Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1915, Image 1

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i Owl
Ron. War Photos
Begs of Tben ASL
VOL. XUV NO. 232.
Om Tretea aa si
Kotel St ewe . Itaade,
German Cruiser Hunted Oat of Hid
. ing in Waters of the South and
. Sent to Bottom by Brit-
'ish Fleet.
Scene of Battle Off Juan Fernandez
Isle, About Four Hundred Miles
from Mainland.
LONDON, March 15. The Brit
ish admiralty announced v tonight
. that i the German cruiser Dresden
had been sunk.
The sinking ot the Dresden was
announced by the admiralty tonight
in the following atatement: ,
"On March 14, at 9 a. m.. His Ma
jesty's Ship Glasgow, Captain John
Luce, R. N.; His Majesty's auxiliary
cruiser Orama, Captain John R. Se
grave, R. N and His Majesty's Chip
Kent, Captain John D. Allen, C. B.,
R. N., caught the Dresden near Juan
Fernandez Island.
Haola Down Color.
"An action ensued and after fiva
minutes' fighting the Dresden hauled
dawn Its colors and displayed the white
flsg. It waa much damaged and set on
fire, and after It had been burning- for
aoma time It magazine exploded and it
"The crew waa saved. Fourteen badly
wounded Germane are betas landed at
"There were no British casualties and
no damage to the ships."
Two Roldere Left.
The sinking of the Dresden leaves at
large on the high aeaa.v so far as Is
known, only two German war vessels the
cruiser Karlsruhe, last reported as oper
' a ting hi the West Indies, and the auxil
iary cruiser, Kronprlns Wllhelm, which Is
still raiding commerce in the south At
lantic. The Dresden was a member of the
German squadron which was defeated
by the British off the Falkland islands
Jtt TVMmhr. Tt'waa t Vi nnlv am nf flt-A
German warships to escape. The Dres
' , den was said to have fled to the west
ward, but there had been no reports of
its whereabouts since that time.
Hiding la Bar.
it was reported unofficially to have
been seen In the Straits ot Magellan and
. later to be In hiding In one of the bays
, on the Chllaq coast. '' '
The Dresden wss a sister ship at Ike
, inw3 cjnaoo, ,waxn was awna in Tfta
Indian ocean. . ...,. ,.-
Juan Fernandes Island, near Which the
Dresden waa finally finally run down, Is
a Chilean '-dependency In the Pacific
ocean, about -400 miles off the mainland. -The
solitary residence on- Juan Fer
nandes Island for four years of a Scotch
man named Alexander Selkirk Is sup
posed to ' have formed the basis of De
Foe's tale "Robinson Crusoe."
I Carried Hnerta.
At the outbreak ot the war tie Dresden
was assigned to the West Indies station
and Just prior to the beginning of hos
tilities It took Victorlano Huerta, who had
resigned as provisional president of Mex
ico, from Puerto Mexico to Jamaica.
Little waa heard of it until the battle
oft the Falkland islands. Late In August
It ' sank the ' British steamer Hyades off
the coast ot Brssll.
The Dresden, a ivesae! of 3,600 tons, was
no match for the. battle cruiser In the"
fleet ot Vice Admiral Sir Frederick
Sturdee In the battle off the Falkland
Islands and -after the destruction of the
Scharnhorst, Gn'etsenau, Lelpslg and
Nurnberg, it steamed away and escaped
its pursuers In the darkness. Since that
time both British and Japanese warships
nave searcnea persistently but lor more
than three months the cruiser eluded
pursuit, - '
The Dresden armament' was compara
tively Sght- It carried 10.4-Inch guns,
eight five pounders, four machine guns
and two torpedo tubes. It was 893 feet
long. Its complement was 321 men.
The Weather
Forecast till T p. m. Tuesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Partly cloudy; not much change In
temperatur ,
. Teasperatares at Onika Yesterday.
a a. ra....
B a. m
T a. m....
8 a- m....
1 a. ra....
I a. m....
II a. m....
U m
a p. m...,
1 p. m ...
t p. m....
4 p. m...,
a p. at....
5 p. in....
7 p. m....
I p. m....
. 30
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. 38
. 3S
, 33
. 33
. ;ia
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. 31
CeanparattT Iaea Record.
If IS. 1914. Ulit. 1912.
Highest today
newest today W
iMean temperature ..... 31'
Precipitation K
Normal temperature
Ieftclncy for the day
Deficiency since March 1....
Normal precipitation
Iwficl ncy for the dav
Precipitation since .Marh 1
Kxcess alnce March 1
Ueflciency cor. period 1!14..
Exceae cor. period iW
.04 inch
.04 Inch
1.57 inches
.(O Inch
.fi Inch
1.7s inches
Re aorta frw Statlaaa at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain-
cf leather.
rTievenne, lain
7 p. m.
... .
tDavenport. snow
Denver, partly cloudy
IIea Moine. cloudy...
Uodg t.Sty. clear
North Platte, cloudy..
. . .... a ImiHv . .
. 44
' T
Ui.i.rl ritv Dart rloudr 'JM
Kalt Lae, t" cloudy, ft.'
7 t-aiita re, iear....
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, 32
t-tous llty, cloudy.
' - 1 ii. Mlnniv
K iodlcatea trace or
U A. WfcUJU. Local Forecastar.
CARING FOR INJURED-llslitly wounded German sol.
diers being' assisted aboard trains at Lowicz, Poland, to be
sent to base hospitals in rear. ,
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Berlin Officials Say Nation Will
Fight Till Assurances Against
' New Attack Given.
LQNPON, March. ;X5. O, 'Retrtei
dispatch" trofa Berlin' by" way'of 'Am
sterdam Quotes the German minis
ter of the interior ando vice chancel
lor; Clemens Del Brueck, as declar
ing In speech in the upper cham
ber Germany's intention to continue
the war until it obtained the guar
antees it desired. .
"If we were satisfied merely with
repelling the enemy," said the vice
chancellor, "we should. Boon have
peace; But we cannot rest satisfied
with that alone; we shall notl
sheathe the , sword until we obtain
guarantees that our enemies will
not attack , us again. Discussion of
these guarantees at the present , mo
ment. would not further German in
terests.. ''. - ' .. ; '
' Foe .Itepeatedly Beaten.''
"Our enemies have been repeatedly de
feated . by our unconquerable troops,''
continued the vice chancellor, "and they
are now going to try to starve us, wag
ing war against our women and children,
instead of our armies snd fleets."
After reference, to the great Industrial,
agricultural and economic resources of
.Germany.' he seld: "Ve are organised
from top to. bnttoin jnd bound together
by a fixed purpose. Those who are com
pelled 'to remain at home- will also do
their best to contribute to the victory. '
What Thry Want.
"France wants the province she lost
In '71, Kuxslu wants to make' a province
of Tru'stla; England', want tu destroy
German commerce an. sea power. But
what . our . enemies liaVe t.complUhed-
the loss of the areata.- part of our colo
nies i without declslv-; Influence on tho
war. , ,
"On the other hand, Belgium, a great
industrial section or France and part ot
Russian Poland are In our possession.
There: are no enemies on German soil;
all their efforts to crujh Germany have
been frustrated. ".
New Move of Italy
Presages Trouble
15- The
ROME (Via I'arls). March
Italian minister of ' posts and telcgraphe
today Issued ordera suspending the ex-
change of telegraphic money orders alth
Orders were , Issued suppressing the
traveling-postof flee 'en trains bound for
tho Austrian. !
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 15. (Special. A tel
egram ..sent . to Governor Moreliead by
Secretary of - War Garrison, Intervening
In behalf ef the Nebraska - Nstlonal
Guard, was given out today. .
The tone of the nieasage Is firm In call
ing attention to the duty owed by Ne
braska and other ststes to the nation at
large. In maintaining - an adequate na
tional guard.
Aa the appropriation bill now stands,
and will ataud In all probability unices
the senate cornea to the rescue, the guard
appropriation is " alashed Just- half of Its
former six.
Diminishing Treatment Not Success
ful it Belief of Committee Con- .
sidering ftuestion. . ' '
: Committees
of. toe; Douglas, county
"board, the Nebraska' Humane so -
dety. City Commissioner A. C, rfu-
gel and County Physician Lee Van
Camp, which considered, the ' prob-
lera of disposition of "dope fiends"
yesterday afternoon, unanimously
approved methods previously VBfd
by the county, decided to drop the
proposal to place victims in a hospi
tal and attempted to reform three
men who declared they desired to
be aided.
Stories of their downfall and suf-
ferlngs and vain attempts to' reform,
tAld K thaA wlAtiwia -ear la a yi noAfl I
ivm v j iii txj v rviuia Eiu aicau u ojv
drugs frpm one to thirty years, were
the features of the' day. When they
were finished, all . the members ex
cept Dr. Van Camp confessed that
their Ideas had undergone a cbmplete
The conference, which waa composed of
strom, " County Commissioners John C. Presbyterian, Rev. Arthur J. Morris of
Lynch, Henry UlcDonsld and Frank Best. ImmnurI BPt'st. Rev. J. R. Beard of
City Commissioner ,Kuge and Vr. Van C'ntrsl Park Congregational and Rev.,
Campy-tTeclded unanimously that any ef-!Tn,,ma Evans of Grace United Evangel
fectlvo remedy must le in the nature of a j lc'- ' ' "'
How at tho source of supply of Illicit' At th" regular meeting the union en
drugs, plans to accomplish which were : "Ofsed a proposed campaign for prohlbl-
outllned, but Were not mode public.
. A resolution asking the legislature to
pass, with thtf emergency clause, a pend
ing law forbidding aale of dope, designed
to aaslst the enforcement of the federal
statute already In effect, was adopted..
Treatment Haa Ka Effect.
It waa after the conference . to bring
"fienda" from tho county .Jail, where
many have. been confined for the last six j
weeks, for personal talks, that It reached
practical conclusions. Prior, to-thst sev
eral members . believed , treatment In a
hoapitol, where victims might receive a
Contlnued-on Page Three, Column Two.)
Hunt Man Charged
With Dual Murder
ABKRDEKN, 8. D.. March U.-George
A. Carlaw, manager of , the Dakota Cen
tral Telephone eompany at Sleseton, 8.
I D.. for the laat ten vp.n la y.inm
searched for, charged'Kwltti the murder
j of his wife and daughter some time Sat-
urday. The bodies were not discovered
until Sunday sight. , ,
The bodies of Cailaw's wife and daugh
ter were found on a bed. They had -been
struck over the head with a heavy tele
phone wrench and stabbed with a butcher
Tli motive for the crime Is jiot known.
Carlaw la believed to hare fld to Can
ada. An auditor for the telephone com
pany alio txptn an examination of the
books Friday aaid he had found short
ages. Palmer Will Head
Court of Claims
WASHINGTON. March II.-Former
Representative A. Mitchell Palmer of
Pennsylvania haa been selected by Presi
dent Wlleon for chlf Justice of the
I'nited States court of rlaima to aucoeed
Judge Charles B. Howry, whoae reaigna
tton Is te take effect April t
Wednesday Executive Session Will
Listen to What the Committee
, Lopg at Work Will Have
to Say.
Sensational Disclosures May Be
Made After Committee Reports
( Its Findings.'
A report of alleged conditions ot
vice and nonenforcement ot law id
Omaha that "will open things up in
a startling way," according to some
local pastors, will be made by a spe
cial vice commtttee and considered
at a special secret meeting of the
Omaha Ministerial Union next Wed
nesday at 4 p. m according to
agreement ot the preachers at their
regular monthly meeting at the
Voung Men's Christian association.
"It is very interesting," said one
minister, in speaking ot the coming
report; "also highly' important and
most vital at this time." ,
Be port Losg Delayed.
Thus a probe Into alleged law violations
In Omaha and the supposed relation ot
the city commissioners thereto, which was
atarted last November and has been pend
ing ever since, Is finally going to be re
ported. ' "
' Militancy of certain pastors on the sub
ject, combined with the near approach
of the city commission primary and elec
tion, is supposed to - account - for the
union's doolslon to hear its committee's
report and act on It It Is also rumored
that the nature, of the committee's find
ings caused Its members to insist upon
being heard".
lllah and I.owe Talk.
"I actually saw two polioemen in uni
form drinking liquor' in a bootlegging
joint after 9 p. m.," said Rev. F. A. High,
superintendent of the Antt-flelooa league.
'That is a sample of the contents iff the
report the committee will . make. Wa
know the numbers of the boosing officers,
too," ' '
"1 spent considerable time and money
Investigating along those lines," said Rev.
Titus Lowe, pastor at the "First Methodist
church. He was originally chairman of
the vice committee. "I withdrew from
that lovely little opmmlttea when I
thought It waa time for us to- act and the
! ethee rAmmlHJuimM AiAn't iaa wltk
me. -But I am not going to. make a re-
' 2 ot W and I don't expect a
, minority renort 4rona the eoiftmltte. It
' wtij .wpab!y agree on
I .g.:t.. ' ..... v.u,
! " """"I w" "
Wce wnitha,
or not his expenditure of money la his
Independent invest tgations, tncude the
j Phase of Uqupr as cvldenca ot law
violations. He Is known to have visited
I various nlace's In the underworld with
'other ministerial sleuths while investi
gating. f
After the Ministerial union" voted) to
hold a special meeting to hear the com-
mlttee's report. Rev.' Charles E. Cobbey
of the First Christian church moved and.
Rev.. Mr. High seconded that the meeting
be a secret one.' Rev. -F. P. Ramsay of
jpoep, ,wrecy but the union voted
stroptfly for It. A puhilo statement of
Ibi action will be given out later, said
Rev. A. C. Douglass, who Is president of
the union and pastor ok the First United
Presbyterian church. y
Mem here of the Committee.
Members of the vice committee In
clude Rev. C. N. Dawson,' pastor of
Diets Memorial Methodist church, chair
man: Rev. .E. H. Jenks of the First
th,, to made In Nebraska, probably at
the next election. The Billy Sunder ra.
vvsl, which has been postponed till, next
fait, was also endorsed again by the paa-
Eipel Member from
Colorado, Assembly
DENVER, Colo.. March U.-Repreeent-atlve
W. W. nowland was expelled from
membership In the general assembly to
day on a charge of perlury. This action
waa taken when the house adopted the
report of tha special ccmmlttea which
Investigated charges that Howland re
ceived a package of money February t.
The committee's request to be contin
ued to make further investigation was
spproved. The report was presented by
Spoaker P. B. Steward, who moved Its
adoption. y
Omaha' magnificent hotel
facilities fit all require
ments. A new million dol
lar fireproof hotel, erected
as a public enterprise, can
satisfy the most fastidious;
and another new hotel is
soon to open. At the same
time the older hotels offer
all the varied accommoda
tions called for according' to
the demands or means of
the traveling public.
t ..TUBS. .'..'.- I
T H (" AT E'CI I y-Of'TH & W ST
Kitchener Tells Lords Ammunition
Supply Is Now a Serious Problem
LONDON. March ll-ecretary ot War
Earl Kitchener gave a brief review of the
wr situation In the House of Lords this
evening. He said that only trench fight
Ing had been possible for many weeka
past, but that this had not affected the
morale f the British troope. Recent oc
currences In the fight around Neuvo
Chappele and Fpinetto shwd how suc
cessfully tha British troops have been
able to take the offensive. He referred to
the gallantry shown by the soldiers of
India and he spoke euloglatlcally or the
French army, which, he said, had made
important progress at various points along
the line, especially In Champagne. The
situation in the Dardanelles waa well In
hand, tha speaker declared, but he waa
unable to aay any more than haa ap
peared In tha preaa.
Frogreas in equipping Britain's new
armies had been seriouely hampered by
failure to get sufficient labor, and the
neceaeary factory facilities. He said: ,
'The supply of war materia is now
and for the next month or two will be
a serious consideration. It is causing me
serious anxiety. It is absolutely essen
tial that the output of ammunition must
ba increased. To do so is of the utmost
Importance to the operations In the field."
Continuing Earl Kitchener urged firms
in certain lines to place their spare labor
and machinery at the disposal of the gov
ernment He said he considered that the
men engaged in supplying munitions were
Neutral Cargoes Bound for German
Ports Will Be Deflected to Brit
ish or French Ports.
LONDON, March 15. The British
order In council decreeing retaliatory
measures on the part of the govern
ment to meet the declaration of the
Germans that the waters surrounding
the United Kingdom are a military
area, was made public today.
The text of the order In council fol
lows: ,
"Whereas, The German government has
Issued certain orders which, in violation
of the usages of war, purport to declare
that waters surrounding theTTnlted King
dom are a military area la which all
British and allied merchant vessels will
he destroyed, irrespective of the safety
and the lives of the passengers and the
crews, and in which neutral shipping
will be exposed to similar danger In view
of tha uncertainties ot naval warfare.
"And ( Whereas, In tho memorandum
accompanying the said ordera, neutrals
are warned against entrusting crews,
passengers es- feeds to British or allied
ships. y.,.-, , ...-.y.-
"And Wheraasi Such attempts en' the
part of the enemy te give to his majesty
aa unquestionable tight ot retaliation.
"And Whereas, His majesty has there,
fore decided to adopt further measures
in erder to prevent commodities of any
kind from reaching or leaving Germany,
although such measures will be enforced
without risk to neutral ships or the neu
trsl or non-combatant life, and in strict
obrcrvanos of the dictates of humanity.
Stataa ot Nentral Caravore.
'"And! whereas, the allies of his majesty
are associated with him In tho steps now
to be announoed fori restricting further
the commerce of Germany, his majesty
is therefore pleased by and with the ad
vice ot his privy council to order, and
It la hereby ordered, as tollows:
"First, no merefcam vessel which aalled
from its port of departure after March
1, WIS, shall be allowed to proceed on its
voyage to any German port unleaa this
vassal receives a pass enabling it to pro
ceed to some neutral or allies' port to be
named In the pass; the goods on board
aay such vessel must be discharged In a
British port and plared In custody of the
marshal of the prise court Goods so
discharged. If not contraband of war.
shall. If not requisitioned for tha use of
his majesty, be restored by order of the
court upon such terms aa the court may
in the circumstances deem to ba just to
the persons entitled thereto.
"Second, no merchant vessel which
sailed from any German port after March
1. 191S, shall be ' allowed to proceed on
Its voyage with any goods on board,
laden at such port All goods laden at
suoh porta must be discharged in a Brit
ish or allied port. Goods so discharged
In a British port shall be placed in the
custody of the marshal of the prise court,
and If not requisitioned for the use of his
majesty, ahall ba detained or sold under
tha -direction of the prise court.
The proceeds of the goods so sold shall
ba paid in to the court and dealt with In
such a manner aa the court may la the
clreumstanees deem to be just, provided
that no proceeds of the sale of such
gooda shall ba paid out ot the court until
the oonnlualon ef peace, except on tbe
application of a proper officer of the
crown, unless It ba shown that the goads
had become neutral property before the
lasuanoa of this order, and provided also
that nothing herein shall prevent tha re
lease . of noutral property laden at such
enemy's port on the application of the
proper officer of the crown.
Property Coaalaaed Enemy.
"Third. Every merchant vessel which
sailed from Its port on or after March 1,
1915, on ita way to a port other than a
German port and carrying gooda with an
enemy destination, or which are enemy
property, may be required to discharge
such goods In a British or allied port.
Any gooda so discharged In a British port
shall be placed in the cuatody of the
marshal ' of the prise court and unless
they are contraband of war, shall. If not
requisitioned for the use of his majesty,
be restored by sn order ot the court upon
such terms aa the court may In the cir
cumstances deem to be justified to tha
person entitled thereto and provided that
this article shall not apply In any case
falling within articles S and 4 ot this
"Fourth. Every merchant vessel which !
sailed from a port other than a tierman
port after March 1. KUS and having on
board goods which are of enemy origin,
or are enemy property, may be required
.Continud on Page Three, Cul. Thiee.)
serving their country aa much as the
men In the field and that a medal would
be Issued to workers on munitions of war
on the successful termination of hostil
ities. The health of the British troops was re
markable good, was another declaration
made by the war secretary and a striking
testlmeny to the value of inoculation.
Speaking of the Russian campaign. Earl
Kitchener remarked that the German at
tacks were either well held or had been
driven back.
In conclusion the speaker said the gov
ernment waa considering arrangements
by which armament firms should come
under government control and their em
ployes reap some of the beneflta which
the war had automatically brought to
their employers.
derma Official Report.
BERLIN. March l&.-(By Wlreleaa to
Payvltle.l The German War office today
gave out a report on the fighting which
reads as follows:
"The baths at Westende were shelled
yesterday without effect by two gun
boats of the enerov. '
"The number of Russian prisoners from
engagementa to the north ot the Augus
towo forest has been Increased by &.400.
Strong Russian .attacka to the north and
to the northeast of Prsasnyes reaulted
In failure and the enemy's loasea were
heavy. South ot the Vistula there haa
been no change."
England Rejects American Tlea for
Compromise in Sea War of
European Nations.
LONDON, March lB.The Brit
ish Foreign office delivered today to
Ambassador Page Its reply to the
American note proposing to Great
Britain and Oermany the , with
drawal of the German submarine
blockade provided England would
permit food to reach German civilians.-
Great Britain's reply la an ab
solute refusal.
The foreign office also delivered
to the ambassador Great Britain's
reply to tbe Amertcan note inquir
ing for further Information In re
gard to the measures to be taken
by the allied powera to cut off trade
to and from Germany. '.
The reply to this note Is based
largely upon the order in council
which was Issued today,,, . ,
Great Britain's 'refusal to accept
I the American proposals to this conn
'try and Germany Is due to the rea-
sons outlined several days ago.
Mother Waited Two
Hours for Beacliey
Before Death Told
SAN FRANCISCO, March 16.-A hun
dred and sifty miles an hour was tha
speed Lincoln Beachey, . killed here y s
terday, estimated he could get out of tha
monoplane whose collapse sent him to
Btachcy lived with his moth r in a
cottage In the Sunset district, south of
Golden Gate park. Kat h day when he
waa to fly the mother would post her
self at a nearby corner commanding a
view of the boulevard along which his
automobile ' always bore him on his r -turn
There she would remain sometimes for
severs! hours before the aviator returned
from the scene of hla aerial feats. Bh
was waiting yesterday, two hours after
the tragedy at' the exposition grounds,
before a friend arrived to break the
DAYTON, O., Much 16. Wlllam C
Beaohey, fath r of Lincoln Beachey, baa
not been told ot his son's death. Mr.
Beaohey Is a ward of tha National Mili
tary home here, but is now on a fur
lough viaiting frienda at Lebanon. Tbe
parent Is totally blind and la In such a
physical condition that frienda today fear
to break the ' news . to him. Lincoln
B achey visited bis father at the home
last August.
Heavy Cannonading
HeardOf f Dunkirk
PARIS. March 11 Violent cannonading
is going on at a point to the northeast
of Dunkirk, .according to a dispatch from
that seaport to the Havaa agency. The
belief in Dunkirk is that a British
squadron la bombarding the Saad dunes
around Nleuport,
TANKTON. 8. D., March IC-ISpaoial
Telegram.) Mrs. Alexander J. Thomas,
wife ot a market gardener, walked Ipto
Sacred Heart hospital at S o'clock laat
night with throat- and ohaek out and
windpipe severed. She reported that a
negro named Ed Jackson had attempted
to asaauit her. Mrs. Thomas la In a very
serious condition. County and city of
ficers hunted all night for Jarksoa and
today the man hunt continues.
(From a Staff Correapendnt)
LINCOLN, March 11 5pecisJ. Gov
ernor Morehead sent a special nteeeege
to the legislature Monday suggesting that
a bill be paaaed authorising banks ta act
as trusteea. guardian, admlnlatrators
and executor of estates. Ha said he waa
doing this by request, but gave it his'eti
dorsement. Vnrtt-r tha national laws tha
governor stated banks have this privi
lege. .
Decisive Conflict is Expected Soon
Unless Directions of Teutonic
Offensire Undergoes Had-,
ical Change. -
. - i i ii
Central Poland VUj Again Become
Scene of Movement Aimed
at Warsaw.
The Day's Wat News
eo-operetlen with Ita allies, ef rat.
Has of trade la and from Germany-
has been annauneed Ii
London. It rontalne drastic pro
visions, not only tor fcnldlag if
ships to and from l.erman porta,
hat for ronflscattoa ef groad of
f.ermaa origin ' ar destination
which are shipped front ' aeatrat
ports. Vnder thle decree the civ
ilian poaalatlaw at Germany
well aa the army will he rat eft
from any form of aTeraeae traffic,
aa far aa It Ilea within the power
' of the altlea to bring thle about.
(hat flahtlnac of lacreantng; vio
lence Is In progress la the west.
The Berlin statement - Indicates
that the Ruestans arc making
stroaar efforts to repulse the .new
Merman advance on Prsasnyes.
At STHO-OFRMAN forcee la fialleU
are attempting; to relieve Prae.
PARIS NKWSpAPRn pabllehee a re.
port , that oaf ore hla resignation
rretnter Venlealoa at Ore ere of
fered S, OOO men to the entente
rowers for tha Dardanelles expe
dition. Balsrarla la reereeeated aa
, considering; the expediency of en
tering tha war, hot aa feeing aa.
decided whether la aaeh event It
woald aaalat Tarhey or Ita ' op-
VOlTIVCt TtRKS, wader whoae lead,
ereklp Turkey went Into the war,
are said to find their present post.
'an In Conalantlnoplo a. dlftiealt
one, and one report 'front Greek
eoarcee ears they 'may flee front
the capital. -! '
that the a team ere Flore san, Head
lands and llnrtdale, prevtoaely re.
I ported torpedoed, have alt gone to
tha feotteat. '.'.,-. ' - - L-
IV rRaSCB' X!o BEtMUM,'ffVn.
alee ssemtlesa at pvoaent reef
oaleflr with tho allies, wheaa
actlvttlee arc Interpreted la Lou.
'r aa. preliminary to a general
attack la the sprlag.
LONDON, March 15. Mystery en-'
velopes the progress of Field . Mar
shal Von Hindenbur's latest 'advance
Into Poland, but It Is the opinion of
British observers that tbe vast forced
along the line from the Klemen to,
the Vistula cannot much , longer 'be
kept from decisive contact unless the
direction of the German offensive
undergoea a radical change. -.
At present the meager Information
coming through of the operations In
th eastern arena Indicates that tha
Germans have beeen successful In the
forest of Augustowo, . whence the
Russians have fallen bacic under tha
guns of Grodno.
Further to the south In the Mlawa re
gion, tha German advanoa ha hn
stayed and tha Russians are .initiating
an advance oa the northern bank of the
Vistula in the direction ef Ploek.
as tha Germans are concerned, howeve
all of these movements may be abandoned
snd central Poland again become the
Beans of a determined attack on Warsaw
It 1 recalled that Field Marshal von
Htndanburg never haa bean fond of :nov.
m far from fcia tinea ot rail communtca.
tloa. , j". i
In the Carpathians the Russians appar
ently are abandoning their defensive atti
tude, for they are making desperate coun
ter attacks oa tho Auatrtans with the
greatest suocesa, according to official an
nouncements from Petrograd. The region
of tha principal Russian offensive Ii near
Lupkow pass. Iter the Russians clsim
heavy captures In prisoners and runs.
On tha other hand. Vienna reports tha
failure of Russian counter attacks snd
tha taking of many Russian prisoners as
a result of bluer night fighting in the
Carpathians. .' .
Last night's Parta official announcement
said tha British success at Neuve Ch.
pallo was mora substantial than had been
reported;, that the French were making
themselves secure In now imha i- ,k.
Champagne country gad that the aerial
Domoarament of Westende had beeu ef
fective Zerbal Appointed
Warden at Atlanta
Federal Prison
WASHINGTON, March 15.-Frederlck
Zerbst, deputy warden at Leavenworth
federal penitentiary, has been . cboeen
for warden of tbe penitentiary at Altan'.i.
succeeding Warden Moyer. The appoint
ment will be effectiva April 1
Attorney General Gregory aald today
there waa no political signlflcanca fat the
removal of Moyer.
"I don't know of any harder thing tha n
to find a good warden," said tbe attorney
general. Ton don't want a aickly senti
mentalist nor do you want a brute.- You
need a man who understands human as
ture, who Is the sort who will get t
know hla prisoners, something of their
history and who will at tha earns Urn
ba a capable executive and one whs will
enforce dtsclpliae."