Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Tin; i omaha, wedxksday, .jakvii ji, ili:
StroBgeit, Broadest and Most Active
Session of Yetr i Wit
NfiW TORK, March 2t-Trie strongest.
lrnadat and most active market session
cf the year to dete ti witnessed today,
tilling being on the basis of consider
ably more than 1K.000 shares for each f
tha five hours. The most significant fea
ture lay In the fart that standard t toi ks
munwd their wonted lesdrrshlp. while
the specialities and other non-dlvWenl
Usues whlrU recently formed the hulk of
the dally trading were relegated to rom
ps rative onstrurltf.
Trsnconttnvitals. grsnsers and trunk
lines worded gaina of 1 lo polma and
Kradtng made full recovery from Its scute
wtaknes of the last wtck. tappers stood
out In the Industrial divlnU.n. Amal
gamated gaining 2 points In ronnectlun
with th advance In the refined metal to
l'-' rents.
I'nltd states Ptee! led the lint In activ
ity, gaining 2 poluta on numerous indl
. Mdual tramutctlona. gome of which ag
grr anted .) or more share, and various
oil er IndiintrtHls rose proportionately.
Hethlehtm Steel's (nrM plainly denoted
an accession of selling for profits. The
stock made an Initial rise to 73, a new
hiah rer-ord. but soon relinquished all Its
edvar.tsge and rinsed at . a net Joes
of 2' points. Best prices for the general
llxt wero registered In the final hour, the
hlvlien! level twin attended hv arrester
activity. - Among the day's favorable ln-
llucncea were further large (told Import",
all from Canada, Indications uf the
pinning of additional foreign credits at
this center and renewed activity In the
French exchange, wRh rosultant advan
tage to this market. In fact. foreign
money markets are now governed bv
..inrijttnni IniMHutfl hv mir hankers anil
nndktkrtin are freely made that the cur-I
leul month's exports will exceed ell
cot rt sTiondlng periods by-many millions
.f dollars.
Hignu of a growing demand for Amer
ica n weie seen In the Indon market,
v, Men was firm In most branches.
Southern I'sclflc earnings lor February
showed a net gain of fi'.'?,lT and minor
loads also reported Improvement.
Total sulci of slocks smounted to 617.IO)
Honda w re steady, but the inoi einent
In that quarter wss more restrained. To
tal aalcs. par value, IZ.Mk.mi.. t'nited
Mates bonds were unchanged on call.
Number of sales and Hading quotations
en stocks today were:
. gain. H't. Iw. Clin.
Ala. HnM .T- "0 Ii .-'
Amaisaaw Otpoer ...
Swriril Het Sugar....
Amertcsn fan
Amrlr,n H. A R
ai.eo ',
7,? 41 t
IS.) ; "t
j.em mi '4 tw
I (" o
ft i Mu ln
, l." HI
' !'
A n.erln n S. It. fiM...
Am. Sunr ileftnlnf . . .,
Aseriraia Tot. Tl ...
An-erltMii Toharca
Ansnie4s Mining J
Ai.hUnn .
HaKlmor Ohio
Hrmmtrn FtApId Transit..
Vl.rnl4 leirolun ....
t unattlna T'actrto
'amrat I,eathr r.
t--peaa aV Cihln
t'hliaibt tlreat Wtrn..
h.-afs M. A Ht. I'....
i-i,. a k. w
f'hlno i'eeper
Alorado r'uel A Iros...
'lraWi 4c Houtharn
tNnver & Hlo Oran1a....
Twnrn- a II It. pH
Piallllera' nacartlle ....
fianersl Klerttic
trat Northern pal
l;rrt No. Ore nlm
Ot:ciMhln Kxplaniton..
tllMHila central
;ntrnnensri Mel. pti....
Irttiattnn Copeer .,
fnlemartonal H4rf-etr,.
Kanraa cltjr Koutharn...;
ll.llH Valler
!ull!le KavhTllls...
lalran, VeiroWtlBl
Minml Oasw
Mtkaouri. K. T
Mimiri Hx Kir ..!
Nailmal lunnitt.
Naltntial ImI
Nevada Cnppr .,
w Vwk I'eatral
S. V , N. II. H
NftrfuUt a In'aatera
farlllr l.i. Tal -
. Iullmas rlar Car
Itar (.'on. t'apsar.,
Krpubllo Iron a Htaal....
Hok Ilaa4 To
Tvot-k Mans Co. pM
rl U t f. 14 pM....
oulhrn Parlflu
Southern lialtwajr ,
Teencaaea t'opfnrr ,'
r.. i mi
l."0 42
.4" 27
' - I -
;nr n'i
1.:t SSH
l.ira 1 1T
4 no
J M .J-
MI i
t.t4 ."
i.- ::
1.4n tM,
1.10.1 53
'4 II
1 :w t tin
, I
iut 1J7',, irt
T.ft 73V 7t'i JiS
!. MSi :S IkTi
II 10", 1"-,
"... IMS
. I. Mt
. I X l!a n1 Ii
. aft. Kl Ml
. S.nno hi - M K
wo im 101 io
, t.sne "s W 1(H
) lo4t 1""S )'"
. I.1M tnii 1C, lH
. M.XK t 141 lab's
. i.i" tot a4 :ts
, w
Sen 1 14 X
IKS) 4S 44 ,4
. . Ki'i tUlJ MS
, t fS IMa
.' 1,fS Jl Vfl s
. l inn IMS
. W.i0 1331 1.4't l-O'i
. I1.7M 4S4 4.'., 4TS
. l.foO l.i Jot, W
Texas Cemoanr
t'nlon pactrio
t'nton taHrto pfil
t'nlteo states Hteal...
IT. S. (ileal p(J
t'ta 0ir
Waetarn I nlos
WaallnBhouao Kleetrln
14, jo .. S -S
till 4 M
m 19. 7SS
KnrtliMn Pullle
Total aalci for tha say, (IkOM nhsrsa.
' I.oeal aeeorttlea.
- ' Quotations fumlehet sr Vurna, Brlnker 4 Cs.,
1W m.ha National hssk bulldlks;
plmka KliL A44.
Batr1 Crenmary pf4 Ml ft
i n? National Hank. Cxaaka V
tar o. pti M
Kaitarieil IVnamarr t a. o. pft , 101
irat Wi tm husar p(4 lid
Itna arS KKnrs Wm aa
lla.-oln Tal. Tel. oom M
Ivn Kttwk National. Heuth Onaalnv U
loi s
iK'tlit a '. H si. Ht., taw u
Omaha ( M. Ht. Hr . p4s "t
M- Mi. r'uel. pld . earn, eonna ... M
Hiata Hank or Umaha 114
I fine Vtuik Yards, aaat M
t ominenul O. T. it. l2T (Nab.).. t U
' Irv.l.nd. ntiw, 4s. Ian (I lot l
t.!ii.n. Nab., Hut. 4'a, l3l Ill In;
M. plana l-aarer ... ml l S1I
N.w tork flats 4(4a, IMS KM IWkj
ah a C U. Hi. kv. ba. 1KI a t, M'i
matia Water 4ta. IMt , ItU Vis
Oaiaha rtibuvl 4k. 14.1 VI T'.,
aJtotair Mvuuialn KiMl Da , aa an
- M. Iiula, , 4Sa. m, 1U4 IK,H
earlft A ra va. 1M4 H,
.uth tSa. !.' Ii tngu
h'rihnr. Nh , Watar aa. 1121 M 10'
I alterally I'la. . Nab.. 4 V, 1H7 . . M fi'k l uloa Htuck Yards la. IHJI.. SJ its)
Loaalon Sy-W Market.
TXNtON, March -The stoek market
today wss more active. Ama'Knmstrd
f(per. Krte an.) Canaitlan Parirto ld a
Kuneral atlvance and the Kilns wero i.ialii lliroiiKliout the tH-saltiii. Tho clos.
Inn wss steady.
HIIA KM- Mur. SS 13-IS1 rer ounce.
MDNKV-I ht .-ent.
Ul.S! OL NT llATlV-.-'hort bills nnd
tt ree month, per cent.
Ha Bat Itarlaaa.
UilAH V. Marth tl Hank clearings lor
I'miii.a toduy were ti.itM.Hluu;, and lor
tl.e i.'orMMiiidtng day last year t.'.6.'ti,
The city ordinance requiring Juryman
r w trli Um . to MtKUrc Hit uses before ac
eittiig emloyuent a Omaha, was held
constitutional hy fltri-l Judge Ijiglliti,
In cases brought by City rrosetutor An
brnaer against I. K. Malmiuln and K.
A. Kutl.
15C2 8. 10th Ct
APPLE i9 10
mrTar. 5 If,"
6 10 ft 2t(k Tha
1011 Coneurd Ciraea S3.r0 tl.H
I ,i0t, ( atalpa hloa Jt, Unlar,
t'ash Tiir. rieni I'rrpaid.
DO; taraaai btrtot, vmaaa. Nek.
Former Assistant Secretary of War
Holds Unique Conversation
with J. B. Moore-
Spiritualism, or psychic power, may
yet be brought to bear In securing
the conviction of the party or parties
who murdered the Moore family, J.
B. Moore, hlg wife, four children and
two young women, who were stop
ping at the Moore home In Vllllsca,
la., June 12, 1912, when the crime
waa committed.
George D. 'Melklejohn, assistant
secretary of war under President
Roosevelt and now practicing attor-'
ney with offices In the Brandola
Theater building, asserts that a few
days after the murder b held
psychic conversation with the mur-j
dered man and, in detailing it, as-i
aerts: '
"Mrs. FrlU, a trance medium who
was clairvoyant, clalraudlent and at tho '
time of the murder resided In Omaha, I
now residing In the state of Washington, j
railed at my office to consult me rela
tive to a bill of sale for some personal .
Properly she was selling before her de-
i part ure for the went, and the following
morning I railed at her residence to have
her execute the bill of sale. As I now
reran this was four days after tho mur- i
der. . I
Talks with the Dead.
"The medium waa seated near a dining
table and aa I was about to have her
exeoute the Instrument, 'she said. ' Mr.
Melklejohn, place your hands, on tho la
bia, there Is someone here who wishes to
talk, with jrr.u. 1 blared my hands on
the table aa requested, the psychic doing
llkewuan, when she said. .'He says that
his name la Moore, the man who was
murdered at Vllllsca, la. ,
"This was given to the psyciilc claim ii
dlently In a whisper which I could hear,
but which was too low for me to receive
'the message direct, and she would repeat
It to me. The medium was not under
trance and to all appearance was nor-
"The details of the murder were then
elicited by mo from the entity tlnlmlni
Id be Moore, as Indicated by the following .
:.:estions and answers
'"Is this Moor who was murdeied it
Mlllaca, la.?'
"'Do you alsh to talk wltb me?'
Wmli Nesrs trrnted,
' 'Vej. lwant to have the negro who
. tirdcrcd me and my family arrested.
IIo la now in Argentine, Kan. Ha waa
ti er this morning, and has gone to Kan
sun City. Ha goes there In the momlnj
and retgrna in tim evening, lie la living
with tho negroes in that place.'
"I told him I would give the Informa
tion to the authorities and dcloctlvr at
Telia Row To Get Quick Relief
from Ilead-Colda. It; Splendid I
In one minute your donned nostrils
will open, Uia air paasaares of your head
will clear and you can breathe freely. No
more hawking-, snuffling, blowing, head
ache, dryness). No struggling for breath
j at night; your cold or catarrh will be
Bn. ,
Oet a small buttle of Ely's Cream Balm
from your druggist now. Apply a littla
of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream
In your nostrils. It penetrates through
every air passage of tho heaij, soothes
tha Inflamed or swollen mucous mem
brane and relief comes Instantly.
It's lust tine. Don't stay Mufferl-up
with a colU or nasty catarrh Ilellef
cornea so quickly.
rreatdeat. Ta roaktwr-Xarsr Co.
taeraNWeeterB IiatrtButora.
The Makers of the Enger Light Six-50
have stood the acid test of forty-five years' suc
cessful manufacturing for the American public
Bruins, experience and money are required to pro
dura a car of the value of the Krjger Six.
Frank Enger supplied all thnv. The commercial
ratine of tha Enger Motor Car Company t tha blgtaaat
Mr. Fjiger is n well-known manufacturer of i
jreara continued auccoas and ha took artiva part In deatfo
log and developing tha Enger Six. To hla already com
plete engineering corps, ha
Tlhie IF
Write f it our liberal
Mire, and leave nothing undone lo ap
prehend Mm.
" '(ihe me the details of the murder,
Moore," I raid, to which came the answer:
" 'A negro went to my house In the after
noon and asked my wife fnr something
to eat, and she being afraid of him,
turned Mm away without anything, lie
left the house, an" that night returned
and murdeied all of us with an axe, and
from the house went to the river and
washed his bloody clothing. From there
he went to Argentine, Kan., where he
ha been since ho killed us living with
negroes in thnl placo, going to Kansas
City on the rer In the morning and re
turning In the evening. Me Is in Kansas
City today.'
. " TVscribe the negro.' And then rime
this answer:
" If v as a tall, yellow negro.' (Here
A very
J. P.
Mt . a -
H better than the light, foamy, soak-in
Larta 11 4nm bottle ( I absmaaos far man). 25 ett.
M naoal Snit aiacaa. r
i ' Mad ohs at fns
4 rm.T.
it mr.
Xs press
iMsoai I
added tha beat talent obtainable la
1 f rrssn
9 M--r
Wheel bate 125 inche Weight, 2865 pound
h' yx . SX v
. fMf,iim r -fa m) .
fur slates weat of
uf the MUeiaMnPi. l to responsible pat-ilva.
his tlothlnc, hat and general appearance
wevo minutely given) '
"I Immediately upon my return to my
office reported this to Jame Allan, de
tective of tils city, nnd urged unn him
td go to Vill-s a and confer with the
anthorltie. and have them eendrflm to
Argentine, Kan., to apprehend the crim-
"What . I ha'e etsted here ill he veri
fied In every detail by Mrs. Frits.
Immediately after the psychic eonver
st'on with the murdered man. Mr.
Melklelohn communicated his Informa
tion to Allan, the detective, who com
menced working along the lines Indicated
by the spirit. Funds, however, 'or carry
ing on the Investigation could not be ae
ciired, though hereafter correspondence
was carried on with officers throughout
the country, wffh the result that Loving
Very popular for street and semi
dress wear. Cloth tops in gray,
fawn or black. Vamp Oxford
patent, and Louis Cuban heels.
special value at
id 33 3a.BOUC.LyV3l
Cooke .s'ays
"My wife thought at first that your t
shampoo bleached our boy's hair a ja
little but we later decided that it was t
only cleaner than usual." J. P. Cooke.
Many fine heads of hair are ruined by noaky totp- 1
suds soap left in hair body and scalp pores after drying, m
Lee's Liquid Shampoo is the liquid soap of right fluidity, J
that foes Instantly to the scalp, where mosl needed, in 3
full strength. Then the lather puses through the hair j
but once going out, a thick, heary. noo penetrating j
lather that ot araue dirt ant AmAr..H nllr. 2
m - 1 " vmuwbm,, tjuivnci aula
kind. . - J
Outrt bottle, filla 25c slie I timet, II .OS 5
Saisla aajampos asalla poaipalS. I an), M
laboratory of H
Omaha, Nebraska
amm .-apex
Easter Specials .
2 t. Ateix Whiskey .$1.60
2 qU I'ort Wine 1.50
t qt. Iacklerrj- t'ordiaJ 75
1 qt. Apricot Cordial . . . .' 75
1 qt, llock and Kye Cordial. ... 1.0O
1 qt. lianana Cordial . 1.O0
TU-Kular price la A.M
From now until Kaator, prepaid $4.50
The Euger Six Mas developed, after design after
dealgn had been rejected. Every part uaed in tha con
struction of tha Euger Six had to b tested and reteAted
until It had proven true and worthy of a place In thta unusual car.
Six cylinder motors
stand the teat that would
The Enger Six Is eauiuoed
6-N. which ia coualdervd the highest grade and the most efficient
motor made at tha price, it haa a powerful, long stroke with a
flexibility of from 3 to 60 mile without change ol gearr.
The Enger Six is anoinusual car, tried aud-proveu.
car you would ba
Uxal IHaiiibuiora,
Mitchell was arrested lsst Saturday night
in St. Louis. j
According to Mr. Melklejohn. the de-;
scrlptlon of the man under arrest corre-
sponds exactly with the descrlptlot given '
through the Omaha medium. , . . I
The city marshal of Vllllsca has writ- j
ten to James Allan that he recalls that;
the day prior to the murder of the Moores
there were two strange colored men In I
the town. One wss very black and tve
other was light, or what might ba termed
yellow, the latter answering the descrip
tion of the one described to George D.
Mlekeljohn by the medium. The marshal
adds that thev were never seen In Vll
llsca after the murder, the opinion being,
that they went west.
Kent room quick wltb a Pee Went Ad.
is produced . by
the carbonization
of a select mixture
of coak, It js "The
, Perfect Fuel "because
the smoky, sooty, of
. fensive portion has
been removed.
; . VULCAN will not
,only give you better
satisfaction ; than an
thracite coal, but will
aWsave 20 of your
fuel cost an item
worth your consider
ation. Whether used
for heating or cook
ing, VVLCANMaies
Good. That is the rea
son we have made hun
dreds of new, permanent
customers this season
that is why its use contin
ues to , increase month
after month. . "
All we ask of you is to
try it we confident
you will be dejighted
with the results ana con
tinue its use. v
Order a trial ton now
and see for jrself if the
claims we make are not ,
Prettaeett &
Coi! Protfuefc, Mff. Co, Jelict.111.
Exclusive Domaetle Sales Agaata.
AlwiH-Makamtei Coal ft Coki C.
MoOcrsBiok .Jag, Onlotvga.
Orcttr Today
Nebraska' Fuel Co.
are plentiful, but few could
give It a place In the Enger Six.
with a Continental motor. Model
proud to own.
& Cullis
S03I FaraaMU Mreot.
4 &y-Product '
A Grand Display
Continues m
Our Very Best Spring Opening
is the verdict of nearly all visitors and although
we wore confident of the result of our efforts tho
unstentetl approval of our friends is very gratify:
iug. Weeks months of careful selection has re
sulted in the bringing together here of the Fashion
and Fabric style ideas of the world's best produc
ers at most pleasing and moderate pricings. Your
Inspection Wednesday of These New Fashions
Would Be Greatly Appreciated.
Specials Shown in All Dept's.
. e
Four Splendid Specials in the Day
light Silk and Wool Goods Section,
Beautiful Spring Tub Silks
-100 pieces just recived; a
great assortment of choice
weaves and colorings, pure
silk and launder perfectly,
at, yard ...... .68, 88?
40-in. All Silk Russelette
Crepes in French and navy
blues, battleship grey and
natural tan, a regular $2.25
yard quality, yd. $1t12Vs
One Day Furniture Items
Mhite . Eruaineled Kitchen Cabinet, nickelold top, Air) tZf
tilting flour can 4JLesOU
Uo-Carts, one motion, collapnible, rubber tlres
each, at , . ........ . -$4.50, $5.00. 8G.50 "4 $7.50
Fainted Oak or Golden Oak IHntng Cltalrs. full box seats, 6 for $10
Best quality genuine leather, pad seat chairs, 8 for '$13
run icuiuer, do, aetii uiners,
each, 6 for
Three Dining Table Bargains.
48-lnch top, '8-foot extension
t ..:$2O.0O
48-inch top, 1i-foot extension
at SI 5.00
46-inch top. 6-foot extension
at. . ; $9.50
Above Tables in - Golden
or Fumed Oak.
Best quality (not the cheaper
Home Furnishing Dept. Specials
MBrran svwi, Special 0o
Larger sizes 89o aad-49c
Zot Ho. 1 OrT Ware of First Ouutr at Abon Wmlt .
ao aim -qi. jiunuinu pans; s vk aiMl
and 4-t. preserving kettles, mixing-
and 14-qunrt' preservlns kettles. 6-quart Berlin kettles with
frs,. 14-quart dish pans, 10-quart water pails, cuffee note.
covers,. 14-quart dish pans, 10-qua.rt water pails,
Jot aTo. 9 Odds and ends of
ware ar.any reaaoea lor qnica tuearanoe.
8. 10 ami li-t. preserving kettles, 7-qt. tea kettles, 3-qt. coffee
pota, s-qt Berlin kettles and sause paits, 14' and 17-qt. dish
pans. 12-qt. water fails, 2-u.L tea pots choice.
Hoyden's Make the Grocery Prices
for the People
Our aim la aoallty roods and a savlna of 28 to 60 oa tka cost of Urlnf.
Make your o bretd, cakca and piH It pays. A 48-lh. aunk uf flour will
make from ito TO loavca of bread at a trifle over 2VsC a loaf, a-uaraa.
, t.d to givaVarfsot eatlafaotloo, pax sack ......Ui
14 lbs. best cranalaten sugar . .11
14 bars Beat 'Kin All, llanionl C,
L-nox or laundry yueen N nit
Iaundry soiu. ao
I lba. beat white or yellow corn-
nieaJ .- 4 17o
T lbs. best rvlTM white breakf&Ht
oatmeal 6o
chiih oil or mustard sardines aeo
Advo Jell, fnr dessert, nothing like
It. the only Jell that whips, r
at He
The h"St domestic macaroni, ve.
mlelllt or spaghetti, pkg. . .710
83-os. iurs pure fruit preserves 8ao
2-os. tajs pure strained honey 8 So
4 1 b-oz. cans condensed milk 8So
1-lb. pkg. 2 Mule Team borax TVafl
T-lb". best bulk laundry ataroh a-e
4 lba. fancy Japan rlne 6o
4 lba. best hand picked beans 85o
K '. corn flakes, pkg t)o
Orape Nuts, pkg loo
Golden tianlos coffee, lb 15e
The bent tea sittings 131,0
Tha oast uaamw; batter, oau-toa
or bulk, aotuia Sue
The bat country creamery butter,
pound . . rt 88c
Fam-y dairy table butter, lb. ..8So
Oood dalrv table butter, lb. . .ft3o
Faucy block Bwlss cheeae. lb. S8a
it rnv pwnnrm'c nnT it
Make swaps for profit.
Look into the
"Swappers Column"
of Spring Fashions
A Big Special Sale
of Ladies' Gloves, to
$1.25 Value, at 69c
Lamb Skin Gloves ih ii1 colors
black with white backs, white
with black- backs, tan with black
backs, also fine chamoisette
gloves iu strap effects, guaran
perfect; actual values up to
$1.25; in Saturday's sale
at one price, choice. ....
jwew Spring Wool Fabrics
54-in. wide, including gab
ardines, coverts and Palm
Beach suitings, in the new
shadesrof sand, putty and
greys; special, yd., $148
Black and White Check Suit
ings 54-in. wide1, right
weight for spring coats,
suits or skirts; special bar
gain, yard .98
sup aeai, iumea or goiaen, worpt 1 4
make) Rockford Cabinet Com-
v party's Buffet, fumed or gold
en oak. in this sale $24.50
Big- heavy post Brass Beds, large
fillers, new- patterns just re
ceived, one day ....$13.50
Genuine layer felt Mattress-rat
.. . . . .. .$5.00
Extra large, heavy Vera is Mar
tin Bed $5.00
-ut. nppea sauce pans; 2H
bowls, wash basins, bread
eaolee .
a-k f
cuffee pota, T Mf1
i' tt cboloa.
natit4rrad white wsra and hlna auid whits
Full cream white or colored cheese.
pound giao
Imported Houuefort or bwlaa
cnese, lb ; 400
bpeotal MiaThlaad aTavsl Ora
ale The Oraago of Cuailty.
124 vise, per dosen 3E0
150 Bias, per iloten ........... .80S
nO aiaa. per doven ., ilc
S60 alte, pr dosen 18VaO
This ia quality fruit.
The Vegetable Market for the
The beat cooking potatoea. neck.
15 lba. iTV.0
fresh beets, carrot, turnips, eliul-
lotn or radlnbas, large bunches.
eacli . ..4c
Fancy head, lettuce, head 5c, THc
2 heads fresh leaf lettuce
Kam-y cauliflower, lb. TV.o
Kancy apinarh, per Pe-k 8Uo
l'aiicy liollatul seed cabbage, lb.,
ut 2o
Fancy Red CJIobe Onions, lb. H.
Uld beets, carrots, turnips : )'
parsnipm lb. o
Fancy large cucumbers, ea 80o
A lbs. best shelled popcorn ...10c
Fancy -crown Imported figs, tb ,
at ISO
Fkncy Cape Cod cranberries, qt. 6c