Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Home Postpones RfpreienUtiTe
Oitennan'i Measure bj Vote
of Two to One.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Msroh lfi --(Fperlal )-Rrn-yeeentatlve
Ivinlenn took th floor tday
several times In opposition to the Ostr
mnn Mil knoan P. 6. 412 Intended to
tfeny the L'nlon Pacific the right of
r-nmlcmnatlon unlcaa It should (rain flnn of nil land It now hold In ex
rrss of 2"0 loct of Tl(rht-of-av. the bill
lifin Killed by prartially a two to ono
ntf. The bill mrt l(a Waterloo at the
rlose of a debate lasting an hour and
a half. The roll rail lndrfinlt
postponomrnt resulted SR to HI,
l.nnlcin quoted court derision of Ne
braska and I'nltnd States holding that
the l'nlon Pacific al entitled to a 4"
foot right-of-way and that It rannot deed
anv of thla land away. . Mr. Lanlan as
serted that many of the farmer! nlon
the Union Pacific who have received
quit claim cleeda for everything except
2 feet are not now helnn disturbed In
thrlr possession, but that If the bill
should paea the Union Taclflc in defens
of ita Interests would be compelled to
tafce back from three farmer the land
Included In the fuir(-foot atrip.
Tallin Land from Rim.
It wu ahown by the member from
Greeley that If the bill would have th
effert Intended hjr Ita Introduce? It would
be deprlvinir Uie Union Pacific without
compensation of twenty-four acres to
every alternate mile of track or a total
of 4,1 acrea In the atate.
Mr. Taylor, who aealated Oeterman In
the flcfcnee of the bill contended that the
Union Pacific would not be compelled to
rive up anything, but would almply be
deprived the r'rtit of condemnation If it
should continue to hold the land. Mr
Palmer repl Inu to thla argument, called
the plan a subterfuge and aald that even
the railroad is entitled to fair treatment,
lie considered that this would be taking
Its property without due process of law
and therefore contrary to the constitu.
Mr. Scudder of, county said the
Mil, would do either- one of two thing,
namely, force the Union Pacific to sur
render everything over 200 feet wide or
force it to buy an Additional, WO feet In
alternate aectlona In order to hold what
it now haa.
has failed to win a divorce
from Lieutenant Francis
A. Ruggles, United States
army, on cruelty charges
in a trial replete with sen
sational features. Lieuten
ant Rug-gles came from
the Philippines to defend
himself. Mrs. Ruggles
lives in Washington with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Perkins.
Kohl of Wayne Chairman of Body
that Will Lift Bills in Upper
Pealtfaa nt Farmers.
Mr. Osterman claimed that the raH
road company's offer to lease the land at
91 per year to adjacent farmer, does not
tlafy th.m and that they are refusing
d tha , houae that
fifty-three ejectment suits brought by the
I nlon Pacific are now pending In Mer-
uch sulta Have been filed m Pl.ue
county, a roll call demanded on
the b,u which resulted as follows:
for IniloTinif rv... - -
a-a.i arr,
i uant
llroome. '
H'irKeas. .
f Thiiton.
' of IoitUas,
rluklaH, -
n In,
I miivv
I 'runsedow,
Kbi rman.
Him on,
K Huffman, '
Against: :
uf Koyd,
Anrieranti -
of Pheiyev
HfWt. .
Defoe, ' i
Hau. ' '
Olmelundf.. "
Km. .
Kriea. 1 '
OormelayJ .',
! Miner, V
, ,? Morkett, .
' , Maanley. '
Nivlor.' ' '
fu Neff, V
. , Nel.on.; .
.. rihioi . :
.. l'anlolt. .
rattorwort, .
1 .; KntfenralB,' .1
.Jte4ner4 A,
X Jtauter
'v . 4eymildS'of '
sV ll.l VII low,
' Klithmond. :.
MHachit'K,. .
4udnall. -'
Sasa, i 1
Hi-udder, ' '
Hmlth. . I
Tlbbetta. ' i
Van Duaen,
' Mr. Bpcakea-c?.
. Noglay, .
' llajtaa,
' - of Uncoln,
' tvivers,
, Taylor,
Omair I
From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. March 1 (Special. r-The
beginning of the end of the thirty-fourth
aeaalon of the Nebraska leclalatura hnve
In alrht tnrtav Ith ik. , ' Toads.
a SlftlnK committee in the aennte Th. I -,. " A nd.r""n ot. Boyd-neo,ulres
- eieriora to vote
niiiuinrn us pining commniee laat irmpia inem from poll tax
trtlaa- rile la the Itoase Reporte
lat March Iff.
If. n. 403. Dnieacdow-Kouble shift for
Omaha firemen.
H. II. 41S. lncaater County Ielegatlon
Provides for pament of Improvement
wMi t,v,n,r West O atreet road.
M. R. 738, Naylor Provides for building
of atone or concrete culvert nn ,,hi4
v.. " v
and ex-
H. K. Ml.
chairman; Mattes of Otoe. Grace of Har
lan, Ituhrman of Howard, Bedford of
Doiigla, Rudn of Knox anfl Ppencer of
Oage. The committee waa named In a
motion put by Howell of Douglas, arter
the ilrmocrate had caucused the previous
Th minority party Is given Its usual
representation of two, Ruden and Bpencer
being the republican members. Minority
representation on this committee Is never
more than two.
But ten legislative dava remain for
which the senators msy draw pay. The
'senste haa but eight more legislative
days. An usual, the legislature will not
be able to finish within that time, but
the extra daa (hat -the members
aerve will not be as numerous a
previous occasions.
' i ' ' ' ' .' v '
.VContlnurd from Pant One )
Three Douglas Bills
Come Up in the House
(rrom a Staff Correspondent )
UNtXLN. March 16. Spedal. Three
bllla if arneclal Interest to Omaha were
t-onaldervd la the -bonee this afternoon.
Houae roll 403. the ruaodow firemen'
double shift bill, waa reoommended for
passage. This bill gives the firemen a
ahift so thak th day force works eleven
hour and th enight force thirteen hour..
They change wtf each month, thus equal
ising tin service.
Another bill, by Druesedow which
passed, covers tbe proposition of em
ployment agencies, something which Mr.
Drueaedow waa considerably Interested
In. Poster n,( Lancaster was hl aasoclate
In the bill's, presentation.
The Bedford bill, senate -file H. which
provide, for a 2-mlll levy, puts Douglaa
county on -a caau basis aa far aa the
purchase, of supplies la concerned. This
bill went through easily.
'commonwealth payment
to judiciary committee
(From a Staff Correspondent.) -
LINOOLK. March 1 (8peclal.)-The
senate reaulutioa that proposes to give
the t'oiuinonwealth Power company leave
to aue the atate to recover tbe tXiK fee
Paid by It 'for- water rights that It never
received, came up for discussion In the
aenate this morning. - . .
After a long debate, the resolution. Orig
inally propoevd by the claims 'and ' de
ficiencies committee, waa referred to. the
Judiciary committee. A ' similar claim
waa killed 'by the committee earlier la
tbe session. - ' ' i 1
of Harlan offered a resolution aaking for
an investigation. - .
Inasmuch as the conference committee
In question, appointed by . Mr. McKelvle,
was discovered to. hnve had Ha mm.
berslilp In t lie senate end. Ollla of Valley,
tfualte or Kimball and ttaurulera of
Douglas, the latter two being both close
political friends of Uodse. the matter wV
treated rather lightly at the time. Some
suggested that Ijodge had merely let
his tongue run away with him In the
course of a rather heated debate, alnca
Saunders has been a aide-partner of
Dodge for many years.
Deda-e Repeats Charge. -
But Dodge rose Immediately to
bis previous statement, and to say that
.mi ( ma investigation. He re
ferred to certain evldenoe .that would en
able Jtlm to Prove his chirae ",nr.vl,lH
U' wptild ba , used without breach of
faith.- ... '
I The motion named the members of the
Proposed. OammlltM Xlnm trlmnA f -'
caster,' Wilson of ,tMdve and Maltea .of
vioe., iwn resented this, saying that
He wanted an Inveatlaatlnn h( .h
thoug-ht (tbsolutely unbiased. Hoagland.
pe saia. naa risen l,o the defense of, the,
lieutenant governor, and on h,' face ol
things would not constitute an ImDaWlal
Ilrseats "Cerraptloa" Charaje. '
The Lancaster county member aitmib.
tad that he had defended Mr. MoKelvte
nd that K waa his personal wish. that
e ea exeuaed from the CommittM '
though he thought that he could sit upon:
u ana suu.b absolute!- fair. nouiad
ai4 that he thougUt no member of the
upper bouse should : be chars nd india--
crlmlnately with, Vcorruptlon.'
LHxJge quickly denied havfav m,.
the former lieutenant governor with "cor
ruption." say In- that he had never used
the word. The charge' that the commit:'
e had been fixed In. favor of lha ..a
Interests would not necessarily carry. with;
it mo implication that tha word "corrup
tion " carries. William . lunin... -
Omaha,' who had appeared on behalf af
file gus company, together with hi.
brother. Lee. had . Mr. Dodge's utmoat
reapect. Much loss, ha said, would he
charge the former lieutenant aoverr.
with corruption.
Dsdae .relt "gee.". '
Dodge aald that h always h.ri
"grlevoualy gore" over tha
oommlttee and also the fact that he, the
author Of the amendments that' ,.u
defeated, should have been left off the
commute. He appealed to the prece
dent of the senate that the uthn r
amendments to be considered, by a confer-
innnwi naa always nad a place
on th committee. '
An appointment 14 the Oraca nuiJm.
tlon. putting th appointment of the com
mute with th lieutenant n.n.n.
finally" carried. Mr. Pearson aald that he
Would consult both McKelvIe ant
Id order to be assured of a fair ootnmtt-
' ' I
Culivan Appeals
To Supreme Court
HA8TINQ0. Neb.. March lt-is. l.l I
-John TK Culivan today filed a motion
for a rehearing of th O'Connor will con
test, ir tne motion eboud be ik'oied he
111 appeal to the supreme court.
A compilation made today fur the at
torney general shows that 13 alead
heirs of John O'Connor havs filed claims
to the eatt.
15 Bunieoscnie
rbea fOU Urt M0 afti
Kerr est ara nrftaLU. as
ui iMdicfaal fftod not
dreg atUnalaista..
tcorra emulsion u rkk ta
xooa vaiua; it aapplim th
ery lnnt t cn)iett
th ilood, reaUxr gtrettrtk
and tlk coiuase of he&hk.
V ' I
A - 1 l
V. vJ
x , . (From a Wtaff Correspondent )
. PNCOLN,. March ItntSpevUI Tele
gram) While .Nebraska could not afford
to bav a public building at tlia Panama.
Pacific xpoalUon. It will, have a del. th National , Preaa congress
hlch meeu la San Fienalsco, July i
to W. '
Oovernor.Morchrad thla afternoon' In
respunae to a request to appoint five dele
gatesnamed the following newspaper
men: E. N. Marvin. Beatrice) Sun; L
II. Toblu. Lincoln Ktar; II. T. Dobbins,
Llooeln. News-Journal; F B. Qaddls.
Llacola repnuenUtlve. World-Herald; P.
A. Uarrowa, Lincoln representative.
Omaha Ucr. ,
They will be permitted to pay their own
i on
Electric Light Bill
Reported Without
,From a Htaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., March (Special
Telegram.) The Omaha, water district
electric light plant bill was reported out
by the house committee on telephones and
telegraphs this morning without reoom
mendatlon by a vote of t to 4. Members
voting In the affirmative were: Druese
dow, tebblna, Bates. Crlnklaw and Neff.
Members voting In the negative: Trum
bt Sorenson, La Bounty and Koch.
Neaiev PrnvlHa. tM
The personne. of this powerful ccrm- i l."' r,;":?1 'or -lwtln ""Mte
mlttre Is s follows: Kohl of Wayne' H. ft. RS. Neaiev Prevent, nnhii .ni
ties from right of streets after expiration
rl',nch,,w, '"rough adverse poaaesalnn.
ft F. W2, Oatea. Klechel. Mar-hall.
Ruden and fihumwav Reincorporatea the
Orand llge of Free and Accepted Ma
sons under preaent law.
8. R Wi, Saunders Provides for meth
ods In which charitable societies Incor
porated under the law may extend period
of incorporation.
H. R. 2. Elmeliind and Meredlth
Provldea for takln of public property
Tor extenaton of cemeterle.
H. It. M7, Hunter Anti-bucket-shop bill.
R 11. I'eteraon Aiithorlxea county
commlaeloners and auperviaora to tay out
and construct paved or gravel roads.
H. It. 81.1. Keianer-Permlta religloua so
cieties tO sell or encumber Brnn.rt
oyt order of court.
H. R. 341. Jeary-Orlglnal petitions with
attached court Judgment exempt from
liata of grounds for attachment In civil
actiona for recovery of money.
R. R. 6, niunter-EnJolna persons or
firms from aiding or abetting the opera
tion of bucket shops.
H- R. Matteson-Provldes that
aherirf art as prohatlon officer In coun
ties of leas than au.OOi) when commission
er do not have such officer.
H. R. Ml. Crlnklaw anrf n...iiik.i
lhes Junior normal schools.
Bllla Reported Oat by the Senate
gifting Committee.
billing Mall,ry-Penallxes false freight
aaenoiea7' Howel,-R'ul"t mployment
u8k...T J08' Howen-Amend employers'
liability law.
H. F. ill, Mallery Penallaes trespass
ing on railroad right-of-way.
8 V. 127 Grace Defines lightning, fire
and tornado Insurance companies
8. F. CM. W llaon of Frontier Provides
i or publication service on certain classes
of insurance companiea.
11. R. 34. Reuter Permits any person
to practice In prohat court.
R- Dalbey and others-Motor
registration law.
Rills Fasaed by the Hoaae.
H, R. 727. Naylor Provides for cancel
lation ot tag sale certificates after five
8. F. 4S. Bygland-Flxea limit of 15
mills for second class cities and villages
In levying municipal taxes.
6. F. f.. Bygland Allows guardians,
upon proper showing, to reniortgage es
tates held by them in trust.
8. F. 67, Bushee Authorizes Irrigation
district!! to purchase water and levy a
tax to pay for It
a V. is, nedford-Authorixca a levy of
t mills In Douglas eounty for aiding the
8. F. tl. Brookley Forbids sale of habjt
forming drugs except on physlolan'a pre
scription and requires deaidra to keep
a record of their aalea.
8. F. CS. Buahee Provides that Irriga
tion season ahall close October 1, Instead
of November 15.
8. F. 68, Bushee Reduces percentage
of collection .fee en Irrigation district
H. R. 76. the- governor Providing for
nomination ana election or Ldncoln school
board members.. , i
H. It. IS. Negley Providing a constitu.
tlonal amendment' in which a majority
vcte ahal be eufflctent to adopt amend
ments to the constitution. Passed by the
house. 72 to 11.
H. n. 2X2, Anderson of Boyd Allowing
money appropriated for farmers' inetl-
tutea to be partly available In paying
innuusu. .... .. ; . . j v
BIU Paaaed by the fteaafe.
R T. 181. Poda 'of DoHglnaA'-menrfa
doctors' anti-fee splittlnr law . so as to
apnly only to doctor splitting the fee. .
If. R. 1M). Dalbey Makes the atealinr
of an auto or a metnrcvcla. a misde
meanor punishable by, a fine of not to
exceed tlOO or Imprisonment of not to
axneed three months In county Jail.
S. F. ill. Ijahnoirr of Thayer Author--Ixea
Incorporated vl'lagea to levy a tax
not to exceed 1 mill for public amuse-'
ments upon unanimous vote of council.
Bllla Postponed by Hoaae.
Anderaon-Regan Bill ProvMin far
live stock Inspector at Pouth Omth tn
draw a salary ef 12,600. Failed, It to (6.
Bllla Postponed hf Heaae gtaad.
logr Coramlttees. ' J ' ' '
If. R. 4-". Barrett Telephone Milmnm
rat bill for South Omeha, -
H. R. 477. Broome Increaatnar .llmt
amount of money which poiltiual candl
dates mav spend In their campaigns
H. 41&i Richmond Increasing salary
p u00,"1? jounty .deputy sheriff, f 1
H. R. tl, I'almer Increasing salary of
Douglas county depntv treasurer.
H. R. SU Rrlfenrath Taking out of
county boards' hands th power; to. fix
allowance for -clerk hire.
H. U. "m. Palmer F. vmi ii.-i.
courtc lerks. '
H. R. (W4, Relaner and Jeary Addlnr
clerks er" prwn7 ,rm district
Crete Invades State.
Office for Oficial
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March lfl.-(Speclal.)-l. A
Gregor, an Inspector employed in State
Superintendent Thomas' office, has been
offerd the supertntendency of the Crete
city schools. It Is not known yet whether
he will accept.
The position offered Mr. Gregory la not
as renumeratlve as his present place, but
It has the advantage that the work la all
at home, whereas Mr. Gregory's work
now aa Inspector of the Normal training
courses In high schools keep him much
upon the road.
Compulsory Voting
Bill Up in House
From a Staff Correspondent.)
. LINCOLN. March' 11 (?pec!al.)-The
house committee of the whole- considered
H. R.. 634, . th - compulsory voting- mil.
by Anderson of Boyd. . It. Impose a poll
tax of ta upon each voter, but prpvtde
that H of thla shall b remitted when Ms
vote Is cast in th primaries and th other
H when he votes at the general election.
A motion 't Indefinitely postpone, this
b'.Jl waa defeated- by only two votes and
It la doubtful If the measure will pass
on third reading.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 11-If a Han.
which "has 'been approved ty th city'
Board of Supervisors, la carried into ef
fect a monument will be erected th Golden
Oat park to the memory of Lincoln
Beachey, the aviator who waa killed hare
The funeral will be held tomorrow after
noon. City - and Fanama-Paciflo exposi
tion officials conferred today regarding
a proposal to suspend all activities at
th fair grounds . and to ask that busi
ness downtown be held up for five min
utes while th funeral ceremonies are la
Telegrama of condolence continued to
day to be received by Mrr. Amy Beachey,
aged mother of the aviator. They cams
from the secretary of the navy and other
prominent persona' In various parts of th
Beachey I said to har left a fortune
of more than 1100.00,
British Ban on Neutral Trade Will
Provoke Strong Protest from
United States.
WASHINGTON, March 16 Chev
iliar Van. Rappard," Netherlands min
ister, Informally opened negotiations
at the State department today to de
termine what action may be taken
by the United Slates and the Neth
erlands to obtain an aineloriatlon of
the . restrictions laid down in the
British order In council.
WASHINGTON, March 16 Pres
ident Wilson indicated today that
the unofficial outline of the British
order In council shutting off trad
ing with Germany was very displeas
ing to the United States government.
He declined, however, to enter Into
a discussion of the order with call
ers because he had not had
opportunity to go over the official
text. Discussion among other offi
cials, however, was taken to Indi
cate that the government would
make to Great Britain and Its allies
a protest more vigorous than any of
tbe most hitherto sent.
In some official quarters it was thought
this protest might take the form ot In
sistence on a compliance with interna
tional law. Officials at the State depart
ment who have atudled the British order
'ay it raises new and embarrassing com
plications for neutral commerce to which
it never before haa been subjected In
maritime war. Diplomatist declared that
the next note from the United States
would require eome positive terms.
Hits afral Trade Hard.
Interference with trade between this
country and neutrals, suggested in the
order Is giving officials here most con
cern, for as they read the British order,
commerce to those countries which have
not placed export embargoes on contra
band articles practically will be held up.
The United States contends there Is no
warrant for such interruption unless legal
proof exists at the time of the dentention
proving beyond doubt that the goods are
destined to a belligerent.
Cotton shipments would suffer partic
ularly under the order and cotton grow
ers are preparing, through their repre
sentatives here, to Insist upon a strong
declaration from the government on the
With reference to the holding up of
neutral commerce, the burden of proof,
the United States contends, should b on
the belligerent, whereas Great Britain
has transferred It to the neutral shipper.
Aaatrla la Not Named.
Officials were much Interested to know
whether the terms of the British order
would be enforced against Austria and
Turkey, because Germany's allies were
not mentioned In It. The Austro-Ilun-garlan
emhaeay here has repeatedly noti
fied th Department of Commerce, which
has In turn notified shippers that car
goea of cotton could be ahipped Without
difficulty to Trieste. If that avenue of
communication Is rcn for non-contraband
goods their shipment by rail
through Austria to Germany would, In
the view of officials, alleviate the situa
tion considerably.
The offilcal text of the British order
arrived during the day and State depart
ment officials began a study of 1U terms.
' LONDON, March 1. The Jockey cluh
has decided to continue racing In spite of
the wsr. The onlyichange from times of
peace will be the necessary curtailment
of social functions in connection with the
Epsom and Ascot meets.
The chib held that the continuance of
racing was necessary to the Interests of
horse breeding and of the thousands cf
men employed In connection with the
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON. March IS (Special
Telegram.) Postmasters arpolnted: Mrs.
Florence Hanson, McLean, Pierce county.
Neb., vice H. F. Krugman; Paul H. rut
rwm. Norrls. Wellotte county. 8. D, . vice
Hoy Bresil, reaigned.
- Nebraska postmasters reappointed:
Duncan. Platte county. Mike A. Tward
owakl: fit Helena. Cedar county, John
B. Bruns.
Get competent help thrpugn Th Bee.
Rent rotiu quit It ttb a lit Want Ad.
LE&ARS. Ia, March M.SpeclaJ Tele
gram.) Dr. J. L. Reeves, a well known
physician of this city, shot his wife at
noon today, inflicting three wound, one
bullet striking her In the neck, another
In the chin and one In the abdomen.
Domestic trouble la th cause ascribed.
They wens only married about a year,
she being hi second wife. Th woman is
In a serious condition.
Read Th Bee's "Kiisineas Chances" and
get Into your 'own business.
New Silks
Black and White Checks
the Keynote of, Fashion.
The vogue of black
and white checks has
stimulated manufactur
. ers to greater efforts
and they have produced
some unusually lovely
fabrics, chiffon, taffeta,
black and white, in
three sizes of checks
a yard wide, $1.50.
Handsome Palm Beach
Suitings, . mixtures in
the newest shades of
sand and putty, 54
inches wide; an extra
ordinary value, $1.50
and $1.75.
Attractive New Suits
These particular
styles are winning well
dressed women away
from the tailored-to-or-der
First of all, because
they save you. at least
$15 from the tailor's
price. Then, too, they
have better lines, and
consequently appear
better, because they are
created by master de
signers and tailors.
Other Suits From $19.50 to $85.00
NEW ORLEANS, La.. March 1.-Th
United Statea emitter Des Moines accom
panied the British steamer ' Wyvlsbrook
from Oampeche to Progreso, Mexico, after
the Wyvtabroolt had been detained by
Mexicans, according to Captain Sidney
Mulr of th Wyvisbrook. which arrived
today. lie aald the Mexicans took 1213,000
In Mexican currency from his ship and
did not return it. ' ' -
Captain Muir aald upon hla arrival at
Frogreeo. February 15. armed Mexican
officers boarded hi ship and forced, him
to sail to Campeche. At Campocfe he
waa held under aurvelllanc for twelve
days, after which the officer permitted
him to depart unmolested. Meanwhile, he
ajd, they had taken the money from th
u. .
OQOKS are banks. Put
M tfsnP T, ayV .afV T.9 aav
idle minutes into
em' an' they'll $
onng oacK com
pound infrest.
Afid put VELVET. Th Smooth
finaofclng Tobacco, ta your pip whoa.
Tow'rw putting your dl aaJnutM tato
-- yow book that's th r t war to
ft th baat that' ta tltam aod th
beat your pipa can giva. ltc ttna and
Ic maul-lload bag.
Start a Paster Jr
Stamp Album
The Latest Craze
Come in and get a
6ample package of
16 different Peace Stamps
for 10c. Beautifully col
.ored. Send a package to
your friends. Paste them
on your correspondence.
Help to end the war.'
On Sale at The Dee
f By-Product r
I Ajpokeg)
From Omaha
to North Dakota
and Montana
On tale every Tuesday
Uxr. 16 to Apr. 27, Incl.
via St. Raul
See this land of wonderful
agricultural possibilities.
Per fill partlvular apply t
""viaji J. MELLEN, GTI Agnt
Y'lM'lJ rUH-S Fr Street
J 0swka.a..
(TIb Desslss (740)
is now being used by
hundreds of families
upon hard coal.
They have learned
that there is no fuel
so thoroughly adapt
ed for general domes
tic use.
They will be regu
lar customers here
afterbecause they have
f ou nd a cleaner, more
reliable fuel than any
they. have used here-r
tofore a fuel that has
abolished the smoke
nuisance and made
sifting of asjies unnec
essary a fuel that
saves one-fifth of their
former fuel cost.
Now is the time to give
VULCAN COKE a trial,
Your coal supply is get
ting; low and you need a
little fuel to last out the
Try a ton or so of
VULCANTyou will find
that the claims we make
for it in our advertising
are more than borne out
by its actual usethat it
is indeed 'The Perfect
1602 S. 10th 61
Fnona D. 7BG6
"'opnlar Oy.r mrht" .
Tel. Cong-. aiOO.
Screen Portrayals
Mrs. Leslie Carter
clatiicR,ndU1n both WPulU and
Prices Matinees 10c and 15c
Evenlnas, 10c, ise an(l 5c '
n.r"ERVED SEAT for th. 8:30
advance" " tWO week "
Matin. Today, Si30
Tealahs Balaans Wk
Kata.'Wea., Thara, ,t, tSci
TIhtB. t5o an BOO.
ztwki Crae. M. Oohaa' ata-Mb.
ieal ComSy, rifty xu.s from Boston
TaMday, Soolety irta'at.
Xeary ooa'a TloUa Choir.
Adyo. TandeylU.
?' 1 1
r. Morton.
i. . ,., rntley & Morton.
bltt- qj Bun.), lie.: NiahtjstV-no!
i . "i iiroiui s Show
! "A jm TROCADEfiUS K3S?!T
j The Bizarre, B-ml-Orlent.l "" vt
-Th. Lend of the Rln - Onlj? mujl
I Beauty Ohorua. Tlmly aouvnlT?o "m
l y mf " " ' MV Mt. Wed., Marll
Xadl..' nimi at&tlB v w
rl TaajaJ f
C Prwfacti Kff. C, JoJirt.Ul.
Clualy, Daneati Balaa Aa.nta,
ArwUMIaktsMi Col A Colli U
. ateOaraUo la, OMoaf.
Order Today
Nebraska Fuel Co.
PI a. i sail
Tail ira an w f. 1"
:O0 8:30
mini, ah wMk P. Uc
The Kevstone of Kejatunea
m a, atata loo Tr jq.
u m .oal
Baaiel rrohjnaa Freaeata
dwarajr.pU'a raateaa OosaeAr-.
TartU ef ia aWeT .