T1IE r.KK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MARCH 18, 1915. 11 WANT i hdli o Omah. lr;come propertv for Nohr. ranch, stocked. SOOO; In fomn Hi.C.m annually. Alan Irriswted beet sugar farm, Colo.; $7v.0K) yielding 7 per cent yearly. Address I, lr.. Bee. WILL K.VHANHK 10 barrels unexcelled black carbon paint for (rood young mares Address S. C. 73a. H, AVI 1. 1. fftADK my 40-horepow er electric lighted 5-paasengcr cur for a late model roadster; oar mimt be equipped wlih starter. Address 8. C. 748. Ilee. POll RETT ApiftnMti Flan. M. modern flat ESQ S. 24th. $22. H. 4711 FOR RENT Moat bcautlfal, finely fin ished and up-to-dato . 4 and S- room apartments to city. Building lost fin ished. Worn Apartments. KM Jones 8t 4-ROoM flat, modern, water paid, $15. 1415 Vinton St. Thone Red tW. FTDELITY FREE Phone Douglas 1128 for complete Hat of all vacant houses and apartments, alao for storage, moving, packing, shipping. FLAT KOH RENT Modern eight-room flat on North 16th Street, nt $X per month, If taken quick. Call Douglas "71. 217 First National Rank BMg. . CLOSE IN APARTMENT. Four rooms and bath. In the California. Fee Janitor. Phone louglaa 6237, Most up-to-date brick flat In city; hot water heat; large lawn, p. sa1. H. IS MODERN PRICKS. S13 Chicago, g-r., oak finish, roomers. 113 South 30th, 8-r., 133.5(1. 119 Lincoln Blvd., S-r. and hall, $.13. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO., ii ir irri a ti as rv. a linn a iniifini ,i -ROOM apt. near Rnownell FlaTT strictly modern: heat supplied. Rod . r-ROOM brick flat In fine condition at 2712 Jackson street; key and inquire at 401 Cltv Nat. Rlrtg. NEW FU)-LHS. All four-room apartments, gas stoves, refrigerators, kitchen cabinets, folding bed, Davenports; 20th and Capitol Ave. PETERS TRUST CO.. W2 Farnam, Phone Doug. Ktt. 'Furnished Apartments. , THE NEW "TRAVERTON" FIREPROOF HI'IDDINQ. 24th and Lsndon Court. Wo have a furnlnhel apartment for rent; all modern conveniences; kitchen, piivate bath, splendidly furnished. See owners. TRAVF.R PROS.. Douglas 113 7eC Omaha Nat l. Rank. COM FORTARLK. WARM FRONT Room. w. farnam dist. h. M2i. STEAM heated rooms. $2 week. Ogden Motel. Council llluffs, MADliJON 21st aud Chicago; steam heat; tlO mo. and up: cafe. In connection, D.699I. ROOM and breakfast In modern private home for young ladies. Phone Har. 8783. Board autil Rooms, THE fira'amerc, largo, mnhog. furn. rmi private bath, excellent board. H. 7US0. HOARD and room, modern, $6. Phone Webster 1542. II t famished Bonni, LARGE unfurnished room, finished In white enamel, two very large closets; very desirable, In the West Farnam dis trict, with excellent board. Address A 160. Bee. Hotels and A part neat. DO DOR HOTEL- Modern. Reasonabla, Llstht Uanaekertog Rooms. STEAM heated rooms, with alcove, kitchenette, .furnished. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. Houses Owttaares. ALU, sites. tS per month up. 607 Psjrton. Ii ROOM 8, modern except heat, $20. 8-roorrt, . bungalow, Dundee. $45. 5- room, mod. ex. heat, near car, $20. R rooms.' modern, never occupied, $22.60." 6- room, modern, paved street, $25. 5-room, stucco, $30. ' Ii rooms, modern, $27.50. 7 rooms, all modern, $28. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANT. Douglas 6018, or Wal. 8037 or Har, 2645, strictly mod. 2752 Meredith. Kv 267. 5-r. ootUge, 2006 Miami St. Webster 168. Gordon VanCo. St ll N. lltb St Phone D 894 or Wab. 1284 Globe Van&Storage ..res, moves, packs, ahls: S-horse vaa and 3 men. $1.25 per hr.; storage $2 per mo. Satisfaction guar. P. 4338 4V Ty. 13a. Maggard's Vaa ana 8tor ago Co., Larg van 1 tneH II A per hr., may. 1 men, $L25 per hr. 1711 Webster. Doug. MM. J. C. Reed Sxp. wo., moving, packing A storage. LVT Farnam. D. (its. 6-r. cottage, mod. e. heat. $15. W. 6138. FOE RENT We have complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for reiit This list can be see free of charge at Omaha Van Storage Co.. SOS So. lath St g-room mod, house. 2512 Chicago. 13. 8146. HnilRPS lu " Parts of the city. VACANT HOUSli8. I can rent them for you. W. R. HOMAN, 110 BROWN BLK. r-HOOM. all modern. 2136 Parker St. b'OR RENT 5-room cottage furnished, all modern; price reasonable to right party; foung or middle aged couple desired. 3SJO N. 21'th. i ROOV8, 87 Jones St., $30. Never been occupied. Sleeping porch; oak finish; modern throughout. Apply 305 S. lith St Phone Douglas 54S7. COTTAGE, 1504 Burt St. Harney Mi8. SNAP. A brand new 8-room brick apartment house, Cass, near 30th Bt., 1 block from car line, strictly modern. $25. On So. ;ith, near Leavenworth, a nice, new, 7-room cottage, handsome appear tnce, strictly modern, $.15. On No. ifcid, walking distance, a' fine 7-room brick flat, modern but electric light, has gas. This is worth $35, but wlU rent now at $27.60. W. M. NASH A CO., Real Estate Rentals, Loans and insurance 02 Bee Bldg. Office Phone Red lt'J6: Residence, H. 1127. SEVEN ROOMS. Hemls park, modern, clow to car. $J5. Walnut 12V. more aiaid .Offlre. TO LET Storeroom for furniture and undertaking in Nebraska county seat town; one other furniture burlness now. E. II. Newhouse, Red Cloud, Neb, WAXTKP TO KKXT WE have clients who want to nVit hauaes in all parts of the city. Others will buy on small cash payments, balance monthly. THE VOGKL KEALTV AOKNUl . 1015-1 W. O. W. Bldg Douglas 11 W ANTED To rent, a farm, 1 to 5 acres, near car line. Address, J 168, tee. WANTED TO BUT Yaie buys everything 2d I. sod. Tyler 141H. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. t ' xJk u-- r. .... K HV Hd-ftand clotoem. I4J1 N. 44 th. Investors with money read the Real instate ads In The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. KKAL ESTATE. VABM Jt HAKCa UkPI OK f ALB Color. TO SETTLERS ONLT-iU0 acres for 1300 Rlcu corn, alfalfa and wkeat land; no sand. J. A. Tracy. Fort' Morgan. Colo. M 4 BIOGEST land sale of the year now on. 100 forty-acre farms HSO each. Good land. Well settled locality. Close to railroad. $12 per acre ts half actual value. Great est bargains In South Miusourt at aeniat tlonal prices. Write today for free liter ature. D. Merriam, tills at Benton Kansas CUy. Kansas. ' REAL ESTATE FARM A R4 I, !" FOR S.tl.K tallfnrnla. RENTS FOR 125 PER ACRE CASH, let lis help you exchange your Omaha house or your farm fur this California dairy farm. No, :t- acres, located only 2S miles from Patterson, Stanislaus county, one of the prettiest little towns In California with more than 1.0UO Inhabitants: 40 acres of the place Is In a fine stand of all alia and the rest la under cultivation. There is a small house, barn and good well on tlie, place and It Is one of the best dairy propositions you will find In tho state. Dairying Is proven to be a ravins: Propo sition here, because dairymen rent nlfalfa land at 1'atterson and pay $2$ to $-'7 per acre for It. This is near town, near the San Francisco market. The land Is under a splendid system of Irrigation. There Is no more beautiful country In the world and the climate Is Ideal. If you have a god house In Omaha or Lincoln or a good farm, write us and we will do our best to put through a good deal for vou. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block Omaha. Dream of a homo where business and home com bine to hiake your days pleasant, where your health In always good; where you ran live out of doors In God's bright sun shine all the year. Investigate our beau tiful colonies. Rich soil, good crops, no failures. . Where you do not have to feed out six months of the year. This is all your for only a small amount of money. NOW Is the time to act. Let us send you particulars. Excursion March 22d. W. T. Smith Co. City National Bank Bldg. Iowa. ARE YOU GOINU TO Bt'Y I .AND? If so you should first got a copy of the Farm and Real Estate Journal. It has lands advertised In It from nearlv every state, so that you can find Just what you are looking for In Us columns. It keeps you informed on land oppor tunities In all parts of the country, gives you personal help in finding land. Hone a today for a year s subscription, or 10c for three months trial. It will be stopped at the end of the time ordered. Farm and Real Estate Jourlnal, Traer. Iowa. ft Kansas. RARQA.IN J40-acre dairy farm, near Sa n Jl wr,ta. tor ,u" description and list of 100 Kansas farms for sale fii centra) Kansas. V. K. Mquette. Sallna, Kan. Minnesota BARGAIN 240-s ere farru 20 miles from Minneapolis; iw acres ujder cultivation, 40 acres good meadow, acres timbered pasture; can practically all be cultivated; good com land; farm is fenced; 10-room house, barn, granary, mach.ne shed, wind mill, etc.; 12 head good milk cows. 4 food horses, harnesses, wagons, complete set machinery, hogs, chickens and every thing on tho farm goes at $45 per acre; Ju.Ou caah, balance can stand for 10 vears at i per cent. Schwab Bros., 1028 Ply moutli Bldg., Minnes-polts, Minn. SELLING several high class stock farms direct from owners. Farms near cities prices rl?ht, Jin up. Spring work starts around April 10. M. Ii Carlson, Clear water, Minn. JLoataaau YOU DON'T NEED TO BB AN EXPERIENCED FARMER to farm one of our farms in the great Judith basin, Montana. We tan show you how to farm for profit and pleasure. Bargain now for the NEW SOIL 10 or 3A acres nearly all seeded to winter wheat that, promises 60 bushels per aero Can you pay $4,500 down and $2,500 within 6 months and pay balance in 7 yearly payments? Price $46 to $70 an acre. Free maps and facts for the asking. WM. H. BROWN CO., 5 N. lFallo Bt Chicago, III. Nebraska.. HAVE buyer for 40-a. farm near town. B. Neb.; also want listing of quarter sec tions and eighties. Carlson A Walltn, 304 McCague Bldg. . MORE MONEY THAN K-VJBR IN CATTLE. If you want to exchange a good eastern Nebraska or Iowa farm for a mighty good ranch, let us get you and the owner of this ranch together. Here is a 1,200-acre tract of as fine land as you ever saw, almost level and nearly every-acre of it. plow land. About 300 acres Is In cultivation and the rest In Bplendld short grass pasture and good hay. The improvements aro light, but sufficient. There is plenty of water for stock and drinking purposes, and alto gether this is one of the finest little ranches in Nebraska- There Isn't a square foot of sand on the place and it U all good. 'hard, fertile land and will grow alfalfa successfully. It is only. 1! miles from Gordon, Sheri dan county. Neb., which is the best cattle countv in the state. . See us or write us and let us make a good deal for you. rAINB INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block Omaha. DOUGLAS COUNTY STOCK FARM. Here is a 336-acre farm located only a few miles west of Omaha, in Douglas county, in the famous Elkhorn valley. There is no better corn land under the sun. and a large portion of this farm has been devoted, to that crop. There is some good pasture and a llttlo timber, and the improvements are A-l, consisting of a good 10-room house, big barn and all of the necessary outbuildings for a stock feeding proposition. It is handy to South Omaha, where you can take advantage of the market any day. Land all around mis is neia at tiw to $175 per acre, but we ran sell this at $130 per acre. PATNB INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block Omaha. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol bacb. Neb. .80 acres, irrigated land, all under cultivation. In Deuel county. Ne braska, within m milei of Jules burg. This is a smooth piece of ex tra fine land and will be gold cbeap. Will make terms. W. T: Smith Co., City National Bank Bldg-. o Oregon. MUST SELL 40-acre Improved ranch, near Grants Pass; ideal climate; good bulldliiK; Tokay vineyard; young pears; grain planted; $4,000. William Jetfers, Murphy. Ore. oath Dakota.. SOUTH DAKOTA FARM. We "nn. assist you to exchange your house In Omaha for this quarter section of land in Grant county, which Is In the nun belt of eastern South Dakota; 120 acres of this place Is good, rich, smooth farming land, and 40 acres is rough pas ture land. The owner lives In the east and can t look after it, and will make y.iur a very attractive exchunge proposi tion. PAY.VK INVESTMENT COMPANY, Wafe Block, Omaha. Wtaeoaal. Upper Wisconsin' Best c-k.ry and general crop state in the union; seiners wanted. Lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let No. 34 on Wisconsin CtbtraJ Land Grant. Kxoellent lands for stock raising. If Interested in fruit lands ask for book, let on Apple Orchards. Audiea Land and Industrial Dwpai Unaul, Moo Liu Hallway, klibnaiolU. Minn. W ?. HOMESTEAD Homestead, r 1.000 acres. Just opened; 331 acres to each applica tion. Particulars, write at onoe. F. Lavalleur. Burns, Wye. ABSTRACTS OB TITLES RKKO Abstract Co., oldest abstract of f(ce in Nebraska. X Brand! Theater. KEHK Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.." a modem abstract office. K a. ma SL Phone Douglas 4s7. REAL ESTATE LOAK3 FARMERS, do you need money? We ne gotiate for farm loans, i or 10 vears at I per cent, dealing direct with bor rower; per cent straight commission; correspondence solicited. Security Farm lan An n. j N. Dearborn St., Chicago. HI. HKAI, KSTATK I.OANS C1T P'I la' in loans. per mnL j. H. numont a Co, 41 State Bank. WANTED 'Sty loan later Trust Co. WANTIClMltjr loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1330 Farnam. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. II. Vt Binder. City Nat. Bank Bldg, 1 JOAN 3. We make a specialty of making loans on western farm land. Write W. M.. NASH AV CO., Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. 002 Bee BMg. Omaha, Neb. tl' to $10. made promptly. F. It, Weed, wwa rung., ism anil rtrntm bul GAliV'lN UROS Loans. $l and ua unimitUHVO Omaha Nat. Rank. erlK ua first for farm loans la eastern Neb. United State Trust Co.. Omaha. fj CITY LOANS. C. T. Cr!hrg. ' WO-ait Brnndeu ThoaUr Bldg. C,J.v.Crriw't,r- Lstr loans a apeeialty. W. H Thomas, ij State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farina, O KEEFH REAL F.STAT K CO.. 101$ Omaha Nail. Douglas tTtl $100 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. D. Wend. " vnu uiu,, join ana rarnam cis. REAL ESTATE WANTED We are unable to Bupply tho demand for 5 and 6-room houses in the Hanscom or Uemis Iark districts. Tho V otfel I?oalty Apency, ' 1015-1 ii W. 0. W. BldR. WE DESIRE l.tflTlvua of good substantial houses for sale. Our salesmen will not bother owners . with anything but live wire biivnra. Inscrip tions of properties are solicited SAUNDERS COMPANY. 1J1V16 W. O. W. Bldg. iMuglss .KCl HAVE calls for vacant lots and cot tages. Carlson Wallln, 304 McCaguo Bldg., Douglas 3483. evening. H. 2339. REAL KSTATF: ACREAGE ACREAGE. We have a number nt ellsnt id, to exchange small tracts of land, both Improved and unlinDrovnd. for cltv nmn. erty. THE VOOEL RKALTY AOKNCT. 1015-1S W. O. W. Bldg. REAL KSTATF: NORTH SIDE Delightful Home $4,400 - High and Sightly On a beautiful east front lot. fi0x!2t, on the Boulevard In Clairmcnt addition, one and one-half blocks norUi of Military Avenue. Six splendid arranged large, light, airy rooms and bath. Oak finish downstairs, mahogany nnd white enamel upstairs. Oak floors throughout. House has been built but a short time, and Is absolutely modern. Clalrmont is a fine restricted residence district. Two car lines within two blocks of this property. Annstong-Walsh Co. Tyler l.VW. ' State Hank Rldg. 0-ROOM modern house, 706 N. 9tn St., $30. Phone Red 4308. tell. EVANS -r. mod Tiomel-oak finish Ihmil.hrtlll. aow ... lirV MIS .... . , . " j mi in., , , r . twin BEAUTI FUT, HOME WITH. ACRE OF GROUND. This home Is located close to tho Flor ence car line and not far from tho Miller Park entrance, on high ground over looking Miller Park. The grounds are all improved and planted to fruits. The house ha S rooms and is sub stantially built and in first class condi tion. This place Is for sale at a greatly re duced price. For further description has Mrs. Ida King, the owner, at ;S!07 Redlck Ave., or phone Webster 3877. or if more conveni ent call at the office of BANKHRS REALTY 1NVESTME.VT COMPANY. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. Phone D. 7926. o Easy Terms Nearly new dwelling of seven rooms and bath; furnace neat, fine basement, oak finish In parlor, dining rutirn and library. This nouse has bedroom and bathroom on the first floor and two bed rooms and store room on second floor; paved street; south front lot; half block from Sherman Ave. car and within reas onable walking distance, in excellent sur- rounalngs. Can be bought on easy terms. Scott & Hill Co. Dougas KP09; JWT McCagnn Bldg. A Bargain For $X) cash, balance small monthly payments, an all modern 6-room cottage, with large basement and attic, on, paved street, east front. Price, $J.'?50. Located 1210 N. mil Bt. Norris & Norris 4o0 Bee Hllg. Phone Douglas 4Z70. NEAR 13EMIS PAEK 6 rooms, furnace, oak finish In living rooms, cement basement, south front lot, paved street, elegantly ' furnished bath, room. Price $3,000, which Includes paving told. Located on Seward St. C. ii. CAHLBERG, 312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. P)0 CASH Very good home, six rooms, oak in principal rooms. Full cemented base ment and good furnace. Full lot. This house is only about 2 years old and well located. Price only $.1,5(W. , SAUNDERS CO., Douglas 3C22. 1215-18 W. O. W. Bldg. NICE LOCATION S rooms, sleeping rooms and bath on second floor, full basement, elegant lot 4ixln0, shade trees, good walks, located near 17th and Laird ets. Price $2,860. C. (i. CARLBERO $12 Brandels Theater Rldg. A WEST. FARNAM HOME you can af- rord to Duy: s r. mod., good condition, now furnace, nicely terraced lot. shade, raved M., choice location,- 11 blks. west of high school; rest bargain at $3,000; very easy terms. AlcKllrlck R. E. Co. D. 14&2. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Field Club District Brand new. two-story dwelling, built by day labor; fine large living room, entire width of houae; good sised dining room, butler's pantry and nice kltdien; up stairsthree dandy bedrooms and sleep ing north, fine bathroom with tile floor; i,wv. iiiivijiiiiiui uviaus rooms. This Is a first class home. Nice lot, nltf.ndl.4 aiiprniinlnni A-L. ,n i . Can bo bought on easy terms. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas loun, 307 McCague Bldg. $500 Cash Here it la. SH-room, brand new bung alow, oak finish, strictly modern and up-to-date in every way; choice corner lot; raved street. Hanscom Park dis trict i'rice for this suk-aik us about It. Terms arranged, or good lot taken aa ilral payment. See this at ones. TI' T . Rasp Bros. Douglas ld. lot McCague Bld. REAL ESTATE SOVTH SIDE HANSCOM PARK HOME. ONLY $l.lO. 6 nice rooms; large east front lotl only 3 Mocks from caf. schools and stores. Clesr of incumbrance. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Dong 171, War Block. REAL KSTATF WEST SIDE Let Us Build For You At 33d and California We have several good building Sites left. fronting east on Xk, .fust north of Cali fornia, which would bo an ideal location for a brick flat or a small apartment for an Investment. We built tnn buildings In this locality Inst year, and thev were rented immedi ately. Wo will have plana drawn accord ing to your own Ideas, or we will aavisn nlmt Is best to build for nn investment In this locality, it will bring you at least 10 per cent net on your Investment. We have several buildings already built and rented that we can sell you in rase ou do not want to build. About $?.i00 cash will handle a double brick building' In this locality. It will pay you to sec us about this at once. Hastings & Heyden 114 Harney Street. West Farnam Bargain In tho heart of the West Farnam dis trict we have a splendid H-room house, five years old, oak finish, hot water heat, on a corner lot HJ feet deep; paving on both sides and paid for. Thin house has always rented for $.V per month. We ran sell this property for $H,aoo. and there Is lota of room to build another house or a row of brick flats. On account of the splendid location this property will al ways rent to good advantage. As a mat ter of fart, on tho house mentioned above we have never lost a day s rent In five years until the present time. Owner of this property Is a nonresident and dtslres to sell. Payne & Slater Co. fflg Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. West Farnam $5500 Living room, dining room and kitchen, first floor; $ bedrooms snd sleeping porch, second floor; oak floors throughout and oak finish; tile bath room; complete base ment; brick fireplace; garage and ce ment driveway and paving taxes all paid. House located one block from Joslyn a. Glover & Spain H9-30 City National. Phone Douglas Sflf.J. 20 Minutes' Walk To P. O : 2 blocks to Farnam line; only $575; $10 cash, $1 er week, O'Kcel'e Roal Estate Co. 101 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. REAL ESTATE DOWNTOWN Business Lot at a Bargain 66xt32 feet to paved alloy. Located only (A feet from liith St. Close to retail center. Will divide. See, us about this at once. George & Company Tel. P. '756. P02 City Nat. Bank Bldg. CLOSE-IN building site, all improve ments In and paid: sufficient frontage for a dosen flats; price, $5,000. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Douglas 1781. Ware Block. o REAL ESTATE SUB CRM AN Damdec. Must Be Sold Happy Hollow House Owner Leaving Town Now Is the time to buy a well built attractive house located on one of the choicest snots in Happy Hollow at a price tnat is rtgnt. The house has I rooms besides an out aide sleeping porch, finished In oak and white enamel with selected oak floors throughout. There is a full cemented basement, with hot water heat. The lot has a south frontage of 75 ft, fronting a park and avenue with beauti ful shade trees. The price is $11,000. but we want an offer THIS WEEK. This la YOUR chance. Don't miss It George & Company Phone Ti. 7F4. 02 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Only One House ' Left 4917 Burt Street SEVEN ROOMS, ALL MODERN. SLEEPING PORCH AND SUN ROOM. FULL LOT. CLOSE TO CAR A DECIDED BARGAIN. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY STREET, $1,000 Dundee Lots Do you realize that it is almost Im possible to buy any lota In Dundee as low ss $1,U00? We have two high, sightly lots on paved street, Nicholas street, be tween 6uth and 61st, we are offering for $1,000 each on terms. Don't delay. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1B14 Harney Street. DUNDEE HOUSE, $5,500 Fireplace, buffet, tiled floor In bath room, oak finish first floor, oirch second floor, south front lot close to car. W. H. THOMAS & SOX,' 228 State Bank Bldg. Douglas ($. Besutoa. FOR SALE $1,500 5-room bungalow eight blocks from Benson tar; built by owner for home; leaving town. Must sell this week. Tel. H. UoW. Investors with money read the Real Estate ads in. The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. s REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Gallagher & Nelson Real Estate and Insurance C44 lirandeis Bid?. D. 3382-o GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET! Even Though Farmer Are Holding; Their Grain Wheat Goes Off Three Cents. CORN AND OATS WEAKEN A BIT OMAHA. March 17. 1MV The fact that foreigners were again liberal bnyera of new July wheat yester day Is believed to reflect small stocks of bren.lstuffe In the countries of the old world. The amount of wheat to change hands yesterday was llRht at 2T-,oOO bush els, but at the sealoaid the total tran sactions were MOno bushels. Duliitn reported m.0no bushels rash wheat, there as sold to go east, snd Omaha sold bushels to go to Newport News. Farmers continue to hold the'r grain for higher prices. There ts still open In terest In May wheat hero and the only escape for the shorts Is to go into the pit and even tip their position. The wheat market here was irregular and unsettled yesterdHV. It was strong and hlghvr early because of the strength In the Liverpool market, where prices were yb2Hd higher. On the advances there was heavy selling by longs In order to secure profits. A mcssaue whs received from Oklahoma faying the area seeded to wheat has been Increased K0oft acrer in that state, and that reports from all sections Indicate the condition of the growing plant at (lb -III HO per cent. Some strength was shown by "coarse grains" early In tho session, but when wheat eased off, both corn and oats weak ened. It was reported that farmers down state were offering com a little more iieeij, nut oiiTsido or that section this grain was held tightly. Cash sales of corn here yesterday were 40.000 bu., and rt'"' bu., and export Mies were J.O0O,(W) bu. at tho seaboard The vlslblo supply of corn decreased f.fto bu. the a W''k' II of Kl,.0M btl. After an early advance In the market rot- hog products, which waa due to ont sldo Investment buying, the market for the entire list turned wenk. Hogs at the ards were a shade better, but there ws a big run of these animals in the west t . irn.lo In iiicu'h i.i.d inrJ is still un satlsfactorv. Omaha Spot Market-Wheat was So corl1, lowr. and oats. He lowrr. t learances of wheat an,1 l J1""' V SM.WO bu.; corn, 3M,000 bu.; oats, i,ti. Corn closed ..l higher at Uvernool Primary wheat receipts wero 613.000 bu., nnd ahlpmenta T23.im bu . asslnai re ceipts of S!,oe0 bu. and shipments of 7. 00 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were NK.oos bu. and shipments Rts.000 btl., against re ceipts of 721.000 bu. and shipments of 6).- 0(10 bu, last year. Primary oats receipts wero !C4 000 bu. nnd shipments IW1.000 bu., against re ceipts of 733O0O hu. and shipments of 84T.OOO bu. last vear. , CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn! Oats. Chicago 114 122 204 Minneapolis 117 ... Dulutli 1W Omaha 1.1 & IV Kansas City.'! IK . 7 11 St. t,oula K S3 30 Winnipeg SliC Tho following salrs were reported to day: Wheat: No. 4 hard winter. 1 ear, $1.49. Rye: No. 2. 11 cars, $1.14, Barley: No. 4, H car, 73c. Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car. 70Hc Nn. 3 yellow, J cars. HMj'i 2 cars. 69c; 1 cars, 6!V. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, tfcc. No. i mixed, 1 car (near white, HPc; 1 oar, RH-; 9 oara, sse. No. 4 mixed, 1 car (near whilst, 6Kc. No. 5 mixed, 1 car (wet), fic: 1 car (near white). xSo. Oats: Standard, 1 car, 67c, No. It white, S caia, 56Vsc; n car, 66c. Fumple, 1 car (barley mixed), 51c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard, tl.524il.S4:o. S hard, $1.61Mfl.M't: No 4 hard, $1.4:H.62: No. S spring, $l.40ttl.N"V: No. ! durum $1.4.Vi 1.49: No. t durum. $1.47 il.4s. Corn: No. 1 white, 70i71; No. 3 white. 7'4tr7nv: No. 3 white, (WtyrfTOo; No. 4 white, WWtVe: No. r. white, (Mf WCite; No. 6 white. (iaMfffltc ; No. 1 yellow, Syfi70Vic: No. S yellow (Wffussie; No. 3 yellow, Kwsufco; no. 4 ytllow, us'4i4)c; 67jVie; No 1 mixed. 60,ffiic; No. i mixed, KWUHinno: ino, I mixed. RHMfwc; No. 4 mixed, 6ti6H'4e; No G mixed, IHKRWc; Nn. 6 mixed, 65H067H. Oats: No, i white, 67Wi7ic: standard. 564r57c: No, 3 white, KV66tyc; No. 4 white, teMifiMc. Barley: Malting, 74rOe: No. 1 feed mt xmlii No' ,U3,1'14' N- i i CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feataree of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CIIICAOO. March 174plendld crop promise on a big acreage had much to do today with lowering the wheat market here. Vslues were unsettled at the close, which wss "Ufirt1 under lust nlirhl nnr articles too showed net declines, corn, 6WW7Vi cents; oats, cents to 6' cents, ana provisions, 7-i 10 to 22 cents. Magnificent wa sthe term used by one expert In describing the outlook for the Illinois winter eron If had ln,i r,nm. nloted an Inspection that extended from Chicago to Cairo. Recent rains over tho an sown ocu in oilier ststes were sold by a different authority to have made conditions unusually favorable for early spring growth. Scattering reports of the plant not wintering well were declared to be less numerous that has been custom ary. Bearish, cauie news and slackness of ex port call tended to discourses wheat hov ers even before prices came noticeably under the shadow of the new crop. Anglo-French prog reus In the Dardanelles, reported illness of the kalaer. and the prosnoct of more liberal shipments from Argentina weio all eleiVmta In the feeling against the bull side. On the other hand, rumors of large flour 'orders from Italy and Holland brought about a rally just uciura inn winuup or tne day. Fine weather weakened the demand for The weight lof Uie big stock In sight prumpuy iom against prices wnen It wss spparent that no strength would be re flected from wheat. Miscellaneous hold ers unloaded oats. On the ensuing break, however, there waa evidence of renewed cash call from the seaboard. Provisions swung down with hogs and grain. leading packers let go of holdings quite freely. Futures were quoted as follows! Aitfolej iien. Hlgh.l Ixiw. Close. Yes'y. Wbeatl May. July. 1 554; 1 Zi 74H! 1 67 1 633i 1 20 7SSI 76 I MB 1 21 73 V 76 1 T.7H 1 23 74H 1 V 74H' 76T; Corn May. July. Oats May. July. Pork May Julv 504' M 5n'4 69V 54 64S 63S 53 I 64-, 17 75 17 75 17 5S 17 67 17 ft) II 17 I$ 20 17 97 In 00 18 $0 10 0 10 62 10 B7 10 0 10 7 10 90 10 'JO 10 85 10 $5 10 U 10 10 10 10 I 10 02 10 0i 10 15 10 42 10 42l 10 35 10 87 10 47 LardsW- May July Ribs I May I July.l B bid. Chicago Cash Prices Whest: No. S red. $1 .Wi; No. 2 hard. $1.(1. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 74c; No. 4 yellow, 70r&7lc: No. 4 n illic, I au, ' i" . fu. a Willi, on'4' (JW C ; standard, 694i40c. Rye, nominal. ' Bar ley, 7Bk4c. Seeds: Timothy, $4.50fa-l.Zo; driver Itt SVill m 1 uI.Imb . .117.30: laid. $10.10: ribs. $.2ffiS.7o. nn i ir-n nirany, creamery, iwiZBO. POTATOES Higher; receipts, i'l tars; Michigan and Wisconsin red. 12'a3ic; Michigan and Wisconsin white, 32'u40u. EGOS Higher; receipts. 9.500 cases; at mark, cases included, I7'eil744c; ordinary firsts. Urinr; firsts, 174l7c. POULTRY -Alive, blgher; springs, 17c; fcwls, 17c. Kansas .City i.rala aad Provision.. KANSAS CITY. March 17. WHEAT No. 2 bard. $1 121.6:1; No. 3 red $1 o24 1.63; May, $14; July, $1.15; September, H.04k. ("ORV-.Vo. 2 mixed. 7J'ic; No. I white, 72.-. No. 3 yellow. 72c; No. 3, 7l4c; May. 704c; July, 73V7:V: September, 7i74c. OATS No. white, 6c; No. 2 mixed. 6lttu5?. bUTTER-Creainery. 28c; firsts, 2c; seconds, 24c; packing, 17c. KtKJS Firsts. IHc, seconds, 16c. POULTRY Hens, 14c; roosters, 10c; turkeys, lie. Liverpool Orala Market. LIVPRPOOL. March 17.-WHEAT-flnot. No. 2 Manitoba, lis 5d; No. 3 hard winter, 13s 4d. ( 'ORN Spot, American mixed, new, 7s kd: American mixed, old, $s 2d; March, 7s 4d, Mlaaeastelts G sal si Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Msrch 17 WHEAT May, $1.46 asked; July, $t.0i.4u, No. 1 ln.I. $1. No. 1 northern. $l.4!VSfl I ."-'V No. j northern, $1.4,''u I. !!". FLOP R Unchanged. HAMLEY 71f79c. IMCE-4I 17411.18. Kit AN-lUOU. CORN No. S vellnw, flM'V. OATH No S white, 57in'e. FLAX.-1.7!ff2.01V OMAHA UBSKllAt. H4RKST, . PPTTRR No. l, l-n cartons. Bel No. I, sa lb tubs. lie. CHEF: SIC Imported Swiss, t4e; Amer ican Swiss, attic: block Swiss, 22c; twins, 16c; daisies, lie: triplets. 17o; Young Amaiiiras, 19c; blue label brick. 17o; llm burner, t-lb.. 20c; 1-lb.. )c New York white, 19c; imported trench Roquefort. 40a POTATOES-Colorado Iturals. Tic bat Red River Chios, 0d bu.; Minnesota, wbltea, Ui bu, FISH Trout, ei large crapptes, 16c I halibut, 14c; channel catfish, 14c K EET POl A'iOE.V-Knnas. $2.75 bbU BEEF Cl'T.-Rlbs, No. 1, lc; No. 2, l:ic- No. a, ll,e. loins. No. 1, V7, ; No. 2, Idc; No. J. 12'c. Chucks. No. 1, rc; No. i. !.; No. J. Kc. l'latea. No. 1, He; No. 2, 7c; No. 3, 6"4c. Rounds, No. 1, lle; No. lie; No. 3. 10o. I'Ol'LTRY Broilers, 14;c; spring rhlck ene, 11c; hens, Dtillc; corks, go; ducks, Idc; geese, sc; turkeys, 16c; pigeons, per dot., hoc; ducks, full leathered, HK-; gerso, lull feathered. Sc; squsbs. No. 1, $1.50; No. t. Wo. Market quotations furnished by Olllnikl Fruit company. Fltl'lTS-Oranges: Prr hog, extra fancy Alphabetical, all risen, $2.ii; extra fancy rui.ktxl. ail sixes, $j.,'i, Red Ball, all six s. $2 25. lemons: Per lox. fancy 81111 klst. 3 i. 3'Os. 4.0ui4.n0; choice Red Ball, $l.."0, (.irapvifrult ; l'er box, SCs. 4h, t-'.cO. ills and $, $JM; 64a. $2.25. Apples: Per box, extra lancy, Washing ton White Winter Prarmainos, $1.75; i Itxriibtirgs. Sl.bO; Hoovers, $1.35: Black Ben Davis. $l.:'n; Black Twigs, f 1.00; fancy Black Twig, $1 3.; extra fancy I'tah Uanos, lli, fane, Rome Beauties, IV bu; 6-box lots, $1 40; g'en lavls, highly colored, per bhl., $3.25: Ron Davis, commercial pack, ier bhl., $3.(10; Shield Wlnesaps, per bbl., 100 Pearsi lVr box, Anjoua, Sheldon, Jersey. Bosco. Easter. $J.2. Bananas per bunch, $.' ttr2., per lb., 4c. straw berries; Per .it.. iO.- VEGETABLES Cauliflower. whole (rate, $i75 jht crate. Cabbage: New York Danish, 2o lb.: Wisconsin. Holland aeed, lc lb.; California, new, 3c lb. Cel ery, Jumbo. 90o dos.; head lettuce, $1.00 doi.; leaf lettuce, 40o dos. Onions: Red, 2o lb.: yello. 2o lb.; white, 2c lb; Bnan Ish, $1.75 cratn. Artichokes, $l.tiO dos.; endive. 95c lb.; Brussels sprouts, 20c lb.; peiM'crS, basket; tomatoes, $6.00 crate; sarllc, Italian, 25o lh.; radishes, fiOn dos.: turnips, 50e dos.; spinach, 6O0 dos; parsley, 6O0 dot; beans, $450 hamper. Onion arts, yellow and red, $1.60 bu. ; white, $1.76 hu. Potatoes: Colorado Iturals, 7oo bu : Red RIVer Ohloa. 860 hu.; Minne sota whites, Vo bu. Sweet potatoes, $275 per bu. NUTS No. t California walnuts, 1o per lb.; black walnuts, $. per lb.; fil berts, 15c per lb.; iecans. 12o per lh,; Brasila, 12c per lb.; iilmnnds. 20o per lh.; 50 (-os. figs. $2 per box; sugar wal nut dates, $1.40 per box; Hallow I dates. 8c Per lb. MI! ISCELLANEOrS Shelled popcorn. 4o Per lb.; limes, $1.75 per box; cracKerjark, $3.50 per case; crackerjack. one-half case, $1.76: checkers, $3.50 per case; checkers, one-half case. t.ib. Honey, $4.00 case. Cider, New York, $3-50 keg. Cocoanuta, 13.60 feck: 7(- dos. Cranberries: Late Ho Wps, $7.00 per bbl.; $2.5(1 per box, Pea nuta: Baw, 7c lb.; sack Iota (Jumbo), so lb.; roasted. 8c; salted, $1.60 can. Mush rooms, 6O0 lb. Kew York General Market. NEW YORK, Msn-h 17. SCUAR Raw, easy; centrifugal, 4.77o; molasses, 4c; re fined I nulet. Himsr futures were quieter esrly today and prices were easier under scattered liquidation prompted by tne de clining spot market. Prices at midday were 3 points net lower. BUTTER Cnsettled; receipts. 7.196 tubs; creamery extsha (93 score), SMc; creamery (highee scoring), 294i'JOr; rtoamery first. 28$r28c; seconds, 23tf 2,So. M1CIS Firmer; receipts. 36.68$ rases; fresh gathered extras, 21(u22c; extra firsts, Siic: tlrsts, 19ti'.H)c; seconds, 18(&ik4cj nearby henneries, whites, fine to fancy, 25c; nesrby hennery browns, 2itt2c. CI I EES E Firmer; receipts. 1.179 boxes; state, whole milk, held specials, 16tf 17c; average fancy. 1Mc. l"OULTRY Live, wenk: good western fowls, 19W!0o; turkeys, i34i'l$ci .dressed quiet. western fowls), f rose a, 14fll7c; turkeys, KVVHi. Kt. I.onla Gralai Market. ST. IXiVin, March TT. WHEAT No. 3 red, nominal; No. I hard nominal; May, $1.49il.M: J"'ti ... . , CORN No. 1, 74c: No. 3 white, nominal; MOATNo.JXye$tCN0. I whit 60c. CHICAGO L1VK STOCK MARKET C"atlle Flrm-r-HosTa Weak Sheep Weak. CIIICAOO, March 17.-CATTLE Re ceipts. 8.C00 head; market, firm; native steers, $f.86(8 75; western, B.30(ff7.46: cows and helferst, $r.50&7.nn; calves, $6.6810.00. HOUS Receipts, 36,000 head: market weak, 6o lower; bulk, $6.75mi.80: lights, $ 604i.86; mixed. $6.tWifi.kS; heavy, $.dtKu) 6.85; rough. $6.8('(a".; nig-, $i.b010.7a , SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 15,000 head: market weak; sheep, $7.0O4Ji8.0U ; yearlings, $7.76(ii.10; lambs, $7.609 75. Coffee Market. NE WTORK, March 17. The market for coffee futures opened at an advance of 8 to 17 points today owing to the con tinued strength of Braxil. Realizing caused slight reactions during the mid dle of the day, but the market firmed up again in the lata trading on reports of sn improving spot demand, and a sharp advance in roe and freight prices. The close wss 12 to 17 points net higher. Sales, 87,350 hags. March, loo; April, 6.17c; May, .33c: Juner t.27e; July, 7.34o; August. 7.40c: September, T.40r; October, 7&0c; November, 7.64c: December, 7.68c; January, 7.62o; February, 7.66c. Sn.it, firm; Rio No. 7, 8c; Santos No. 4, 10t10c; Rio 7s In the cost and freight market ware reported some 40 to 60 points higher, quotations ranging from 7.50c to 7.70c, while well described Santos 4s were quoted at about N.I60 o 10.50u. Rio exchange waa Sd higher and there was a further advance of from 7G to 250 rels In ths primary markets, Bt. I.owls Live gtoek Market., ST. LOU13. March 17.-CATTLK Re ceipts, 3,200 head: market steady; .native beef steers, $7.00iia.76; cows and heifers, $5.60'8.2b; southern steers, $.247.76; cows and hellers, $4. Oof. 00. native calves, $6.00 tl 10.00. HDU3 Receipts. 12.300 head: market lower; plga and lights, Sft,'i5tr7.10:, mixed and butchers, S6.8u4f7.10; good heavy, $6.85 jf 00. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, Z.TOO head; market lower; native muttons. $i.73 (tS.o0:lambs, $9 oOtrfl.'O; yearlings,. 11. Wu 8.90; sheared yearlings, $7.507.60. Meta Market. NEW YORK, Msrch 17. M ETAIjS Iad. firm, at $4.0M4.6; London, 23. Spelter, nominal; London, 44 10a. Tin: strong; rive-ion lots, s;!.Mffi.4.0!. Copper: Firm; electrolytic, $14. 87 16.00; rssilngs, $14.2t4l4.t2. Iron: Steady and unchanged. Af london: Spot copper, f6 10s- fu tures, Siiot tin, tM, futures, 170 los. Antimony, twn'it. . ut 1 1 tiim uBn.h 17 MrTlt.y ta higher et $4 .12; spelter, unsettled at $4.50 Wio.oo. Osnaba liar Market. OMAHA, March 16.-PRA1R1E HAY Choice 110 snd. $13.50: No. 1. 13 00: No. 2. $M.oiMti2d;; No. 3. SS.OO'aII.uv. Choice midland, ll.'.OO: No. 1. $12.60; No. 2. $ll.0iKbJ 12. Ui; No. 3, 19 11.00.' Choice lowland, tlloo; No. 1, IH.Ou; No. t, $S).UOj 10.00, No. A 7 11 Ort. STRAW Choice wheat, $.6utJ7.00; choice oat or rve, S7.0X7.&U. ALFALFA Choice pet gT". leafy end fine stem. IH OrH 00; (It takes extra choice to bring lli ooi; No. 1, $I3.5u914.00; No. 2, l2.t"XI7 13.00; No. 3, lll.ii.'j 12.00. Cutlo Market. NEW YORK. March 17 COTTON-pnt quiet: middling uplands, S.6c. . Sales, 200 futures closed steady; March, tic; May, S.93c; July, S 23c; October, 9.54c; Dei ember, 9.73o. The cotton market closed steady at a net gsln of enly one to live points. LIVERPOOL. Msrch 17 COTTON Snot strong; good middling, fi.9d; mid dling, f.iKl; low middling, 4.96d. . Sales, 15,000 bales. Evaporated Apples anal Dried Prelts NEW YORK. Msrch 17.-EVAPO-RATED APl'LKS-Dull. DRIED FRUITS Prune. barely steady! apricots, quirt; peaches, dull and nom inal; raisins, qulst. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Dealings in Securities Show Small est Total of Any Receit Period. UNDERTONE IS HOLDING FIRM NEVV TORK. March 17.-Deallngs In stocks todsy showed the smallest total of any recent period, but the undertone was consistently firm, except for some irregularity at the outset and towards the close. Itesding. which wss the primary cause of the previous dsy's un settlement because of fears of a reduced dividend, rose a full point and rested at that level. In the final hour, when word rem from Philadelphia that the regular dividend had been declared, Reading rose a further fraction, but recorded a slight net loss. Earlier In the session Lehigh Valley, which la controlled by Reading IntrM'Sta, rose substantial on account of Ita dividend and other high-priced thnren also evinced a tendency to harden. In point of fact, however, trading was devoid of 'actual significance, the only noteworthy changes being the semi active or highly speculative Issues. Among these were lnrlrde (las of ft. l.ouls, Pittsburgh Coal preferred. Pacific Mall, General Motors and Scars-Roebuck, nil of which declined 1 to 2 points, while Mexican 1'etroleum, American Beet Sugar and Bethlehem Hteel moved as much In the other direction. Metal and allied slocks failed to reflect to any appreciable extent the more fa vorable advices, such aa further large aalea of copper for export, an advance In the price of lead and resumption of divi dends by the Bio Tlnto rompany, which naa the support or the foremost financial -Interests In Ixndnn and Paris. I nlted States Steel wss barely more than steady at any tints. Its plaos In point of activity being taken by stocks of fsr lesa prominence. Trade authorities reported better prospects In that Indus try, mainly as a result of large foreign contracts now In course of consummation. Foreign exchange moved in Its recent Contrary manner, cables snd drafts on London being firmer, with somo heavi ness In France. Other continental bank ers were reported to be negotiating sev eral municipal loans, one of these (or ac count of Canadian interests. Total salea of stocks amounted to 122.100 shares. Bonds reflected the stock mar ket for most Important Issues, but became Irregular Inter, Total salrs, par value. SI.Kll.Otm. I'nlted States bonds were un- . changed on call. Number of sales snd leading quotations on stocks today wore: psles. lilll. Lew. Dm. att-ks O014 , AaiBlsamaied rniiesr .... Asisrlrsa Keet Sugar.... Anrlrsa Csa ...., Aasrlraa g. A It , Aaisrlcsn g. a H. pM.. Am. Htissr lieflnlttf . ... Anterlran Tsl. a Tsl... American Tnharre Anaionda Mlnlns Atchison Halllmiire Ohio Hranhlrn Hspla Transit. Csltfnriila ratroleum ... I'snadlan Psrltla t'sntrsl lsthsr rtienspesliii a Olilo rhlrsgu Urrat Western,. CMfdln. M. a HI. P... Chlm A N. W rhlne (nppr Cnloraitt. Fuel a iron... CoUiraili a Sotilhsrn... tvnvsr a Ills Orands... lUailllsra' HwurKIM ... Rrle (lei.aral Rlertrtc Oreat Northarn ptd Oreat No. Ore rtla fluiKnhtm Kiplorattoa. Illlnola Ontrsl liitsrrwraush Mat. nfd.., Inaplrailon Corner International Hnrvsatsr. Ksnaaa (tty Bouthern... lhlh Vtllaf UniiairUI a Nashvtlls. Mvilran Pstrolsum Mmmt Owt Mlaaoarl, K. A T MlfwnuTl I'arllle National Blacult NMIonal LsaS Nsvails Coppar New York Central N. Y , N. It. H Nnrfnlk Weatara Northern fwolfle Pacific Mali Pacltls Tel. Tsl Pennarlvanla Pullman Paleea Car KUt n. Copper Itaaains Depublle Iron A Steel... Dora laland Co Hix-K IilanS CH pfit st. l a a. f. M pid. Southern INartria Houlhern fUllway Tannweasa Copper Tatae Company S.crt U'4 .T" 1JS S4'i 44 1,41") TKI l.tno 414 4V o 11W, r.i :.. '. Lao v le HO CO m sno 1,4m eoo "4 M w 1 MS 1" 1 is Ut 1M, 41 tn ai toe iMi l.iuw i M4 1?4 S'i a 94 H 7 !S IM 1I.-.H . M tn M U4 21 ' n 11(4 1.100 l. 1 tl 7 IM 116 V It" St 4(10 4f 44 I.70 1,000 A 11 ii'. l.tno iav4 too 11a II. SMI in in 111 111 47 !" l.tno 400 S.100 ll4 to. 10 i Sli ion 10H U( T n n m ions l, V4 lot 10 4n0 n too 11 3't It ' US tl 400 ( loo 1SW. 700 10M4 1 104 4141 lMtu. 1j.au iui. l.Tnt I7H 17V, 17 ll.OM 144 4 1411. 14 Ml1 i4isi SO IV. MSa 13 1 400 1.700 909 SOA4 ll4 U'i la u $;h nil .... S.I0 193 VI lilt l!u, 4 nlon Pai ltlo It nlon Paolfle pfi., t'nltas ntatee Bteel... 441. X B. gteel ar .... 404 in 4 WIS t'laS Copper 400 t3S t:va MV. Waatem t'nlos Weailnckouae glertrle .. to M Tutal aalea for the da 7, til. 109 shares. New York Money Market. NKW TORK. March 17. MEHCANTIl.g PAPER 3 per cent. STERLING EXCMANORwWeak- atitv- day bills, $4.7725; for cabins. $4.8015: for demand, $4.7975. SILVERr-Bar. 50Uc: Mexican dollars 38e. . bonds Government, steady; railroad, irregular. TIME LOANS Steady: alxt days. t7 Per cent: ninety days. 2liY Der cent: alx months, 3 per cent r A 1.1 . MriMirv tumA, vi.t. ... cent; low, 114 per cent; ruling rale, t per cent; last loan. IT per cent, closing; bid, 144 per cent; offered at 1 per cent. Closing quotations on Bonds today were as follows: V. . ref. Is, ret... H1J 'Ha, Pse. car. t.... 444 to coupon av,N. Y. City ,... 1M(. V. 8. la, rag 11vtaN. T. Buw 4v,...1(m 1 seusea ISlvi N. Y. C. s. l4a ... Tt V. . 4a. reg lot'i N. T.. N. M. H. do Mupos 1I0V1 fj. Is lMVi Panama la coupon. .MluT Ne. Pactdo 41 Sn Am. Hnelter Ia...l044 do Is '. 4 A. T. A T. ct. 4'ia MH 0. L. raf. 4s... Artnear a Co. 4'a.. M J'ao. T. A T. la.... 97(4 Atrhlaoa gea. 4a.... ft r.m con. 4a 97S Hal. A Ohio 4. MVi So con, 4 Vaa lots. rhaa. A Okln 4e.. a Realms (en. a.... .l C. B a Q.J. 4a ... mi'H. U A g. F. r. 4s II eaf? af a P g 4HS.1M Bn. Pao. ov. 4s 114 ao ct. la .....loiu do raf. 4a 1(1, n. R. I. a P. . 4s iv( 4, ct. Va aa'. T. a S. raf. 4V,.. 42V, go. rUltwny la I. A K O. ref. la., 47 t'nloa liaclftc 4s.,., Hi, Kris sen. 4a U. dn e.. 4 M )n. Klertrle ta....lul IT. h Rubber a....flVi (It, No. let 4Vaa..,. 7 tT. H. flteel As 101 ill. On. ref. 4a.,., W aWansali, lat I T' f . t . eo. rai. ua... a w w. inioa es.. I N. unl. 4a.... l4Weat. tlac. ct. la M. K. T. lat ta. 71 BIS. Offered. eoi, 9v Local Itorko and Bonds, OuotaKona fumlahad ha Btirna. Hrinke a. Cm f 44 On., ft a Netlonal bank kullding: hiocaa nid. Asked. Board of Trade pld 100 Haukem Mori (ace Loaa. Omaha 17U Onlln'Dlai ll. I K. I 1. t. corn 11 US Citr National Bank. Omaka 94 .- I ware Co. pM M Ml Kelimnnt rvsamary 7 p a. pfd KiOV, 114 Oraal Wealera BUrtr pfd 101 1( Live gtiMk Nat., South Omaa 171 (we ha a C. V. Sr. pld 74 TT (m.aha A C. B. r. Sr. coin It 17 Horsy Ml. Pual pld, coax, bonus.... 20 , Htauo Bank of Oneha 114 111 Hwlll a Co 107 1114 Hharldaa Cal com ..... II t nlus stock Yards, Omaha ,, 93 Bonda Continental O. A K. la 1M7 (Nek.) M Cleveland. O , 4Via. 1IM 1M 63 101 It Kanaae Cllr, Mo., Htkeolava. 7 m Mlrhiiaa Ity. aa. 111 (X Us.aha a C. B. Bt. Rr. la. laU M41 aaii Omaha Water 4 Ha. 141 103 1 W On aha Hrhool ta, 121 7 i- Roclir Mountain Fuel 6e IS 10 Hw in a Co. Is, 144 Mi 4 Sf.ulh Omali IWa. IMS 11 10; 14 SV rlunrr, Nab.. Water la. IIS 4 10 I'nl. Flat. Nab., 4a. 117 a au. WtrbHa l nlon Slock Tarda is. 1M4...M 10 Water U U. I P. Hot Seriate, U. P II London tttexk Market. IONDON. March 17. American securi ties on the stock market today wero ncg elcted. There were a few markings among ths leaders during the day and the dosing was dull. HLVb-H-nar, 23 13-16(1 per ounce. MONEY IMP per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short and three months' bills. 2 per cent; India eouncll bills. Is S31-32J. Bank ( learlasjs. ( MA HA, March 17,-Hsnk clearings for Omaha today were S3.53J.319.07. and for the corresponding day last year IVi.Si!.-. 664.19. "Annourlcement'i" ads brine good re sults. THS OOP 4jut KtVltW tails New York 9totk bxebaute pportunltlea avaikabke ts the small as well as tea lass In.eaior. It a year. Sead for aajesle eapiea. 14 aWeaatv. Near Tert .