Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Da
Advertising it tht ptndw
lam that kttpt baying
and telling in motion. .
VOL. XLTV NO. 233.
Peirce Held by Grand Jury on
Triple Count Alleging Accept
tnoe of Bribes.
Saloonkeeper. Also Named by In-
' ' qnititorial Body in Iowa Town ,
' Up the River.
SIOUX CITY, la., March 16.
Three separate Indictments charging
George Peirce, chief of police of
Bloux City, with having accepted
bribe were returned by the grand
Jury in a partial report this after
noon. Another indictment charges
Peirce with having conspired with
George Ford, a saloon keeper, with
the intent of overlooking bootleggers
In police, campaigns and permitting
houses of prostitution to run openly.
One Indictment was returned
against Ford, charging him with con
spiracy. "Rummy" De, Roos,' whose
testimony has been most important
in the Investigation by the grand
Jury,' Is named as the other conspira
tor In squelching prosecution of law
violators. De Roos, who has been
the lessee of a string of so-called
hotels, wa not indicted.
' The charges that Peirce accepted
bribes are based on three alleged in
dictments that he accepted $55
from C. "W. Nles of the Davenport
hotel, $60 from Robert Brown, oper
ator of a dice game, on September
22. 1914. and $240 from M. J.
,C,'Ruramy") De Roos on September
18, 1914.
Peirce's bonds were ' fixed
: Asserts Eat Less if
' Need More Clothes
e ALBANY. N. T., March lS,-Uving on
a week In New York is a very simple
problem, Miss Dorothy Miller, a 10-year-old
shop girl, told a legislative committee
investigating the minimum wage proposi
tion today. It one wants more clothes,
she explained, it is only necessary to cat
less food,, and It more food lg wanted,
skimp on the clothes ailotfhncev, ." . .
, Before. 1i . Miller took , the' witness
stand sh heard in the senate chamber
the minimum wage proposition criticised
as unscientific, uneconomic and unneces-
esry. She came here at the behest of the
Consumers' league of New York to relate
her persons I experience as a working girl.
"My story Is not based o ntheory. but
y Is an actual experience," she said, "and
I don't want you to think that I am a
pathetic little, picture for 1 represent
4,000 girls who earn no more than lo.
At one time I did not receive J, but only
C I lived at home and was fortunate In
having to pay Into the house but 12.60.
That left me 40 cents a week to spare
after I had paid my car fare and pur
chased lunches."
Two Women Killed
' ' and Third Fatally
Injured in a Fire
LOS AITOELE8, Cal., March IS.-Two
women are dead, a third fatally burned
and many ethers injured as a result of
fire which early today burned through
the upper floors of a three-story frame
apartment house here.
Mrs. M. M, Richardson, 70 years of
age, and another woman- whose body had
not been Identified, were killed..
Mrs. H. T. Avery probably will succumb
-to burns.
The majority of the occupants awak
ened by the fire, barely had time to
hurry to windows anl leap to the ground.
Many suffered broken arms or legs.
Several firemen and police officers
were cut and burned while searching
rooms for occupants.
The Weather
Forecast till 1 p. m. Wednesday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-Fair; not much change in temperature.
Ttsiserstsers at
Omalta Yesterday
Hour. Vt
6 a. in
( a. m S
7 a. m
S a. m
a. ro 31
10 . m
11 a. m S4
VI m M
1 p. m 87
t d. m W
S d. m 40
4 p. m 9
t P. ra 38
p. m Si
7 p. m X
5 p. m ti
Cessparatlve Lori
a Record.
1914. 1814. 19IX. Wi.
Highest yesterday..
I xi west yesterday...
Mean temperature..
I'recipttation .....
Temperature and
40 67 i
3S 40 18
.. 34 W 24 34
.... T .01 .) .CO
precipitation depar-
tores from the normal:
Normal temperature
Heficiencv for the day ,
Total delctency since March 1
Normal Lreciiitation
.04 Inch
1 len iency fur the day 04 Inch
t'let'lpilstton since Ma-ch I... 1.K inches
Kxceee since March 1 . Im ti
Ieicency for cor. period. 1K14. M Inch
Kxcesa for cor. period. 191 1.T4 Inches
Kejaerts frataa Stations at 7 P. M.
Ktatioa and Mate Temp. High- Rain-
cf Wlher. 7 p. m. cut fall
Cheyenne, cloudy S4 34 .1
Itaveupoi t, clear
lenver, snow
lH-a Moines, clesr
North riatte. cloudy
nun ha. clear
Rapid city, ckudy
hbcrltUa. clr.r
4 1
T '
Valentine, tloedy
'11 Indiana iie of prc.lpitailun.
LBll. ixK-al Koii aiur.
Dreadnought Pennsylvania Takes to
Water While Prayer for Peace
is Being Said.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va.. March 16-
The new dreadnought Pennsyl
vania was successfully launched here
this morning shortly after 10 o'clock.
The largest engine of naval war
fare In the world slid down the ways
while a prayer was uttered that It
might be a messenger of peace rather
than a weapon of destruction.
Christened by Miss Elizabeth Kolb
of Germantown, Pa., as Secretary
Daniels gave a signal, the monster
hull slid into the James river and j
the swell tossed the German con-1
verted cruiser Prins F-ltel Frledrlch,
less than 100 yards away.
Commander Tlerlchcns. commander of
the sea raiiler, nat In full uniform with
the official party on the platform and
mingled with American navaN officers
throughout the ceremony. ' '
A grsy-halred women approached the
German commander a he stood under
the towering bow of the Pennsylvania '
and grasped his hand. She was Mrs. M. i
F. Thomas of Beacon, X. Y., a member
oi ine pocieiy or r rienns.
' Commander, she said, "I belong to a
society which believes thet all persons
should love others as much as them-1
selves. Do you In Germany love us as
much as you love yourselves?"
The captain smiled, but did not answer
as Mrs. Thomas continued:
"Don't you b-llove that we will soon
have peace?. Isn't It time you men
stopped killing each other?"
"Madame," leplled the German com
mander, "we all believe in peace, but j
this war had to Le. It was a necrsssry j
war for the peace of the world. After j
this war there will be a long peace. But i
at the end of tho long peace there will '
come another war." I
The. German naval officer joined 10.OK)
Americans cheering the new American
dreadnaught on its slide into the sea,
after Episcopal bishop Berry of Penn
sylvania had read a prayer for the wel
fare of the president and the people of
the United (Mates, the army arid navy
and the peace of the world.
The siren of the Prlns Eltel Frledrlch
Joined the shrieking whistles of scores of
vessels In the river, as the great ship
took the water.
British Cruiser Hurt
By Fire from Forts
In the Dardanelles
BERLIN. March 16. (By W.lrejejss- ttf,
Sayvllle.)-Thv Over .tif.''i.vjt aency
today gave out 'what they described as
a report from Athena tovthe effect that
Lthe British cruiser Amethyst sustained
heavy damages and had twenty-eight of
ficers and men killed and an equal num
ber wounded during an attack on the
Inner forts of the Dardanelles In which
five British warships took part.
A newspaper at Athens has, published
a report that ' in the Dardanelles the
Turks are making use of motor batteries,
which they can move quickly. They are
very careful of their ammunition. In this
regard the allies are different, already
they have fired away ammunition to the
value of several million francs. N '
The 'correspondent at Athens ,of the
Lokal Aniwelger says in a dispatch that
the Turks have succeeded In placing new
heavy gum in the Kum Kale battery, at
the. mouth of the Dardanelles, which
have- replied fiercely to the fire of e,
French squadron. '
Continuing, the correspondent says that
two badly damaged British cruisers have
been taken into Malta. One of these ves
sels had been struck fairly no less Ulan
twenty times.
German military critics, commenting
on the official report of the second re
treat of the Tenth Russian army, look
upon it as equivalent to an Important
victory, not only because of the losses
Inflicted upon the Russians, but because
of the moral effect. They declare It Is
evident that only weather conditions pre
vented the Russian retreat from being cut
Assert McManus Not
An American Citizen
VERA CRUZ. March K-The statement
was made here today by 'persons con -
nected with the Carranti government
that John B. McManus, the former Chl
cagoan who was killed in Mexico City
March 11 by Zapata troop, was not an
American cltlsen. Mr. McManus lived lit
Moxlco City for about fifteen years, and
was said to have, become a naturalised
CHICAGO, March 16. Relatives of John
B. McManus.'the former Chlcagoan who
was killed by Zapata troops In Mexico
City, today denied that he had become a
naturalized cltlsen of Mexico.
WASHINGTON. March l.-Cominls-eloner
Charles C. McChord was elected
chairman of the Interstate Commeroe
a) i commission late- today, succeeding Cora-
j mlssloner James . Harlan. The chairman
changes every year, members of the cora
I mission rotating In 'office.
Kl Mr. McChord, democrat, from Ken
5 j tucky, was appointed to the commission
by l'reslfent Taf t In 110. He was ac
tively concerned In railway legislation
and was special counsel for his state In
several rate cases before coming to
WA8HINC.TON. March lS.-Four hun
dred and forty-two bales ef cotton from
the American steamers Canb and Evelyn
V' blown up by mines on tholr way to ( !er-
Oil . , , .
1 Jlenos Island, off the coast of Denmark.
Drawn for The Bee by Nell Biinklry.
Instruct Lieutenant Governor to
Name Committee to Make
Full Investigation.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 16. (Special
Telegram.) The Dodge-McKelvie
controversy over the appointment of
a committee to investigate the ac
tivities of the Omaha Gas company
In connection with legislation at the
session two years ago came up in
the senate this afternoon, several
senators warming up to the subject
In good shape. ,
Howell especially turned loose in
a denunciatory speech. He demanded
that as this was a' republican scrap
nobody but republicans should go on
the committee.
Mallery thought it foolish to argue
the thing from, that standpoint and
the motion was voted down, 14 to 17.
What Started Inquiry.
Itemarks made by Dodge of Douglas
en the floor of the senate, last week,
charging former Lieutenant Governor
McKelvte with an alliance with the.
Omaha Gas company interests-In the lust
session of the legislature, came to a
' show down In the morning, when Grace
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Howard Is Cheered
When He Champions
Greater Omaha Bill
Representative Jerry Howard last night
addressed a company of 500 dtisens of j
South Omaha In an open air meeting at
the corner of 'Twenty-fourth and M j
streets, championing the cause of annex a- i
tlon. He was loudly cheered as he do- j
clared he knew what his constituents ,
wanted. ,
"I voted for annexation In the commit-
tee," declared Howard, "and, despite the I
threats made against me by the ant I- j
annexationists of this city, I am going
back and vote for the bill when it comes
up for paasage." ,
Jhe South Omaha representative was j
frequently Interrupted by cheers and ex- !
premlons of approval of Ma course. j
"I know what the people of this town .
want." declared the speaker. And again j
he was cheered,
WASHINGTON. March 11 The battle-'
ship Connecticut broke one of its slisfts j
last Sunday while maneuvering In Ouan
Onamo bay ami now 1 liound fyr f'hila-
lielphls under Its own power. convued
j h ny1 '"in"T OHon Ti,e h"n ut
it),. Ci,nn-ttfut ia untnluieil and no oh
as hurt.
J '
St. Patrick's Day Flower
Colorado Governor '
Praises House for
Expelling Howland
UKSVEll, Colo., March. 16.-YV. W.
I lowland of l'enver, expelled from the
Colorado houso of representatives yester
day on the report of the committee which
Investigated his connection with a pack
age of currency delivered to him upon
the floor of the house February H. was
released from the county Jail on bonds
today. He was arrested Saturday on a
charge of perjury. Personal surety In
the sum of t),O0O was furnished.
Governor Ueorgu A. Carlson, in a spe
cial message to the leglalature today,
commends the house of representatives
for expolllng Howland on charges of per
jury. The governor offers assistance of
every executive officer In pursuing the
house Inquiry to discover If "In addi
tion to perjjry there lias been actual
bribery," and. If so, to administer proper
punishment. The governor declares the
house action "augurs for better things."
The governor urges tho pnsaago of the
administration economy bills and the
enactment of an Industrial commission
and workmen's compensation law.
In closing the governor says:
"I know unwise and revengeful men
from the outnide are at work with cer
tain of you seeking to Increase confusion
and destroy your complete ' usefulness."
The governor urges the legislature to
j me to thntr ' present opportunity.
Known Victims of
1 '
Quake Number
ROM E, March 16.-(Vla Parts )-An of
ficial parliamentary report on the earth
quake of January 13 glvea the number
of deaths thus far reported as 3,97S,
without Including person who afterward
died of Injuries and Illness caused by the
dlsaater. . The communes damaged by
the earthquake numbered' 372.
Omaha it a greater city than
either its population or rep
utation indicates.' Its grain,
jobbing, railroad and bank
ing business are all out of
proportion to its size. An
idea of these conditions, to
gether with a knowledge of
the spirit of progress, new
buildings, gene r al enter
prise, the tourist who
wishes to know the real
Omaha, can gain only by
stopping off.
Warahina Ira flatVierino at Taranta.
Home Port Nearest to Entrance
of Dardanelles.
GENEVA, March 16. (Via Paris)
A dispatch t,o the Tribune from Its
Home Correspondent says that a large
part of the Italian navy is being con
centrated at Taranto at the south
eastern extremity of the country and
the point nearest the Dardanelles
The same paper prints dispatches from
Vienna which state that Emperor Francis
Josef on Saturday received Archduke
Frederick, who insisted on behalf of the
general staff in the Carpathians that
kArchduke Hvgene should be ordered to
abandon the campaign against Serbia,
and also forces on the- Ruanlan frontier,
In order to -reinforce the exhausted t;oopa
in the mountains. . Archduke Frederick is
reported to have cited as an example of
fthe conditions in the Carpathians troops
Irom the Inikla and lyupkow districts
numbering 20,000, who have lieen fighting
Incessantly fur fix weeks, sleeping with
their rifles In their hands.'
Kmperor Will Humiaoa Kugeae.
The Interview of the emperor with the
archduke Is reported to have taken place
in the presence of Minister of War Kro
batln and General Hotzendorf. The mon-
i e r, ii. it Is suld. devlditl to summon Arch-
! (Continued on I'age Kour, Column Two.)
More Than MiUion
Prussians Are Killed
Wounded or Missing
LONDON', Marrn 1C. -The -leal eight of
ficial Pruasian casualty Hat., No. VA to
No. 17), contain 13.142 names, bringing the
grand total' of killed, wounded and miss
ing' since the war began to 1,060,02 men,
according to a dispatch to the Evening
I News, from Copenhagen. ' The last four
lists Include the names of eleven airmen
I killed, four wounded and two taken
prisoners, it should 'be bome In mind
Unit these totals refer to Prussia; they
j do not take Into account 160 Bavarian,
I nt Vurtelburg, 11 Haxonu and twenty
navy lists. y
!Row Over Decoration
: Of Room; Shoots Wife
i ,
j I-pMAItS, la., March 18 -Following an
alleged trivial quarrel over the decora
I lion at a room In their home, Dr. J. 1
I Reeves, local physician, today shot his
wife three times. One bullet struck the
I woman under the chin, another In the
shoulder and the third in the right side
,of the abdomen. She ran screaming from
the houtm to the front porch, where she
fell. Itecves told officers when arrested
that Ye had placed the gun in M. mmith
Hi an atlaintit to commit aulilde, ,ut 1 lie
mnalnuiK curliidce ralle to explode lie
is lodged Ir the county Jail.
Crisis Reached in Relations
Southern Kingdom with the
Empires of Central
i m
j Pressure of Allies Strong and
! People Make Demonstration
, Against Teutons.
r.MtlS, March 16. The Haves
NKoncv rerHvptl today tho following
j dispatch from its correspondent at
i "There whs h great demonstration
here 1M night in favor of inter
I vontion by Italy on the side of the
'allies. Crowds of inanlfestants
marched through the streets ana
gHthered in front of the cathedral.
The icpiibltcan deputy, Kugento
Chlesa, made a speech to the crowd
In front of the ahatnber of Com
merce. "The police charged and dispersed
crowds which were shouting:
Down with Austria.' 'Down
with Germany.' "
nearbea filmas.
ROM K tVIa Chlaseo. Switzerland!.
March H'.-The political pressure upon
the Italian government to pledge Italy
course In the future, either to the em
pires of central F.urop or the allies, has
hern augmenting for some time and Is
lortey believed to have about reachod Its
According to thoroughly reliable sources
Trlnce Von Huelow, the Uermsn am
hitsxniloi'', has given formal assurance
that (Icimsny will be able in the end to
overcome the reststanre of Austria add
Induce Vienna to concede to Italy the
territorial concessions demanded, to-
g ther with a free hand In southern
Albania. In addition the central empires
would further Italy's1 ambitions In the
eastern Mediterranean. . The Oerman
diplomat pointed out furthermore that
the marine supremacy of Oreat Britain
and France would have the effect of
crushing Italy.
Araesnents of Allies. '
Itepreeentatlves of the allies In their
negotiations with the Italian government,
have presented the matter In quite a
different light. They have united In
saying that tho defeat of Germany and
Austria-Hungary was Inevitable even
without (th participation of Italy. In
.esse Italy refrained from taking part It
would receive nothing from the allies
when the settlements are made
They advance tho further argument
that with the conclusion of peace, or
shortly thereafter, the separation of
Hungary from Austria was quite to be
exoected. This would lead to the ah
I sorption of the Austrian provinces of
German nationality by Oermany and the
consequent extension of German dominion
to Trieste, which thus would forever be
lost to Italy. In addition Italy would be
forced to abandon Aylona and the Aegean
What Is believed In high quarters to
be an authoritative outline of the ter
ritorial demands of Italy and the position
of Austria In regard to them was ob
tained today. The difference between the
Italian and Austrian points of view as
til us Indicated appears to be so great
that well Informed persona are not able
to perceive any likelihood of an adjust
ment. neaaands e Italy.
Itoughly speaking, Italy desini a sweeo
tif territory to the north and east which
I would extend Its boundary around the
I northern end of the Adriatic 8ea as far
south as Flume on the eastern coast
This would Include the Austrian naval
base at Pola, as well as the provinces
of Trent and Trieste, acquisition of which
has been Italy's long-cherished aspiration.
The conresHlons which Austria le believed
to be willing to make are Insignificant
as compared with the demands.
It Is regarded as probable that, under
pressure from Germany, the negotiations
may he extended and Austria may be In
duced to grant larger concessions than it
now Is willing te consider, but the belief
Is generally hold In responsible quarters
that the extreme Auatrlan concessions
would be insufficient to satisfy Italy.
The demands of Italy, as outlined today,
are set forth as follows;
To the north It desires the entire prov
ince of Trent, to the east It destrea to
extend Its frontier-to the Julian Alps. In
cluding the provinces of Oorlts and Istrla,
with the districts of Tolmeln, OorlU.
Trieste, Pola and Flume. In addition to
this, it desires the Dalmatian islands,
especially Veglla, Cheree, Lung a, Brasia,
Leslna, .Curxola, Meleda and IJasa.
Recti flratloa of Border.
The only recurvation of the frontier
which, according to this Information,
Austria Is willing to grant Is the cession
of territory which would give to luly
possesion of Lake Gartla, with the town
of Rlva and the valleys of the Chies and
Adlge rivers, Inoludlng .the towns of
llovereto and Tlone, hut excluding Trent,
and to the east the valley of the Isonxo
river. Including Oradlsca. but excluding
It is understood alvo that In return for
sinh territory as it I willing to cede,
Austria asks for a large sum of money
and also the renunciation by Italy of any
claim to other territory w Ithln the Austro
Hungarian empire which la Inhabited by
Italians. ! return for these concessions
on Italy's part Austria is witling to make
certain local grants, Including the esUbt
llbhment of sn Italian university at
HOHOFACX tiVa Partal. March 1.-A
l uiletin lasiied bv Mrs Ienuce and Ar
nnxaii after P laiting Kara Hernhardt. who
recently left the lioapltal where her right
leg was nmputsted, states that her cou
rt. tlon la entirely eatUfaclory.
Russian Official Report Says Re
newed Attack Upon Forts Here
Have Been Successfully
Russ Hammejr Away at Pnemysl and
Austrians Continue Attempts
to Relieve It.
The Day's War ATetPaj
t ITF.D "TATKH proSMr wtll -te.t
0 Great Hrltalu tie at It re
aaalaet tkelr pla trmt
with Germany aa en time is
British order t o",t TraT
President Wilson indicate fafor ;
mallr that h meaanree
plated were elepleaalaej to the
I nttrd States.
FR KTh war of flee says Oermaas
have an f fere reverses l two sec
tions of the westera frosvt. The
British army Is eala to have re
rap tared St. Blot and to have ear
rled new German positions aoatr
the Tlllaeje. Tho Ooraaaa ffleUI
statement isanieH tho wtaatlsur
of St. Elol, bat snakes no ssoattoa
of Its aabaecjarat reeaptaro by tho
appear that aatloa Is approaeh
lag a tleetaloa whether It shall al
here to Its policy of neutrality or
tnterreae In tho war. Fotlowtasj
the report of partial eapprreetoa
hy Italy of the molle to Aawtria
aad the rsaferesf of Raapero
Franrla Joseph, a Home newspaper
aaya the Itallaa fleet la hetasT con
centrated at Tamer. The la tho
point la Italy nearest the Darda
nelles. VNOKFICIAl, . Rf-PORTS from Ath-
tacktaa- warahlpa alleaced eoTOral
Tarklsh field batteries which had
beca pnatcd aboTe Kim Kale, at
the entrance to the Dardaaelles.
Rt'SSIAN OFFICIAI. statemear saye
the Germaa amaalt oa Oasaweta a
prodnclagr 'only inalaralf Icaat ro
aalta. It ia also Bald the Germaa
advance toward Praaeayea Is be
Ingr held la check.
LONDON, March 16. The Rus
sians ggain are advancing in north
western llukowina, according to a
dispatch received here by the Ex
change Telegraph company from ,
Bucharest, Roumanla. The opera
tions are going forward slowly be
cause of the, bad weather. Near
Novo 8ulitsa the Russians carried
Austrian trenches at the point of the
bayonet, the Austrians retreating
with heavy losses.
LONDON. March 16. The only
military activity along the east Prua
sian front appears to be the resump
tion of the German bombardment of
Ossowetx. At thla point the attack
ing batteries have been brought
-T ...... . . A ,
being, according to official reports
from Petrograd, the IneffectlTeneas
of shell fire at a longer range. The
Russian reports maintain that the
attacks on the forts have been suc
cessfully countered.'
Petrograd claims that the Rus
sians are holding their antagonist
where the Qermans are keeping up a
violent artillery fire.
Attack aad Ceastir Attaah-
In the. Carpathians and in Oallcla It la
the usual story of attack and counter at
tack, with Vienna claiming a slow ad
vance after sanguinary assaults Ojs,moun-
(Contlnued on Page Four, Column Three.)
Money in
Farm Land
today and there is going to bo
more money made in the near
futuro than ever before.
The farmer's profit this
year has been so great
that he will want to
purchase more land.
In today '8 classified section
of The Bee you will find a
large offering of farm land
from most of the states of tho
central west. Buy today
while you ran before prices
talie the big jump upward,
which they ore sure to do.
Telephone'Tyler 1G00'
'Everjbody Htwig aul Ads.