Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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rorNnEn by kdward rosewater.
Tho Hcs Publishing Company. Proprietor.
l:ntercd at Ombt poatofflee a accond-claas matter.
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pec month. per yar.
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Irregularity la delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation
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Washington 736 Fourteenth SU. N. W.
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Address communications relating to new anil edi
torial natter to Omaha Bee, Rdltoiial Department
State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, no.
Kwlght WllllRms, circulation manxger of The Pea
Publishing company, being duly sworn, say that the
averaae circulation for tha month of February, VJli,
nWOHT "RIM JAMS. Circulation Manager.
8"rscribed In my preen-e and sworn to befora
me, thia 3d duv of March, 1915.
ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Puhllc
f ubacribcrs leaving the city temporarily
should have The line mailed to them. Ad '
dree will be changed aa often aa requested.
JCarea 13
Thought for the Day
5cc( by Hattim L. Whit ,
ytithcr a borroxctr nor a Under bt.
For loan ft lott both ittelf and friend.
And borrowing dulh (A edge of husbandry;
This abort afl tn thy own $tlf bi true;
And it must follow, a tin night the day,,
Thou canst not then be faint to any man.
An Inyitation to Team Work.
With Greater Omaha consolidation assured,
tinless something Blips a cog In the final stages,
we may voice the hope that the people of the
annexed territory will at once Join with its for
team work la pushing the enlarged metropolis
mill further forward.
The list part of tht campaign -for the con
solidation bill has been lti comparative freedom
from eliminations and recriminations or mani
festations of 111 will, calculated to create lasting
antagonism. While those engased In the fight
on both sides have put In their beat efforts to
persuade thelawmakert to their way of think
ing, the crossfire has pot gottrn further than
to charge one another with being animated ly
selfish motives. But conceding the sincerity of
the opponents of the merger, It will devolvp
upon them to acrept the situation and makj
good on their protestations of devotion to the
welfare of their respective communities through
a co-operative effort for Improvement all along
the line. With every one pulling on the rope at
the same time, the wheels of progress for
Greater Omaha must move steadily faster with
corresponding benefits to one and all.
Clear the track for Greater Omaha!
Well. Mr. Groundhog, we're ready for jour
By all outward Indications, Omaha real es
tate never looked better to far-seeing men with
money to Invest.
To a hungry Nebraska democrat: "The Long
Way to Tlrporary" la a short cut beside the
road to the pie counter.
The workmen's compensation law will beet
serve the ends of all Interested by allowing Urua
for a practical test of Ita merits.
The abolition of the coroner's office will
answer the old Question aa io whether the lob
by rights belongs to an undertaker or to a phy
sician. "
Omaha lias a few discarded voting machines
ii could readily dispose of to Indiana towns,
where they eeeni to know better how to. use
With an accumulation of over $325,000 la
the Water board sinking fund, a real reduction
la water rates ought to be at leaat within hail
ing distant.
Despite the long and wearying delay la the
distribution of federal provender, it is confi
dently believed the fortunate few will be able to
Lake the nourishment. 1
The Jitneys aro rendering a real service to
the public, but this service would not be Im
paired In the slightest If the cars were kept a
little cleaner to make them more inviting. ,
More aliens are leaving the country than are
coming in. Persons whose slumbers have been'
disturbed by the alien bogey may now tuck the
covers in and snore in peace.
If the Rock Island paid Brother Ve'nner
26,000 for Nebraska Central franchise terrrnV
ral rights In Omaha, it might not be a bad Idea
for the city to start an inquiry as to Just what
the sale Included.
The new premier of Greece urges the na
tives to observe neutrality. Equally potent in
that line Is the queen's Teutonic kinship and a
rash donation from the allies. A shirt from
neutrality's path will upset soma grease.
The Western Pacific railroad from 8alt Lake
to San Francisco Is spiked to the rocks with
bonded debt of f $0,000 a mile. Suppose rates
were pushed high enough to net Investors 7 per
rent, where would the company get enough busi
ness to produce It?
i - i
JZi4 j)Lyn CmJAJ I
(WMK ili.-M
It ta Krldny, the thirteenth, thia time.
Tha call la out fur a citlana meeting tomorrow
to nominate, Jiuiwa K. Hoyd aa the peupte'a ramhdata
for mayor, a petition alr.n-4 iy 3.tM votera being pra--ntd
to him by thia committee of twenty cttlaene
brfore tie entod: 11. E" Locke. Henry Pundt. John
t'ol'.lna, Herman Knuntae. Jainea Klu-hrn. K. Col
Pir. C. W. Hamilton, Henry Uveary. M. Itttier.
Milton Kogrra. P. E. Her. A. I. fMmpaon. a ft hheara.
Will Kins. Siun Orchard, M. iMman, J. O. Corlor.
Hen VVood. M.ut Meyer. A. R Patrl.-k, John Brady,
ixiii W. Hill. K. I j. rHone. t'hrte Hartinan, I). T. Mount
Tha HorMwtioe lAk apurtamen'e houa Is bnlug
ot Into ahape for the coming araeon.
The Ice la going rapidly from the river. Very eoon
the frozen frlnsea along the retok wiU be goiM, tha
'ant remainder of an unusueJly cold tea ton.
A new eiectrle light waa on exhibitiaa ta a baae
metit lttnea roulaa and Iodg. H glvea a beauti
ful hsht. and ta said to be superior to any other
l.j.iit made.
Quite a hulling- buom la in proapect for Omaha,
lo -hiding- tha new Board of Trade kutldln. aa well aa
Ii.h..1 hoiikra and churchee and a large number .f
I ' jsI J.-Iir, fc.
Alia, lirifga and her Kin. Henry, will ialt at lie'
,r'en.a lur a nionth.
M u. Maul ta h. k from a three weeks' trip to
it. i.i., ami rtUtHv In Voi. I'a.
Wheat Crop of the World.
The International Institute of Agriculture
has Just sent out from Its headquarters at Rome
a preliminary statement on the area sown to
rinter crops (Including wheat and rye) in the
northern hemisphere countries, and crop returns
for the southern hemisphere countries. Ths
showing is very encouraging. According to the
figures given the United States data in hands of
the Institute, an Increase in area sown In the
northern hemisphere over last year Is generally
reported, especially In the United 8tates, with
an Increase of 22 per cent In acreage, and in In
dia, with an increase of 11 per cent. Plenty of
moisture haa fallen in all the countries, and
some report an excess, but no damage to the
prospective crops.
Tha good reports on the crops in the so nth em
hemisphere are confirmed by the bulletin, es
pecially the wheat yield. Argentina, Chile Aus
tralia and New Zealand report a yield of 6K
213,1 El quintals, or a trifle under 114,000,000
bushels, an Increase of 6.3 per cent over the
1813-14 crop. The yield of other crops In the
southern hemisphere Is also large. . ,
The significance of this showing of the
world's production of wheat, and other food
stuffs is, that even with the continuance of the
war in Europe, there Is little likelihood of the
world's going hungry. Some planting will be
done In each of the countries engaged in the
war, so that an ample aupply of food seems assured.
Merchants' Week a Success.
While the bringing of retail buyers to Omaha
for the purpose of making spring purchases is
not a novelty, the present event has been the
most successful of its kind aver undertaken. It
has seen a larger number of buyers than on any
previous occasion, and tha spirit that has pre
vailed Is proof that tha advantages of buying in
Omaha are fully appreciated by the Merchants
doing business In the smaller towns. Hospitable
entertainment mingled with the facility for do
ing business has cemented more firmly the
friendship between' the business men of, the city
and of the country, and meant a continuation of
the pleasant relations thus established. Omaha's
prestige as a distributing center for wares and
goods of all kinds is steadily growing, and its
supremacy In Its territory is no longer ques
tioned. The spirit that has marked "merchants'
week" is the spirit that. will make Omaha a sUll
greater market town. .
Observers of the political kaleidoscope
should not. overlook the significance of the
changevTecently announced In the chairmanship
of the bullmooee national committee, by which
former-Senator Joseph M. Dixon of Montana Is
eliminated by the resignation route, and Is suc
ceeded by soon-to-be-former-Congressman Victor
Mardock of Kansas. The reason given for the
rtxon resignation is Inability to look after the
duties of the position without sacrificing private
Interests, bat no one would imagine Senator
Dixon giving up command if he thought the bull
moose sun were rising Instead of setting.
Equally significant Is the concealment of the
source of authority which has commissioned Mr.
Murdock to be the new chairman, for ordinarily
a committee meeting Is necessary to take such
action. 8o far is known, however, no euch meet
ing haa beea held, except possibly of the handful
of bosses no, leaders supposed to be in pos
session of the remnants of the party machinery.
Gentle Spring" ApproachetL
The first meadow lark of tha spring la re
ported to have been sighted in Elniwood park,
but Robin Redbreast, sure precursor of the
season of "ethereal mildness," lingers somewhat
behind his schedule. Nor do the snowbanks bear
an earnest ot the Immediate pendency of the
new birth of nature. Soon, however, the venture
some crocus will be found peeping up through
the frosty, sodden sod within the woodlands,
while the householder, apprehensive from past
experience, already looks ahead to the turmoil
of spring cleaning, with Its discovery of the for
gotten debris of a long and snowy winter. It will
not be long until the swelling bads will burst
into leaf and flower, and the deen rreanawar.
that makes the beauty of local lawns will be
spangled with the yellow blossoms of the peren
nial pest, and the war against the dandelion will
be on once more.
Nor can the change come any too aoonr man
kind in general is bored stiff from a surplus of
dull, drab or weeping skies, and the weather
man may turn off the winter spout aa soon aa
he likes, for Omaha has had enough.
The gamiest old bluffer la all Turkey, former
SuiUn Abdul Ham Id. Is said to have bean set
free by the yonng Turks, who seised the gov
ernment all yearn ago. Ia the Interval Turkey
haa been stripped of Tripoli and three-foartha
of tha empire to Europe, beside engaging U a
war wnicn imperil the Turk lab, capital. It U
hardly possible that Harold eaa "come back' at
tue age of 71, but his liberty will enable him to
observe the great imp rove meat ia tha ulti
matums of th allied fleet over the diplomatic
ultlmatutus with which. he faUeued the aultantc
The Political Caldron
WILT, the Dreater Omaha merger be put throuah
with the emergency clause, making It effective
ahead of the Impending municipal election?
And if It does go throuah In a form Immediately
operative, enlarging tli political war arena, whnt
chanirea will It make In the political map by which
the candidates must guide themselves?
These are the new questions suddenly brought
home to the city campaign rUtealnts by legislative
developments at Lincoln. 'Whether the emergency
clmiee will or will rot atay on the l.HI la purely
ape, ulatlve. but there are reaaons to believe that It
will. When the measure went through the eenste, it
dkt not have enough vot- on pansage to make It an
emergency lew, but several of the opponents changed
their votes, at the same time Inserting the explana
tion Into the Journal that they did so because they be
lieved. If merger was to come. It shotud be expedited
to permit the voters of the annexed iltlra and towns
to have a voice In choosing the municipal officer
elected thia spring to administer their government for
the ensiling three years. The same reasons would
apply equally to th procedure In the house-that Is
to say. If on final roll rail a safe majority la recorded
for consolidation, enough of the volca on the other
aide could he readily transferred to prevent the
elimination of the emergency clause, and give the am
bltloua ststnamen of Potith Omaha, Dundee, Benson
and Florence a chance to throw their hats Into the
city eommlsslonershlp ring if they want to.
A revleed political map. adding at least 10 pr
cent to the total vote, and bringing In groupa of
voters who have never before participated In our city
politics would necessarily Inject several elementa o?
uncertainty Into the situation. It will he natural for
fotith Omaha to demand one of the seven elective
places tn the city haJI-whelher It can enforce that
demand depending upon Its ability to present candi
date with qualification that appeal to the voters
here In Omaha. Giving South Omaha a cermmlasione--sliip,
however, would leave Omaha with only nix,
which number might still be further diminished if
ome one from other annexed territory should sue
ced In capturing one of tha places. Whatever com
bination may be made for either primary or election
will have to take Into consideration the alignment of
the new votes. Judging from previous elections, it
goes without saying that the sentiment In South
Omaha la predominantly wet. In Dundee dry, and in
Benson and Florenca more evenly divided, but the
total vote of South Omaha Is twice that of all tha
othsr auburn.' As between different Omajia candi
date, the acburhan vote may easily be the deciding
weight In the balance.
' It I hinted that several chronlo candidates are
holding back their announcement to file because of
fsara that they may be adjudged Insane, one candi
date already having been cited to appear before the
Insanity board.
Jlrst what la It In the way of qualifications or
promise that is wanted of the place hunters? One
candidate announce that If Tie be elected he will en
force all of the mandates on the statute books, a feat
which ha not been aocompllshed since Moses and
tha prophets tried their hands at law making. An
other vouchsafes the Information that he was born
in Omaha and lived here fifty years, and. therefore,
ha ahould be elected. Another man recite the fact
that two year ago while serving In the state legi.
latura ha waa Interested In a certain bill for Omaha
which should entitle him now to be connected up with
the payroll. "Bafety flrat," Is tha alogaa which atlll
another candidate has adopted for his campaign cards
Being circulated.
The last day for registration for the April prima'ry
will be Friday, March 38, and the last day for filing
pennons wvi oe tne same date.
Twice Told Tales
There Waa a Reaaoa.
At a dinner party in Washington the conversation
turned to old-Ume customs and this llttlo story wts
told by Mrs. Leigh C. Palmer, wife, of Lieutenant
Commander Palmer of the navy: '
One afternoon Mrs. Jones paid a visit to her
friend, Mr. Smith. In a distant part of tha town, and
on her return aha proceeded to impart to Husband
Jonea the mora Important Incident of her 'call.
"And there is another, Hiram," remarked tha good
woman, aa the recital flowed on. "I don't believe tha
Bmlth are aa rellaioua aa they used to be."
"They alnt!" responded Hiram, with a surprised
expression. "What makes ye think that?"
"Well. It' Jut thl way." returned Mra. Jones.
"For mora than twenty-five years that big Bible of
their waa on the center table In tha parlor, .and now
It ha disappeared.'
"That ain't because of their religion. Mary." mllod
Husband Jonea. "That'a because of the ages that'
wrote In It. Them Bmlth girl I gettln' pretty well
along." Philadelphia Telegraph.
A rMnsa Lassssge,
An American traveling In France was delayed at a
mall country atation and, wandering about, loat his
way.' Peering to mis the train, he made a desperate
effort at his almost forgotten college French and ad
dressed a passerby:
"Pardonnes-moi," he mispronounced. "J'al qultte
I train t matntenant Je n sal paa ou la troiiver
enoore. Det-ce que voua pouves me montrer 1e route
a U train r
"Let' look for it together." said the stranger. "I
don't speak French either." Everybody' Magaxlns.
Llcaie Oat.
Mr, Ptcklelllly came home from hi club one morn
ing about t o'clock. He entered hi happy home, crept
up the stair softly, ao aa not to awaken hla apouae.
then fait for the switch to turn on the electric light,
lfe could not find It. and In the darkness stumbled
ever a ehalr.
"What's that?" came a voice from the bed.
"Where tn the deuce are tha light la this house?"
snarled Ptcklelllly, trying to put a bold face on tha
"Uhtr cried Mra. PlckleliUy acathlngly. 'Tull
up tha blind!" Judge.
People and Events
- Back tn Indiana the democracy of the corncob pipe
la said ta have banished the tall silk Ul from tne
pulsing crown ef the great. A both symbols of Joy
would not pull together, Hooalers chucked the tile
and hitched up with the cob.
John Bunny, tha moving picture artist and
magnate, ha had hla pay envelope fattened from t4)
a week up to a rurur that rival President WUsoo s
alary. Kdlaou'a movta apparatus waa the Instrument,
hut Bunay waa the fee that lured fortune smile
W. L Kuykendall, aa old timer of Wyoming and
the Rookies, U dead at hla horn In Danver, aged lu
Mr Kuykand all waa a factor in mining camp tampede
In Wyoming and the Dakota and waa foreman of a
volunteer fire nompaay la Dead wood la the days of
Wild Bill.
The ieeialatur of North Carolina propose to
limit the family etoek ef stimulant t alx gallons of
ruaa and UO gallons of bear per annum. Lawmakers
believe tha quantity aa mad ia auffkieot for all needed
octal latareeuraa between Carolina govenor aad
etaere, Hagular taaha will be obUs4 ta tlahtea tne
D Jaraaa Brsar Cacbrajsa of Dover. Ua. beJssve
h ta tUa ealy swan Hying ha Main who ever beard
Daniel Wabatar snak a apaacb. Dr. Cbebraae else
reoeJle that be oaat sis flrat praaldenUsJ ballot whUe
a student at Bowdoia eollegm, walking tha entire ela
taae from Brunswick to hai home ra Fayatta, fifty
Saliva, to vote for Abraham Liaoola.
Booth Twrklnrton writes all hi tory manuaeeipts
ia pesKdl. Caat atand tha clatter ef tha tnwrttar.
la the study wbare be work ha arrange oa tha table
in rroat of Mm thirty or forty well-sharpanee pencil.
When one of there Im pre salve vehicles of thought lose
I 'a adge It 1 cast said aad a rreth eaa taken un.
Thus lie continue the grind until the day's work la
11 "
Mn. Pacific Mala Kisiena Tip-Tea.
OMAHA, Msrrh Il.-To the Editor o
Tne l:et: In your editorial captioned
"O.angc Control of the Missouri Pa
cific,'' you remark.
" and the Missouri Pacific main
syati m much run down "
Not only Is the main system of the
Missouri Pacific not run down, but on
the contrary It Is In splendid condition,
a fcrent neal of money having been spent
In creating this first class condition since
Mr. Bush hecam e president. Inquiry
frrm any competing line will veriry my
statement with reference to the splendll
Physical condition of the main system
of the Missouri Pacific Railroad com
pany. J. A. C KENNEDY.
General Attorney..
Isdirsiallsa la A eked For.
BROKKN BOW. Neb., March ll.-To
the Hdltor of The Bee: I notice In The
Hee's letter box a letter from W. J. Mr
Kachron on municipal light plants. t
would like to know who Mr. McEachron
Is and what official position ho occupies
that he would have thia number of re
ports from light and water planta. t
would like to have him answer this If
possible and If not will you give me aueh
Information aa you have at hand?
C. S. MARTIN. Treasurer.
OMAHA. March 11-To the Editor ot
The Ree: I am always clad to note nv.
thing especially enterprising connected
with jour psper. Huch I retard vour of
fering prominent space In which reasons
msy be given why tourist should ston In
Omha. c. F. liARRisiriv
Rrldee atelldlaa- Graft.
NORTH LOCP. Neb.. March 12. -To the
Editor of The Bee: The people of Ne
braska have been talking about economv
tn state government. I have picked op
an editorial from a Hamilton county pa
per on a subject of enormous Importanot
to the taxpayer:
Last vear a fortvfn.t i w, -
Howard county tIJMS 08; thl year the bit.
for the same la ttsja4. Last year a aixty.
foot steel bridge cost 2,921.fc: this year
the crlce will h ti usu "
iVrt ,n"f AW0L "ridges will amount to
I-.3S0. and It shows what commissioners
may accomplish If they are alwaya alive
to every opportunity to do their beat for
din inline iney eerve.
Let me suggest to the editor that ther
is another factor which h. h
looked; that factor is the authority vested
in the State Board ot Irrigation by the
legislature, which ha full power la the
department of state engineering. Who
furniehe the peclficatlon for the com
missioner? Tak jour pencil and figure
the amount your county bridge cost an
nually. Notice the atrei bridge of your
community and about S per cent of
them are allowed to stand for year with
out paint. The rut will destroy them
in thirty-five years, wheree if tbev sr.
properly constructed, Inspected at regular
times and painted they should last ln-
oennitely. it Is water that destroy the
teei Dnoge, nut that water la
tock In control of the state department.
n u in the Interest of the ateel bridge
trut that the road and bridge of Ne-
oraasa are so managed. Ask someone aa
to the members of the Board of Irriga.
Hon. and then recall the economy talk
oi me last campaign. With
in uBject. a member of
legislature writes me:
i appreciate the truth
respect to
the present
. appreciate the truth of all you aav
rX1"'"? "L th ln "rtlge bulletins
In Nebraska and also realist the fact
. . . J v puuur oiTICiala ara vnrv
.ea-nes. in V.f tlons"'. 3
poller men. I am unable to keep trac
t.f all such games being sprung frora dif
ferent quarter of the legtal.ture.
Bardea of the Wclfu. win
OMAHA. March ii-To the Editor of
Tha Bee: We. have beard a good deal of
superficial or thoughtless talk about the
so-called public welfare bill now pending
In the legislature, hut wa have h.,
practically nothing about the extraordi
nary Duroen it would Impose upon Omaha
...payer, wim little or no promise
bringing practical result.
FTom the taxpayer point of view,
there are so many reason why thl bill
bould b killed that I cannot expect any
newpper to give apace to them. At
tht time let me make a quotation from
a letter written by the head of one of
the biggeat wholeaale Jobbing house in
Omaha to on of the atate senators, copy
o. which waa handed me today
lie hor .e in" matte 3
thl. kind, and the reault la a great "um'
J f well-meaning Individual and
who "Pn1 to secure 10 eeSE?
w T"" Tor ,n "iy. thua mak-
without any corresponding benefit to
thoe la need. There l. ,
greater neceaaitv for arn.r.i 5L.... '
Islatlon t rth'r lh"a tnPrckal Icg
Certatnly the taxpayers of the city
cannot Ignore the enormous and. at th.
a me time, needle burden thl bill would
"Pen them. J. B. HATNES.
Dlrer-re Da i. Mlinli.j
AMHERST. Neb., March 1J.-TO the
Editor of The Bee: One seldom pk-k up
a paper without reading ef on or more
divorce, family rows, or aeparatlooa of
ome kind, and I presume It I the same
throughout th state.
Moat people reading of a divorce, re
mark that the man la a beast of some
thing almllar. and proceed to forget about
It. unleaa It be tn the family, then it i.
awf4l to have the family broke tip.
I believe th school 1 responsible for
th demon divorce to a great extent. Tha
child of today comma noes achool bet wee a
the agea Of S and T. Tha law compel
them to attend two-thhda of the term
f from seven to nine nniitk.
year of ace. The child that take In
taraat In hi studies will nrobablv ma
the full term, and study evening and
snoralnss This leave them three
months vacation. .
It I only natural for a child to cheoa
th occupation of hla father for hla or
her life work. Of rour there are ex
ception In. all ease. Then the boys and
Stria have three month of th yr to
leara their life work. Thy have o ex
erted theiuaelveo the nine month pre
vious that thia time should be spent In
reeling up fee a nether term, aad often la.
Then earn tha eighth grade gradutloa
between the age ef U and It, Thl gwa.
ralty tnaplra than to tear or attend
high sohool.
After attaining thia much edurettoa and
eaparlenea, a great majority of rural
pupil are ready ta ga back ta the farm
nd aettle down, A man under thee
aoaditlona weald hardly be able te run
a nleae of maehlnsry ar wnage a farm,
but he must eat. Here la another draw,
back. Hla wife eouUt probably repeat a
dosen poem or th revolutionary war ,
word for word, but where did she learn
to cok, to do her duty as a lioiwwife?
About this time this young couple begin
to reallie they have never been taught
to fill. Who lit to blame? Surelv not they.
The bor has attended school twelve
ears and In all that time has been taucht
thing other than he lisa to contend with.
It is doubtful If he could figure the num
ber of tons of hay In a stack or bushels
of grain In a bin.
1 doubt whether one-half of the rural
teachers in this state csn solve either of
thore problems without the aid of tht
The girl has attended the same length
of time and probably doesn't know how
to make a cup of coffee let alone a loaf
of bread. I doubt whether one-half of
the feminine rural teachers could do as
much, not wllng to start any arnu
mcnt. After contending with each othera
ml." takes comes the row, and In a good
many esses separation.
The education these pr.plls receive Is
ss millstones hung about their neck. If
the compulsory attendance law Is right 1
beliee we should have a change of text
books. Our schools are Rreat Institutions,
but still hae much room for Improve
ment. W. O. JAMESON,
llf-vrtmp you'll rrtwt someone yon
liko better wh"n you are away.
She If I do, dear boy. I II let you know.
Philadelphia Ledger.
If those lines are printed from that
sd'lree.a. 1 will make the author eat hi
words. "
"Then It would be a good Idea in make
them 'pi line." Baltimore American.
The Fallen One Of fleer, did you ee m
Officer Tes.
The F. O. Had you ever seen m he
fore? Officer No.
The F. O. Then how did you know It
ii me? Harvard Lampoon.
Composition Gems
The following are authentic gems from
school children' compositions:
"Another thing which distinguishes him
(Irving) a great deal from other authors
Is that he was a thinker."
'Julius Caeser chaperoned fnot
espoused) the cause of the people."
"A revolting desk chair Is Juat in front
of the desk." (Do you ever feel that way
about It yourself?) ,
Tedantry means the study or car of
the feet." New York Sun.
Clinton Srntlard In Judge.
Oh. glsd am t with her to go
Where apple blooms are dropping
And merry birds are hopping on the
But It iroduces vertigo
When she proposes shopping.
No shopping w ith my little love for ma!
Phe lincers over fussy things.
All satiny and silky-tike:
I really th'nk she d haggle half a daw.
t-'he leaves s heap of mussv things.
All mercerised and milky-like.
And spends an hour to purchase ap
Ghe loiters over hosiery
In manner that Is shocking:
It doesn't seem to bother her a blf;
't Rhntters my romposure-y
To see eo much of stocking:
M fell a though I'm ilk to throw s
S'no dotes on haberdashery :
t'he wants to buy mo all of It
At last she gets a flaming necktie-
She takee me to a tiaehery
(Alas, the awful pall of It!)
And punches me on cocoa and a bun!
Oh glad am 1 with her to go
Where apple Mooma are dropptng
And morry Urds are hopping on the
But It produces vertigo
When she propose shopping.
No shopping with my little low form!
I n 1
Baldng's a-Joy
-- , h ii 1 4 VV
Baking day" becomes
a day of smiles, when you use,
Calumet. A day of smiles for you
and for the rest of the family, too.
You'll be delighted because Calumet is so
unfailing in its results. You'll not have one
baking ruined not one batch of materials
wasted but every baking will. come from
the oven fluffy and tasty and evenly raised.
Always insist on Calumet. Your grocer has it. .
or can get it if 'you'll refuse substitutes.
Highest Award at
World'. -Pure
Food Exposi
tion, Chicago
Paris, Exposi
tion. France,
March 1912
I f yuM
. r a
Prldo is justified
vhon you wear-
n n a