Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1915, Page 12, Image 13

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(mini ttto cmnr ii-ditt
est Cattle Ten to Fifteen Higher
and Others Steady Sheep and
XAmbi Change Little.
Cattle. Una, rthcetl
C'tT-ial Monday
."li'-ll Tuesday
;tttmated Wednesday
?4 nxs
18.1 U
Three days thi weeki:2 W7 M.70 42.4'M
Sam rtava lat week. 14 t M4.41H S7.fl"J
ame dnva wks. i M 4M 4"..1M 4S.R-U
Cim itnyi 1 wki. HO.I3.r.l 41. Tr' i 9:
frame riaya 4 kt. .. 41.1 Mi .'.". 8i
tame days last ycr..i:.'VV) 8Ti.;i4 !.,,
' Tha following table snows tne receipts
f rattle, hcas end sheep at the Houtn
Omaha live stork market for thi year to
data aa compared with laat year:
IMS. 1!'14. Inc.
.Tattle lis.? 18.4-4
lofts 771. S0 ..47 IIS. 'i
t Shoo . l 2.473 fi.y!4
Tha following table hca tne average
price for ho at the Smith Omaha live
tock market for the lal lw davs, wit ft
rmt. I fan, ai.i3.ii2.,(H.,l!IO.i1.
Mar. t.l 8 4" IHi lot W I M b 04
Mar. S.I a 4rv I 341 a 30
!! Ml 8 i8
Mar. 4
4J1, l I 41 SJI tl'l 84! 0
lr. 0.. a S.I-.I le I li I w I tll i
Mar. 1.1 67J I 2 I 871 r7) 881 j S
Mar. T..I I 8 2i 8 47 a 311 M! it!
Mar. 6 .
S al .l le I 9), a
Mar. 8.. I I UK'. I 1 Li a 14 71 t Ini 44
Mar. 8..I 87, IS. I 34, 8 60' Hfti B
Mar. 10. 1 .!',, J3 8 78 10 Ii 8 61
1ar. 11.1 61
I M I M 4 Wt I 80 10 27i 40
Mar. 12. (
Mar. 13 73S
Mar. 14.1
8 4.M 8 4r Hi 110 371 8 4
8 6nj 8 59 8 b6-4 Ul I 47
4 u n i,7i a 4 . r.po i
a I g 71 8 80! 4 T 80110 421 40
Mar. IS. I I
Mar. )fj lv 8 44
lar 17.1 5.V I 88
I bM a (.11 1 'l
8 to! I Miio nil rs
r . .' . . . ' ;
Receipt and dloponlilon of lire atock
t the I'nlon btixH yard. Houth Omaha,
tor twenty-four hour ending at t o'clock
1. m.
taenia y:
I'atllr. lloga. Wliecp. II r'a.
.. M. M. P ft
Vahah 1
Mliaourt Pacific... 4
a nlon Fail lie 51
41. K. W.. eaat.. ir.
N. W , went.. 27
C, ft. P., M. O.. M
I'., R. & Q.. eaat.. 4
t'.. W. 4V Q . weat.. 18
C. R. 1. P., eaat 21
C H. I. P.. weat 1
SVInoln Cenfral 10
Cel. Oreat West.... 8
Total reeefrda...l7
Cattle, llnpa. Sheep.
Morrlt Co
fcwlft 4k Co
Cuunhy 1'acklng Co
miu & Co
. 77
-chwaita Co
J. W Murphy
J Incnln Pack Co........
P. O. Pack. Co
Mnclalr Hack. Co
V. H Vanaant Co
D tent on, Vanaant 4k L. .
lllil 44: Hon
I-', B. lwla. ..
Jluxton 4k t"o..
.1 fi. Knot 4fc CO
J ). Bulla
KoeennUKk Broa
Verthelmer De.fen..
II F. Hamilton :
KnlUvan Urot
Mo. A Kan. Calt Co..
hr telle
31 in frnan
Haker, Jonea
Tanner Bmi
John Harvev
Jfc-nnla Kranclf
3-: line
other buyer
Total ...43 15.a
CATTUrV-Recelpta w.r ht - thU
i..rnln for a Wedneaday. only 176, rar
I nlnB rirted In tne yerda. will ;';
MonSay and Tucaday were o t
the total for the three daya foota up 14.1'8
head, the iargfKl oi any y""'.
and lO.mfl head larger than for the cor
venponding period a. year WTO- ,
L'ndcr the Inflence of a loca rte-
jnand. ald.'d ly a. fair ehippln demand,
tha market on beef ateora opened earl
with dralrahle klnda fairly t
j.rkea that ware round 10 if hlKh"
than veaterday. The leaa dceliable kimU
y.ere atrc-ng to poaalbly a. little l'h''-
l -owe and heliera U the better rad.
that la hetfrre and rowa of the lielfer
order, were !,4ilF-o hlKher than yeeterday.
Medium and commcn kinds ahowed little.
!f atiy Improvement.
There were nt ill quite a good many
feeder In tha yard and aa buyera wi
nut willing to put on anything the. market
on that Tlnd of cattle remained only
aHout aicariy at the recent decline..
Uiiotatlona on cattle: Uood to chol-4
comfed levea. fair to good
oirnfed heevea. 87.Wn7.lfl; common to
.flr cornfed beevco $t.6tA7.10; good to
fhulce lielfera, 82(47.00; good to choice
cow. tS.TVrM.iw; fair to good enwa. 8o.tX
common to fair rowa. M (J.00; gd
to choice, atockera and feedera. 87.W'7 to:
fair to good atockera and fee.lera. 8.S,i
7-tO; rommon to fair tockera and feedore.
8i.7I4la.S0; atock reifera. 8o.rAM).r.ft', af,'k
oowa. tn.OfVH eick calvea, 8h.(I0iii.'i0;
vent ralvea, 7.M0j Ju.iO; bulla, ataga, eto.,
Repreaentatlve aalca:
Na. At. r. Na.
At. r.
. I4 a
,i ta
.Ml Tt
. M t Si
. IV.
..llt t M
..!. 1
..11,4 t H
,.11.4 1 4
1 V . . .
xi .
) li-'S ? ta
It IX. 3 t St
.KM' 1 It
ni t as 8 n
, ia: s i4 If
71 4 , 11 7 '
JJ M IU 4. 1 M r.iw,
ii w i a..
at. U 8 40 4 ....
k ....loi4 8 14 -....
I...........W7S I n 1
' "Malvm.
ns st 1
i i' 4 j t
tis 1 ea
. 7 M 18 1
... T 8 IS
... US 8 t
... . t
...IS t 14
ll 8 T
ll 8
14S 4
STtr-fMW .VM Htil'fcl
1 44 1 81 11
4J4 4 81 ' a
tT 0 11.. J
. 64 41 1
, r, 8 : 81 Mil 44
Hik:.nLtm.iH. wer not su iirao llu
nurnlng. but at that v. era liberal, aome
care, or 14 'u bead belli received.
Tne three de' total la uA7t) head,
nhirii la aimoxt wi.uiiu large than last
wk, and is 'Mi head heavier, than a year
ami. The run for tne ween to out la
1 titer than for any similar period tot
aom tin e. '
Reports from other markets. were any.
thing but rnoiiiianing '! morning, and
s lo. al sup), Hi s m fairly larae. pack
et made their opening bids a dim lower.
fcM-tlvrs acre asKlna eteady prtcea, and
aui tl"-y would not make ao large a rnn--,.
i. u a the puckers were demanding.
Koihlng soil until a late hour, exc-.t
x-mi hl')ilng but: which wece Iniught
aily at au-ady to a hau lower flsuroa.
il was nearly noon ml ore any uuinie
f noon In (ore any businces
liiigactfd. 1'ackvra by hi
-d 4lu-ir bids a sbnde. and
w aa iKirly ir
time bad rataed
when arlleia llnslly started to cut looee
H was st fipures that were a flm teiMkr
lowr thn eterday's aveiage. The big
end of I ho olf-Tln moved on this husts.
el.i-pers Cin'lnued to liuy through, Hit
tlie trat'n at fix'ires thst in si. .'v t
r.n kel lower. 'J he bis end of their vur.
tiMjx'S aa m,i,i at 8ti Mi, with a spiinl;
lii, at V--.'-si-. and a few of the lat-r
k.. ur.dcr ..'. Kulk of the killers
rooved at rf-.'-ri". .rj. and 8 t waa the
JV hll,e liiire. It aa long after
tokdday Ixfore any sort of a i l. uroiue
was inml . and trade was dressy all Hi
wsy tl-rooKh.
k. Fr.
T. .
1 ...
S.I. .
tr: .
Ut .
i. :i
. 14
. r i
. i
... "'
M 4 il;
... e
m 4 :-7',
M .
4 ?.'
8 e
4 ti'i
rAH I-1 ' . ..jui.t ut l. !. i,-nd
to Uiiii-a on M'-r-ilay and Tufmlay. 1 1
ooiiiiy -nt In a I k lit supply this ji'.oi n
Ick. tio-re U'ng i i, Id no ntui than
e.O'.iH 4 hrjii a- to unled for as sgutitfct
w a ago a-m ii
- a ear ,.
a 1141,1V ported
'liKn bada HkIiI run
iower i,rl.--ii t-arl.
It was mUjw Inn steady on lamhs and
a. me and ateady t-n ktd sheep. I.ik
f1it to 4,) of the week the market
w isi in o-ienii-n u-i Umine. ln, the
1-a K'ts tryiim u, fill tln-ii onieis on a
luwer ran'. tot of tho uf!ei-ms iinv
ill trum Coiuiado and tl.e ovvtl s bluff
country and. like Tu1aT, were of de
alrable weight, there being few If any
heavy offerings for sale. Purina; tha flrwt
rounds two cars of Inmhs anlil at .70,
compared with a lop yesterday of the
same price. There were only about five
cars of ewea altoather. and these cleared
earlv In the forenoon. In addition to
todav'a fresh receipts were five cars of
lambs carried over from the previous
yurlatlons on sheep and lamba: Tambe,
Mesl-sns, 81 fVtSj; Ismhs. fed westerns,
8S0bftA; lambs, sliesrlng. 88.lim-S.tM;
yearlings. IlKht. UTT.tfJoO; yearllna.
heavy, 8.504i8 75: erethera, good to choice,
17 7.Vfi!( 00; nethers. fair to sood. t'.M'l.'i,
ewes, good to choice, 87.ftO-ir7.75.
IU -prcaentatlvd sales:
No. ' Av. Wt.
814 Mexican lambs 70 70
21i Mcxli sn lambs 70 8 70
4s led Inmhs 84 8 5-)
t Wvnmlng lambs 7.1 8 40
4E..1 fed lamba 7 8 So
s'iO fed ewes 8-' 7 :0
1 culls 8.1 R SO
l fee ewes n 7 00
M fed Ismhs Si 8 fl
47 fd ea-e 13 1
HORSK-l!ocepts have been large this
Week, but 7i per cent' of the offerings
have licen common and undelrabe. The
demsnd has lc n very good for good
kinds welirhlng 1.300 nounds and Howards
of right ag'-s and In marketable condi
tion. 1 he demand for French and Italian
rrnr hot'ue-. has been a great help to the
market. Infcilor and common grades are
slow and from tli to t0 loarr thnn this
time laM year.
Kaaaaa Ity I.I re ftlvek Market.
Reeelpts. I.O bend: market higher;
prime fed steers, Ivlfrf 8 HO; tlresxi-d leef
steers, ii OOhS.rti; wetern steers, K.7r1i
7 K: slookeis and feedr-4.-,!.0"!i7.SO; bulls,
B.ri';. calves. KGrt'lO-il).
IKK1S Receipts, ,Q head: market
lower; bulk of sales, !.l(Ki)rt.78: heavy,
8ti.8irdd.70; packers and . butchers. 8H.oi
.7R; lights, W h,Vfil.77; pigs, Pi.-iT.MM.
ISIIKKP AMI I.AMIth Receipts. 3.0
head; lamba, 88.rii8.70; yesrllrws. 88.003
8.76; wethers, 7.2."i8.fl0;
wes, ?.0iii7.7?.
8lo f'ltr l'le Stark Market.
SlOfX CITY, la.. March 17. CATTLE
Recelpta, 2.000 head; market steady; na
tive steers. fiOw,7 40; butcher. Vi 2.'-tf
8.IT,; canners. 83.W)i4.60; stoekers and
fee!!, 8S.0irrr; , calves, 87 O0i(j8.00; bulls,
stags, ete., l.7Wr,.0.
IK;(8 lle-el,ts. lO.ono head; market 10c
lower; ' heavy, ii..V.'t.70; mixed, 80..'2tiW
6: light, 26.oOVl.U'; bulk- of sales,
hllF.EP llerelpts, 300 head.,
B. Joseph t.tra Btoek Market.
ST JOfKPIf, March 17. CATTLF1 Re
ceipts, I,, head; market ateady; leers.
I7.0iiSMl; cows and helfera, MJKjK.oO;
calvea, 8 Ante 2T,. .
lliHiH-Recelpts, 5,000 head; market
lower; top, 86., 5; bulk of Bales, .40vt.7rt.
SHKKI' AND !A MRUReceipts, i.DOO
neaa; market ateady: lamba, 80.oOlp9.74.
Agrees to Pay S200
Month for Divorce
NEW YORK, March 17.-Mi'. Kath-
erlne Iemocke Hicks, daughter of the
lite Augustus M. Lemocke of Indianap
olis, In seeking a divorce from her hue
band. Henry Hicks, agreed to pay hliu
124.000 in monthly installments of tVM
each, according to paper filed by her
lawyer In a suit started tier today In
the supreme court.
Mrs. Hick' complaint says:
"About tha mlddla of November I had
a conversation with my husband, In
which I told Mm I was tired of ht lasl
ties and wanted to secure a divorce from
lim. 'In that case,' ha said, 'I think
there 1 something due me.' I told him 1
thought I could give him $208 a month
If he would Icava ma and permit me to
get a divorce from him. II iold me that
would be satisfactory."
Flyer Falls Down an
,"Air Well" to Death
U)N ANGELEeT. Cal March lT.-Prank
Siltea, a local aviator, aged 30, "fell 300
feet In an "air well" at a motion picture
city near here late today, jumped from
tha aeroplane when thirty feet from th
ground and died from his Injuries shortly
Htttrs, who leaves a widow and three
children, had been flying here several
yars In airships of his own make.
Burleson Suspends
An Economy Order
WASHINGTON, March 17.-Postmaster
General Rurteaoa has suspended an order
reducing the number of railway mall
clerks st transfer points pending Investi
gation et a protest filed by practically
all of tha great mail carrying railroads.
The roads claim that many of the duties
of the transfer clerks would have to be
performed by men on railroad payrolls.
Tli order was Issued aa a part of Mr.
Burleson's economy program.
Shilling More for
Beer Ends Strike
NEW VORK. Marcn 1T.-T. P. O'Con
nor. th Nationalist ' leader,, settled th
strike of coal passers on Idverpool docks
whh h tied up the Transatlantic liners tor
mora than a week settled It In twenty
four lioura by agreeing to have th strik
ers each advanced a shilling a -day for
beer,' aocordtng to passengers on the
steamer Philadelphia, which reached her
Shot in Head After
Row Over Bag of Peas
SAtTLAKE CITT. Ttah. March 17.
Jolin Balling was brought to Salt Lake
City hoapttal shot through the head with
a rifle fired by Hyrum 4outhworth, post
master at Desert Ike. I'tah, In a quar
rv! over 11 oaneishlp of a bag of peas
at Desert Lake last nuht l alltag con
dition la serioua. ...
At a meeting of th Weat Leavenworth
Improvement club. Forty-eighth and
l-avrnworth streets, Monday evening,
Id'ward Walah, a member, was endorsed
fur rlty commissioner.
Among th Improvements contemplated
by tb club in the near fulute are the
extension of Saddle creek sewer, ths
grading of Forty-eighth street, th grad
ing ofPopplrton avtnue. extenaion ot
the sewer on Forty-eighth street and on I
1'oppleton avenue and th repairing of'
th north side of Leavenworth street
from Forty-eighth to Elmwood park.
RANDOLPH. Neb.. March 17. (Special )
The district meeting of the 'Federation
of Women' Cluh of th Third con
gressional dlstrtrt will be held at Ran
dolph, Neb., on March 86, 31 and April 1.
Preparations tor th accommodation
Investors with money read the Real
Fstate ads la Th Bee. Advertise your
property fur a quick saj.
Dahlman Girei Insurgent Faction
Control of Property of Home
for Aged Colored People.
Difference of opinion over th ex
penditure of rlrner in the ringing
fund threatens the solidarity of the
Negro Woman's Christian bbbocIa
tlon, which opened a home for aged
colored people at 3029 Plnkney
street last September. A delegation
pf fourteen colored women, headed
by Mrs. .1. II. 8mlth, called on Mayor
J. t,' Dahlman and compiainea
agalngt Hie faction headed by John
Grant Pegg, who holds an appointive
city position under the mayor.
Decision According- to l.etr.
Mayor Dahlman decided thai the In
surgent faction ohottld have contrnl of
the property and that the Pegg fncllon
should go Into court If thy cliilmnd any
rights. The mayor said he gave this deci
sion under the law which makes him
"chief txerutlve and conservator of the
peace," a function 'of his office which
l.a seldom exercises, he said.
With Mrs. Smith were Mr. Alfonso
Wilson, chairman of the executive, com
mittee; Mra. Florence Rlggs, aecre'tnry
of the association, and Mrs. Eva Walker,
treasurer, all of whom have affiliated
with the faction opposing the old regime,
f all, on Boiler.
John Grant I'egg ts a niemticr of the
advisory board of eleven members, three
of whom have resigned. He Is also chair
man of the house committee appointed by
the advisory fcoard and given power to
look after the property. When this dis
ruption became acute Mr. i'egg of Tues
day called on Acting Mayor Danl Butler
and prevailed upon the official to swear
John Hurman In aa a special officer to
rare for the home. When Officer Hur
man started hta duties member of the
Insurglng faction telephoned the police
station and complained against the pres
ence of this officer at the homo, adding
that he -scared the Inmates. Chairman
Pegg alleges the Inmates consist of one
matron and one elderly man. The mayor
ordered Hunnan's star taken from him.
William N. Johnson and Mr. Dr. Qoden
are tha othef members of the house com
mittee who are atandlng by Mr. Pegg.
Roth Taction claim possession of the
Disagreement hiarta Troable.
The trouble started over a disagreement
a to whether certain money should bo
taken out of the sinking fund to pay cur
rent expenses. The sinking fund smounts
to 1112. Tho home was bought for tl.doo
on payments.
Having the president, secretary, treas
urer and chairman of the executive com
mittee of the association on their aide,
tha Insurgents expect to reorganise and
carry on the work of the. home, which
they believe will ba a successful Institu
tion in the course of time.
Mather and Hill
Nominated to Run
for Mayor of Bensoh
At the primaries held Tuesday In Den
son the rrpiihlloans elected the following
nominees: C. L. Mather, mayor; Dnn
Wcstergaard, clerk; Ouss A. Wulff.
treasurer; C. K. Bramble, engineer: Peter
Petersen and Ed Korensen, councllmen.
Democratic nominees: George A. Hill.
mayor: A. P. McCarthy, clerk; W. a.
Wright, treasurer! E. M. Jacobberger,
councilman, -Second ward. The democrats
have no nominees for engineer jor coun
nllnis in the Kirst ward.
The Northwestern Is advised that Vice
President Marshall and his party, left
Chlcairo last night en rmite to the Pa
cific eoaat, where the, vice president will
officials represent President Wilson at
the format opening .of the San Francisco
'The official party, consisting of Vice
President and Mrs. Marshall, Becretsry of
the Interior Lane and wife. Chairman of
the Reserve Board' Millar and wife, As
sistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt
and wife, Livingston Davis aad wife of
Boston, Owen Winston and wlfs of New
York and Senator Phelan ot California,
will reach Omaha on Northwestern No.
1 at T:S0 o'clock this morning. Half
ar. hour later they will go west over the
Lelon Pacific. The members of ths party
are traveling In a special car.
Health Commissioner R. W. Connell
states that only three cases have been
admitted to the Emergency hospital this
month, aa against forty-one for the same
period last year. This means fewer rase
of scarlet fever. tVDhotd fever and nth)
rontagioua disease. There have been
many cases of measles throughout the
clty. but the city has been unusually
mriunai in escaping tne more serious
furm of contagious diseases, the com
missioner adJs.
"Please say 'for me that that story
about our Commercial rlub endorsing th
likht bill is a lie pure and simple." said
Mayor F. S. Tucker of Florence. "I am
mentioned alo-.g with ethers as having
made addresses In favor of it.' when th
fact Is that tho club has not held a meet
ing In month and I to nut know of but
ono of those named as talking for the
bill, and that en doe not live in Flor
Rev. Virgil
Flnneil of Vs Molnrs.
director of religious education for tiic
Church of the Hrethren In Iowa. Mlnne-
sola. South Iakota. Nebraska and tast -
ern Coloiado, will be . the Instructor in that they have made since coming to the
the Bunday school Institute to be held stjl'ncs weat.
the Church of the Brethren. Saturday I '
and tfunday. Salons will be held In I ASSOCIATED CHARITIES
iiuimii. sufinwn anu riTniuf on moa
two day.
ladlareattaaf . Caa't 8tf
Dr. King New Ufa PUls stir Up vour
liver,' aid digestion; yon feel fin th
nest day. Only tfc. AU ttiutrglals. Advar-Uacmsat.
Head Off Thfe Graft
The lawmaker at 'Lincoln ahonld
be made to nnderitand that there ia
no excuse for reriyinf the jail feed
ing graft by the proposed bill gir
in; the sheriff 40 cents a day for
feeding each prisoner in hi ens
tody. For five years the famishing of
food to the prisoners was let by
contract at a cost to the taxpayers
of 19 centa a day on & two-meal
basis, equivalent to not to exceed 27
cents a day on a three-meal basis.
The present sheriff himself put in
a bid, in the name of a sister-in-law
to feed the prisoners for 19
cents a day, on which he had fig
ured himself a profit, yet now
wants to run the cost up on the tax
payers to 40 cents a day.
The Bee invites the other Omaha
newspapers to join in heading off
this graft.
Kansas Man Claims
Estate as Husband
of Omaha Woman
Teter O. Peterson of Westmoreland,
Kan.. 82 years old, formerly a tailor. In
an affidavit filed In county court, al
leges that he. Instead of Robert B. An
derson of Omaha, who has claimed one
half the the estate, Is the surviving hus
band of tho late . Iaura Montgomery,
owner of a building at 1318 Capitol avenue.
"Mother Montgomery," as she was
formerly known, died in Jsnuary, 1814,
leaving In addition to tho real estate SS58
of personal property and SuOO cash found
on her person. Bh waa 86 years old.
Anderson, who is now conducting a
rooming house at 1318 Capitol avenue,
claimed one-half the estate as a surviv
ing husband, being represented by At
torney Joseph Rape, Jr.. according to the
records of the county court. Other heirs
were a slater of the dead woman. May
Lewis of Bhreveport, La., and a niece,
Mrs. Emma Ounter . of Westmoreland,
Kan. Personal property ' already has
been distributed, but the real estate has
not been sold.
The woman was burled here August 12,
1911. under the name of Laura M. Peter
sen. Wheat Sells at Three
Cents Below Tuesday
With thirteen carloads of wheat re
ceived, there was one carload on sale on
the floor of the Omaha Grain exchange,
It fetching 81.49 per bushel, or about S
cents below trie price paid Tuesday.
The balance of the wheat was sold In ad
vance to local miller.
Corn recelpta were fifty-four carloads
and the sales were made at prices be
tween 08 ar.d 70 cents. The prices were
one-fourth to a cent lpwer.
Oat sold off ,4 cent from Tuesday,
prices being Ul and 67 cents. Receipts
were eleven cars
Fifty Drug Victims
Released from Jail
Fifty "dope fiends" were released from
county Jail In detachments of ten, having
finished serving sentences Imposed by
Justice Brltt at tho time of the ''drag"
forty-five day ago. They were convicted
on misdemeanor charges.
"If these men were furnished with em-
, ploymant now," said Jailer Schroeder, "a
largo per cent of them wouldTlot return
to their old habits,"
W. T. Canada Said
1 to Be Improving
Mta Grace Ward of Portland, Ore., has
been called here by tho Illness of hor
uncle, "William T. Canada. Though still
In Kt. Catherine's hospital. It is said that
Mr. Canada Is alowiy improving and that
1,1s friends are beginning to feel more
hopeful for hi ultimate recovery.
A delegation was In Omaha from 8t
Paul, Neb., to aak of Bishop Bcannell that
he appoint a prleat at St. Paul who could
speak the Polish, Bohemian, German aad
English languages, asserting that the
present priest speaks only English,
whereus the population lias a large for
eign element. It I said the bishop re
fused the request. The prleat desired was
Father Tomanek, who Is attending the
mission there.
! Superintendent A. C. Taylor of the etreet
' department has received a ahip-
OI rn"n"ir ""om Austria.
The boxes were marked "American prop
erty." ThU la th first shipment he ha
received for month from abroad. These
' Austrian clilmneys cn be delivered here
cheaper than the cost of the- American
made good. Mr. Taylor state.
Hupertfltendent E. 17. Graff of trie pub
lic schools wrll give a series of four lec
tures to the school trainers, beginning
April 8. In th auditorium of the Central
HlKli school. Hi first subject will be
"Problems ' of durational Readjust
ment." The hour will be t p. m.
Assistant General Manager Greer and
vperlntrndnt Thlehoft of the Burling-
i ten. both new to thl territory, hav gone
" an Inspection trip of the lines west of
iibe Missouri river. This Is the first trip
Th Associated Chant it have Issued a
call tor shoe and clothing tor th dob
fiend who ar now Invading that Institu
tion In Urge number a Large number
have been coming for help and are la need
04? clothes.
McManus' Partner
Tells Bryan View
Of Mexican Policy
WASHINGTON, March 17. Oorge Wt
Knoblauch business partner of the late
John B. McManua the Ameriian citizen
killed recently In Mexico C)y visited Sec
retary Bryan today to see about getting
an Indemnity for McManus' widow and
children. He also told the secretary what
he thought about the administration's
Mexican 'policy and went to see Joseph
Tumulty, secretary to the president, who
referred him back to Mr. Bryan.
Knoblauch said tonight that as to-what
waa being done on tho McManua case he
had "no ground for unfavorable criti
cism" and that what he objected to was
"the general policy of the administra
The democratic national plaform
specifically promised to Americans who
reside In foreign countries on on the
border protection both as to their lives
and their property," he said, and added
that they had not recelvedSit in the Mexi
can trouble of the last four year.
"I may add," he remarked, "that in this
respect the Taft administration was quite
aa remiss aa the present one."
Secretary -Bryan said he had declined
to dlsoues the Mexican situation on a
partisan basis.
Italian Suffers
Cut Throat in Row.
With an Associate
Frank Dogoto, track laborer at Papil-
lion, waa badly cut about the neck and
face, presumably by his companion, San
tiago Blllegas, another track laborer at
Papilllon, in a fracas which occurred
Tuesday night when the two were re
turning to . Papilllon from Omaha., Do
doto la In the hands of Dr. Armstrong
of Papilllon and is expected to die.
Deputy Sheriff Bert Hamilton of Pa
pilllon happened along at the time, but
Blllegas made hla escape toward Chalco.
An alarm was sent there and Sheriff C,
liutter had a posse out looking for the
Italian. The search was fruitless, how
ever, until 8:30 this morning, when Offi
cer Bert Hyatt of the South Omaha de
partment, walking his beat on L street.
saw Blllegas strolling down the road from
Papilllon. He promptly 1 made the arrest.
and the Italian la being bcld at South
Omaha. ,
The men were evidently In th midst of
a quarrel when the cutting occurred.
Dogoto had ISO on his person when found,
while Blllegas had tfw when arrested.
Chokes Woman and
Forces Her to Givfr
Up Her Savings
Police ere scouring the neighborhood of
Eighth and Pacific streets in an effort to
apprehend a negro who forced hla way
into the home ot Mra. A. E. Beck and
forced her, at the point of a rYo!ver to
give, up her money which consisted of
11.85. Not satisfied with this the negro
choked the woman nnd forced her Into
the cellar where he locked her up while
he tried to ransack the house. Mrs.
Beck. was able to get out of the cellar
by a window to call the police, but the In
truder aaw her In time to make his escape.
Mayor to Appoint
Welfare Board Soon
Mayor J. C. Dahlman has returned to
his deek after nearly a week of rest He
announces that he expect to taka up at
an early date the matter of appointment
of member of th toew recreation board.
The mayor Is not ready to say whether
petitions of the women will cause him to
change hla mind regarding the appoint
ment of women to the publio welfare
board. He will not act on the welfare
board until It is known what action the
legislature will take on a measure now
pending, carrying an annual appropria
tion of 800.000.
The Real Estate exchange went on rec
ord aa . favoring th submission for a
publio vote of a bond Issue to buy the
Auditorium, and at - the meeting- at noon
a committee, consisting of J. W. Robbins,
W. R. McFarland and H. M. . Christie,
was ap'.olnted to confer -with the city
council and ask such submission, pro
viding tho price shall be that heretofore
stated and ehall not exceed 8150,000.
Get Rid ot k,aicraa) Cwlda, Caagh
. aad !- .r4pie. .
8prlng finds msny afflicted with linger
ing, hacking cough that weaksn th sys
tem. Slush and wet cause more cold
than scro weather. Croup, bronchitis and
pneumonia are prevalent, Every family
should have a aaf and reliable cougki
enedicin ready for use. Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound contains no harmful
ingredients. It eases a cough, check a
cold and relieve Inflamed aad congested
membrane It clear th air p&4:e atid
soothes inflammation. Sold everywhere
1 slS 'vv- j
Economics Club Endorses Light Bill
and Sets Forth Its Policy for
The Economic league, last nljrrt ' en
dorsed the Saunders' electric light bill,
now pending In the legislature, and called
on the representatives to extend to the
voters of Omaha the right to vote Upon
the propoeltion of public ownership of
the light plant. This resolution was pre
sented by Frsnk O'Dell
C. F. Harrison of the committee ap
pointed st a recent meeting to determine
what policy the league should maintain
during the coming election reported and
the following principles to strive for were
adopted by the body:
The establishment of a new charter.
ft r let, enforcement of all laws.
The establishment of a home where
city prisoners may work for the n.utudt
benefit of themselves snd the community.
A rigid policy of no Interference by the
commission as a body with the Individual
activities. of any member, except as pro
vided for legally.
Anti-nepotism and the cutting out of all
dead timber from the city government.
The cutUng off of all Indirect compen
sation to the commissioners.
A seventh principle, calling for the
agreement on the part of candidates to
oust the present city prosecutor and chief
detectives, was voted down practically
unanimously. The league decided not to
endorse any set of men.
Finance Writer Says
War Ends Next July
LONDON. March 17.-Edgar Crammond,
a prominent financial writer, In a paper
before the Royal Statistical society yes
terday, dealing with the cost of the wsr,
said ths war must end In July through
the exhaustion of 'some of the belliger
Mr. Crammond estimates the total cost
of the war to the end of July at 3,898,
ono.OOS ($l.990.o00,000). and the total econ
omic Iobs, - through damage to property
and other direct and Indirect lossea, at
9.149,000,000 (846,740,000,000). He estimates
that Great Britain alone will spend, up to
the end of July, 708,000,080.
Jo org PiloG
Simple Home Remedy Easily Applied
Gives Quick Relief-Hailed Free,
Sample raekace
1 ot tha Tamoua
Pyramid rile
fcemsdy Wow
Offered Tree to
Prove What It
Pyramid Pile
Remedy gives
quick relief .stop
Itehlnv- fcl,Mutin
. or protrud
ing pile, hemorrhoids ana a'l rectal
troubles, in the privacy of your own
home, too a box at all druggists. A single
box often cures. Free sample fee trial with
Mmklet mailed free In plain wrapper, if
you send ns coupon below.
626 Pyramid Bldg Marshall. Mtch.
Kindly send roe a Free sample of
Pyramid PO RaasaaV. in plain wrapper.
Street i.... ..........
City., State
Ladies! Darken
1 Your Gray Hair
liook years younger! Vae . Grand
mother's rc!pe ot Sage Tea and
Hulphur and nobody will know.
The use of Sage and Sulphur for re
storing faded, gray hair to. Ita natural
color dates back to grandmother's time.
She used It to keep her hair beautifully
dark, glossy, and abundant. Whenever
her hair fell out or took on that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this aim
pie mixture was applied with wonderful
effect - .......
But brewing at home la mussy "and
out-of-date. Nowadays, by . asking at
any drug store for a 60" cent bottle of
"Wyeth's Ssge and Sulphur Compound,"
you will got? . this famous old recipe
which cany be depended upon to restore
natural color and beauty to the hair and
I splendid for dandruff, dry, feverish,
Itchy scalp and falling hair.
A well-known down town drugglat says
It darkens the hair so naturally and
evenly that nobody can tell It has been
applied. You simply dampen a sponge
or soft brush with It and draw this
through your hair, taking one strand at
a time. By morning the grey hair die
appears, and after another application or
two It becomes beautifully dark, gloesy,
and abundant Advertisement i
Here's a Splendid
Business Ghance
hydraulic chair, white enamel fixtures; '
everything complete.. Will eacrtfii ' '
for a quick sale. -Addrae may - be
. found la the sst Ad stoetloa.
Chances similar to this one appear every drin The Bee's
'Business Chances" colunins. They offer a man with' a little
money to invest a chance to make money. and be independent.
You can frequently prof it by someone else's work,
as in the above case, where the business is already
established and making lnorieyT, ; Theelcment of risk
U almost entirely removed. ' "
V - "
Is This Your Business Ghance?
Telephone Tyler 1000
Everybody Reads Dee Want Ads."
John Grant Pegg. cfly sealer of weights
snd measures, reports he Is receiving
many calls from householders who com
plain against short-weight loaves of hi'esd
He explains that he win not attempt m
Pt tn
I dtr-
file any more complaints until the
he has In Justice courts have been
posed of.
Billions of Germs
Tou can fight off
the . bllllona. or
germs Which' , you
awallow. But. how
about the urlo ar,
which your cvii
aystsm creates?
Can you conquer
that, too? Yes if
your kidney work
right. But if they
don't, th backache,
Alanines, or dis
colored urine will
soon warn you of
grave peril. Kid
ney weakneas lead.-.
,4a Arvtnav. ai-avel.
t y nr Brisht'i
rietar - 4 A
Tall a V.r
:'s disease
led. Yot; J
e of your-
. f -neglected.
must live more simply, take care
self., and use. Doan's Kidney Pills to
strengthen your kidneys.
An Omaha Case:
A. G. Stephens, barber, 1008 8. Tenth
St.. Omaha, says: "My back got so lame
that I waa -In misery when I moved. I
frequently had headaches snd ditty spells
and mornings when I got up, I could
hardly drag myself around. In spite of
all the medicine I used, I found no relief
until I took Doan's Kidney Pills, that I
got at Schaeffer's Drug Store. They
soon cured me." .
50 al all Drug Stores
Foster-Mltbum Cox . BurTalo.N.Y.
Soap should be used very sparingly,'
If at all. If you want to keep your hair -looking
Its best. Most soaps and pre
pared shampoos .contain .too ; much
alkali. This dries the ' seaW makes
the hair .brittle,. and ruins it;
The best thing for steady ' use Hr
Just ordinary . mulsiflejilcoqoanut pU,
(which is pure-- and-.- greeeiiese) fie
cheaper and- better than soap? .ot any-.
thing else you oan use. v .' -
. One or two teaapoonfuls will cleanse
the hair and scalp thoroughly. Sim
ply moisten the hair with water and
rob It In. It make an abundance of.
'rich, creamy . lather, which rinses out
easily, removing every, particle of
dust, dirt, dandruff and, excessive oil.
The hair dries quickly and event?,
and It leaves the scalp soft, : and the
hair fine and silky,- bright, lusturous,
fluffy and easy to manage.
'.You can get muislfled cocoanut oil
at any pharmacy,. and, a, few ounces;
will supply, every member of the
family for months. Advertisement. ,V
1 (
In .
the' -
time Of youth, prepare '
Tor the winter, of old
age. - No matter bow
bright the skies are'
now, storm clouds of
adversity may come.
COUNT here with $1'
if no more. You'll re
. . TEREST on all you
put into . ;
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