7 THE 1IKK: OMAHA. TIK.N1UY. MAIJCII 101." 11 -.1, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Goei Down, but Tumi in War Predict an Impending Ball Movement BUI1S STICK TO CORN MARKET OMAHA, March ii ltTo. The Wan In whaat are morn or 1 s discouraged because of thp poor uncross of the allies in prnotratlns; the I'artlp nclle straits and permitting; thw Russian wheat to comn out through those water to the Importing countries abroad. The sinking of Kngltsh and French bauttleahipa in the straits by Turkey shows that It Is likely to bo some tltno before any train will bo sent out of Russia. Indian and Argentina holders of wheat I are asking higher prices for this grain, and in addition to this as a drawback, I there la more or lews difficulty In making- snipments rrom uio southern hemisphere i i in a present time. A bull movement In wheat la among tho probabilities. The own Interest in May at Chii-ago Is larger than most peo- I pie care, to say. There are no stocks here i to make deliveries when Mnv 1 rolls I around, and for the shorts to make an J attempt to even up their position In the pit would mean sensational price ad vances. The movement of wheat to mar ket centers, while larger than a year ago, is made up of this grain that was sold some time since and Is only moving to western points. Western receipts since July 1 have totaled 3S0,flr0,000 bushel in round numbers, compared with 271.l9S.dOO busbela for the corresponding; time a year go. There are two factions in the corn market at the present time, and they both seem to be quite strong In their convictions. Ihoso who have adhered REAL ESTATE KAHM RAMt'H LANDS FOR "ALB Idaho. . . 10 ACRES Irrigated land, Payette, Idaho, to trade or. sell; price very low. C. U. Kelly, Owner. Address K 250. Hee. to the bull or long side of the mnrhet have done so In lave of many obstacles. The visible supply Is a lare one and Chicago stocks are also heavy, with n demand to speak of for the cash ar ticle. Oats have ruled strong and are likely to rontlnue firm becaase of the enor mous takings by countriea across the waters that have large amounts bought ahead. The receipts at Chicago last week were 2,Sit,ixt bushels and shipments 2.20, 0W bushels. Western receipts last week, 6.1,0u0 bushels, compared with, 4.SSO.00O bushels the corresponding time a year ago. Omaha spot market: Wheat was le to 3c lower: corn whs 'tC lower; oats were tc lower. Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to l.nw.Oiin bushels, corn, 12S.0O0 bushels, and oats, 321.(100 bushels. Ijlverpool closed with corn unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were PW.X bu. and shipments of TOMnO bu., against re ceipts of Ml .000 bu. and shipments of S25.) bu. Inst year. Primary corn receipts were 557.000 bu. and shipments of l,V.iX bu., against re ceipts of l.OtSN.OM du. and shipments of 671.0110 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,2:16.0000 bu, anil shipments of 7:tS,00O bu., against re ceipts of 877.000 bu. and shipments of 670,(100 bu. last year. CAIUiOT KBCKIPTS. Wheat. Corn. .... 4 08 ....27!) ....104 .... 3S ....lit) .... a ....20D Oats. 217 2 : i lunrsota BAHGAIN--240-ucre farm 50 miles from Minneapolis: 140 acres wider cultivation, 40 acres pood meadow, 6U acres timbered pasture; can practically all he cultivated; cood corn land; farm Is fenced: 10-room house, barn, granary, muchine shed, wind mill, etc.; 12 head good raiik cows. 4 food horses', harnesses, wagons, complete set of machinery, hogs, chickens and every thlne on the farm goes at 145 per a ore; $5,000 cash, balance can aland for 10 years at 8 per cent. Schwab Bros., 1028 Ply. I mouth nl(3g. Minneapolis. Minn. SELLING several high class stock-farms' direct from owners. Farms near cities, prices rlsht, tfo up. fprlng work starts around April 10. M. lii . Carlson, Clear water. Minn -Hontaaa. RENTERS. JiOMKSEEKERS Your op portunity. 60,000 acres irrigated wheat and alfalfa land for settlement at Valier, -Mont. 841. M) to $.'i0 per acre; fifteen years' time. For particulars, write Valier Farm Hales 'Co., Box 1002, Valier, Mont. Nebrs kin ' FOR SALE Best larpe body high-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. O. Bradley, .Wot bach. Neb. ' Chicago Minneapolis UMiluth .'. Omaha Kansas City St. J,ouls Winnipeg; These sales were reported todap Wheat: No. 2 hard winter. 1 car. 81.M4. No. 4 hard winter. I car. $1.48; 1 car, tl-tu. Rye: No. ;!, 1 car, $1.13. Corn: No. S white, 3 cars, 6940. No. 4 white. 1 car. fcf'j.c No. 2 yellow, 1 car. (W;c. No. 3 yel low, I cars, 6nc: 4 cars, 6XV- No. 4 vel low, 3 cars, 6Sc. No. 5 yellow, 1 car (wot), 86c. No. I mixed. 3 cars, 6e,. No. 3 mixed, 16 cars, esc. No. 4 mixed, 1 car tnear white), S7c: 1 car, 6ic; 4 cars, 67!ic. Outs: Standard, 2 cars, n4c. No. 3 white, cars. 66c. No. 4 white 1 car. 5M4c; 1 car, Kic. Sample. 1 car, u43c; t cars. 54'so; 1 car, 54o. Omaha Cash rrtecs Wheat : No. 2 hard. tl.6M;Wl.52; No. 3 hard, $1.4!fl.fil; No. 4' bard, 11.40411.4?.. No. 3 spring. S1.47ft1.61 : No. 2 durum, I1. W1.4S; No. 3 -durum, 1.4R (al.47. Corn, Wr, No. 2 white. 70He; No. 3 white, (WtfStiDY&c: No 4 white. 6S4jtWVsc: No. 6 white. 7VaWe: No. 6 white, 7fi74c; No. 1 s-eliow, RfJWSSc; No. 2 yellow, ifrtiSc: No. 3 yellow, W 6Sc; No. 4 yellow, 67Vu8(-; No. 6 vel low, 6it''7c: No. 6 yellow, 6rraV: No. 1 mixed,1 6S4t??68e; No. 2 mixed, KstviJWWio; No. 8 mixed. 67'56Sc; No. 4 mixed. 67 Vt.', No S mixed, 0fiiti7Vic; No. 6 mixed. 6'tifi7c. Oats. No. 2 white, 66HW oic; smnoaru, wowitc; ivo. V while, K"?4(?rfi6c ; No. 4 white. o'Vt 55V. Barley: No. 3 malttng. THi'76c: No. 1 feed. 2Wfi8c. Bye: No. 2, 11.13!. 14; No. 3, Il.12ei.l3. Oreaon. WANTED FARMERS Laid In a mild, pleasant climate at true value. No ex tremes of heat or cold. I have for salo farms, stock ranches, business opportu nities. "The best, land in Oregon. ' tti acres, price 6,WI0, one-half cash, balance terms. 119 acres level valley land, 50 acres cultivated, more can be, 35 acres timber brush pasture, balance open paa turej rich black soil, good house, barn and out-bulldlngs; family orchard; fenced. cross-fenced; sohoolhouse on land; good road, cream route, telephone. C. H. Burkholder, Iebanon, Ore. Wlacossla. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state In the union: settlers wanted. Lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let No. 84 on Wisconsin Central Land Urant, Excellent, lands for stock raisins. If interested la fruit lands ask for book; let on Apple Orchsjrds. Address Laad and Industrial eparUunt, Boo M HaHwajr, Minneapolis. Minn. FARMS FOR RENT VX1MPBOVKI) 4 and 11-acro tracts. JOHN N. FHENZElt-DOLGLAS 664. KEAli ESTATE LOANS CITY ao'i laim louiia, 6. bit, b per cenu j, ti. uumont. st pyiiw V! ANT Kit Pity loans Peters 'trust Co. VVANIbU City loans and warrants. W. k arnaui biuiUi At Co.. 1330 Karnam. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. 1100 to lio.uuu luaue piuiupuy. '. 1. Weed, Wead Bids- ltt and Faroam ,11 a 13IT1XT uvtt l Lioans. KiOO and uu UA AJJ-HVkJ Omaha Nat. Bank. HKE us first for farm loans In eastern Nes. United mates Trust Co.. Omaha. CITY IX) AN H. C. 1. Coriberg, 210-312 Brandels Theater Bids'. CITY property. Liarge loans a specialty. W. H Thomas. V State Bank Bidg. CHICAGO GKAIV AND FROVISIOXS OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Some Cattle Stronger, Some Lower Than Last Week Large Run of Tat Sheep. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE HIGHER SOUTH OMAHA. Manh 22. 1H1.S. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Hheep. Estlmnto Mondiiv 4 4V 4.r0 14.o;i0 Same dsy last week. . .10,4Ji 16.:v,S 19.7K2 Same day 3 wks. ago.. 1.SM.T 2.iV2 ,7f- Same day 3 w ks ago.. 6.(X 10.102 2.Cn Snme day 4 wks. ago.. 3.KU S.Jf.l . 4,'7 Same day last year... 4,008 XVW W,a The following table snows tne reoelpts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date as compared iMth last year: 1915. 1914. Inc. Cattle Z2JO.V) 2('S.ir 19.9;Ti Hogs Xot,90:l 672. 129 129. 9K4 Sheep 642.3S4 14.iil4 27.H70 The following table shews the average price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Iate. 1916. H914. 11913. I9I2. 1911 . 11910. )10. alar. Mar. Mar. Mar. -Mar. Mar. Mur. Mar. Mar. Alar. Mar Mar. Mar. Mar. War. Mar. ar. ..! 1 67; 8 21 37i ar, (.. s a s 47 . . 641k 8 621 9..I 36. 10.1 6.t xll 8 SJ ll. 61 Ml 8 89 U.I S I 40i I 4h 13. 73S.I 8 60 18 691 I 8 661 8 6T 6 66( 867 6 (-1V 8 44 6 60S 6 631 6 4 6 (jT''! 6 (8 381 8 70 I 451 8 741 6 66 8 50 8 Ml 8 u4l 8 70 6 6 8 69 6 i li 79j 7 10 8 811 7 Of' 37 6 881 C 811 (S3 7i 4 70 1 9 78 J4 6 691 3 no ! 6 7fvl8 2J 40) 80110 lie 481 110 371 31 I foj 10 341 f 80110 4Z V.l 10 Jb t 67,10 36 6 62 10 M 110 61 6 361 6 46 10 6.1 6 4 . 10 49 &6 6 4. . 6 6 6 U 30 5 48 68 ( 6J 44 6 48 47 40 M 65 6 60 6 44 6 0 8 64 Features of the Tradlagr and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. March 22.-Wheat values shrun.t today, owing to the surrender, of Frxemysl and because of unconfirmed rumors that Italy had dec.ared war. Tun market closed heavy, IMi.IHc under Sqt- uraay ninnt. Corn finished "Va'dc off. oats down and provisions at ltXu l'ic to a'-c decline. acllliur of wheat became of a some hat excited character at times in the last part of the day. many holders taking tho view that a sieedv end of the war might. perliapB. bo brought about. Numer ous stop-loss, orders were uncovered and rallies wr only hait-nearied. notwith standing denials that Italy had yet Joined the fight. The extreme break in .prices compared with tho high point of the session amounted to 6c a bushel. Falling off In demand for cash wheat throughout the west, and at the seaboard as well, tendod to make more emphatic the bearlsn Influence of other nows. About the only fresh encouragement for tne Dims was at the start, when prices developed some strength on account of reports of decreasing stocks at Liverpool. The effect, though, was altogether lost sight of when attention began to turn to the outlook - for a possible sudden peace. Corn gave way with wheat, but made a fair recovery owing to some export sales here and at the seaboard. Unfavor able weather and the lightness of country offerings counted at times In favor of the bulls.' Oats were relatively firm as a result of reports ojt delayed seeding. Nebraska advices said the acreage sown to oats would bo the smallest In twenty years. Decreases of exports made provisions heail down grade. The curtailment of shipments across the sea was said to be the result of the enforcement of the Brit ish orders in council.' Sunday. CATTLd-: Receipts of caf.le this morn ing were less than half as large as on Monday of iust week, but It will be re mem!ered that for a Monday the receipts a week ago were the largest in tho his tory of the market. As compsred with most recent weeks it was Just about a normal run. being about the samo as a yeac ago. Advices from other selling points Indicated a lack of life am' the market here was no exception to the general rule. The trade opened very alow and It was late before buyers and sellers could get together un a trading basis. Htock cattle and feeders of good qirtiltty were the fiist to mjII. The more desira ble grades! brought prices that wore strong to pjtssilily as much as 10c. higher In extreme cases. Stock cows and hoi f era were also In good demand and they, too, comnjinded strong prices. The better grades of fat cows were a little stronger, but medium to common kinds were slow and no better than stcadv. Hulls were very slow and buyers were "pointing to the fact that the Chi cago market was quoted all too way from 26c to (toe lower than last week and clnimlng that prices here were too high. Href steers were very slow and dull. Packers were picking up a few light loads thst lust happened to suit them at prices that weer steady to possibly a little easier, hut at the same time they were not bidding at all. or If bidding, were offering considerably lower prices for heavy cattle, which were a drag all tho morning. In the end such cattlo. had to sell at prices that were largely lfc lower than last week's close. Quotations on cattle: Good to cnoloe eornfed beeves $7 .SOtr .30- fair to good cornfed beeves, 87.104)7. f.O; common to fair cornfed beeves jn.WHtri.lO; gooa to choice heifers Sn.aV7-W; gooa io cnoicw cows. S.7.Vf.60; fair to gooa enwn. i.uwp 6.7"i; common to fair cows. $4.00'n.OO; good to choice storKera ana leeanrs, i.vn i.wr, fair to good stockers and feeders. 86.50 7.00: common to fair htockers and feeders, $5.75(!.ri0; stock heifers, 6.604f.26; stock cows, 84.76arfo.vi; siock caives, -vijfi.w, veal calves, 87 O0d.f9.60; bulla, stags, etc., $4.766.00. iteprcscniative saice: BEEF 6TEERB, steady; pigs and lights, $.VS,Vii7.s.; mixed , and butchers. lV'j.Yn; V; good hravv. $; 00 tl 7 li. i SHEEr AND LAMItK-Hecelpts. S.ooo head: market sleaily: nntlvc muttons, I KihM'S.on; lambs 89.0O,ii .; ycRrltr.K!, I t.'.ao8.90; sheared yearlings, $Vvij'7.'o. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Demand Sterling Falls to 4.78 3-4, Lowest Price in Generation, CHICAGO I.I VK. STOCK MHKI'.T Cattle a nil firm, lloaa 1'nseltleil tiee Winn-. CHICAGO, March 22.-C ATTUT-lto eelpls, 1ti,io head; mnrket firm; native steers. ". Midi's .76; western. WrT.W; cows and heifers, $.t.0fliT.7.: calves. . .O'n 1 ;. HOt!!4 Receipts, Sl'.OW hold; market un settled; 6c lower; bulk of sale. '..7..f 0 80: llgtit. S'i.W'hS.S.'.: mixed. 86 V 'i.9c; reavv 8i.35iNN.65; rough. s;i:1l.4); pigs. 6.?6..40. 8HKl'.r AN IM.AMHS-Kcccipis. n.'",lto head; market slow, sneep, " earlings. 7W IB; lambs, 7.l(i 10 CO si rings. 815 (0. BETHLEHEM STEEL IN THE LEAD Kanaaa City l.irr Stock MnrUrt. KANSAS 4MTY. Mo.. Mnh 22.-CAT-Tl.K Becelpts. 8.50n he.-ui ; market higher; prime fe.l steers, tx.2TAiH.6fi; dressed txef steers, $7.0KS. i;: western steers. P.ff 8.00; stockers and feeders, H 0iii7.S': bulls. fi.aMiS ftO; calves, fo.tuv.f 10 M. Hotls Hecelpts, 8,,iX) head: market higher; bulk or sales. ..vh'(.N0: be. W.t'kVH76: packers and butchers. ;.uti 6,S: light. p.!4t 6.S0; pigs, $H.2.Vfii.6j. KHKBI ANl UVMHS-Kecelpts. 1" TxW head: market higher: lambs, f-.Vf VI; yearlins. f.oft'uS.K; wethers, $.'.2r!i Vio; ewes, $7.(KKb7.J. gloox City Live gtooU Jllarkrl. ' PIOCX CITY. la.. March 22.-CATTt.lv-Ilecelpts, 2 601 head; market stcadv; nn tlve steers, 0.66vii7.1O: butchers. t;.9(; i-ows and heifers. $4.50Sn.(k: caliners. tl.oo rd.fii: stockers and feeleis, K .00'n'ii . r:; calves, H.txiiri'9.00; bulls .stags, etc., tfi.rtnir 5.60. . HHEKP ANH LAMW-Receipts. .00 head; market steady: Inmbs, $7.6t (".).3... g. Joseph I.We Stock Mnrket. ST. JOHKPH. March 22 -CATTl-K- Re ceipts. 1,:W0 head; market Hlcody; ""V"'" t7.ooiia,W; cows and heifers. $4.oiS..'); calves. $7 00t9 2f.. . . HDdS-Heielpls. 3.ft head; "nr.';r' higher; top. tlSi's; bull; of sales. f...Mr . . FHCEP ANP IjA.MH!-liei-niMe. " head; market slow; lamb. Artlcle Open. I High. Ixiw. no-e. Bat y. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms, O'KEEFU RElaL, ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas Hi 1 100 to 110,000 made promptly. V. D. Wead, Wead lildg., lain and d'arnam Sis. VEAtt KSTATK VOR EXCHAJTGB OOOD LANDS AND CITY PROPEKTY. J. A. OLnSON, Bee Bldff., Omaha. ABSTRACTS OF TITIJE8 KEKD Abstract Co., oldest abotraot of fice in Nebraska. A Krandttla Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract of lice. 3(6 a. 17th HL I d ono rouglas 647. REAL ESTATE NORTH BIDS NEAR BEMIsTAIJK . Almost new K-room cottage, strictly modern; oak finish in living rooms; fine south front lot; paved street, all paid. Price, $3,000. 0. G. CAKLBERG, 312 Branflels Theater Bldg. NORTHEAST CORNER IX)T 36th ave nue and Ames avenue. Owner says sell un terms to suit. Make ua an offer. fc-223. Hee. 2677 EVANS 6-r. mod nome, oak flnUu throughout; easy terms. Web. !. 6KCO.VD lot to corner 2oo3 Crown Point, faces Miller park. Web. 671. WILL, sell my 6-rooin, practically new house, strictly modern. Adaress 214, Bee. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Frame flats and cottage, good repair, well located; Ineomo 8750 yearly. Price, quick sale, 14,000. Only tl.6u0 casn re ti Hired. NORTH SIDE REALTY CO., 24th SL and Ames Ave. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Council Blaffa. " " FOR SALE All modorn nouse, t rooms; practically new; gurugo; in Council Bluffs, 1H bloJis I'ro'n tree; car r.car schools said church-is. Mr. Anna iiender, 146 Park Ave.. Council BluHa. o Re'aXi ESTATE WEST SIDE FOR SALjE West Farnam modern home, 7 roonis. reception hall and bath, largo attic. One tJock frcm Farnam bt. car. Price, S4.&U0. Apply to owner, 121 a. Solh bt. Phone Harney 3128. REAL ESTATE --MISCELLANEOUS CAN YOU LE-VT IT FOR $l,Soo? A brand uew 1-rooin cottage, haing aater in kitchen. lectrlo lights, oak floors, large east frunt lot, &ixlJo, high and lightly location and only half Mock from the str.-et car a fid two blocks from stores snd school. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Plicne Uougla 17bl Ware BUck. V'heatl May. July. Corn: May. July. Oats: May. July Pork: May. July. Lard: May. July. Bibs: May. July. 1 55 1 5CV4I 1 6M4j 1 61 1 65'4 X 2T4 " 1 24 1 20! 1 30' 1 m, 74'4 12 T3,41 73 76ft 7tf 75Vs 76 6!Hi 6W4 Sl . t& 69 64V &6Vs Uft 64t 64V 17 13 17 46 17 26 17 30 17 62 17 80 17 90 17 70 17 76 17 96 10 25 10 30 10 00 10 17V4I 10 37 10 26 10 66 10 26 10 46 j 10 46 9 vry, io oo 9 ua 1 10 os 10 a I 10 32 10 22 10 26 10 4V,i No. 18.... 8.... 10.... :.... U... 20.... 33.... 14..., 13.... A. Pr. No. A. P. ... 400 f 66 to 1191 7 20 ...10. 75 17 7 7 .... tH2 8 K 24 Id 1H 031 l) 21 1IM 7 60 ,...ldtl 7 00 2 1W7 T 6i ...119 T 10 STEEHa AND HEIFERS. 4.. 2.. 1.. 7.. 14.. S').. 8... wo 44 it , 690 , 5 700 645 , 671 . 623 671 40 6 M tl 18 e 4 HEIFKKS. 6 oo 6 00 6 3i i 60 8 V 6 . 6 80 20. I. 16. n. a. l.. , 722 , aoo . TM . mo , 776 , K'tO , mo , 800 7 A8 7 10 7 40 8 00 8 80 It Ml t m as 8 U Coffee Market. NEW YORK, March a-fOl'KKB-r Tho market for coffee futures was lower Muv iimiiilatlon In anticipa tion of deliveries of high grado Rios from he local stock ana scaiierwi which was probably Inspired by some what unsettled ruling of the primary markets. The opening was at a decline of 6 points, and the market closed at a net loss of 6 to 13 points for the day. Sales. 30.760 bags) March. 6.04c: April. 5.94c; May. fi.OOc; June. 6.0c; July, i.iac; August. 7.22c; Heptwnber. '.; ifcioimt, 7.86c: November, 7.41c; December, 7.40c; January. 7.rc; February. 7.64c. Rpot, quiet; Kio No. 7. sc: nantos imo. m, n-v 10V. Cost and freight offers were eas ier by about 6 to 10 points on Rios and 20 to 26 points lower on Santos grades. Rio exchange was M lower and the Klo market was ,V reis lowor, wnuc nanios was unchanged. I)rr tioods llirkrl. NEW YORK. March 22 DRY COODS- Cotton goods markets were steady todny. Yarns were puet. importers nnogiu inie domestic dress goods freely to replace foreign stocks tnat nave neeome ex hausted here. Raw silk was stesdy. Job bers reporten a ihit man omer iihuc. Everybody reads Bea Want Ads. NEW YORK. March Vsi.l.- from further oicn mutilinil.ttlon In tho spc clallns, today's iictlvc stock nmrkcl nioMtnciit whm of si'contliirv Importance to other luii n stlii developments, par ticularly the renewed unset t lenient In foreign exchange. Demand sterling fell 84 7NV the lowest price tor tills lorni of remittance li l.ninion in a generation. while aHIrs and i hecks on Paris r.se ttie Muhcst points since the oiithresk el' the war. Inasmuch as l-'rencli c. I change Is tiuolci! in nvrrw ratio today's rc.tes lor ixchanKc on tin French capital actually represented 8 lowering of the value of ft Bins a.) aKHlnst the American dollar. Mhcr lontlueiitsl exchanges. Including hills on Home moved in a ay to mm - est Increasing tension at all foreign centers, Uttlileheni steel resumed lt market leadership at tho very outset of the ses sion, making a net gain of , points on Its record price of Explanation of the future tulvanco was not forthcoming from official sources, but the steady de mand for the stock. In which total deal ing aggregated SdiO .iluircs. was again accompanied by numerous rumors. Other specialties, InclinllnK motor and allied shares, metals, local ti auctions and numeorus seml-activo Issues rose from 2 to 7 points for no eseclal cause. The speculative leaders were at all times backward, while Kca.llim suffered from a recurrence of last week's selling pres sure to the extent of actual weakness. The unsettlement in exchange innrkcis found immediate reflection lu further gold imports from Canada with Indica tions the tho hank of England will relln uulsh more of the metal to this market. To date the return flow of our Hold from Ottawa amounts to almost 820.0ik),000 with cxl renin llklihuod of a marked swelling of this figure. The February record of our exports, which show- an increase of over 8i:i.00i), ooO from litis port, was a factor of en couragement. London s markets wore firm, with a better demand for high grade foreign Investment issues. Total sales of stocks amounts to 3T0000 shst?-s. Bunds moved Irregularly. Total sales par value, ll.inO.imo. I'. H. bonds were unchanged on call. Nuiiitier of sates and leading quotation! on stocks today were: gi. Hlsn. Isw. Cln Illinois Central 104 hiliTl.nr.nidh MM ... I. I'M i: tf rn hiM'trm lMi t'ipprr .. IfJH hiOrnntlnn.it Hiirv.rr .... : Km-,, otv suiharn -I ltugh Valley l. IS"- 1 1s't loniavUle N'ashvlll... !' I M.',lrn rumlrgm I ' (1 7IS 1 Miami Cnr-twr . 7.M ':.t' 5.' ! Mls.irl. K, T 1S Vl.iirl I'aflllo I.408 111 US 1 , Nnllrnal lllMult . .. U'O x.uh.imI I'.l s.leo Jii, :.7I M' Na t o-er H "l 15 t.'S Sew York central ... l.siw ' .1S US N Y N II ft II . US Norfolk tern (" 101 ' 101 P1 Nnrthern Pa, itic . I.pm 1"'(S !?', tftl vnn Iviinia 1 in.-s l'V lid Pullman Palae lar.. .. l-i' i:--o l:'0 Hv Con vtir 10 1 Hi !' 1 llea.lins :.'e tl' lC't IWl ItepuMlf Iron Slrrl .. ?! ftn, :w4 JO Itork 1.ia'il i 4 li x llan,1 Co. rut 1 ?l 1. H r M r-trl .. . 4 .imln-in l'arldr S,."l Mi kn, IV4 South. 'in tiallw ir n 1,'-S l'la li'a TiTlirnsr, Copper l. l -'S '.M,'ii Trxnii Cempanv 1.x 11! 1.11 I ii', .ii Pufitii , lO.iini i:i i.xn i"s Pni..n fioiri,' pt,1 r "H 1 n1if,I Soitea Hlnel 1W 4-t c.i 4.'c, t S Mtf-el M r-'' I". (M' I04S t'tali l'nppr 10 7M ;.4 V, 1'plprn I nlnn l.1 (' a4 4 V. f linahoie I'.lerlrle .. 7. 717 Ml .ve: fancy, muscatels, serded, T'a' don layers, Raisins, dull; oosi 'kc, rnotce to inniy seedlesH. W'tflM-iC; Lon- l.4.Vol.50. 'A N - 00 for ri. Atanka OnM ft. aho ;t4i Ali.nlianiHted t'nripar .... 17. Mil hi4 Ami'Mian Hett tSiiiar ... II. SKI 44 American can a. loo asi AmarliHil K. A It (,700 tj Ait.rrlran A It. iil Ain. Huaar Roflnliin 4V) mi American Tal. a Tel I,) laol. An arlran Tivtiarco ...., , Anaconda Mlnlns ?s Atrhlwn I.4110 SOS MalMinorn A Ohio I, UIO 7 BiiKiklyn iHaptrl Tranalt.. 300 K;, (NlMfiirilla Pelnilaum Csnarllan rMli-Klc 1.UH1 IP.? Ontral fjeatlier 4.?rti ,T Chriwpoake ft lllilo ;00 4IS rii-Mftn ,,rai weaiern , Ct Ici.ro, . St. I'.... JOi) 7i4 fl i r.M-afjo iMin nweaiern .... n Inn Copper 4.100 .17 Colrirarlo Furl ft Imn ... 10 S8 cnliiratlo ft Hmitlism Ilenver ft Itln (Iraiirte Penver It U pM ;ion id IMBtlllera' HeC.irllles Krla 8.T00 (leneral I'lertrlc MH1 (rat Nnitliern pM I.WW fJrent No. o e otfa .tnn Gvritetihi'lm ExplnrHtlnn.. HiO t.1 14J naii S'lS 61S S.IS 42 1, 2' 16 ioi 191114, 'H" m 87 iiri :i4' 4I4 rs l.'ios lir.' (.1 c. 8;'. tot 10li4i liS S24 a;', ', 7 87'i 1S 1!.W 34', 41 'k 1"S 117 ll'.OS BUS S4 s V4I, ri v 8Stj t"S ISO 11H pH Telnl aalra for tha rlav. 3T0,iies tliires. ' ' '"" ' ' XeaT York. Xloaey Market. NKW YORK. Msr-'h 23. MKRl TI1.K l'AI'KU-;!!, er cent. ST K RI .1 N MM 1 1 A N O H-Wmk : dav bills. 8707;., for cables, 84.701S demand. 84. 7v. , SII.YKR ltar. 60V; Mexican dollars, :i8'c. H( )N OS lovernment, steady; railroad. Irregular.. Tl M H UlANS-Htea ly; CO days. 3'i per rent; 80 days, Vyli-4 per cent, six months, Vt per cent. CAM. MON KY Meady i high, 2 vr cent; low. 1 per cent; ruling rate, is per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Closing Quotations on bonds today wers as follows: . Mv4Mo. Par. cv. 6a 4 . ISN. T, C. g. SWa.... wn 10H,T. V, CUT 4',a ...I MS ,l(U'N. Y. giata 4 ',.... .'''H .llN. Y.. N. II. ft 11. .110' r. a 101S Panama a to'inon. . 10114, Ni. railflo 4a Ol'l Am t'mellrra as. . .in1, 1o ;la ' A T ft T rv. 4',a ! . ft U Trt 4a... n Armour To. 4a.. I'sp,,., Tal. Tel. 8a. r7' Atchtnen sen. .... a.s'l'enn. con. 4a s; Hal. ft. Ohio 4a 1 rtn roll 4i,a I'' H hc. ft (thin 4 ,a a tleanlni sen 4a 7'i ('. H At Q . 4a ... ani, s. U ft a T. r. 4a MS C M T I 4Wa.. "HKn Par .v. 4a..., an rv. 6 1in4 '1 ret. 4a ac. R. I. ft P. r. 4a MS do ev. na. . . I'. & H. ref. 4'ta.... KlSf". HalliraT 5a t. ft. M. U. ret. 6a.. H lakm rarlfle 4a.., Kris sen. 4a m An cv. 4a lien. Klectrlc, r ma l, S. KuPber .. t. Nil. 1,1 4,... V. H. gleet 6a III. On. ref 4a "4 Wahneh 1" 6a K. c. Ho. ref, ta... 80 Wat. t'nloo 4i4,a... t. ft N. unl. 4a J Waal. RIo. nr. (s M. K. T. lat 4a.. 1 Kill. V. g. rat. M, 4o coupon . V. B. a. ref do counea . V. U- 4a. re. On coupon Metal Mnrket. NKW YORK. March 22 MKTAf.f Lead, ateadv; 84 OMi 1.15; London. 22 17 6l. Slter, nominal; London, A. 4 1 ns. Tin, stnuia; live "on lots, f.'4.XfiA.M. ( 'opper, flnn; elocjrol tic, 8l.'. l-'Vi hi.oO: casting. $14 6"!il." . Iron, ateadv; No. I northern. $I4.."1i 1". 00: No. 2. Il4.jr.4f't4.7r.; No. I sn.l No 2 southern. $11 2,Vg 14.76. At London: Spot. ".'rvs f.s; futures, l."'S. Spot tin, CI71 los; futures, JClHi 10s. Anlltnotiv. C77i 79. ST. lAH'ls, Mo. March 22. MKTAtP--. Irf'aiL. unlet. $4.061.10. Bielter, quirt, JM.IilV,) 10.tf. sar Market. NKW YOU K, March 22.-PC(JA R-Raw. firm; centrifugal. 4.K.V; molasses, 4.06c; refined, steady; cut loaf. .aic; crushed. .',1V; mould A. 8 .V.c: cubes, .ir,o: XXXX powdered. 6.0pc; owdered. (c; fine granu lated, ."'-(O,'; illsmond A. 5,:i0c; onfe tinn ers A, ii mic ; .No. l. 5.h..c. .'iUKar futurea venrd steadier today on soittered trade und commission bouse buying, prompted by the firmness of the spot market and i nfavorshle weather advices from Cuba. Trices at midday were 24il points net higher. London gtnek Market. I.ONPON. March 22. American securi ties on the stock market today were In fair demand durtng the forenoon, but later trading fell off, prices sagging and the market rinsed ensv. SILVRU Tlar, Sil 11-1 Ar! per ounce, Mi N K Y I ncr cent lMscnunt rates, short bills and 3 months' bills, 2flCii per cvnt. t ot Ion Market. NKW YORK, March tl COTTON flpef, m.let, middling uplands, 9.16c; sales, 22,4(j hales. The mnrket closed firm vance of iil7 points. lilYKIMVniL, March 23 COTTON Smt. firm; good middling. 6.fi7d; middling, 6.331; low middling, 4UI; sales, 8,000. at a net nd- 1 Si IIS . 7S . 8S . MS . k .10JV .101 . 00T4 . ins . 81 Kansas City tSraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 12. WHKAT No. 2 hard, $1.4sVt 1.40V CORN No. 3 mixed, 71Hc; No. 2 while. TJV; No 8 yellow, 72c; No. 8, 71V4W72C; May, 70Sc; July, 73o; Heptember, 7;lVitji 74Sc OATS-No. 2 while. 58Vfcc; No. 2 mixed, 5Mff.6r II I tTTKR Creamery, 27c; firsts, 25c; seconds, 23c; packing, 17c hXK IS-Firsts, lSlfcc; seconds, 17e. lflCLTRY Mens. mtc; roosters, 104c; turkeys. 16c. Kvaporated Apples and Dried rrvlta NKW YORK. March 22. KVA 1H RATiOn Al'I'LKS tjulet and firm; fancy, 8Mr1V4e; choice, nfu.sic; prime, 7sh'7,ke. DRIKD Fltl'lTH Prunes, easy; Call fnrnlas, . IV'llOc: Oregons, 8S3hHc. Apricots, quiet; choice, fl'.i'nWie; extra choice, lorn 10'ac; fancy, 111120. Peaches, steady; choice, .4Vii'e; extra choice. Liverpool (irnln Mnrket, LIVKRPOOL. March 12.-WHEAT-rtpot. No. 2 hard winter, las 6d CORN Spot Amnriciin mixed, new. 7s s'td: American mixed, old. 8s 2d; March. 7s Hid. FMe-U'R Winter patents. 4Ss Jd. IIOP8 In lAmdon (Pacific coast), 3 log dii; Ins. g. I.nnla (4raln Market. ST. LOTUS. Mn March 25.-WriEAT-No. 2 red, nominal; No. 2 hard, nominal: May. 81.4S: July, $1.16',i. . ciRN-No. S, Trl'jc: No. S white, nomi nal; Mar. 734r7SHc; July,- 76. oATH-No. 2, 68rft93; No. S white, 60i WaXs - i ' I MAItHTAGR LICKNSF.. The following marriage licenses wer granted: Name and Residence. Harry A. Pnaare, Hoono, Ta Mary Hchroeder, Roone, la Rudolih If. Rovaen. Omaha...:.. Rrigllha (Jrlfflth. Omaha '.. Juergen II. Brammer, Louisville. Margaret Hoi tail, Omaha. Age ,16 3t .Over 21 .Over 18 2H 20 (leorge V. Oraham, Sandstone, Minn.. 37 Louise Klacman, Omaha 2i Lawrence Keller. Crewe, " Va 24 Carol Uessell, Dunlap, Ia 24 Terse, frank anil tlmelr Ksinueiits en New Ynrk fltork Rxohanse aeeorlilea In TUB OOO 11T KBVinw. Inenecl weekly, tl year, genii for aanivla oopiea. 74 Brosoway, New Yerk CI I v. NO EXTRA CHARGE DON'T MISS IT! :alve3. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red, $1.544d.67tt; No. 2 hard, $L67WaL61. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 73o; Nq. 4 yellow, 7P(q71o; No. 4 white, 69ii'jf70,,4c Oats: No. 2 white, 6Sr0c; standard. 6wf60c. Rye: No. 2, $1.17. Barley, 75Kic Seeds: Timothy, $4.60afi.6O; clover, $.0O(fim3.5O. Provlsiuus: lork. $17: lurd. $9.67; ribs, $9.oijj.60 BUTTER Steady; creamery. iOU'JSc. IXiGS Higher; receipts. 9.74i cases; at mark, cases included, li&'Wc; ordinary lirsts. nwainc: firsts, 19c. POTATOES Higher; receipts, 27 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin red, 3.i40c; lichlgan and Wisconsin white, 35843c. POLLTRY Alive, higher; fowls, ll,4c; springs, 16Wc. NKW YORK GENERAL MAEKET Qaotatloas o! the Day oa Various Sugar Market. NKW YORK, Msch 22. FLOUR barely steady; spring patents. $7.2fyu7.6C: winter patents, $6.Koii7.20; winter straights, $t.8 ifl.W; Kansas straights, $7.1u7.0. WHEAT ipot weak; No. 2 red. $1.62V and No. 2 hard, $165, all rail. c. I. f track export; No. 1 Northern Lniluth, $1.564 and No. 1 Northern Manitoba, $163, c. 1. f. Buffalo opening navigation. Futures were weak. May, $1.64'. CORN Spot easy; , No. 2 yellow, 84c, c. I. f. to arrive. , OATS Knot easy; Standard, 61Hc; No. 8 white, 63'u4c, fancy clipped white, 6(fi67c. HAY-ftuiet; No. 1. $1.07: No. 2. $1.00 31.02; No. 8, 80!f96c; shipping 8ot(S&c. HOPS Quiet; elate comman to choice, 1914, 12-hKSc; Pacific coast 114, 12S14c; 1913, qlc. HIDES Quiet; Bogota. 31c; Central America, 30c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 32c; Seconds, 30'uiole. PROVISIONS Pork, quiet; mess. $19.25 il9.7&; family, f2.'.0un23.M); short clears, HKou.tiil ,i. heef, easy; mess, $H4.0raA.0J; ramlly $.'1.004122.00. Lard weak; middle west. $!.6oOi9.75 Tallow Dull: city, fi'iSai'ic; coun try. 6Vit"'c; Seclal, 7c. BUTTER steady ; receipts. 4.36.7 tubs; creamery extras, t2 pointa scoring, 2"ic; creamery, higher scoring, 2iei-J',sc: ci earn er) first. 3h()2Hc; seconds. 23Va2.Vic. EGG ft Finn; receipts, 14D8 cases; tresh gathered extras, 2Zu21'e; storage packed, lusts to extra firsts. 20Vr-lc; regular packed, extra firsts. 2uVsj21c; regular packed, tirsts, iSVu'JOHc; iitmrby hennery whites, fine to fancy, 26c; nearby Inli ne rv browns, 2'ii'23c. CHEL.SE Irregular; receipts, 38 boxes; state whole milk, held specials. 16trl7,c; state whole milk, average fancy, lolAiC. POULTRY Live, unsettled; western fowls, 18c; turkeys. Inline; drtssed. steady; western froxen roasting chick ens, ni'ic fresh owls, ltis'ie; tur keys, 13-U20C. allaaeaplis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 22-WHLAT-May. SL44-V; July, $1.37: No. 1 hard. $1.61; No. 1 nnrthern. ll.47V.lcl No. 2 northern, $1.4i'al. 4. FLOUR Unchanged. BARL.EY 66a'. 8c. RYE $1.14. VjRN No. 3 yellow. 8i8e, OAT No. 3 white, So'tiOXc. KLAXSEED-$l.tsl,iil !. Baak Clrarlaaa. OMAHA. March 22. Bank clearings for Omaha tuduy were $2.K2,67. 45 and for the correspondini; day last year, $.j.0W0 447. 3o g 6 60 1 IN 1,1 1 It IN 2 Wi 04) 1 390 8 60 8 18 $ V S40 7 00 1 ISO S W 4 236 7 76 1 100 8 (S HOGS supplies were light, even ior a Monday, oiuy about sixty-seven caia, or 4.600 head, being received. This la U.OjO smaller than a week ago, but Is slightly larger than last year. Trade opened In fair snap tills room ing. Shippers were out early, buying such hogs as suited them at figures that were strong to as much as a nlcael blgier than the name grades sold Saturuay. Their purchases were not so heavy as on some days last week, but they amounted to a pretty fair share of the light run. Moat of the snippers' hogs sold at $6.70tf v.oti, annougn tney am pica up a lew scattering loads of highly mived stuff under fn.iO. Parkers started out bidding on a tully steady basis, and as there) were hardly enough hogs here to make a good mar ket the big end of the killer droves were finally put up that way. Trade was very dun, jb most sellers thought they wers entitled to a stronger market, and for this reason it was pretty well along In the forenoon before a clearance was made. Owing to the strength In shipping grades tile general market Is a shade Higher than Saturday's average, although the kinds that shippers wouid not bid on were lercea to go to packers at steady figures. Bulk of the killer sales landed at 8o.024W.nu. lops again reached 86.80. ai present hid snipping aemand is an uncertain iuentlty, and while outside buyers are In the market almost every clay there are hardly ever two days In muccession that they want exactly the same sort of hogs. Of course the demand runs largely lor light hogs, but there are times, ot which touay was one, that they will take butchers running up lino pretty iair weigms. juosi or ineir purcuastts last v.eek were of weights running troui lii, to 2iu pounds. Representative sales: 8b. Pr. TO 8 74 4 76 f fe 80 with a though a year 80 No. Av. &. Pr. No. At. 25 V- pi 0 72 214 43 79 ... 73 2f7 m Z14 ... .'4 DO 14 1 171 80 70 17 "40 74 U1 40 4 C ', 114 UK 40 t 26., 240 i 'f ' -Jut 4u 7 816 W 8 W t-HEHP The week opened out fairly good run for a Monday. not ss large as a week ago and ago. The receipts footed up 14,000 head Chicago repotted a light run early. There was a larger proportion of aged sheep than UKual, almost half of the receipts ronnlatntg of ewes, w hich came In largely from Wyoming, Scott s Bluff and two or tnree cars oneii rrom Montana It was slow In the sheep barn most of the forenoon, wun ilia packers trying nam to Duy nnin sneep and lambs at lower prices. Toward noon the bulk of the lambs began to sell and prices were fully steady witn tne general market last Friday. reverai cars of lambs nrougm m n. r,r, ueing in iiDeral sup ply and the demand showing nu improve ment over wirj ii'imj oi me weea, were the last to sell. Tbe general run of sales was 1ij1 lower. A shipment sold early st $7.66. There was no trade in feeders to eiieuk of, though, if anything on that order had shown up, they would have found an active ciemana. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs. Mexicans, $4.5n9.90; lambs, fed westerns, $V.WVJi.70; lamhs, shearing, $8.3,V(i.li: Mexicans, $9.404.75; lambs, fed westerns. S4.WiiS.uu; Junius, purarinB, as. lUIf 4. tjO; vearllrurs. light. $.7yM.U: yearlinas. heavy. i8. jOS6.2a: wethers, cood to cholea. $7 7.mi8.0o; aetfiersr fair lu good, 87.6tkt?.76; ewes, gooo to cnnice, fi.Mt.iu, awes, lair to good. $7.2b&7.o0. No. A. Tl fed ewes 58 619 Colorado lambs 77 14 culls 14 240 fed lambs 77 20 cull lambs 71 211 fed lambs 8$ 48 Colorado lambs 72 48 Colorado lambs 81 Pr. 4 & 76 ( 50 7 2 t 70 9f4 8 75 St, Louis l.lvu Stwekx Market. ST. 151'IS. Mo.. March 22. CATTLE Receipts, 2.800 head; market steady: na tive beef steers, $7.u0).86; cows snd heif ers, 5i'(iA..; southern Indian steers, ti.iiit7.7i. io and heifers, $4.oui4.0O; na tive calves. $n ftnu 10.2.',. HOt.S -Ittceii.ta, l )( head; market 1 sr of n -5 The eraij Digest For March 20th, 1915 Will contain a valuable illustrated Supplement giving the spelling, pronunciation, and definition of the many words mentioned in connection with the war. Names of prominent persons, places, generals, admirals, battleships, naval encounters, battlefields, etc., are given so that you can pronounce them, and know all of the facts concerning them. Thse are a few of the hundreds : Asqoith Co miQ unique Franc-tlreur Hohenzollern Iron Cross Krakow Kultor Louvaln Maubeuge Mease Mlitrailleuse Nietzsche Przemysl Seraevo Solssons 1 Tanbe Territorial Torpedo Victoria Cross (V.C) Vodka Woevre Yprca Yser Zeebrngoe Zeppelin America's Foremost NewsWeekly Twenty-five years ago this month the first number of THE LITERARY DIGEST was published. To-day, a million busy people read it because they know that it gives all the facts on all sides of all subjects. They know that to keep reliably informed on every important phase of all important happenings throughout the world, they must read THE LITERARY DIGEST, for there is no other weekly like it. "It supplies a want felt alike by professional and lay readers," testifies Justice Holmes, of the United States Supreme Court. If you follow the great European conflict through the DIGEST, you will avoid all the confusion and contradiction of the newspaper reports you will get a clear-eyed view of every development. THE LITERARY DIGEST reproduces illustrations, cartoons, maps, and portraits it reprints every significant utterance of Europe an statesmen and diplomatists it shows the points of view of the countries engaged in the war by translating and reprinting important article documents, and news-facts from the newspapers of these countries. " If a man were marooned upon desert island and had access to but one periodical THE LITERARY DIGEST be would keep better informed on what the world ia thinking and dointf thin would the average man In the city with hundreds of periodicals at hit command," is tbe way In which one cnthusisit expresses bis appreciation of it. While the DIGEST is just now specializing on the absorbing news of th war, it also gives .each week all sides and shades of opinion con cerning important happenings in the worlds of Science, Politics, Invention, Sport, Art, Liter ature, Religion, Education, Industry, etc. It is profusely illustrated and handsomely printed. Don't Miss This Issue March 20 the War-Word Dictionary Supplement Is Worth Keeping. AH News-dealers, 10 Cents, Now .lie wmKY Lwesf FUNK A WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publisher- of the Famou. NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK