THK HKK: OMAHA, SATIKDAY, MAIU'II 1015. 7 NO MONEY NOW FOR JURORS' FEES Robert Smith Eeporti Fundi Will Not Be Available Until About September First. SMITH'S FEES NOT TTJUNED IN J 11 mm of the district court after the expiration of th prrpn pannel and dar ing the ramalndlnic fifteen wreka of the court's leaelon will no longer receive ra.n in payment for their aervleea but will get warrants on county funds whh h will he available about September 1. rt trlrt Clerk Robert Smith announces. The result. It wm predicted at the court house, will be a return of the practice of "walplnff county warrant," by which jurors will discount their warrants for rush. Jurors now receive $3 per day for their services. Mr. Smith (rives as his reaaou for the announcement the fact that the surplus fee fund of his office out of which Jurors' pay has been taken. Is exhausted and From Our Near Neighbors llrnntnaton. Mr. and ilrs. Henry Anderson went to Omaha, Tueeday. The KenMng-tnn c1ui met at the home of Mra. C. W. illandt, on Wednesday aft ernoon, Henry IVrnackr and family have moved back to their farm home, north west of town. The teachers of the tc.wn school went to Omaha lset Sattirriav. to attend the meetlna- of the lvniprlaa County Teach ers' association. Henry Wilt and family moved last week to the old Ttmpcrlrjr, homestead, four miles northnaat of town. A stlrrlnit drama. "The Honor of a Cowbov." will be presented by the base ball hoys anil their friends, at tht Wood man ha!L on Hnndny evening. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Morklemann sent sreotinKs to friends here fn"n Cali fornia, where they tv spending their honeymoon, enjoytnn the exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Ixxiis ttlnaarcacl returned on the late train Tuesday evening from Hastings, where they were recentlv mar ried. Their friends irava them rw tion on Wednesday evening-. Miss Carrie Kumpf, who died at her home in Omaha last week, taught In I'lstrlct No. M, north of town in , the ! v. o,. nf tho Mr hllxSHnl She will lie that the general fund Is insufficient to j remembered a a visitor at the home meet the demands on It. I of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ahrens, when they Mned here. Bets He Would Be ! Released, but Loses Billy Hlghporkets, vagrant and dwarf, at one time star tumbler with Rlngling fcros. Circus, was arraigned In police court Friday morning and sentenced to ten days. Htghpockets was brought before Judge Brltt Thursday, but through his good natured banter with the court waa al lowed to depart with the provision that he leave town at once. Friday morning he delivered a very touching ob story being 111 and wishing to be turned loose to sooure treatment. Although deeply moved, Judge Brltt sentenced the little fclow to the caunty Jail and waved him toward the ballpen. Aa Hinhpoekets passed through the opening he waa greeted with a lusty chorua form the prisoners, "You loaa 8horty." Investigation by the court revealed the fact that BUly had wagered his seal ling that he would be discharged. Arrested for Posing as Federal Off icer Lemuel Goldsberg, address Victoria hotel, was arrested by local police of ficers on complaint of several Individuals who assert that Ooldsberg. represontlns himself to be a t'nlted States government official, had employed them to work for him aa subordinates Goldsberg has been turned over to the federal authorities, who are Investigating the charges. Wa-eptna: Water. Mr. and Mra. Roy Coalman went to Kim wood last Wednesday. H P. Chrlstsnsen reports that six of his rhlldren are atck with the measles. C. N. Foster of Hebron Is visiting; his sister, Mrs. 3. Ulascow and other rela tives. Pr. and Mra FVed Andrus were visit ing at the C. M. Andmn homo last Sat-urdtiy. Mrs. J. T. Oollistcr went to Tlncoln lnt taking ticatiiiint for ratiwr, which ho thinks Is cured Miss Ora Miller was In I'nlon visiting trltnds Wednesday Mrs. tlrover (lohack Is having an at taek of ai'ix ndlcltls. J. 1. 1-otiK n-titrneit FYlday from a busi ness trip to Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. John tvmlnn of Weeping Water wore III town Tuesday. Colonel Sturm bits gi ne to Texas to look after his large land int rests. Mrs Oeorg C. Sheldon entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wolph at dinner Tuesday. Mrs. Omor Scllchteniler en loved tho hoe pitalltC of Mrs. Klrkptitrlck Tuesday . Miss Ivv M. TVilll :f Onialin wis a guest of Mrs. Keltner ox er nlKl't Tuesday. Miss Ulailvs) West's voice having almost fnllcd h'r. she was oblltred to give up her school work at Hrownell Mall temporsrily. S. H. Young has Just returned from Oklahoma, where lie as called bv the dangerous lllmss of bis brother, (WorM. whom he left on tho road to reoowry. Mr. and Mrs. Ooehrv and daughter, Kathrlne, of M unlock were in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Horher Tuesday, Mrs. Oarber being a Msti r of Mrs. Coehry. XprlnaMrM. Rerf baling, who has been visiting his parents here a few weeks, departed last Saturday for Tracy, Oil. O. A. Hatea and W. H. Kleck attended the Jobbers' convention at Omaha this week. Iiura Stacy, Alice Hogarth ami I'.mer ald Keyes were the successful candldntea In the oratorical contest given at the high school Wednesday night. They will represent Springfield In the contest at l'npllllon In the contest for the gold medal offered by the county superintendent. The traffic over the liuls-11e htidgq has been resumed. Tho Ice damaged a purl of the bridge, but It has leen repaired. ti.m.,i..- A hn. .ia.,.,htA. vnu .miss i ia noon ano narvey . on lernan Thursday to vert her daughter Nellie who ,.. n,.-., t i, rui,i.,n t m, rA I Mrs. c. S. Klrkpatrlck last Sunday, at i . . . , . . , . . m - . , looked In on the lawmskers at llncoJn a Woman s Clirlstlui Temi-erame union at tli-t place. Mis. laao Nnyr. and criscllla ar livel 'ednes,lsv from Pundte. for s isit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Oardenrr Mrs lvls went to Heiison last week to get aciiaintcd with her new mutvl- oti. at the home of Mr. and Mrs Au brey lavls. m mo iiwtiini 11 i i in' i"'nni of I'Mueatlnn iv night, the follow ing ti.'icbers were re-elictcd Sierln terKle:it. Frank I Adams; Irene l.rown. Waiuu-ia "ook and Hilda llirson, high lU'hntll lfNi-hrr' l.Kwi Ornhn Haines, grade teachers, I'esii llnmia. kindergarten. The regular monthly meeting of the "Husy Upcr," as hi 1.1 la the Puberty ball on Weliiedny nitirnoon This be ing the annual nieejlnt the tollownig officers were elected lor Up i omitlK ear: Mrs. Margery kopii. i!. id. ut ; Mr May I'reslia vtc, presblent : Mrs Wallstroem. se r,-tar , end Mr. May i'erree. treasiiror. Friday was I''s day at the Valley schools. In each room wore exli.blts of the regular work of the pupil". Superin tendent W. A. Yodel, Mrs. Mons Johnson and Kov. S. IS. Carlson, gave addresses In the assembly room. Miss lanna Hrvwn and the pupils of the lifth and Sixth grades, furnished the mrsicnl put of the program. A dainty lunch serxod bv the domestic science class, dosed the most successful patron's day ever given by the Valley schools FONTENELLE IMPROVERS BEHIND HACKETT'S BOOM The Fontenflle Improvement ciub yes terday eevnlng, at a meeting held at Korty-flfth and Bedford avenue, decided to call a mass meeting; for Wednesday evening. March 25, to be held hi the auditorium of the School for the Deaf. All improvers and candidates will be In vited. The Fontenelle club adopted a resolu tion indorsing the candidacy of Harry J. Hackett for the city commission. The resolution states that Mr. Hackett proved his worth while a member of the recent charter board, and also takos note of the fact that he gave to he city valuabe property In connection with the development of the Fontenelle bou'evard. The hearty support of the club was Vledged to Mrv Hackett. FIVE DOGS DAILY TOLL OF ACCIDENTS IN OMAHA Humane Officer Hans Nielsen reports that an average of five dead dogs are picked up throughout the city each day of the year. Last year the total was over J,6. Many of these canines are killed by street cars and automobiles. Between 700 and 800 dead horses are gathered by the dead animal man during the course of a year. Officer Nielsen notes a decided improve ment this season In the matter of treat ing work horses in a humane manner. He has seen many instances of four horse a being used to draw loads. POLICE SWOOP DOWN ON TWO BUSY POKER GAMES Hoy Black, colored 2111 Clark street, ar rested by Detectives Murphy and Rooney for conducting a poker game, waa fined l and costs in police court and four In mates drew "j and costs each. J. P. Savage, 209 South Twelfth street, who. with nine Inmates, wes arrested for a like offense, was discharged, as were the Inmates. FORMER RESIDENT OF OMAHA DIES IN LNICOLN Mrs. J. A. Peterson, a resident of I Omaha for some twenty-five years, died In Unooln Thursday night at the norm, of her son, Frank Peterson. Mrs. Peter son came to Omaha In 181 and lived here a quarter of a century before going to Lincoln to reside with her son. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon, with Interment in Lincoln. Is in a honpltal. Mr. and Mi. J. W. Amlek were Louisville Monday attending the, funeral of Mrs. T. C Amlck. Miss Rortba Jameson has gojn to Lin coln for an extended visit with her aunt, Mrs. T. H. Cromwell. Miss Elsa Granger of Lincoln has been substituting as instructor in the high school for Miss Olra tJereke, who lias had measles. The city council at the spring election on April 6 will submit the qaestlon of a permanent 8 mill levy for fhe mtpport of a Carnegie library. The members ef the Bo worth lesgne car ried out a farewell surprise prty for Miss Mary Jonet who leaves soon with her parents for western Net (ska. A deal for the S. F. Glrardnt home near th city park has been made In whloh P. C. Colglter trades In his cottage and grounds a block south of tne college square. Leonard Boty has returned from a liosp.tal at Omaha where he was taking; treatment as a preventive for hvdro phohla. He ws bitten by a pet wolf a few weeks ago. Rellevae. The W. K. Webb family are moving from their home on the boulevard intr. n, Cleveland property. The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid society hsd an all-dav "sewinir" nt th h VT. C. A. Mitchell. Wednesday. Monday eveninir the vIIIhhb unnnir rum ple enjoyed a sleigh ride, followed by an oyster supper at the Presbyterian parsonage. The town caucus will meet WndnMitm evening to select nominees to fill the four vacant places on the town board at the April election. The majority of the town people and a great many from the surrounding coun try attended the academy play Tuesday night at McDermott's auditorium. Charles Patrick, who for six years has had charge of the Omaha Sout he.rn 1 n torurban Railway company's station here, iu move io one or nis piaoes be fore the end of the month. The new Bellevue barber and shoe re pair shop, owned by Adore & Negro, was damaged by fire Thursday morning at about 1 o"clock. The barber futures an1 chair were destroyed. The Insurance nt $S0O more than covers the damage, which Is estimated at about 1100.. A strong smell of gasoline about the place leads to the opinion thatUie fire waa of incen diary origin. Nehawka. Mrs. George Ingworsen Is very low with cancer. Martha Goebry of Lincoln was in town Tuesday. G. T. Swltier was In Nebraska Cltv Thursday. B. M. Pollard was in Lincoln on busi ness Tuesday. Charley Snyder was in Union on busi ness Thursday. D. D. Braun of Manley was on our streets Tuesday. J. M. Stoner waa a Urrcoln business visitor Thursday. Samuel Humphrey has uet returned from Savannah, Mo., where he has been r cently. Hev. Mr. Carman of Mtnden wfll com mence revival services at the Methodist church next Tuesday. basket and box social given bv tha high school Wednesday evening netted 140. Mr and Mrs. FJmer Blunt loft laat Wednesday for Wyoming, where they have taken a homestead. Mrs. Kdgar Parke, who was known kj this neighborhood as Miss Harriet Pre.s ton, died at her late home at White Clay, Neb., on February 27. The school board elected the following teachers for next year: K. C. Simmons, superintendent; Mabel Britdey, Miss f1eV W'anda Ilesack, Eula Bates and llae Holllday. and Klkborn. Mrs. John Fedde Is seriously 111. A baby was born this week to Mr. Mrs. Kmll Sachs. MIm Anna Hansen of Omaha visited Sunday at the J. A. Otbbona homo. Mr. and Mrs. Joachim Bull have re covered from their attack of grippe. H. A Nolle came In from Bridgeport, Neb., Saturday for a short stay here, Mrs. Kithel Hyars is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Morrlston. Mrs. C. Ilcsse and daughter. Miss Normu. were Omaha visitors Wednesday, - Mrs. J. A. Gibbon spent several days this week at Benson, where her grand mother is quite 111. Henry Schmidt mturned to Saskatche wan. Canada, Friday after a three months' stay here. T. A. Hollister and wife of Omaha at tended the wedding of the former's brother, Eugene, on Wednesday. Mrs. Amy Calvert wnt to Oolumbus, Neb., Saturday to visit her son. Jairtes, and family. She returned Thursday. Miss Angellnc and Miss Anastasla Mc Ardle wenl to Omaha Sunday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mo Ardle. Mrs. E. O'Brien of Canyon City. Oolo.. and sister-in-law, Mrs. Young of Osceola, were visiting .at the William Morrison home Thursday. Eugene Hollister and Miss Goonne Pecker were married Wednesday at Waterloo. They will make their home on the Hollteter farm west of Klkhorn. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Pecker. Valley. All of the Valley teachers attended the teachers' meeting In Omaha on Saturday. Miss Wauneta Cook spent .Saturday night and Sunday at her home In Lin coln. The regular meeting of the Mothers' cluh was held Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Kennedy. Hev. EL E. Zimmnrman and bahv, Klltha, of Belden. are the guests of htr. and Mrs. H. Heimbach. Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Hubbard, Ruth. Mrs. vvintmore. m-anris and rcuith IAI liefors, spent Saturday In Omaha. The Woman's Christian Twmnerane union women of Valley will go to Papll llon on Friday to assist In organising Doa't Have sprtac Coach. Take Ir. King's New Discovery and you won't catch cold. It kills the cold germs.' keeps you well. 50c All drug gists. Advertisement. CAUGHT TRYING TO BREAK INTO DOWN TOWN SALOON Philip Mitchell. 1463 South Twenty-sixth street, and D. DeDezia of SL Paul, were arrested Thursday night by Detectives I'unn and Kennelly, who testified In po lice court that they found the two men trying to break Into the Big Four sa loon. The offenders were sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail. Wkr Hr Feel 11 red. "Spring fever" usually la the result of sluggish bowels and torpid liver. After months Indoors, you are not likely to feel vigorous and aprtghtly. Foley Ca thartic Tablets are f porth their weight in gold" for that ovei-full feeling, bilious ness, gas on the stomach, bad breath. Indigestion or constipation. Their action Is quick, comfortable and complete- without nausea or griping. Stout people say they are a blessing. Sold every where. Advertisement I i Afarxi) Bros. Sj-.Lowsi f Ml In Spaghetti There Is Great Strength ONE of the chief articles of food in South ern Europe is spaghetti. We have it on the authority of Dr. Hutchison, the world famous dietitian, that the energy value of spaghetti or its allied products, as compared with meat, is in the ratio of 100 to 60. SPAGHETTI is a strengthening, economical, easily digestible food. Good for the toiler, the office man. tho growing child good for everybody. Prepared from hard Durum wheatthe cereal that is rich In gluten the muscle and tissue builder. Write for free recipe book and find out the many savory dishes that can be made of Faust Spaghetti. MAULL BROS.. St. Louis. U. S. A. Avoea. J. K. Peckbam of Chappell was her this week. Miss Malic flothmann of ChlcaRO. Is visiting Avoca Irlends. l J. Marquardt and wife spent eewral days this week at Omalia. fUmnn Rehtnler and wife have returned from a visit at Clnrlon. la. Mrs. Otto Hrooks and son were over Sunday visitors at Lincoln. Mrs. J. II Nchmldt was an Omaha visitor the first of the weok. MT. I. Knioots and wife were Ornnha visitors Monday and Tuesday. Nicholas Kohl left this week for Camp bell. Mo., for a tew davs' visit. Mr. and Mrs. famucl Johnson sre ependlna- the week at Lexltmton. Setli Meyers and family left this ook for tcuell county, where they will reside. Ttenry Wohlers, who was seriously In jured here lal Friday. Is somewhat Im proved .1 C Osbnrn. wife nnd S'in of Itemlng ford are vlltuiK relators near here. Mrs Charlos Woodson anil son of Conn col Itluffa were here this week visiting Miss Hudy Nuttman left for Hurt Wcdnesdiiv. a brie she will leach School. ranllllfin. Mis ' McKltrlck and Miss O.phs Mc Kltrtek of Ouuiba were S'lets Pf Mrs. K S Nickerson Sunday. Mrs II. K Harrison and two sons. Itobert :ind Harvey, ivereKUests of the .1 H Wilson family Saturday and Sun day. I.ouls l.esleur. who has been 111 for tbe taut month. Is not Improvlns as rapidly us bad been Imped and Is still confined to his boil. The mint y oi itorlcal contest will be held here March The high schools of SpitnKf li'ld. IVIIovne and I'ai'llllon 'will lie n-prosenteU Miss Flsle Inirkop and Krnnk Leaders were innrrtcd NNMlni'sdsy eventna at the home of the brides parents. Mr nnd Mrs John Hurkoo. Mr. and Mr, leaders will make their home on the lenders farm Mouth of town. The oratorical concert of the laillllnn HikIi school was held I'rlday evening. Italph Nickerson won first place, anrt will rrtsent l'apllllon at the district contest, to be held at Fremont in a short time. I ' Nehawka. Mr. Kekman left Monday for a trip to New Orleans. Mrs (His SundrtM was and Omaha vis itor un Wednesday. Ilnivey Knight and Itrls Vestal are on the sick list this week. .Tnhn Hendrickson is In the hospital nsaln, taking treatment for his eyes. Mrs. John Hendrickson and Mrs. ftosy Msgee were Omaha visitors Monday. Misses KJsle and Matta Brewster vis tied relatives in South 1maha on Mon day. Mrs Joe MoOnlre of Tteneon spent the week with her dauKhter, Mrs. John ITiflck. Walter Sun, lull returned Momity from Kawllns, Wyo., for a five weeks' visit with his tiarenta, (liarles Pain. Archie Hsssrd and Misses Annie Jacobsen and Minnie Win, were Omnha visitors nn Wednesday. Sunday Dinner Musicale I'avo ojiro nt litino. Diuo whore the sur ronndinpn add a charm found nowhere else in town. Kvtuy Sunday night a Dinner de Lose nt ono-fifty tho person onnblo. you, at mod erate rxponso, to lonrn tho culinary delights of tho now hotol. Thoro is no oxrionao in tho I'njoyinont of a music progrnm of rare excel lence from six to nine. This now hotel, with its Dining lvooins, in a realization of a neces sity in a modern, progressive city. Moder ate prices make it a convenience to you and not a luxury the luxury is all in your sur round ingfl. t "Built for you to enjoy." Hotel TonteiJelle If yoii have a ' Sunshiny Room," let people know about i in this column of Boo Want ads. ID) D) WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS Faber's Handy, Pony emcil. To Each Purchaser of 10 cents' Worth of TUXEDO ' Tobacco You'll appreciate the handiness of this Pocket Pencil the minute you try it. Just the right length for easy writing; has a bright, gilt lacquered finish, a soft, adjustable lead, and a durable eraser as an additional advantage. This Pony Pencil is made by Eberhard Faber, ' the world's famous pencil manufacturer. It fits perfectly in the vest pocket and is the most popular memorandum pencil ever designed.) Because men so thoroughly approve of this new Paber design, weselected it as a suitable gift to offer free, as an inducement to more men to try Tuxedo, and become acquainted with its jmild, fragrant and . healthful qualities.) ThePcHkctlpeTobacc6 ' i vf?fuxedoisrthe favorite tobacco'of the critical pipe smokers 'of America and is enthusiastically endorsed by thousands of famous men. Tuxedo is made of only the finest Burley tobacco grown in Kentucky -carefully ripened, cured and aged until perfectly mild and mellow. Then treated by the secret "Tuxedo Process" that removes the last trace of "bite" and bitterness, and develops the wonderful fragrance of the Burley leaf in a way that no other tobacco has ever successfully imitatea. Take advantage of tins Jree offer and try Tuxedo pure, mild and absolutely non-biting soothing, healthful and thoroughly enjoyable. : n e- n & mmmm YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient poncA, inner-lined Cp with moisture-proof paper J In 71 Hamidmn, 40c ami 80c Famoo reea tia with foIJ A letterinf, cvred to fit pock i in Qom Humidor, 80c and 90c FREE Take advantage of thi Free Offer fo- day and avoid disappointment. Dealers have only a limited supply of these Pocket Pencils and cannot set more. Look for Free Offer sign in a dealer's window get 10c worth of Tuxedo and ask for the Pony Pencil FreeJ THK AMERICAN TOBAOCO COMPANY ' O a ! I riaaf!aa laa El aa a I aa -aaa. Va w" "T deler in Onuvlta, Houtt, Omh. Ilnuon and nureoce to b tnppUed bIP:IhI LJOTinP III lIPallPrQ u,lh """ INx"lte rwicUa. All iWlera who hare uot yrt .ecu red a mply ot UUoaa UpUUIUl IdUllUl IU EafUUlUl Oa I'orket IVnrila can do o by plyUig at Tuxedo Headquarter., llotl. Thona EMSP'BK! BR