Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1915, Page 12, Image 13

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pealing in Secarities Broader nd
Tar in Excess of Previous
Day' ToUL
TTEW YORK, March H - I'mlintt In nr
rurtttos today rre broader and tax In
rxceai ol the previous nay's t t il, hut
ihn movement of prices m iimre nt-
luslna Itcadlna was eaaln tnr moot ,
Piominent feature, oeliia lo its con-
1 1 nurd hcuvlnrfin, maktntf a maximum de- i
cltna of IS point, wini some r, cov.-ry
In the final dealliiK. 1 nltrd states f i
also waa heavy, inlng s.nulrd out itli
Heading by the short Inteiest.
Canadian raotflr furthir pres
sure, which may havr orlalnatrd abroad,
end motor rharrr, with tti ixi rpilon nf
.Mlllva-Ovprland. Icll hiiek on n marked
dccrcaae of trsi.liis. Vwthlehem Steel re
peated Ita dadv performance of attain
inn a nw hiirh pilre at K1 and the ro!- I
per KTonp roac a!Trrtnhly. 4 i:i tna else
where were In stocks that command lit
tle pulrflc support. There was some In-
tereetlnit de.emnme-nta In lur foreign
situation demand, .tcr'.lii rc!!tilnn to.
f.TV a fraction shove ltd low nnotn
Ion. Aceordln to rcnorte current In ex
change circles, a prominent Nntloiial buik
haa aold from 10.n0.i to ll.VWw.u'O of
Imnch exchange to onr of thr lending
trurt companies, thr latter In turn beins;
m hravy arlltr of htcr.lnK. Kenewc i
weakness In Italian rxrbana directed
further attention to the attitude of tnat
rountpv In connection with the war. An
nouncement was mnde of thr sure aful
al of thr $10.O0.X ticrmsn Kovernment
nine-month notra recently offered 'vie.
Another fold engagement of oi,0(i
from Japan olfered proof of tlila coun
try's srowlng Influence In thr world
money market. The Hank of Knaliind,
whose weekly etat'tnent ahowed a fur
ther loaa of gold, haa aold more of th
metal, wfil h la likely to come into thla
market by way of Canada. I .oca I brokers
wrre Interested In the nrwa tlia: tli
Ixindnn exchange la lo poet a revised
likl of prlcea tomorrow. It la expected
that our atocko will figure prominently
in the rrvlalon.
1milim'i market were quirt, with un
derlying firmness. Mixed prices were
registered for Americana todiy.
Total sales of slocks amounted to
81S.WW share.
Honda wrre heavy with weakness In
obscure laaura. Total sales, par value,
aggregated 2.174,0'rt
I'tilted tHatca Bond a wera unchanged
n call. .
Number cf aalea and leading quotation
mm .iiu. L m todaw wnre:
tuira It I ill Ix
. Cleta
An.l(jT.i1 fniprr ....
Amrrku Bt tttifAT..... 4.W
t3't K.
mnran (a
Aaierliva K. R
arlra S. R. pit -.
Am Kuaar Rrflnln....
Aawrlnn Tal. Tal....
r.rlra Toba-
Anmn4a Mlala
Paltlmara 6 Otilo. . . . .
Hrroklra J4pl Traaalt.
4lifraia I'rimlaum ...
4 anliHan rlrln
( tiiilral lmhr
HxudmU Ohle
134 i
44 '4
I hloan Oraat Waatrr -j. M. Hi. I .""a
4-M..r N. W TOO 1M
4'hlno rxnirr n,
I' .lonnlo f uel Iroa
4'olnr4o 4 Woulhrra .....
Tnvrr 4 Rla Oran4a.... ...... .....
nnr 4 O. Bill ; ;
M.illlr" 4niritia .... . ' J' J
knrl r.lrtrle I . 3 I"1
Owl NoriOrra pit " '
:rt Tin. .ra (in
r.tinvnnelm liJiploratkMI.. . V4 KU ' M
IIIIiuh Onlrat
iMirrhnrmiih Mat. M.... W M' J'4
InTlrailoa Corner t.loo 1S 1
InlrnMllenal Harrartar
Knu 'Hr Hoothora.... : tHa
l,.l,ih Vallay 100 13 lMi
lrt.i.lllr NhTlll
Vni.aa Patroleiioi 'S
Miami Ooop-r ." J'H
Viu.1. K. T
Miwovrl Parma 70 II
National m'Ult
V.llMkl iMil .......
;ai1a Vmr 1JH
w York I antral 4i IZ-i,
C. T.. N. H M....w. l.m H2"
Nnrt'nlk ft W-tarB K l""S
Kanhrrn r'Ula IMttj
l'aclfli? Mall ' l1
I'.rlflo Tal. 4 Tel v.
Fnnylanla an lOik
l'ullinan Palaca Car. ti Ha
Cm. t'opaer !. LH
tM4iaa UK
Jipuiili Iroa 4 filaal
lln-k lulan t"o t S
KoH lland to. pM.... S"J W
n. i.. a. r. m m
i.Mlhrm Papilla II"
pmiiliara HMllsar M !
Ti"rr t 'lvpar t.30 - JB
lnu (V,mijlT
nlna racliH) f.I'lA
1-BMMI J.'40lll P'd
aunt KiMr Hiaal
t . e. SUrl pM l a'
Hull I'onprr l.i
Hl fit
V ! t nlB l."0
w .titiahmiita Rlarlrlr .. 4
Tvtal aalca lur the oar. a,ra.
Jaw York Mosey Market.
OA NTII.K I'AI'KK a'4 per cent,
HitKI-lNM KXOHAXtIK Weak: J-day
t.llia. M.H: for table. M.7H75; fop demand.
14.1!iifl. ' 1
hiLVIR Mlir; Mexican dollar,
BONDS overnment, (teady; railroad.
TlME LOANS-Stendy; 60 daV. ?H Pf
a-rnt; daya. 2V'i:'' per cent; aix
lil'.ntha, 'Vri.i'i per cent.
CAU. WON EV Steady, hlaheat. I per
4-ent: loweal. per cent; rullna rate. 1
lrr rent; laat loan. I per cent; cloalnK
Lid 1 per cent; offeraxl at 2 rr cent.
Ctoelng quotatloaa on bona today wr
a follow: .
. I l h raa... Ma. Pa. . 6e 44'
Va. tpoaT..V... H-N. Y. C. , tsa... 7a
a- "a .Tki v 41-. ma.
v . .TTr::"'.:'iwN: t.. n. m. 4 m
i, coupoa a. a 1SH
.um j eepm..Kl N- Haclftc 4a aisa
... ...iim 4a...l44 0 3a 4
e. M ip ai. i ri. -
. ' v. iu. . tit. rae. T. T. .,..?.
u Bia s-e, aa.... 'aa. em . . a.
Hal. 010 ........ ; -yt-
a oaie aa... -ma -.-
a u. I. s- ' s. r. r. 4a ims
i ? a.
CM r s :
. at
A r. U
,. mh
.. i
.. MH
,. u
.. rH
.. IS
f R. L a r. a. aa. ii
' A S. rf 4v.a... 1 " Killwar
l. a B. u. r. ua.. a . imta r-aniiia aa.,
Rrta r. ta -
..a Blrrtrio Ja K V. S. Rubbar a
(U K, tat !ta ... W'i I Kil U....,
111. l.a. rrf. ... '.' 'Wabaah I at ta...
K r So. rrf. .. . I'aiaa
U ' N. ! 4a... hwc. m. ai
M K. A T. let 4a. n
Loral Btecka aaal Bnada.
QuMAttoaa furnlahaa tmrna. Drtakar Co.,
444 Omaha Jv'alloual kaak kalMlBfi
St'Hka . U. Aaaa4.
rr4 uc Tra4a t4 10
haakara Morlaaaa laaa. ovaaa.
TT "
i "iiilnanial ll. K I a r. tm
CHr KaUoaal Uaak. Omaha
) a . M......
atrmont I Varr 7 a . t4
OtaaU aalra huaar ptA
2a. at.a at, fewulb. Iniafaa
1'fia.ha a C. U Si H r
a a t. H Hr. c
Iuar Mt. Fl pl4. com. boauJ....
Kiaia Bck of tlmahs
in a 9-
r-Narldaa '! rom
V'l"o Mk Yard. Omaiia
IVyllimUl O. a m. U lr? (Nak) .
M.loii O . l:
I aaaa t'llv, Mo., H.huul 4a. 132.... Kj. aa. lt!
4a ia 4 1', S) M H. aa. IIS
raM Waiar lMI
Oniu Krlwat 4a. I.l
Kaikr Mouaialo Kiwi aa
4-wllt a o. aa. It4 ,
Si.alk (MuaLa. ki. 1J?
H, r.Wr. N'b . Will Im, Its
Int. rif. ht . la. 1H
V irtii l Lnloo alurk Vaioa la. l-4 .
tlwlkU-af. Hot ttvrtasa. h. p.
iaa t ii n
; aa
m at
lr i
I.aadaa Klerk Market.
TVTON. March J Amnion n -areur-Jllra
en tne aim k markul today fall.xl to
attract altenllun l'r ea held around
jarlly anil cluard tind.
hll.VKk-Kar. n-,'1 H-r t.unce.
HUKKV-Uil i l-r nil. l'lount rate,
abort and Hire ruuntlia. rS e4 cent.
Raak I Ifarlasa.
OMAIIA. ils nil 11-lianK cieaiina for
Om-li. lu.lny ,rr .l."..",4,Wa, and fur the
corpcfiKiii.l:' a rtiiy la-t yai. H i '!;! 2.
Verallrt laiora Urfra4aal.
NELIGII, Xi b.. . llar.-h la. iHpertal
Ttlvxrain The Jjrv thla murnlng
broi-Klit In a Tcidict f'r the d f ndant In
th ault r t-'1!.""' daiuaxta biuuahl by
M". W. Coi fctfjln-t C 1- WatUra allcg
leg Die alienation of the affection of the
t-llut.:fra wife,
HARDI asserts in inter
view his literature is mis
understood here. He de
nies he ever advocated
"world empire" for Ger
many. "EDgland is the
aggressor and is entirely
to blame for the present
i J 1 i i
Forward Objectioni to Advancei on
Farniture Shipment! to Inter
itate Commerce Commission.
If the rail rop. ils ar allowed lo
rale their ruteo, aa they propose to
do on furniture shipped from tb
eHt to Omaha, It will metiy an In
rreftaa of some $10,000 annually to
be paid by the furniture men of
Omaha for the transportation of
their atockg of goods. The local fur
niture men are presenting to the In
terstate Commerce commission
against the proposed Increase. The
new tariff of the roads is to go into
effect. April 4 unless the dealers are
able to( obtain a suspension of the
tariff by order of the Interstate Com
merce commission.
Hi prf teat la bi-lnu mnde through the
Aaaoi latril HoUIU i a of Omaha. 8ecr.
trry .r. W. Mrtcnlfe ha written a letter
of proteat to Secretary O. E. McOlnty of
the Intrratata Commerce commlaalon.
The now acliedule propoaea to Inrreaae
the frelaht from 52 cent par 100 pounda
to 45 cents per 100 pounda on furniture
onulnatmc at Chicago or wret of Chi
cajo. It propoaea to Inrreaae It from tho
preaent 221 cent fcr( 100-welght to SI
crnts from the MlaMralppI river on traf
fic orlRlnatlnc east of Chicago.
A Mother Ompllcat lea.
l-ocal furniture men aay that frtTm 3CJ
to n raticad of furniture conia to
Omaha from thrae polnta on the course of
a year. Other provlelons In the propoeed
new schedule atlll further complicate the
matter, and make the rate, a It will
actually apply, much more detrimental
to Omaha dealers than the face of tha
schedule would Indicate. Today they ere
uelnn fifty-foot car with a minimum of
:, pound which car take a 6t car
load charge. I'ndrr the new ruling It I
k.,.,t i.. Kirnian inirty-aix-root rara
4 minimum of Jtooo iwumla. ahirh
i 10 iae a carload charge of M. Fur-
nltur men aav that although i..
are marked 12.0.0 pounds 'minimum, aa a
-matter of fart In moat irradea of fumltut.
i is imporsioic to load morn t.n iahm
t"unaa in mem. Thus 10.000 pounds at a
Ij4 minimum eharse would lp actually at
tlie rate of et crhla per ntV-welalit lnatead
of tle K centa or 45 cent In the respec
tive achrUute proposed.
Th lvxal furniture men hope to get a
hearing before the intrratate Commerce
commlaalon. In which they hope to Justify
an order of suaiwurlon of the new rate.
"It a apiins opt-itlng that will
ecllpae all my prevluu onra."
That u.what tlie "wurld's livat credit
clothier." Klug Ueddeo,' 1417 lHuglaa
street, say about Ills spring opening
mhl h mill oriir Friday.
Mr. ld.leo n.'iie eNtenalve buying trips
to the si rat caatem markets and now has
a stork mhich he drrlarea to he unsur
passed by any otUrr nlmlW houae.
"Th fai'llltioa mhich I have given peo
ple to buy thiir clothing are alao nn'ur
paaard." he aald. "I now clothe th
mholc family on one account for a dollar
a meek."
Visitors to the store now mill find that
;t ociit.' more thnn twtie as muoh
apace aa It did a year ago. Mr. Iteddro
having aeciirrd an entire additional floor
and aleo added some (pace by mean of
gallrriea- lie liua alao more than doubled
hi atock and l as added a number of en
tliely new lines, such as men's furnlah
inga. children's drraars. coat and ahoes.
Th bo diparriiient la complete nornr,
mherea It formerly carried only aults.
A i year ago he employed about twenty
people. Now the employe number forty.
! A n iu 11 oitlcr dMartutent. rw-m ly added,
j employ Xiftrrn people and Is instrumental
.In bringing B great ainoiint of business to
jthls lnmha Imuae from states even a
far oft aa Wyoming and Montana.
Tho.iaa.nua of catalogues are sent out.
"All my aj.ceta I owe to two thluis,"
aald Jtr. .I'd.lro. "Thoee ttilnara air
tmalkty and advertixlna:. We hare the
goode hete and they are of the beat
quality obtalnablaat the variou prices"
bbat tr
City Council Decides to Submit Pur
chase Proposition to Vote at
the Spring Election.
The city commissioners unsnl
mouoly voted to submit at the corn
Ins; fpring election an Auditorium
bond proposition In the stun of
$150,000, which amount Is approximately-equal
to the present indebt
edness, according to a check made
by the department of public accounts
and .finance.
Among the organizations appear
ing in favor of the plan that the city
acquire the Auditorium property
were the Real Estate exchange, As
sociated Retailers, Omaha Automo
bile Dealers' association, Midwest
Cement Users' 'association, Omaha
Rotary club, Twelfth Ward Improve
ment dub, United Improvement
clubs, Norden 8lnglng society, Men
delssohn choir and the publicity bu
reau of the Commercial club.
To Impruir Later.
The plan I to acquire th Auditorium
flcperty for lluO.000, which wa the nt
offer of the Omaha Auditorium company.
sin arrange later for monry with which
to make nereneary Improvements and to
provide a fund for maintenance.
The city attorney was directed to pre
pare nereaaary ordinance for the sub
mtaalon of the bond proposition.
"The' auditorium of Denver, Kansas
City and Minneapolis are managed at
n unlclpal enterprises, and It la hot ex
poctcd that they shall be paying propo
sitions from 4 bookkeeping standpoint,
but it Is agreed that they wield great
return to those rltlea. There are many
convention and meeting held here which
can be held nly In a building of the
capacity of our Auditorium," declared E.
V. rarrlah of th Commercial club pub
licity bureau.
Of Great Valae to City.
C. C. Belden said. "There la nothing
more valuable to thla city than th
Prank Whlpperman. secretary of- the
Midwest Cement' Uacrs' association,
staled that all of the space of the Audi
torium haa been taken for next year
cement show.
T. J. Kelly spoke on behalf of lii mem
bert of the Mendelssohn choir and re
ferred to the Auditorium aa a great
factor In the upbuilding of a musical
spirit In this city.
Among others who urged tfiat the city
acquire the Auditorium were C. R. Sher
man. C. M. WUhelm. Tom Qulnlan and
Joseph Laux.
An estimate has been made ITAOW)
should be spent to properly cohiplrte the
Mrs. Kountze New
President of the
Fine Arts Society
Mr. Charles T. Kouots. who wa
chairman of the exhibition committee of
the Omaha Society of Tine Arts, Jias been
elected president of the Kin Arts o-
elty. Mr. Ward Burgess and Mis Edith
Tobitt, alio of the exhibition committee,
were elected vice presidents; Mr. Arthur
13. Willtama, secretary; Mrs. August K.
Jonas, treasurer; Mr. Cieorfte it. ttlck-
nell. chairman of th executive commit
tee; Mrs. William Q. Ur of the pro
gram committee; Mrs. K, O. McQllton.
mrmberahlp; Mrs J. a Summers, cour
tesies; Mrs. Halleck Rose, exhibition:
Mrs. George PrlnsnAjbllclty; Mrs. Oeorge
Voss, auditor, and Mrs. George F. Oil
more, of the house committee. All these
officers will be Installed at the May meet
ing. Mrs. Clement Chase Is the retiring
A going business can be aold quickly
through The Bee's "Business Chances."
Protest Cutting of
; Funds for Militia
The Spanish-American war veterans at
a masa 'meeting at Magnolia hall Wednes
day night unanlmoualy voted to protest
j against the propoeed action of the Ne-
orasKa legislature in cutting the appro
priation for the maintenance of the Ne
braska National Guard. Engrossed and
certified copies of the protest were mailed
to all member of the legislature from
Douglas county.
The veterans also went oa with de
tails for the plans for the encampment to
be held April 27-SS. The members of the
auxiliary voted to hold a box social at
Magnolia hall. Twenty-fourth afreet and
Ame avenue, Saturday night of thla
week. The proceed of the evening will
be turnel Into the encampment fund.
In Five Minutes , .
No Sick Stomach,
Indigestion. Gas
If mbat you Jut ate I souring on your
stomach or Ilea like a lump of Oead, re
fualng to tiigest, or you beb-b ga and
eructate sour, undigested food, or ha,v
s feeling of dlixlneas, brartbiu n f iillnrae
nauaea, bad taat In mouth and stomach,
l.eadache. you ran surely gel relief in
five minute".
Ask your phnrmai-lM to ahum- you the
formula, plainly printed on these fifty,
tent caaea cf l'ais Dlapeuein. then you
mill understand why (lyaptpttc troublea
of all kinds must go, and mhy it iv
Itt'Vea sour, out-of-order stomal ha or
digeation In five minute. 'Tape's lia
pcpsln" la hermit!: txaiea like candy,
though each doa mill duteat and prelate
for assimilation Into the blood all thj
food you eat; be?lia, It n;ake you go
to the table with a healthy appetite; but
mhal pleases you most. I that you will
feel that your stoi.iach and Intestines are
clean and fresh, and you mill not need
to resort to laxatives or liver pills for
blllousneaa or constipation.
Thla city mill have many "Pape IMa
pepsin" crank, aa some people mill tall
there, but you mill be enthusiastic about
this spieadid stoma.h prepamtjon, too,
If you aver take It for lmligeUn, gavea.
heartburn, aourne, dyapepala, or any
stomach nilaery.
Get some now, this, minute, and rid
yourself of stomach misery and indi
gestion In five minutes AdvarUaemeAt.
Omaha is Ignored
by the Burlington
in Its Latest Ads
The Burllnston's latect adeertlslng mat
ter, riYsrripllve of It routes of tiavel to
the California expositions has made It
appearance and Is bring distributed In
the road's t-rrltory. It la a full pace
sheet, prtntrd In red and Mark, carries
numerntit. Illustrations of cltle along the
route, besides a map of the system.
In Its new advertising by which It seeks i
to seriire travel to end from the Pacific j
c'lact. In no plai-e and In no manner
whatever is the name rf Omaha men-I
tlonrd and In no place Is there any refer-J
enoe made to the city, Nebraska, or any j
rxdnt In the state. However, special
stress is laid upon Ft. Tsui. Minneapolis
iJenvrr. Halt I-ake City and othrr eltlrs !
ss points m hrre paaarnerrs should stop i
ovrr and spend some time while on the j
journey, either going or coming.
From start to finish. In Its later ad
vertisement the Burlington gives Omaha
the go-by. On its map It does not give
Omaha even the prominence of being a
passing station, though It features such
plares as Pueblo, fXenmood Springs and
others In full-faced Mack type, at the
seme time. In the reading matter, calllnt:
attention to them and Informing the
readers that at such places, stop overs
will be sllowed.
The newest sdvertlaing matter of the
Burlington Is authorised by P. S. Eustls,
passenger traiflo manager of the road,
and also by John Francis, the general
passenger agent.
Driver of Jitney
Which Killed Lad
Gives Himself Up
Osmald Lewis, 4i'15 Franklin street,
driver of the Jitney bus that killed young
Barnard, m-ent to- the police' station
about two hours after the accident and
gave himself up.
He said that the boy ran around the
end of a street car and darted tight In
front of the Jitney, which Lwte had
slowed down aa a precaution, when he
saw a west-bound Parnam car stop at
Thirty-eighth street to let some pas
sengers get off. The jitney was east
bound. Lewis' bond was named at IB, 000. Hie
.attorney, Johlt, Baldwin, la trying to raise
the amount.
Lemls at present hss a suit on against
the Vnlon Taclflc railroad for JK.000 for
personal Injuries alleged to hve been
received when employed by tho road as
bralicnirn. He had been out of werk up
to a short time as;o when he accepted a
position to drive the Jitney bus for Otto
Thompson, who waa arrested a short time
ago for violating the rules of the road.
The sun breaking through the early
morning mist, lit up the attractively dec
orated windows of Benson ft Thome
company, where they are displaying many
striking examples of fashionable apparel.
A constant stream of passersby on Far
nam street mere led to take notice, while
those who went In found the windows
m-ere only tho Index to a beautiful store.
For three whole days, the house has
thrown Its doors open and prepared Itself
for giving special attention for those peo
ple Just wanting to look.
The event continues all day Friday.
On Face and Shoulders. Scratched
and Made Worse. - Great Disfig
urement. Used Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. Spots AH Gone.
R. F. D. No. 8. Box 9. JopUn. Mo. "My
troubl began OrsS as little red spots ap
pearing on my akin. They affected my face
and ahouldere. They itched
aad burned terribly. Than
I would scratch them and It
would make thera werae. My
whole face and shoulder
would be sore. The eruption
would burn and Itch espe
cially when I wooM get ta the
uo aad get very wans and
when I did my faea would
break out won. It waa a great disfigure
sunt while it lattad. (tome nights it kept
me awake. I oould hardly bear any do Liv
ing on my shoulder at all.
"I tried several different remedies all ta
vsiu. I almost gave up trying when a
friend advised me to use Outtcura Soap and
Ointment. In a week my face began te
get better and in another two weeks the
spots were all gone." (Signed) I! iaa Alt.
Scott, June 3, 1914.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 33-p. Skin Book oa requeat. Ad
drea post-card "Cutirura, Dept. T, Bos
ton. " Sold throughout the world.
.Musterole Looaens up Those Stiff
Joint thrive Out 1'aiu.
You'll know why thousands use MU8
TKRuLK onca you experience the glad
relief It gives.
Qt a Jar at once from the nearest drug
store. It I a clean, whit ointment made
mith the oil of mustard. Better than a
mustard plaster and does not blister.
Hi lna ease and comfoit mhlle It Is being
rubbed on!
Ml'TKHOI.E la recommended by doo
tors and nurses. Millions of jara are used
annually for Bronchitis, Croup. 6llff ;
Neck, AMhma. Neuralgia, feneration, j
Pleurlay, Rheumatlam, Lumbago, Junius ,
and Ache of th Back or Joints, Sprains, j
Bore Muscles, Bruises. Chilblains, Frosted
Feat, Colds of th Cheat (it often pro-
venta Pneumonia).
At your drugglat'a. In 25c and 50c jar. 1
and a special Urge hoapital lse for $2. MX .
I'.o uto yvJ gel the grnulne ill'8TER- ;
OI.K. Ueiuae Iraltatlona get what you '
aak for. The Musterole Company. CI eve-I
land. Ohio. I
i PI
Wonderful Values
Boys' $2.50 Knick-
2omeetie Soom.
Those uits are made of
serviceable fabrics and
the colors are the best of
the ppring combinations.
Every suit well made and
hkve full cut knickers,
ago 6 to 16 years. Friday
on ly, $2.50 Boys ' 4 1 75
Knicker Suits .t..tpi
Friday Specials in Daylight Silk, Wool Goods Dept.
hich, if high quality and low price count, should crowd the section with eager buyers
at an early hour Friday. Don ' miss them.
Remnants of Silks worth to 75c yard, in a widely variod assortment of plain and nov
elty weavcs,in all colors, Messalines, Taffetas, Tub Silks, Poplins, f o J on
Foulards, etc., at, yard.. IOC 010 OOC
AH Hi Ik Kntln Messaline), In light and dar colors,
all 26-in. wide: special, yard , G8
All Silk Crepe de ChlnriSand Silk Poplins,
40-In. wide, every wanted color: at,
$1.23 and l .. Chiffon Ires Taffeta In light
weight gloria finish, 36-in. wide, street and even
ing shades; on sale at, yard..g8 and S1.JJ5
$1.00 Black Chiffon Ureas Taffetas 36-in. wide,
just ten pieces in the lot, yd 78
Satin Ihu'liess nnd Peau de Sole Two grades that
we ran guarantee to wear splendidly, yd...88
00c French Wool Crepe and black and white
checks, 3 different sizes, 4 2-in. wide, yd.. .I8
Our Dress Making School on 4th Floor,
dial welcome is extended to all visitors.
Linens, Towels and
Bed Spreads
All Linen Hemstitched Clothi
8-4 size; Friday, each.. 3 1.00
All Linen Pattern Cloths 8-4
size, $2.50 value, ea 81.98
Imported Table Cloths, 58x76
hemstitched ; colors pink and
blue; Friday, each. :.. .$1.95
Scalloped Circular Cloths, 64je64,
$3.25 raluea 82.50
American Made Table Damask
70-in. wide, 75c value, yd. 59c
All Linen Table Damask 70-in.
silver bleached, $1.15 value, a
yard ... 85c
Huck Towels 23x46 size, fast
' color borders, each 15c
Bath Towels, extra quality, soft
est spun cotton, fast colors, nov
elty borders, each 29
Guest Towela, All Linen Full
bleached, hemstitched, ea.' 25
Bed Spreads Satin finish, scal
loped cut corners, size 75x88
$3.95 value for 82.55
Bed Sheet 81x90 size, bleached.
3-in. hear, soft finish cotton, at,
each .j 50,
Rousing Specials
New Spring Tailored Suits,
to sell at $15.00, choice
Host desirable wool fabrics in Belgian
Blues, Itnssian Greens, Navy and Black;
all new and popular models.
New Spring Coats, made to sell to $8.95,
in all wool serges, belted styles, button and
Bilk trimmed; most remarkable
Silk Petticoapta, worth to $3.00; in best colorings,
some Jersey top, wide flounces and d QQ
full width 4leOe7
New White Waists Made to sell at $1.00 and
$1.25; tailored and embroidered modejs, Q
Including llnons OaC
Underwear Section
Domestic Room Friday
Men'a Vnlon Made Work Shirt
Tha best quality and fitting
shlrta made, all sizes 14 to 18
on sale Friday at 36c; 3 for 81
Boys' Blouse Waists with military
collar and button cuffs. Black
sateen, madras, percale and blue
chambray, 50c value at. . .25
Ladles' Union Made Buniralow or
Open Front Aprons, in all colors,
all made 6 Ins. iyi and cut extra
full, on sal Frldfty, 3ic; S for 1
Men's Handkerchiefs, plain white,
ludlao blue and Turkey red, loo
values at, Bel for '. .S0a
Ladles' 26c rolored Aprons, mad
with bib and pocket, an sale Fri
day at 10o
Knit Vnderwalats for boya or lrl3,
fuaratiteed perfect, all sixes, ,3 til
2 yeara, regular 15c value, at to
The Grocery Department for
Is Haydae Quality
ttooda, aad a savlaaT of
as to SO par caat ea the
est of UvlaaT.
4-ll. enok a bast hiarh
vrade liianiond H flour,
not h Ins; finer for bread,
tilea or cattea. aack IU1
Make your own breai.
raliea and plea. It pay.
?t lba. best aranululeil
aiiarar tl-OO
1 bara Beat 'Hm All.
liiainond C. Lenox. White
Kussian or Laundry
boap for Soa
I lba. beat white or yel
low corn meal ITo
7 lba. beat rolled white
breavVfaat oatmeal ..85e
4 ll. beat bavnd picked
tiavy beans 85)
Tha best domestio macar
oni. verintclUI or spa-
ahettl. pk .VT
I lba. f.acy Japan rl-e.
at 85o
5 2 -oa. jars pure fruit
preserves T.SSe
fs-oa Jara pure atraiiK-d
honev .Se
tana oil or muatai j
aardinea . 8S
S-lb. cans fancy aweet
auxar torn, Karly June
peaa. wax. atrina, areen
or lima beana fe
Tall vavna Alaska sal
mon , . loo
K C. corn flakes, pkt 6
Yeast Koani. like. ..So
OuinprenseJ yeaval cake.
freab daily le
Bulii breakfast cocoa, lb.
at 5c
1 rioaeu boxea parhn
nathes tse
in Quality Goods Offered Friday
$1.00 Art Needle '
Work, 19c
A complete wholesale sample line
of Embroidered Sofa Pillows,
Rtsmped Linen Towels, Dresser
Scarfs, Center Pieces, Table Cov
ers, Table Runners, etc. Received
from .Marshall Field. Goods made
to sell at O0c nnd up to $1.25.
All on sale at one price
Friday, choice,
Smart Tailored
5?. ,.$4.98
.Broad assortment of
bewitching shapes, trim
med in ajl sorts of pretty
Close rutin Turban an3
Trlcornes, Bailors of all
kinds. In Milan, Hemps,
Taprals. Silk Braids and
Barnyard Straws, trimmed
with pretty buckles, featii - -ers,
quills, ribbons, velvet
f lowera and ain&rt fa 09
tailored bowa. Vf J
Priced elsewhere t0?T
at 17.60, our price. . r m "
in the Domestic
1 d f" f
f aTja I "5' n
J nai
.fabrics and
Wash Goods Section
a Inspection of the Xtw rabrlos
for Sprlna- aow shows la the "Day.
liarht Wash Ooods Xpt." Offers
Substantial aelstanoe for Tutura
Voiles " and Crepe, 36-ln. wide
: Printed in the new season de
signs and colorings, in lengths
of 3 to 8 yards, values up to 35c.
at. yard 13H
Woven Tissues; fast color stripes,
in all the best of shades for
spring, yard 15
Novelty Printed Crepe Full 30
in. wide, pattetna and cplorings
for house or street wear, assort
ment of choice effects, yd. 15
Percales 5 6 -In. best quality, as
sortment 'of hundreds of pat
terns for dress or skirtings
standard qualities and best col
ors, yard 12 H
the People
1 dozen boxes safety
matches 4o
1-lb. pka. Vlrnlnia snioi;-
ina tobacco 16o
1-lb. buklna chocolate 3O0
Large bottles Worcaater
sauce, pure tomato cat
aup, plcklea, aaaortud
kinds, or inuatard. bot
tle eiO
Uoldeu Santos coffee, 1.
at i' SOo
The bast, strlotly fraal
aas. aetUnaT better, per
doaaa ISO
The beat creamery but
ter, carton or hulk . .30o
! aiicy country creamery
butter, lb I8d
l-'ancy dairy taole but
ter. Ib 884
Uood dairy table butter,
pound .83e
X lba, Rood table butter-
Ine 85a
'ull cream New Yort
Wiiita or Wiecoriflii
cream cheese, H. ...804
aTlorlaa Oraoe rralt Spa.
Small galvanized tubs .2l)c
Medium galvanised tubs. . . .30c
Large sire galvanised tubs... 49c
Extra larxe galvanised tubs. ,5ttc
Xdsk Wash Boilers
Medium a lie. ex
tra heavy Lisa
tin botlera, cop
per bottom !.
Laraa sixa, ex
tra heavy Uh'c
tin boilers, coo
per bottom 81.59
Lxtra large LiaK
heavy tin boilers,
copper bottom
Oenulne Llak extra heavy
all topper boiler, reduc
ed to ..aa. $3.18. 83.48
Thla la extra fancy fruit,
each, 40, So. TWO
lahlaad Xavol Oraaao
Tho lllarhland Navels an
the pride of California,
favitcy tree ripened fruit,
they have the flavor, per
dosen IStie, 15c, SOo, ISO
Tho Vao-etable Market
, Tor the roopU.
la Haa. best cookiUK P-
tatnea ' 1T0
lH-mand IS lbs. to the
ueok. tlie law reuuirea it
Kancy IKillalld seed cub
bae, lb ...So
Premier" tin boilers,
copper bottom, any s'.sa.
at 81.18
No. t aralvanlzed boilers.
at TSO
Willow B aetata, Waaa
Boards, Iromaa" Boards,
fae Willow Clothes
Haaketa 4 to
aivo Willow Clothes
Huakrta .8
H- Willow Clothes
Hasketa . .Wo
SnifcH Wash Boards . So
Boys' 50c OCn
Knickers . . .L
Friday Only
Semestie Boom.
Just one day we will sell
Boys' 50c Knickers at 25c.
Good colors and full cut
pants. Positively no C. 0.
D.'s or exchanges. Only
4 pairs to each customer.
Ages 5 to 15 yrs
Friday only . . . .
40 to B4-in. Wool Dree Fabrics Poplins. Taffe
tas, Panamas, Serges, Granites, etc., to $1.50
value 48. 69. OSt
New Covert Suitings 42-ln wide, in the popular
sand and putty shades; at, yd...GSc Bn(1 98
$1.25 quality French Serges, Hairline Stripe. Nov
elties, Melrose Cloths, Tussahs, etc., in all polors,
at ' 88
Imperial French Serge and Corert Huttings Sfi-
In. wide, all colors, yd S1.23 and 81.48
lress Skirts Made to MeasurePerfect fit and
workmanship guaranteed.
in charge of Miss Lntie'B. Catron. A coi-
Domestic Room
Friday's Sales Are Important to
i Economical Shopper.
Bed Sheets, bleached and hem
med, 72x90 and 76x90; Fri
day's sale, yard 39
Wide Sheeting, bleached, 81 -In.
width, 27c value, yard 23
Pillow Casing, "Lock wood." 45
in. size, 16c value). yd.. .12
Bleached Yard Wide Muslin
"Hope Brand" Friday's sale
at. yard
Unbleached 38-tn. Muslin L6ng
mill lengths 4
Toweling 17-in. Linen Weft
12 Ho value, .yard JO
Towels Extra heavy, large size,
hemmed, red borders, ea. 10c
Long Cloth, 10-yd. bolts, depend
able 10c grade, bolt 69
' Curtain Fabrics Fancy borders,
white, ecru and figured. .10
Ginghams Dress styles, big as
sortment, checks and stripes '
Friday, yard .7 ,4
Embroidered Dot Swiss and Nov
elty White Goods Assortment
of 12 c and 15c fabrics, 10
Madras Shirting White grounds,
black figures and stripes,
Room Suit Dept.
New Spring Dress Skirts, to $5 Art
values in All-Wool Serges, p
Checks and Novelties, in the new yoke and
pleated styles; values seldom equaled,
never surpassed nt the price.
S1,k Woo Presses Values up
immense assortment of colorings,
popular styles, matchless values.
Percale and Gingham House Dresses Our regular
$1.00 and $1.25 qualities, mostly size r-i
36; some slightly soiled OUC
Women's Gingham and Percale Aprons In both
band and bib styles, light and dark col- r0
ore, 35c values abOC
Special Notion Sale
Get Ready for Your Spring
Sewing. Save by Buying
Coals Thread rer dozen . . . . 15c
Standard Gold Eye Needles All
sizes; per package 2sc
DeLong'a Hump Hooks and Eje,
per card 3c
Silk Seam Hindlng; Friday, per
bolt 5c
SUk Dress Braids, yard. ...... 5c
Silk Dream Shields, pair. ..... lOr
Silk Featherbone, yard ....... 8c
Snap Fasteners, per doz. . . . .2 i c
Tho pkgs. Pius for 3c
Pearl Buttons, per dozen... 3 'ic
600-yd. Basting Thread, sp'l 3JC
, Many other ecials.
Wash Day and General
House Cleaning Supplies
at Bargain Prices Friday
1.15 Willow C'lothea
rlaakota 880
1-11 six Wash Boards.
at . ..lo
8.60 Warraataa Wrtnr-
-era 81.88
tl.2f Folding- Ironina
Hoejda fse
-ft. Basawood Skirt
Boards g&b
t-ft. Haa a wood Skirt
Boardo Bto
6',-ft. Baaswood Skirt
Hoards go
Moitatlcks 8o
a-plece H.t Mrs. pot'tn
Bad Irons no
X.aaaarr Btovas M. . l.M
8-kola Oaa Vlatos ..1.18