TJIK HKK: OMAHA. WEDXKiSlUY. MAIiCH 24. ini". 11 V 1' 4 V 4 VOn RENT It oases rt (otlnira. -ROOM modern bouse, J' N. 3(tli St. 14. Tel. Red :.. Maggard's r&S per hr.. drey. I mn, II. per hr. J7U Webster. Doug. 14M. J. U. iCCQ rs" "Sragt LVJ Karnam. p. ciai FOll RElNT Wa have a complete llet of all houses, apartments and (lata that are for rent! This list tan be sees free of charge at Omaha Van Moras Co.. 80S So, m 8-reoni mod, house. 2512 Chicago. I). 8145. lOUSeS I',' ,JPJW ' the city. " Cretan Bona AV Co., t Hoe Bldg. 7-RoOM. nil modern. 24:i Parker St. t RtJtiyS, 3807 Jones hi., $.1n. Never been occupied. Sleeping porch; onk finish: modern throughout. Apply 3115 s. tit Phono Douglas SW. 6EVKN HOUMS, Penii perk, modem, clone to car. $:. Walnut :3"y. NIl'K modern bouee. 6 rooms, corner lot, 25 locust St.; attractive home. Shep aid. Owner, Web. M2. $.)0.00 6-room all modern house, garage. IJO.OO 8 rooms, modern except heat. IJ.VOO S-room, modern, paved street. IW.OO in-room tut. modern. I.'S.OO 7-room, all modern. $-S.&0-S-room brick house, steam heat. AMERICAN JSECtTRlTV COM PAN T, Ioug, 8013. Wal. W7, Harney 2M5. FOR RKNT. 2"i0 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF CITY. 117.50 5-r., mod., 221 Lnthrop. $?2fi0 4-r. Apart., Hi No. 2ith. $3."..0o 7-r., mod., 120 No. Mth. fco.00 11-r., mod., 1910 Cass. 81H.0O 6-r., mod. ex. Iiat, 2"9 Caldwell. $27.fiO -r.. mod. ex. heat. 2705 Douglas. $24.00 7-r., mod., 3113 Leavenworth. $42.50--r., mod. brick Apt., 106 So. 33d. J100 00 12-r.v, mod. brick, 411 So. 3ith St. Call up and we will locate you anv where. W. M. NASH A CO.. Real Kstate and Rentals. 02 Rec Hldg. Office Phone Red 3235; Night, ITarnpy 1127. A tore tad Ofrire. SPACIOUS desk room, 015 Brandels Theater. ' WANTKD TO BUT Y a la buys everything 2d hand. Tyler 1418. OFF1CK furniture bought and sold. J. C Reed. 13)7 Farnam. Doug. 14. WB BUY iM-na.nd clothe. I4fl N. 44 th. WANTED To buy gasoline engine, 1V4 or t h. p. Address O ZS. Hoe. Blightly used hlgh-grsu? piano. D. 2i7. OULDKN oak typewriter desk. D. 3."21. lltiAL ESTATE. FARM a l.ANU FOR AL lallforuls, FOR SALE At a big sacrifice If sold at once, my equity In ten acres of the finest land in Merced county, one mile noirt Pmnana. Aduiess B. A. Alberta, Hotel San Diego, 6an Dlcgo. Coloraaa- TO SETTLERS ONLY 820 ncres for $300. Rich corn, alfalla and wheat land; no acd. J. A. Tracy, Fort Morgan, Colo. BARGAIN. 1,020 or 4S0 acre stock and dairy ranch, 20" acres bottom land alfalfa; MO acres cultivated timber; good , Improvement; cattle, horses), machinery. Chae. A. i'et tersen, Watklns, Colo. Florida. F.XCHANOE Grapefruit grove In Flor ida, $15,000 for good Income; not heav ily encumbered; lumber or hardware busi ness: grove will net 10 rer cent on 25. (00; can add land up to $20,000; show good returns and particulars In first letter. Paul Lavcrents, Miami, Fla.' . Idaho. . 20 ACRES irrigated land, Payette, Idaho, to trade or sell; price very low. C. L, Kelly, Owner. Address E K0, Bee. Minnesota. . BARGAIN 240-aere f aria 20 miles from Minneapolis; 140 acres ujder cultivation, 40 acres good meadow, 6 acres timbered paature; can practically all bo cultivated; good corn land; farm is fenced; 10-room house, barn, granary, shed, wind mill, etc.; U Head good milk .cow, 4 good liorsea, harnesaes, .wagona, complew set of machinery, Hogs, ciilckens and every thing on the farm goes at 45'per acre; 14.000 caan, balance can sUnd for 10 years at per cent, (Schwab Bros., 102 Viy niouth Mldg., Minneapolis. Minn. BKiLlNG several high claaa stock farms direct 10m owners. Farms near cities, prices right, ftifr up. Spring work starts around April 10. M. hi. Carlson. Clear water. Minn. - . . . ManUM RENTERS. itOMESEEKERS Your op portunity, ft.m acres Irrigated wheat and alfalfa land for settlement at Valicr, Mont. 41.M to 50 per acre; fifteen years time. For particulars, write Valler tarm Sates Co., Bo 1002. Valicr. Mont. Mlasoari. BIGGEST land sals of the year now on. 100 forty-acrs farms WHO each. Good land. "Well settled locality. Cloae to railroad. 112 per acre is half actual value. Great est bargains in South Missouri at sensa tional prices. Write today for free liter ature. D. Merrlam, Ellis & Benton. Kansas City. Kansas. . Orrgon. , WANTED FARMERS Land In a mild. pleasant climate at true value. No ex tremes of heat or cold. I have for sle farms, stork ranches, business opportu nities. ' The best land In Oregon. 120 m-rws, price 6.iu, one-half cash, balance terms. 119 acres level valley land, 50 ncres cultivated, more can be, 35 acres timber brush pasture, balance open pas ture; rich black soil, good house, barn and out-bulldlngs; . family orchard; tenoed. oros-teiiced ; schoolhouwc on land; good road, cream route, telephone. C. H. Burkholder. Lebanon, Ore. Wlseaasku. ( Upper Wisconsin ' Best ua.ry and general crop state la h union: suiliera wanted. Lands for sals at low prices on aasy terms. Ask for book 1st No. M en Wisconsin . Central Land Grant. EicsUent lands for stock raising. If Interested la fruit lands ask lor book i. n a ..nia Orchards. Address Land ana Industrial Depatuusat, boo Lin Katiway, snnneapulla. Minn. FAKMS XJK RENT UNIMPROVED 4 and U-acre tracts. JOHN N. FRENZER DOUGLAS 554. REAL ESTATE LOANS Cl'i'V anu laiui loan, s on. per oral. J. H. Duroont at uo., i piats puna WANT&iJ 'Jny Kiana t-stra 'Iroat Co. y aM'b,u CJty wans an-1 warrants. W. l-aiiiuui Siniin . 'o.. tarnain. ilONKY on band for city aud farm luaiu. H. W. Binder. City Nat. Bank Bldg. tliu to it.w luauiv piuuiim. . D. Wel, Wa Hiag., 1Kb auJ Farnam ta. UAliVlNiaiOS EK urn first for farm loams la eastern Nea. Uaitad atataa i rut Co.. Oman a. 7p. CITY LOANS. C. r. iVrlLerg, u tlH-ili Brandels Theater Bldg. CITY property. Larue loans a specialty. W. A TnoraM, J State Bank Bid. OUAiiA homea. Ikaat Nabraska faruta, O KEkFU REaL F.VA1E CO.. 1014 Omai.a Natl. fMiuaiaa Vli iU to liU.wuO Raiii prooipuy. . u. vt eati, Vvead Bldg., IMU ar.O uu bis. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES (ICKli AUairact Co., oidst abstrai't o( rce In Nebraaka. Braiid.s Tliealen KEKH Tills Uuaraaica an4 Abktract Ca, a snodsro atxu-a. 1 alEtca. JUu 0. iUn St. I Luii Ixuglas fc4KJ. RE.IL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Franis flats aad toiiK, g.H4 r).r, e! ioialrd ti-um tin yrly. Pli.e. utiti-k .f. Umu only H.ii caan re- """.NOKTII flf'E KKALTT CO., J4th St fiid Ainrs Avr riTirlN biut'Hi.a attv all Inipiuve i a"d paid. suff. Int fiuntage i..r a .l--n fi t ri r ." ). I'WNr INVI.bTWKNT 1VIPNT. lu.4i t"l. W ale I'lo k o nEAL ESTATE TiOIlTH SIDH LAST CHANCE LAURELTON and BELLE ISLE The most remarkable development ever made in Omaha has taken place in these two additions, lying south of Miller Park and west of 24th street. More Building Is going on there NOW than any part of the city. Only 9 Lots Left One ori Laurel Avenue $8.V One on Crown Point Avenue $800 Two on Crown Point Avenue, each $950 Two on Kansas Avenue, each $1,150 One on 25tJi Avenue $800 Two on 27th Street, each $700 These are all fine lots and the price includes eewer, water and walks for each lot. Come Out Today See 15 houses under construction and see why a hundred other buyers selected this spot. Charles W. Tyler 187. Beautiful Bungalow New and entirely modern, furnace heat: six rooms and bw,th; fine arrangements; oak finish: splendid full sized baaement; nice lot, on navea street; new and at tractive homes on all sldea. Near csr linoi Can be bought on easy terms. This bungalow was built by day labor and will bear close inspection throughout. Scott &HU1 Co. Phone Douglas 1009. 7 McCaguc Bldg. !S77 EVANS 6-r. mod tioma. oak finish throughout; easy terms. Wsb. Wit. REAL ESTATF WFWT SIDE Let Us Build For You At 33d and California . i j k..llln .! loft we nave buvciii buuu .... ...... ... ' " .. ' fronting east on 33d, Just north of Cali fornia, which would be an ideal location tcr m tirlck flat or a small apartment for tin Investment. ... We built two ouiiaings in inn last year, and they were rented immedi ately. We will have plans drawn accord ing to your own Ideas, or we will advise what is Desi 10 ow ii -...... in this locality. It will bring vou at least 10 per cent net on your Investment. We have several buildings already built and rented that we can sell you in rase .i u a A Ki It r S ( hi Ml you ao not want w uuiiv. , , r m cah will handle a double brick bulldinff . , . . txi. i it tit nan Valtl t f MAs in mis locniiL-y. n wni us ab out this at once., , Hastings & Heyden " 1614 HARNEY STREET. Fine Modern Home $4,700 Dewey Avenue Near 35th .... -A fir.. .Inln nnrch. house is absolutely modern, delightfully arra-iged and in pink of condition; with out doubt the best close in bargain in such a fine district that we have offered for a long tunc; oiociva w n.ii. -... You had better see thbj before you buy. Armstrong-Walsh 00. Tylef 1536. Bta'.e nana; ciog. $1,250.00 At a Sacrifice Price 11 1.. .,r.M innm hniiRA and lA K llrClociVed south and west; small payment """"""" V ' d" V suit. House alone cost 11.400 to build. A real bargain. Shuler &Cary, TV.,, 423. 24 State Bank Bldg. Nice Modern Home, West Part of Citv Jiit UaK misn Four bed rooms, sleeping porch, attic full basement, south front lot at 8W California street, with a cement drlve to garage, convenient to Ilarner iarf Oo out and aeo this fine home; owner moving to Lincoln. . W. H. GATES,' . mt rim.ha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 14. FARNAM ST. West ot 40th. rooms. 3 V ' . - nak finlMh. Dfiiruonia. 1 1 ni " south front. Price W.S0U. Y, ll. THOMAS & SON. Douglas lb8. REAL EHTATE SOUTH SIDE See This Place Owner is hard up for cash, so the more caKh you pay in now the better bargain you will get. Thla la a fine chance to get a home at a" bargain price. House la at I.Cl 8. 26th Kt baa 6 rooms, all on one floor, is mod. rn except heat, on paved street, shade trees, two blocks from good car line. See this house today, then make your offer. It js to be had at a bargain price. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 20. rw liee Bldg. Field Club District s-room brick and frame; 4 bedrooms; tile bath, sunrooin. sa( mg poivli. beauti ful ei trlc light liiturea. lolJiUalw. must r.VR:ri,cT"tt''oFF.CK D. 1144. NEAR EiELI) CLUB 7 rooms, all modern, hot water heat, cement basement and walks; fine east front lot. paved street choice location, prl' fJ.mj. Located on 3Mh Ave. C. O. CARLliERU, 312 Brand.U Theater Bldg NfcAH VINTON CAR 11AKN. Can I fit .tfii'tly modern k-rooni hoiiM on ea.y term.. A fine ila lor r .mier. iiirra aia 4 iM-droom and oulv W tlrM-ac from M.uth 'titta nr. I'AYVK IVVi.eTM t.NT (JMPAST, riioov D 'ltiU. r-l Hlo. k. Investors Hb nwmrj read the Itcal tNtat ads In The 1W. Advertise your rop. rtir for a Quu k sale REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDB Martin & Co. 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. NEAR BKMIS PARK Almost new B-room cottage, strictly modern: oak finish in living rooms; fine outh front lot; paved street, all paid. Price, $:s.0"0. C. (J. CARLBERG ' 313 Brandrla Theater Hldg. NORTHEAST COKNKH UKT 3ith ave nue and Ames avenue. Owner says sell on terms to suit. Make us an offer. S-222, nee, ly house, strictly modern. Address 313, Bee. SKCOND lot to corner 2rJ8 Crown Point, faces Miller park. Web. 6373. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dnndre. Must Be Sold ' Happy. Hollow House Owner Leaving Town Now Is the time lo buy a well built. attractive hnuso loextert on one of the choicest spots In Happy Hollow at a price mat is right. The house has 8 rooms, besides an out side sleeping porch, finish In oak and white enamel with selected oak floors throughout. There Is a full basement, with hot water heat. The lot has a south frontaa-e of 7fi ft.. fronting a park and avenue with beau tiful shade tree. Price reduced for quick saie to fio,uw, out we want orrer. George & Company 902 City Nat'l, Bank Bldg. Phono Doug. 7i. $5,000.00 A h. 1 1 1 i f M 1 Amnm 4..tiwu kn.i.. in (Dundee, on 60th Ave., 2V( blocks from car line. I.arff reontlnn riiniuur m and kitchen down stairs; S large bed rooms ana oatn upstairs; full basement; Combination heat, lauivlry and every iiiiMi.-ni improvement.; rine appearance; tiest location in city. Must bo sold ai owner has left city and will not rent Uood terms to right party. $13,000.00 4 brick flats, all rented at $1,320 per an num; all well built; walking distance. No trade, etrlctly cash. These flats are inuuern ana cosi tis.uuu to Dulld. Owner in California. AV. M. NASI1 & CO., Tlll Kilt at T-a im nninl. . 03 Bee Bid. - Ihone Red 823fi. Dundee $6,000 nOme. lom terl Vtmt wann U ii . ?ne? f.t?,e b"t v'ur in Dundee. On rl,oor there ' large living room with fireplace and bookcases built in a nice den with French doors, a large din ing room with French doors to porch complete kitchen with bullt-ln cabinets' and a room off of the kitchen which carl be used for breakfast room or girls room. On the second floor are four nice bedroom Including enclosed sleeping throughout and nicely decorated through- 11.000 csj?h will handle. Glover & Spain 919-ao City Nat. iBk. Bldg. Douglas 3R6:. Low Priced- Easy Terms Dundee Houses $4,250.00 This Is a well built, strictly modern house, having large living room with brick firepiace, flnlahed. in quarter sawed oak, attractive dining room and conveni ent kitchen 1st flour. 2 bednvun. I ceptlonally large, with Z closets and com plete nam room on 2d floor; located on high. Hlghtly. south front lot, tOxVJb feet, affording a fine view. $4,300.00 For new B-room bungalow, havlna liv ing loom with brick fireplace, dining room with beamed ceilings, finished In oak, 2 bedrooms, complete bath room with showr, and convenient kitchen, all on 1st floor. Ktulrway' to 2d story, with ample space tor 2 or I more rooms. North front lot. GOxISO feet. Two hlncka from car line. Terms about KuO rash, balance like rent. These houses are cheap and will sell readily. Investigate at once. George & Company Phone D. 'IS. tt City Nat. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Acreage Buys Oood arretge clone to Omaha Is one of the best Investments today. We offer yoa acreage tracts that are bound to increase in value, and so close to Omaha that a good price for your j.iodi.rLe Is aaaured. See us today. We are acre specialist. rifteon a'rea. West Center, five blocks from car. Fine Improvements, cost over lMw. price, l&,uol. Twenty acres, s little farther out. Good All in fruit and roneded to U the equal of any fruit farm In the state. Price, tl5,m. Taenty scrs, northwest of Florence. Very fair Improvements, lots of fruit and shruboery. This land is rolling, but fine for fruit, poultry or hog raising. J'rUe. 17."'). Twenty acres, about l' miles west et Florence, a abort disian.e from the ir:a isdain road. Very lair Imurwrrsienis, fruit and shrubbery. Prl' ed .i Xf4 way below pi lee of adiolnlng property. Five acre., atwut inilesiuth of Bouth Omaha city liinlls, with A No. 1 liu i r. ineni.. that cvt at least i.M pii-e. T,.'jui Pre . in same locality. Improvs menl. fair. Pi ice, 4. is. O'NfiPH If. K. A; Ins. Af-nry, luQ FAHNAU CT TtL. TVU.ll PTtf. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Rnmort Float on Board of Trade, with Long? and Shorts Both Selling; Wheat- EXrORT TRADE IS FALLINO OFF OMAHA. March 2!, 19IS. With Prsemvsl In tlia hanila of the avernge man of wheat liellevea thnt the road to Berlin Is open and that there is a possibility of KiiMinn wheat being cXMirtcd. Many unconfirmed rumors' were In circulation on the Board of! , I . : . 1 ,, .uq urnvy intiooniion ov lonas and shorts selling was Indulged In. There was a fvellng in the trade nong certain speculators thnt the war s hear ing the end. There has been very little export bills and the sealoai'd i-eortcd only fifteen loads of wheat ,.ind thirteen loads of corn for shipment abroad. Coarse grains are both lower, largely In sympathy with, the price losses In wheat and helped also by tlie lack of buying power from the cash Article, The weather Is against the shelling and movement of corn, and It Is also raalnst the seeding of onts. but these facts are given no groat amount of attention by the trade. Omahn, Spot Market Wheat was tin changed, corn was Vc to le higher and oats were c lower to 'c higher. Clearance of wheat and flour weve equal to 8U6.O0O bushels; corn, lol.OOO bush, els; oats, 114.000 bushels. Corn closed d lower at Liverpool. Primary wheat receipts were i"t.0i0 bushels and shipments 421,Ok bushels, against receipts of 4ss,0i0 bushels and shipments of 474.00O bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 601.000 bush els nnd shipments fcA.tmo bushels, against receipts of N4H.H00 bushels and shipments of 6KI.O00 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 874.000 bush els and fhlpments Kis.(KX bushels, iigRlnxt receipts of "W.ono bushels and shipments of 8.'i4.000 bushels last year. CARDOT RKCKIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Onts. Chicago IS'i Hi 3a Minneapolis 1TH ... Duluth 124 Omaha 4 27 ! KanSHS City II 74 Kt. lxuls M M Wlnnliieg J Pales reported today: Wheat No. ! hard winter: 1 car, f 1.51V. No. i hard winter: 1 car, $1.6Pi: 3 cars. II. TO. No. 4 hard winter; 1 car, 11.4ft. No. S aprlng: 1 car. I1.49H. No. 4 mined: 1 car. 11.44. Rye Sample: 1 ear, $1.10. Corn No. 4 white: t cars. M4c. No. 3 yellow: 2 ears, 69c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 6SHc, No. 6 yellow: 1 car. (Sc. No. t mixed: t car. iK'jc. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, near white, 6Nc; 1 car, use; t car, tnstc; l car, ec. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, Ofic. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car. S7'4c. Standard: 1 car. M-V. No. 3 white: 4 cars. 6tVc; l car, &c. No. 4 white: 4 cars, ojftc. unmpie; 1 car, Mc; l car, 640. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 Tur key, LoJH(fil.f3'4; No. 3 turkey, ll.Barul.5.1; No. 2 hard. jf.WH'al.Mc; No. IihiM. T14Htf1H; No. 3 spring, $t.4K4n.4.t; No. S durum, tl.44iir1.46; No. 8 durm, $1.43 B1.4fi. Corn: No. i while, 6MMJ7IV; No. 2 white, ffl'i'SflieV: No. 3 white, 1f8tfc; No. 4 white, x.ti8Mic; No. 6 white, M 8'4c; No. ft white. b7H(Bii4c: No. 1 yel low, 69i()44c: So. 2 yellow, iiV ; No. 3 yellow, 6SH?iW4c; No. 4 yellow, S f9o; Nc. 5 yellow, tix'msc; No. ( yel low, 7V-ciie: No. 1 mixed. WV4(jjiSc; No. 2 mixed, S8'JftiXie; No. 3 mixed. 6MWt'.i; No. 4 mixed, 67teWcj No. 6 mixed, "'oi7o; No. S mixed, 6Ti(S.c. Oats: No. 2 white, B7(fi,4o; standard, KS4rjifi4e: No. S white, 5(VdWVc; No. 4 white, fjfiViifiWW Barley: Malting, 7Kif7c: No. 1 feed. 3 6Sc rtye. No. 2, H.13GU4; No. S. $1.12 CHICAGO GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS) Peatares of the Trmdlag; aad Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. March 23.-Rcports of wide spread danger from liessUn fly made wheat run .up In price today notwith standing a tumble at the start. The mar ket closed strong, 2Vnaic above last night. Other leading staples, too, all scored a net gain corn. VHo, oats, Vrtf o and provisions 6pl2'4c. ' According to a leading authority evi dence snowed that Hessian fly was in the domestlo winter wheat crop this sea son over a wider area than for several weJL7: 2" i2reJlirtpl that tne next w,k" woilld bring about an unusugl number of complaints of the presence or the Insect It noed csuse no surprise, he added, if a crop scare of considerable proportlona should develop regarding orhS:itn:!chevf K'Vir ,trom westim Ohio to the eastern half of Kansas. Other experts pointed out that the lightness of the r.Mrv. . .trl. - i L , . -- .iiiKfi.. im-uma a rur- l!LSoure ot 'I"! n c" t"o serious found to ,be ,true."a,UOnB Ecxport demand, which of late' has iu u . ln" 7"ni revived today when the wheat market began to bulge. The .ujiiih, nosuy ac ine seaboard, WSB RSlli te n n-ir ....... 1 orn a . ' i.-uv.wu ouaneia There were also reports that Minnesota millers had refused big orders for flour snd that Argentina wheat shipments turned out to be of unlooked-for quality On the other hand, lower cable quotations had much to do with ah early down turn in prices here. Corn swayed with wheat. Trade was al most wholly of a local . character. Oats tvt a nf fguttakH flixnniisa U smu .(V at- J There were signs of tin active cash de- ij tuna i ruin ine fwaDoaxa. Provisions rampn on account or cover- tun m iii rv. uwnnvtu , Ilia market was oVprfleacd owlnk to a sag all (.IJ4D Vl IUO Lfl 1 1 If ( Artlcl-I Open.l H)gh. Low. Cloe, Bst y. Xv'lieat May. 1 MH 1 S5H 1 toi 1MH 1 .luly. 1 204 1 Zi 1 1974 123?, 1 20 Corn: May. 72Ti 7.14 T2 n 7;i'4 July. 75H 76 7o'i 76U Oats: May. RSS S4 5H B9H f9 July. M. 54 M M' (AM Pork: May. 17 25 17 42V 17 22H 17 42H 17 30 July. 17 70 17 87V4 17 7V 177 17 76 Lard: May. 10 16 10 25 10 15 10 22Vi 10 1714 July. 10 42 10 b2V 10 40 10 60 10 46 Ribs: May. M 10 0 60 10 00 S fr2 July. 10 15 10 82 10 26 10 82 10 2A Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. tl.&2)i.ljG; No. 2 hard, Corn: No. 2 yellow, 74c; No. 4 yellow, 6ru.7ic.; No. 4 white. 70c- Oats: No. 3 white, r369c; standard, biaiuc. Parley, 74ty 83c. (Seeds: Timothy. I4.60ffl.uO: clover. t.ot84.ii. Provisions: 1'ork, l7.1i;. tarn. sv. id; rins, Reports that Hessian fly had become a menaoe In many moro pla-ea than usual tended afterward to bring a, aiiarp ad vane. Pesldea. It was said near the end of the day that export sales at til" sea board would reach 1.0.'0 bushels. The close waa strong, 2'd-3iO above last nignt. Subsequently the market developed nrmneaa. owing to tne late strength of wheat. The close waa strong, HrSc net higher. HI'TTKR-fteady; creamery, 20V2V. EKiH Iiwer; receipts, ll.ltfO cases; at nirk, cases Included, 17rl4c; ordinary firsts, 17yci!7c; firsts. IK'.'U'lRWc. PTATOK8 Hlsher receipts, 8 csrs; Michigan sind Wisconsin red. 'd40c; Michigan and Wisconsin white, i'.'fi .!(.. POULTUV Alive, unsettled, fowls. 14 49 lac; springs. 17c. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Two 5-Acre Tracts ft Acres In Keystone Park, good location, fcf.OUO. Close to Henson. 5 seres on main road that runs north o? Kni Park, east front, one of the most desirable 6-acre tracts tbst ran be pur chased la this locality; all In original prairie; beautiful location, close to school, 12. 71 A i: 1 1 her of these two pieces sre xcep tlonal bargains and can be had on easy terms. Hastings & Heyden 114 HARNEY KTHEKT. Five-Acre Tract Lxx ated convenient te ar line In north ot Krug Park district: lie high and smooth; one of the prrttieat ttacts In this diMiiet: ara offerlnv It for e .asli price t ll for a f'w dava Shuler & Can', iKiugUs tUSt. IX BiaU bank VMg IIMIHI (.1'.M:HII, MttlKKT. HI TTKU No. 1. l ib. cattyns, c; No. 2, fv , tubs. 20. CHl'.l'.SK Imported Swiss. 34c; Ameri can 8ulss ac; hliK-k Swlsev twins, 1 ; dniMlrs. 17e; trltlets. 17c; Young Americas, l'c; hlue llel brick, 17c; llm buraer, 2 lb.. 1-lh , 2IK-; New York "sblto, l!v. Imported French ItiMiuefort, 4le. FISH Trout. lVe: lnrge crapples, IV; halibut. IV; channel cntflsh, le. SWKKT IMTA DiKS--Kansas. 12.7 bbl. HKKF CFTS-ltlbe: No. 1, No. 2, ln-; No 8, ll'v. l.ins: No. I, !; No. 2. !.'; No. J, 12c. Chucks: No. 1, Sc; No. t, 8,c; No. ;t, 7c. Hounds: No. 1, 1J.-; No 2. Il'.c. No. 3, pV Plates: No. I. 7,e; No 2. 7',c; No. 3, tr. PlU'LTItY Hrollei s, ?(V; spring chick ens. Iim" lit. 11. lit" L. H.I.IKI-. SV-f' il.ii. hU.,.' iln..l.a 1iw' s.-rt In." I turkeys, l.KftlV; pigeons, xr dot., tH'e; ducks, full leathered, liV; geese, full feathered, 8o. siiuabs. No. 1, I.W; No. 2, oiv. Aiarket quotations furnished by Ulllnskl Fruit company. Fit C ITS t antes: Kxtra ranty Alpha betical, all sites, I2.7.i per box. extra fancy SunklM, all sites, fcl.W lr box; ex tra fancy Hed Hall, all sltea, $.' Ji per box. lemons Fan 'V Kunklst, "n, Shis, $4.nttr4..piO ier box: cholco Hed Hall, 8:t.(i0 per box. tlrape fruit: $1.7."i box; Ms, 2.25 per box; ;:s. :'.( r box; '4, Kis. 12.50 per box. Apples: Kxtra fancy Wash ligton PearniHines. I1.7S )ier box; extra fumy Washington 8pitttiliurgs, 81.50 per box; WashliiKton extra fancy Hoovers, l.;ift per box; extra fancy black Hen Davis, 11.35 per box; extra fancy Hlaek Twigs, 81 50 er box; fancy Hlack Twigs. 11.35 per box; extra fancy 1'tah Oanos, 81.25 per box; fancy Roman Reali ties, $1.10 per box; fancy Roman Reali ties, & box lots, $1.40 per box; Hen Davis, highly colored. $3.25 er barrel; Shield Wine Paps, $4.00 tier barrel. Hananaa: Per bunch, $2.0nS2.25; per pound. VliOKTAHl,l't--aullllower, $;U.O per crate. CabbaRe: New York Danish, 2c per pound; Wisconsin Holland seed, lc per pound; California new, 2c per pound. Celery: Jumbo. fKV doten. Pep pers, fV basket. ltluc,i: Head, $1 doten; lesf, 40c doten. Onions: Red, 2o pound; yellow, 2c. pound: white. 2c. pound: Spanish, $l.ri crate. Artichokes, $1.50 doxen. Hndlves, 36c (Hiund. Hrussel sproute. ). pound. Tomatoes. $l.."i0 bos ket, tlarltc. 25c pound. Radishes, dOi" doten. Turnip, 60c doten. Spinach, 50c doten. Parsley. V Heans, $ hamper. union Sets; Yellow and red, $1.50 per bushel: white, $1.75 per bushel, strawberries: Per quart. 60e. Potatoes: Colorado Kurala, 7.V per bushel; Red River Ohio, c per l.usbel; Minnesota Whites, Hoc, per bushel. Sweet Potatoes: Seed slock shipments, April 6 to 10, $2.00 er barrel. MlNCKU.ANF.OV Nuts: No. 1 Cali fornia walnuts, lo pound; black walnuts, 3 pound; filberts, IV pound; pecans, 12c pound; Hraxlla, 12-c pound; al monds, 20c pound. Figs: 60 ft-ot., $2 per box. Dates: Sugar walnut, $1.4 per box; Hallowe'en, 8c pound. Popcorn, shelled, 4c pound. Limes: Per box, $1.76. Cracker Jack: Per case, $3.M; half case, $1.75. Checkers: Per ease, $3,50; half ca, $1.76. Cider: New York, $3.50 per keg. Cocoa nuts: Per sack, $3.liii; per doten, 75o. Cranberries: Dates Howes, $7 per barrel; per box. $&fyi. Peanuts; Raw, 7c pound; raw, sack lota. Jumbo, 8c pound; rousted, 8o pound; salted, $1.50 per can. Mush rooms: Per pound, UK: New York Jeneral Market. NEW YORK, March 2S. BUOAR-Raw, firm; centrifugal, 4.NSc; molasses. 4.12r. Refined lrm. Futures were firm snl higher early toils y on a. renewed demand from trade Interests and scattered buying by commission bouses prompted by the higher spot market. Prices at midday acre 4f5 points not higher. HUTTER Steady ; receipts. ll.SOtt tubs; creamery extras, H2 points scoring, 2c; creamery, higher scoring, 2W-'3e; crcam- er firsts. ni'2o; seconds, 2.iv"uc. PHEKHK lrregtilar : receipts 1.232 boxes; state whole milk, held specials, 16Vril7c; state whole milk, average fancy, K.ultio. K.K"I8 Firm; receipts, 88,o;i cases; fresh gathered extras, 22U23c; storage packed firms to extra firsts, 20fd21Hc; regular paiked extn. Iftrats. 2-KSul'.ict regular packed firsts, 2ii21o: nearby hennery wl lies, flno to fancy, 26c; nearby hennery browns. 22fn23c. l'Ol'i.TKY Alive, firm; western. 17p lite; tuikcys, l.VylKe; dressed, quiet; west ern froten chickens, l!K-(t21c; fresh fowls, ItfoISc; turkeys, 13j20c. Mlnnrnnolls (iraln Market. MINN ISA PO LIS, March 23. WHEAT Muv. ll.4kUCil.4ii: July, ll.40; No. 1 hard, $1,641,1 No. 1 northern, $1.5uHj)1.52; No. nortriern, n.4i wi.ei'ai. FIX1TH Declined; fancy patents, $7,00; first clears. $(1.20; second clears, $t.S0. HARL,KY-67l78c. RYK $l.0Si?)1.10, BRAN $22.00. CORN No. 3 yellow, W,fWc. OATH No. 3 white, 57rj7"iO. rLAX-$1.87ftl.rl. Kansas Cllr flrala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 2i.-WHF.AT-No. 2 hard, $1.4o4i 1.60; No. 2 red, $1.47 i iTU.- Muv 81.46V.: July. 81.1641.16; Srpsrmber, Jl.OCIi. yi. id kj m i ii 71Ue; No. I white. 72 (fi72c; No. 2 yollow, 72ijj'i2c; No. 3, 71 (ji72c; May. 7lc; Jiuy, 1074c; oepieuiutjr, tl'c .. . ... . M CIATS NO. s While, dsc; eio. s rainn, 64!t.riC. Bt I.ouls Oraln Market. 8T. DOUIH, March J3.-WHBAT-N'o. t red $1.61'&1.&2; No 2 hard, nominal; May, $1.60;, July, $l.Wi. , CORN No. 2, 74c; No. 2 white, nominal; May. 73l73Vc: July. 76o. OATS No. 2, 68c; No. 2 white, 60c. Liverpool tlraln Market. ........ m...l. MWHRAT-. ..l'vl"rxV.n.,ohM'.vi:t. m: NO 3 13. llUVt i - - 8d; mixed, old, Us 2d; March, is 6d. Coffee Marke-4, ....... viMiL- M.iroh n rmFFKK The mat kit for coffee futures Pf un changed tO It pomiS MIKIier ..ii - pean buying of later deliveries and In svmpathv with the steady ruling of the liratllian markets. There was no Im portant demntid, however, and prices later eased off under renewed near-month ..I,..,.. I ...t.nrrf I mil I. UK lilnir. liquiimLioii iin . L The close was tJ to 10 imlnts higher. Seles, 21,000 baga. juarcn, i . ."..-. 8Wci June, .5c; July. 7.IAic; August, 7.l.o; rkipuunber, 7.21k' ; October, 7.26c.; Novem ber, 7.82c; December, 7.38c; January, 7.44c; February, 7.48c. Spot, quiet; Rio Nf. 7, 8c; Santoa No. 4, 10fcl0c. Very few offers were reported In the cost and freight market and prices were said to be about unchanged. Rio exchange was hlKher. while inllrels prices were unchanged. Omaha llay Market. . . . r . . . L ipi Tl) A 1 ft T l,- WAV OlIIAJll. illliri l l iiniiiii. ' (liolce upland, $1.1,iu; No. 1. $12. "i0; No. 2, $10.ryll.!VO: No. 3, t).im lO.OO. Choice mid land, $12.50: No. 1, I12.: No. 2. $in.0ir 11 '! No. 3, $y.0ri Ui.uo. Choice lowland, o.50; No. 1, $iauO; No.i 2, $S.Wrn.u0; No. 8, $H i .50. STRAW There Is no straw on the mar ket. Choice bright wheat straw is iiuot ablo at $6.rif4l7.ii: chobe bright oal or rye et raw at $7.mKi7.tii. AWAI.FA Choice pen-green. leafy, fine ttein, $14.0Cil 15 00; tit tukes extra choice to hrlnif II." ); No. 1, $13 5ltff 14 tl; No, Z, $!2.0O13.; No. 3, $ll.Oifc 12.'. Metal Maket. NKW YORK, March 2S.-.M IOTA 1.8 I-ad, steady, $; lindon USI 2a id S elti r. nominal: Ixindon, i-l'l l.s. Tin: Nominal; tlve-ton lots offered at 52'i0 Cupper: Firm; electrolytic. $15.314 'ul.1.30; eastings, nominal at $'(i l&.g. Inn: Steady and um bunged. At I mnilnn-Copper: SKt, 4.69; futurea. fMt 1". Tin: Spot. 173 ; futures, A.iii. Anliinonv. A:7V'i(Sl HT I H IS. March 23 -MKTAI,S-Iad: julet a $4 4.15. Spelter: l-iasler at Vj .lt ta 10 00. liitlos Market. NKW YORK. March 23 COTTON Slt, quiet, liilddlliig uplands, 9.26.'. Males, 1.34 bales Cotton f'lture closed very steady; llanii. 8 02' ; May. !: July. 4c; tk--tober. ; Iw-eeiober. 9 The cotton market closed steady and from 5 to 20 point net higher. 1.1 V FRF ! March 21. COTTON steady. S'io-1 inl'tdllng. 5htl, mid- Ming, 5.3il. low ml. til. Inn. 4 Ilrr liiMtdt Market. NfW YORK. March ft-liRV iHNiDfl -4'otton giKMia rr. steady tixlay. Men's wear lines aeV quiet. Fin dies goods were In aleniaiul fur fill Silk trade lor fsll was light, Joitliers reported a mod erate trsde. t " Tl.itd Paseinan 1 V. i r Vaughn, iai of lb Id. f r a In li'lernatiiifiiils. Is showing : as put a bill, r with Hi '1 rulers at Havana OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Higher Than on Monday Sheep and Lamb Pricri Steady. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS UP SOFT 1 1 OMAHA. March 23. VM5. Ruelpts were: Cattle, JIoks. theep. Official Mondsv 4.fv"i 4 sT.i 14.(3 Kstlmate Tuesday ."..n lti,,'i)o lOfmO Two dava this week.. l '."n SI. 875 J4.5VJ 37.i'2 1.'.4'!l 2!'.!"V. 21 Same tlsvs Inst Week . . 1N.:!47 a.ii70 Same days 2 weeks ago .7U 14. MO Same dnys $ weeks ago lo.2f V.Q.2 Same dn a 4 weeks ago 9,tt 1W,1!I Shiiio diiv last rar.. 7f.l5 12.!i'i The foliowlna tahte snows the receipts ef cattle, boss nnd sheep at the South Omshs live stork market for the year to date as compared lth Inst year IMS. 1"14. Cattle IXiTO 27 Hoas sis, WW t:7i'..lls Sheen fv o-ai gn.lTS Inc. 21.047 142.7r.' 21 The following table shews the average price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: . Date. I ms. ii4.:ii.H isi2.l:l 1 . i 1!10 11909. Mar. Mar. Mar. -Mar. Mar. Mar. 'r, Mar. Mar. Mar Mar. Mir. 64 V 7l 6 61 I 8 62: 8 .15. $ :a $ t-' 6 4I Sit I 40! 4X1 S 661 a 4,1 Ul 6.11 6 7fli 7 6 fW 9i 4)1 68 6 51 4-1 8 41 47 10. 7W 10 $2 11 8 84 8 31 8 4ii 8 4M 80' 10 if 110 $7 3! 12. nl 14.. 15.1 78V V 6 MV 63 4l 8 50 8 6,1 8 6i'. 8 57 AM'O 34 a $7 010 42 0 73110 351 67 10 3f 61,10 6t 10 61 Sfil I 40 61 65 6 30 44 40 1H 17 18 19. 20. 21. 22 8 44 8 88 8 701 8 741 8 46 8 66l 8 SKI 8 54 I 66 8 70! 65 Nfar. Mar. Mar. 8 6' !5I 7 10 7 0ft !l 8 79 45! 10 63 6 68H 8 81 6 45 10 49 64 6 45 10 61) 6 W Mar. 23 I tn 8 67 8unday. Receipt end disposition of live stock at the Inlon Stock Yards. Bouth Omaha, for the twenty-four hours endlna at 1 o'clock yesterday: RKCEII'TS CARLOADS. Cattle, llosa Hheen. Il'r'a. C, M. St. P 7 6 Wabash 1 2 Missouri Pacific.... . 4 I nloji Pacific m t: V, I C. A N. W.. east... 15 1 1 C. N. W., west.. 49 71 C St. P., M. & O.. 0 22 C. H. O.. east .... 7 1 C., H. ft west.... 45 81 C, It. 1. 1- P., east.. 11 16 19 c. R. I. P.. west. 1 I Illinois Centra 7 7 Chicago Ot. West.. I Total receipts ... 198 L':t4 46 DlSltiSlTION 1IKAD. cattle. Hog. Bheep. lHtl ft 1.1 S3 1.507 Morris & Co 611 1.6J0 Sw tt A Co 1.S.1.-I 1.911 2.218 1.054 818 Cudahy Packing Co. 29 ' 60 Armour & Co Schwarti & Co J. VV. Murphy , Lincoln Packing Co.... 8 So. Omaha Packing Ca 12 W. H. Vansant Co 22 Henton, Vansant & J,JUBh 6 lllll AY Son 17 F. B. Lewis M Huston fc Co 1 J. H. Root A Co 47 J H. Hnlla 77 1.. V ' llur HI 'Rosenstock Hros 30 Kellogg i;,4 II V. Itsmlttnn K Sullivan Hros 52 Rothschild V4 Mo. Hr Kansa Cnlf Co -M Christie 53 HlKglns ;o Huffman 14 Roth a Meyers It Haker. Jones & Smith.. 76 Tinnr tlmi.. . John Harvey 12ii Kline 4H Other buyers loo it, 436 fotala 4.N73 . 9,34.0 8,505 CATTLK-ltccelpts were very fair for a Tuesday, but for the two davs this week receipts foot uu only 9,020 bead, being only about half tho slse of last " e.-iv a excrpiioiiauy neavy run. nun tne receipts for the week to date are larger than tho corresponding week a year ago by 2.01)0 head. Light or handywetght beef steers were In the best demand, as has been the rase on most days of late. Heavy cat tle, even of good quality, were not so mucn sought arter. While the market was not exactly active, there was a fair demand, with prices ranging anywhere . 1 1 n. . ... 1 . , , . , . , ...... mwnuj iu mm mui.ii ai n iu nigner In some spots, the general market being safely a little stronger than yesterday. Cows and heifers, especially the better grades, were In active demand and sold very freely at prloes that were strong I 1Art 1. I . . . . . 1 . r . ... mifiir i.nitn vcBiernay. ieas ae- slrable kinds wero at least steady. Ut . w. U -r- .. .. A , . m 1 ..... n mi., inuini. wrra in very lair request with desirable kinds strong. Ouotntluna ... II Ia . 1 '. 1 ... .. . . . " - ' ' 1 .jiwu w tnnic coinfed beeves. 7.6'aH.3n; fair to good .-M-iu.u ucee, fi.iun'i.iu; common to ralr corhfed beeves $.(i0iT7.10; good to iholce heUors. $6.26(7.00; good to choice r;r" .; iair 10 gooa cows, la.oirj 6.7..; common to fair cows. $4 tlf5O0; good to choice stockars and feeders, $7.O0tf7 60; iJ,r t0 00', "takers feeders. M.50( T-.H,."., nknn imuri . n.fAT21i X. look cows, 14.751,6.0.1; stock calvesT l.004j.7?60; $4.7rif,T)o : ' Wi nu", la,r"' et0 ' itopresentatlve sales: UEF.F STEERS. No. 1.. t... At. Pr No. A. Pr. T U l 760 7 64.... 14..,. .... II.... 6.... 1 ... mi VMl i;o 1!JT ....10k la to... ....IIM T Ml ....lltt T 1 .... t7 T 15 .,..1247 T ....1124 T 10 4.., if.., 4... .12H4 .147 7 71 7 I 14... li. HEIP'l.'.'jlii i to u... .. 4 .. 677 .. AW) .. a.a 6 .... " ... .... ii.... . 40 . win . 4 .147 4 M to 4 ai T W 4... .... X I-.., 4 It II..... .. 714 cows. I.... 4 n i .1800 ...lao ..lio 6 7fi 1.1.'.. ...Ul 4 71 11,.. , til ..1170 I li i " . (IS I so UULI.H." i t no i..., 1140 I 10 a.... i6o in . i.... 'II Ml K 1A , .1210 t 10 ,.1270 ..1475 ..10.10 I 60 t.i K t 7& HTfX KKItri ANikKKDI ' 40 18 774 t 7 a 1 aio 7k WO f All 71, T It sail t ;o . " su j .g UO(j Ker.,Y, while not vo urm- tm a WINK AKli. Wrra fnlrlw Ilh..rul ..I.?.,., oil . -' aw.jiF iiHtQ np ni I reported In. I he two dy' totMl of 21,375 i head inullne ihun iu l. s over but Is 8,4'JO - . rim. nt'rn, In view of the fact that advices front dlher points were rather dlcournglng. nippers and speculators started out buyl ilia at nlmlitli ..,.-. ...i giades luovinir freelv at fivu... ;... r about a nickel lower HTan yraler- '''-.'"''I'r'lng purchases was made hlgi .. '$g.7!! h occln ld as Packers were very bearish, making nlr r.;rl? 0f,, r nt "kures that were fully i. Itwer. Sa.ninen were not in clined to make so large a concession, and a a result most of the forenoon passed before any packing hogs were sold. In. the end sellers were forced to give In and when the big hulk of the killing boa sold it was at figures that were in most cases a d'nie lower than yesterday. Move ment remained alow throughout, and It waa after midday before any sort of a clearance was made. As a general thing the shipier market can be limited aa a nickel lower. hht the packer trade was Just about a ilbne off. !,aier In the forenoon a hen ship per were buvlnn hog that were not so I'esiriftljln from tii.-lr ..lint nt ilnw i ... PP ked up a number of loads around I 0 and that puts the bulk of the shipping A a t nrrhsses st the Istter flgur being the rlHy's top. Most of the packers droves were tut up nronnd It'..! S5, ag syalnst yesterday's Kl market In kill ing grade. Representative sales: Ar. Oh. Pr. No. A. Ilk P". 71 Ml ... t - ) mi ... r 7. ii: ... ; 7t J0 40 7l .I I7 ... 75 ia ... (It 4: 21 . 4n sn :: ... -4 ... Hi i.ii trt i 77 2-3 41 AW 4 l' 4f mu. II 70 ... tf SH FKP Fully steady prices were paid for both sheep and lamli this morning, notwithstanding the fart that early ad vice from outside points were bearish. I.Ike Monday trade was slow most of th forenoon, but when a trading haala wa finally resehed business was fslrlv actlv. resulting In a seasonable clearance. Th receipts were ll.rO head, against 15,132 a week ago and 9.443 a year a an. Moat other markets were well supplied. There were hot as many ewes on sale this morn ing, the total supply amounting to nc more than half a cloien- loads, among which were two cars of Scott's Hlufl ewes as good a have been seen here In a long time, that made a new high mark for the year at $7.8.., the highest sines 1910. The bulk of the ewes moved at $7.601,7.7:, and most of the lambs at $." 1t9.7."i, quality and weight fixing the price. There wore no feeders to speak of. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Dambs, Mexicans. I'.i.fio!.',; lambs, fed westerns I" oi9 70; Ismhs. sheering. $8..Y.i! on Mexicans, $9 40nt.76; lambs, fed western, $H90.i9i; lambs, ahearing, $8.1taSa; vearllng. llnht. $8 75"tr.0O: yearilnga, heavy, 18 'iOS8 76: wethers, good to choice. $7 i.VnvQtt; wethers, fair to aood, $7.fiOiJf7.76; ewes, good to choice, $7.0(r7.5i; ewes, fall ti good. $7 :ti7.60. 619 fed lamb 77 Ml fed lamba 73 453 fed IhjiiU 2 7f 9 7! an ft oo 7 90 6 On 9 75 8 25 9 75 5 01 9 SO. 7 &5 194 fed lambs 3 Ifci Colorado wethers 93 2i ru.l wethers Ml 128 fed lambs 79 17 culls fi7 130 fed lambs 79 86 Colorado bucks 148 741 Wyoming lambs 72 2U3 fed ewes td CHICAGO 1,1 VH STOCK MARKET " ' .a Cattle II ran ltoa Weak fa Lower Sheep I nettleit. CHICAOO. March 23. CAT TLB Re ceipts, ?.min head; market firm; native steers. $, 7Ti: western, $5.35i7.40; cows ' and heifers. $.lv.t7.7:.; t gives. $7.00ii0.5t. HoilS-lterelpts, 19,000 head; market weak, iic to PV lower; bulk of sales. $A.ti.V 4J6.75: light, $i.5f,((i.73; mixed, KM!.); heavy, $rt.2fh.76; rough. $6.26(66.40; pig. $f, 2.Vu.30. tHIKKP AND T.AMRS-Reeelpta. 14,000 heHd; market unsettled; sheep, $7.101iilA; y callings, $7.8TiTi0.15; lamba, $7.60n1.MO. kt. I. oal l.lre Stock: Market ST. LOIMS. March 23.-'ATTLE-'Re-. celpt. 2.HH0 head; market lower; native eef steers, $7.nv.i8.i; cows and heifers, $5.!.i'(i8.26; southern steers, $6.25(rJ'7.75; cows snd heifers, $l.00(r.00; native calves, $6 nfiifi-io 25. 1HK1S Receipts, 120O0 head; market Steady; pigs and H-hts, $5.8.V(f7.25; mixed and butchers, $6.!C $0; good heavy, $7.00 e-7.15. SHEEP AND LA M B8 Receipts, 09 head: market steady; native muttons, Kt.7r.TiS.0O; lambs. $U0iVu9.85: yearilngs, $7.50 rtl.90; sheared yearlings, $S;50t7.. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, March $3. CATTLE- Receipts, 8,009 hesd; market weak; prime fed steers, $6. 25ii'S 66 ; dressed raef steers. $7.00fii.16; western steers. $g.R5igH 30: stnekorn and feeder, lAOOQI.SS; bulls, $6.26 trtW: calves, $6 (KKrflOSO. HOOS Receipts, 10,000 head: market lower; bulk of sales. $6.tiiK(.60; hev. $Ati0tiH.7O-. packer and butchers, $6.8040 6.M6; light, $H60,4)88; nig. K25i(M.6i. SHEF.P AND LAMBS Receipts, ".Rftl head: market lower; lambs, $! 0W .7& ; . yesrllna. $8.(iOi3.76i wethers, l7.254jj-8.00; ewes, S7.0Ou7.7w. glo City live gtock Market. SIOtTX CITT. la.. March 23. CATTLH Receipts, 1,500 head; market steady; na. live steers, $62r.W.25; butchers. i6.00(ff.7;i! cows and heifers,' $4.609141.40; csnners, $3.60 AIM; stocker and feeders. $4,50tf8.70; bulls, slags, etc., $4.ROm.26. . II OOS-Receipts, .70 head: msrket, steady: heavy. $.664i.70; mixed. $6.6inti .; light, $6.6506.80; bulk of sales, $0.60fi 'sHEEP AND TAMRS Receipts. 6no head; market steady; ewes, , $6.0O7.3o; lambs, $9 . St .Joseph I-lTS Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, March S3. CATTLBRe-' celpts, l.fmo head; market higher: ritlve steers, $7.00ff so; cows and belfers, $4,004? 8.00; calves, $iMW9.50. irOOS Receipts, 4.S0T) head: market lower: top. 16. SO; bulk of sales, $tT.WU.77. SHEEP AND LAM W Receipt s, 10.000 head: market lower; lambs, $9.0iXlg9.7. I Urn York Moaey SIarket. NEW YORK. March 23. MERCANTU.U PAIMCR 3 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at decline; sixty-day bills $4.76; for cableH, S4.7KIV,: for demand, $4.7826. Bilver. 60oj Mexican dollars. 8Se. HONDB Oovernment, steady; railroad, flMONEY On call, steady; high, S pet cent; low, 4 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; last loan S per cent; closing bid. Mi per cent:-offered at 2 per cent. Closing quotatloas on bonds today were aa follows: u. B. rf. t. rag... H4Mo. Par. . .... 4S So eouson tHN. T. C. g. ts.... so n a taTrig 01V4N. Y. City 4He.....W4i ao eoupoa 101 N. Y. HU 4... IMS V S. 4 rS Mtl. Y., N. H. H. do uouioa ! 196 Panama ll eoupoa.. 101 N. Paciflo 4s..... ., tl't Am. Soialter .... lot1 do s 4 A T. T. ev. 4M'irX. S. U r f. 4..... Kl Armour Co. 4.. tlHrac. T. T. ta.... Hl Atohlaoa 4.... 2Srn. eon 4.,..,., 17, llal. A Ohio 4s M oo COB. 4S.' IMS Che. Ohio 4.. M Htlln( ln. 4..., Vt V. H. AV. U ) 4.... Mg. U P. r. 4. T,' CHAIFI 44a.. Wi go. Par. rv. 4 do cv. Aa 1B1K So raf. '4a M', C. R. I. 4 P. . 4t 31H do ev. 6a tf'4 C. AV B. f. 44a.... U Bo. R.llw.r la US II a It. U. rf. ts 41 fnloa Psrlfle 4 Ws I4rl gso. 4a t do ev. 4 "Uan. b.lietno M....iiui4 v. e. tiuoo .,.. .ii- lt. No. 1st 4(4.... 7 P. S. Stl t lots III. On. rt. 4a KHWalh 1st a K. I'. Mo. raf. 6.. M W.l. Vnkm 4H.. 1 U AV N. unl. 4a..., lt Waal. Elw. ev. Is.. 814 M. K. T. m 4. 7H Bid. ' Kvaporatrd Apples aad Dried Frails NKW YORK, March 23. EVAPOR ATED APPLICB-Qulet. FRUITS Prunes, dull and easy, Apricots and peaches, quiet and steady. Raisins, dull. 4.olf tierm tiets a Hold. The golf germ has Infected the Roston Rraves 'tt the Macon camp. Even Fred Mitchell, the veteran coach, has fallen victim. Johnny Irver Is the beet player of the hunch, with Walter Maranvills a fairly close second. Don't Gut Out A SHOE BOIL, CAPPED HOCK OR BURSITIS FOR will remove them and" leave no blemiahe. Reduce any puff or swelling. Doeg not blister or remove the hair, and hone can be worked. $2 bottle delivered. Book 6 K (ree. ADSORBINE. JR.. iht tsilMBdi Unlswst tarsus triad, ft gull, guinea. Old m. twrlkuta Vstira Vnna, Vaikoimn. AIUr l-ai. Prlc II asA (1 1 BOOM SI driuiiiiu ml AcUvcraA. Will tall awra U 70 B-rit. W.P.VOUNO, P.O. FH104 TtiNk It- tpriagflels.Mstt, w