THE JlKfc: OMAHA, THU1JSDAV, MAlft'll in, VJlb. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE rOCNPED BY EDWARD ROSKWATKR. ' VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. ' The Bee Publishing- Company. Proprietor. HKB BUILDING. FARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Entered at Omaha postofflce ss eeeond-class mstter. TEKMS OP" SUBSCRIPTION. By carrier By mall . per month. per year. lny and Sunday. M n "ally without Sunday....' Sc .... f St Kvenlng anJ undtr v 6 no Kvenlng without Sunday.... STo 4.00 Sunday Fee only V 2 Oft Send net Ira of change of address or complaint of Irregularity la delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Department REMITTANCE. Remit T draft, express or postal order Otilr two cent stamps received In payment of small aa eounts. Personal checks; except on Omaha and eastern ' exchsoge. Dot accepted. Or" KICKS. Omaha The Be Building. South Omaha Si N street Council Bluffs 14 North Main street. Lincoln 3K Little Building, Chlrairo 901 Hearst Building.' Nair York Room lies. 2 Klfth svenu. ft. Ionia Boa New Hank of Cnmmerre. Washington" Fourteenth St.. S. W. CORRISPONDKNCB. 'Ad'tress communication relating to nwa and edi torial matter to Omaha Be. ?Vlltortal Depart ma at. FEBRUAItY CinCLLATIOX, 51,700 Ftato of Nebraska. County of Douglaa, sa. Dwlght Williams, circulation ntanaaer of Th Pea Publishing company, being duly taorn, say a that th averaa circulation for the month of February. WIS, waa nl J. DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me, this 3d dsv of March. ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public. eubwcrlbera Wring the city temporarily should have Tbe Wee mailed to them. Ad ores will b changed aa often aa reqnoeted. SCarth IS Thought for the Day 5fcte? fry Frmntit Echoli To liv better today than 1 lived yttlerday that it my "wkgon to a nlarV To live better mtant thtt 1 mutt work harder, think more, ttdy more, laugh mors, retrtaU more, and pray more. And vhat I mui! do, yon, too, mutt do, bteautt tee or both men. Wi art both partkUt of a Divint Energy. -Gtorgt ttathington. : I With MO.000 to the good. Rev. Billy' clalrn of havlngpurlfled Pblladelpbla rings true. It look! as if Italy were going to get some tblng out of tbla war whether it goes Into the war or not. No school declaimer ! needed to carry to the house of Hapiburg the ominous words "Orer the Alps lies Italy." ' , , A 190.000 thank-offering to "Billy" Sunday for bis eight weeks' revival services In Philadel phia is not so bad. What excuse could there be for a legislature that abolishes the coroner's graft to restore tb sheriff's feeding graft? The Thaw case is merely a sample lustance of the efficiency of a financial pulrootor In ani mating Judicial machinery. . II i mmm :, , The presiding Judge in the Itrre Haute crooked election' case Is acquiring considerable fixed Information, personal and general. While all other suburban nations are rattling tabres, the neutrality of gpaln is so noiseless and serene aa to be a challenge to Mar's ginger pump. ' Water power development in Nebraska might chow more speed if some means could b devised for checking the wind power of half-baked ex Not the least of the perplexities of the School board members is to determine the relative value of marble trim and hard pine finish In teaching the young Idea.' Public works contractors and other South. Omaha Interests putting up money to. fight Greater Omaha consolidation must oe paying for favors already received or for favors expected. Only 13( claimants are after the estate left by that Hastings man, nearly all, if not all, of them bogus. A grand Jury out there ought to make a killing of crooked lawyers and perjured clients. Iiow times have changed! A new Nebraska law permits the man who steals an auto to get off with a $100 fine, when it used to be that the man who stole a horse accepted an engagement for a necktie party. ' According to the record, the report made by that "packed" conference committee two years, ago was adopted by the senate with only two votes against it. Can H be that tbe whole "sen ate was "packed" with these two exceptlonsT Go Graat crowds are Hot-king: to th Moody revival Ineelinai at Boyd'a opera huuae, and huudreda haa bea& unable to secure admittance. There la a great deal of rellgiuua iittereat and Mr. Moody anJ fcie colauorera certainly atrlve to actumplUU their en-L Tba republican clly central committee met fur pre Umlnarlta for city prtmartaa, with Alike Meoitey in the chair and R. D. Duncan acting a secretary.- Aa elaborate wedding ceremony In Temple Iirael marked the marriage of Ulu Fannie Rau, alatar of Mr a. M. llelman. and Bamuel Hioman of Itrolt A reception at the residence of Mr. Helman on Ft Mary's evenua followed. A farewell banquet was tendered Stephen 1 Mil!, hlf elerk of the I'cloq Paciric, at wblch a gold beade4 cane and other testimonials were presented ty T. M. Orr on behalf of the gueata. whK-h Included J. P. Mchols. G. W. UegeaUi. J. C. Knight. O. H. XJorraoce. L. II. Korty, 8. T. Joaaelyn. E. Bucklnj I.ain, I Larry Gilmore. A. . Xn Kuran, J, O. Body, I M. Jeun. T. K. 8udborugh. Arthur Wakeley and V. B. Key. At the home of T. C. Bruner on CuuUug atreet lan Jlilliipaugh aok-mnixed the marriage vt Miaa Jesaie Read and uiuel Crew, aho will make their fce-roe at Chappell. Neb., Wlter. Mr. Crew is agent. TUe eUrett aprinkllng luacbioo started on its !irl trip cf lit aaa.-n. If the Railroad Ken are Wise. It U gratifying to note that Tbe Bee is not alone In suggesting to the railroads the danger of overdoing things In their efforts to raise rales nil along the line. The New York Evening Tout, which could never be put by the railroads in the "unfriendly" class, also cautions against undo ing the present public sentiment which Is plainly disposed to give the railroads a fair deal as never before. What the Post urges is "that the great opportunity now before them ought to be util ized by the railroads' managers in the wisest way." It declares further that, If they want to avoid trouble later, "while strengthening their position and making financial provision for the future, the railroads are under obligation to avoid repetition of the scandals of tbe past to prevent abuse of capitalization, wrongs of re organization or consolidation and stock ex change manipulation wblch would give dema gogues every chance to throw the whole railway situation into confusion and gloom again." What the railroad men must remember is that the era of good feeling toward them can be prolonged only by not abusing It, and that deeds rather than words will be the final test of their professed desire to work in harmony with pa trons and public. New Things in Warfare. The British imperial council is accused of writing an entire new chapter in international law, in the order promulgated to establish an ocean-wide blockade of German traffic. This order Is unprecedented, as pointed out, but o also U the German submarine campaign. Other novelties presented for the edification of the world by the present war are the forty-two cen timeter gun, the armored airship, the radio tele graph, the armed motor car, and numerous other features, prominent enough now, but unheard of before tbe .conflict of arms commenced last August. AH the nations hsve improved their capacity for destruction by adapting the best results of Invention and discovery to the arts of war. One surprise after another has followed, as one or the other of the Combatants has disclosed his preparations for the conflict. It would hav been remarkable, Indeed, if the diplomats of the world had not made some innovations along' with the warriors and therefore, the new prin ciples of so-called international law, now exhi bited to public view for the first time should oc casion less astonishment than they otherwise fwould. , The mistreatment of neutrals, more than anything else, argues for the necessity of a con vention that will rigidly preserve the world's peace. This will be the overshadowing problem when order is once more brought about. Thei an entire new international code will bave to be formulated, founded on the fundamentals of Jus tice for all, regardless of comparative strength or military resources, that will do equal Justice to little nations as well as to big ones. The School that Father Attended. "It's a better room, tbaa I went to when 1 was a boy." said a member of the school board, when Inspecting a building that is complained cf. Of course It Is. What man of mature age today would want toisend his child to the school he attended when he was a youngster, unless he was especially favored among raortalsT It would be little credit to us if this were not so. Progress has been, made In every other ac tivity of life, and the schools have been the bene ficiary of most of tbe fruits of man's advance in knowledge. As for father, he is not a hopeless back number, but he has to hustle all tbe time to keep up with the procession, for the march of learning is proceeding at'-a' rate he never dreamed of when he attended the little red school house, and took his limited sips at the Plerean spring. And the school house is thj monument to our culture, the outward and vis ible sign of the value we put upon Intellectual attainments, and therefore it should be in keep ing always with the Importance of the com munlty. The best Is not too good for the school, but this must not be taken as an argument for ex travagance In provision or management, for the moHt useful lesson that can be taught at school la prudent thrift, and thla may be in no way better exemplified than In the school building Itself. Making Voting Compulsory. A bill pending In tbe legislature at Lincoln to Impose a poll tax to be remitted to all voters who take part In every election, raises the old question of making voting compulsory. While the right of the state to compel a man lo vote. or to punish him if he falls to do so, Is being de bated, the more pertinent discussion will evolve about the point of practicability, for although every one concedes that the electoral franchise carries with It the duty to help choose all public officials, nowhere that we know of has any de vice to make voting compulsory worked success fully In practice. Tbe queer thing in this con nection is that the poll tax haa been resorted to in the south, not to force participation In elec tions, but to keep tbe negroes from voting, and thus to disfranchise them without colliding with the color discrimination. ; Again, It is doubtful whether comnulsorv vot ing will give us more Intelligent voting. If a man has no choice between candidates, If igno rant of their relative merits or otherwise, to force him to make a choice would add merely an ele ment of guesswork, which would probably be offset In the totals without helping to decide anything. It holds forth, at any rate, no assur ance of -better government. Reports of the feeble health of Emperor Francis, Joseph of Austria no doubt haVe some basis of truth. In peace times a monarch well into his eighty-fifth year would be an object of mortuary solicitude. Oppressed as he must be by tbe burdens and anxieties of a war Imperiling !' empire, the fact that he has survived seven months of It Is a tribute to his marvelous physi cal powers and abstemious habits. Nebraska undertakes to go Pennsylvania It better by -proposing a 16 tax on stay-at-home voters, tbe money to be refunded In two 'equal parts if the taxpayer votes at the primaries and again at the general election. The most inter eating feature of the scheme is the talent re quired to collect and hand back the money with out shrinkage. r txotob Mifwiin, A MERIOAN Journal lam has suffered a teal Ion l by the death of Pamuel Bowles, which waa chronicled from PprlnrHeld, Maea,. a few days ago. The hleh standing of the SprtngTleid Republican and of Mr. Bowles aa Ita editor, long ago lrapreaaed very one In touch In any way with the newspapers of the country. But the fact that Mr. Bowlea hap pened to he, a member of the edltorlat party that toured Mexico on the occasion of Its centennial cele bration, to which I have recently referred In this column, gave me aeveral weeks' pleasant association with him. and an opportunity to become aequaintel with his delightful personality. Although In outward appearance of the atern New England Puritan type. and hailed aa "the dean" of .the editorial crew. It did not take long to find that he could unbend and enter fully Into tha spirit of the escurston.' He was our spokesman more than once In responding to ad dresses of welcome, and Ms talks were scholarly and appropriate. We all wrots accounts to our respec tive papers of the celebrations in which we partici pated, and Mr. Bowles' letters reflected Ms keen powers of observation and graphic style of compo! tlon. I took it as a special compliment that tha letter I wrote to The Bee describing the centennial exer cises In Mexico City was also printed In the Spring- field Republican. The Samuel Bowles who. lust died is the eon of the Pamuel Bowles who founded the Springfield Re publican, and Is the father of another Samuel Bowles who will doubtless be the third of the name to con trol tKat paper. Going back to the founding of Tha Bee there Is a connecting link la an Incident, which has elready been told, but which will bear repeating. The original plan was to start a paper here to voice the element that was dissatisfied with the j!d Omaha Republican, and letters were written to several of the leading republican Journalist ef tbe, day to Interest them In the project or to ask their advice, among others to Horace Oreeiy. Joseph Madtll and Samuel Bowles. The reply of the elder Bowles, written all In his own hand, was ss follows: "SPRINGFIELD. -Mass., March U UTO-My Xtoar. fir: Tour suggestions are very flattering. I should like on many accounts to share in tbe upbuilding of a good Journal at Omaha, but I fear It Is altogether out of the question. I am pretty strongly anchored here. "It Is a very difficult thing, nay Impossible, to Improvise either a Journalist or a Journal. I cannot at this moment put my thought upon a man worthy of your opportunity! But I may be able in a day . or two to suggest one for you.. What you ought to. do Is to buy out the present republican psper, and then get better men Into It.- I advise thla moat earnestly. It la a great deal better and easier than to undertake to crush It by a rival. I am, yours truly, SAM-'t, BOWLES." Mr. E. Rosewater, Omaha. From this It will ba lean that the Invltatioa waa Issued to Mr. Bowles to come out to Omaha himself, and take charge of the proposed nsw paper, and that while he brushed It aside, he did so very gently and very politely. Not to. leave the reader in the air,- I may add that the then proposed newspaper waa actually started under, tha name of tha Omaha Trib une, which for one reason and another proved to be a very short-lived publication, and In Its wake The Bee appeared with Ita Initial bow a year later. I have at hand a copy ef the brief la tha famous Leo M. Frank case sent me by Louis Marshall, one of tha leaders among New Tork lawyers. Who argued the appeal for Frank In the supreme' court of the United States. Mr. Marshall waa here last year to represent the plaintiffs In what is known as "the St Joseph Grand Island case" In our federal district court, and at the last election he received the highest vote cast for anyone for delegata-at-large to the forth coming New Tork state constitutional convention. His brief in the Frank case elucidates many points that had been previously obscured and develops a unique theory to the effect that all the proceedings of the trial and of tha subsequent stops In the state courts of Georgia were In contravention ef Frank's constitu tional rights,, and therefore null and void. In a word, the supreme rourV could by accepting' Mr. Marshall's construction of the- law Invalidate the trial without affecting tha indictment, and without opening the way for Frank to claim his freedom on the ground that he had already once been put In Jeopardy. This would leave It to the authorities In Georgia to declda after wards whether or not another trial en the original Indictment should be had. . Twice Told Tales JVeer Had Kaa. - Old Pick was an old plantation darkey. He was rarely If ever sick and he alwsys claimed that It was the way he had lived. One day as he was walking down the street, a local merchant taking advantage of his Ignoranoe, accosted him. thus: "Dick, one yourj best friends has Just told ma that you have ancestors of the worst sort." "Now. look heah, Cap'tn Oawg., I doan want to hurt nobody, but I Jes want to know who dat man was, wot tol you, and I sho will go alter him 'causa ha done gone and 'suit me. .Me got ancestors? Why. Capln. that's as big a lie as was eber told, I neber had nothln' In my Ufa but the mumps and colic" Na tional Monthly. Data Ills Fall Daty. Miss Briglitman kept a very attractive little tea room, and when away en a business trip recently aha left it In charge ef a young woman clerk. The morn Ing she returned she did not think things looked quite as neat and attractive as usual. "You know, Mlsa Bristol," remarked the pro prietress, as she glanced around, "there Is a great deal In having your sandwiches look attractive." "Yes, Miss Biightman, I know It," was the reply. "I have done everything I could while you were away. I bave dusted those sandwiches every morning t-r the last ten days."--i!arpcr's Magaslne. People and Events The legislature of Utah at top speed put through a bill putting trading stamps out of buslnese la the state. The act Impose a tax ef GO cents per l.ODS oa tamps and require tha vendor to give a tn.ooe bond to guarantee redemption. Jitney business for January In the Pacific coast cities else up in number and Income as follows: Los Angeles. J.Om) Jitneys. t,00 dUy receipts; San Fran vlsco, XW Jitneys. .100 dally receipts; Seattle, K Jit neys. .00 dally receipts. In on New Bedford. Mass.. family there la a George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. Daniel Web ster and William Howard Taft. The fattier la Daniel R. Sullivan, and he thinks if a child is given a good nam he will strive to live up to- It. President Smith of the New Tork Central 1 put ting a new wrinkle in the booster activities of rail roads. Ha haa Invested In Holstein cattle for the purpose ef showing farmer along the lines the ad antage of high grade milk a ad butter producers. Mr. M. W. Church, n, of Wheeling. W. Vs.. want off into a trance which convinced the family that an undertaker waa needed. When the latter get busy Mrs. Church aat up and took notice of the under taker flying from the room. The funeral was post poned Indefinitely. A Boston preacher told a crewd of the unemployed gathered oa tbe common to shed their clothe and pareda the streets naked, la order to give tha people f the Hub something of a shock. The preacher U Rer. William Fhort. hailing from St. Louis and re cently depuaad by the Episcopal bishop of Bostou. Chtoago's school board is beginning to e some of tha Ught which recently ail but daasled the school managers of New Yerk City. They are convinced that school teacher who become mother are com petent to teach youngster and hav decided ta en large the rule limiting metherhood certificates ef ab esaoe te three tare. -TDM Brief italaatlem ins as repfaOrtc fee estate f unss-s aa. Ail lessais nb te seals eH bp- asm Foreign Missionary Coafereaee. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., March 17. To the Editor of The Bee: Colorado college I planning for a conference to be held during the month of May at the college for discussion of tha educational snd social movements carried on by the (Foreign Missionary societies of the , various denominations and churches In the United States. A number of the ablest men In the country have been In vited to take part, among whom are Dr. Robert B- Sneer, secretary of the Pres byterian Board of Foreign Missions; Rev, James L. Barton, D. D.. foreign secre tary of tha American Board of Com missioners ef Foreign Missions; Mr. John R. Mott, foreign secretary of the Inter national committee of the TdUng Men's Christian association; President Henry Churchill King of Oberlln college, Bishop Wllllatn F. McDowell of tbe Methodist Episcopal church, from Chicago, and Dr. Charles E. Brown of Yale Divinity school. The co-operation of the local churches and of those throughout the state Is be ing secured. The college hss held In earlier years a number of .vauable and Inte-restlng conferences, but It Is ex pected that this will be the most im portant of them all. In addition to the faculty and students of the college It Is hoped that ther will be representatives of the churche throughout the whole Rocky mountain region In attendance. WILLIAM F. 8 LOCUM, President of Colorado College. A Call for Cirsmlsl. NORTH LOUP. Neb.. March IT -To the Editor of The Bee: Will the republican party regain Its former ' standing as a political power in the nation? That de pends on the management. If we nomi nate a candidate for the presidency whose record Is admittedly with certain commercial Interests which have regularly controlled public affairs and legislation w may expect defeat. If we nominate a candidate whose record is in the In terest of the public we may expect suc cess. Senator Albert B. Cummin of Iowa Is the preferable candidate of the people. He i very, strong in his state arid In the country. With all the power of the present democratic administration In association with Wall street financiers, Cummins was re-e'ected to the senate by 60,000 plurality, Hv we any other man with such a record? ' It has been thought wise to nominate candidates from the east, but that day Is past. With the advantages of the Panama canal, the great central states want direct communication by navigation through the MlsaisMppI and . Mux-ouri rivers to the sea.. The eastern financiers and the present democratic administration are opposing that policy. What stronger argument can he made for Senator Cum mins? ) . - There is no question as to the position ef the present administration on the im provement of our river for water power and navigation. They have stood In the way of Improving Nebraska rivers for water power; that fact being conspicuous In the legislatures of 1918 and 1915. If any lawyer i. will get senate document -147. aixty-khlrd congress, first session, a fran chise for 350,000 horsepower, he may read ily see that our democracy Is working a secret deal against the people. - ; WALTER JOHNSON. Preaarlaa for Pear. ' ' BOSTON, Mesa. March IS, To the Edi tor of The Bee: Herewith is the rcsuit of a ballot reoantly taken by the National Bconomlc league for the purpose ef secur ing a consensus el intelligent nonpartisan opinion as te the question ef greatest importance before the country at the present time, in their! order: L World peac, International arbitra tion, militarism. 2. American merchant marine. 3. ICfflclenoy and economy In govern ment A Taxation and tag reform. S. National budget, Liquor problem. " T. Foreign i relations ef the United States. 8. Regulation and control of public uttlitlea . Conservation of th public heslth. 10. Immlarstton. Iw reform. Child labor. Co-operation vs. competition. Economic wsstea. IS. Public schools. 1. Short ballot Ounaervatlon of national resources. Equal suffrage. Government ownership of railroads. Good roails. A a result of this vote our league I undertaking a campaign to help educate and crystallise public opinion regarding possible terms for the establishment of lasting peace. , It would be a very great help to us If you would publish the result of thi vote. W should also greatly appreciate it If you would send us. for publication In our quarterly review and editorials on tha sub ject of peace term and the contribution of thi country toward securing more lasting peace among nations. J. W. BEATBON. Secretaray. Dree Reforsa as Ballet. BLAIR, Neb.. March t7.-To th Editor of Th Bee: If women reafly want to do something for the good of the race and te obtain something that will bring satisfac tion and happiness to herself, let her organise for th purpose f putting down tha extravagant style ef Hvtng and dress. If eh would make war upon and refuse te purchase th high priced headgear. dresses, etc. she would aocompiUh more for posterity than she will ever be able to do by her "vote for women" cry. for she would compel reduction la the prices of these cominodltiea. This thing of a wife or daughter of an ordinary laboring or busines man paying from lis to tx for a hat that will last but ene season and double that amount for a drea containing four yards of -illusion." and S or as more for a pair of fancy slippers is enough to drive th head of the family to almost anything but a deair te be honest. Of course, th high price paid for wora- ea' toggery la a tiae thlag for those who hav It to eelL but that Isn't th quest ion for th purchasing Individual to consider. When a milliner holds up a lit tle hat about tha sis of a pancake for your Inspection and aays "Only t: len t it a beauty? do you consider how many daya work your husband or father must put Into that hat U yeu buy it? It la not necessary for a woman t drea either la cheap er ehoddy material; neither I It Incumbent upon tear to pay th exorbitant prioa asked for a decent brand ef material. It is only when women aa a claas rtbel against th price charged ;or necessities aud forego th geagaws witn wiiun ah la wont to adorn herself th'.t th "high cost ef living." which is becoming th ban of th natloa can b eliminated. She- does not look better, neither is she happier in such attire tha 11. 12. 11. 14. 17. IS. 1. Jt. were the women twenty years ato. when it did not require all that two men could make to dress one woman. It I due to the extravagance of women in many cases that men are serving a term in th penitentiary for forgery or embexzlement because ther were other wise unable te provide for the war. te net needs of th women folk at home. There ar others on the verge of nervous prostration from trying to keep up with the demands mad upon their pocket books. It Is a subject worn threadbare by dis cussion, but no permanent relief haa 'and never will come until woman concen trates her superfluous energies, which she is exhausting In attempting to obtain the ballot, upon a reform calculated to ad vance decency and economy In dress. Never until such a reform Is established, will the lords of creation as a class feel that women are competent to handle public funds and occupy positions of trust In governmental affairs. The women have begun at th wrong end of the rope to unravel it smoothly, scientifically or logically. i . ANNIE VIO GATES. THE MUSIC OF THE SHAMROCK. Kate Masterson la Judge. Tbe shsmrock green It grew, maybe, Beside the Shannon springing. Or blossomed by the River Lee, Where Phandon't bells are ringing That grand, melodic, throbbing peal Through Irish dell and forest. . , Imprinted by no tyrant hocl, Tagged by a city florist And how the music fills the sir, Tliose dsy of Kerry dsnclng! When fiddles' croon nd pipers' fUr Set colleens' feet a-glanclng! Kathleen Mavourneen's serenade Sad that true hearts must sever Tho hunter's horn the gray mists fade Goodbye perhaps, forever! The hsrp that once o silent sow! Oh, strike a gayer measure The Pretty Girl that milked th cew, Or Peggy's low-backed leisure; The spot where angels stop to rest. Beyond the stone of Blarney White wings enfolded on each breast Killarney, oh. Klllarney! "Tie gone! The shamrock's voice is still! Its leaves, so soft and glowing. Shine out across the window sill, Old Ireland s color showing. With dew'a soft flash and sun's gay gleam, A nappv message bringing; And tor a moment In my dream I thought I heard It singing! Without a hold-over! J Save that somewhat heavy all-Havana cigar (or after dinner. , , J But in the course ef the evening light up a Tom Moore a "modulated" Havana. See how it rounds out the day with its mellow fragrance and saya to you, "Good night and a clear head in the morning." "They always com back for Moor Tom Moore cigar io Lmttim Tom 5? Lnti Tarn feet for half fan, lot ft gees for a ttnf ohtiimt Beet & Russell agar Co., 612 S. lflth St., Omaha, Distributor I If l I 1 I n l M M el If J I ill n (SMJUJ Excuse me I Said- Bh saw if That's the wav to talk when anybody tries to sell vou some other kind. Insist on Calumet and see a that - vou fret it. Then you'll always be sure that thcrcll be no failure to waste time and ma terials that everv time vou m. a t - . '.i dut. a Daximr into ine oven it will come out light as down. pure ana umrormiy raised. For your own satisfaction, test Calumet. Com Dare it with every other kind in the one test that tells baling, gad see how much barter Calumet makes the food. Received highest award at World Pore Food Expo sitions Chicago, I3-, Paris Expo ition, France. March, 1912. (HA.KINO POWDFrd fTMADCrr-TMtTKJ. SJtT BAKING PC chicaoo 4k V