Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 12

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Many Parents to Go East to Visit
Student During ther Easter
Racial Calendar.
erVDAY-friti Kreteler at the P-ran-dela:
free day at th Fine Art ocfety,
I p. m. until to p. m.
VON DAT n-l8lnl Monday Bridre rlnh;
Fmf. Fllna a lecture on "Current
F.vents" at th council chamber of the
cltv hall.
Tl'KPPA Y Tueaday Morning Mualrei
rluh even In concert at tha Hnfcci Fon
tenelle: Tueedny Kvenlnr Prirtire rlub
with Mr. and Mm. Carl Mewport: Mra
Sfymour H. Hmllh's irrpheum mallnee
party: Twnkle club dr.wlnir party at
lh Metropolitan chin: IVbntar.t Bridge
iirh; Tneaday V;iog rluh,
Vt" KDNKI-'I A V Wednesday Hrldire club.
Miaa Kllxaheth Iavl hneteaa; ftn.lah
rluh dan-lti party at the Hotel Fnn
tcnrl'e; Crriithton Mellcal college dance
at Chamhera' cnmy Mra. O. H.
Milnperd, Orpheum nerty: Mra H. O.
llnrtry. Informal afternoon for houae
sivet: Trinity Cathedral Parish Aid
society, Mra. t-atham Da via. hoeteaa;
lmna circle of tha Kre nco-Bels;tan re
lief. Mra. Kara Millard, hwlew; Mra.
J. M. Metralf, eventn reception for
laiithtere of the American involution.
TH 1" KSDAT F.t -a-Vlrp club dancing
partv at Chambers ai'Sdemy; Orlnlnal
1'ooking club, Mra Ward M. Etirg-aa.
hoeteaa: Oard ct)h. Mm. C. . F.
Manderaon, hoatere; White Mirlae rlub
at Maaonlc temple; stnta conference of
the Dauahtera of th' American Revolu
tion, followed by biw,i'l at the Fontenelle-.
Omaha Woman'a Preee rluh
luncheon: britlse tiinrheon. Hotel Fnn
tenelle. Mra. Henry Hiller, Mra. Helwyn
Jaroba and Mra. tjrtui Hlllcr, hoateaa.
FKIHAT Mra. Alfred Powell and Mra.
J M. Tanner, whist party at home of
Mra. PoweU; Q'tl Viva rlub dance at
t'hambera" academy: Friday evening
anrle cla at Chambers' academy.
PATl'RUAT Week-end dancing party. at
Prairie Fark club house.
Tlia Oarleu elob of Omaha la opening
thla aeaaon with Increased vigor and ex
1 tensive plans for work. Thla l a com
paratively new organisation and lt plan
are to fill rmr roadway and vacant lot
alfh cheaful bloom thla coming aummer.
Whether or not It will feature a yellow
bloom- remains to be aeen. If tha ma
jority of the member ra for miff mire,
wa may look for tha yellow bloasom
overywhere. aa eaay plan to follow, wlk
our atata flower, the folded rod. bobbing
round us everywhere.
Tha Pennaylvanta ,tif gists propose
to make tha ant Ira atata a suffrage gar
den, and for this end have ' prepared
little yellow boxea of six Varieties, of
yellow flower seed, selected with a view
to having the period of bloom extend
from July to November. Theaa packages
will be sent and sold all ever tha slate,
many suffrage leagues having arranged
price contests for tha moat beautiful
suffrage gardens. "If anyone travels
through Pennsylvania this year without
knowing that 'voles for women' Is a live
laatie, there. It will be berauee they are
either blind or color-blind," declares tha
Pennsylvania Suffrage association.
Tha members moat actively engaged
in the Garden club work of Omaha In
clude Mesdsme John N. Baldwin, If. P.
Whit more, Osgood T. Eastman and J. Da
Foreat Richards. Quito tha most low
portent member just now Is little Miss
Elisabeth Callahan Richards, tha Infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Pa Forest
Richards, who has been christened tha
Uardrn club baby.
. Among other interested In tha work
Meadames C. B. Rustln, C. F. Man
dereon, Luther I Konntsa, Charts T.
Kountse, C. W, Lyman, George Palmar
and W. E. Martin. . ,
Easter Holiday j ' .
Tha school set ara busy furthering their
Hans for tha Etater hoVday. Theaa
lay ara much too short for tb majority
to think of spending them at home so
many are to ba Joined by thotr famlUes
and aoistirn at near by re aorta.
Mr. end Mrs. W. It McCbrd left Wad
needay for Whlta Bulphur eprtnira, Vs.,
where they will t Joined by Mia Ma
Jorle McCord for her aprlivg vaoatioa
from Mr. BpenoeTg Boheci In jfTaiw Tork
CUy. i
Hr, ted iSr. Jnirsvft SaJdrlg ' leave
Monday far AUasUo CJty to meet MYa,
BaJdrlira' father, JJr, B. T. Cmilth, and
her daughter, Owwvloftno, and son.
OutUay and Oraftoa. and Bpaad tha
Raster vacation at tha seashore.
Mr. A. L zteed will leav Tuesday for
New Tork City, wtara ha will meet Her
daughters, the MUaea Qrn and KlUa
beth. and spend th Eaatar boUday la
Waahlnglon. C '
Mrs. Charlc Otfut also leave Tuesday
evenlne for New York and with ber son
Plan to join Mr. A. U Reed and daugh
ters for a short stay In Washington dur
ing laster weak,
Mr. and Mrs. Violnr Caldwell wfU Join
meir sens for tha EMKer vacation at Old
i oini i(Mnrort, va.
Mr. F. A. Najth will leav shortly for
Naw Toiit CJty, where aba will ba Joined
by her nice. Ml Grace Allison, who
will coma down from Ely Court at Oreea
wrcn for th Eacter vacation,
JIaticale at Fontenelle.
Th fifth musical ef th Tuesday JMorn-
ir.j iiurtcai e::;b U to U tali Tua-
dy aveiilnit at tha Hotel Fontanelie at
S a. Ear a member la privileged to bring
on giteM. and the publio la Invited en
th payment of a amell cctrane f at
th door. Tha. flrat part of tha program
win ba given by a, chor of woman'
voice, directed by Mr. Kelly, with Mr.
veiry aa voioiat. wr will render "Th
Idy of Shallot.- Th ecoMi imrt wlU
U ftiven by Mr. Hu.ry Cox, ,). d ty
nr umaiia unamber Kualo anletr.
Off for California,
r. ana ir. Frank Hamilton will
ieav i or t'auioruU In about thro weka.
Mrs. J. E. Doyd and Mra. Birbowe
expect to go to California aom time thla
Mra. W. T. All.a and ber alet-r, Mrs.
i unop, ara plur.nlng a trip to th Call-
mrni cout for tha early aprlng.
w. wrtrtges and Mr, Laither
i-'rano left yesterday morning' for a fe
sUy at th CaJiforUsn
ir. c. A. Henry and daughter, Doro-
"r -jir, lert iTiuraday evening for
Hall Lake City and Provo, Utah, where
W1 Mr. A. Ji. Oewinner,
rom there they will so to Lo Angeles
to meet Mr. Henry' !ter, Miss
Adrtenn Walker, who will accompany
o .. aurornia xpoeiilona and
.'lbr coat cltlca Tbey win be gon Mx
Women at Head of Garden Club of Qmaha
- f- I v j
s I
I . - J,.'.' " V . ,
; . . ." ' ' ' , ' .... . . ' ' 1
. . j
: ' x i I ;, ,T
if.. - :: r -X -
1 : J
s " s ' I J
or Your Mother?
If it is being worn by
both, then it don't fit cither
of you.
Come to Me at Once
Let me make you a suit
one that has individ
ualityreal fit real
style '
New Spring Woolens
My Stock Is Complete.
. Any Pattern You Desire.
All Exclusive and Classy.
Price, $40-$45
Meow )
day, March IX A. R. Well. Princeton, 1
chairman of the arranfrement committee.
The Coronado club will entertain at a
red roe" dance Monday evening, April
C. at Chambers academy. Tha hall will
ba artistically decorated In appropriate
color. Tb Fbntrnell quartet will sing.
Th Twinkle club will glv a dancing
party Tuesday evening at th Metropoli
tan club. Th rtub announce an Infor
mal danoa for Tuesday evening, Marc
S3, which will b give at th naw Castla
Mix Mage Invite th people of Omaha
to bring a pound of anything that I
eatable for her pound party at tha Olty
Mission Thursday afternoon. Th Mis
sion wtU be an exhibition, for alt who
wish to sow its varloos activities.1 '
Mra fteymour IL Smith will glv aa
Orphsum party Tuesday afternoon In
honor of Mra. Charles O. Shepherd of
Brooklyn. N. T., who la visiting Mra
Charle EL Blofkln, and for Mr. E. W.
Barnard of Minneapolis, tha guest Of Mrs.
F. . R Coulter. Th party will b fol
lowed by an after theater lunch at th
HoUl FoBtenall.
Al-Eo-Cia Club.
Th AWeo-Cla club gava ita fortnightly
dano at th Prairie Park club houae Fri
day evening. Thos present were.
Mlaaes Min.
OrKce June, IlaaAl Andnrson.
Mildred Wler, Lucille Harby.
Pederson, Ann iiock.
Helen Keating opal t'uinbliss,
Manila ripanbleherg, Otirtrude (Jerock.
luhla Armbrukl, kiUirva kruf.
W llite'.mlua Arm- Irene bum h,
brunt, Mildred MurrV,
Bllaabeth Jorsenson.hi-ii. I'.irchu.t
Jonm C&rvy, Lilil M. liehman.
arrW Mortenaen. Ha rah WooilliiUi.
entertained with, a guessing contest, th
tris winner being Mr. Coulter and '
Mra. Kennedy. Decorations were In Dink
ar?!l whit, tha centerivec being In tha
form of a "Jack Horner Pie," from which
favor were distributed at th oloa of
th luncheon. Cover were laid for:
C. K. Hunce, '
C. U. Oiw,
P. P. Fodnca,
F. A. Kennedy,
C C Howe
B. J, Kuhn.
B. H. Klrod.
t. W. 6a rod,
F. K. Coulter.
Paul Getaarhman,
H. L. Tost ev In.
Sifma Chi Omicron Party. .
Tha Blgma Chi Omicron sorority of th
University of Oman gav a theater party
Pot u ray afternoon at the Orphaum. fol
lowed by tea at tha Hotel Fontenelle.
Member present. Included: '
.1 :!! llouamu,
IxnUita Klbert-
Clare Ilainum,
H. Anderaoo.
iHorita Oaa.
C. M. Tex.
A. 10. pwanaon.
H. IX HcK-k.
torge Nelson.
A. J. jacxeon.
W. 1L Johnaoav
J, Q. Wei,
WU1 Btart,
I. F. TuriL
W. O. euruin.
Tor the Fcture.
iua vjam ciub will meet Thursday
i ..w nuraa oi Mra. c. F. Manderaon.
M r. 1 e- I, ... ,
.i.iuf win enieruin o
" tjucw7 aiK-ri.ooa la honor of Mra
Jry K.vyaoM of fcUtrtlan, Wyo.
Mrs. Henry Hill.r, Mr. Belwyn
j-oi-s po t Airs, ixiuli lllller will give
1-n.U. luu. htoii at the Fontenelle hotel
1Ut luiversity club men are plannlit
.: HI Ol.UUSi ctijien diniM i', which a ill l
.hi ti ia year at tha Fui.tencll m Tu-
Mildred Jon, '
May Leach,
Marion IVarsall,
KM Harcnsto.
Minnie Johnson.
Helen Johnston,
Cora, Mcllenry.
tlraca Northrup,
Alice I'attcraon.
A, JC. Noleon.
If. t). kntrikln.
Hubert Travla,
John A. Vols.
H, A. Tilon,
i. K. F.rtxon.
C. j. fhruin,
. C. llauer.
W. F. Hlns.
'W. Im. Jolinsoa.
W. ). 1 ruK,
. A. Johnso),
W, A. ISolsuu,
Ecent Affairs. '
Mra F. W. Clark entertained at lunch
eon Wednesday at th Hotel Fontenell
In honor of Mr. Griffin of Portland, Ore.
Th luncheon wa followed by an Or-
pheum party.
Mr. France Baeten entertained at
whist in her atudio Thursday in honor
of Bt Patrick' day. A color scheme of
green and whit wa used with tulips.
carnations, hyacinth, green tull bow
and shaded candle. Thlrty-tw guest
were entertained.
St Patrick's. Night Danoa. -
Th first dancing club dane at th
new Fontenell hotel will be given L
Patrick' night by th members of th
Rajah club. Th committee tu . charge
ha bean planning; thla danct since the
flrat of th year, and it la anticipated
Affairs of Past Week.
Mrs. Wilson Austin entertained
Wedneaday at luncheon at her home for
Mr. William FlUgerald of Troy, and
Mra, Roger T. Vaughn of Chtcagai. It
was an Informal affair, with Mrs. Wind
sor Megaath, Mlaa Frances Kah, Mia
Louis Dinning and Mis EUsabetb. Pick
ana aa the other guests.
Tha Trinity Altar guild met Friday
afternooa wtlli Mia Clark rows!!. The
meeting are for th purpose of sawing
for U guild' Easter la, which t
annual event and brlnga out th newest
and moat attractive thing for vter
Tuesday evening Mr. and. Mr. Thomas
A. Watson and Mr. and Mrs, Young1 (
New York were gueal of Mr. and Mra
W. B. T. Belt and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
S. Roger at dinner at th Fontenell.
Cinosara Daacinj Party. . -
7 ft Clnoatou Dancing club gave It
largest party of th aeason Wednesday
venlpg at th BcottbJh Bit cathedral.
The next dano ha been advanced from
the ttth of March to the J!la en aooouut
ef the Scottish Rite reunion to be held
on the 24la., Tha following grueat wer
present Wedneaday evening: ,
Mceara and Meadames
A. L, lloii. u. 8. M.iur,
John K. Mine. Ktmurl llertherg
KatuiLirl IVIer, . . tiumiaer.
A. A. V adouiey er, K, crr-!,
W. Vohe. H. J. WMiney,
C. K. 1'rBton, I h&rle Ldward. '
o: r. B. r rwoiM.
.M laea
Aliima Haycock,
M lloag.
I'll! lOft,
A. l lrer.ce,
WiiliMiii K leu it,
L. lialiaoil.
ETf I Clalland. '
Jean HrKwr,
loiiaaiieth iverryman,
tenil i'harkaa, .
Anetta Nourea,
Kila Carpetilsr.
f'' ' N
' ii.i,;:i,::.a-.i,,"r "irwnisffiiwnr
- '
vv, i . i -mm
-Jl11 "1u"mL. J"iA'i?
ua ' wjl'
Paxton Block
L New Spring
Wo are now showing two ape
rial In Hprlng Hats at $5 and
$10 that hare aU the quality
and style found In hats at
twlc the price. You should
see these hats before you bay.
Same Location
213-14 City National Bank
Kr Osgood T2as imw
p 1 r
that It will b on of th largest dancing
parties of the season. Tha management
of th hotel ha granted th club. In' con
nection with the ball room, the use of
th mexaamlne floor. Selected music and
programs, auggeative ' of th occasion,
hav been arranged for tb evening.
At the Theaters.
Mis Berate fiolig wilt glv a theater
party at th Boyd this afternoon In honor
of Mies Sylvia Abraham sen's birthday.
About twenty-five guest will be enter
Card Parties.
Mr. T. F. Brown entertained the mem
ber of the Pan-American High Five
club at her home Thursday afternoon.
Th prises were awsrded to Mis Nell
Barnum. Meadames David Brown, A. 8.
Moor and L, 3. Plattl. 'Mia Franc
Piatt! will be the next hostess.
Tri Delta Luncheon.
Th Trt Deltas entertained at lunch
eon Saturday la honor of Mr. O. J.
Junod, who leaves shortly for Now Tork
City. The table waa attractively decor-,
ated with aprlng flower and cover were
placed for:
Meadames Meadames
E. C. Conley, Eugene Coffeen.
R. H. Van Orsdell, Wallace) Porter,
Bex Fuller. C. F. Junod,
Mlsnes Misses
Nan Franklah. Ann Herm arisen,
Sarah Taylor, Marion Hunt,
With the Wayfarers.
Mr. and .Mrs. James C. Chadwick, who
went to San Diego a month ago, ar now
In Ban Francisco enjoying th Panama
xpoaltion and ar not expected home for
another two or three week. f
Mis Lucy Hawk, th guest of Mr.
Jack Webster and Mis Butler, left Mon
day for Kansas City to visit befor going
back to Eattl Creek, her home.
Mr.' S. snverberg left Friday evening
for New Tork City to attend the' wedding
of her sister. Miss Paulln Bergman and
(Continued en Fag Twelve Col. One).
hi bnanson.
JVnner, ;sb.
Mti a.
A I .rnctt.
To Honor Gaett
i tunce or mookiyn, s. I, i
former rcaldciit of Omaha, who la visit-
lug Mr. arid Mrs. 11. I ToMevln." ass
act f honor at lum neon Friday
aivn by Mra Twatovin. The gual were I
You arc Cordially Invited
to Attend Our Formal
Which Occurs
Monday Tuesday and Wednesday
Inarch 13. 16, 17
Prczcnifr.g the Authentic Styles
In Wctr.srCa and Misses
Suits. Coats
r esses
An cxlJbit that emphasize this new and greater Btore' preparedness
to serve the tve!-dressed women of Omaha and vicinity
1 -i JT - ii ... . . m
If rotj love a aoarkllna. aenulne Dlamoiul (and who does not), there
la an easy way for you to own and wear one. UBS TOUB CsVSBIT
that's the key to actually owning a Diamond and saving money, for every
payment maue on a Diamond is so much money waved. Drop Into our "tore
and talk It over. If you are awake to your opportunities, you will open a
charge account at once and wear a fine Diamond with your new eprlng out
fit, be our Elgin Watches at $1 a month.
Tf7 Men's Diamond
Ring, six-prong Tooth
mounting, lk aolid
gold. Roman orCTfC
polished ftnlah Ml"
OS Round Belcher
Cluster Ring, Ma
olid gold, 1 fin Dia
monds set in plati
num, looks like a eln-
gle Z-carat
stone .....
8 Scarf Pin, sol hi
gold, brilliant I f
Diamond. Price IU
Wi If
659 Indies' Diamond
Kin, Ilk solid sold
lxftis "Perfect- 0Rf
V $21 J
403T La Vallior. fine
solid icold. Knarllsh fin
ish, 1 Genuine Pearl,
1 Fine Dla- Oil
mono, at
. sa a mm
110 ladles' Rlnr
fancy 14k solid gold
mountlnsr. BiiKllah fir-
lull, fine Diamond, spa
tially priced
at ..'
91M A StOaTO
Call or write for Catalogue No. S. Phoae Doug. 1444 and salesman will call,'
1 IHcJ JLdt 1LE-Ivi.ii'r, Mm.-i, iiiamu.-iii ;
Aiu Haiin i.r.ux' uutBU,
o . lata at Cor. lta a ad H ara ay ata owaba,
Oppcatt aarg-aasa Oo. Oapartsneak Store.
Ilk y BO
An authoritative exposition of
the new season's styles and color
ings awaits your early inspection
x Wc most cordially invite you to
215-218 City National Bank Building.
1 ,