TIIH OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: MAKC1I 14, into. 3-A Mistaken Diajnosis-Doctors Goass Wrong Again About five yearn ago I wrote to you thut I had born a trrtbl sufferer from kl'tn-y and bladder troubles, and that my 1'hyslclnn informrd mo that my left kid ney was In such condition that there was no hop for my recovery. I was advised to try your S amp-Root as a last resort, end after taking four fifty-cent alia bot tles, I p.ixRcd a gravel atone whlnh weighed ten cralns. 1 afterwards for warded you this gravel stone. Have had no return of any trouble since thai time ami cannot say too. much In favor ot your wonderful preparation, Swamp-Root, which cure, after physicians fall, yery truly yours, T. II. HORXB. Route 3, Box 30. Roscboro, N. C. Personally appeared before roe, this 81st day of July. 1909. F. II. Home, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true In substance nd In fact. JAMES M. HALU Notary Public X,etter to Dr. XlUner a Co., Blnjrbajnton, IT. T. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do lor Toa Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Co, Ulnnhamton. N. Y., for a sample slae bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable in formation, telling about the kldneya and bladder. When writing, be sure and men tion the Omaha Sun-Jay Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for salnVt all drug stores. $35 IS KEYNOTE TO SUIT CAMPAIGN Dresher the Tailor Claims No Man Need Go Over $35 to Secure Nobbiest of Made-to-Measure Clothes. Dreshers to Make Colossal Effort This Season On Clothes at This Price. Dresher, the Tailor, at 1515 Far r.am street, one door west ot the Hotel Hensuaw, has sold over $1, 000,000 worth of tailored clothes to Omaha men since 1900, and It would seem as though be would btt entitled to give the opinion of a clothes expert. And Dresher claims that $35 is the rightful price for a suit of men's rnade-to-:ii?asure clothes. He has tailored thousands of suits at a higher price than $35, and many at a lower price; but the law of aver ages holds good, and he finds that $35 is an average price for a suit as good as any man need wear. So $35 is the price adopted by Dreiihcr for a stirring campaign on made-to-order clothes. Dresher is going to push the $3 5 idea, and is golni; to push the idea of having Dresher make the suit. Pay $35 and choose from any line of fabrics that would seem to command more mono)1 an amazing line of fabrics, all specially bought for 1915. In fact, Dresher has set aside one complete wall case laden with noth ing but fabrics to be made into $35 suits. " See these fabrics and you will feel a whiff of Spring. Digni fied patterns are here, interspersed, however, with plenty of "livelier" things for the young chaps. Then, too, there are patterns suitable for tall men, for short men, for slim men and stout men; patterns for any and every man who would look his best all this to be had at the Dresher the Tailor establishment. Easter isn't a far away matter anymore. It comes on April 4 this year, and that gives you Just time enough for a very ifine Job of "Dresh er" tailoring. J. W. Nelson designs and cuts all of the Dresher suits, and this fact alone makes It worth while for you to see Dresher about your Spring suit, for there isn't a better posted or more able wielder of the tape line and shears in all America than Nelson. Better come in. See that $35 line. See the suits that satisfy so well that Omaha men have bought $1,000,000 worth since 1900. Remember Dreshers make a suit that can hardly1 be worn out. Thousands of Omahans will tell you o. SORE TEETH Foul Breath Nebraska JURORS' APPETIZER DOESN'T ALTER CASE Supreme Court Holds Sinoe They Were in Sight of Bailiff Ver Verdict Will Stand. GAME LICENSES TO STATE FUND Winner of the Bicycle (Frotn a Staff Correspondent.) UNCOLN. March 11. (SpeclaD-Ths supreme court sees nothing prejudicial in tha fact that two Harlan county Jurors, after a caaa had been entrusted to them, stopped In at a saloon on their way horns to dinner and took an appe tiser, or even two ot them. The question arises In the case of James S. Reed against the Burlington. The high court does say that it was mlscon eurt. but aa long as the Jurors were under the eye of the bailiff and talked with no one concerning the case. It wn not such misconduct as could be consid ered prejudicial; that is, as grounds for overturning the verdict. The opinion is written by Judge Sedg wick, He calls attention to the fact that the men did not become Intoxicated. The plalnlff in the case recovered a verdict of $1,000 against the railroad company for damages to his property cuuHed by flood waters loosened through a railroad cul vert, which. It was alleged, was negli gently constructed. The Judgment of the lower court Is affirmed. . name) I.tcenne to State Fond. Money paid out for hunting and fish ing licenses does not belang to the school fund of the county in which it Is col lected, but belongs to the school fund of the state, according to the opinion handed down by the supreme court this morning In the test case brought In Furnas county. John Stevens brought the suit in the nature of a mandamus action, to compel the officials of Furnas county, the state treasurer and the state game and fish commissioner, to turn the Furnas county license money over to the school fund of that county. The lowwr court found against Stevens, and its Judgment Is af firmed by the high court Sooth Omaha Pavlnap Case. The high court affirms the decision of the Douglas county court that Edwin Davis cannot maintain a mandamus ac tion to force the city officials of South Omaha to uso a certain kind of paving material, the same being a matter of discretion and not a ministerial function. Finn Moat Be Paid. Wendolin Oerwlck, charged with an as sault upon a neighbor's boy, must pay the J30 fine Imposed upon him following his conviction by a Richardson county Jury. The boy waa searching for a lost pig. He claimed that Oerwlck hit him over the head with a stick. Shaft No Place for Head. The 111,000 verdict recovered In the Lan caster county district court by John Wright against the Sclden-Breck eom pany, the contractor that built the First National bank building In IJncoln, wast overturned today by the supreme court. Wright, who waa employed In one of the offices of the building aa It nearred completion, stuck his head In the door of the elevator to call for it, a call bell at that time having not been Installed. The cage descended suddenly, crashing Wright's head between its door and the lower pane of the empty door-window. The court holds that It was not negli gence per m upon the part of the con struction company to dperate the elevator without a call bell, the building at that time not having been open to the public, but only to the employes and llcsriscos of the company. Furthermore, the court says that Wright's action in thrusting his head Into the elevator shaft was one of utmost hazard and that he cannot recover for Injuries received aa the result of such action. The bank was also' a party de fendant, but was freed from liability by the lower court. Dam aire Case Reversed. The Douglas county Jury that gave Ethel Burge a verdict for 11,933 against the C F. Adams company for damages for injury to health caused by an Insistent collector was clearly the result of passion and prejudice, according to the supreme court, which reverses the case. From Ioiilsr Emily Saunders, Kearney, Neb., comes a letter thanking The Bee for the bicycle she won In the recent contest. And that letter shows the kind of girl touts Is and probably explains why so many people worked and helped her t" get vote. The letter doesn't say a word about how smart and Industrious she Is. But It Is Just full of thankfulness both to The Bee and to all those who helped her. Gratitude is a fine quality to frave. Everybody likes to help people who are grateful. We can Just Imagine louts saying a pleasant "thank you" for every elngle one of the 21.6W1 votes ta got Of course, some of these votee came In. a hundred or more at a time, so of course Louise didn't have to smile and say "thank you" tl.MO times. That would ha a lot wouldn't ltT And there's another thing in Iniise'a letter that every boy and girl ought to notice and from which every boy and girl ought to learn a lesson. Tou will notice that Louise was in one other contest before ahe was In tha bicycle contest. She tried to win the doll, Alice, and failed. But did that discourage Louise? Did she say, "I never could win anything, so I'll Just stop trying?" No. Indeed. Not a bit of it. She Just waited until the bicycle con test came along and then she said to herself: "I didn't try hard enough In the doll contest. I can do lots better than I did there. Now, I'm Just going to try with all my might to win this bicycle." And then Louise went out and worked. And she got a lot of other people work ing for her. And when the votes were counted she had won. That was a proud momct for Louise. Here Is her letter to The Bee: "KEARNEY, Neb.. March U 1915. Dear Sirs: I thank you with all my heart for the bicycle I received ' on Wednesday at noon. I have, had good luck In getting the biccycle. I want to be a Busy Bee. I am going to Join the Blue Side because I want It to grow. I hope 1 will have good luck In getting ? . Jr.- v - .,.- " f 1 1 sw:- - v . v - : - v, s . ...... .y indent Louise TSmily Sji a prize as I got the bicycle, not as I got Alice, the doll. I only got 3U0 pictures but did not win her. I am sending my picture for The Bee on Sunday. I hor my letter will be on the children's paire. I will have a story next time. New Busy Bee. "LOmSH EMILY SAUNDERS, "Kearney, Neb. "Winner of last week's bicycle. "Thanking you with all my heart and those who helped me." You're quite welcome, Louise. Another bicycle contest starts today. Who will be the winner of that one? Nebraska ftatsMWMSTs iwl COMMISSIONLR S TERM FOUR YEARS Supreme Court Reverses Finding of District Court in Case of Peter Elsasser ts. McDonald. O'Connor Will Filed By J. T. Culavin is Rejected by Jury HASTINGS, Neb., March 11 (Special Telegram.) After deliberating since noe-n yesterday, the Jury at :16 a. m. today returned a verdict disallowing the will of John O'Connor, Hastings recluse and man of mystery, leaving his 1100,000 estate to John T. Culavin of Omaha. O'Connor, who was supposed to have had a criminal history, died August 17, 1913, without known heirs. Since then upwards of thirty-six alleged heirs have claimed the estate. Culavin will appeal. Many years of litigation is in prospect Judge Dungan announced he would call a grand Jury in May to consider phases of the O'Connor case. Such, an Inquiry was requested by Judge Vlnsonhaler for Culavin when W. F. Davis charged Cula vin with offering him a bribe to sign a will. Counsel for contestants Joined In the request, suggesting that the inquiry cover ' any person connected wltli the case FORMER COLUMBUS MAN KILLED IN CALIFORNIA COLUMBUS, Neb., March IS. (Special.) The First National bank of this city received word from El Centre, Cal., that Andrew Anderson was acddeptally killed while inspecting a new hotel, when he stepped Into a dark elevator and foil down the shaft, breaking his back, which caused his death two hours later. Mr. Anderson is well known In Columbus and vicinity, where he with Mr. Roen es tablished the First National bank. Postmaster-elect S. E. Marty received his commission and will take possession of the office April 1. There will be no changes In the employes the civil sen-Ice rules control. Court Finds Dilley Not Terror-Stricken (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, March IS. (Special.) Al though Charles Dilley received a kick In the stomach that possibly caused him "pain and terror," he was not so beside himself that he was unable to walk a block to his room, get a revolver and return teethe scene of the battle. The supremycourt affirms Wiley's conviction by- a ESwnee county court on the charge of shflbting one M uteres, a barber, who had licked him out of his shop. Dilley pleaded that ho was not mentally re sponsible through "pain and terror." Discolored, Sore Teeth, Gurrt Disease, Foul Breath correctly treated here- You can save the teeth nature gave you, malie your mouth healthy and escape the tortures uf toothache by coming to us at first sign ot decoy. OUR TREATMENT . Is sinipli:, easy and pleasant. Be sides It Is painless and cannot possiblj harm you in any way Honesty built our buainea to oas ol the largest practices In Nebraska. We tell you on first consultation Just what you used and exactly what cost of same will be. nmiii BXTBAcnow IT YrrAXHID AT. Taft's Dental Rooms 151T BOUOLAV tTmZZT. BOGUS CHECK ARTIST WCRKS IN TECUMSEH TBCUMSEH. Neb.. March 12.-(Speclal.) young man named Clarewe Adams, who was In Tecumseh for but a week or so. Is wanted here for forgery. He went Into Phelps' hardware store, bought an Inexpensive article, and presented a check for . 17.60 In payment. The check was made out to himself and was signed by Edwin Howorth, a farmer living near town. Adams represented himself to be farm hand. He was given bis change, and, when the check Was discovered to be a forgery, had left town. It is learned that he got la his work at Elk Creek and at Burchard. A warrant has been Issued for his arrest. Real Estate Read the Utet news about real estate on toe next to the last psuje. Be Informed 4nTestl gate end yon will be able to Invest your money snore intelli gently and more profitably. CHERRY COUNTY RANCHER WILL GET A NEW TRIAL (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, March U (Special.) For the second time the supreme court his reversed the Cherry county district court In its conviction of Thomas J. Brown, charged with stealing seven cows from cattle had been openly In his possession Thomas Byron. The defendant maintained that he bought the stock from a stranger. The a matter of some six months. Notea from Syrwcame. STRACTSE, Neb.. March 13 (Special.) Billy McFarland held his second annual sale of pure-bred HampaWra hogs here Thursday. Eighty-six head were sold at a total of $3,461.60, or an average of $42 per head. The highest bred sow sold brought (302.50 and went to Thomas W. Lawson of Redmond, Ore, Tha second highest brought 1140 and went to A. Hi. Splttler, Ewlng, HNeb. Miss Edna Falters left tor Minneapolis, Minn., Friday, where she Is to be mar ried to Robert Bryant, formerly of Lin coln. Mr. Bryant has a good position In Minneapolis, where the newly wedded pair will reside. Miss Falters was accom panied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.. g. Fallen. Revival services of the different churches of the city In union meeting are being held nightly at the Methodist church, conducted by Revivalist Rush ot Kearney and Singer A B. Campbell of tTnlverslty Place. 8. Q. Farnsworth of Unadllla has sold his drug business to Ralph Lincoln et Dunbar. Verdict Against Street Railway Company Upheld (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 13-(Speclal.)-oiio verdict of K..0OO secured by Alice Fits gorald, administratrix of the estate of, Michael Fltigerald, against the Omaha Street Railway company la affirmed by the supreme court. Deceased waa killed when a Farnam street car struck a county ambulance in which he was riding. JUDGMENT AGAINST MILLER BY STRAHL IS SUSTAINED (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, March 13. (Special.) An Innkeeper Is not an insurer of the safety of a guest, but Is hound to exercise ill reasonable care for his protoctlon, accord ing to the opinion of the supreme court in affirming the Judgment of the Doug las county district court for $6,600 In favor Of Emll J. Strahl against Rome Miller. Strahl Is at present a resident of Lin coln. Miller waa sued as proprietor of the MUlard hotel at Omaha, at which Strahl was a guest when a fire broke ont there one morning In January, lfiu. He was Injured when he slid down a rope fire escape that was too short. Honertor Easiness Change. nUPERIOR, Neb., March 13.-(Speclsl Telegram.) Horton's cigar store changed hands today, being bought by Walter Cuff and Charles Groves of Bostwlck. The Bee Wants Ads are the bust Busi ness Boosters. FORMER'S CONTENTION UPHELD (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 13. (SpwIM Telegram.) A fjupstlon Involving the term of a county commissioner of Douglas county was settled by a suit brought by Teter Elsasser against Henry S. McDonald, the court decid ing that tho term is four years. Kl sasscr was elected to fill the unex pired term of John A. Scott, deceased In November, 1910. McDonald, claiming that the term of Scott was three Instead of four years, was elected In M2 and seat-d. Elsasser brought action to retain his seat and the district court decided against him. The Judgment Is reversed by ths higher court. County officials asserted that the deci sion would irave no practical erfect In county affalra with the exception of pos sibly enabling Mr. Elsasser to collect $2,150 which during the year he should have been in office waa the salary ot commissioners- Mr. McDonald, with Commissioners Lynch and O'Connor, waa re-elected at the election last fall and is safely In stalled for a four-term. Commissioners Harte and Brat's terms under a former decision will continue till until the begin ning of 1917. FILINGS ARE RECEIVED FOR P0ST0FFICE PRIMARY SCHUYLER. Neb., March 13. -(Special.) D. W. Kllleen, chairman of the primary committee, has received the following names) as candidates for the position of postmaster for the consideration of the committee In charge: F. A. Surha. ex-clerk of the dlHtrliH. court, having served eight years In that A. J. Orter, formerly In the automobile business. ..... W. It Davis, nine years clerk In the postofflce and on the mull route. Adlson Bolton, general mercantile busi ness. Miss Emily Dwornk. sloven years dep uty In the court house. A. O. Knpka, JewMrv bnslness. ft. H. Green, real estate and Insurance businr-ss and old resident. F. J. Kovar, general hamessi buniness. Ed Zersan. manager of the Farmers' Orsln company. Harry Miles, mall clerk on the Burlington, Talk the Spring Clothes Question Over With Her- Then With Us You'll bo surprised nt lior keenness in suggesting what'n new but expect her to suggest tho store where you , lire sure to Smartest Suits Ever Shown in Omaha $15-$20-$25 They are suits that rank jKiint for point with the best $25 to $35 values you'll find about town. "We're ready to prove the merits of those stylish Spring Suits to you tomorrow. lift '16 a at HUWAKD ffi Investors with money Estate ads In The Bee. read tha Heal Advertise your HYMENEAL Craven-Sunder. FAIRBtmY, Neb., March (Special. Miss Edna Sanders snd Chester Graves were married at the home of the brldVs parents at Dsykln, the Bev. Hibbens of Daykln, officiating and seventy-five friends and relatives witnessed the cere mony. The couple was attended by Nona Fltton and Rowena Depue. Tha wedding march was played by Miss Clara Kollman and preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Harry Sanders sang "At Dawning." The bride was beautifully gowned In whlto silk crepe da chine with lara trimmings and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Ladrlr-Owens. ' SIDNEY, Neb., March U (Special Tel egram.) Frank L. Ladely and Rose Min nie Owens of Cheyenne, Wyo., were mar ried here today by Couny Judge Chambers. Gaare foaaty Notes. BEATRICE, Neb.. March li-(Speclal.) Henry I'nteldt, the merchant tailor at DeWltt mho was arrested some time ago on a charge of being Implicated in the robbery of Bonehright ec Bunte's store at Cortland on the night of January SO, was arraigned Friday In county court and waived preliminary hearing. The Cortland Creamery company at a meeting held Thursday afternoon, voted to discontinue tha operation of its butter making plant, and In the future will only buy and sell cream. AH the equipment used for the manufacture of butter will be sold, snd the stockholders will be as sessed $80 each to take care of the In debtedness. A Cold im Dssstrest. Break It Now. Bell's I'ine-Tar-Honey Is fine for coughs and colds. Hootlies the lungs, loosens tbe mucous. Only So. All druggists. Advertisement. DEATH RECORD. Mre.'joha t'aykeadall. FAIRBURT, Nsb.. March U (Special.) A telegram was received In this city this morning ststlng that Mrs. John A. Cuykendall had died at a sanitarium In Lincoln last night, where she had been taking treatment for several weeks. Mrw Cuykendall had been fading In health for a number ot years. he had lived la Fan-bury since 1881 Her husband Is prominent Rock Island passenger . en gineer of this city. Hr was at ber bed' side, as well as two daughters, Mra Hiram O. Nellia of this city and Mrs. E. A Cramb of Lincoln. The body will be brought to this city tonight and thu funeral held from the home. Rev R. N Orrlll of the Methodist church offloUUna C A I V " 1 lib L 7,4 1- v. i Dr. Bradbury in New Location As You Grow Older you will wish many times that you had taken care of your teeth. In these days of modern scien tific dentistry there Isn't the slightest excuse for not having your teeth properly taken care of. , No pain here it has been abol ished by our modern methods. You need have no fear W you come to us If you bava teeth that need pulling. Wo kUl and take out nerves sclentlficallyt You don't feel the least bit of pain. Wo Give Shoppers Mileage Take a trip FREE with our compliments. Crowns do rf Ud Bridges pw.ov Dp. Bradbury, Dentist Suite 921-22 Woodmen of tbe World Building, 14th and Farnam Streets. a' , """"l 28 Years in One Location 6 r.UL QUALITY DENTISTRY Most For Your KYionoy Our dentistry is the best that skill and fine materials can make it, and is cheap cnoiifih to enable everybody to patronize us. Our gnaraJitoo really guarantees. Verv Best llea'y AA Gold Crown, 22k....wMJU Best Bridge Work, AA per tooth vieVU ..$7.50 per Finest Stiok-tito Rubber Plate. . Best Silver Filling 50 Latest and Best Methods of Extracting Teeth. Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 10 to L & L DENTAL COMPANY 14th and Farnam Sts., Over Union Pacific Ticket Office. I'hone Douglas 2872. WHMM 9SS as RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED OR MONEY REFUNDED An announcement appeared in the Medical Journal, 1913, of a treatment for Rheumatism with serums by Dr. Dowser, ot Omaha. Neb., who was the first to take up this work with success. It is a recognized fact that the serum treatment Is the only cure for Rheumatism. He has devoted the last three years to this work, and testimonials of his success are beyond questioning. TESTIMONIAL What Wm. Thornburac has to say about Dr. Bowser's treatment for Kheumatlsin; "In Maxell, 191 J, I waa taken down with Rheumatism, flat on my 4jack abso lutely helpless. Tha pain and sleepless nights were something awful. I hud to be fed and cared for like a baby I had tried different treatments at the besln nlntf and one day I would think I felt a little better and the next day a little worse, until at. last I was unable to raise hand or foot, when on April 27, ltlS, they calleJ Ur. W. W. Bowser, who took charge of my case. In three days the pains began to ease up and tha fourth day with a' little help, I could walk to the bath room. 1 kept on Improving; and in ten days was free from all pain. I could est veryhlng; they would xlve me and kept on Inkprovlng- and went back to work a week later. That waa two years ago and my work exposes me to all kinds of weather have been out In cold rains; have been soaked to the skin many times In those twe years, and have never felt the leaat symptom of Hheuina tlsm aa yet, and have never felt better In my life. I can cheerfully and con aclentlously recommend lw. iiowser's treatment for Hheumatlsm to every one. .If your cane Is curable, he can cure you, and if not he will tell you so. I cannot say enough for what Dr. Bowaer has done for me, and those only who have suffered as I have, can appreciate the kindly feelings I have for Mm WM. TliOKNBUKO." Mr. Thornburg- lives at 2648 Dodge street, Omaha, Neb., where he can be seen, and will gladly furnish any Information asked him; be Is a motorman on the Council Bluffs and Omaha Street Railway lines, and his phone number is Harney 6382. W. W. BOWSHER, M. D D. O. S14 as Bcll&lng. OMAHA, im. raoas Douglas 6370 J22gSgSegsSS3sSBBBBMMBlBSSsBBBBke JL Safe Nervine has a direct action on the nerve cen ters. It allays irritability, produces healthful and refreshing sleep, and leaves no unpleasant after effects. Headaches, sleeplessness, neuralgia, and listlessness are all , nervous ailments for which Warner's Safe Nervine is unsur passed. Try It, when your're " all fagged out" Two siaes, 50c and 11.00 at your druggist, or direct postpaid on receipt of price. Write for booklet Vsrser's Sets lsile Ce, est. Ma lscsertsr. a. X. in The aualih printer trrgts hit customer to spend money for good engravings, hfcame it is monei well spent, the best printer in the basinets cannot get rt talts oat of an inferior cat. We make them to sait the job. J An Apartment you would like to call your home may be easily located in the 4 For Bent, Apartments " columns of The Bee. Apartment house owners know th&t Bee readers are desirable tenants and accordingly the best offers are always advertised in -The Bee. Im fJ M'ufl SI : Finding an apartment through Bee Want Ads is the quickest, most economi cal and satisfactory way. Try It Telephone Tyler 1003 The Omaha Bee n it it 'i 9