Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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M AUCH 16. 1915.
Eowe rinsnea Committe Doei Sot
Tai Trcmfcla ta Inspect Hit
torical Building" Basement,
Vrrom teff CrreBpondfnt.)
UNCOLN. March 15. perlal.)-,'I do
finnn1r aarear that I will euppett ths
etmstHutlon of the fnlten Utates. and the
constitution pf the state of Nebre a, and
will faithfully dlschsfg the dutlM of
member of the legislature according , to
the best of my ability." etc
Such It part of the oath of office
taken by all member of the legislature
when they are sworn In. This In effect
wean that when a bin Is up before the
wxly of which they are member that
they wtll ue the!r-Mlfty to get the best
Information they can before casting their
There Is before thin legislature, a there
ties been In previous sessions, a bill
known ai House Roll No. 8M, providing
far special -tsx of one-quarter of 1 mill
upon each dollar valuation for the years
1MI and IMS, to provide a fund to con
utract and eomplete the building of the
Nebraska fttate Histories! society, which
waa started In 19(0. and which went only
far aa .the construction of .basement
In which are now stored the valuable reo
srds of the society. !
Waal4 Relieve CeMretlen.
The building, .when completed, - will
house betides the historical society, the
alale ' liblsry. auinems court, attorney
general and Grand Army of the Republic,
besides some smaller departments. .The
grftund upon which the basement of the
budding stands covers a half block of
ground, Just east of the state hose
(rounds, and la owned by the society and
Is very valuable. On the north end1 of tha
hi If block stand two fine rwidenres.
In tha basement, which has been fitted
Wis to houoe'the property of the society, la
located a quarter of a million dollars In
words, specimens and other 'things be
Imagine; to the state which cannot ba r
placed In esse they should be damaged
because of the lack of heating apparatus
In the building to dry out the place, which
has becexne damp and' mouldy,
' t'mnilltf Ignore Sltaatlaa.
TVlth so much valuable property on the
verge of permaaent damage, but half a
block away from tha state house, works
tha fine nee .ways and moans committee
upon tha bill almost equally divided
whether the" bill should ba recommended
out for veasaga. They have been Invited
1 go over and sea tha condition of the
werds, bit hava so far steadfastly re
fused te take tha little time necessary to
a for themselves whether all this prop
arty was worth saving or not. It took
three newspaper men but fifteen minutes
xnss morning to accompany officers of
th society te the building to look Iota
the matter., and this ta what they dis
covered : ,. j , . ,
la a damp and mouldy basement upon
the foundation of which no building
aland, with only a temporary roof above
it. are to be found 1.030 specimens of
trfrd and animals captured ia Nebraska
and prepared by a .Nebraska ladder
snist and pjounted. These Include every
thing from a oauary bird te an eagle and
'm snake to a buffalo. Soma of these
ara beginning to show Ui work of moths
and other destructive agencies. Also there
are specimens for a museum, which
must very s-on lose their yalua tf not
oropetly taken, care ef. Forty-eight thou
sand books, some of them of Immense
value.' are heaped up nromfocuouely In
einerent JWacee, while 4.S09 volumes of
the early newspapers of Nebraska take a
fcertlon of tha room, all being more or
18 demsg-d by the damp conditions of
toe Bi:i ni. Rers-ds Are. '
among tha boohs is the marly 'ibrary
trt x-GovernOr Furnas, present to the so-
cuny; l lift burralo presented by Buffalo
stands unprotected in the center of
, . K . J .... . ...
. o., n, auu annouitn it baa a cov
ering to protect U the dampness asd
moths cannot be kept oft Old pErs
not lMd in regular volumes, dating back
v me eaiiy history of the elate-Th
owatia Be, the Omaha tVwld-Hcreld,
the Cma.ha Herald, the Omaha Republl
" tboea papers of like Interest lie
unprotected In a pn Waits there is no
way to fix them up and no place to put
tnem euer tney are Hxed up. Borne ef
have become damp from weter that
has lcahe.1 (n er tnntp th&t has drifted
in. Ths . valuable collection of animal
eenated hr Rwj Heater Of Curtis to th
society ia bound to b so badly damaged
au-n xTui mesr value as a collection will
be nil if not properly cared fcr soon. The
terrmffs er Mayor l.we. the first mayor
of Omaha, built by filnjpeon. ths firs car.
riK-imker In th state; the sleigh used
ry tn mayor, all are piled irp lo one cor
ner a4 cannot le set up trceuse there Is
e room. -
Ail litis valuable pror-rty is to be lost
te ih etete enlns somrthlng Is done and
ttee ittiniHiilee upon whom so murh re
aponetbility lies dors not care enough
about the (piatter to spend fifieea minutes
i lnve.!9t u 'to the best of tholr abil
ity." .
r.rsead ae a t.lft.'
The iry. arordirg to the t, n. f
tha Ml!, dd, , th, ,,4t, fc ..J
bio-k of sround If the butldltisT is erected i
This e-reund is In ttaelf ,,Mh ,:
" uld aecm that ths metnb.rt
of the leSi!,fure ought to hate a ctian-e
1 k the fscts tn the matter from it
- -.-- v ntiu airH in nut v r. ,.H,a ... a .
. j :ivj ij i
rr-te 0n "i nd th foUiiKa
a-::;d(at!c;:i3TS active
'rom a Ku ff C0i recpondtitt )
i,I.N( OUN, Mn h U-pwIaD-It Is
bt tf, Omaha ej.netion hill
:!' " "" "( fore 'edneHtay If It
'! n .kt "lime. Th' aie Hrtc
'":"!l,'r f shit ef tt ami scooirtiu
io -rrr -er.i.v., t,in !.yjS!i,B fvrM,
i the hui It I (ut !kry tiiet tt wilt t,
i!!'-J Uj : 1 of lis turn.
t:f H.lniiin mint for
r.:r,t the tnil. K l number of sup- mothers, aha tit their younger days
j-r. ti or the I'll arm on the ground to. j relied upon this remedy, and etna reoom
tiny tt si opponents. lr Tanner, ! mrnd tt te their own daughters that it
ii pfota; !y ts hit i ar. r than sft - ) n&rtlnly must ba what lu name nidi-
V iv t h. . ttt the oitt. rcm e II i r'ea- They have used It for lis d;rot
!.(. che ty.'.u, Ontah.
: r.i
r.iv. that the fli
way rro-u th n'.iiitug ?.
1 i
K i
r ai h ( . ,
" r. v'i. a, i ,
' B, .(i,
I" , r:i Jlw
i'ltH 'l f t
f i -
tl u
ii (o
TON ROADS An American bark, the William P. Frye, was sunk in the South Atlantic
by the German cruiser on January 2S, and her crew are among: the group of prisoners in
the picture.
tern riTEi FmrDtmai is FTassrjEfaa - tsrsss
Anti-Cigarette Bill
Recommended to Pass
After a Long Debate
tfrom a Btaff Correspondent ,
LINCOLN, March 16.-8peoiJ. lie pre-
aentativa Peterson's clgaretta bill, house
roll, SIT, ran the gauntlet of a vigorous
attack by Its opponents In tha house conv
irtttee of the whole Monday forenoon
nd squeesnd through, after ' being
amended, by the narrow margin of 2 to
27, on a motion to engroes it for third
reading. Tha bill still has a. rocky road
to travel, as those who made the fight
upon It are determined to defeat It on
final passage if they can.
Mr. ePturson stated that the retail to
bacco dealers of Lincoln and Omaiia are
making an organised fight against house
roll (IT because It provides that tf any
boy under IS years of age who may be
prosecuted for having or using cigarettes
will give Information where he got them.
me penalty win not apply . against we
boy, but the dealer may be prosecuted
and convicted for disposing of them to
him. .
Mr. Harriott, chairman of the judiciary
committee, was very much opposed to tha
bill. He egplalned that tha present law
Btakea ti illegal for anyone to hare
cigarettes in his possession, . while tha
Peterson bill would apply only to boys
under M. Mr. Parrlott said he did not
favor a taw that would allow his boy to
ba prosecuted for doing something that
ba himself waa permitted by- law to do.
An amendment offered by Mr. Kegley
to repeal the feature of th epreseot law
which forbids tha manufacture or, sale
of cigarettes In tha state was adopted by
a large majority. . . , . ,
' ' From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March H.-(Bpclal.) The
annual banquet ' of the Nebraska. Legis
lative' lear-ie will be held at 8:30 o'clock
at tha ILndcll hotel. Thurtwlay' evening.
March IS. W. J, Taylor of Custer county
Is to be toeslmaater. Following a brief ad
dress by President George W. Potts brief
speeches will be heard.
Secretary Richmond announced yester
day that a large number of tha old timers
from all porta of the state are sure to be
jtrnt. !,'.' ',
Thursday afternoon at I o clock. in the
house if reprenlatlves the annual dela
tion of officers will take place. V
From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March IS. (Bpeo!al. Re pr
stntattve Jerry Howard will leave his
legislative reaponoiblllUes Jong enough
Tumriay to go to houth Omaha and taU
to his coneUtuentK. lie will dellvrr two
addreaacs, one at the corner of Twenty
fourth and N streets at I o'clock tn the
evening and the other at Twenty-eighth
end R streets, railed the Dloody for
nir," at t;tt tha same evening.
'(Prom a Staff Corretponflent.)
LlNCOLK. March l6.-Bieclsl Ti 1
(rram.) Ueutenant Governor and Nrs
('earsnn eelchrated tiietr fifteenth !
S'.ng annlverfr J'1' e'n"n hy distributing-
csmstions to the members
the senate, empluves of that body and
newspaper men tn the senate.
Mrs. ' J arson and the children sp.'nt
the afternooa In attendance at the ses
sion. ;- ' ' '
Cur altmctin nsture lmpl ftr the
Kvdna? ln"r.t. And at the same time
tUe sulij'. 4 t tnthtrhso Is ever tfar
v. 'ia kr.i.r what te do that wlU add
te the ihystcal comfort of pwUit
Rtuth:rhoo4 ta a subjci-t that has inter
ested most womca c' aa times. One cf
the real kelirul things Is n external
abdominal arpltattun sold tn tnft 0ru
stores unter the name ef "Mother's
or . frTlj.fid tV . have known sa nnnf eE.ud
; "cueoi:e vfnn in. mu.iw raw,
i trtnts aria teuaons as it aims to asord
1 tturt from toe strata and pnta ao ufirn
' atioet;eamy severe during the jMiisd of
tvery womaa thou!t mntioa'Mothrt
K .'lv( i" Wl.aa tt atork la ta auMrt of
1 iu'ni',i!it. it ttrtatJiar hltla bui.h
iv i la s i4 free ana. SK2uatlm ta ttrad
' Keif'i'ator t'o., do.1 .eaar Jiuif.,
"' ' -i ia. t.a. It rwfers to many thU'Mi
itr.l women iika to rvad aboat
! int r re:o(cuieiid a t.ottia ul "Mother's
I Trltui'' to-oy aud i :t tor the book.
-r ' 1
re . r-,o, .ror
DENVER, March Attempts by
Bepresentative WUltam W. Howlaud, ar
rested Ista yesterday on a charge ef
perjury, to scur bell tortwy were n
suocensful, Tha charge against Rowland
grew out of bis testimony before a spe
cial house committee Investigating clr
eumstances surrounding the receipt of a
package of money by (lowland at his
desk, ' February t.
The Investigating committee will meet
again , tomorrow, when It will decide
whether further testimony , shall ba
taken. :
Members of the ' committee including
Speaker Philip B. Htewart. chairman.
stated that its report probably would
recommend that Howland's seat ba de
clared vacant.
Omaha Klrsa Gets Contract.
LINCOLN. March 15. (Special. The
contract for the electric lighting fixtures
in tha new buildings at the ortlippedlo
hospital In Lincoln ' and ! tha Industrial
sonool at Geneva was awarded this mom.
ing by tha Btate Board of Control to tha
Burgeea-Oranden company of Omaha.
The contract figure on the IJncoln work
Is S37 and on the Geneva job t'W.
Legislative ;
Bills Passed fcy - tha1 Senate.
8. P. ISS. Kierhel of Nemaha Author
ises drainage, district boards to refund
surplus funds pro rata among the mem
bers ei u9 autnet.
Bills R.eeamnaena'ed for Paaaaae ty
eaata Cnsamlttea af the Wkale.
B. T. TO, Mallery of Box Butte Makes
commisaion plan of government avail
able for cities of from luO to ll.uuo popu
H. K. , Piller of Butler Provides for
a system of state sickness and death bo
eflts. . - .,
H. y. 1R4. Dodge of Douglas Amends
nortora Gntlln-spl!tttng law so as to
exempt from the in&Hy lit doctor re
ceiving: the ao t reei.
8. K. !, Mellery of Box Butte Makes
the la nor commieaionor tne ouk-iri io an
minister the workmen's compensation act.
t(. F. 295. WIlHOn of Frontier tllves
retaries of the Htate Board of Me'
aeneral funervUlon end control over I
sanitation of the atate; tranefers to them
the duty of compiling vital etatuuo.
Bills Beeommended ta Pass ta Hoaee
Cosaaalttee of the. Whole.
If. R. SM, Beynolds Water power dis
trict bill.
Monnlry's bill creating a state board of
Osrber enamtners.
11. H. 117. Petersen Aiitl-olKarctte bill
Provide way of sw uring Intormatlon to
prosecute dealers.
Bills tinned hy liarrraor.
II. ft. 4 Permits building nd loan as
sociation to mske louus ami tesiie stock
In greater amounts than &,o0o up to. the
limit of :I,tW. .
It. R. 119, ljnlsan-Makca county board
overeevrs of the poor, relieving justices
of the peeco of that function.,'
11. It. JtW, Bevenue uid Taxation Com-
mlttee v orhlila barika and lrut im
panlee to deduct real estate niortgRK
from aaseaaajle value of their capital
atock. . ,
One fldredae i'Ltsat. k-drawer
t: -: l
( 1 i ;
macltlae, worta u.i easy. .o-
for HMH
One Ff m Whtne"-nd ene wV.
worth tit.Od. Goes for -T.l
One Rldredfe a tnaeaine that
la faritKt. ijwi for . ,
One Whtta Marhlne Worth 11
rir; only uad 8 weeha- Now.saT
f ma hue .Ma. hlne, and a tood
ene, for S.voo
One Hntr 'A. ttaa auarttloa, too.
Goes Cor S.o
iGiii r.nd
, r
State Treasurer
Wants Counties
To Send in -Cash
(Prom a Staff Correspondent)
UXOOUf. Man It Speclal.Stat
Treasurer llali lamed a statement today
that was a combined cry for help be
cause of tha depleted condition of the
state treasury and a general defiance ta
tha county treasurer who have refused
to comply with hia tmineRt for monthly
Mr, 11 ail says that relief must coma
aooa or be will bo compelled to commence
registering general fund warranU.
The counties whlo hava , not remitted
for. tha , present month are: Blame,
Brown, Burt, Butler, Clay, Deuel, Doug
las, Pumas, Oarflold, Qospsr, Jefferson,
Johnson,. Key t Paha, Lancaster, Morrill,
Otoe, Harpy, Scotfa Bluff, Thomas, Val
ley and Washington,.
Constipation, Colds,
1 I
Regulate Your Bowels! 10 Cents
Furred tongue; Bed Colds, Indigestion,
Sallow Skin and Miserable Headaches
coma from a. torpid liver and constipated
bowels, which cause your stomach to be
come filled with undigested food, whioh
sours and ferments like garbAge ' In a
swill barrel. That's the first step to un
told misery indigestion, foul gases, bad
breath, yellow akin, severs eolde, every
atiio a, ao
For centuries GOLD .MEDAL Haarlem
Oil haa boon a standard household remedy
for Kidney, liver, bladder and stomach
trouble, and all diseases connected with
the urinary, organs. The kidneys and
b artdrr are the most important organs
of the bodv. They are the filters, the
purifiers of your blood. It the poisons enter your system through, the
blood aid stomach are not entirely
thrown i out bv the kidneys and bladder,
you r doomed.
Wearlnena, sleeplessness, nervousness,
desrontWiu-y, backache, stomach trouble,
headache, pain In loins and lower ahdo
iiwn, sall-tonea. gravel, difficulty when
urinating, cloudy and bloody urine, rheu
matism, sciatica and lumiiaao, all warn
you to look after vour aldneva and blad'
der.. OOL11 M kJDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sules are what you need.
They are not a "patent medicine," nor
a "new discovery." For 3C0 years they
Waa awa - Vivui miivw ri
r.lachlndo Ever Offered
TUESDAY, Parch .16
". ' ; - ' ' - '" i "
If price TALK, the prices fairly HOWLJ Sewing
machines that will SEW, for aa littte aa $4.00. Sewinf ma
cKinea of standard makes. Then, when you get up to
$14.00, $16.50 suit) thereabouts, you'll tnd machines AS
GOOD AS NEW; not a scratch on tha cases late styles;
late mechanical features. Read on. Be amased. Then
come EARLY and make ti "buy" of your life.
Vf,;? ifl Sewing Machines will be
I ilia CI III 0ffcred you at-
. $4.0 0-$ G.G 0-01 0.0 0-01 4.0 0
. B' va m m en i
One Wnr Jfachine that rtV.X do
due Wheeler A W liaon Machine-
I'oailirely aa sojd aa new. (ion
fvr S.mi
(ne Blturier Machine 5-drwr.
dark cm, reaular .tue.
(cs at S-o.vO
One Kintrer ilachina- -drawer, la
S idn k, nearly new. At.
-)nly Sia-O
One Rtneir i1ahlne Dandy, -drawer,
arap-heed, aa excellent
cue. fcr it.e
Harney Sircots
House Committee Unable to Decide
What Action to Take Orer
. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 15.-Speclal Tele
gram. l-The house committee on tele
phone and .telegraph tonight. nie.tlcd
with the problems eraoraced In f. F. S,
the launders bill to enable the Omaha
water district to go into the lighting
business, and finally hnd to quit, meet
ing again tomorrow morning to take up
tha matter again. .A motion to report
out the bill without recommendation was
voted down, as was 'also an amendment
to submit the mattor to a vote of the
people. Tha committee stood five to
three against reporting out without rec
ommendation. Uraate Takes l I'tmsesnstlea,
But one .bill was passed by the senate
Monday afternoon, the tme being spent
almost Wholly In committee of the whole.
bJallery's bill embodying an amendment
to the workmen's compensation a.'t, rec
ognizing the state labor commissioner
as the administrator of the law, was rec
ommended for passage. Borne amend
ments which were considered radical
were stricken out and passed on to tha
Howell bill, B. F. 201, which Is on gen
eral tile. -
These amendments strike out the farm
ers' exemption clause and ' reduce - the
number of employe's necessary to bring
the employer within tha law from five
to one and raise the maximum ' to bo
paid - per week from $10 to ,
lay Center Wins Debate.
CLAY CENTER, Neb.,. March 15.-(Spe
clat.) Clay Center, Saturday evening, de
feated Grafton In debate on the State
league topic, "Government ownership of
railroads." Leslie Palmer. Melvin Wll
sen anl Worth McDonald of Clay Center
High school presented tha argument for
tha affirmative, while Ruth Halney, Gor
don Stiles and Nellie Halllgan of Grafton
spoke for the . negative. The decision of
the Judges was two to one.
It Really Doea Relieve Rheanaatlam.
Sloan's Liniment doea give almost In
stant relief. Nothing better, for rheuma
tism, backache and sciatica. Only 26a.
All druggists. Advertisement.
thing that la horrible and nauseating.
A Caacaret tonight will surely straighten
you out bv morning a 10-oent box wilt
keep your head clear, stomach sweet,
liver and bowels regular and make you
feel cheerful and bully for months. ,
Don't forget your children their llttla'
Instdes need a good, gentle, cleansing, too,
occasionally. . ' ,
cear Bonn
have been a standard household remedy,
1 hey are the pure, original Imported
naariem uii your grcat-grandmoMier
ueo, ana are penectty harmless. The
healing, soothing oil soaks into the cells
ana lining of the kidneys and through
the bladder, driving out the poisonous
nerms. ivew uro, . rroen strength and
health will come as vou continue the
treatment. When completely restored to
your usual vigor, continue taking a cao-
sule or two each Any; they will keep you
In condition and prevent a return of the
Lk not delay a minute. . t)elaye ' are
especially dangerous in-kidney and blad
der trouble AH drugglnts sll GOLD
MKDAI, Haarlem tsl Capsules. -Tney
will refund the money If not as repne-
sented. In three alaee, sealed packages..
Ask for tho original Imported GOLD
MICDAL. Accept no substitutes. Adver
tisement. .
i am saa mm - r-s
mm uiiu.yu
One White No. SB vibrator, worth
li.5. (Hi. Our beat machine, in Una
condition, at aat.ftO
One Siiwer Full cabinet. ot !.
It Is perfect and goes for. . . .IIe
One Lavia-One of the reliable
nkes. beautirul eaae. Only . ,i.o
Tn New Home Marhtne Fine dark
oak caae, worth tii. Goes (or.. Sid
One New Home Machine S-drawer.
late at via. Goes for
One andard Machine A rval
good one. and a bargain, at tZ0
- - - -- Onialsa
r : n
These Silks are Topmost
on Fashions Spring List
' SILKS Strike the very
keynote of . fashion 34
inches wide, $1 to $1.75 a
The variety of stripe ef
fects is almost unlimited
shades of pink, blue, helio
are most wanted. Repeat
ed visits to the tub will not
injure these silks. All silk
a yard wide, 85c to $1.75 a
yard. - .
Have You Seen the Ne
Palm Beach Suitings?
54-Inch Special Values, $1.50, $1.75
In many respects they are quite different from
anything you have seen before. For example some
of these fabrics have colored silk threads scattered
over their surface. -
1 tester is;
Begin the day
fs.v '" RmrlrfiM4 Pima
ktfjTi igglJ
i "Swift's
Ham or Bacon
'99 ' ' " -1 Ml' L-.i.L
..... IOU. WJU experience compuctc satis-. 3
faction with ' your? Easter breakfest''
when sweet,mild
Ham. or criatL
Bacon arc served.
. Be sure yoa haoc'Saifl't Premium
. Swift"
.'. , beCx
. v Hl- iv X!Xl:lI-,liJJ- i
' '.' .- AMt'SKMRKT. . ' ".
It's EasyIf You Knowt Dr.
Edwards Olive Tablets.
The accrat oi keeping young is to feel
oiiriM to do this you must watch your
liver and bowel there's no need of nav-'
jus a sallow complexion uttrk . rings un
der your ee. a tilloiis look in
oui tare doll eyea wlln no sparkic. '
Vour doctor will tell you ninoty por
cent or. all sickness xines from inactive
i o vkU "(nd livr
Pr. Kdwarrrs. s well-known physician
in Ohio, pcrfe-ted a vewtable roinpoiirio
mixfd with oilve oil to act on the liver
and bowels, which he gavo to Ms patients
tor year.
lr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets, the substi
tute fir calomel, ere gentle in their a -
turn, vet alwaye effective.
They hi ma. alrout that -exuberance i f
irit. thet na'urnt bouyancy whlir.
should be ivJoed hy everyone, uy touiiiK
i the liver ana clearing tne system o
linpui it'.e.
You will know lr. KdwardV Olive Tab
lets by their olive color, lOc. end Jiic per
rriit Alt druKxial.
Ti e Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O.
Most soaps and prepared shampoo
contain too much alkali, which la
very Injurious, as It dries the scalp
sjid makes the hair brittle.
The beat thing to use ts just plain
mulKlfted cocoanut oil. for this is pure
and entirely greaselees. It's ery
cheap, and beats soaps or ' anything
else all to piece. You can get this at
any drug store, and a few eunccs will
laat the whole family for months.
Simply' moisten the hsir with water
and rub tt In. a I .out a' teaapootiful is
all that ts required. It makes an
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and ri&aes out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, end ta soft, freih looking,
brtght, fluffy, avy and eaay to
handle. Besides, tt lot aens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
dandruff. Advert ieement.
CniNE An exquisite
weave bcantifully finished.
A full range of street and
evening shades, 40, inches
wide, $1.50 to $255 a yd.
LINS The range of colors
is unusually larger this sea
son, for the reason that
silk and wool poplins are
to be so much used for
Silk Section Main Floor.
April 4th
right by eating
OUV4 ,
' ' ' ' - 1 ' '' 1 ''.''
ssivorv ''Premium'
71 l
' f 1
fc a w. ixMmcuy m yui laju, e r.rTw
Premium" Ham
tsrofiing at jX-'
, "Fotmlar Over lriff-ht'
Tel. oog, 310O.
Screen Portrayals
Mrs. Leslie Carter
10-pieee Pymphony Orchestra Pos
itively New ''Musical Movies"
Vocal Rendition, -both popular and
J'rlcea Matinees 10c- and 16c;
Even! lie. 10c, 15c and I5c.
UKSKRVKD SKAT8 for the S:i0
perrormance on sale two weeks tn
advance. .
FUfUkAa Theeta
TouUrht, .ooietT sTirb, Orand Op
ra Quartette, lith.l fcolomaa, (4-ladyi
Aadnraou, Kay nosahey, W. .
a hater, Aeslatad by roatsBsUe Olee
Club 30 Voices and
Mats. Wed., Thusa., Bat gSe:
, Klghts. B5o and BOo.
Ssst Weekt. Ceo. X. Cohan's sir Mus
ical OOidr. nf tv riia e
Sally Mats. SilS
alritt, .US
fiiiuii ttous;. 4
Other arts this
wi; liebla. La
T ranee e nrilca.
antley A Morton
Alfred Wallensteln,
end Orpheuiii Travel
l'anuha Quartette
Weekly iri,u; uaiieiy, Oc:
Rent be&ta texcent
but. and Sun ), ac: Nights,
The Colanibls Circuit's Classitst .bow
f iV-Yt ..TUB TSCCA.EK35 "i-Jj-.
The Hixaire, Reiui-Oriental Travesty,
"The leaend of the" Only mua
IchI ehow In town. "Lucille of Lond'ou"
litauty Chonia. Timely souvenir to alt
at Si. Patrick's l"y Mat.. Wed.. Mar 11.
Ladles' Sims Metises Week Sii,
w-.HOW.-4 '
ti 8:30
ia a ..a
THBAtCB. J1 Week B;oa '
1 lie nrj siuuo VI IVCVSlOBeS
IPrtc.s. Xata 10c Zvgs. 10-AOs
i ... .
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