Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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CJeit Cattle Ten to Fifteen Higher
and Othert Steady Sheep and
Israbi Change Little.
Cattle. Hog, tfheep
l?t"Mal Monday 10.42 1 i:..t.v l!).-?
C'Vi-lnl Tucedny .7t PI.' PVIU
Mtt'nwtcd Wednesday. i.S) H. 4.KM
Thtf day thl WMk.1.w7 M.m 4:.4.'
Fame dava la week. .14 l'l Jil.lW .!
Iame dnva i vki. ni 4'..l?x 4.ViJ
Faroe rinya S w k. agi.13..". 41.7-i :; :
tam days 4 w k. ago. .! ,'." .
tame day last yer. .12.ftV $.".,;!4 Ki.TTti
' Tha following labia snow the receipt
tf rattle, hogs nnd iliwii nt th Koutn
Omaha llv atork market for the year to
data compared with last year:
IMS. 1''14. Inc.
,rattl 2iS,f; l;.i3 1.
log 771.HO KHM'.'i 1H..
fcheea fli.473 'M.yA .
Th following; table show tn averg
trtr for hoaa at the .He nth Omaha lit
took market for th last few dava, wilA
I Hft4). j i-L Uia . . tfti 1 . ; iim.
Mar. I.I 4t', S ft, I ifr a d:t S . t 04
Mar. ..) 6 4:" I 34 30 tf 7S t M i4
9 4-sai a t4 s a ,q a wi .
t-T, I ill 321 6 121 R4; 0 :
iVr.f a 1 I .! ! I . lo
Mfti I 1W $ 371 S7 S8 j SO
I I 2i I 4; 31 Mi 76,'
war. 4 .1 s 1.114,, 1 19 1 i k I R4; 0 :
Mar. 1
War. ,.
Mar. ..
4 I Ml 241 i 9 1 Hi 41
tV. V, I Ift. I 34, ' &
1 Ul 8 I.' I ib 10 Ti ft
I M Xt 40; SO 10 27, 41
4" 4r. Hi 110 Til H
I to I sal wU Ul I 47
ft tul h i.7j a ) r. (10 !
I 67) 191 MHO 421 40
I 44i f hi) '.!!) -i 01
I m' n 70! I hi 10 ( 'J
J"r. jli f til
Mar. 12 h'v
Mar. 13 a
r. 14.
Mar. la. I -test:
oiar. itij
Mar 17.1 8 :.-'
Rvelpta and dinpoalilon of lire atook
t the I nlon ft k yirrtn. Kotith Umaba.
for twenty-four hour emlln at t o'clock
I-. m. rcKtrrday:
t'atlle. iioga. riliepp. HT'a.
t-.. M. ft Ht. I"
Vabah I
Minaourl ranUic... 4
I nlun Parltlc CI
4 ft. N. W eaat..
ft N. W , weat.. 27
C. P.. M. ft tj.. M
R. t Q.. eat.. 4
4'., H. A Q , weat.. 1
.. R. 1. ft P., eaat 21
C, K. I. ft P.. west 1
Sl'lnoln Central 10
CM. Olreat Weat.... t
Total receipt a... 174
w ' H '
04 I
HI t 1
t ..
200 3 7
Cattle. llot;a. Bhcep.
Mlr. 1 iaf tfa
Morrla ft Co
hwllt ft Co
4. uunhy racking Co
miou ,fc Co
1 IH4
a t
chw ai ta ft o
J. V Murphy...
J ln-oln Pack Co
P. O. Pk. Co..
... .4.. I
Mnrlair Pack. Co.
AV. if V'anaant Co
(ltonlon, Vanaant ft L..
)l Id Ron
T. B. Uewl.
JIuMon ft Co
.1. B. Knot ft Co
J 11. Bulla
Jtoiw-noto k Iroa. ........
I. rlloKk
erthelmer ft De.Ben..
II. K. HamlltoB ;
Sullivan Broa
Iiotliwlilld ............ ..
M.i. ft Kan. Calf Co..
4 hrlmle
Haker. Jonea ft 8
Tanner Broa
.iotin Harvev
Jfc nnla ft Krncla
other buyer
CA TT UB Recelpta
'J r,ZZ . w.HMd.v. only 176 cara
Vein, riported In tha yarrfa.
Monday and Tticaday wera ao light Ur.t
too total for tha three dy foota up 14.106
head, the lnrg.-.t of any re enl w
and 10,i head larger than for the eor
leanondtnil period a year ago.
Lndcr tha Inflence of a good local de
mand aJdod by a fair Phlpplnn demand,
the market on beef atsora opened early
with deairabla klnda lair y ,clv"
j.rkeg that were around l'l'-i hlKh''
than veatcrday. The leaa doMrable kimta
4'i.wn and helfera ct the l-lcr J"
that la helfera and cowa of tha heller
ordr. were limlSo higher than yeeterday.
Jlrulum and common ktnda ahowed Utile,
f any Improvement.
' There were at 111 quite a good many
feeder In tha yarda and aa buyer wero
not willing to rut on anything tha market
on that kind of cattle remained only
about ateady at the recant decline,
(juotattone on cattle: Jood to cnol
coi nfed beevea, i.60''i 2i.: Itr 10 gooi
oornfed beevea. I7.Wft7.lA: common to
IMr comfed beevea H.doflUo; good to
i bulce helfera. .a7.00; good to i l.ol.-e
row. 5.7V(il.M); fair to good cowa, li.0x
t.'.V common to fair cow. M.0"v-vrt; Ifood
to choltw etoekera and feedera.;
fair to good alocker and feeder. t.i1t
7 ti; common to fair atockera and feedera.
15 7f-t(il0; ock rwlfera, to.4'uO.4); atock
' niKi, Yi.ftwti.S.1: etork calvea, Kknoaj .);
veal ealve. t7.0CHjW.W; bull. taa, eto.,
$4 7f.fr6.flO. . , k
Kepra!trve aaica:
, Ft.
'. H4 a
. tti
.ms n
. 4 i
. Jl 4
IT. ........
t m
,KH T 1J
IX t
tSTXX Kr.Krt ANu r
7;i4 st t J T
M IM S t"4 114
li t aa , u si T is :
M li 4 M 1
.... Til IS 1 T 4 t
If I 40 4 Ml IS
U .
in. 1 It '
7.. ..!; i n 1.. 10j
( AL E3.
!) IM 174 I '
974 I 76 ' I Tt
1 IM I Ul
m i m i
BTt'rtM .Nl MlSlr'fcMH.
41 4 w '
4--4 4 44) 41 !' '
T 4 U.. !
It III 49
I .
n :l II MIT T It
"W w. ...... ... -
Kim i4iiiif),i were not si largo Ini
riorums, but at that were liberal. "
lio caia, or 14.SCW bead belli; received.
Tna three tolnl la W.9,0 head,
which la almoat 24).ouu Urge than laet
WM-k, and 1 Wu bead heavier, than a year
boo. Th- run f(r the wek to ditt U
larger than for any lmilar period fot
iiii Hir e,
-Keporta from other market wer any.
thin but 4 tK'jr)tliig Ihl piorntng, and
Iwtl i fi.ll. m fairly largu, park
eta made thmr opening liida a anna lower.
Km Hi 1 were asking eteady prices, and
au tliry would not make o large a enn
t r-nitr lb packer wera demanding,
noiiilng mil uiull a late hour, rxc.-.t
aorna ahillg liss which were bought
aily at at.-aly to a hi lower figurva
It Waa nearly noon Iwfore any busim-aa
waa fiilrly trni led. I'arkera by tin
tuna had ralaetl tbvlr bbla a ahade. and
whea vllei tiually tarted to cut louee
It wa at figures that wrrc a flt &ln.'
lower thn extrrday'a avnaiic Tha big
eiid of I ho 4ir(..rin moved ou thla tula.
m,.jmt con'inued to buy throuti.Hit
ti.e trat'e at figuTea that were at. mlv io a
ti- ke lower. 1 he tug end of their ur
a hkA.- was inH.lo at In au. with a innl.
Iing at It : Vi an. I a few of the later
.. ufilir Hulk of the klllera
ruo4id ht tf.GrVaft.S, and St. (ft was the
dv hlghent niire. It wa long after
midilay t-ffre i.v trt of a il.-ulniua
was inH.lo. and tiade was dratisy all t
wv tl'rouKh.
lte.r4"tl- ;.!e.;
tf Sk. ft KS
. -4
. ;-4
Kk. .ay
... 4 IT4
... I m
... 4M .
... t.v
... ,
... I a
4 f tv
'".'i' iicnd
. jiT m I ii ....
..1.4 15 a-!
..r ... in, 71 ..
.1-4 M I it
. ... i ev....
.. HI r.7'i . w ...
. 21 ... t ; n....
("Km1-,a e ui
to laiiiL. on M'ni.iuy and Tuexilay. th
o-rui ' a-nt In a I nht supply this mm n
U.K. lieie U-lin; all .ld mi nior than 4.,m heu J ai-4'uiinled for aa stuhia.1
tit a m'K aso 'd a er a:i.
t!iago l.ada light run a nt ir purled
lijwfrr prie .-arty. -
It waa kiw but steady on lambs and
a. live r., ut c-'l y on niil aheeo. I lk
! fuel two 0 . of the week the market
w iat In iiiiri.liiH oik l.i'lilie. will, tl.e
1 . trying l.i fill t licit onlei on a
Ivjw. r ba.'a. Afo.-t of tl..- oi'imhi t-auv.
lu Uwii Coloiudo and tl. ti.o4.t a biutf
country and. like TiedT, wero of de
alrnble welaht. there helnc few If any
heavy offrrlnca for aale. Purina; th f(rt
rniinda two cra of lambs etlj at H o,
compared with a top yraterday of the
ame price. There were only about five,
car of ewea alloarther. and theee cleared
earlv In the forenoon. In addition to
tiMlay'a frrnh receipts were five cara of
lamba carried over from the prevloua
giictatlnna on aheap and lamba: I.amba,
MfKl'ann, "'(i. 75; Inmba. fed weaterna,
lVnA. Inniha, ahenrlnir, 111 1U-K);
yearllna. Ilirht. 6 7W oft; yearlinaa,
heavy. !8.50675: rethera, food to choice,
IT 7."4i 0"; tvethera. fair in dod. 7.3T7.7i;
ewea, izood to choice, $7.flr7.7a.
Hrpreiientatlvn aaha:
.No. Av. V.
T 31 4 Mexican lamba 70. 70
il'lfi Mcilun lamba 70 70
4 1 Wvomlna lamba 7.1 40
4M fed lsmb 7 I S
fed ewea 7 t:0
ir cnlla C1 fi SO
l' fer ewen 7 0
W fed lemha M !(
47 fd ewe, 136 7 6".
HORSKHI'.ecelpta have been larire thla
Week, but 7." per cent, of the offering
have iK-en common and und"irable. Tlic
demand hae Icrn very Kood f"r Hr'd
kinds welching 1,300 pound and upward
of right age and In marketable rondl
llon. The demand for FVench and Italian
wnr hotter Ima been a great help to the
mifket. InVilor and ommon gradea ara
low and from $1.1 to t0 lower than thli
I'.me lM year.
Kanaaa f ly Live Mlawk Market.
KANSAS CITY, March 17.-CATTl.K-Reoelpta.
4 0i bend: market higher;
prime fed nfeera, lH.K1.i9; drcaacd beef
afeera, 4i.0V,i.i; wetern ateera, V!.7itJ
i.t: aimiKoia and TeeO"r,Tii.ot"; bulla,
IS.lMi'i V:. calvta. HotWi dM.
HfKJS Re.-elpia, D.OiiO head: market
lower: bulk of aalea, t.iiiWS.76; heavy,
Ifi.Ou'dl.TO: pn.-kera and . butcher, tn Wit
.7fi; llghta. H ttfi.; plga, W.'tiO.).
KIIKKP AND I.AMnri Hecelpta. 8.f10
head; lamba. IS.rAfift.TO; yenrllrwa. M.OOtf
1.76; wethera, I7.2.ViH.OO; ewea, T.0uj1.7.
Iowa City l.lye llork Market.
BIOCX C1TT. la.. March 17.-CATTLK-RerrlptB.
2.000 head; market ateady; na
tive eteor. H.O"wi7.4i: butcher!. Su.r.K
6.?Ti; cannera. :!.dOf 4.60; atockera and
feedera. 6.Ww;.i; calvea, t7.OOU9.00; bulla,
ataga, etc., 4.7Vr(."..aO.
IK;(IP ne.el ta. 10.000 head, market 10c
lower: heavy. Jti..Vi'u.70; mixed, Ifi.WSw
6 6;.: light, Kr0.Ui: bulk- of aalca.
MIKEI' Uecclpta, 300 head..
4. Joaepk Mr tMk Market.
gelpta, l.0JO head; market ateady ; ieera.
!7.0oiW6fal; cowa and heifers, M.OOfjH.uO;
calvea. flrrfi V. .
IKNiH (tecelnta. S.OflO head: market
lower: top, S6.r; bulk of galea. tU.6O416.70.
HIIEKI' A XI) LAMRrV-Recelpta, 4,500
head; market ateady; lamba, l.t.oo.70.
Agrees to Pay $200
Month for Divorce
NEW YORK, March 17.-Mi'. Kath
erlne Ivmocka Hlcka daughter of the
lite Augiiatu M. Leniock of Imllanap-
. a . i ... i . . . , at
inu, iivnrj jiiuh. aarveu 10 pay mm
124,000 In monthly Installment of tJM
each, according to paper filed by her
lawyer In suit started her today In
the auprom court.
. Mr. Hick' complaint ay;
"About th middle of November I had
a conversation with my huahand, In
which I told him I wa tired of hta Un
tie and wanted to aecure a divorce from
1 Im. 'In that ci,' h laid. "I think
ther la aomethlng dua ma.' I told him I
thought I could give him 1200 a month
If ha would Irav ma and permit me to
get a divorce from him. II told ma that
would be aatlafactory,"
Hyer Falls Down an
; 'Air Weir ' to Death
lAm ANOELKef. Cal.. March r.-Tank
Sides, a local aviator, aged 30, 'fell 80S
feet In an "air well" at a motion picture
city near here lata today, Jumped from
th aeroplane when thirty feet from th
ground and died from hi Injuries shortly
mites, who leaves a widow and three
children, had been flying her several
var In airships of his own mak.
Burleson Suspends
An Economy Order
WASHINGTON. March 17. Postmaater
General Burleson ha uapnded an order
reducing th number of railway mall
clerk at transfer points pending Investi
gation of a protest filed by practically
all of th great mall carrying railroads.
The roads claim that many of th duties
of tha transfer clerks would have to b
performed by men oa railroad payrolls.
The order was Issued as a part of Mr.
Burleson's acoaomy program.
Shilling More for
Beer Ends Strike
NEW VORK. Marcti 17.-T. P. O'Con
nor. th Nationalist Uesdor,- settled th
strike of coal paaaer on Uverpool do-ks
which tied up the Transatlantic liners for
mor than a week settled It In twenty-
four hours by sgreelng to have th strlk.
ers each advanced a shilling a .day for
beer,' according to passengers on th
steamer Phllsdelphla, which reached her
Shot in Head After
Row Over Bag of Peas
SAL.T-LAKE CITT. Ttah. .March 17
John Balling was brought to Halt Lake
City hoapltal shot through the head with
a rlfla fired by llyrum iouthworth, post
maaier ei ieri iaK. I tab, In a HUar
re! over tha ownership of a bag of peas
at Ueaert Lak last night lading's con
dition la serious.
At a meeting ef the Weat Ieavenworth
Improvement club. Forty-eighth and
leaven worth streets, Monday evening.
IV ward Walsh, a member, was endorsed
for city commissioner. s
Among the Improvements contemplated
l the club In the near firtme are th
extension of Saddle - creek sewer, th
uradlng of Forty-eighth street, the grad-
I'ik of poppleton avnue, extension of,
the sewer on Forty-eighth stivet snd on'
I'oppleton avenue and th reuairina at I
lb north aide of Leavenworth street
from Forty-eighth to Elmwood park.
RANDOLPH. Neu.. Mirth 1. Knv!s
The district meeting of the 'Federation
of Women's Clubs of th Third con
greKsliHal district will be held at Ran
dolph, Neb., on March SO, 31 and April 1
Preparations tor th accommodation
Inveator with money read th Real
Estate ad In Th Re. Advertla youBxt day. Only lie. AH dru-giU.--A4vr.
property fur a quick sal.
Pahlman Girei Insurgent Faction
Control of Property of Home
for Aged Colored People.
Difference of opinion over the ex
penditure of mwney In the Mnkli,s
fnnd threatens the aolldarity of the
Negro Woman's Christian associa
tion, which opened a home for aged
colored people at 3029 Plnkney
street last September. A delegation
pf fourteen colored women, beaded
by Mrs. J. !!. Smith, called on Mayor
J. 0,' Dahlman and complained
against Hie faction headed by John
Grant Pegg. who holds an appointive
city position under the mayor.
Derlalon According to I.btt.
Mayor TVahlman decided thai the In
aurgent faction nhnuld have contrnl of
the property and that the Pegg faction
should go into court If they rlalmml any
rights. The mayor aatd he gave thla decl
alon under tho law which makes him
"chlof executive and conservator of the
peace," a function 'of hi office which
I aeldom exerclaea, he Raid.
With Mr, fimltri were Mr. Alfonso
Wilson, i halrman of the executive, com
mittee; Mr. Florence Rlgg. secre'tnry
of the association, and Mrs, Kva Walker,
trraaurrr. all of whom have affiliated
with the taction opposing the old regime.
t alia on Bailer.
John Grant I'cgg la a member of the
dvlaory board of eleven member, three
of whom have resigned. He la also chalr
msn of the house committee appointed by
the advisory board nd given power to
look after the property. When this dis
ruption became acute Mr. Pegg Tuea
day called on Acting Mayor Danl. Butler
and prevailed upon tha official to swear
John Jfurman In a a special officer to
car for th home. When Officer Hur
man started hi duties member of the
Insurglng faction telephoned the police
station and complained against the pres
ence of this officer at the home, adding
that h wcared the Inmates. Chairman
Pegg allege the Inmate consist of ona
matron and on elderly man. The mayor
ordered Hurmin't atar taken from him.
William N. Johnson and Mr. Dr. Qoden
are th other members of tho house com
mittee who are standing by Mr. Pegg.
Both Taction claim poaaesaion of tho
Dlaaareeaarnt Starta Troable.
Th trouble started over a disagreement
a to whether certain money should bo
taken out of the sinking fund to par cur
rent expense. The sinking fund amounts
to $112. Tho home was bought for $10
on payments.
Having the president, secretary, treas
urer and chairman of the executive com
mittee of the association on their side,
the Insurgents expect to reorganise and
carry on the work of th home, which
they believe will be a successful Institu
tion In th course of time.
Mather and Hill
Nominated to Run
for Mayor of Bensofc
At the primaries held Tuesday In Ben
son th republicans elected the following
nominees: C. L Mather, mayor; Dan
Wcatergaard. clerk: Ouss A. Wulff.
treasurer; C. K. Bramble, engineer: Peter
Petersen and Ed. Morensen, councllmen.
Democratlo nominees: Ocorgo A. Kill,
mayor: A. P. McCarthy, clerk: W. S.
Wright, treasurer; K. M. Jncobberaer.
councilman, Second ward. The democrats
have no nominees for engineer t coun
coimajs In tha Plrst ward.
The Northwestern Is advised that Vice
President Marshall and his party, left
Chicago last night en route, to the Pa
cific coast, where tho, vice president will
officials represent President Wilson at
th formal opening of the San Francisco
The official party, consisting of Vice
President and Mrs. Marshall, Secretary of
the Interior Lane and wife. Chairman of
th Reserve Board' Millar and wife, As
sistant Secretary of the Navy Rooaevelt
and wife, Livingston Davis and wife of
Boston, Owen Winston and wife of New
York and Senator Phelan of California,
will reach Omaha on Northwestern No.
1 at T:S0 o'clock this - morning. Half
ar. hour later 'they will go west over the
telon Pacific. Tba members of th party
ar traveling in a apeclal car.
Health Commissioner TL W. Connell
state that only thre cases have been
admitted to th Emergency hospital this
month, as sgslnst forty-on for tho same
period last year. This means fewer case
of scarlet fever, typhoid fever and other
contagious diseases. There have, been
many rases of measles throughout the
city, but the city has been unusually
fortunate In escaping the mor serious
form of contagious diseases, th com
missioner add.
"Please say " for me that that story
shout our Commercial club endorsing the
light bill Is a II pure end simple," aald
Mayor F. S. Tucker of Florence. "I am
mentioned lo:.g with ether as having
mad addresae In favor of It when the
fact 1 that the club has not held a meet
ing In month and I to not know of but
ono of 'those namedas talking for tho
bill, snd that in does not live in Flor
I Rew- v,r" rinnell of IVa Molnfa
director of religious edoctlon for the
! Church of the prrthren lu lows. Minne
sota. Koutb !kota, Nebraska and 4 ast
ern Colotado, will be. the Instructor in
th Sunday school Institute to be held at
the Church of the Brethren, 8turdsv
and Sunday. Saaalon will be held In
morning, afternoon end evening on those
two day a
ladlsieaiUaf Ceal Kalf
' Dr. King's New Uft 1111 1 stir up rur
1 liver." aid dlgaattoa; you feel fin th
Head Off Thte Graft
The lawmaJken at 'Lincoln should
be made to nndentand that there it
no excuse for reviyingr the jail feed
ing? graft by the proposed bill fir
ing1 the sheriff 40 cents a day for
feeding- each prisoner in his cus
tody. For fire years the furnishing of
food to the prisoners was let by
contract at a cost to the taxpayers
of 19 centa a day on a two-meal
basis, equivalent to not to exceed 27
centa a day on a three-meal basis.
The present sheriff himself put in
a bid, in the name of a sister-in-law
to feed the prisoners for 19
cents a day. on which he had fig
ured himself a profit, yet now
wants to run the cost up on the tax
payers to 40 cents a day.
The Bee invites the other Omaha
newspapers to join in heading off
this graft.
Kansas Man Claims
Estate as Husband
of Omaha Woman
Teter O. Peterson of Westmoreland,
Kan., S3 years old, formerly a tailor. In
an affidavit filed In county court, al
leges that he. Instead of Kobert B. An
derson of Omaha, who has claimed one
half the the estate, Is the surviving hus
band of tho late Iviura Montgomery,
owner of a building at 1318 Capitol avenue.
"Mother Montgomery," a ah wa
formerly known, died In January, 1914,
leaving In addition to tho real estate $653
of personal property and SiiOO cash found
on her person. Ph waa J6 years old.
Anderson, who is now conducting a
rooming house at 131S Capitol avenue,
claimed one-half th estate aa a surviv
ing husband, being represented by At
torney Joseph Rapp, Jr.. according to the
record of th county court. Other heirs
were a sister of th dead woman, May
Lewis of Shreveport, Lav, and a niece,
Mrs. Emma Ounter . of Westmoreland,
Kan. Personal property ' already has
been distributed, but th real estate has
not been sold.
The woman was buried here August li.
191t. under the nam of Iura M. Pater-
Wheat Sells at Three
Cents Below Tuesday
With thirteen carloads of wtteat re
ceive!, there was one carload on sale on
the floor of th Omaha Grain exchange.
It fetching $1.49 per bushel, or about S
cents below the prices paid Tuesday.
The balance of th wheat was sold In ad
vane to local millers.
Corn receipts were fifty-four carloads
snd the sales were mad at prloea be
tween Cs ar.d 70'4 cents. The prices ware
one-fourth to a cent Ipwer.
Oats sold off 'A cent from Tuesday,
prices being 66 and 67 cents. Receipts
were eleven cars
Fifty Drug Victims
Released from Jail
Fifty "dope fiends" were released from
county Jail In detachment of ten, having
finished serving sentences Imposed by
Justice Brltt at the time of the -drag"
forty-five days ago. They wer convicted
on misdemeanor charges.
"If these men were furnished with em
ployment now," said Jailer Schroeder, "s
large per cent of them wouloThot return
lo their old habits."
W. T. Canada Said
to. Be Improving
Ml Grace Ward of Portland, Ore., has
been called here by the Illness of hor
uncle, 'William T. Canada. Though still
In tt. Catherine's hospital. It is said that
Mr. Canada is slowly Improving and that
his friends are beginning to feel more
hopeful fur his ultimata recovery.
A delegation was in Omaha from St
Paul, Neb., to ask of Bishop Scannell that
he appoint a priest at St. Paul who could
speak the Polish, Bohemian, German and
English languages, asserting that the
present priest speaks only English,
whereas the population lias a large for
eign element It la said the bishop
fused the request. The priest desired
Father Tomanek, who Is attending the
mission there.
! V
Superintendent A. C. Tsylor of the atret
I lighting department has received a ship.
1 ment of glass chimneys from Austria.
Th boxes were marked "American prop
erty." This la the flrat shipment he has
received for month from abroad. Thee
I Austrian eljlmneys can be delivered her
rheapcr than tti coat of the American
made goods. Mr. Tsylor states.
Superintendent E. IT. Graff of th pub
lic school will give a series of four lec
tures to the school teaihers, beginning;
April S. In the audltorfum of the Centra
High school. HI first subject will be
"Problems ' of Educational Readjust
ment." The liour will be 4 p. m.
Assistant General Manager Oreer and
vprrinteodent Thlchofl of the Burling-
itrn. both new to this territory, have gone
on an inspection trip of th line weat of
;the Missouri river. This Is th first trip
'that they hav made sine coming to th
' line a w t.
m t
Th Associated Charities hsv Uud a
call for shoes and clothing for th dop
ftends who ar now Invadlag that Institu
tion In lurg number. Larg number
hav bean coining for help and are la need
Ot Cloth ML
JohnXefs Webster
McManus' Partner
Tells Bryan View
Of Mexican Policy
WASHINGTON. March 17. George W7
Knoblauch business partner of the Iste
John B. McManus the American citizen
killed recently In Mexico CUy visited Sec
retary Bryan today to see about getting
an Indemnity for McManus' widow and
children. He also told the secretary what
he thought about the administration's
Mexican 'policy and went to see Joseph
Tumulty, secretary to the president, who
referred him back to Mr. Bryan.
Knoblauch said tonight that as to-what
waa being done on tho McManus case he
had "no ground for unfavorable criti
cism" and that what he objected to was
"the general policy of the administra
tion." "The democratic trattonal plaform
specifically promised to Americans who
reside In foreign countries or. on the
border protection both ss to their lives
and their property," he said, and added
that they had n,ot received. It In the Mexi
can trouble of the last four years.
"I may add," he remarked, "that In this
respect the Taft administration was quit
aa remiss as the present one."
Secretsry Bryan said he had declined
to discuss the Mexican situation on a
partisan basis.
Italian Suffers
Cut Throat in Row.
With an Associate
Frank Dogoto, track laborer at Papll-
Hon, was badly cut about the neck and
face, presumably by his companion, San
tiago Blllegas, another track laborer at
Papllllon, In a fracas which occurred
Tuesday night when the two were re
turning to. Papllllon from Omaha,, Do-
doto Is in the hands of Dr. Armstrong
ef Papllllon and is expected to die.
Deputy Sheriff Bert Hamilton of Pa
pllllon happened along at the time, but
BlUegaa made his escape toward Chalco.
An alarm was sent there and Sheriff C,
Hutter had a posse out looking for the
Italian. The search waa fruitless, how
eves, until 8:30 this morning, when Offi
cer Bert Hyatt of the South Omaha de
partment, walking his beat on L street.
saw Blllegas strolling down the road from
Papllllon. He promptly 'made the arrest,
and the Italian la being held at South
Omaha. ,
The men were evidently In the midst of
a quarrel when the cutting occurred.
Dogoto had $30 on his person when found,
while Blllegas had $oo when arrested
Chokes Woman and
Forces Her to Givfr '
Up Her Savings
Police are scouring the neighborhood of
Eighth and Pacific streets In an effort to
apprehend a negro who forced his way
Into the home of Mrs. A. E. Beck and
forced hsr, at th point of a nVotver to
give up her money which consisted of
$1,36. Not satisfied with this the negro
choked the woman nnd forced her Into
th cellar where he locked her up while
he tried to ransack the house. Mrs.
Beck. was able to get out of the cellar
by a window to call the police, but the In
truder saw her In time to make his escape.
Mayor to Appoint
Welfare Board Soon
Mayor J. C. Dahlman has returned to
his desk after nearly a week of rest. H
announces that he expects to take up at
an early date th matter of appointment
of members of the toew recreation board.
Th mayor Is not ready to say whether
petitions of the women will causa him to
chans his mind regarding th .appoint
ment of women to the publio welfare
board. He will not act on the welfare
board until It Is known what action the
legislature will take on a measure now
pending, carrying an annual appropria
tion of f5O,00O.
The Real Estate exchange went on rec
ord as . favoring the submlsaloa for a
public vote of a bond Issue to buy the
Auditorium, and at' the meeting, at noon
a committee, consisting of J. W, Bobbin.
W. . R. McFarland and H. M. . Christie,
was' sprointed to confer with the city
council and aik such submission, pro
viding tho price shall be that heretofore
stated and shall not exceed $130,000.
bet Rid at Imatnai Calda, Caagk
It4 1-ai 4rlp. .
Spring find many afflicted with linger
tn,g. hacking coughs that weaken th sys
tem. Sluh and wet cause mart colds
than sero weather. Croup, bronchitis and
pneumonia are prevalent Every family
aheuld have a safe and reliable oougk
medlclu ready for uae. Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound contains no harmful
Ingredient. It 4vea a cough, checks a
cold and relieves Inflamed and congealed
membrane It clears th air passages and
oothes Inflammation. Sold everywhere
.:r:;; J
i-.o- 1
. lit- : ! !
i s '' I
" '" ! i
'i ' i " 1 " v' "; ' - i 5
I i
Economics Club Endorses Light Bill
and Sets Forth Its Policy for
The Economic league, last ngc en
dorsed the Saunders' electric light bill,
now pending In the legislature, and called
on th representatives to extend to the
voters of Omaha the right to rot ifpon
th proposition of public ownership ef
th light plant This resolution wss pre
sented by Frank O'Dell
C. F. Harrison of the committee ap
pointed at a recent meeting to determine
what policy the league should maintain
during the coming election reported and
the following principle to strive for were
adopted by the body:
The establishment of a new charter.
Strict, enforcement of all laws.
The establishment of a home where
city prisoners may work for the n.utus
benefit of themselves and the community.
A rigid policy of no interference by the
commission as a body with the Individual
activities. of any member, except as pro
vided for legally.
Anti-nepotism and the cutting cut of all
dead timber from the city government.
The cutting off of all Indirect compen
sation to the commissioners.
A seventh principle, calling for the
agreement on the part of candidates to
oust the present city prosecutor and chief
detectives, wa voted down practically
unanimously. The league decided not to
endorse any set of men.
Finance Writer Says
War Ends Next July
LONDON, March 17. Edgar Crammond,
a prominent financial writer, In a paper
before the Royal Statistical society yes
terday, dealing with the cost of the war,
said the war must end in July through
the exhaustion of 'some of the belliger
ent. Mr. Crammond estimates the total cost
of the war to the end of July at 3,898,
000,006 ($1,990 .000,000), and the total econ
omic loss, through damage to property
and other direct and Indirect losses, at
9.149,000,000 ($46,740,000,000). He estimates
that Great Britain alone will spend, up to
the end of July, T08.000,OW.
Simple Horn Remedy Eaaily Applied
Girea Quick ReUef-MailedPree.
Sampl raekate
' ef ta Tamoua
Pyramid rile
Itmdy How
offered Fr to
rrovt What It
Pyramid Pile
Remedy g 1 T B
quick relW.stop
Itehlnv. t.lMwlln
r protrud
ing piles, hemorrhoids aad all rectal
troubles. In tbs privacy of your own
home, too a box at all druggists. A single
box often cures. Free aaunpU far trud with
Mtoklet mailed free In plain wrapper, tf
you send ns coupon below.
6 Pyramid Bids- Marshall. Mich.
Kindly send m a Free sampl of
Pyraaaid Pile Raauabj, In puUn wrapper.
Street i
City.,.' Btato.
Ladies! Darken
VYour Gray Hair
Look years younjrer! Uae . Grand
mother's recipe of Sage Ten nnd
Sulphur nnd nobody will know.
The use of Sage and Sulphur for re
storing faded, gray hair to Its natural
color dates back to grandmother's time.
She used It to keep her hair beautifully
dark, glossy, and abundant. Whenever
her hair fell out or took on that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this elm
pi mixture was applied with wonderful
effect ' 1
But brewing at home la - musay and
out-of-date. Nowadays, by . asking at
any drug store for a 60 cent bottle of
"Wyeth's Ssge and Sulphur Compound,"
you will gof . this famous old recipe
wtileb can be depended upon to restore
natural color and beauty to the hair and
Is splendid for dandruff, dry, feverish,
Itchy scalp and falling hair. ,
A well-known down town druggist says
It darkens ths hair so naturally and
evenly that nobody can tell It has been
applied. You simply dampen a sponge
or soft brush with It and draw this
through your hair, taking one strand at
a time. By morning the gray' hair dis
appears, and after another application or
two it becomes beautifully dark, glossy,
and abundant Advertisement i
Here's a Splendid
Business Chance
NKHS OF $160 I'KR MONTH. Kokett
hydraulic chair, white enamel fixtures;
everything complete.. Will sacrifice '
for a quick eaja. A4dre may . b
. found ia th Wttat A Sawtion.
- '
Chances similar to this one appear every drin The Kt-e's
"Business Chances" columns. They offer a man with' a 'little
money to invest a chance to niake' money, and be independent.
You can frequently, someone else'g work,
as in the above case, where the business is already
established and making moriey.: The"element"'of risk
is almost entirely removed. " ' ',
V - . -
Is This Your Business Chance?
Telephone Tyler 1000
Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads."
Jena Grant Pegg, cfty sealer ef weights
and messures. reports he Is receiving
many calls from householders who com
plain against short-weight loaves of bied.
He explains that he will not attempt to
file any more complaints until the cas
he has In Justice courts have been dis
posed ot.
Billions of Germs
Telia a
Tou can fight off
the. billion or
germs which' , you
swrallow. But. how
about the urlo acb1.
which your o-vii
aystsm creates?
Can you conquer
that, too? Yes if
your kidneys work
right. But If they
don't the backache,
disslness, or dis
colored urine will
soon warn you of
grave peril. Kid
ney weakness lend
to dropsy, ' gravel,
knr Bright' disease
If "neglected. You
"It must be my
must live more simply, take care of your
self, and use. Doan's Kidney Pllts to
strengthen your kidneys.
An Omaha Case:
A. G. Stephens, barber, 1004 S. Tsntii
St. Omaha, says: "My back got so is mo
that I was -in misery when I moved. I
frequently had headaches and dltzy spells
and mornings when I got up, I could
hardly drag myself around. In spite of
sll the medicine t used. I found no relief
until I took Doan's Kidney Pills, thst I
got st Schaeffer's Drug Store. They
soon cured me."
50 al all Drug Stores
Foater-Mltbum Co. Pear BufTalo.N.Y.
. . . . . . t .
Soap should be used very sparingly,'
if at all. If you want to keep your hair
looking Its best. Most soaps and pre
pared shampoos contain too much
alkali. This dries the ' sealp,1 -makes
the hair .brittle, . and ruins it ;
The best thing for steady ' use Is'
Just ordinary : mulsifledoooanut pU
(which i pure- - and-.- greaaeles)w (is '
cheaper and. better -than soap1 .or, -anything
else you oan us. '
. One or two teaspoonfuls wAl cleanse
the hair and acalp thoroughly. Sim
ply moisten the hair with water and
rub It in. It makss an abundance of .
rich, creamy . lather, which rinses out
easily, removing every, particle ' ot
dust, dirt, dandruff and) excessive oil.
The hair dries quickly and evenly,
and it leaves the scalp soft, and the
hair fine -and silky,-bright, lusturous,
fluffy and easy to manage.
.. You oan get muislfled cocoanut oil
at any pharmacy.. and. a. few ounces;
will supply, every member of the
family for months. Advertisement. ,T
time Of youth, prepare
tor the winter, ef old
age. No matter bow
bright the skies are"
now, storm clouds of
adversity may come.
COUNT here with $1
if no more. You'll re
TEREST on all you
put into It. v '- .
Did You Use thei , t
Free Movie Coupbn
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Last.Sundkys Bee?
It will appear again next
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