer to build into any car
merely by using a heavier motor with bigger cylinders. And
incidentally, it's a costly thing because it burns up gasoline
for, power that you never need, j ; ,
Bijt free-flowing power that's fitted to the weight of the car
with the scientific accuracy that gears are designed to mesh
power enough for all your needs, to take you . uphill and
down, thro' mud and sand and over any roads youll ever
travel WITHOUT running up your fuel bills that's what
you get in this Studebaker FOUR.
And when you come to study the motor youll find little im
provements in design, better balance of moving parts, weight
cut from here and there and scores of other refinements that
make it one of the most wonderful pieces of engineering you
ever laid eyes on.
But the best test is to ride back of it and well be delighted to
demonstrate the car at any time to have you study not only
the motor but the balance of. this FOUR that makes for
EASY-riding and EASY-driving and, more important, LOW
UPKEEP, the grace of design and elegance of finish, and
all the comfort and the little conveniences that you get in
this car at $985 ,f. y
7 W
. -Ml M an
r. ll'a ft e-Tr-ll .
1 r tbUs rtao-Tsr-tlnetey J
. . iMiiatws tl-e aair-t on. stvici"
ii a lungs, la firM t-etf a today. lel t. All l -AdLi'Seat.
"V . S ss"aasj M rm ritiBe aM
V. ka StoMi a.
Omaha Factory Branch. 2550-2-4 Farn am Street
"Studehaker Viljon" Local Dealer, 2429 Farnain Street
ilne sad Startla
rTtias Owe tnlg
sniisaikM KOAtxmr. .
Mudsejoai UOHf miX. , . SS4
sstMdaeiaSi 'SKX.T pasi gjis.lwaVt
r. O. sV Dears
ssaisjsMS '
..n 3
i til
JeV. V
"Is Hattin' Time"
spring's here, and only
a dozen days till Easter
Get busy, Men
and get busy in tho busiest
Hat Dept. in all Omaha
t hat's here classy Hats and
lots of them may vc serve
. you?
Whatever' good in Headwear, $2 to $5
An exceedingly Interesting new book;
That tells about Deafness and iiow It can
he enred right In your owr. is ne
Ing given away ahaolutely free of chargn
1-y Ita author, a famous speclallat known
throughout the country for his gvsat suc
cess with Deafness.
This hook should he read at once hy
m a .r nna uln. I. ilanf fitf 1 1 r r.1 1 1 1, I tl M 1 1 i M
1' I KjWa rt IOF" v 1 latest Information in reRard to the new
. I fstTT avift. Y I niAiho of treating Deafness without anv
i I II I surgical operations, twin. ahsen-e from
J I rirei 1 I your dally work, or Inconvenlenee.
Deafness Hneoiaust Mprouie, iuroui
In Medicine and Hurgery. Duhlln I'nlver
ally, Ireland, formerly Hurgeon Wrttlnll
Hoyal Jlull Naval Service) who wrota
(he hook, haa for twenty-five years been
studying and curlngj leafness. and th
f enuine ami heartv sympathy and frlenu
Ineas he feels for all sufferers from
U: . I this aff lctloii is cieariy expressed in u.i
SPCCIAMST J) I From rover to cover this excellent book
' fffMltr yyA fu" r ths very help and knowhM,
. M fVvULt y that every deaf person needs. It explains ,
all about the formation of the ear, why
the. deaf cannot hear, the dlHeams that
cause Deafneas. and tho remedy for ring
ing, buxxlng nolaea tn the head and earn.
It shows Just how the paaxagen of th ,
nr r nil hlncked uu anil how the deli
cate inside parts get out of order. Heat of all. however. It points out how Deafnesa
and Head Noises are now bi Ing cured aiv clear perfect hearing restored. Remark
ably fine pictures of the sir and Its various parts llluatrate almost every pgt
If you aro Deaf If your hearing la fiillfng. r If you suffer from head or
ear noises, don't make the mistake of thinking such troubles are Incurable.
and read it through carefully from beginning to end. It will give you without
any expense whatever the verv Information you should Hh' .BL?!!.f-M?-I!fJ!iUI
Deafness. Kememoer mis
book Is yours. Jus for the
asking, and1 It's well worth
asking for. All you need
to do is to write your full
name and address plainly
on the dotted lines, cut out
the free Coupon and mall to
Deafness aveelallvt Kcroule
la Trade SoUdiag.
Boston. - Mass.
Full JsTame
Address . . . .
Who traveled oe'r desert hot?
Who made a world of people gasp?
Who made herself a name of aye?
- Why PEARL WHITE, of coarse!
And she is starring in the
now. showing at these theatres:
1 0th anil IWnney Ms.
I7ia viiuou m.
I XVI Kotilh I Sib M.
lllh ami DoukUis Ms.
COt M l I. lll.l'KH, I A.
it.VVt tarwawi M. '
Jllll iMk M.
.f.'IJ rtb 2Kb M.
rw. Tarrrs aaild s atnaj ef trlnnt fjr ltl, rliula. M etase FI1
'-- tn a l eft Hum lla.Mit a suisaJ "tailB o i tiurt.iiu. r'hee e
kaiy tier gael s'l'te ksA A j's u,aii'l la ev
ilanel. n4 " r la Htll nalil rd V rlis It
vr ra an
'.ai d-
i vevitatatkd It sue la f r-'ul,'v't r"l mm' tiiani aJe
UIL TAKIti U.-w l-il4lt Outaita.