Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    THK MKM: OMAHA. SATi:i:i)AY. MAKCH l:!. 1115.
New Books
the spirit ni military atmosphere of , Fowler, jr. 144 rp. :-. Sully & KIHn-
West Point, an la only to h eiperled I tWc
ein-e Mra, lluml spent five yesr at Th,
larret WMrtrnicr. 11. .1. It. I.lppltv ott
A tired tittle "I.ihlerry Tearhr'' rrtes
rebellloualy to hrrsrlf: "I'm sl k of libra
ries, snd of belnK efficient: Oh, I
lull I had a Kt 'f mnnry. and a roee
srden, and a huehand!" adding In maid
enly haste, "and I didn't have to asso
ciate with him." jP, "the Pestlnira"
heard the wish and granted It to thr
letter. Horn- and why, and with whnt rc-
ult Minn Wltirimier tell In (parkllng.
rlppllnc little tale, ns bright and ninny
a a rummer brook.
THK If Allium Hv Krnest Pool. $140.
The MarMlllan Compiiny.
This t a story of New York, vivid In
Ita reflection of the Industrial and social
aaneeta of the city, and Intenm In plot.
The central character in a ynunir Man
who, through Ills Intimate ontart with
people, and particularly 1 1. rough lil
tudy of humanity ns It ebha and flowa
In the creat harbor, comes flnajly 1o
see the Inner meaning of things. Mr.
Fool's men and women are real; the
problems confronting them are the per
plexing problems of aoi letjr today, and
the book la a commentary on twentieth
century Ufa,
I.KY. Hy Hrtle K. Manlat-a. 279 Pp. $1.
l.Htle. Urown & Co.
Amarllly la one of a largo family, mora
common. It Is to he feared, In fiction
than In fact. Tlwy are children of pov.
erty, not to aay of the alums, all marked
by a strong family likeness. Native re
finement, noble traits of character, sur
prising potentialities happily met by the
needed opportunity, distinguish them, each
and all. It la all a pleasant variant upon
a familiar theme, the reading made more
agreeable by the excellent type and at
tractive format of the little volume.
CONTRARY MART. By Temple Bailey.
pp. $1.25. The Penn Inibliahlng
An old-fashioned krv story, almost
cualnt In Ita reminiscent air of the kind
of fiction young women liked to read a
generation ago. But Marry notwithstand
ing, has soma modern trimmings upon
her character, for aha Is Independent,
frank, and straightforward, and she pta
fers work In a government office to mar
riage for the sake of support or a home
which would mean economic dependence..
The scene of the story la laid mainly In
Washington, and a few congressmen cir
cle around the outer edges of tho action.
Hot most of the characters belong to the
octal set of young men and women who
frequent the fine old mansion on the hill
overlooking Washington where Mary
THK 8WOHD OK YOUTH. James line
Allen, y.l pp. $ The Century,
Mr. Allen haa returned to Kentucky In
this story. Joseph Kumtier, th youngest
aon of a mother who baa already given
her husband and four sons to her coun
try, stirs his mother to a strange anger
when, at 17, lie announces his Intention
te Join the army. Her bitter words open
a breach between them and send him to
his sweetheart, bucy, lor comfort. In
the morning he la gone, it Is only when
his mother Ilea dying that her heart soft
ens toward her son, and she send him
an urgent message to come to her at
whatever cost. The relations of atern
mother and loyal aon, the romance of
boy and girl, man and woman when the
war ends, are drawn with masterly skill
and axqulatte tenderness.
MRS. MARTIN'f MAN. Bv PI. John .
Krvlne. 313 pp. $..V. The .Maenitllan
Tho central figure In this story Is Mar
tha Martin, a woman possessed of plain
common aeuee, a humble shopkeeper
whoa husband deserted her years before
and who won out In her fight for a liv
ing. At the opening of th story Mrt.
Martin after sixteen years haa received
word from her husband and Is awaiting
hla return. With this aa IU Initial altu
atlon there follow a scries of Incidents
which are aa Interesting as they are sig
nificant In their revelation of human mo
tives. Mrs. Martin In confronted with a
Uf problem. The happy solution of It
and the averting of a domestic tragedy
are made possible solely through th ex
ercise of that good sonse with which ah
bad been endowed.
BlFf MCAKTHV. By .1. . Wills. 17
Pp. tl. Th Abingdon Pre.
Btff la a street ruffian, a member of a
"gang " A a a boy scout b maka
rood." and 1 th maaaa of transform
rag th gang. Thr I plenty of rapid
action, good character drawing, and a
plot that simulate and holda th la
te rest.
By J. . Kills. JUS r"p. $1. Th Abtug
don Presa
A 17-year-old boy becomes a sheep
herder on an Immense ranch. Hla diffi
uultiss, temtatlons and perils i ds
i rlbed In Intensely Interesting fashion.
Th author ha intimat knowledge of
LI subject and the story Is vital and
Hy Harrtenn Ada-ns. art Pp. H
Tha Page Company.
Th time of the story Is a generation
later than that of the earlier volume
In th series and the heroes are Dick
and Roger, sun, respectively of Bob
and Bandy Armstrong, the pioneer
boy' of the previous books.
MOI.LY. By Jfn Louixe IeKorest. H
Pp. $1.3. dully KU'intrlch.
A book to make us remember moc
cltarly th quiet of happiness and
well-being from which uur have
sprung. Its events rnoVe promptly and
aatuarlly to a climax wherein the seem
ing Inovllsbl outcome Is dissolved In a
surprise of the author' own.
Tl IK AMERICAN UIKI . By .,nne Mor
gan. W Pp. Wc. Harper Brother.
This little book, by the daughter of
the great financier. Is filled wit h.h..
tui auggeatlone to her oung count ry
wuman at the four i-omin uf her life's
liighroad-her education, her reap msi Wil
lies, her recreation, an J her future.
Nathaniel C. r'owlar, Jr. tit Pu. Uxi
huily at KleinteUh.
Th autnor geU doan to the very
bottom of apacuhmaking, and analya
forma of addrsaie from tb oration of
tlie great 1lamsa to th avrydy "ro.
mark" of aftaiHU&ner apeak era and
others, who addres th publio formaily
or Intwrmaily.
eTKAPei. iJy Florence Kimball Hue
se.i. rj pp. 1 is. Th po Company.
In, this book th reader again follows
the txperienue of Jack Stirling, this time
luring bis Junior and senior years at
iV-l Point. Mia Ittisacl'k s lories are
iwil uf rvaiity, and j.y pa hraiha
Wat point, where her husband was de
tailed aa Instructor In the military
This book contains ebout W articles, !
j 1 i KTT1 N t A ST.VRT
which sppeared In the newspapers and
were read by million. They ettarctrd
wide attention, and were nr knon cd;ed
Nallianiel t. ,n be Inspirational "short talks."
Rare presence of mind enabled Mrs SI
Turner, lulng near Fiija. not far from
Kllleen. Tex., to win a battle for life
with a huge rattlesnake as her opponent
The woman was picking cotton In com
pany with her husband, when the rittler
crawled under her rlothlng and reached
her waist before she dteoovered It.
Promptly grasping the reptile through
her gtrments. she held It In position
where It could not strike, calling to her
husband for assistance. The latter cau
tiously worked hla anakeehlp upward un
til he was able to grasp it around the
netk. and then oeaan a battle royal.
The man held on. however, the snake
coiling Itse'f around hie arm and hissing
In an omlnoue manner.
The woman, being freed from her peril
ous position, gathered a quantity of lame
stones, which she placed close to hep
husband, who then flung the snake from
him as far aa possible, and tho pair.
selling upon the ammunition provided,
proceeded to atone It to death. Both es
caped Injury, but were unstrung by th"
experience. The snake was a large one
with ten rattles. Houston Tost.
Sample of Men's and Women's Plain, All-Linen Handker
chief With wide? or narrow hernaUtrhlng; Irish haod-m-broldered
corners In white and rolors. AM around em
broidered, point VenUe, princess and val lace sat
trimmed edg. Worth 2fie. Special Saturday, 1)C
Lrjt-vrW Av-mrZ--i,;-S!tS:'imi' -X-'' I'XT . Kf7n J TUT ,7. immimim lien
Cut Flower 8
Luge Bunches of CsJifcni Violets 50
bunch, Saturday, for 15c.
American Beauties Saturday, each only 10c.
Carnation Special Saturday, a dozen, 39c.
in a
Foremost among the important events of next week will be the Spring Exposition
and Sale of Silks which will begin Monday, Sunday's advertisements will contain
all details regarding this occasion. The announcement will be very interesting
$30 and $3 5 New Silk Dresses
(Samples) All in the Latest
Styles, Saturday, Choice for
This truly is great news, for this sale, one of unusual scope,
comes just at the beginning a new season. Just when women
are starting to look about for their new costumes for spring
There arc 165 Sample Dresses in this great lot, bought from one of New
York's leading manufacturers at such a price concession that we promise
you the most wonderful dress values in beautiful new styles.
Every garment is new and extremely modish in
style. Most models are exclusive, being largely
samples. They are the smartest silks of the day,
comprising such favorites zsCharmeuse, Crepe
Meteor, Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Chantung,
Chiffon Combinations, Striped Novelties, Silk
Faille, Silk Poplinsall fashions favorites.
All of the spring best colors and col
or combinations are used in these
handsome models, and used most advisedly.
There are sizes for both misses and
women in the group. Early selection,
however is advisable to secure correct
The cheapest dress in this lot is worth
$22.50; other values range up to $30 and 1 3
$35; Saturday choice from 165 for only
Smart Footer -y
Cleverest new styles of the
print bere in wide variety.
WOMEN WKh rd or blu
cloth tops, trimmed with
Sld braid and butrn an
sxtrsms atyls. All ffx
li, A pair $t).UU
Women's Nsw Lacs
Oxford-Pumps Pat
ent or dull leather,
with fray or fawn
tops. One of the new
patterns for early
sprint. All
Dtaes. A DaJr D
360 Pair of Womsn's Fin Drs
8ho Patent or dull leather;
io dull kid and calf, with cloth
or kid tops. Button styles. Kll
slses. Values to $4.00. o rP
A pair pi.0
Boys' Dress Shoss oUd oak
soles. Button styles. Psrfct ru
tins; and very service- a eys
able. A pair ).)
Candv Soecials
D(In the Pompelan Room)
Special Assertsd Cream Cocea
. . nut Kis Vaonia, strawberry
Iand chocolate. r
A pound iOC
. , Iced Brsill Nuts Dipped in va-
Inula flavored cream. 8pe.
clal Saturday, a pound. . .
8pclal Old Fashioned
D Walnut Pong
Delicious Opsrs Cresm
M Roll Rolled In chopped
n nuts A pound
II Pompeian Chocolsts and
P") Stvls Milk Chacalataa Cream
I fruit and nut centers. f
A pound sCaC
Maple Confection Fresh A
D every Saturday, pound CUC
We are showing a Beautiful Line
or all the latest and moat beautl
. . rul St Patrick novelties, for din-
Iner and party favors
Hats, Bsskets, Casss, Chooolats
Psvor and Pigs r
Each DC
Snakes, Mottoes, Pisco Csrd Fa
vor and Pigs
oquMiing rigs Mra eye
60 and 5C
All Kinds of St. Patrick Candv
n Shamrocks and Pipes ne
Special, a lb.. 11c snd....C0C
Belgian Split or Lizere is the
Favorite Straw for Spring Hats
The two shapes pictured above are maJe of this popular mater-
ui ana demonstrate what can be accomplished with it. The
"OMAHA" is an extra large, straight brim sailor. The "VAN
COUVER" is medium size, with a roll 'brim; both may be had
in black, bottle green, rose, old blue, brass and other spring col-
ors. They are very becoming as well as very stylish sailors
modes that are much in vogue wherever shown.
Especially good values at Saturday's
small price; either shape for only , ,
Smart Hats for the Younger Set
In the misses' and junior section we feature three hemp hats,
(as illustrated) trimmed in satin ribbons and one China Milan
girl's hat the "Sunshine." This hat is trimmed in shirred silk,
with a rosette of self material. All are suitable for girls, ages
8 to 12 years and come in a large assortment of colors.
Choice of any one of these four pretty 41 gst
hats Saturday, for, only . y 1 uU
Forty styles of daial, June rosea, asters, lilac and small
American beauty roaes in every desirable shad of the o
season, attractively priced for Saturday, at, only OuC
Initial Writing Paper, 49c
Two-Quire Box of Gold Initial Writing Paper Linen fin
ished; also envelopes to match. Regular 75c value. Mt
Special Saturday, for 47C
Saturday the week's best
day to select good
Women's Pure Thread Silk Stock.
Ings Black, fawn, taupe, putty,
sand, bronze and all shades to
match any evening gown. All full
fashioned, with wide tarter tops.
Some silk to the top. High spliced
heels and toes; double Boles. Regu
lar $1.00 and 1.25 qualities. An
a pair 05fC
Men'a and Women's Fiber Silk Hose
All shades. Full seamlens, with
spliced heels, toon and 1 ft
soles. Special Saturday, pair. 1 "C
Boys' and Girls' Medium Weight
Stocking Black and white. Double
knees; spliced heels and r
toes. Saturday, a pair IDC
Women's Silk Boot Stockings All
shades, to match any (own or shoe
tops. Full fashioned: high spliced
heels and toes; double rA
soles. A pair OUC
Women's Pur Dye Silk Ho The
vary latest shadss, made by well
known manufcturrs, all thread
ellk. many silk to the top. otbera
have wld rarter wlt top, rull
fshloned, hlfh spliced fr
heels and toea. and double 5k I
soles. Special Saturday
Salesmen's Samples of the Famous
In a Great Sale Saturday
We secured at prices so small they seem almost unbelievable
a great many dozen of these handsome Mme. Lyra corsets.
Being salesmen's and show-room samples they are of course in
every way up to the standard maintained by these corset makers.
First and
Included are Mme. Lyra
corsets to fit every figure,
in handsome, substantially
tailored models.
Lightly boned mod
els for dancing and
home wear.
A good selection of
sizes in corsets for
riding and golf.
Materials in these corsets are exquisite, the
workmanship is faultlessand Mme. Lyra
corsets always are comfortable and fit as
corsets should fit.
Note the the Great Price Reductions-
Mme. Lyra Corsets f 79
worth to $5.00 for A
Mme. Lyra Corsets $ rj 95
worth to S7.50 for
Mme. Lyra Corsets I
worth to $20.00 for
Saturday we will have on sale about
l,p009 pairs women s doeskin,
kid,silk and fabric gloves worth
up to $1.25, your choice for
ihese are sample gloves and overstocks in variety as vide as
the values offered are unusual. In this lot there are:
Women's 2 -clasp kid gloves; women's 1 -clasp guaranteed waah-lr-"Nfc-
'V able doeskin cloves; women's 12 and 16-button fine Milanese
silk gl oves; women's 2-clasp guaranteed washable leatherette gloves: fine
quality cape glove. The color range is good, comprising black, white, tan,
brown, gravy and others.
There is not a complete selection of
gloves in any one style, hut there Is an ex
cellent assortment and every woman very
likely will find just the glove that she
wishes in the size that she requires.
Gloves worth
to $1.25 et QC
for . . . .J
The values are most extraordinary most
of these gloves are fully worth 89c, $1 and
$1.25 and at the price we ask for them all
should be sold within a few hours this
makes early selection most advisable.
Women's spring weight
U nderwear
Women's Fine Lisle Union
Saiu Swiss rfbbed. Umbrella
knee style. Tops finished with
val edge and silk ribbon tapes.
Sizes 4, 5 and 6. Regular 50c
values. Special Sat- nn '
urday, each ......... &7C
Women's Usie Union Suits In the
Nushape low neck, sleeveless; cuff
and umbrella knee styles. r A
Sizes 4. 5 and 6. A suit dUC
Womsn's Ksyser Vests Lisle
thread, dainty hand crochet lace
yokes. Pink, sky and white. Slses
4, b and 6. Special, r
each OUC
Women's "CumfyjCut" Vests Fine
cottons and lisles. Regular and ex
tra sites. Regular 2'c f
values. Special, each........ 10C
"Step-In to" Union Suits for Girls
and Boy With taped seams and
buttons. Low neck, sleeveless; cuff
knee. Sites 3 to 13.
Filet Laces BlousesNew and Dis
tinctly Original
-the Price $10
Lace is the present day note
In blouses that are truly smart.
Of course the Branded collec
tion provides the favorite laces
that are employed in new
styles that are uncommonly
Besides, every blouse at this
price is a marvel in value giving.
TH LACE BLOUSE ILLUSTRATED is of filet lace and mar
qoisette in cream, over camisole of white net lace edged. It
is a wonderful blouse for $10.
Here's More Interesting Blouse Comment: Vty
Crepe de Chine, $2.98 to
very desirable, $5.98 and $6.98.
special at $5.00 and $5.98.
Great Dollar Sale on the
Third Floor Saturday
Larg quantity of articles, only s few of a kind, to bs sold regardless of
previous pries or present desirability. All ar worth many times Sstur
day's pries, $1. Thsy go on ss!e promptly at 8:30. No phone orders can
be filled. Note the extent of the values and com early to get your
preferens. Chole from this great lot only 11. (Third Floor).
raateis in antique sola t
I rumen. 110 values. sjr I
14 MBar4 rranea Dlf- I 1
fcrenl sixes. All antique! Xj I
fold. Complete with s'ass.l "JC. I
ack and your picture fitted I 1 I
In. Valuea to 14.00
BS Ant1ae Kraasea Both
oval and square. Ci-arvely
any to alike. Complete
with class, back and your
picture fitted In. Valuea to
IN Kfsje Makeaaay a ad
Kt-ke4 Plat Ulasa Tra
IJ.tu values.
a OHclaal Oil Palattass
In Ktruscan sold frames.
Valuea to 116 0
4J Aeaerte Pktinw-IX f
ferent slses. tlisixi and
qualities. Values to
IN Aaserleaa mm 4 latparted
Haad-lard Iatarra
re Vlue to II. .S.
15 Waste Paaer Haaketa In old
Ivory and sold finish, with hand dec -4
orations. t.Voo vslues. SI.
SO r'reaeh Iaar1e4 TwswatrT Bases
For a-loves or handkerchiefs. Uind
Ith old rose sstln. SI.
1 Leather Sefa PI lie via Mad with
frinse ends. IS.iu valuea. SI.
SO Pairs af Ktae Etau.le aad Velle
t'artafaetl.Ti values. 1.
S Leather Hearts With de
sisn burnt on ends. $3.00
3 tie Id Laaspa With ahade
and wired with silk cov-
red wire, tt 60 values.
20 Haad-Kaabraldrreel fa
Plllaws Kiniahed with
cords snd fringes. $2.00 to
$.1.60 values.
So Haad-KaabraMered Mad-
el la A praam, l eatrrs. and
Pelllra $2.00 to $4.30 val
Merita Silver Hair
Braakri aad Mlrrars Val
uea to $ 00 each.
Heal leather t'alUr Baa
as Besee $j.00 to flit
Prearh M kite Ivorr Heir
Hruaaee t'oncaved back.
12. Ou and $! to valuer,
f. eras a a Sliver Paadara
Casee With Ave fltllnaa.
I--.00 allies. SI.
Krai Maraeea Haad Rasa .Silk and
leather lined. $:' to $2.10 values. $1.
Real Parlslaa Ivery Trsrs- $J.50
values, $1.
Reversible male Haass Table
t'avera $-J.0C values. SI.
M Pull-Mae Reversible Caeb Cov
ers $1 .60 vslues. SI.
Specials in the China Department
a delicate
Hsvlland China Dinner 8ts Beautifully decorated with
treeu border, with heayv coin gold handles and knobs.
Set of 41 pieces Ssturday. for
Cut Star Tsbl Tumblers
Bell shspe. A dozen
Triplex Bath Tub Sat
Worth 91.75, for ,
150 Rock Crystal Vases
Half Regular Prices.
Aluminum Percolate
Right-cup slse, for .
200 Imported Fancy St In
Worth to 15. Choice Sat.
-All sizes and shapes. Saturday at One
Toilet Goods
&DrugSpc Is
Llsterino $1.00
site bot- rsl
tie 59c
Sal . Hspatlca
bOc size JA
bottle . ..l7C
Beef, Iron and
Wine A OA
full pint..ZjC
Seidlitx Powders
10 In
bos . . .
4711 Toilet Wat
Saturday .......
Juvenile Soap 10c slse cake
Essex Peroxide Soap 10c
rake for
Lee's Hospital Cotton
Special, l ib. package
Peroxld of Hydrogsn
Saturday, Mb. bottle
Diamond Dyes All colors.
A package
Pond's Vsnlshing
Cresm s a
I5c Jar . . I4C
Whits Ivory
Msnlcurt ) M
Buffer ..aaC
Oriental Crepe
Toilet Paper
10c kind, o 4
6 rolls... ..4C
Lapactic Pills
100 In bot- or
tie for...C0C
Bromo Sltxr
Specisl. oa
50c bot tie. i i7C
La Blache Face
Powder )0
50c slte..s.7C
Melorose Face
Powder no
50c box J!Vj
Madonna Rlcs
Powder 0
25o sire .. la-C
Madam Yala's
Hslr Tonic t p
Zbe sue. IDC
Mary Garden
Perfumat Q
Lustrit Nail
Enamar Special
S5c slso 1 j
lor 14C
Flssh Mechanics
Sosp 10c
bo for iC
Darbrook's Locust Blossom
Perfume An ounce
Special Sat of Manicure Coeda and
Tourist Cases. A big assortment to
select from. At grsstly reduced
itti ii ij iiagc3i,zi: