Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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    the Omaha m:niay jike: mahui h. is)i;.
Bod Check Artists '
Become Plentiful
$1S check . on a -local bank Friday
W. B. Hug hen, secretary of ; the
Nebraska Banker' association, ap
peared at police headquarters for
the association. .
"We have simply been flooded
with bad check, not only from
Omaha, but all over the state, within
the last month," remarked Mr.
Hughes. "I hardly think that a
mere fine Is Just the solution toward
warning perpetrators to cease their
activities. It seems to me that a
food, long jail sentence would be de
cidedly more effective. It Is the
manner in which these fellows elude
stiff punishment for their acts that
is Increasing their numbers to start
ling proportions.
Ifaa llaaSreit aaea.
"Tn mr office at the present time J
hare Junt current cae like Warrick's,
which the protective department I work
ing on. Put If the fellow are let off
with a llshf fine our efforts drni't result
In a a-reat deal.
"Fifteen forired cbecka of small de
nominations bearlnsr the alRnMures of J.
J. Hanlffhen and J. J. Thompson have
been passed at the Nebfnska National re
cently. nd these are only a amall part
of their kind that are corning- to out n
tic every day.
"In the state, strange ss It may seenv
the fsrm hands are Hine ewav with
rafts of worthless paper. These fellows
are made up to a rreat extent of wan
derers, who. receive their par In ehck.
After working long- enough to get waes
several pay days, they secure blank
checks like those given them by their
employer, and forge a . few, which they
cash at the same place they did the
good check. These fellows are th hard
est ef all to get and srs scarcely ever
questioned when they pase them.
" 8end those convicted where they cn
ruminate a rood long while on the erier
of their ways, and I think bed checks will
Immediately start to decrease In num
bers." CT'Sfle. J. Warrick of Kansas City,
JJo.. was fined ISO and costs In po
lice court for pacing a worthless
Read The Bee's "Business Chances" and
get Into your own business.
no ::
Dainty New Embroideries
Sheer Organdies, Chiffon Voiles, Ncite
and Marquisettes, embroidered in all while,
floral and conventional designs. Also there
are' Filet effects in delicate French colors.
15, 27 and 45 inches wide, 39c to $2.S0
a yard. '
The Week's All-
50 Cards 49c
Your name,- ' address
and phone number on
fifty genuine Scotch
linen cards, usually $,
Monday for 49c.
L-awuiis va-, ,aw- Xmi ni in' ''r-ff-Tir-r-r iai swii 'him- li'ir fi' i-n3
Assorted Unrrersal
, Chocolate Creams,, lb.,
12c Assorted Glossy
Buttercups, all flavors,
Monday, a pound, 19c
Spring Dress Trimmings .
' Many of them imported direct and re
flect the Ideas that predominate foreign
ateliers. Jet and Sequints bands; jet appliques
and ' nailhead edges, pearl and rhinestone
edges and bands, and much else. 25c to
imPS&EvM Our Great Spring Exppsition and Sale of Silks 3BLfc
Vf ONTHS of careful, painstaking preparation cul
minatie In this great annual silk event' which
will occupy Omaha's interest this week. . Plans
started months afo have developed' fully and" their "
success. will be very apparent in the displays which
will be made for the first time Monday.
"Vf ARRETS of the world have been invoked to
AW furnish the tfreat quantities of silks that this
store demands each season. In many instances
market conditions so shaped 'themselves that we
were fortunate iri securing certain lots at prices al
lowing us to sell at notable reductions.
QREATEST care has been exercised in selecting
w the weaves that will please our discriminating
clientele, with the result that every yard shown
truly depicts the season's predominating vogues aa
to colorings, materials, patterns and every essential
that tends to pr.duce perfection.
HTO MEET the steadily increasing demands that
are made upon our silk section we have found it
necessary to materially enlarge this department.
Extensive changes have 'been made, much space
added,with the result that this sale and subsequent
sales can be conducted by greater facility.
Anticipating an unprecedented demand for these silks we have bought unusually Ten special tables have been provided to care for the display of these great '
vuii w wf uoohi unvi niui;uiut t iuuiut.o s i u(, ivHiiu iyi-tffc. ia,a,u,, si, s-o ji otfi9. i nil cuocu outto'f uric itiaiirtzs puirons prompt service
3.000 yards - of ' finest . silk poplins, 36-inches ' wide, - in
all of the newest street shades. This is the" quality that
has been selling for 69c a yard. At ouf Price it Is unques
tionably the best value ever offered by-' any store in
America, quality and color assortment considered;
a dress requiring from five .to "six.; yards; .a -yard 'only,.
2,750 yards of plain ; and fancy , dress silks, . consisting
of'Jacquards and printed poplins and fancy weaves,
fine mcssalines, striped -and checked silk suitings, printed
Shantungs, tub silks, brocades,. Canton crepes and black
suiting silks. All silks are 36-Inches wide and worth
to $i.oo a yard; special sale price this week, a yard, only
2,200 yards of yard-wide,, all-silk yarn-dyed dress mesca
line, In a wide. range. of colors, Including black and the
evening tints. The regular price of . this silk is 85c to
$1.00 a yard. - It Is especially adapted for dresses, petti
coats, and . kindred . wear. The assortment will all
te found on one special table; the sale price a yard
SEk faille and chiffon dress taffeta, spring's highly
fashionable weaves for street suits and" frocks."
Just the right weight for these purposes.' The
hades range Is sll-embraclnn, comprising those,
that are most lir vogue this spring;, ss weir as
the always fashionable black. Width is 86 Inches:
Exceptional qualities In most desirable ev
vsm, this gale, vary special, a yard ylyU.
Smart, washable Isllks' for blouse dresses and
men's shirts. They are in Jacquard crepes,. satia
strip crepes and babutals, soft, clinging peau ds
crepe, tn stannin two and three-tone 1 C
efTecta. A great collection, 85c, $1 and $lea)
Printed warp taffeta. 36 Inches wide, and In three
'and four-tone colorings; patterns suitable for suits
and dresses; they are very beautiful In tones of
maize, electric blue, new greens, new rose, marine;
pompadour and Dreadnn effeots, and In pretty
color combinations, usually sold for f f rA
I 12.60. ' ( Special sale ; price. ,Fer yard y 1 ;
5000 yards of . 88 Inch .satin de luxe, sold etery-1
.where at ll.fiO.. Lino of colors Is very complete, of-1
'ferlng almost any snadp tMt could be desired, black I
and li&ht evening shades; differs from g ff
mescaline, having crepe meteor finish spl.UU
40-ioch' crepe de chine, la all the colors of the
rainbow, street shades, evening tints. Ivory,
cream, black, and the new shades putty, sand,
Belgian blues, new rose,' new greens and others,
m well as navy, etc. op
Very special, a yard OOC
Splendid assortment of epot-proof foulards. In
side range of . designs Jardiniere, geometri
cal, coin dots, tJacquards'. and novelty stripes, and
the more conventional figures. Variety to
suit everyone's taste; very special. A yard
40-lnch Fleur de Jenneese, radium silks and the
very beautiful Pussy Willow taffeta, . in plain
weaves and exclusive printings,' Including the sew
coin dots and self-tones and the fascinating: two
and three-tone effects. These styles are confined
exclusively to this store, and In this sale pv
we offer these values for a yard, at, only V
40-lnch black crep meteor, black crepe do Alma,
crepe Raslmer,' crepe charmeuse, black satin de.
chine, black faille de luxe, black faille charmeuse,
and black crepe faille; worth to $3.50. ) tf
Very-special In this sale, 1.79 to $adU
40-lnch Crepe faille, a aew silk suiting shown only
by the Brandels Stores. It comes in special shades
of eoverta, Belgian blue, marines, new rose, putty
and sand, browns and Russian greens Also somo
of the most admired evening colorings
eluded, aa well as black. This silk Is a
good $3.50 value. Sale price, the yard
Cheney Bros. celebrated crepe meteor and the very
faahlomable crepe radium. In all the newest street
and evening shades, Including Ivory, cream and
bisvek. The color range Is very complete; A p
theae .materials, worth $2.25, yard V"
s are In- W
$2.50 n
Beautiful Imported exclusive silks in stunning-effects for com-
binations, reception gowns, street frocks,, party frocks and simi
lar costumes. A special pur- A o np i rjr . fri n
chase at about y reg. price. o,Vtty i,VD I0pl
, , . t
Spring M odes in Millinery
With Characteristic Br andeis Style Features '
An unusually complete selec-,
tion of distinctive hats, care
fully chosen'3 creations, ""that,
embody and emphasize all cor-
: rect fashion elements .of. the"
. new spring. jVomanldnd . will
. . surely . find : here .the . effective
;. hat for the new costumes. '-
: .Included are' models from the
;mo8t;fashijiable New York'
milliners, and sqme fascinat-;
j Jug French hats. Notable
"this BelcrtioW'Jire exrcWent-
copies of all new modes .'&c-;
, cented" with"." original desigp.
. from Qurowp .workrooms......' rmnsitf from the very large tailor to .the tiniest of toques .
r shown, together with th Shepherdess and .Poke effects
modes of the. moment Large 'sailors,' ' wiih ' low and medium
crowns, are featured, too, this spring.
Illustrated are a Bendel and a
2,300 yard of 24-inch deep black satin meteor; , a . beautiful quality that will .
not "rough-up;! this material sella regularly at 11.00 the yard. Monday this
entire lot foes on sale; and as long as it lasts its attractive price will be, a yard
Llchenstein . LIcdeL both -of which
reflect the most fashionable ideas "
of the spring. v Wing trimmings
on tailored models and transpar
ent brims on large hats, -with
touches of ostrich disguised in
novelties as shown here," arc Very
Flowers, both wreaths and clusters
are very much favored, as are pins,
ornaments" and - similar novelties.
'A wonderfully complete showing
of newest f ashions at $16.50 & $25
Beautiful New Blouses for Dress Wear
About twenty Jules Samuels
' models the most charming'
creations by this designer
So wide and versatile is the se-.
lection, so Incomparablels the
variety , that fitting desenpt
each model Is ' Impossible. ,
la "them the height of ex-'
clunlTeneas Is attained to a
marked , degree., Wi( might
almist- say -that -they-'de
not, possess -a detail, that 't
will be , found hT. blpu'ees
that- .re produoed In thev
ordinary shops devoted V
the' making of blouses ' in-'
tended to fill a similar mis-.
A group that has come from'
Kew York within the past '
few days all newest styles
Jules Samuels, now in New York,
Is recognized as the" master Pari
sian blouse designer.' His models
are accepted as the .. final note
In style.
The blouses that are shown
In 'this, group portray his
skli; In a most attractive
way.' In' them he has com
bined, with unusual genius,
the materials of the spring
with the -colore that are In
voguei accomplishing re
sults worthy of his talent
and practically every
style Is exclusively his.
. ' .am'
Blouses for every J fashionable f unction,: f or afternoon ' and
evening wear,, at price, ranging from $12,50 up to $39.75
White Goods
its urvnsvi)
indie 0"
In. Monday. SI S!l
v and p to T,ww
Wfclr MkaJow rWk,4 ana Stria
Orftandlo Cn of tn newaat itimr
fabric for blouaoa. Itnaorlo dreimea,
party fowna. ate. 4 5 metis
wlda. Special Monday,
a. vird
rial WWto Frnrh Oria On
or tha moat .popular anr
f.brir for aprl
a vard. aa. Hi and id
PerrllM Uwa Mada from brat
combed yarn. A ahear f.brtr. that
laiiDdra prfactly and do,,
not turn yellow. II Inchea tljjf
wid. Sper.U:. a yard. 8S-r up to. "
la BakiMtdi1 ti.vrUir. 10
and 41 Inrhaa wide. Embroidered on
plain and- ahadow atrlped and
checkad oraandle. tpnnit, ) r
erepe, laoa affect, voile. I. A J
ato. A. yard
B aad SS-Iarh See4 Toll. Cmlea
Vrr.r, W-llea, Kev- J f
elty t-kerka. Btev-Monday, ,Q
a yard ...k..... .
Hilt, Crepe With I0abre4der4 Deta.
Meditym heary. for dreaeea. a-owna
and children' frocka. 17 f"
liv hea wide. Rerular lt J
value. A -yard
- a wane TiJibi lA,
4 b ka X6o yalue. a IUC
4e-ik wait -rim di f j
nwl.a WorUx !. A If C
4JUIarh Kuallnn lenacletll Hfilar
joo value. Monday only, f f
U-yaid bulU. waCeUe
.Wish 'Goods
Sbme Especially attractive
bargains for Monday.
B6-lnch Colored Handkerchief Linen.
Lavender, -plnX and . black space
stripes; also many plain fp
shades. A ard Ui)C
38-Inch Silk Organdie White and
tinted rounds-ll late printings;
for soft lingerie gowns, dancing
frocka, blouses, eto. A nr
yard OOC
38 and 40-lnch Voiles All this sea
son's printings and designs coin
do! s, candy stripes, florals, flounc
ing and borders. White and j r
tinted grounds. A yard aCOC
40-lnch Plain Voile Pink. blue,
sand.' putty, navy, Copenhagen and
white. Regular 36c value. P
A yard IOC
5ie Caia White around, with
floral dela-na. mjs banda and roae
tude.. Bet 14-Inch erepe manufac
tured require no Ironlnr.
A yard 5C
Rer Silk Good heavy welrht
fur 11), lining, foundation, un
dermualln. eto. "hlte and all eve
ulna; (hade. II Inche wlda . JSc
Great Mattress Piirchase Goes on Sale
Monday at - About Half Regular Prices
Close to tkrre carloads of standard quality
mattresses. sfcurca irom a prominent man
ufacturer at about 60 cents on the dollar
are involved in . this extraordinary and un-
. . usual sale. ...
Makers' brands are well known and have a
splendid reputation for Quality. The pur
chase we consider offers the most magnetic
values we -ever have. had the pleasure of
sellintf. -
mattresses are in three sizes-full size, three-quarter size ; and sin
gle size, in six great lots
U WilrA U 1 1 Y t . .1,.., , . ' t CATV.
v Jj trees, made . wuh Imperial 4-row
TTfi lj stitched roiled d; clo turfinp; cov.
-I erpd ilh hav art tlf-felnv ' A
!. J - - - - '.' . ... J W
I v ' " '7 '"'' i i i i i S 't,' rack djwn or fceeoiue uneven.
A " '.t-Cr&; .'f 11! K"1' IH mattMeaes. In on
t! a- : ! ilUU three alaea..tnla sale. onir. . . Sb-fj9
- - - -N
tn heavy art f OT
ry .penal atV0'
.I'ellon combination anattrerthe rt
bt TTitti to an aK-cuttorr filled. It U
ni1o Hll mlied ele and rlcwa rotton'
tuinnge. oovrred vrltn heavy art
fl!itni. A niattnr. v.
u. In tnia (. vrg
Cettea tet anattreeaea.
Mailt nlilt a lcn lafrr
f white frit a
i mmm rmwrw v. via
kravy airterd IU UinK.
; A very 4miit
metrtrtea. aad al4 al-
( at S I, mt
'evvaj teere. 'la
terv ias. very
aair. niy f l.e.
' , T Jy'-'-ZX "tiOWS All white .
s - yyf1t:lr.itr filled bed ptllowa.
JT' r , J p. ie. Mail, cov. red wlih
yf VV ' J beet r. feai her-prouf
. Mim, finished art ticking.
-J- j V reeulaxltf i a An n ry
.i. '.'J Pr y'
V ewveyeityi v-mmr rierf "mf-y eNrneewr 'eit -iwe f wi "V
k. i; i- ..A A .4,,, tmnu. .A nil A .Ml,. , Qta.i fcBW S
, All while cviton filled mattresses.
stuffed with all new, clean, white
jwvulury cotton: close tufted; weight of
full sine is 45 lbs. Contains no excel
sior or waste. The lrt time we ever
offered an all cotton-f.Med QQ
rnattress; worth $S, for only . 0
Sanitary couch pd, realatlon. sie
tor steel couches or durenporU; all
clean white cotton filled; heavy art
denim covercl; Title tpe fastening
liular $3. SO values.
this tile, at
Sanitary -couch or davenport mat
trets, rsulatlon !: and cteae
tufflngi; layer felt filling; 2 Inch box
border; very heavy art dnlm covered;
wide tape' tlas. Regular $4.50
value. .This sale , ..
PILLOW All-feather
Oiled Billow; lliSt-lnch
1: filed with clean odor
lea feather; covered with
rancy art ittrkina;. r
W f"f JiJr
p.eirularljr e.k
tbta ele.
Ah . .
aa-Iaeh Hlahlr Meveeriaea SeUette
All leading; ahadea; also. f i
black and whit. Reaular I Vvi
lo value. A yard V2
S-larh Plata aad Waves Strip Ka-
uaa aainmaa a beautiful aeaort-
meat of ftrlpea, dot and
flrure. Worth lc ,Mon
dar, a yard
Ueaata Umlw Ireaa TUaae
Beautiful new eprlna tyles, in
check and stripes; aheolate- p
ly fast oolora. llo and ISo I
vafuea. Monday, a yard
Oeanlae Bed SeaJ Dree Eeahyva Tn
mt onoiceai ' aprina anaaea.
Rerular It He value. Mon
day, a yard
Hla-kly Merie4 Dreaa Peplta
new rria anaae. permanent na
teh. Full piece, .worth,
Ik. A H On-.l -1
aa-Iaeh Dreaa Pereale Llrht
and dark grounde. Raaul
trlca 1144c A yard
An Ulaarhaa -Genuine, .full
tandard arada, eomparea ' with
Amoakeag and JLaneaater. Kea
Indlao dye. Keaular H valuu
Monday, a vara ...
r.rBBlae tViaiitli Bleaehed Tab
lae 4 Inche wide. Thl (heetlna
1 th beat . fabric for . f. I
waahlna and durability. lllAC
Rerular lOn value, a yard...v
Sa-laeh Fiaeet Qaelity Blear
Maalla aad Caaihrte VYamrutta beat
B-rade. I.enth up to 1
yard. Value to 1114c.
Monday, a yard ,
an Mb.
ta uejisv
Some Notion Specials for Monday
Klelnert's . Slipon
Shields 50c values.
special Monday, for,
Gold-Eyed Needle
Monday, a
paper 1 C
West Eleotrle Hair
Curler 6 on
card, for
Large Bottles ef Ma
ehine Oil. f
Each DC
1 Hall-B
l-Borehert Adjust-
fj Monday,
Dr Form
Regular fS.OO values
Shall Hair
Regular 26e
values, for .
Good Quality Dress
Shields M on- f A J
day, a pair ... IUC
Best Stael Crochet
Hookt-, Ol,
Bach ........ .2C
Pins (Coat's 'Best Darnlna
1 A.ICotton
IvC.epooU, for.
J. O. King Machine
Thread A. ... f
dozen spoola.. 13C
Boya' and Glrla' Beat
Skeleton Walets A
600-Yard Spools of for
Bastlna Thread Oiled Mops 'Regular
A spool, j 1 S6c values. ft
for 1 'each 1LC
100-Yard Spoola ef
Sewing Silk. j I
A spool OjC
O. N. T. Crochet Cot
ton Mondty- j
a ball C
One Big Let of Scis
sors worm . JP
75c, pair aCuC
Good Sanitary
Apron Mon
day, each
Draperies You'll Need Soon
Should Be Secured at This
f-f-i .
1 ime
i gSc
rial, a yard
Si-la-a , t'eaeh "evre
red or areen. Rach...
as-larh lakverled Seeteh Madrai
. rm and colore. A
tvt-lara Banaatew - Net
Worth lie. Monday, a v.rd
-tara MrlwlM Mttl
lace edves. A yard
ttinlw lart.Ui Over 1 OS
L.tlorn.. A r-alr T1'0
latlerna. A m
arialea- t'ream color; yr
Imeerted H"r Madras tl CO
Srta Cartalae With cretonne
id curtalna. Monday.
A set
! Cartalua 'With
aide, curtain. Monday, a
DaeaeaM Cartatu . Our
own tnivortaticna. A alr.
Maella aad Saytsa r.niiu Over tt
new pattern, ttp.olal Mon- GO
day. A pair S3C
telaabla Wtadew Saades.
Siae 17. Each, complete...
S rte r y ia tteaa Ci. t"
teaae Monday, a vard WC
Haviland Dinner Set, Monday at $19.95
-Plain shape, beautifully deco
set of 44 pieces. n rr-
oo h. 10c
1 laviland CLlna Dinner St
rated with pure coin jold. A
Monday, for
KEEVE&' EGQ TIM ERS fitte.-lal.
Taapy Yaaat y yntm vxnawnr
Taffetas in the new stripes and checks for suits. A wonderful
.variety of patterns and smart color effects; all in the height of
fashion for the present dress styles; 36 -a .. q
inches wide; very special sale prices, yard. iplaOU 10 ) 153
Women With Thoughts on New
ness Will Be Interested in These
Suits at $35-
Notably smart models are being added to our
extensive selection' daily especially notable
from a standpoint of fabrics, tailoring and
style. Clever copies of models from foreign
and exclusive shops Included. Colors, ma
terials and styles of spring are embodied
in inese cnarmmg : creations.
Af ternoon Costumes
Beautiful gowns of silk, the Ideal attire
for afternoon teas and informal dinner-wear
soft " charmeuse, taffetas,' laces,
crepe meteors, crepe de chine and like
materials in the most fascinating and
' appropriate colorings. $19 and 25.
Girls' Frocks and Dresses
Showing In their simplicity and
charm, many characteristics most ad-'
mirable.- Dainty frocks for confirma
tion and practical dresses for school
wear, as well. Mothers and daughters will be
rleased with the daintiness and practicalness of
them.1 : 1 ' '
White frocka $3.98, $5, $7.50, $10 and higher. Colored wash
dreaaes. $1, $1.50, $1.93 tip to $10.
' .' i " ' - -
Women's and Blisses' Modish Coats
Models which proclaim the spring by their new lines and by
the fabrics that, are so . effectively used in them. Many excellent
styles, colors and fabrics, so that every desire can be satisfactorily-filled.
The novel collars,' cuffs and flared models make
them especially interesting. .
; ; . Prices, too, arc worthy of note, $15 to $25
Hair Goods Lower Priced
(Second Floor snt Pom pel an Room)
Hand-Made Switches at exceptionally low prices. Of first qual
ity French Convent hair. They are durable, because correct as
to texture. It is necessary . to see them to appreciate their value.
24-Inch Triple Strand Switches 22-Inch Triple Strand Switches
Regular' 112.00 vsiuea. ft 7r Rerular $9.00 values. a a nr
M-ondsy, (or yiJ.iO Special, for ....... .ij4ei75
Beautiful Contour Transformations of the same quality fcalr ..S4.95
' Triple Strand Switches, soft, fluffy,
finest quality hair, and very special
24 inches long, regular IS values, Monday....... .$1.75
18 inche i long, regular $4 values. Monday $245
28 Inched long, regular $ values, Monday !!!$3 45
Prompt sttsntlon fltven mall orders. The service department assuree
absolute safety lit matching. Thera Is no artificial light used In the
spacious matching rooms.
Rugs at Attractive Prices
New string rugs In an almost endless variety for selection. All
qualities here from the medium
colorings and new designs.
English Wilton Rugs, all seamless
and of finest quality:
Slxe 9x12 I...........;... ..$4i.S0
Etie 1.3x10.6 ..H0.0O
sise x9 tzjo
8lie 36x63 inchea.. ........ ..7&0
Site 27x54 Inches ...$4.00
to the finest. Hsndsoma new
Sanford and Hartford Axmlnatsr
Rugs Floral and Oriental patterns:
Slxe 11.2x12 $32 50
SU 8x12 125.00
!" 'A1.0; 22-6
Slsa 4.8x64 750
Eixe 8x6 .Ann
Printed Linoleums
In new patterns, tfle. inlaid and conventional.
iet iaa, a square, Iet wide, a square 6 feet wide
yard, 70s. Jyard. iSe,. yard. ado. '
a square
Going to Pap erT Ms Spring?
If SO Vrtll will find nnr no 11 nmr nirr,7-n nmic.n..
helpful, from standpoint of completeness and of price. jj
Bedroom ' Papera JU I colors ' and
patterns. Special, a
roll, Se and
Parlor, Dining Room and Store
prJUl the newest designs and
coionngs. Monday,
a roll 54C
New Gold P p re el-ai table for living rooms aad balls. New shades of
Un, brown. gTwen aad gray; with bordera to zoUch. t o 1
Special, a roll "...Ia'5C
Plain Oatmeal Papera Domestlo . Vamlahed Tile Papers for Kltahena
and Imported kind. All shades, 20
inches wide. A roll. . nn t
12'ac snd. .......
snd 8athroms With boraera and
binders. Recular S&o kind.
Special Monday, a roll
V""" f v-"-a"V y V T! vaa y yu't V f Va? rmmmf yaiawf wiaaw v Ma Yweaf fmaf v imn n r yniry fmrnm w l
ai.Mfnm.1 . i mm a--gr.a . mm i un it i t I I t ,.-.,4 1,--1 ti I 1 immmk in a A fl1iai i i j ma ei J I
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