11 Dead Men Asserted Placed Upon Terrc Haute Registration Rolls T11H T.KK: OMAHA. WKDNDShAY. I AlH'I I 17. l!'l. CLUBWOMAN GIYEH A RED-HOT ROAST Wn Aiked to Speak, Sayi Mrs. Winter, She Consults Encyclo ( pedia and Reads Paper. ASSEETS STUDY CLUB NOT DEAD Tha typical clubwoman who never make! a public address without her writ ten paper wa given a decided aethack by Mn. Thomaa U. Winter, chairman of the literature department of the Ooneral Federation of Woman'a Cluba and presi dent of the Minneapolis Woman's club. "I am not In favor ot the written pa per. Juat think. In America womn are the only leisure class, yet the average woman, when she has to present t. sub ject, consults the handiest encyclopedia, jots down the eon lent and reads a paer in public," was Mrs. Winter's arraignment. 'The study club Is not dead, as many will tell you. It la only dead study that la dead. Literature Is as necessary aw feed. Avoid the dusty. dlny byways and when you read the ancients, read the characters not aa figures of the long ago, but get the. message of living, breathing persons." Mrs. Winter intimated that the woman who reads classical worka without un derstanding their message was as use less to society aa the bridge player. "Tha literature of today Is alive, not pcdantlam." Mrs. Winter prophesied, too, that the literature of today whs hut the forerunner of another golden age in I'terature. ea for Poetry. "True, there la light literature, but that s'.metlmes has more of a solution than the ponderous sort. Never lias there been an age that needed poetry more than ours.' Mr. Winter pointed out how all the great problems ot the day could be better understood with literaturo as a means. "The Immigration proulem Is one of the greatest questions ot the day. While we are complacently calling ourselves Anglo. Saxon, immigration statistics prove that eHava are coming to these shores in greater proportion, than any other people. What are we doing to Americanise them? How can we do anything for them, how can we possibly understand them unless we know their literature and art?" Mrs. Winter advised reading aloud and open discussloa aa the best mean for real study of literature and admonished all mothers to require their children to memorise counties lines ot poetry, even if it was beyond their little minds. "In later years they will reap the benefit of the lines of which they had no concep tion." she said. Miss Ethel Dixon of the Brownell Hall faculty spoke on "Modern Drama." deal ing with the time schools, ayniboltam,) realism and' romanticism. The program was In charge ot Mrs. C. If. Mullin, leader of the literature department. At th. business meeting Mrs. Winter also told the clubwomen of the success eg a business venture of the Minneapolis Woman's club building. The Omaha ' Woman'a club has long contemplated such a structure, "The women must raise the money for such an undertaking. Tou must learn to put your money where your hearte are. You women would not hesitate at the ex pense of a hat or a lace collar." aha said. Mrs. &....Q. Peterson... president of- the Nebraska Federation of -Women's Clubs, made an appeal for the Belgian icllef fund and also for a loan fund to further the .work of the scholarship fund. Mrs." I'age Morriolon of the Council l'luffa Woman'a club, Mrs. G. C. Edgerly .f Dundee and Mrs. W. I. East of the Woman's Club of the Railway Mall Henr ico made Short talka. Mrs. Winter and Mrs. Peterson were entertained at lwnrheon at the Fontenelle today by the- Woman's club. , V l.tlANAPOL.lS. Mann l.-Pead men ere placed on the registration books In Terre Haute last October, according to Ira Wellman, Silas Brewer and Joseph G. Elder, who testified In the Terre Haute election fraud case today. Wellman said he verified the poll In three precincts. In one precinct he found two dead men registered, he testified. One man had committed suicide a tew days before registration and the other had been dead several years, he aald. He added he had fonnd one man regis tered from a street number which would have been in a gravel pit filled with water. He was unable to find about X men en the registration books, he testi fied. Brewer said he worked In four precincts and found one man, who had been dead p year, registered from a house that had been moved away. There were a total of about 200 names on the booka that lie could not find at all, he asserted. In addition, he testified, many ware regis tered from vacant lots and Impossible street numbers. Elder gave similar testi mony. Over repeated technical oh.lettions the government Succeeded In placing in evi dence the original romplalnts and other papers relative to four Injunction suits filed Just prior to registration and prior to election by Charles E Irwin, progres- alve county chairman, and Clement .1. ! Richards. republl an county chairman, against Mayor lVnn M. Roberts and sec eial others of the defendants on irlai. In placing tha papers in the record Mr. Dalley explained that these suit were filed in Vigo county to prevent the r.irry- MOTHER AND TWO CHILDREN SLAIN Terre Haute Family of Five At tacked While Asleep with Flat iron and Hurts Fatal to All. BABY SAFE IN PARENT'S ARMS TKURE HAtTE. Ind , March 16. Mrs. Mary C. Balding and four of br-r children wero attacked Sunday night as they lay .asleep. Two of the children were killed, the mother ing out of the conspiracy nlleged In the died late today and two other chtl- agalnst the men on ,iPn arp sf,rioiilv Injured that l pn.vpiciuns Ray uiry cminui rrvuer. pay no altrntlnn whatsoever to the se ftderal indictment against the men on trlnl, and that the government would snow mat itoucrie 10m nis nenenmen mi n. r.acn ot tne victim, was Denien on ice of the court orders. " j the right side ot the head with a "I never heard of s-ich a stale of af- j flatiron. An Infant clasped In Mrs. fairs In a clvlllied country." said the Halrf!,,.-- .rma was the onlv one In I th hotfe to escape Injury. ,Her hus band ass away. When the police entered the home court. The defense, however, obtained a ruling i tl.at the affidavits accompanying the ' complaints In the fourt suits bo excluded from the evidence. MAY CLOSE DP PARK SCHOOL FOR SAFETY Board of Education Stirred by Con - dition There and Also at the Bancroft School. MONEY FOR BUILDINGS NEEDED That the Park school Is dis graceful, deplorable and dangerous and should be condemned that the old Bancroft school building New Barber Shop . at Merchants Hotel Open for Business Remodelling of tho Merchants hotel continues at a rapid rato and it will be but a short time now until the thousands of dollars worth of Improvement!! planned by Dan Oalnes, the new proprietor, will be carried out. The new marble snnilary barber shop, In the bHSement, hns been completed and half a do en barlx-rs are already at work. Charles Fanning was on hand for the flrat shave and Fred Burlinglm had the firs: manicure. is dangerous and has been con- YOST NAMES BUILDING High School Alumni Boosting Bernstein - .Ta boost . the candidiicy of Nathan Bernstein for city commissioner, fifteen ' alumui of the . Omaha. High school, former students of Prof. Bernstein, when lua fe'BM f tKj. ,1 H v a i i ' a f4r. ivw.nl tb;re, organized - the Bernstein club at a luncheon at Hotel Rome. ' ' ' Chandler "trluiUle was elected presi dent, and. William I Randall, secret ry- t r.a y 11 Y1 a a watM . . i a H r. fn. a hlar meeting of all forrher high school stud ,'ents and other young voters Interested, to hold a mass meting and demonstration . Friday at T:lt p. m. at the Rome, when a prominent cltliea will make an address and Nathan BerostUrTa candidacy - will ba formally endorsed., . START WORK ON FARMS f LAST PART OF NEXT WEEK !uportntendept Itusa of the Missouri Paelfhr with, headquarters in Kalis City is in town and asaeits that al! through the southern part of the the state and lp northern Kansas tho snow U about al gone and that farmers are talking about seeding. Should fair weather con tinue, he asserts, that by the last of next week farm work in the fields will he well under way. Haw JHra. Harre Cot Rid of Her Stomach Troable. "I suffered 1th stomach trouble for years and tried everything I heard of, sut the only relief I got was temporary until last spring I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and procured a lot'.le f them at our drug store. I got Imme diate relief from that dreadful heaviness after eating and from pain In the tom ach." writes Mrs. Linda Ifarrod. Port Wayne. Ind. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. ..... demned by the city building in spector that if a fire should break out in the Park school the children would be trapped. These alarming statements by Dr. Holovtchlner stirred the members of the school board Into the most enthusiastic meeting held since the organization of the new board. Members will visit the Bancroft, Park and Mason schools today to determine real con ditions. . There is a possibility that the old Bancroft and Park schools may be closed at once, although definite action on this phase of the situation has not been taken, Fuada Needed at Once. . Robert Cowell declared that It la crimi nal for the members of the school board and parents to allow children to attend the Bancroft and Park schools under conditions as described, "If bonds are not carried at an early date," he said. "I would be willing to go out and raise funds for the erection of new buildings tor these two schools." It waa the opinion of ITrank H. Wood land that a definite building program should be formulated at once and a bond Isaue submitted at the forthcoming city election on May 4. ., It was Dr. D. E. Jenkins, -who started the 'fireworks when ha reported congested conditions he found during s visit to sav- cral other schools. He said that In ten rooms which should accommodate about forty pupils each, he noticed from forty to seventy pupils. "The tremendous need of our schools today is more room for the chlMreu, rather than frills and tads. Lothrop is badly, overcrowded. At Saratoga the halls are being used as school rooms. The; Port school for boys should be moved to the present Saratoga school; Now is the time to face what I believe is a substantial need of more room." Dr. Jenkins was accorded hearty npplause, something unusual at a school board meeting. Dr. Holovtchlner ' ventured the opinion that the people will gladly vote bonds at this time if the situation Is clearly and forcible presented to them. Buildings siaarded. , With reference tq safety, huperintend ent K. V. Graft reported that all build. In us have been equipped with automatic releases on exit doors, exits have been cleared, fiie' drills maintained and (Irs escapes installed w here necessary. A large delegation of eltlsens from the southeast' of the City urged that condi tions be remedied -art Bancroft school. The Bancroft district patrons want eight mors rooms added to the four-room unit built a few rears an. Tha aid Hini-ntfl school on Ninth street, south of Ban-' croft street, la of brick, has twelve rooms ' and was erected over thirty years ago.! The I'ark school la one of the oldest 1 schools In use today. The first Inspection I trip will be stsrted at 1:30 o'clock today. ; John Kerrigan, manual training In ' atructor at Central High school, presented ' President (.' J. Krnst with a gav el made by the boys of hb department. i The committees on buildings and ! grounds and Instruction were empowered to Inatall a inanual training deportment I In Lincoln school, which patrons of the' school had petitioned for, to' be ready, for the opening of school next PeptemberJ COMMITTEE FOR CHURCH Casper K. Tost has appointed the fol- i lowing building committee In necordance a 1th the authority given him at tlip con gregational meeting of the First Presby terian church Monday avcnlng. which agreed to accept the offer of VAOOO for the present church property and to go al.ead at once with the new building at Thirty-fourth and Famam streets: Robert Dempster, N. If, Ijoomls, John C. Wharton, John I,. Kennedy, Walter rreston, Rev. Dr. E. H. Jenka (ex-officlo, Mis. Charles Offutt. Mrs Charles Wlt-helm. today by a netyhbor who peered through the windows, they found in the front room the lifeless body of Celeste, 9 years old,' lying on the floor. On a couch in the same room were the unconscious forms of Clif ford, aeed i3, and Irene, afd 3, ench suffering from a fractured skull. The body of Thomas, aged 11. waa discovered lying at the foot .ot hlfc mot Iter's .bed in the next room. Mrs. Balding, her head crushed but still breathing, lay on the bed and In her arms rested Walter. 1-year-old, who was uninjured. Two bloodstained flatirons, the murderer's weapons, were found nearby. Police believe an Inpaue person committed the crime. Apartments, flats, houses and coltagss can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" ad. NEBRASKA CLOTHIERS TO FORM AN ORGANIZATION RETAIL CLERKS TO HOLD MEETING THIS MONTH The first meeting at the Retail Clerks' association held In six months or more la scheduled to be held In the City National bank building on the sixteenth floor the evening of March 23, The clerks organized a few yeara ago, but hold meetings only on the call of the president. The meet ing Is called for 6.1o In the evening. The clerks give It out that they sre to con sider programs for social activities during the summer. John OUUsple ot Thompson te Belden's Is president and C. F. Hopper of the Frye Shoe company la secretary. The retail clerks of the state are plan ning to organize a state association of clothiers. March 23 has been Bet aa the date tot- the meeting when the organisa tion Is to be perfected. The meeting is to be held at the Fonlenello hotel, open ing at 10 o'clock In the morning. The meeting is called by the National Asso ciation of Retail., Clothiers. At tho sug gestion of a n u ml cf of Omaha clothiers, members of tho Associated Retailers of Omaha. J. W. Metcalfe, secretary of the latter organisation, la boosting fsr the organisation. He has written out many letters of invitation to clothiers In va rious parts of the state and has received many favorable replies. In which1 the clothiers promise to come for the most Ing. Among the replies already received are those from Hastings, a rand Island, Fremont. Kenrney and many of the lead ing towns In the slate. Mm ; Doctors Recommend Spaghetti Of spaghetti and its allied prod ucts. Dr. Hutchison, tho famous dietitian, says that they are ab sorbed almost in their entirety. Their rich gluten goes to make brawn and tissue. And Faust Spaghetti is,so easy to digest. Its energy value, compared with meat, is in the ratio of 100 to 60: therefore it is ideal food for hard workers and children. Write for free recipe book. MAULL BROS.. St. Louis. U. S. A. a Are Vow f'aaattpated f Wly Mul'fer. take a dose of Dr. King's New Life rills tonight, you will feel fine tomorrow. Only 26c. All druggists. Ad vertlbenient ' Culls from the Wires Massachusetts building at the Psnama Pacifle expnltion. whlth Is a reproduc tion of the front win? of the old state capitol at Bunion, waa dedicated. What Is believed to have been an at tempt to wrexk and rob the California ipe ial on the Rock Island at Parson, thirty miles ot Memphis, was fulled wtii, the wreckers derailed iy mirtske sn extra freight train. Three marked uien. who appeared when the freight left the rail, vanished when they ew it was not the California Special. The specihl waa flagged before it reached the scene. . predictions that will. in five yenra there would be no more railway aeeldenta ex cept those due to hi man fallibility were mad by T. . rtevenn. president of the T:allway Signal aaaotialkm which liegan Its annual meeting at C!it ani. In addi tion, the National Railway appliance x poutioii, the a-usnal Appliance ascKia'ion. the American HaHaay Kngtneeiinf as sociation, the Riadtnastera' abd Alain tainitnce ot Way. asxu latkm and tne Western Division of the Hallway Tele graph fupcriuleiidents' aoUatwn are in session. Movement, of Oeca.. 8 tea ax-re. Fort. Arrived. Ealltd UVKK POOL.. . Cameron la HAVRK La Teuraut. NKW VUKK. ... ANM NEW YlHK ASnatte NKW YUltK , KocT.ltmlau I'OKTI.VND t'arthaj-T.lon. . .. PUT CREAM IN NOSE V AND STOP CATARRH Telia ITow T Opn Clof ed Nt U,ls and Knd Jiead-loMt. Tou feel fine In a few momenta Tour rold in . Lead or ratarrh will be gona. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air paasages 01 your head will clear and you tan breaths freely. No mora dull neai, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges or dryness; no strug gling tor breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of El's Cream Balm. Apply a littls of this fragrant, antlaaptlo cream in yojr nostrils. Ik It penetrate through every air paaaaga of the head; sooths and heal the swo'lvii, Inlarned rr.ucou membrane, and relief comes Instantly, It Is )uU what evry oold and catarrh sufferer needs. . Don't stay stu(od-up and miserable. AdvertissmsaL f Women Look I7ell When they escape the sallow skin, the pimples, black heads, facial blemishes due to indigestion or bilious ness. At times, all women need help to rid the eystem of poisons, and the safest, surest, most convenient and most economical help they find in SKLMT PDLLB " This famous family remedy has an excellent tonic effect upon the entire system. It quickly relieves the ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion, headache, backache, low spirits, extreme nervousness. Purifying the blood, Beecham's Pills improve and Clear The Complexion Dwsrtlaas ml Special Vekw t Wsssaa with Every Bos. la sWaea. lOe 25s. iris "That Paige Is A Great Car" DO YOU KNOW why pooplo my that why YOU yourself say it? Terhaps, you have heard that In actual sales Talge cars led every American-made motor car at all the Automobile Shows this season. Terhaps, you know (hat the PalRe "Slx-46." a big seven-passenger "Six" for $1395, has proved easily the most popular "Six," at any price on the market this season. Terhaps, you have heard that at the new price. $1075, the Paige "Four-36" has already dominated the "Four" field this season. Perhaps, you know that Paige Sales have Increased 01 per' cent over the corresponding period of last year; that the huge Palgo factory Is working 24 hours a day to fill Paige orders. These things are proofs that the Paige car "Six" or "Four" IS "a great car," as you say.y BUT WHY? Let ug is. Do yon know of any other "Pli" that tans the hVauty and distinction of destRn, the gevfn-paaanger roominess of the Pnlce; the power and flexibility of the i'alge ContinD.tal motor, the Gray Davis starting and ItKhtlnK system, the Ilosrh magneto, the Hayflold carburetor, the Palge-cantllever spring suspension, the general elegance and yet economy of the Pnlge "Htx" at a prtoa within la'OO of the I'aigo "Six" price? The game with the Taiga Glenwood 'Tour 88". Do you know ot any other "Four- that has the beauty and five-passenger comfort of tke Olenwood, th power and reputation for errlce, the Gray Davis lighting and itart system, the Uoseh magneto, the ile,nt chain drive, the multiple disc cork-Insert clutch, the elegance and excellence ot gen .ersl design of the Olenwood at a price within $200 of the Paige prlcet That is $1395 That is $1015 It is Rood to know that Paige cars are at the pinnacle now In popu larity, sales, natlonnl confidence. But we want the world to know WHY. Come and see and drtve these two wonderful Taiga car. We'll leave the verdict to you. Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company, Detroit, Mich. Murphy-O'Brien Auto. Go. FARNAM AT 19th STREET, OMAHA. . PAmriELD SIX -46' k ii it! w-.i c a : --. n $1395 "Four-M" $W7J am UTS v4 a- rii" ..rv i mim i rati ui -v ' w . HUM " P'rqo AoiniiPDffisi?s (Sosin)(i!ls, Tiidip . Denver, Pike's Peak and the Rockies, the Royal Gorge, Scenic Colorado, Bait Lake, Southern California, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Diego, . Santa Barbara, Del Monte, Santa Clara Valley, San Francisco and environs, the Ocean Coast voyage or Shasta Route to Portland, Puget Sound, Tacoma, Seattle, Cascade Mountains, Spokane, Glacier or Yellowstone National Park, all supplemented by the San Diego and San Francisco Expositions of the wealth and products of the Pacific Slope. To California and USotytrn. CaBifornia, Portland and Ocean Coast Voyage. s Fivo Different Through-Sorvlco Routes, Three through Sconlo Colorado Two through tho rlorthivoot, aro available in planning "Tho Porf oot Coast Tour." liliifii City Ticket Office, Fara&m and 16th 8U. Pbo&M: Donflu 1238 and 3530. f, " '.. '.: - . " - 1111 , , -ZD INVESTMENT TUAT PAYS DIG FWIDENDS A BEE WARf AD ) SI