Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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rr is.
Girls! Lots of
Beautiful Hair
25 cent bottle of ""Danderine"
makes hair thick, glossy
and wavy.
Removes all dandruff, stops
itching scalp and fall
ing hair.
V 1 -
f ft t ! i I
r K i " F ' i
..("'. ...
- - '
r... . . . . Y..-
To be possessed of a head of burr,
' beautiful hair: soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy
and free from dandruff ts merely a mat
ter of using a little Danderine.
It la easy and Inexpensive to have nice,
oft hair and Iota of It. Just get a 25 oent
bottle of Knowtton'a' Danderine now U
drug; stores recommend It -apply a Uttla
aa directed and within ten minutes there
will be an appearance of abundance,
freshness, flufflnesa and an lnoom parable
Bloea and lustre, and try as you will you
can not find a trace of dandruff or tall
ies hair; but your real surprise will be
after about two weeks' use, when you will
see new hair fine 'and downy at first
yes but really new hair sprouting; out
all over your scalp Danderine is, we be
lieve, the only sure hair grower, destroyer
of dandruff and cure for itchy scalp and
It never falls to stop falling hair at once.
If you want to . prove how pretty and
oft your hair really Is, moisten a cloth
with a Uttla Danderine and carefully draw
It through your hair taking one small'1
strand at a time. . Your hair will be soft,
glossy and beautiful In just a few mo
ments a delightful surprise awaits every
one who trlea this. Advertisement.
Jury in Vance Murder Trial at Weit
Point Brings In Verdict of
Not Guilty,
WEST POINT, Neb., March H.
(Special Telegram.) The Jury in
the Vance case was out six and one-
half hours, and late last njght
brought In a verdict of not guilty.
The trial of Joseph E. Vance for the
murder of A. J. Krause commenced on
Wednesday morning, March 10. Nearly
two days were consumed In selecting a
Jury, which was composed of farmers
living In remote portions of Jhe county.
The state proved the shooting and Intro-,
duced formal medical testimony as to the
cause of death. Rye witnesses to the
kllllne nW testified. The star witness
for the drfense was Mm. Hattle Vance,
wife of the prisoner. In her evidence
she made a complete confession of her
Illicit relations with the murderAi man.
Vance, testifying on his own behalf, de
nied any knowledge of the shooting,
pleading temporary Insanity. Attempts
on the part of tho state to Introduce tes
timony In rebuttal tending to show that
he was perfectly sane and in his normal
mental condition at the time of the com
mission of the crime were ruled out by
the court.
State's Contention Fall. V
The state produced seven witnesses by
whom It was expected to prove its con
tention, but signally' failed. Lengthy
arguments were made by counsel, the
judge reading his Instructions to the Jury
tip. m Tuesday. The rase was marked
by the appearance therein of eminent
counsel, both local and foreign.
Th case of the state waa presented by
County Attorney Hugo M. Nicholson, as
sisted by O. C. Anderson of the Cuming
county bar. The court had already ap
pointed former State Senator Andrew R.
Oleson of Wiener to defend the prisoner
and he was assisted by former Repre
sentative F. V. Hunker of West Foint
and by W. M. Cain of Fremont and
Schuyler. Judge Graves presided.
Nebraska" ' j Nebraska
For Xheumatlsm and JCidasy Trouble
50 Cent Bottle (32 Dose)
Jut because you start the day worrtrrf
and tired, stiff legs and arms and mus
cles, an aching head, burning and bearing
down pains In the bock worn out before
th day begins, do hot think you have
to stay in that condition. . .
Those sufferers who are in and out of
bed half a dosen times at night will ap
preciate the rest, comfort and strength
this treatment gives. For any form of
bladder trouble or weakness, tie acilon is
really wonderful.
Be strong, "well and vigorous, with no
more iaina from stiff Joints, sore mua
clcs, rheumatic suffering, aching buck,
or aldnev or bladder troubles.
To prove Tho Williams Treatment con
uuera kidney and bladder disuses, rheu
matism and all uric acid troubles, no
-matter how chronlo or stubborn, if you
have never used The Williams Treatment,
we Wll give nno 60o bottle (32 doses)
free If vou will cut out this notice and
send it with your name and address, with
lco to help pay distribution expenses, to
The Dr. D. A. Williams Company, Dept.
TM New P. O. Building, Ifiust Hamptoi
Conn. Bend at onco and you will receive
by parcel post a regular 60c bottle (32
closes), without charge pnd without in
curring any obligations. - One bottle only
to a family or address.
MADISON. Neb., March 17.-(8pecial.)-Mra.
Jennie U Beverly filed suit In dis
trict court today for divorce from her
husband, William B. Baverly, who Is
proprietor of the Oxnard hotel. Mrs.
Beverly alleges cruelty. She further re
cites in her petition that the defendant
Is the owner of $12,000 of furniture and
fixtures in the Oxiiard hotel at Norfolk, a
quarter of land In Lyman county, South
Dakota, valued at K500, and other per
sonal property of the estimated, value of
S2.G00. She asks In addition to decree of
divorce, the custody of their two children,
a son and daughter, and temporary, and
permanent alimony. Mr. Beverly has
filed an answer admitting the the allega
tlona of Mrs. Beverly's petition 'firming,
matter of their marriage; that they have
two adopted children and property state
ment, but enters denial of all other alle
gations. ' '
LaGrippe and Colds
XntGrlppe andOoldt, AnU-kanmla(A-K)
feblets are unexcelled, as tbey stop the
pains, soothe the nerves, and bring the rest
o greatly needed by nature to restore the
system to health. Physicians bava used
these tablets for oyer twenty years, tn the
treatment of colds, fevers and la grippe, and)
bave found no other remedy more useful la
these conditions., Anti-kamnla Tablets are
so inexpensive, so pleasant to take, so sat
Isfaotory In their results, and so useful in all
conditions where there is pain, that A-K
Tablets should always be kept In the house
for the time of need. ' Manx, rl our ablest
phystolans obtain perfect resul in la grippe
and colds, by cleansing the system with Ep
som salts or"Actoids", a very good cathar
tic, putting the patient on a limited diet, and
administering one A-K tablet every two or
three hours. This treatment will usually
break up the worst case In a day or two.
while In milder cases, ease and oomfort fol
low almost Immediately. These tablets are
also nnexoelled for Neuralgia, Khou matte
Pains, Tbe Pains of Women. Indigestion
and Insomnia. Ail druggists have them.
' Ceaaae A-K TatUlt ir (As M mar.
A famous dancer recently startled New
York by Introducing "bobbed" hair. Tbo
fashion will ha'dly become popular wlt't
people who admire beauty rather than
novelty. Beautiful hair will continue to
be woman's most prized crown and the
hair Which gets the best care will al
ways be the most beautiful. In washing
the hair it Is not advisable to use a make
shift, but always use a preparation made
for shampooing only. You can enjoy the
best that is known for about three cents
a shampoo by getting a paykoiie of lun
throx from your druggist; dissolve a tea
cpoonful in a cup of hot water and your
shampoo Is ready. After its uee the hair
dries rapidly, with uniform color. Dan
druff, ex ne. 'oil ami dirt are dissolved
and entirely disappear. Your hair will be
SO fluffy that it will look much heavlr
than It is. Its luster and Murines will
also delight you, while the stimulated
scalp gains the health which insure hair
growth. Advertisement,
Only Measure that Insurance Com
mittee Report Out ii'Anti
. Diicriminatioa Act. '
(From a Btaff Correspondent.) ,
. LINCOLN. March 17.-fpeeal.-Out of
ten bills which the house insurance com
mittee reported on , Wednesday, forenoon
the only one which found favor In Its
eyes was the Howell ."atitMlec'rlmlnatlon"
bill, B. F. 4. This ,measuro was recom
mended for the general flic. Other bills
which the Insurance Interests did not
want passed were obligingly killed by the
committee. - .
Following Is a lint of the bills which
the insurance committee saw fit to Indefi
nitely postpone: ' , .. ,
ft. R. 11 Orr State life Insurance. .
H..R. C2. Rlrhmond Limiting eaiarles
of life Insurance company officers to l-.M)
unless the majority of the members vote
for a higher amount. .
H. R. 3SA. Richmond Allowing foreign!
Insurance companies to titer"tnlg 'state!
a 'ter being In b sines one year.
II. iv. no, ijarwn i. mining i-uiiiiiiib-
slons of Inmirance agt'nts.
II. R. 591, Trumbia Requiring farmers'
mntualn to pay t he. .ta x for supporting
ttie . state fire commission, - , .
II. ,R. ..1. LundRren rTovlfllng that
little insurance companies need not de
posit securities with the auditor.
II. R. K, Ostermftn-State. hall inrur
ance. II. R. 643,' Barker Requiring Insurance
companies to publish, annunliy. a certi
ficate from a state auditor that .they' have
compiled with the laws cf Nebrns-tta.
H.' H. B7!, Richmond lticreHlnft the
Insurance commissioners term of office
to six vcars.
' Subsequently the committee had to bark
tip on one of these 'bills, il.' R. 11, sg it
developed thst the vote to Indefinitely
postpone had been taken, confrsry to 'the
rule of the house, without' notifying the
Introducer that It 'would' be' taken .
Chairman Reifenrath asked that the .6111
be sent back to the 'committee artd it will
go through the Amotions of grarttlng Mr.
Orr a hearing. There appear to be no
chance for tho bill to ; be 'recommended
for passage. .'' '.;'.
The mules ran away wtlh a load of feed
to a railroad crossing, where tbey aban
doned the wagon road-and started up the
rack. The outfit was struck by the
train a short distance from the crossing.
The loss waa abosaV 1500.
PLATtWoUTH. Neb., March -(Special.)
The wife of Charles C. Parmele,
aired 61 years, passed away in their home
in thia city this morning after a linger
ing illness, fihe had resided here during
her lifetime and had a multitude of
friends She Is a sister of T. H. and J.
K. Pollock of this city and . Mra. Alice
McElroy of Et. Paul, Minn., and is sur
vived by one son and one daughter and
her widower, who la president of the
Bank of Cass County. -Rev. Harry O.
McCIuakey of the Presbyterian . church
will conduct the funeral services Friday.
Notes from Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March 17. (Special.)
David Kldd was arraigned before Judfe
Walden Jn county cour on the charge of
turglary In connection with' the robbery
of Bonebrlght tc Bunte'g store at Cort
land pn the night of January 20. He
waived preliminary hearing and waa
bound over to the district court.' If the
state should fall to make a case against
hire the sheriff of Twin Falls, Idaho, baa
written Sheriff Acton that he will take
Kldd back to Idaho on the charge of
horse stealing.
The district court docket for the spring
term of court Is linsually light this year.
There are ninety-one civil and only seven
criminal cases to be tried. - '
Edward Lang has purchased the gro
cery store of W. J. Penner 'ln Glenover
end will assume charge of the business
April 1. Mr. Penner will locate In Omaha.
Lawrence W. Williams and Miss Flor
ence Mapes, both of Wytnore, were mar-
nea luesaay oy juage M. u. Walden.
They will make their home on a farm
near that place.
Farmers report that the soil Is wet
down for a distance of six or eight feet,
and that the ground Is In txcetlent condi
tion for crops of all kinds.
GRAND ISLAND, . Neb., : .March i 17.
iHpeciaK Telegram.) In - a ; represtnatlv
non-partisan , mass' -convention t W, , A.
Prince, former state reprf seriiatlve a and
well-known attorney, .was. nominated for
mayor, by a .vote .of two .to .one., over
Charles Q. Ryan, present mayor,, who so
far has not been an. avowed candidate
for f a - third ' term," -but-. who ' had ' many
ccttve supporters in the convention. .
A platform pledging the promotion and
extension of the municipal lighting plant,
a board of public works, a police, commis
sion -by councllrocnv and endorsement of
the' seedling mile -proposition for. the. Lid-
coin highway was ! adopted. 'Th only
trouble In the convention arose; over the
effort ' of Ryan supporters to vote the
unit rule in the Fourth district. The, con
vention set the delegates free and! five, of
the twenty-eix delegates walked out, The
other delegates appealed t- the' conven
tion, to remdve the rule.
. , ;
1 Lineman Hart r Fall. ;
. TKCtTMSEH. Neb.. March. n.-(Beclsl.)
--Edward Farls, . a .lineman' employed by
the Lincoln Telephone ahd- Telegraph
cotnpaJiy, bad a bad f alt 'herr today, ire
was working at theftop 6f 'a;pole whlcn
broke off -close to the ground, throwing
him on his back in i an . alley,, which . Is
paved, with rock.. 'Farla was unconscious
for. some time. As, yet It Is hot known J
just how serious his injuries are, but he
baa probably suffered concussion of the
brain. '
Committee Named
To Investigate the
Charges by Dodge
(.From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 17. -(Special. -The
committee . that la Investigating the
charges made against former Lieutenant
Governor McKelvIo by Senator Dodge was
named by Ueutenant Governor Pearson
this morning. ,
On the committee are Senators fund all,
Douthett and Bygland. The latter is a
democrat. Randall and Douthett are re
publicans. The charges, uttered) by
Dodge recently on the floor of the senate
in the course of a heated debate, accused
the former lieutenant governor with hav
ing "fixed" Hie conference committee that
killed Dodge's amendments to alleged
Omaha gas company legislation passed at
the last session.
The appointment of the committee was
with the lieutenant governor as presiding
officer of that session. Two of the senate
end of the committee were Dodge's best
friends In a political way.
SHENANDOAH. la.. March 17.-(Spe-clal.V-Natlonal
honors are coming to
Elotsa Parsons, the Tage county girl who
raised pounds of tomatoes from a
tenth of an acre-snd a profit of 1115.57.
Recently she left for a trip to Waahlng
tcn, D. C, with a number of Iowa boys
and gtrla that were winners of crop con
testa, and while there the announcement
was made that her record was two and
one-half times better than the record of
the champions of other ststes. The Iowa
people were the guests of Miss Jessie
Field, national secretary of the Young
Women's Christian association and a
former Phenandoan, while they were Its
New York on the eastern trip.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 17.-(fipeclnl.)-Thre
cases were appealed to the supreme court
yesterday by the Cud ah y Packing com
pany of Houth Omaha. In one Peter
Koran was given a IJ0.00O verdict by tho
district court Jury for Injuries received
wi.en he slipped and fell over the edge
of a meat vat. -
In another case Sarah. Green, adminis
tratrix of the estato of John A. Green,
rtcovered $4,200 for tho death of her hua
bsnd, who fell through a hole In the floor.
In the third case John Koubsky, aged
in years, recovered $: for a concussion of
the brain received when a beef carcass
fell upon him.
.Yanks net Baanian.
It transpires that New York has secured
title to Us iima n. the tnfiolder who was
with the Detroit Tigers. Donovan is plan
ning to utilise this youngster for utility
infield purposes.
SHENANDOAH, Ta.. March tT.-fSpe-clal
Telegram. While cutting trees at
the home of Asa Taokett, near Sidney,
a tree that had been lodged suddenly
swung around and caught Arthur Ellston
tinder It. killing him Instantly. His body
was taken to his former home at Law
son. Mo., today. He waa Ss years old and
Headache, Colds,
Costive Bowels,
Take Cascarets
Get a Jo-cent box now.
) You men and women who can't get
feeling right who have headache, coated
tongue, bad taste and foul breath, dull
ness, can't sleep, are bilious, nervous and
upaet, bothered with a sick, gassy, dis
ordered stomach, or have a bad cold.
Are you keeping your bowels clean with,
Cascarets, or merely forcing a. passage-'
way every few days with salts, cathartic
pills or castor oil?
Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanre
the atomaoh, remove the sour, undigested,
fermenting food and foul gases; take
the excess bile from the liver and carry
out of the system all the constipated
waste matter and poison in the bowels.
A Caacaret toriight will straighten you
out by morning a 10-cent box from any
drug atore will keep your stomach sweet ;
liver and bowels regular, and hend clear
for months, pon't forgot the children.
They love Cascarets because they taste
good never gripe or sicken. Advertise
ment, -
Lasting Benefit From Duffy's
Thin lady suffered a Ions; time) from
Bronchitis with no NHcf. 8h
finally 'used Duffy's with jfrrat
ruccms. Hereral years ago aha
wrote as follows:
''For some time I waa a sufferer from
bronchitis and spent a great deal ot
money doctoring, until I heard through
a friend of the wonderful merits of
Duffy's Pure Malt' Whiskey. F.srly tn
the fall I began taking It and since have
been entirely free from the bronohtal at
tack. I consider it my duty to thank you
. but have not enough words to say in
praise of this wonderful Pure Malt Whis
key aa-s. medicine that la good for every-
Lone."S-Mles Mae Rodgers... .
, Today she la well and strong with no
return of bronchial trouble, as her recent
letter proves: "My health Is perfect. Am
entirely cured of bronchial trouble, but
etlli continue to use Duffy's Pure Mslt
Whiskey aa a tonic, and I recommend It
to all my frlonde." Miss Mae H. Rodgers,
202 8. Grove St., E. Orange, N. J. .
Beatrice Makes .Gridiron ' Nrkednle,
BEATRICE. Neb., 1 March 17.w8peciJ.) !
urtairon games. with-the Beatrice High
school team have all been scheduled, the
last contract coming' In Tuesday ' from
Kearney. The schedule Is sS follows:
September 25. Council fcjuffs; October
, South Omaha; October 15, Kearney;
October a. Grand Island; . October i.
Aurora; November 3,' York; November 12.
Lincoln; November , Lawrence, KSnl. ,
Tns game with Lincoln will, be played I
at Lincoln- . ';. ' '
- City Ticket at McCooU.
M'COOK. Neb., March 17. (Special Tel
egram.) The republicans . named ' their
city ticket as follows last evening: Mayor, !
M. Lawrltison;' city ' clerk,! LC. ' Stoll;
city treasurer, L.: Tuorgrimson; .city -engineer,
J. W. Chase;, members 'Botrd. of
Education, C J. Krlefcer endMrs. B. J.
Lane; councllmen, " First ' ward, Clifford
Naden:- Second wrard,.'. W7 V.y Burnett;
committeemen, Flrat'Ward.'' J.,,0.' Ingles,
II. (E, Culbertson; 'Second , ward,' J.' R.
Frederickson, A. T.' Scott.' '
Duffy's Pure Walt Whiskey
In a life-sustaining agent In cases of emergency which no famtlv medicine chest
fhould lark, it la an absolutely pure diminution of clean, selected grain, caro.
fully malted and so processed aa to remove, as far as possible, all Injurious lu
inentH. By its salutary effxet upon the digestion It enriches the blood an-!
hul Ids body and inusclo, and In the prevention and relief of coughs, colda and
Htomax-h troubles it Is very dependable. It makes the old feel young and keen
11117 yuiiiig nu;rii uu yihuiviub. iirsu uiv huviub VI lUQUiMnui
Get Duffy's and Keep Well"
Oct Duffy's from your local droggtat, rreeer or deal
1.00 per bcttie. If he oanaot supply yon, write us,
we will tell yon where to gat It. Medical booklet free.
The Duffy Mutt Whiskey Co., Rochester. N. Y.
ft '
' Male. Killed by Tralu. 1
LOOM1S. Neb., March v H.-( Special. )
Elmer Johnson, lilvng.'three and, one-half
miles west of Loomlf," had 'two.' valuable
mules killed and a ' sled and',' rack de
molished by a freight train this week.
Caacas at Teeamaeb.
TECUMSEH. Neb.. March lf.-f SDaol.!
The annual city convention was bld
Monday evening. It wsa deolded not to
submit the license question for u nwci
vote this year. This' means no saloons
for the coming year and no fiaht on h
Usue. The following nonpartisan tickets
were nominated: For mayor, Harry Vil
lars and W. M. Put man: for clerk. J. P.
Moqrj, by acclamation; for treasurer, L.
W . . i v , . .
i. LiHVH, oy acclamation; members of
school board, J.' YV. Mackle, O. J. Me
Dougal. A. O. Hhaw and Mra. Ed Rell
two to elect; councllmen. Dr. J. C. Bow-
nan and O. J. McDougal. L. C. Kuur
end Marion Coffey, C. H. Halsted and
E. W. Cook.
llolhsrs 1m cf ,
over's frl
IVatea from Seward.
SEWARD, Neb.. Msrch 17.-(8poiaJ.)
Miss Wllia Diets of thia el'v m nIUTlH
at the homo of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
rrea uicu, at 4 o'clock Tuesdsy to Mr.
Randall Hall of Groton. 8. D.- Rev. Rohr
baugh, pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, officiated. The bride la a mem
ber of the Fin De Steele club and th
Young Women's Ctirii
The groom is a rancher near Groton.
xne child or Mr. and Mra. Elmer Hlnr
tzleroan was found - smothered la bed
ora was -rec eivea nere er the death
of Mrs. Howell Smith, at McKlnney, Tex.
The family 'formerly resided bare.
Rent loom quick witk a fcea Wast A4.
: Experience Is or-, snould b. iijr best
teacher. Women who have .'obeyed -the
highest and noblest; of all sacrlflees, the
Struggle for the life of Tot heas, should
hare a better Idea', of helpful Influence
than those who theorise from observation.
- At any rate when a prospeetlve Irrind
mother urges her dgughter to' do as ah
did ta use "Mother's . friend." there. U
reaso. to believe it the rtffbt Sdvtri.
"Mother's Friend" . Is an .sp
Jilloatlon for ax pee tun t mothers. ' Its uf
ae Is to famish pliancy to the muscles,
to tike away the strain on the oords and
ligaments, to relieve th tension of bervfs
and tendons so apt to' provoke dr at
gravats nausea, morning sickness, twitch
Ings of the limbs acd S- onr I . .
v Although. In the i:sture hi thing. 4
woman would use "Mother's Friend1' but
bot . rarely, yet so effective ha Itjbesn
found that this splendid remedy Is oh salt
tn most drug ateree . throughout - the
United Btataa. - It has boen prepared by
rradneid lugulstor. fe.. 4'M lamir -tfidg.,
Atlanta, -tin., and suK ertised' by US ' lit
E'er forty years. Th! is a 'tine record
r Mih a special rtTiSdv o! fliS grate
I letters recslrad to iy-ire lust ad
appreciative as were of years mta
notwithstanding that xcetkodt-are u
posed bave greatly advanctd.' Ask al
the drug ix ore far S bottle of ''M&Tl
rae4,' u a wsrtJ wUUe- r
Srtfi V VP'S agl
Choice of Rmt via
Rock Island .Lines
By way of El Paso etid Tucson the di
rect line of lowest altitudes route of the
-"Golden State Limited" foremost trans
continental train to Cialifornia.
Through ctandard and toitristPtillmans
via Colorado and Salt Lake Citythe great
scenic route . across tha continent
Low Round Trip Fares in Effect Daily.
Circle Tours, Scenic Routej to
Pan-Pacific Expositions. '
Automate Block S!gnaU
FUmwt 7Jn AH-rtfl gWfw EtfrnSpmrnt
AUohetm Smfmty
Writ. phoa ot can at Rock Maa4 Trarsl
Bureao, Hit Fmrnam Btreet, tor tick eta, rea
arvstJons, InfonaatloB, also eovr f Kxaotl
tlon Folder.
Th Herum Trrevtiurnt eiftployed by rue, Is the- only positive cure known.;
only ten days' time required (or a cure; for full particulars call or write
DR. W, W. B0WSEE, 314 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb.
J; 'TrV.': jM i
i W
Nothing Else Will Satisfy Him
Ptywlar that' the word with all hue Americana
--with all classes physicians, laborers, mechanics,
bankers, business men. Blatt Beer is best tn quality,
taste and purity Good for you Good for your friends.
rW wtintoanma. uurm aiwl InJlvLlnal l It .. .
- - -v . rrf - - . ... . h . w. , j vim
have been drinking ether beers, it's because yon bare never
tmm m r mrtm foil SlUuSs nMf Qlij M.
Blatz Company, Omaha, Neb.
fWumm Dwslu MAS
02-610 DOUGLAS ST.
jf I I I I
aT I i t i
r?TU SJiZ , aatwsaaor
' ' ' ' '.'?", '
n tha pood. I jJs
Bottled in
Bond whiskey
baa for 79 years
satisfied the
most ' critical -
Judges of good
Sol J Evrywkir .i'At
Bmmmum Ti-'.'.-Ar S.'l.
n i j
n tha
way; hand
made. . Sour
Mash Kentucky
whiskey. .
. Distilled in small
tuba conceded
the only method
llV whlph. IllfThjta
quality is attained.
Bond A Lillard Diatributina; Co.,
.Wastaia Offtoe. dlttl ? Delaware Sis KawaaCitr. M
1 r- sr 1 -r f'l -7-; H -th,' X ;
.pprJB;.'iiniiMuiiwi, rm ( i, mi
1 "'rjx-c ik" S "-i t n
i Si
i k
'fit)" ' f-J ' -S Z i 1 ,
1 ..Ea -.war . t -m ' if.
.Moat Modern and Hajiltary Jlreweryjn the West.
Family trade supplied by: rkiuth , Omaha WM. JKTTER, 230J! S
Street; Telephone Kouih H63. Oinaba HLGO F. IlILZ, 1824 Douglas
Htntet; lliooo IKiikIm .'WHO. Council ltluffa OLD AGK HAH, 1512 Bout It
Bixth HtreW; lliotie 3023.' ' . !
A -picture of the bicycle
will be in The Bee every day. '
Out them all out and ask
your friends to save the pic- '
tures in their paper for you,
too. See how many pictures
you can get and bring them
. to The Bee office, Saturday,
April 10.,
The bicycle will be (ton Free
to the boy or girl that sends us
the most pictures before 4 p. m.,
; Saturday, April 10.
Subscribers can help the chil
dren in the contest by asking for
picture certificates -when they
pay tHeir subscription. "We givo
a certificate good for 100 picturf n
for every dollar paid.
" h