' TUP; BKti: OMAHA. MAKCH If) 15. WANT ADS W ant eda tvHrtd at any time, but ta mniir proper rieeTi"ation mwt be pr rnted het rro IS o'clock noon for evening eoltion and 730 r. m. for m.v-nlng and fnnnar edition. Want ' received after aiirh hours will bo under tha heading, , " To Lata to Classify." , CAPH RATK3. . Haven consecutive times. 1 cent word earn Insertion. Three titnra within one week. 1H cents word each Insertion. Ot time, t enta a word. CHAROB RATES. . . even consecutive times. I cants a una sen Insertion. . Three times within en week. 18 end line each Inaertlnn. On tlm If. rant Una. Count six average words to a I ma. Minimum charm, to cents. An advertisement Inserted to be run ttl discontinued nuit ba atopped by wnv tta order. All slab-a for errors n"", within fifteen dnya ner the last Inser tion of tha advertisement Ton tan tdac your want ad In Tha Baa fcjr telephone. TKLETHONE XT LSI n- Unclaimed Aruwer to the "Swappers' Column" Hur.drrta of other answer have teen called for and delivered during tha last week It la reaaonsble to suppose thai all of tha people below haya wade tha . dealred ewapa. thersfore do not call Tor tha balance of their answers. Boa want B C. lt , 1411 nil 1414 14i 1424 14iH HH V 14T 1441 144S 144 14 4 14 14 14,1 14. 1471 r. im it' inn 15,13 11.17 I'M ir,M H 1M0 1M5 1.V4 1.VA 1ST0 1671 ir.7 lJ icvj 1W7 IMJ CARD OK TMAHKi. I wlh to thnnk tha many frlpndi who ao kltn.ly awnmrd mo dirln tli llliiaja and ckaih of my huland. Kapat-Ully lo 1 thnnk Armour Vo. and niloyea. liinltii Hrolnorhood No. 1 and '"'P; liood No. . My aim Workara of tha World and Alpha lodiro No. KM. ., Wo lh to xprt s our hrartfflt lhanka for the ktndn-ita and aympnthy almwn na fluiinK hp Him- and death of nur be ' licd hnl.and and IhMdt. and alao for th beniitllul floral rferliiK MIU. VM. JACLBZKK AND TAMI1.V. We wUh to thnnk our many frlonda r thflr aympalliy and klndnraa ahown iih diirlnir th late tM-rcavf mcnt of our bHiivpd lnit.Hnd Hnd friend. Alao tho mployra f tha Kvana and Model atfm laiinddn lor tiirlr homitirul floral offer ings. Ml. 1IATT1H 11UU8UN. II I It Til 14 ANU DKATHI, 'lilrlha Mr. and Mn. Uaorga Ayr, 2413 Koi.th 'f wrntli'th, boy; Hmmuawii W, and UUlo Muy Aniir-raon, a.iiiH irt and Cuii in, Kin; Tnomua and l'i.la AKiraa, Um tioutli Tplftn, air); haivatoro and cai-r-ina ii.in.ro d twtith Ttilrtwntli. arlrl : Iihtiv and Elrna lwaaur, av bouih J-.lflt-H t'ntn, bo; William and Joacpnlna Hall, ;iK' Corny, lrl; Anton and Jiolcn Ilo.f man, Z43 Boutb t-nnlitfrnlh, gin; joa and Otadya Jpplach, 12. Houth Hxtrnth, boy; K, M. and Mat. Ida J'liawn, iA Ituidpttis ' boy; una and Netta Lerovlty. 1KT Aorth Twtnty-flrat, airl; Giovanni and Vita Orlandlno, H North Fourteenth, hov; Kranraaco and Roaa, Ionibardo, 4-1 I'lurco, Klrl; Harry and Kater Marka, Z0.1 iMiii iwi in. boy, I narina and 'J'ony Mtaicka, Houth tNiurtfwnth alrli Will lain and Hrldaot Naplrr, 2U4 Miami, boy; Juni'k and hoaalo rk'vasuaa. 1413 Houth, Twelfth, girl; itov and Maudo Bhrum. lrj North Fifty-third avenue, ulrl. . I.H-atha Franrlaia Art la. HO yrana. ho- t-ltal: Hrnry llantlna, 30 yrara, Xll Houth I'.iulith ; U-rt Mudaon. 44 yaara, ! Caa I. liar; Plater Mary cavanauan, ut yrara, :ni Hurt; Kilen VI learn. 77 yeara, hoa Pital: WtlllHm Bchulta, 4n yaiira. noapl tnl; Baby Kinxek. I ranntha, bfx-ond and l'oppii ton; Frank K. Plaulcr, 17 reara 1414 1'icrc. , MARlHAtlR I.ICKNIE1S. The ' following couplea hava aacurcd llcenaia to wed; N'anio and Realdenc. . .. Ago. W llllam :ttlcmun. Inw City, la., CT I'clla ilargena, Ihiw 1'lty,. Ia.. S3 Kiit-'ene II. toprr, Omaha over SI Huth A. Tooliy, Haatinga, Neb. ...over 1H Jnmea I(. Younger. Ma It I and. Mo ..31 Alta Hnrrla. Uiillman, Mo & Theodore H. Oad, Omnha SS Iloao MadiMirlii. Omaha I'l John Mi Oroevy, Hloux City, la SI CuraU'll Colllna, MJnuoapolIa 27 CILDINU PF.KMITi. . J. J. Ktoup. 17(9 Kouth Fxiurteanth, frame duelling, 2..Tiu; Mra. K. U. Ktewart, K:til ilukory. frame dwelilog. U.lMi; Petnt' Kakemeler, 40 Parker, frame dwelling-, TODAY'S tO.MPI.ETE0 MOYIK ritOUKAMS Exdaalvely la Tha lie. lsom Ta. CAMURAPHONK, 140 POVOIaAS, In the Talllgh, t-r. American drama. Hokbii Out Weat. Keyatone comedy, l ite Ooiil.le Croaalng of Mini. KUTK NO. t, A Tragedy of 1311 FARNAM. tha Rail a. ueprtrude Mc Coy ) i-r. kAiX. A Couple of Slde-Order Faoia. Kaa. com. Hilm HlgKtna. W. dr. FAUNAM THKATKlC 1414 VAHNAU8T. Kuiiawny June will be anowa Itera avary Turnkey fn cuniUKilim with our regular l ioKiaiu and a KryaUine comedy. TiiiTui xtitVli i u and uxi;Ni:ir Home of Paramount Plot urea. FAAiK Iiia.AXa.li. Feature program dally. Kevaiona Clouiodlu. elk I. 14111. I'AlilJUIi. J Ik'UMIaAM. hen Oreek Meeta Grwk. Vltagrapli conH'dy. . 11.1 a good drama. I ItlNCKStf. 13l7-l IioUUIaAH. 1 he Morm. (Warren Kerriiian S-reel. alor'a Reward. lOoorge L-irkm 1 reel. i:,,uh but iUiinantii'. U Ko tuniajy. Morta. ALAMO, X4TH AND FORT. 1 our reela of tha beat Mutual picture. CLIFTON. Mil AVii Ac BURDETTE. iitilloo-lJollar Myalery No. 20. ni.i.l and ihe 1 vl, Komlo comedy. I mUMtloiia. Anx-rhan (Hunii, PiAiio.NP, ilt LAKU bT Animated Weekly, feeoooiiiuye. Jokr comedy. ! KAN'KU.V Zi j 1 1" A N iTTlt A N K I j N! 1 ii' Hh1 r-lnnnl. Kal. dr. Tha plaap itaiiiik ci narry w annjiiiin. Kal. or. eiamdie luc!i lj .!!-. j:a. coin. l.iand, "Theater lM-aul if ni." It! "1 iTlnny. Ha a Ixiik Way u TiiM-rary. K-r. Ia.1. 1. Iiarl. a t Uapllo li t-r. ivtj alone oomrdy. "'1 lie Property Man " illi'lDliHfiMK. 2Tli AN O CCiTiN.il l.unanay June. H)i a-plae, two parta. t't aniiia and Bulb-la, Kf atone comedy. Ttie t-.Tea M-..iKer. Reiianca drama. ,'T, t,TU ANIl7cr.sT" 1 m: (Mtrimcni iioun Myatery. Kal. dr The ocutliiatsun. Vita. com. Tha Maa ...iraaa li.r. The liorronvd Necklaoa. - iVflt AND liCROKTTK, Ali.-r Key No. . Caught wlih tne ner r uoe. s-r. virra Ur. -r, .I'i.iUa loc, clitldrn 6a. l.Dl liKuF, -41U AN U WlHRoF. 1 1, a Tryatliig Plaie. t-feel. (ecll K V 11 1 tl,r. trttr Ki'l l-r',a. 2J CAIJiWIU.U I ..1.1 I t-I Ki-l. ,.iiv A!ry Marnae. L Ko. comedy. ii(,'auic ul ruoiauu. U'ovicrj.) as sure cat reauiu. c s a tsc. a lit una 1M M 4 131 no tv 4ix i.tn m rt tii iro r mt u iitu ' KM T l:4t Sit I 419 11 rn !t:S 4?0 14 rrj ri hm t,i m ia n i ki 4? i74 ' tf M9 4M l7 t-i 1VJ ' M 13 M7 14 T IW tfta Ml insj 't pan i4 ) MM fc.4 14)4 rt w ! ri nit ft to 1S14 It ton ay'.h co.MrnrrK N MOYIK rROfillAMS Kxrlualvely In The) Hr. irtk. 2.T03 PAVKNPORT. FATACE, Pmuaalara' Island. t-re Oold Real. Treaaure Sefkera. Fterllna romedy. I'A I.Ai'K, f'ath ft Hmokv Joe n A V FIN PORT. 2-reel KpI. llta Wife a IliiNhand. Neator comedy, Matter of Parentage. M HI'RHAN. SITU AMI AMKH. Mia New Job. fChaplln.) Kaeanay dr. 'n the Altar of Iove. Vltaaraph drama. The Stray Shot. Hloaraph drama. Koatb. ARHOR. SJD AND ARBOR "TB. In Fear of JIM Pant. t-r. Majeatle drama. Colored Vllliany, Keyatone romedy. The Hplrlt of (Jlvlna;. Heautr drama. APOUIO. ?x;4 l,MVKN WORTH. Hearat-BellaT No. 1. Tlilrteen Down. t-r. F.aaanay drama. The, Oreen "at. Vltaaraph comedy. COL.1 MBIA, 1710 BUI TH WTH. The Wroni Olrl. t-r. Vltaaraph comedy. A found for a Pound F.aaanay drama. Tha lopard'a Ilr. Bella; drama. fOMFORT, 24TM AND VINTON. The- 2o-Milllon-rollar Myatery. No. IS. The Fatal Black Bean. Majeatle- LJ y 'eap. Keyatone. FA VORITK, 171 VINTON. Hearat-Kella No. 17. In the Handa of the Jury. t-r. Kalem r. The KMrraro Man. TuMn comedy. GKM. I U6 . 1.1TH HT. Tlla Iaat Rarenada Taummta 4rama A ("oat'a a toat, Neator comedy. l-VRIC. 1H17 VINTON. Photo P'ay Without a Name. S-r. Imp. Home Nightmare,. Joker comedy. rAClTfML' AVI, I l a t t- v' iivinn.i ...'..'.. tfiur n i ' ur.n i r,, u wni II. Ulrl of the Hecret Hcirlce. 2-r. Oold Heal Hi.ven and Beventy. Rla I J. Thro ecafh prlzea given. Admlaalnn 60. VENEZ1A. til BO. UTH fT Four reala of Mutual plcturaa. Weat. Kxidolt of Elaine No. 10. in rroreaaor"a Nightmare. Vita. com. An Ohatlnnt Mh1rr I i,KIM The Ulrl Who Kept Booka, Kdlaon dr. lleaaoai. BFTNBON, MAIN BT. irio Hard Road. (Roaemary Theby .and narry -viyera atrong three-part drama, Baved by a Hbower. Joker comedy. Coaacll Miafta PlfilTR. MSBROAIIWAT. I he Knglneer'a I'erll. Kal. lra. Mfe a Uame, Vita. Pra. Khoildy, the Tailor, r.uh, Tom. NK'IIOI.AM tj-r iinoii.ti'iv Ham and the Pannage Factory, kal. Com! "mni'ur I-roiiigai, 4r-T. KM. lira. The Worthier Man, Vltagrapli dra ma. ROI'F.R, M7 JtROAinVAY! Blood of the Children. -ree Blaon. A Mix Fp at Mlxlm'a. Neator romedv. Martin liowe. F'lnancler. lacmmla 'dr. nata) Oaaakn. BF.H8K, !4XK AND N. I lio hllent Plea. 4-r. Vltagrapli drama. Mow Ida Hot a Huaband. Kalem com. The Cluti hlng Hand. MAtJIC. S4TH AND O. The I,r,at Tdge, t-ree! Rlaon. F.aay Money, 1,-Ko comedy. Yaaileville. tITH AND M BT8. OHPI1EUM. S reela of Mutual picture! dally. Zudora Wadnoaday. "l ANNOUNCKMKNTS 8PRINO CI.KAN1NO TIMK la here. Your ylndowa cleaned and . etorm wlndowa tirl.en down at , reaaonnble ratea. For flrat claaa aervlre call Pnualaa S:!4t AMKR1CAN WINDOW CLHANINl't 0.U ra golnfct to decorate. Phone PouBlaa 1200 for name of flrat claaa iecorator In your neighborhood. o HOMKMADB aauaaga, only on In Oma ha Bam Flaher, Vm Iyeavenw h. D. H3.I0. Wedding announremenla. tioug. Pig. Co.' RN ROLL bow. Y. M. C A. Bhfht arhoot' LUCKY wedding; rluga at Urodegaard'a, ' AUTOMOBILES 1100 RUWARD for any manneto we ean't repair, folia repd. Bayadcu fer.tlO V U. j C ELSADSICR. expert raoialor and huxTg "v.ii Ay. lua. aauA iavwwono. I 1IAVK a t-cyl., M h.-p. Wlilla car that I will trade for a modern home of iniiii or greater value. H. Pelton, tvt Farnam. F"K HALF-I9l& Ovrfland. ilmlnl all; flVft-lii.M.niiA. A l.u.d.1. U.. 1 4fi mllea. Call Wehater Ten). AV'TO PAINT1NU. Vfinrm nTuruu in ire Rrlgga. N. Wtti, Phone Web." 17. Ilea Overton'a for leaky radiator, dealer. ONU lii Overland touring car ;.$4o0 VAP1U.AO CO. OF OMAHA, 3M Farnam Bt. Oi-eenough OmaTraTRail. Rep. Co., Far. AUTO Clearing Uouee, lUia) Farnam, buya ana u ueq cara rnona uoygiaa uio. jnduatrlal Oarage Co., toth A Harney Bib. Meloreyelaa. HARLKT-DA VIDBON MOTORCTCI.K8. Haraalna In uaed machlnea Victor Rooa. "The Motorcyile Man." I Via UivunaoriA. I5I6 IN 1J1 AN UOTdRC'VcLk ouw readyT bargaina in uaed machlnea. OMAHA BiCXCLK CO., ivlb and Ciucaa. U. tm. BUSINESS CHANCES A UOOD, email, atork of bard ware. In good town; to bo aold for caah. Make me an offer. Thomaa Mar wood. Truate. Cleara'ater. Neb. A LAK'jK and Well-eiulpped garage for aale; hava other bualncaa and unable to operate both. If yog want a good aatah- iiniira nimmeea, inia la your l' nance. 1), Omaha Bea. Council Itluffa, la. o BI'BlNFtitt oieiilng for furniture and un dertaking In Nebraaka county aeat; only one other atoie aaine Una li. 11. New- liotiae, Bed Cloud. Nab. IHJNKION duea more than liat vnur bualncaa, he Bella It. tl Omaha Nat'l Bk. FOR 8 A LK Barber ahop and bat ha at bargain. City of X.6U0; good bualncaa; flna, permanent locution. Addreaa Y 41. Ilea. FOR BALE BAR11KR BHOP ANT POOt, I1A1.I-. Uolng a I'AHH UTMlNrt a liV tM 1'F.R MONTH. Kfken bynraullo chalra, white enamel fixtiirea;. avrythlng i-oniplete. Will aaciiflce or a auirl aala Amea avenue. Phoiu Webater.- 440. FOH SALE stock of racket and variety store In a town of 2, .mi; a good money maker: wen lain Iowa. No trades con- aiilrreil. Adurens Y 4X Bee LIST TOUtl BUBlNEtW wtth us lor quWk aclioa aad square treatment QFIC'K SALB COMPANY, 411 Pea B.dg. Phone Red MM FIONS. Wliow en 1 at. Clara a a.ia.D. U7a" TO OFT In or out vt bualneaa. Call oa OANUEhTAP at lire b.dg. D. 5477. C M. KATON, Bua. Broker. 110 W. O' W., will hi-Hi you In or cut of bualneaa. UKLIAiiLE maniu'ai turlns company wtinta bualneaa man, oM-n office anil manage aiiles force. KxWuetvn territory. Vuii hanille own money. Should iet liv.'tX) annually; $0U to tl.ouO Invretment In goods required. Salesmausger, ir Old Colony BMs., iiicHKo j tI.iniNS eiciyahere In stale. Harms Henlfy I'o , Norfolk. Neb. llii-.A'ltiU-lur, isase or aed your the ater, tnacbliie and auppilea through Theater Fiihange Co., 14u Farnam bL Pougiaa 17 Yol'R bueiueae or real estata quickly Bold. Write Jim Wray, Sioux City, la. VK1TE F KN1WT, oinaha for buyer. WILL ht.l.L loo-acre farm, erect build Iuks to suit, supply you with cows and hogs, oa payment of t'U and $1 a year ler acre tlirrearier. Ask about this. W. O. TelnpleloK, Bte. Oinalia NICE tittle grocery store rlsht down towu. clearing over $1J0 pr. 1110. 1 good, cltsn stock; spoilt .o". or Isvolce (Aa(JE8TAD Room tVt lies Bldg. Poug. 0471. IU MNKSS CIIAXCFS Raemlaai llnaari for aale. How to aell a rooming honee. C. J. Canan. lareatmeata. fy ryf f),r Nebraaka farm mort- ' LA. gagea are not effected by fj Kuropean wara or pm. i I v Amount! tf) to 120.(1)0. We rolled afl Intereat and prlnflpal free of charge; : -r In the Jsrehraalia farm loan field without a loaa la our record. KL IKE INVKSTMKNT COM PA NT, 01 Omaha Nat. Bank Bide, Omaha. o EDl'C.ITIONAL B0VXES COLLEGE Par School; Night Brhool; complete bualneaa courae: complete ahortband or atenotype courae: complete telegraphy comae; cMI aervlca tranchea and Eng lish. Btudenta admitted a. any time. Write, phone or call for 1915 catalogue. BOY LIOH COLLh.UK. , H. B. tlOVLEa, Prealdont. Boylea Hldg . Omaha, Naa. Tel. Douglaa 1EC6. FOR rale the following acholaraiiipa .a a flrat clnaa Omaha Bualneaa College: One unlimited combination buaineaa and ahorthand courae. One unlimited bualneaa couraa. One unlimited atenographlu courae. One three months' bualneaa or ateno- Craphlc cotirie. Will ba aold at a discount at tha office of the Omaha Bee. Tho Van Sant Sschool Stenography Par achnol. Uu iu t 'jk Night arhool. ;lfi Xo t.lt. 11 h aad Farnam 8t r-oug'aa M47. KXP1CMT lady etenographer will take puplla. BHoIlTHAND, touch typewrit ing, apelllng, punr-tiiatlon, eic taught and complete training given for bualneaa career. Private instruction If desired. 4624 Pouglaa Ht. Tel. Walnut 2327. ; FOIl SALE Farallare, lloaarkold uooda, F.te. FOR BA LK Complete act of nuarter sawed oak poatofflre flxturea; about 4iJ0 combination look boxes, dumping stable, bag rack, cablnetn, etc. Addreaa Y :I06. Ilea. New A 2d-liand furnlluro, caah or tor ma; reasonable. Amor. Furn. Co.. 606 N. 16th DFSK'N bought and aold. J. C. Reed, vuoivo j 30 Karnam St. P. 5144l. BIOCOND-IIAND aewlng machine. Mlckei, Phone Houth eta. Harare and Vehicles. 60 farm mnreB, homes and mules, off Mo. ranch. O, L. Ltghtfoot. W02 Cuming Bt. COVKKFli traveling wagon cheap. 1914 (allfornlg. SHIP live atock to Soutg Omaha, Save tnileaue and ahrlnkaga Your consign mrnie jecerva prompt and carefut at ten- tlon. FARM wagona 0 and up; harneaa, U0. Johiiaon-i'anforth Co., 16th A Clark Bts. FOR BA Lt) One horse, one Holatein bull and one black yearling heifer. Telephono ioutlv J029, 34th and county linn. foil BALK Young, well-matched team; "elKht a.srt) pounds; sound; heavy In fOMl and service paid; party has no 11 ao for slock: private residence. 2121 Podge. v FOR BALK Team, weight 2,760 lbs.; one In foal; alao team weighing .1,000; one )n foal, ajrea from 6 to S years. Call resi dence, 2223 Podge. FOR BALl'l-Ten head of good, young work horsea and 8 good mares, In foal, age from ft to i, weight from 1,360 to l,4fl0 each,' going to dispose of our entire stock, horses and 10 wagons and IB ant a of double harneaa; all good Bluff fox farm pnriKues; will sell on terms to responsible party. Ueorgo Shoemaker, foretfiah of tha Contrartora" Co., XHM W. F'aitiam Bt. Lira Htock t'oxamlsaloa Marckaata. MARTIN BROW. A CO.. Kxonanae Bldg. M astral lastraTaaeata. Slightly ueeT high grade piano. D. IB1T. HAVE you a piano you would Ilka to aitve storsKe on and leave with a careful, re liable party for a time? If ao, please addreaa J (II. Bee. Pet atork. BOSTON terrier pup for sat. 17248. th. Poaltry, Kama and a sip Ilea. STEREOTYPIC malrlcea make tha best and cheapest lining for poultry houaes. They are 17x21 inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at Tha Baa office, DON'T lorget that three times mora chlckena have been hatched In Oil Truaty Incubatora than in any other In cubator. Catalogue free on rejuet Ad dreaa, it. M. Johnson Co., .Clay Canter, Neb. Ighnrn hatching egga. Tel. Florence 21H. LET chtokena lay your rent: send for free boo a, "Turning Egga Into Cblck rna Into iKillars," and flee sample world a only hatching chart; , book describes Rayo Incubators; give moat rhleks; hatch on one gallo oil. Rayo Incubator Co., 1011 . 12th bt, Omaha. Neb. Phone Red S3na. Mixed grain. Ma lbs.. II 75. Wagner K01 N IC R. C. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for hatching. Vigorous, hardy stock 00 country range. II for 16; 6 per 14)0. , A. H. BAKER, BENSON, NKU. Phone Benson 747-W. x R F. p. Ko. t fl. C. White Leghorn eggs for hatching. My hens are from prise winning layers at international egg laying contest, Btoors. Conn. $1.60 for 16. $ ur loo. A. H. Baktr, Benson, Neb., R. . P. No. t Tel. Benson 74T Wv. Trwe wrltera. - RENT Remingtons, MonarcTis and Bmlth I re oilers nf their auskera. Tha Hemlng ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12M. Reatal aradltad If you purchase aad only very newest and hlgheat trade tna ctUnes aent out. Ratea, threw tuontha for $6 for underatroka machlnea or $4 par month for latest model visible writers. Tl Ft, WHITER! so.d. rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 107 H. 17th ENT An Oliver typewriter. 1 months for $4. The Oliver' Typewriter Co.. D. mil Miaeellaaeaas. . i FOR HA LIC New and aecond-tiend carom and (.cket billiard tables and bowling alleya and accsa,urla; bar fixtures of all klnda; easy pa. menu. The Brunswick Balke-Col lender Co.. 4O7-400 8. 10th St- ELEUTMU iMOTOlte l-H. P., r volte, I phaae, new $ 37 -M. P., TM volta, t phase, new 40 VH. P., 2J0 volts. I phase, new !,. W &-H. P., tO volta, 3 pbae.-, new 67 DYNAMOS. S-K. W., 110 volts. P, C. new $ 71 i-K. VV., lltt volta, l. C, new. )!.- W- IJ.&, 1 . 1"0 sn ' ' , . w vuiii, new,. 1-11. f onaolliie fcngine. &-H. P. Gasoline Engine, throttling governor jqq LB BRON ELECTRIOAI. WORK.8, li H. Ulh 8t o j-hand Inch. Oioaa Wieck Co.. 21 at PauL Li K&W autoinauo weighing acalea, $t and H0. Match machlnea and lifting machines, electric flxturea and suppiiea buggy harnrsa, tools, lumber aad oihr BAlscellsneous articles for sat or trade. J. C 1SU. EXECUTOIi 701 Bo. Hat Ave. Phone Harney 141. rMALL delivery wagon, good fur groceiy ur ineata. Douglaa 31 1 F"OR SALE tme Skow s disk roller, new, for sale reanonabla. Hate cloaud my ahop. W. O. Paveupurt. Imperial, Neb, HELP WANTED FEMALE tleriral aad Ufflee. BTENO. AND BOOKKEEPUUt $. Stenographer, Insurance .1 Woet. Reference & Bond Ass'n 752 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. BTENO. WHO CAN SPELL C'H Ri-ATLY. ML ST HAV BOMB EX PFlUr:NCE. CO-OPKKATIVE REFERENCK CO.. lolj CITY NATIONAL. CIJ-ailOAL. exmiutlve ability $.. Stenographer and general offuie.. $.$ Stcno., $ rtno.. Sleno., $0. WATTS RKF. ill., a;lS-4i-4a Bran. Thea, No ISt'AL FlIJNO FEB. stf:vhjfiapiier. raiihiap im LI S'.NFSS M K.N B HfcFfr.tiENCK ABbN. lile V IK ll 'MEN OF WliRIJk 61 EN (Ml R A 1'H KR and re,ii.,a rooia Hit I Cor lawyer'a office; high acoool edu. ration, of ueat appearance and some ex Dcrtnce preferred tilve full partlvulara :a t'.rst letier. Addros E l. Bue. HKLP WAXTED FEMALE rartary aad Tra4ea. I.FARN ba'Tdreaalng. Oppenhelm Parlora llaarkeraera a uoairitlet. TIIR Servant (ilrl Problem tnlved. The Ree will run a Servant tilrl Wanted Ad FRt;rc until you get tho den I red reeulta Thla appllea to reelflenta of Omaha, louth Omaha and Conn. II Jllnffa Brlna; ad to The Bee offb-e or telephone Tylor looo. WANTKD An exmrlenvel servant girl for general houaeaork; must be a good rook; references req-ilred. Call II. 1737. CO.mTTKNT wnlte girl for general housework; no waehlng. Tel. Harney 17H. 11224 Podge St. Mrs W. H. Rhodea. SaIP for upstairs aoik for ilsy. I12 Capitol Ave. TOVNO woman to aaalat with light houae work; no waehing or ivoklnK. tXalnut 117H. FAMILY of t want competent white maid for general hourework. 1' 10 H. Slat St. Harney 7ino. pWANTKI) A good, reliable girl for gen eral houaework. valnut 4a. UIBL for general houaework; no wash ing or Ironing; good wages. 1' B. 33J Bt. Hamey nisi. GIRL for general hoo'eaork. Call after I p. in., at 1)4 N. -mth St. WANTKP A girl for senerai housework. 1.102 Park Ave. H. B.Hi.. WANTF.I An experienced girl for gen eral houaework. H. W. jRyj Harney bt. WAN TIP A girl to wash illahcs dt 114 N. IKth Bt. WANTKP-tiood girl for general house work. M B. a'rfh Ave. IL 7028. Ol RL for g-neral houaework, 110 wann ing or Ironing. Webster frJ!'. WANTKD A white girl to assist rtltli bounewia'k. no washing, no rooking. We hater M2!. WOMAN or girl for general hounework, three In family. Phone Red 2;n"i0. V A NTF.P School girl or young lady em ployed during the Jay to assist In houec- wors. Walnut M. MlacellaaeoMB. YOTJNfJ women cording to Omaha a at rangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th Ht.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise aanlsled. Look for our traveler's gude : Union station GOVERNMENT JfHS FOR WOMEN $70 month. List free. Frarfclln Insti tute, Dept. V C, Rochester. N. V. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office. BTENO. out of town, lnw experience; guarantee of 140, with chance for public ork to bring It up to 1 1 00. County aeat to-n without atenographers. Fumlture salesman lor special sale; must he a hustler and experienced. Man with Jewelry experience to handle aperlal sale, stock of $.in,fr)0 to dispose of and the rleht man gets 10 per cent. CO-OPERATIVK REFERENCE CO., lOl.Vli! City National. Salesman, rustern tor 1V and cxp. Salesman ladies wearing apparel, wash goods. High grade. 1 rog. ralcsman, piano ex perience, good salary. Halesmsn, furniture, snlsry. Salesman, auto exp., aalary and com. Stenog. and gen. office I7."i Stenog :...t1 Stenog., out of town bk $5 WATTS REF. CO., 840-42 Bran. Thea. TRAVELING SALESMAN Stenographer Stock Clerk 1 .....7i 60 M West. Reference & Bond Ass'ii Originators of the Reference Business. TRAVELING salesman, Implements, 100i City salesman, Hi per week and 110 on every aale. BusiDPf-snien'r? Reference Aksii 1311-20 Woodmen of World. J TOITNO MAN for office work. THE MIDWEST OlONPINO CO. Apply .118 Itee Bldg. HIGH-ORAPK commercial positions. "WEST. REIT. BOND ASS N., 7fl Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. A areata, Saleaaara aad lollrltara. WANTED Ten hlgh-clasB farm speclarty" salesmen. "Apply Immediately, Bain Bros. Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. MARRIED men between the ages of 21 and 40, for wagon aalesmen and branch managers; must furnish first-class refer ence and "personal bond: our men are making front $26 to $40 per week. If you are a live one and want a tiermanent position with the biggest, most progres sive and up-to-the-minute tea and coffee house In the United States, apply to Jewel Tea Co., 1911 Cuming, Omaha, Neb. THE first payment now covers insurance 111 Juiy 1, i.' in is makes our policy eaay to sell. . Call Or write. Mutual Ben efit, Health and Accident Ass'n, 423-25 i, ity cat, nana rung., omana, Men. Drug store snapa; jobe, Knelat. Bea Bldg. TWO anllortora not afraid of work. 3610 Factory aad 'trades. Tri-City. Barber Cll Tllll..n tilt ... . - ......... ..I, B' , V 1 1 T I , ,1 1 Ulf IrsJ."-. Wages for 6 and 10 cent work. t . "'"''' latigni. iiyarauno Chairs. Catalor frea 1 1'4 1 a. - . . - - . 01.. Omaha, M0LKR BAUBP:R COLLEtJK Rtb,(1 anrtmai .&. 1 t im a'"- "" - tea. noai iruwri t'a.11 lUtf on us for help. MOI.KH Graduate A.IIU4 - W . , 1 T . . ,. I., wi wm jviw, r.aru wnue you . .ni.nn, hv n. wn w., oniana. lMUKmATKi.r mu.i j-i-rrir ... " umiiand I or our Magnetlo Klec, Starter Auto gradu ates. Too many untrained tinker repair (v. Mw ine.li uuaiuve.iy neeaed, Hjg spring rush. Free catalogue. 1MIUMT SCHOOL NOW OPRN AMERICAN AUTO COLLFX1E. k1 Farnam Bt.. Omaha, fcXPKFUENCED ahlrtmakera wanted. 1X-2 Farnam St. Albert Cahn M lace I la sseu. GET WISE A thormiArh nraplli..! m tii.K.l.il- - i . - V .... . u.v.i iiui.ii, CUU ration at minimum coat. Aak for caia- loaue 1. ana explanation or our get reaulta method. NEBRASKA AUTOMORILE SCHOOL. 1413-17 Podge Street. Omaha. Neb. Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a large aalary. or go Into tha auto bualneaa for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and Shops will bring thla result for you. Write for free booklet. Nat' Auto Training Ass'n, IS14 N. 50th Ft ." Omaha. Neb $70 MONTHLY for man to manage branch office raaiern Nc.hr.inka; small invest ment for fixture. Address Capital Col. le.-tion Co., Ix-a Moines, la. UOVKRNMfTnT want i-lerka; $70 month: omaha examinations April 2s: common education sufficient; particulars free. Apply Immediately, Y JW. Bee. WANT El l.iMV men to rat ham and egga. l&c. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. HEIJ" WANTED KALIS AMU I'KHALI, WANTEDWrlta photoplaye: $100 each. Instructions absolutely free. Whole or spare time; eipeiien-e unnecetsary. Franklin, Pacific- Bldg , San Franclwo. o MEN, WOMEN WANTED Government Jobs. $ua to $161 nionin. Virile for list noaitlona now obtainable. Franklin In stitute. Dept 321 C. Rochester. N. T. WANTED SITUATIONS EVENING POSITION PEtUIlF.P. . Yeung reliable fellow of neat appear ance ana good character desires pi-e In drug a lore, office or elsewhere from 4 f. to. to as late aa 11 p. ia. Reference. bU Bed WANTED r-npluymaot by midJIe-agad xuaa. aevaral eara. raliruad and efiice eapariaaoe; piefer potuoo as favaitng saiesuiaa or eti ice work; caa sa Vpewriten not a steoa. K a. Bea YOUNG man wanta ma 00 tj work (or board wl ue attending Boylea coltega, T-a'1 Lune Pvuglus 1j MEDICAL Why Do You Suffer When Piles and FiMa Can. Be Cured? I cure without nursery. .My patients are not confined to bed and they do not lose a moment's time from their bti8ineH. My method la not a "home cure," or a "correppondenre treatuieni," but It Is an application of skilled treatment, administered under the most rigid antiseptic condltionnjn my office. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE GIVEN IN EVERY CASE TREATED. Pay When Cured Dr. Maxwell has resided in Omaha for twenty-elcbt years, and during this entire period ha.i been engaged In treating Diseases of the Rectum, riles. Fistula, etc. Hundreds of the most prominent people In Omaha and all parts of tho United States have been cured by Dr. Maxwell, whose names may be ob tained by request, and who would gladlyertify that Dr. Maxwell accom plishes all be claims in his advertising and at reasonable expense. Persons are cautioned against Imitators, substitutes or inferior meth ods of treatment. Patients must ronies to the office for treatment. ' HOURS: 9 TO 12, 2 TO 5; SUNDAY, 10 TO 12. Dr. William Creightori Maxwell 408-9-10 Omaha National Bank Building. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets, Omaha. Graduate of Bellevuei Hospital Medical CollegeNew York City, New York. NO PRINTED LITERATURE SENT OUT. ESTABLISHED 1894. RUPTURE Rupture treated jsuccessfully by all safe, scientific methods. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and chil dren. The cost Is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Pr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other recto I diseases without surgical op' cratlon. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DP- E. R, TARRY, 240 Bee Hldg. DRUG habits successfully treated, 6-doy guarantee; harmlesa and painless method; full tliera; you can oe ireaieu ai home. Address Pr. C. C Allken, 828 ParK Are. Phone Harney 339. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION as housekeeper by lady with 2-year-old child; reasonable wages; althae In or out of town: references. Ad dress O 117, Bee. PAY work and bundle washing. Web. 8267. MAN and wife, with no children, want work of any kind. Tel. So. 12H8. PERFECT home washing. Lace curtains a specialty. Webster, 423. PLACE desired aa maid. Address F-64, Bee. HOTEL and restaurant men Experi enced young man, -age 23, wants work, cither aa dlahwasher. pcrler, bellboy or anr other kind: honest, sober snd willing. Phone P. 4D83. John. '24 Pouglaa St. MIPPLE-AGED man, somewhat crippled. wants place as watchman, etc. t all Douglas 8748. G. Mickey. REF'INED woman, 60 or over, to care for year-old infant; light domestic duties; one who prefers a real home to high wages; references. Address K care TREES, grapes trimmed. Call Web. 4534. Bee. WANTjfcD A position: college graduate, experienced csleulator and office man, with excellent penmanship, wants posi tion In Omaha or elsewhere. References. AddreSs S 131. Bee. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants work in private family. Call Webster 1S81. COLORED man wants lob aa Janitor or porter; can furnldh best of referencea. Call Webster 8187, for Chas. Anderson. LOST AND FOUND Lost on Farnam St., black leather grip containing kit of stiecial tools.. Return to Over land Auto Co., 2043 Farnam. Finder will receive liberal re ward, y s OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loat some article would Ao well to call up the office of the Omaha 4V Council Bluffa Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cara Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxioua to restore ll em to the rig htf.l owner. Call Pong. 41. $j REWARD for return of large, rather light colored tiger cat; very shy; loat since February 21 from 2411 N. -4th St. lei. Webster 2Wfl. , LOST Black reralan lamb muff trimmed aith Filch, cither in atorea or Farnnm car: liberal reward. Call Wal. 3? 1X)ST A gold wrlat watch. Harney 3H2. LOST A bracelet, black Jet brads at $7th and Leavenworth and 16th and Howard Ma. Keepcake only. Liberal reward. Tel. Harn -y $10. PERSONAL $7,000 FOR INVALIDS. WMl -,,V..-i,lAn . v,a T. II JnitiSl.t $1.W, the . K. Pont $1.50, the Country -entieman si.ou same tnat .,iJu icr 1 no Invalids' Pension Association. Your order or renewal, contributes ') cents. Phone Douelaa 7IL Address (JOKDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAIfA. NEP THE Salvation Army Industrial bo me so Helta your oh', clothing, furniture, maga llaea. We follect We distribute. Phona Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call ana) limped our new bunie. 1110-1112-1114 tM.ds ht. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to vlalt the Y-iung Women'a Christian aasoci .tioa building at 17th St, and St, Mary's Ave., where they alii be directed to suitable boarding places er otherwise anati-trd. Look for er trav. alar' aid al the, Union alaUoa. LIVE WIRE Bl HI NEKS MEN OK OMAHA ABC of Omaha N CW and 2d -hand motora. d Ramos, (oasJietoe, ate, -and math, repairs. La Hrva Eleft. "Works, 31-2a 8. lath. OMAHA PiLl-OW CO., Iwai Cuming, pouglaa M7. Reoovaira feathers and luatireaaea of all klnda, makes featbet onallraaaee and dowa cevera. MEDICAL LIVE VVTRK BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA V ACUUM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning dona In the home. Sanitary Service Co.. 306 Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell r.evxllea and parts for all sewing machlnea NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Mlckel's, 15th and Harney. Douglas 1661 Accoantants. m E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A., Address 433 Ramge Bldg., Phone Douglaa 7406. Adding. Machines. Pal ton Adding Machines. 411 8. 15. rxi44fc Adder Mcli, Co. t Walts J. W. 6. V. . (338. Amateur Flatshlngr. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. Architects. Everett 8. Dodds. 612 Pax ton Blk. P. 8WL Aato and Masraeta Repalrlngr. Magneto repair work a apeclalty. D. ttla. Aactloneera. Powd Auc tion On., lllS-lg W. O. W. R. 3286. Raker lea, Z. H. REEPF:R. 1C06 No. 18th. Web. 8287. Blue Printing;. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 303 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Harbera. . U Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. i17 Far. Brasa Fonndrlea. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. tTth and Martha Bts. tarpentera and Coatractore. STEVENSON. 828 8. ltd. Pouglaa K30. Calltormle I.aada. W. T. Smith Co.. 1127 City Nat l Bk. D.t81. China PailattnaT. '. " Ruth Latchford. decorating, firing. R. 4H1 M. J. LACY. 518 BEB BLPO. DOUO. 4718. Cream Srnarslnr.. Tha Sharpies Separator Co.. ltth A Faxn. Clatera aad Well Dlaaina. . ..... 1 , . 1 , uc iu A-none w eo. m. K. RICKERTT Well Construction CoTi nothing too big or Impossible: estlmataa furnished. 610 N. 21st St.. Omaha. Panel aa Acaaeutiea. Turpln's, Dancing Academy, tSth tk Farn. Try Mackle's first. 1818 Harney. Poug. f44& CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 187lT ni.1,11... INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. 80 Pagton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1620. JAMES ALLAN, tit Neville Blk. Kvt dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1138. nressmaklagr. Terry Pressinak'g college, toth A Farnam. DRESSMAKING and tailoring-, work guaranteed. 140(1 Cass St. Tel. Red T235. MISS STUHPY, 2418 Cass. Red 7S20. KE1STER8 Pressmnklng college, day and night school. 1 City Nat'l Bank. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on U) orders; catalogues free. Sherman ex Mo. Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Deattats. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 811 W. Q. W.Pid g. Pr. Todd'a alveolar dentistry, 403 Brandela Bailey, the Pentlst, 708 City Nat'l Bank. Tafl Pet.lal Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. tlM. Pyorrhea. Pr. Flckea, 724 City Nat. Bank.' tOverytblaa foe Woanea. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst bos pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.) too pouglaa Block. D. liMC. NEW YORK sample atore. Must vacate. building coming down; cloaks, suits and dreenee sacrificed: 2Utf N. lbth Rt. Bverythlaa for- Wkwen, 8WITCHES from combings. IL60. Psyche free. Mrs H. M. E. k. 3nut Marcy. H. 5Me. HA1RPRF.SSINO st your home. R. 6&11. Fleetrle Kappllea. LEBRON Else. Wka. 318 8. 12th. D. tl74. Florlata. A. PONAGH iTE. 1822 Harnay. Doug. lOOL HESd & 8WOBOPA. 1415 Farnam St. BATH'S flcu-itts. lno4 Farnmu St. P. ) L. HENDERSON. 1 Farnam. D. 12-4. Member Florist Telegraph DeL Aaan. tiattertaa; aad SpontlasT. STOVE repairing. Fire Prevention Co. Ioutslas a4. Mais Uremia. Harper method. JV 8. Bain Bldg. D. 861L Llsatiaar Hxtnrca aad Wlrtsg. THOMAaS DUKK1N Elect rlo fixtures and supplies, contract ing snd reoalr wrk ilon eeaaoneile. 241 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2518. Live Dtaek McaiCdiea. -OMAHA Remedy Co.. 8Q7 8. 13th. Red V23. Mask, t lutaian aad M4ta Bnppltea. ItNKll of lodge regalia and ooaturaea Tlia largest stock of maaquerade and tbeatitcat coatumea in tha country. Tbeo. Ltebcn Son. 15 14 Howard. P. 4116. MF'U. of ludke regalia and costumes. Theo. Lieben Son. 1514 Howsrd. P. 4115. MmiPnit-n. Mlea Jtv obs. mass. tl Neville Bk. lilSa STAPLES, mass., ek-c. bath. l. 713. Open eve.. 8 n- m.: Sundays, 12 to 8. t'UHA UELL1XGY $SFr?& good, rentful Mugnelic. Other satistao tory treatments. Also vapor baths. Open 10 to 10, Including Sunday. Notice: En trance uownslatra, 107 So, 17th St, base ment, corner I Midge. MAM-Ai.lv I -pine, Mrs. Steele. 1! VTII and mass., alcohol rub. Ijiura 1,''iu Ullaon. la2 Farnam. R. Poug 8751. t);en evening and Sunday. MAMiCiK 430 BKt HUILDINQ. MAOa.AUfi liOHiLA4 6372. Ml ad WALTON, mass. R. Ui Neville btk. I-IVE WIRF. BUHINESS MEN OK OMAIL- BATHS. 214 PhIiI Bldg. 17th and Poug. SI. Br7;oMVN, iiibs R. ,2i3 Karbach Bk. H. 2727. Ciara I-e, Path and massage. Poug. 875L Meaaeaaer and Teamater. WHITE LINE, 810 N. 16th 8t. Poug. SSlt. Motion I'letarea. OMAHA F'llm Ex., 14th snd Poug. Motion picture mnchtn" and film bargains. Mavlaa-, Storage and I leaning. W. C. FERRiN, 15th and Capitol. Ty. 12c. Ileal lata. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, ray Ton ran. Pra McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Pldg. Patents. II., A. Ptiirges, Ft8 Brandels Theater Pldg. D. O Enrnell. F'axton Blk. I. Red 7U77 Prlntlna. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Poug. 2190. 524 9. 13th St. CENTRAL PR1NTINO CO. POUG. 37M." TK1G-AS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY M KEN1E PTG. CO. P. 26H: P.f ES-HALL rtg. Co.. 1430 Capitol. P. 1102., Osteopathic Hhyelrlrine. . Pr. Rer'ichn. 2"-4 McCagtig Bldg. p. -s?.n Pr. Peterson. MH Hranrtela Bldg.. P. 2144. JOSEPHINE A H Al STRONG, 615 Pee Bldg Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. HO S. 11th SL Palntlna and 1 -paring. HUGH M'MANLS, 417 N. 40th. H. 72x. Planiea Renovated. . PLUME 3 ft HATS made over, cleaned & dyed. Lc rt h a K ruge r. 429 Pwxton. L. 8.S . Roach FXleriul aator. B. B. B. Roach powder at Huff . Safe and Time Lock Eaperte. O A I"TO Opened, reimlrel. comti. Opened, repalrel, changed. F. E. li changed. F. K. Paven- port. 14li Podge. P. 1S21. 8 hoe RepairlaaT. Electric Snoe Rep. Co., 1807 St. Mary's Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 S. 14. elg-na and Bbuwcnrus. E. M CLARK & SON. IIS 8. 16TH ST. Steel ellintfa. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8 10. Store aad Office I'ratarea. DESKS, safes, sea tea, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, aeii. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-lti-m S. 12th. D. 2724. Towel Bopplice. OMAHA Towel Supply. 807 8. ilth, P. 523.. Trnuk a and Smicnaea. FREL1NG & STEIN LP;, 1806 Farnnm St. Tailors. CHAS. C. LANPERYOU. 108 N. 13th tt. OLSEN ex KOUCHE. lMJn HSmey. D. tU'S. Vetrrlaarlana. DR. G. R. YOUNG. 4602 Center. Wal. 302J Wtnea nnd I.iqaora. ALEX JETES. 201-8 S. J3th St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plata dinners. 11 to 3. 10c. Glebe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine. 81.25 per gal. Write for price list. HERY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Llq'Jor House. A i N. ioui. Pouglaa 1M19. 8rAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO 1313 6 pans. Bulck, fine condition. Will trade for lot valued $1,000 on paved street. Will pay difference If lot Is worth more. Call Webster 4S1D. AUTOMOBILES F01 other automobile bargain aea tha "Automobile" cianslfl- catlon. BASS tjood chance for a musician, good double B basa in good condition; will trade for a good cow. Address S. C. 72y, Bee. HOILKR e-horae-power vertical .. boiler, I want to trade for a horse or wagon or laundry equipment. B. C. 728, Bcc. CAMERA Good aa new Eastman Home Portrait camera. Including reflectors, background, eight-plate holders, one I. ;. Teaser lens F. 4. 5. All equipment complete. Address B. C. i45. Bee. COLT'S automatic, 818; new $15 Hampton watch and fcib mandolin and $2j mandolin; one or all. for diamond pin or ring or piano. Write ft. C. 743, Bee. CONTRACTORS and Carpenters, Atten-. Hon. Will trade a good, reliable 6-passenger car towards remodeling and paint ing my house. Address 8. C. 747, Bee. 6x7 CENTURY camera, metal tripod, six plate-holdors, for aa Underwood or L. C. Smith visible typewriter. . Address S. C. 737, Bee. ' DESK Black walnut, bookkeeper's desk, j ft. long. What have you? Address 8. C. 744. Bae. v DIAMOND RING Man'a beautiful' cluster 'ring, for good, typewriter and piano or motorcycle; make best offer. What have you. Price $135. Address S. C. 730. Ree. FARM IMPLEMENTS to exchange for chickens, cow, horse, or what hava you? Address S. C 725, Bee. GROCER S computing scale; will sell or trade, or what hava you? Address S. C, 727. Bee. HINGES Hava several hundred pair of new hinges all one aixe that would like to trade for other property. What have you? B. C. 741. Bee. HANPBAG Have an Irish and Venetian crochet handbag: would exchange for ' singing bird, or what have you? Addreu 8. C. 743, Bee. HOUSE I will trade my $1,200 equity in an 8-room, well located, modern homo for a clear lot of equal value. S. C 72J, Bee. , j U C. SMITH TYPFiWRITER, value $10u, for a diamond. 8. C. 1532, Bee. LEAVING FOR COAST Want to dispose. of our almost new Player Piano. Thia la a high grada atandard make and we will sacrifice. Address 8. C. 761. Bee. $175 IN MEAfi TICKETS to sell at a dis count, all or any amount; $3 tickets for $2.25; will trade for diamond; good place to eat. Address B. C. 762, Bee. MOTORCYCLED If you have a late model Twin motorcycle to swsp; 8460 outaiJo Piano Player; $100 roll music Addrels S. fC. 746. Bee. MARE Fine young Arabian mare; trade tor good yow. Audreaa S. C. IM, Bee. NOTES and , accounts. Want to trade some good notea and accounts for a light driving team, buggy and harness; will give good deal. 1 S. C. 740 Bee. - PLUMBING goods, or plumbing works to trade for Police Foaltlve .32 or .38 revolver, or Colt's automatio .$2 or .38. Address 8. C. 2i8, Bee, ' PIANO $350 mahogany Kingsbury piano. - See thla We will trade it for diamond. or would take In hand-painted china. Ad- dresa 8. C. 753. Bee. v PIANO lat claaa piano, will exohvwfe for diamond, auto jr motorcycle. Ad dreaa S. C. 7?4. Bee PIANO Will exchange atandard pianos or playery for young dralt mares. Ad- s dress S. C. 734, Bee. felONS, ahowcards. Clark Son. P. 1378. RADfOSPARK COH -Gives 3-inch apafkT will vxchange for repealing rifle or ko dak. Address S. C. 736. Bee. rIfLE-25-20 Stevens Ideal rifle to trade -for bookcase, photographic enlarger. ranoe or other srtlcka. This Is the inoel expviislia model of single ariot rifle made by the Stevens people and la in good working condition. What hava you? Ad dress S. C. 722. Bee. R1VF:R BOAT for salo or swap for show property. 1317 South Fifth St. REFRIOERATORWUI trade $ refrig erator, used one summer, for sideboard or buffet or any good piece of furniture. Addreaa 8. C. 750. Bee. THREE Brunswick pool tables and one doxeii new iron chairs with foot and Jiack rest to trade for soda fountain back bar. or would lake a good moving picture machine. Addreaa Y 428. Bee. TAILORS complete pressing outfit, four bucks, right gooae Irons to trade. What have you? Addreaa 8. C. 738, Bee. THOROUGH BRED Scotch collie. W IK awap for kodak, or what have you? Ad dreas S. C. 735. Bee. viirroR talking machine Bt make old style Victor Talking machine, $ apnng motor, with -over $50 In records. Will imp for motorcycle or make offer Address. 8. C. 78H. Bee WILL exchange a practically new 18 gauge Winchester repealing shctua for huokrase worth tha money. Addreaa X tax kaa 1