Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    TI1K IMiK: OMAHA. THUIfcSDAY, MA1MJ11 18. 15)15.
sve Hoot Frt IV New Beacon Tf
Uii-ClTmamC. Lighting future
'breaks nar ! Ass"
Nw office 'between city hnil nil Pon
tenelle hotel, 211 South Eightenth St.
"Tody Compl.t. Hovle rrorram'
elamtricd section today. and appears In
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture theatere offer.
Tke atate Baak ef Omtlu pay
per cent on time deposits, 3 pr cent on
navlngs account. All deposits In this
bank are protectrd by the depositors'
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska,
Indorse John Tirak A resolution
endomlnr the candidacy of John YlraJc
for city commissioner was THtsped at the
regular meeting of the Bohemian Old
Settlers' club.
A Terdlct for Defense A verdict for
the defense was returned by a Jury In
Judge Estelle's district court In the suit
brought by Ilattle Larson against Mag
pus P. Nelson for $.",0,000 damages.
bow In Come Portions According to
the railroads, numerous places tn the
state, especially those In the South Platte
country, reported snow' Tuesday night,
the fall ranging from light flurries to a
couple of Inches.
Meeting- for BUldlnger A1 Hlldlnger,
candidate for city commissioner, is being
backed by an organization of seventy
five workers who met at the Loyal hall,
1714 North Twenty-fourth street, and
pledged their support.
Tearing Sown Polls The Otriaha
Electric Light company Is taking down
the overhead construction along Ksrnam,
from Twentieth to. Twenty-eighth street,
it having been replaced by an extension
of the conduit system-
Xante Minstrel how The Social
Center of Benson iias invited the Centrat
Park Social Center to stnee the minstrel
show given by the latter last Friday at
Bensun some night next week. The invi
tation has been iiccepted.
Quickly Located and easily accessible
re two prime requisites ef a desirable
office location. Tenants In The Bee build
ing, "the building that is always new."
find these two conditions of great servlos
In building up their business.
Officer Tarrand Again Sick Police
Officer Ollle Karrand, who recently re
covered from a severe attack of Inflam
matory rheumatism, is once again con
fined to his home with the trouble. The
tecond attack is said to be very severe.
Hun Does the Work While the rail
roads and the city council have been try
ing to settle the question of the removal
of the snow from the viaducts,, the sun
has solved the problem. Tuesday the sun
got In its work and practically cleared
them of snow.
"Billy" Sunday Gets
$90,000 in Gifts for
Quaker City Meetjng
rch 17.i-i3F
PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. March 17. -(Spe
cial Telegram.) Evangelist "Billy" Sun
day will receive at a conservative esti
mate J90.000 for holding his meetings In
No exact figures are yet obtainable of
the total of the collections. A local trust
company holds $40,000 taken last Sunday
at tbe tabernacle and, received by check,
money order and by personal gift.
Contributions have arrived dally at the
Sunday home for weeks, and are still
arriving in every mail. No announcement
4s to the amount of these has been made.
The Sunday campaign' committee will
make the announcement lftter, but It is
probable- thvjuil receipts will never be
Druggists Are Held Responsible in
Many of the Different Cases
Which Might Arise.
Paregoric, the old nursery stand
by, is exempt from tbe provisions of
the new federal drug law, according
to a ruling just made by the com
missioner of Internal revenue at
Washington. Revenue Agent J. J
Drakeford and Collector of Internal
Revenue E. W. North have received
copies of the first batch of rulings
made by the department under the
new dope law. Following is the gUt
of some of them:
When prepared according to the United
States pharmacopeia standard paregoric
la exempt from the provisions of the law,
because each fluid ounce of the prepara
tion contains Just a fraction less than the
two grains of pqwdered opium permitted
under the law.
Preparations for external use only must
be denatured to make them unfit for In
ternal use if they contain more than the
proportion' of narcotic drugs permitted
by the law in preparations for internal
use. - '
Preparation containing the prohibited
narcotic drugs (opium, coca leaves and
their derivatives), and intended for use
In the eye, ear. nose or throat, are classed
as for Internal use and not exempted
frcm the provisions of the new law.
('net Refill FreavrlpttoBS '
Only original prescriptions containing
opium or cocaine may he filed by drug
gists, and-t-hey cannot' be refuted with
out violating the law.
Charity organizations not supported
solely by the state, county or munici
pality must register and pay special tax.
Universities, colleges and schools, In
cluding medical and dental colleges, keep
ing or using the narcotic drugs covered
by the law, must register and pay the
i special tax.
Drugging with more than one store
must register and pay the tar for each
Persons registered and licensed to dis
pense the drugs wilt be held responslblo
for the acts of their employes In hand
ling the drugs within the scope of the
T) r-nu a la I a l.lahl.
Druggists are liable to prosecution for
lining fraudulent or forged prescriptions).
They must know the signatures of all
dot-tors In the community.
Department stores handling the nar
cotics must register and nav the tax.
An osteopath or other person hereafter
administering these drugs, if not classed
as a nhyslfian in the state where hn raw
sides, will not- be permitted to register
ana dispense the narcotic drugs covered
by the act.
LONDON, March 17. A dispatch to the
Dally Mall from Las Palmas. Canary
islands, dated Monday, says:
"The Interned German liner Macedonia
disappeared from this port during the
nght. The Macedonia was towed here
ty a Spanish cruiser last November from
Pel ma and was moored In the inner har
bor, where the authorities removed parts
of its machinery.
"It Is presumed that the confiscated
psrts were duplicated, thus enabling the
verse! to slip out of the harbor. The
Macedonia carries a wireless and has a
cargo supposed to be composed of war
. This uatf M lull.
Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, en
close i cents to Foley Co., Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address clearly.
Tou vill receive in return a trial pack
age containing Foley's' Honey and Tar
Compound for eouglis, colds and croup;
Foley Kidney Pills fo- pain In sides and
back, rheumatism,, backache, kidney and
bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic
Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly
cleansing cathartic, especially comforting
to stout rersons. Bold everywhere. Advertisement
Washington Affairs
Administration leaders pn to bring up
a bill for presidential primaries at the
next srsalon of congress.
President Wilson today. gave a recess
appointment to Former Representative A
Mitchell Palmer of Stroudsburg. Ph., as
an asfociate Justice oi the United States
court of claims.
President Wilson attended the funeral
of Colonel Wtlliain H. Crook, President
Lincoln's body guard, who died last Sat
urday aftej- more than fifty yeara' service
as a White House employe. The funeral
was held from a boarding houoe where
the colonel died.
An embossed copy of a Joint reolution
adopted by the Montana legislature ask
ing President Wilson to visit that state If
he goes to the Ban lf'raru:inio exposition
was presented to the president by Sen
ators Walsh and, Myers. Tin president
Is still uncertain when he will be able
to make thf trip..
Prlcadler Generals Harry F. Hodges
an1 William 1 Blliert. recently promoted
Jrom the grade of colonel In the army
engineer corps to be brigadiers of the
line, wii assigned by Secretary Garrison
to command, leapectively, the North At
lantic and Pal U to roaat i tiller dis
tricts. General Hod tea will have head
quarters at Fort Totten. N. Y., and
General Slbert at Fort Miley, California.
Income and expenses of each of the
twelve Federal Reserve banks will be
made public July 1, according to in an
nouncement . by the Federal Heserve
board- The first statement will show
earning and outgo from the opening of
the system. Despite the unusual condi
tions In financial circles it was said that
the banks are doing a fairly giod busi
ness and that the 7.WO and more stock
holders or member, will probably get re
U ina on their investments.
Application for a rehearing, and for
modification of the general order of tho
Interstate Commerce commission fixing
express rates, "ultra and practices wis
filed with tie commission bv the Adams,
American. Southern and W lls-Farco Kit.
VrvMi companies. It will he considered.
The companies set forth that Mni-e the
general order toon effect on -February 1,
1MH. they "have united In a sincere and
tonsciemoua effort to make the salj
rates, rules and practices and the p
eratlons thereunder a sun-ess." The
first ten months of operations established
a net riufi' it of 1.M1.11.N compared mith
a profit ot t'U.m.i iu the rorretsuading
-CjSI t M at iaU
Want U.S. in War?
Then Enlist, Yourself
CHICAGO, March 17. The citizens who
think the United States should take
part in the war should be made to enlist
in the army before ' being -allowed, to
spread their doleful 'predictions., bread
cast. Vice President - Marshall said here
today. . ' ; '
The vice president, Mrs. Marshall,
Franklin K. Lane, secretary of the In
terior, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, as
sistant secretary of the navy, will leave
here tomorrow for Ban Francisco to at
tend the Panama-Paclflo exposition.
If Back Hurts
Begin on Salts
Flush the Kidneys at once when
Uatkarhv or Bladder bothers
Meat forms uric acid.
No man or woman who eats meat regu
larly can make a mistake by flushing the
kidneys occasionally, says a well-known
authority. Meat forms urio acid which
clogs the kidney pores so they sluggishly
filter or strain only part of the waste
and poisons from the blood, then you get
sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches,
liver trouble, nervousness, constipation.
dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorder
Comes from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache In the
kidneys or your back' hurts, or if the
urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi
ment. Irregular of passage or attended
by a sensation of scalding, get about four
ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable
pharmacy and take a tablespoonful In
a glass of water before breakfast for a
few days and your kidneys will then act
fine. This famous salts Is made from
the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com
bined with lithia and has been used for
generations to flush clogged kidneys and
stimulate them to activity, also to neu
tralise the acids In urine so it no longer
causes irritation, thus ending bladder dis
Jad Baits Is Inexpensive and cannot
Injure; makes a delightful effervescent
Uthia-water drink which all regular meat
eaters should take now and then to keep
tbe kidneys clean and the blood pure.
thereby avoiding serious kidney com
plications. Advertisement.
Thousands Have Discovered
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
are a Harmless Substitute.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets ths substi
tute for calomel are a mild but sure lax
ative, and their effei't on the liver la al
most Instantaneous. They are the result
of Dr. Kdwards' determination not to
treat liver and bowel complaints with
calomel. His efforts to bsnlsh It brought
out these little olive-colored tablets.
These pleasant little tablets do the good
that calomel does but have no bad after
effects. They don't Injur the teeth like
strong liquids or calomel. They take hold
of the trouble and quickly correct It. Why
cure the liver at the expense of the
teeth? Calomel sometimes plays bavoo
with the gums. 8o do strong liquids.
It Is best not to take calomel, but to le-t
Dr. Edwards' OI Tabltts take its plat.
Mori headaches. "dullm-s" and that
lazy feeling com from constipation and
a disordered Inrr. Take Dr. Kd wards'
Olive Tablets when you feel "log gy" ,nd
"heavv." Note how they "clear'' clouded
brain and bow they "prk up" the spirits.
a lav. mnti Der box. All dru.jflafa
lsi itUv Tablet Company, Oliuubus.' O. '
DRNVKK. March 17 -An Innnlry In
volving the Denver Juvenile court, pre
sided over by Judge Hen 11. I.lmlsey, will
be Indituted by the county grand Jury,
according to a statement hy District At
torney John A. Hush. '
The Investigation, according to Mr.
Ttush. will Include charges of conspiracy
to defame his character made PUunlnv
by Judge tjlndsey against a number of
Individual", end any charges offered
against the Juvenile court and Its officers
i) esters with money resl the HesJ
PMate ds In The Hrc. Advertise your
property for a quick rsle.
VKNK'K (via fxmdont. Match 17. The
Jewish population of Vienna, sugmrntel
ly S0.M Osliclan fugitives. Is gretitly ex
ilclsril over the question of Passover
l-tead. which, owing to the war. has nnl
been prepared In accordance with thu
Hebrew ritual.
Tlie chief rahl'l Ims Induced the gov
einment to innsrnt to a wholesale dis
t'lhiillon of potatoes to orthodox Jews
("i.rlng the fesst of the passover and l
tnn have alreadv been given out.
Wednesday, March 17, 1915 Burgeaa-Naah Company STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY Burgess-Nash Company Phone D. 137.
Here's That Great Sale We Asked You to Wait For
Consisting of Gold and Silver Jewelry Novelties, Silverware,
Cut Glass, Umbrellas, Leather Goods, Electroliers, Etc., Etc.
- Sferedl at Bunt a Fraetkm the OirMml Pirk
EV EH VON I) is familiar with the fact of how wo secured the stock of Aaron B
(lift Shop. The recent fire in the top floors of the Board of Trade Building at
lGth and Farnam in which the (lift Shop was located and the uncertain plans for
remodeling the building was the for the cancellation of their lease.
desirable location in view Aaron's Incorporated was
Forced to Sell, at Once 'and at a Big Sacrifice
The stock which amounted to several thousand dollars was not damaged in the least the"
than some of the boxes were water soaked. That naturally did not effect the jewelry or novelties
in fact a goodly portion of the stock is strictly ne V still "in the. original packages when we boujrht
the stock. The stock includes almost everything one could wish for In tlie way of jewelry
novelties and the sale price in every instance Is but a small part of the original Aaron's price
It's not often that we indulge in the sensational but the wonderful values afforded In this
sale justify every claim we have made. We predict for it the jrjeatest Jewelry sale, from vexy
point of view, ever held in Omaha.
Five Wonderful Bargain' Lots From the Aaron's Stock
It is almost impossible to describe these lots, because the merchandise is so varied, let it
suffice to say that there is most any jewelry r.jvelty you could wish for and at a most rkltauloualy
- -.
1 ...i
V ; '" -! ,:
low price.
Aaron's Gift Shop Stock of
Jewelry, to 50c, fo 0c
Including bar pins, brooches, fob,
raff link, belt pin, vanity
rM, welry ranea, etc..
tc. Aaron's prices to 60c. -Our
apodal sal pries, your cholc
Jewelry Novelties From Aaron's
Gift Shop to $1.00, for 15c
Including er rings, brooch, bar
ptns, la vallim-M, bada, cuff Mrrtw,
K'-arfs plus, brailatu.
tic., etc Aaron's pries
Our apftctel ml1 pric,
cbolca at
.ds, cuff Mrrtw, Wi
K belt Pioa. I
rice to $ LOU.' I
rlc, your J
Jewelry Novelties From Aaron's
Gift Shop to $1.50, for 29c
Including solid gold "top, sterling bar
pins, quft pins, brooches, chatelala
pins, gold and silver plated Jewel
boxes, Waldeniar, coat chains, fobs,
cuff links, tie claeps, lockets, brace
lets. Aaron's price to $1.60, Sale price. .
Jewelry Novelties From Aaron's
Gift Shop to $2.00 for 69c
Including solid gold and gold top jewelry
of all kinds, gold filled stone set brooches,
bar pins, coat chsins, Waldemar chains,
lngersol watches, fobs, men's cuff
link sets, tie clips, picture frames. Aar
on s pries to $2.00. Sal price, choice .....
$5.00 Leather Bags at $1.00
All of Aaron's bags of real
leather, new shapes, some
real pin and patural seal,
morrooo leathers, some hare
3 and 4 vanity fit- 4 nA
tings; Aaron's S II II
price up to b; '
sale price "
$7.50 Leather Eafs,
Wonderful - values in real
leather und silk moire bacs,
all new. shapes, from real
seals, pin seal, long grain
morroco, new vanity and mel
lon shapes, Wack and colors; Aaroo's prices Qfj
up to $7.60; sale price . pl.UJ
$1 Leather B; 59c . $8.50 Vanity Cases,
An odd lot of real leather $4.95.
bags, hand bags; Aaron's r. .t.riirr .m
- i
i i . j
price $1.00; sale CQj
'price 3 C
50c to $4 Leather
Novelties, 19c to $1.29.
leather novelties of all
kinds, memo 'books, bridge
pads, jewel boxes, drinking
cups, cigar cases, bill bold
ers, card cases, etc; Aaron's
price 60c to $4.00; our
"ice 19c to $1.29
$2.50 Mesh Bags, 95c.
Aaron's $2.50 German silver
mesh bags, lined and QC
unllned, sale price... JOC
$3.98 Mesh Bags, $1.95
Aaron's $3.98 German silver
mesh bags, lined or QC
unllned, sale price .l.0
$6 Mesh Bags, $2.95.
Aaron's $5.00 and $6.00 Ger
man sliver ring and un
breakable raesb CO QC
begs, sale price. .. $.170
50c Mesh Bags, 19c
Aaron's 60c German silver
ring, mesh coin q
purses, price luC
$22.50 Vanity Cases,
One Sterling vanity case,
Aaron's price CIO tQ
$22.60; sale price y 16. VO
$12.50 Vanity Cases,
An assorted lot of vanity
cases, Sterling silver and
gold plated, Aaron's price
up to $12.50; s Qf
sale price yt.lO
$2.50 Vanity Cases, 95c.
German silver vanity cases,
all nicely finished: Aaron's
price $2.00 and $2.60;. nr
sale price ........... 7)C
Aaron's price m qC
$8.60; on ale. . . . . $lt,UD
$7.50 N'ovelries, $2.49.
An aasorted - lot of novelty
vanity cases, mesh baffs,
sterling coin ' purses, etc.
Aaron1 price up to $7.50;
Our sale price,
$7.50 Vanity Cases,
r"lne lot of German silver
vanity cases, assorted styles
and finishes; Aaron's price
up to $7.60; sale Cf Qff
price 2l.i?0
y $1 Vanity Cases, 39c
vanity cases, assortea
styles and shapes; Aaron's
$1 values; sale QQ-
price OVC
Another lot of German sil
ver vanity cases; Aaron's
price $160; sals 49
50c Pocket Knives, 29c
Pocket ' knives, two and
three blades; Aaron's price
60c; sale 9Q,
pries CtdC
50c to 69c Scissors for
A lot of manicure and em
broidery scissors, Aaron's
price 60c to 69c; OQ.,
sale price &JC
$6 Carving Sets, $3.79.
3-Piece carving sets, best
grane American steel; Aar
on's price $8,00; CO 7Q
ale price '-.y).f 7
Other carving sets at big
savings at (2,49, t2,5 and
Aaron's $10 Umbrellas, $5.95
"Hull" silk umbrellas, with sterling and gold plated
handles, detachable, can be carried tn suit cases, 4 a fp
fully guaranteed; Aaron's price ranging SIhS
from $8.00 to $10.9$; ur sale - 71
price, at , . t
$15.00 Umbrellas, $7.98.
Hull, detachable umbrellas, sterling sliver
snd pearl Inlaid; Aaroo's price J7 AO
$16.00; sal price .30
$1.25 Umbrellas, 65c.
Women's umbrellas, American taffeta and
mercerised, assorted handles;
Aaron's pric $1.25; choice ODC
Silverware at Half Price
Aaron's .stock of table silverware
was well assorted and made up of
standard and well known makes
such as Rogers 1847, Wm. A. Rog
ers & Co., Holmes and Edwards,
etc. .
28-Piecc Chest e! Holmti & Edwardi
Bridal Pattera SilTerwirt
-Aaroa's Price 116.30: $1 1150
Oir Special Sale Price . .
$1.00 Silverware at 39c
A lot of table silverware. In
cluding Wm. Rogers, Holmes
Edwards gravy . ladles,
sugar shells and butter knife
sets, child's sets, eto.; Aaron's
prlc to $1.00; sale on.
price J!C
$8.75 Knife ami Fork
Seta, $5.95.
Holmes k. Edwards dinner
else hollow handle knives,
flat forks, set of, six, design
bridal pattern; Aaron's price
$8.75; sale C OC
pric $DiJD
50c Silverware at 25c
Odds and ends of Wm. Rog
ers, Holmes -A EKIwarda and
King George, extra plate, but
ter knives and spreaders,
cream lad la, sugar shells, etc,
Aaron's pric 60c; of
sal price CSC
$2.75 Bouillon Spoons,
Set of six Bride pattern bouil
lon spoons, Holmes A Ed
wards Al plate; Aaron's price
Sri!:."1- $1.39
35c Plated Ware at 10c
A lot of extra heavy plated
teaspoons, tablespoons, knives,
forks, cold meat forks, gravy
ladles, berry spoons, etc., etc.
Aaron's price 35c; sale 1 A
Price iUC
$1.00 Silver PUted Ware,
Aaron's Al stiver plated but
ter knife and sugar shell sets,
decorated bowls, floral pat
terns; Aaron's price- M
$1.00; our prlc DUC
$6.50 Plated Knives and
Forks, $3.25.
Hamilton silver plated dinner
knives and forks, hollow han
dle knives, pretty floral de
sigu, only a few aets la this
lot; Aaron's price $6.60; our
special sale (IOC
Price p).D
$3.50 Plated Knives and
Forks, $1.95.
Set of six each knives and
forks, plsin handle, heavy sil
ver plated; Aaron's price
$3.60; our special ftp
sal price yl.0
$3 Plated Table Spoons,
Aaron's Al plated Bridal pat
tern table spoons; Aaron's
price $3.00; sale rn
price $1.3U
Casseroles at 98c.
A small lot of casseroles,
satin finished, sliver Q Q
plated, at .:VOC
Individual Casserole, 49c
Another small lot of Individ
ual casseroles, all- A n
ver plated, at HtuC
Aaron's Stock of Sterling Silverware
$3.50 to $3.98 Silver Child' Set, $1.95.
Sterling silver child's sets, berry spoons, C QJ
gravy ladles, pie servers, tea strainers, T I JJ
Aaron's mice f.i.SO and 1.Q8: sale nrice.. J
$15 Sterling Fish Sets,
One sterling silver fish set,
hand engraved; Aaron's price
$16, 00; sale CO QQ
price $iJ,iJO
$2.98 Sterling Salt SeU,
Sterling silver salt spoons
and Individual salt sets; Aar
on's price $2.98; C rn
sale price $I.)i7.
$20 Sterling Cigarette
Cases, $12.98.
Sterling silver cigarette cases
for men and women; Aaron's
prlc up to $20; CJO AO
sale prlc $1.90
$2.98 Shaker Set, $1.95.
Sterling allver Individual salt
and pepper shakers, colonial
pattern; Aaron's pric $2.88;
our special sale f ftp
prlc ..,
$3.75 Sterling Mounting
Sets, $2.59.
Pearl handle butter knives
snd sugar shells, sterling
mountings; Aaron's price
$3.76; sale 0 CQ
prlc p.)f
$1.50 to $3.00 Sterlint
Pieces, 69c.
Sterling silver pieces, cresit
ladles, sugar spoons, Jelly
spoons, bon bon spoons, 2
piece child's sets; Aaron's
price $1.60 to $3.00; ((
sale price 0C
$3.75 Sterling Napkin
Rings, $1.95.
Sterling silver nspkla rings,
good weight, 1 pair In a case;
Aaron a price J.76 pair; our
special sale
Jewelry Novelties From Aaron's
Gift Shop to $3.50, for 93c
Including; imported and dotnestlo solid
gold, gold filled and sterling Jewelry,
plain and stone set. bead neok chains,
lockets with neck chains, gold filled
lockets. Jewel rases, picture frames,
baby sets, etc. Aaron's prto to $8 AO, at.
La Vallieres, Brooches, Bar Pins
$20 Gold La Valliere, $14.95.
Gold la vallieres, with genuine hand
carved cameos set with seed and
genuine baroque pearls, soldered
link chains; Aaron's i a fir
price$20; sal pric. . . .
$30 Gold U Vallieres, $22.50.
Oold la valllrat with on genuine
out diamond and vn whol pearls
soldered chain : Aaron's prlc $80;
Our special sal (OO Cft
price yiZ.)U
$18.50 Gold La Val
liere, $13.50.
GoM la valuer wtth on out
diamond and baroque pearl;
Aaron's prlc $18.60; our
SSr1. .... $ 1 3.50
$7.50 Gold La Val
lieres, $2.49
Oold la vallieres with coral
cameo, amethyst, ruby and
sapphire settings; Aaron's
prlc up to $7.60;, Mf
sale prlc .$.4?
$18 Gold Locket.
Solid gold lockets, engnwred
design, with genuine cut dia
mond; Aaron's price $18.00;
our special sale (M J nr"
price $14.0
$4 Gold Rings, 95c
Solid gold women's . and
misses' rings, single stone
or cluster settings; Aaron's
price tip to $4.00; QC-
sal price 0C
$7.50 Gold Rings, $3.45
Solid gold rings, assorted
styles, cluster dinner rings,
cameo, etc.; Aaron's price
to $7.50; aale if
price $J.4D
A' A
$16.50 Cameo,
Brooche, $11.85.
Oenulos hand oarred shell
cameo broocJs, with half
pearls; Aaron' prloe $18.50;
our special sale t 1 HiP
Prtce ll.UO
$15 Gold Brooches,
Oold broodies, roman flnlbli
with genuine out diamond;
Aaron" prloe $1&.0O; ' oar
special sale a fjr
pric .........piu.yD
$120 Gold Lockets,
Solid gold locket, raman
finish, gen uin diamond.;
Aaron's pric 1X240; our
special sale. Aw ja
$5 Dinner Ring, $2.95.
Solid gold baad out coral
cameo dinner rtngsg Aaron'
price t&AKh, An am
sale prfce..n.4W.93
Solid gold ring for men and
women; Aaron' nrice $8.00
to $7.00; aala ft
Pric -yO.S?)
Aaroo's price $10 to $12.60;
our special sale ff
price .....M..0 JD
50c to $1 Baby Rings 19c to 69c
Solid gold baby rings, plain band or stone sat
prices 60c to $1.60;
our special sale price,
Men's Gold Jewelry
Solid gold tie clips; Aaron's price $1.60 lo $2-25;
sale price
$5 Gold Tie Clasps, $3.25.
Solid gold He clip sets with
genuine diamond ; Aaron'
price $5.00; sal (O OC
prloe OtuO
$1,50 Cuff links, 95c.
Solid gold, plsin ruff links;
Aaron's pric $1.50; nr
sale price VDC
$2.50 Cuff Links, $1.39.
Solid JjcHd fancy cuff links;
Aaron prlc $..60; our spe
cial sal 1 on
price wm.OU
$10 Cuff Links, $7.45.
Solid gold cuff links, set with genuine diamonds;
Aaron's price $10.00; sale pric
$4 Gold Scarf
An assorted lot of pretty
stone set, solid gold scarf
pins; Aaron's price up to
$4.00; sal
"eve r yd ody's store"
$5.98 Gold Scarf Pin,
Solid gold Uons scarf pins
set with genuine diamond;
Aaron's prlc $5.9S; our spe-
Sir : $3.79
$20 Gold Scarf Pin,
One solid gold scarf pin set,
with three genuine dia
monds; Aaron's prlc $30; '
our special sale fit M nr
rlc $14.95