Till; Mill: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1013. By MEJ.LIFICIA. Thursday, March 18, 1915. PITY the poor man. After years of enjoyment obtained by ranting and raving earh and every time fashion decreed the style and design of women's apparel should change, the poor man must take a back seat whil the worm turns and women steps to the fore to ridicule and scoff. Why? you ask. But have you seen the spring styles for menT Henceforth the sartorial display of the average male will be sufficient to enliven a funeral, let alone s tango tea pr a dinner-dance, where one cornea to enjoy bneself. While the midsection of the well-dressed man will be decorously clad, It ls at the two ends of his person that he will blossom forth in a manner most wonderful to .behold. The hat which will adorn his scented Jocks is what Is generally re ferred to on the woman's page aa a confection; the band is Its crownlne glory, a glory unsurpassed by Solomon's, but accompanying sprigs of al falfa, which prevent Walking Dear the curb, , also add to the effect. And the lower end. Sufficient It la to say the feet will be encased io dainty creations of finest leather and silk, adorned and fastened , by large sapphire buttons. It la admitted by shop keepers that the loss of one but ton will ruin a pair of shoe; and make them only useful to make scarf pins out of the remaining Jewels. .' .. ... , ' Dut the best la yet to come. The hat and shoes are nothing In com parison. Shop keepers declare they will wish onto Omaha men that evil of evils, the walking stick. Despite the fact that a good healthy westerner regards the walking stick as an Implement to be used only In case of ex treme age or rheumatism, an effort will be made' to thrust the swagger stick on young men. - Whether the shop keepers will be successful or not remain to be seen, but they have allied themselves and will put forth strenuous efforts In the, attempt. ' ' The usual gaudy raiment as to neckwear andShirts, although it looks more noisy than ever, will be in vogue this year, and swings are of about the same cut and designs with a few minor changes. But, even so, it can be seen what a tumultous time poor man Is to have when he attempts to buy a spring outfit. MISS RUTH HOYT, who last year captained the in door base ball champions, will play this year on the Wellesley college base ball team. In 1914 she pitched her class to victory over sophs, seniors and freshmen. MUNGER CHANGES ONE OF RULES OF PRACTICE Kule 1 of the ruin of practice 0f th fnHed Ftatea court for the 'district of Nebraska was repealed restsrdsy by or- 1 der of Judge T. C. Munger.' The rille reads a foHiws: "Subpoena Duces Tecum No subpoena duces tecum shall b In tied by the clerk except upon aa application filed and sub mitted to the court or a judge thereof, afd an order therefor made and filed. Notice 'of application therefor shall be given and filed, except In cases in which the Interests of Justice will. In the opin ion of the court, be better served by the Issuing- of the aubpoena without a prior rfotlce." This' rule was one which enabled per. sons to get an order and jro through ths books ef a, party to a suit, and was much abused. Investors mth money read the Real Estate ads In The Bee Advertise your property for a quick rale. Banquet at Fontenelle. . The banquet for the opening conference of ths Daughters of the American Itevor lution will be given this evening at the Fontenelle hotel at 7 o'clock. Two hun dred re nervations hare been made for the affair. The speakers' table will be beau tifully appointed with spring flowers and pink-shaded csndlea. Mrs. A; K. Oault will be the. toast mistress, and those at the speakers' table will be: Mesdames . Meeds mes Fsssrtl, v l.lttlochild, Hunhneil, Klngcr, Outirnjicy, - Klln, Perry, Htcrdh, lttn, M. I.urns, MeKelvy. I.emire. Wllhclm, Anil. . m Pleasures Fait. Ulsses Dorothy and KJna Ixe Mar quardt gave a Ht. Patrick's day party Wednesday. The aftrsrioon waa spent with games and - music. Prise were awarded to Misses Helen Brown, Nellie May Oimatead and Gertrude Bloom quint. The guests were: Little Misses Little Mioses lister Wsddington, Oertrude flomqulst, Johanna Hrodersen, Tlaxel Ayr. Helen Brown, Harlla Nicholas, Mitry Louise Audrey Klllaore, Brown. ' MtlilrHd 'h.pol, Lillian Klmpson, Helen Countryman , Beatrice Olmxted. of Council Bluffs, Nellie Msy Olmsted, Virginia Chard. Union Williams, Helen Ash more, Pauline rVhumann. Mary Kellmer. The Twinkle club gave a dancing party Tuesday evening. About sixty couples were present. i Mrs. Henry Htller, Mrs. Relwyn Jacobs and Mrs. Louis Illller gave a beaottfinly appointed luncheon and bridge party to do y at the Fontenelle. The Sunshine club of the 'George A. Custer ficllnf corps was entertained Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ellis A. Hirshey. The rooms were profusely decorated with pink and white rosea Aboutt thirty guests were present.. - Mr. and Mrs. George Mackie wera honor guests at a surprise party at' their home Tuesday evening, given by the members and friends of the First Pro gressive gprttuallst church of Omaha and Council Bluffs. One hundred and twenty-five guests were entertained. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Smith entertained informally Wednesday evening. The rooms were decorated with green and white carnations and BL Patrick's day favors. The guests entertained Included: Messrs. and Meadamrs W. H. Vohe, F. P. Mason. J. A. Llnderholm. H.K. Hcha'ttr. M. B. Vpdlke. K. K. Mathson. L. J. Traynor, t Garden Club Meeting.:. :" .: v "Mra C. JT. Manderson was hostess .this afternoon at the meeting. of ths Oarden club. At tMs meeting additional plana were made for the success pt the aeed baser, which will be Hflven-by. the. club March Ti at. the home of Mrs. Luther Kountse. ' The " members present this afternoon were: Meedameo Meu1smes Harry J". WbltmorerflV. K. Martin. Lutoj L.' Kounlse, ive Haimrr. C. W. Lyman,. ''hartfs T. Kountse, -'. B. Kutin, ciisool Kaatmsn. i J. De t'orrsf, "John N. Baldwin. Richards,. ' On the Calendar.' The women of ths First Presbyterian church will give their rearular chicken pta dinner from 11 until 1: o'clock . In. the church parlors. v The meeting of the White Phrltie club will be held this evening at the Masonic temple. Mra Willis Reed of Madison and Mrs. Xanders of Columbbe, members of Bethany Blirtne No. I, will be guests. There wilt be aa Initiation of a number of applicants for membership. Mrs. Ern, Du Hell will entertaJa the fircjnwiiK w4 iiv7 rvrinnnuy cnagi C1UD Saturday at ths Hotel Fontenelle. This meeting wMI take the place of the regular meeting- of nest Monday. , - The Lt-A-V)rp club will give a dantng party this evening at Chamber i scad c-injr. Birthday Surprise Party. Mis. R. W. Coponharvs entertained the v usinos club last eveolnc In honor f w Copmharve s birthday. The decorations eie In-green and fcL ratrlrka favors were given. The evening was j-ialng high five. Those present Mmsrs snd Meadamee fa"irVf Johannea J r.d KUkert. Ilalph UotHliiuui. clrh '.M-nhar'e, Alias Line i'openharve. Spring- Luncheon. jirs. iijoi naococu entertained the members vt the B. U. chapter of Ua P. K. O. sisterhood at luucheoa today at ber home. The table as attractively dexrated tth tulips and the guests - lert,ilncd ere: her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Byrne, Mrs. Joseph Byrne rave a beautiful ap pointed luncheon tody at her apart ments In the New Hamilton. A large basket of spring fhjwers decorated the table, and the guests were: Mesdames Mesdsmes Ben Wood, Balph Peters, Misses Misses Ioulse Dlnnlns. Mary Burkley. Klls&beth CongdonJ Original Cooking- Clnb. Mrs. Ward Burgess was hostess today at the meeting of the Original Cooking club. Covers were placed for: Mesdsmes Mesdnmes w. H. Ponpleton. Moahr 'opctsr, M;-: mat Csmuel Burns, Ward M. Burgess, Luther Kountse, Joseph Barker, Charltis T. Kountse, Herbert Wheeler. Uenrge Prlns. Sew for Belief. . Miss Jessie Millard enlrtalned about thirty-five members of the West Fa mam circle of the Franco-Belgian Relief so ciety this afternoon at her home. Newi of the Wayfaren. Registering at the Hotel McAlpln. at New Tork City. fromyQir.sha during the last week have beeif Miaa May Hartell snd Mr. George O. Wilson. In and Out of the Bee Hive. , W. H. Bchmoller and wife have gone to the Paclflo coast, expecting to remain eU weeks to two months, visiting both of the expositions. . . Alive and Happy . but Says He Has a Broken Neck Rupert Blcclll. arraia-ned and Amhmr--A In police court on a charge of petit larceny. Informed City Prosecutor Fred Anneuaer that his neck waa broken, whon the latter Inquired why Rupert car ried his head on one side. The case proved of Interest to police surgeons, who pledged Blcclll's consent to go before the Crelghton Medical school students .fnr an examination. ' ' ss4 Colds Dasgonii. Don't wait, take Dr. Klnas Near ni. covery now. It will help your cough and wine ine lungs, ooo. All druggists. Advertisement. CITY LAWYERS SAY ROADS : MUST MAINTAIfTVIADUCTS j The clt.v legal department has alr ruled that It.ta the doty of the railroad companies to.' maintain viaducts in a proper condition, .Including .the removal Pf, mow fromtwalks and roadways. The commissioners will transmit, the opinion of the .legal department to the railroad rrnnajs. . ARE ON A MISSION OF PEACE aaaaaasBSastaass Distinguished Frenchmen Befute to Talk About the Great War in Europe. GUESTS OF THE UNION PACIFIC "I .rannot talk upon that aubject.'.' as sorted Albert Tirman, commissioner gen eral from France to the Ban Francisco exposition, who with Jean Gulffrey. com missioner of fine arts, spent two hours In Omaha- the guests of Gcrrit Fort, pas senger traffic manager, and General Paa senger Agent Bnslnger of the Union Pa cific, In response to the question, "What Is to be the outciVme of the war in Eu rope and how long will It continue? - The two distinguished Frenchmen ar rived from the east at 9:46 yesterday morning, having come direct from France. They remained in the city . until 11:66 o'clock, when they continued their Jour ney westward. At the depot they were met by Messrs. Fort and Baslnger and In an automobile were driven about the city during a greater portion of their atop, calling at Union Paclflo headquarters. They saw the parka the residence por tions of the city and the manufacturing and lobbing sections and expressed them selves as greatly pleased with their en tertainment, i Oa a Pear Tiflaalea. Commissioner General Tirman talked freely on most topics, but when war waa broached, he shrugged his houldera and remarked: "We are on a peace mission and rannot talk about war. It is bad enough and here In America I cannot dlfotiss It, or what It means for the future. Neither of trm distinguished Frenchmen have ever been In this part of the country beforo, but from what they have seen, they are in love with the United States, Commissioner . Gulfrey remarking, "I cannot understand this broad expanse of level land; Ita something that I have never seen before. ' "France -will make a creditable display at the fan Francisco eiyyoslUon. We had made most of our arrangmenta before ths breaking out of the war and we have gone on and perfected our pjans as If nothing had occurred. Our art exhibit will be creditable and we hope and feel that it will please the American people." Haa l'se CaaaaberUta's Coagfc ' Resaed y for Tweaty Yean. ''Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used In my household for the (est twenty yeara I began giving It to my chlldrert when they were small. As a quick re lief for croup, whooping cough and or dinary colds. It has no equal. Being free from opium and other harmful drugs, I never felt afraid to give It to the children. I have recommended It to a large num ber of friends and neighbors, who have used It and speak highly of It," writes Mra Mary Minks. Shortsville, N. T. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement, M-s4arne J. c. V..-. U,, K. t. Wji.un, M li.Sfi l.li. I k Wiring, Allrs l.l.uu), Meadamea 1'htMHM. H. C raven,' M thlr- j-rtrmle "iVeeth. For ilrs. Fitzg-eraid t i.ir jiiiii Mary to Mrs. VYIlJiara Fns 41 l. I vf Troy, X. Y.. who Is lt,iig 4 THK 8TORK OF TUK TOWN - A. . ' , . '. j . - ; , Browning, King & Co. In Our Boys' Department ' . ' SPECIAL FRIDAY and SATURDAY Boys' Combination' Suit EXTRA VALUE AND AN EASTER HAT v $6.75 ; OUR BOYS FURNISHINGS ' : ARE MOST COMPLETE AND AWAIT YOUR INSPECTION Browning, King & Co. CKO. T. WILtSOS, Mgr. Women's Vests Women's Fine Cotton Vests wVll known "Cumfy-Cut" style. Regular 15c Talueii, Friday, spe clal, each iC " 1 j .. Child's Vests Children's Cotton Vests S wise ribbed. High neck, ions; sleeves. Ages 2 to 13. Regular 15c rests. Bach ' ..7ic S8 Multitudes of Bargains in Women's & Misses, Suits & Dresses 95 Elegant garments that should sell t $10, $12.50 and $15; Friday, choice P 1 Suits are all new spring models, every new ' 1 color, every new weave and many, many different styles. There are various lenrths in coats and the modelsare just what fashion demands. Dresses are wonderful values at d the- low ''price we shall ask, only v Beautiful crep de chine dresses in every' color and in black; dresses of fine silk pop-' lin. fancy foulards, with crene de chine waists attached in hip bodice atyle, fine chiffon taffeta, etc. Every new style, every fashionable color as well as staple and odd shades. 8 At $495 Take your choice from hun dreds of new spring coats in dozens of the best styles; long and ( short models in women's and misses' sizes: coats of fine all-wool serges, black and white checks, fancy mixtures novelty cloths, etc. Many sample coats in the lot. Values up to 10. Extra special Friday, $4.95. - liiaok ana coiorea cot ton petticoats, all sites and .many styles; good 7 So values, AT Friday flC Special lot of girl's fan cy embroidered and lace Inserted white dresses, several styles; ages to 14 years; $1.60 and $1.76 values, Friday's special price, QJq At 298 25 300 women's street and house wash crresses, wort has high as $1.00: 500 women's wash waists, tailored and lingerie, worth up to $2; 400 silk and net waists, worth as high as gl. Until all are sold, choice for." At this small price you may take your choice from a large lot of women's and misses' skirts: 1 All are 1 in the new spring styles, of all-wool .serges, shepherd ' checks as Well as staple styles in fine diagonals, fancy cloths and simi lar ' materials. Here are values as high as $5. In one lot Friday, choice for only $1.98. Stripe and plain color petticoats, made of good wash material and worth 39c, Fri- or day, at but edC Special lot of children's dresses, colored wash materials In many dif ferent styles, all new spring dresses that should sell for 75c and $1, Friday tor J o ' only IOC c will work wonders in Basement Friday 25 CORSETS at 00 Brandels Special core- B -eta with graduated front JL . steel, adjustable abdom inal band, medium bust with draw string. Guaranteed rust-proof. Sises 21 to 36. An extraordinary value, $1. Coutil corsets for slen der and medium fig ures; special for Friday only, 39. Turkish Towels 9c 200 Deien Bleached Turkish, T.wsls Hemmed ends. - Barbers' Popular Hot Water Towels, worth lZc. Spe- daily priced for Fri day, each 9c Buck Towels 2c 6,000 Mill .Ends of Huck Towels 60 and 7c val ues. Special Frl- n day, each LC Table Damask 43c Pull Bleached Table Damask Ger man mercerized finish. Two yards wide; all pretty patterns. Jk Worth 9o. Frldsy, yd ViC Table Padding 19c Tsble Padding 64 Inches wide. The felt kind; heavy quality. Regular e e 29o value. A yd X 5C Toweling 7lhc -' PtaiaaS BUaeksS Tawrllac with fancjr Bordara. Moft and e 7 Unties. Resular price lo. i-AC Bale price, a jrart 2 Bedspreads 69c sW4 kr4a The cre chet kind, h am mod nds; air rerjr naat pat- g t Remnants and Mill Ends S pring Dress Goods FOR Friday three cases mors of the same fine dress goods and same splendid bargains that we had on sale last Friday. Lengths range from two to five ysrds, all put up In a packet and sold only by the piece. Materials are of all descriptions and may be used for practically all purposes. Everyone a bargain. npWO- to three TP WO snd one-half to npwo and one-half to vard lenatha ef thraa and half vard A 41 A ward latiertha of lengths of Victoria suit- suitings, granite, poplin, WO to three ysrd lengths ef serges, whipcords, batiste, French flen nel, Duvetyne checks and strlpee, worth to 60c a yard; speolsl On Friday the place Ings, coverts, serges, novelty suitings, col ored serges, well worth up to 60c the ysrd; spe clal On Friday the piece taffetas, checks and stripes, cream serges, mohairs, etc, worth to 65o a yard, On Friday the piece 1 1 0c-' 89c '95c a aaaaai I such as coverts, v gabardines, Crepella suitings, y fine French serges," chiffon-broadcloth, checks and stripes; worth to 75c yd., ' special Friday. 391 Importers' samples, tingle pieces, representing almost all popular sprm weaves in dress roods. A larsre lot of them on sale Friiy; very special, choice each piece 10 CORSETS 75c Remarkable corsets for medium figures, boned with non- -mutable boning, long bip with heavy garters attached,' medium bust with silk embroidery trim ming; sizes 19 to 36; .very special for 75c. i Sanitary aprons and belts, specially good values for Friday, choice, 19c Ratine 25c Sssall Let Brocades Silk asl Cettea feaaj Ratine Copenhagen, mahogany, tan l and navy colors; S Ins. ah II wide. Sold regularl for ZilC U 60c. To close, a yard , ." P"S Wash Goods 7zc Asaartrd Let ef Flae Wash i4m An accumulation from our many( sales. Values to' tfrc. FrMay. yd., 7ic Ratine Crepe 15c Ratlae Crepe Stripes, dots, white and colored grounds, etc. Medium heavy, for street and house dressea; also children's dresses. 17 pa Inches wide. SOc values. Spe"- I clal Friday, a yard . White Goods 10c PTeveltr White Oads alsa caeeaea uinaittea PlaMa IT and 1 inches wide- 1G values, a yard 10c 39c Sheets 29c 72x92-1 nch Bleached Sheets Extra fin. quality and finish ; 3-lnch hems. ready for use. 29c val ues, each ......29c 65c Sheets 55cy rSxSe-Iach Bleaefceal gi leas Sheets Hemstitched. Heavy round thread linen finish. Restular 66c values, ft peel ai Fri day, eaoh 55c Domestic Spec'ls Flae Qaalttr Dress Percale 4x4. Neat dots, stripes and figures; light and dark grounda. Reerular 8c value. Friday, a TC yard ClEriTa AMKR1C.1W AND kihp. SON'S DRBHI PRINT la all the waa ted blae aaWI white, ladfsjtt, Cal eatta. silver gray a ad faau-r a 1 ahlrttag a tries. Worth Sc. tx-Af A yara 2 Flae ftaalltr A eras (Majchaaa Fnll standard checks and broken m effects. Regular price iV4c, q a yard Dress Olaghaaas a aid Oeaalae Bverett Chevlets new shades. 10c 1 jsK-;. Pic rMaeat Qnalltr Mereertaed Dreaa Pt. Ha Beautiful ailk stripe and Jac quard weave effect. Leogtha 1 to 1 yards. . All shades. -AP Worth 16a. a yard i....'0 Kemalsje Real Seal Dress Eeshrra This wonderful falhrio In beautiful colorings and distinctive r 1 styles, 16 to 20-yard lengths. flAp 16c values. Friday, a yd nraatlfnl aaer Weight Cattaa Challlea Bad Faaey Babe r 1 Prtate IT inches wide. Frl- AAC day, a yard Beaatlral tOmbreMereS Tlaaae Olag hasa Many Hpring colors, lie f f ajid lo values, a 1UC yard Notion Specials Coal's Crochet Cotton All num bers. A. spool, (no phono or O 1 mall orders) O2C .Dress 8hleldi Aft Needlework Specials Stamped Pillow Cases Neat de Signs. Scalloped edges or Of hemmed. Special, a pr...;.a3C Individual Turklah Towel With pink or blue borders, neat designs, worth 23c. Friday, - OCjs 2 for LoZ MERCERIZED CROCHET COTTON clally priced, a spool Stamped Towels On striped huck. Neat designs. Regular 19c .or quality; Friday, 2 for ZDC Fsney Waste Psper Baskets Fin ished with green or red. Regular price 3&p; sale prlcev each .. -White snd ecru. Spe- rv -..v ....,. 7c 15c This Great Sale of Shoes Will Be Continued Friday Women's, Misses' and children's fine shoes secured at a wonder ful price concession will be offered again in the Basement for so little as to seem almost ridiculous. There are hundreds" of pairs of excellent quality shoes and all at a fraction of manu facturers' cost. - . Child's shoes, worth to 2.50, in diff erent styles, choice Friday for but 69 c 200-Yard Spools of Thread f 4 spools for. DC Ocean Pearl But tonsA dos-1 en 1C rJotlon Boxes Ch... .10c Best "Hickory" Hose Supports A pair, st .... 10c X.':10c Hair Nets Elach Tape Frl- .f. day. bolt....lC Faat Color Wash Trimming r Bolt 0C Good Machine Oil A bot- r U DC 150 Men's Sample Suits Women's fins pat ent leather' dress shoes, cloth tops, t $2.85 Women's Shoes, Oxfords and PumpsAll from best materials, black tidskins, dull, leather anJ patent leather, tan calfskin,, white buckskin and canvas. Ma jority of them are in small sizes up to 5; widths are mostly nar row. They a n c D c were maje 10 sell up to 5; Friday for, . . Infants' ' shoes, many kinds and diflftient mater ials, vry vspe eta1, a pair 50c o3 f sei sll the latest colorings, English and seml-EncUsh models. Sizes 34 to 44. Blue serges included; also two snd three-button models. A saving of from $3.00 to 15.00 on each of these suits. Friday, for $8.S0. 350 Men's and Young ,Men's Suits Pure Worsted and CassimeTe Suits, in two and three- button models. AH colors and sizes in this lot A saving of $3.00 on each suit. Fridays price aMBBaaBBWBBmasBBwamaaaBBSaBavaBBwamasaBm 265 Palp of Man's Wor. J JQl SSPalrof Good Work Pants tf sted Trousers A pair... Worsted finish, pair.. 91 mice- '5 GUI's dress shoes, patent vamps; sll rises to 2; a pair, t $1.50 Union Made Overalls, 49c up to 1 Men's ' and Boys' Oxfords, black leather, Lrrlish ei lasts; small sizes, nar- I LittW ftW SUe, sizes iiyi, odds and ends of varied - kinds; spe cial, a pair. ; ' row widths; special. T. . . s Children's play shoes, made of soft elkskin leather, A if with flexible elkskin soles; all sizes; a pair only ylelD Two Friday Bargains in Hosiery Boys' Two Pair Pants Suits Women's Seamless Stooklnge Black and fancy colors. Double soles, heeta sad toes A pair 74c Men's Fine KJmlaee Socks All colors to choose from. Double soles, heels and toes. Spe- y 1 clal. a pair 2C 350 Pair of Men's Fine AII-Wool Worsted snd Caaaimero Trousers r::.!!-..$i.98 Men's Slip-on ftaln Costa All alzes. Regu lar 3.60 values. Spe cial. Friday Jjf AO ror ..viivu 1 tAiii. si t WOT 111 J.V Splendid wearing suits, in two shades: Blue Mixture and Brown Mixture. New Balkan model, Norfolk style. Ages 5 to II years. Friday snd Saturday In ths basement section. for.....i $2.25 Boys' Lonj Pants, 27 to 3t vaist, $l.5o values, n C -ror VOC X3E3X SI 12.25 Boys' double seat and knee overalls, all ares, j r for ......45c