Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Th Pee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
KnlwJit Omihi postofflre a seeond-clsss matter.
Hy rsrrter Fiy mall
per month. I r yur.
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Kvenlng and flunday v 6 no
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Send notir of change of address c.r complaints of
Irregularity In delivery to Omiht Bee, Circulation
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Remit hr draft, espres or postal order. Only two
rent stamps received In payment of small ae
oount. I'erwnnal checks, except on Omaha and eastern
ichang, not accepted.
Omha Tha Be Building.
South Omaha Sit N street.
Council l-luff-M North Main street.
Lincoln Llttfa Building,
rhlcago SOI Hearst Hulldlng
New Tork Room IMS, ts Fifth avenue..
Pt. Lculs-Wlt Nw Hank of Commere.
Whlngton 7 Fourteenth St., N. W.
Adores communications relstlng to wi and AU
tonal matter to Omaha ilea, Editorial Department.
Stat of Nebraska. County of Pouglaa. an
Ilght W illiam, circulation maiiHgcr of The !
Publishing rompany, being duly sworn, says that tlie
avarase circulation for the month of Kehrunry, 1!H6.
DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Suhecrlbed In my prearnre and aworn to before
inc. this Id day of March. lms.
t ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public
Subscriberg leaving the city temporarily
tbonld hare The lire mailed to them. Ad
dress will be changed aa often as requested.
Varon 18
Thought for the Day
5cff by Ann Phtnix
Life i$ mad vp, not of $icrifl(x or duties,
but ofUUU Uiitu$, in vhich $milc$ and kind
tX'set and mall obligation t, given habitually,
an what win and preserve the heart, and -cure
comfort. Humphrey Vary,
Well. If wheat is contraband that In differ
ent. We produce wheat.
If it is right and proper to shortwelght the
bread, why not also the bu,tterT
The commander of the German cruiser must
have, unwittingly Jumped from the Frye-lng pan
into the fire.
The coroner will have to auk. bis friends to
hurry if they want to help him out before bis
office is abolished.
Efficiency and economy in the Postoffice de
partmentcertainly! But Justice even before
efficiency or economy.
The eternal fitness of things lend a melan
choly touch to tbe stiff fight required to put the
coroner out of business.
: Tbe Missouri Pacific will now be expected to
do business without pleading the poverty act.
Those viaducts are overdue.
In his wildest imagination John O. Yelser
never dreamed that bis newspaper-a-public-car-rier
scheme would bring him so much free ad-,
Harry Thaw is still comparatively a young
man. If the fortune holds out several crops of
lawyers yet to come may hope to get In on a
slice of it.
General Villa puts out another warning
sgslnst outside Interference in Mexico. Let no
one extinguish the spotlight which the genersl
focuses on himself.
Cheer up! Robins are piping, candidates an
appearing, shamrocks are blooming and the pie
pan is steaming for the faithful. What more
could a grateful republic, do in early March?
The plum tree Is to be shaken for a few Ne
braska postmastershlps. The democratic crying
child will not be satisfied, however, while the
big ones continue to hang in plain sight, but out
of retch.
In view of the gallant fight for municipal
votes for women put up by a bachelor at Lin
coln, devoteea of the cause owe him not only a
resolution of grstltude. but those delicate
llobsonlan attentions which make bachelor life
worth while.
Tbe last Nebraska legislature submitted
three constitutional amendments, not one of
which was ratified at the polls. With this object-lesson
before them, the present set of law
makers should have an incentive to go slow be
fore putting any freak measures up to popular
A party consisting of Mr. and Mra. Henry W
Yale. Jlr. and Mra. George w. Doana. Judge and
Mrs. Havage atartfd for New Mexico In a special cur
to be Jitlned at m. Joaeph by Mia. Johimon. Mra'
atea' afater. Another party with the aame deatiiiatlon
la made up of Mr. Touaalin. Ma dauhur. Mlea N UK,
Toua!in: Mr. Meredith of Hooton and In: Ranaunie of
liurllnston. and the two will meet In New Mealco
returning torcthvr after a three wreka' Jaunt.
I-ocal Odd Fellowj awooped down oa P. J. Utaley
at -Rlvervlew." at the head of Caldwell street and
preamud hlin with a silver water service aa a token
of ealeem to be earned with him to Chhaao. whtre
be la moving-.
T. H. UoCaaUa of the Commercial National bank
returned from tha Waahlngtoq Inaugural ceremonKa
and. contrary to expectation, eaino back unmarried. '
A man who understand the tea buainea ran find
employment at Moore tea store, i.T North sixteenth
General Paeaenger Agent More of the Talon t'.
cine, toother with hi wife and Mr. and Mr. Lyman
KtcherdaoB. have gon. to New Orlean. and point In
llorlda for a few wetka' trip. ...... , .
New! sppolnted election registrar .re: Fouila
I WV - ChrIente'; ward, John Car, and
The Sinking of the Frye.
The sinking of th Frye by a German com
nicrre destroyer Is by far the most serious In
cldent of the wr, so far as the Pnited States I
concerned. Little question can be made but that
the fact Is due to n excess of seal on part of
tbo captain of the Kltel Frcldrlch, and it is
hardly likely that this action will be upheld by
the ucrman government. That the Frye carrlel
a cargo of wheat, and had cleared for a DrltlKh
port, ran not by Itself Justify the course of the
German officer, unless the whole contention of
the German government with regards to forxi-
fcttiffs be abandoned. Germany has persistently
objected to the attitude of Great Britain on this
point, and the United Statea hns inslHted on the
right of traffic between unblockaded ports for
all noncontraband cargoes.
The disavowal by the German government, of
the actg of Captain Thlerichens will doubtless be
forthcoming as soon as the facts aro understood
in Berlin, and the episode will be remembered
only as one of the unpleasantly annoying oc
currences of the war. In its general aspects, the
case resembles, much the Mason and sltdell In
cident of the civil wsr, out of which we backed
as quickly and as gracefully as possible.
Union, Central and Southern Pacific Roads.
Testifying at San Francisco in the unmerger
suit against the Southern and Central Pacific
railroads, Julius Krutschnitt declared that the
Southern Pacific hsd been "coerced" by At
torney General Wlckersham Into selling the Cen
tral Pacific to the Union Pacific. But Mr. Wlck
ersham was Justified in the action he took in
this regard by all the facts in the rase. If any
Tart of the Ilarrlman merger constituted in it
self a restraint of trade. It was the union of the
Central and Southern Pacific lines, which gives
the latter almost absolute control of the rail
traffic to and from the Pacific coast. Harri
man's merger was to carry out the original
Huntington plan, conceived and partly executed
when the Southern Pacific was built.
The order to sell the Central to the Union
Pacific was Intended in conformity with the de
sign of congress in giving government aid to th
Pacific railroads, that one continuous transconti
nental line might be built and operated under
one management, reaching from the Missouri
river to the Golden Gate. This would have been
brought about under the Wlckersham order, had
it not been for the cunning interference of the
California railroad board; the failure of that
union of connecting lines has made possible the
tontlnuance of a situation that Is not favorable
to California, or to any part of the region served
by the roads In question. If the idea of tha
Callfornlans prevail, and the Central Pacific be
operated as an Independent line, it will be to
the advantage of the northern and southern
routes, and means the diversion of much traffic
iiom tbe port of San Francisco.
Omaha is deeply concerned in this matter,
for it is the eastern terminal of what should be
tbe greatest of all the transcontinentar railways.
Had It not been for the pernicious meddling of
the California board, presumably instigated by
the Southern Pacific, this great system would
now be in full operation. Aa It Is, danger exists
cf the Central Pacific lapsing agaln into the phy
slcal decay in which Harrlman found it fifteen
years ago. when the Huntington crowd were let
ting the Hue from San Francisco to Ogden go to
pieces in favor of the Southern Pacific.
Carranza ja Coldly Courteous.
The personal note sent by Venustiano Car
ranza to President Wilson, called forth by the
notice sent from the State department demand
ing better treatment for foreigners In those por
tions of Mexico tinder the control of "the first
thief." is couched in terms of dignified courtesy
that scarcely conceals the hot resentment of tbe
Mexican leader. Nor doe it -iv ..ti.f..
tory assurance that the rights of foreigners will
be any more carefully regarded than has been
the practice there of late. Obregon Is warmly
defended by his chief, while Villa, truculent as
usual, announce, his determination to Join with
Carransa to battle against invasion. It is quite
apparent that none of the Mexican bandits is in
clined to give over the brigandage carried on
under the name of war. and that the situation In
Mexico Is unimproved by the latest of American
Score Ag-ain for The Bee.
Score again another notable public service hy
lb Bee through tbe enactment' of a law abol
ishing the coroner1. offlc the ut consplcu
ou. remnant of the fee graft In the court house,
whose extinguishment was proposed, and alone
consistently advocated, by The Bee. The use
lessness and expenslveness of the coroner', of
ce. and the fact that whatever good purpose
it ever served has been outlived, are becoming
patent everywhere, and movements to do away
with It are on foot In many places. By the ac
tion now taken in Nebraska we have made te
biggest progre. toward actompllahlng this re
form. Of course, the coroner will not go out of
busines. overnight, but. after expiration of the
I resent term, we wjll elect no more coroners,
"ben the time comes for puttm. the change
XL1 HT; M n0re 'cW. "form
should be Inaugurated by the establishment of
a public morgue that will .top once and for .11
t:me the grab game of tbe undertakera for tho
bodies of the accidental or homicidal dead.
. veli? ,"Upreme co,lrt o' N-w Jersey .u.taln.
a verdict granting $6 a, week for 300 week, out
or the workmen', compensation fund t0 a man
injured while playing with a fellow workman
Tbe court observes that "it I. but natural to
lh,t oun8-n will play pr.nk. upon 0M
another while at work, and that an employer of
Ubor take, certain risk, from that .ource "
,f ??ty f,r8t rU,e ,hould
to add playful prank.- t0 their roster of risks.
Reno 1. about to takeTtgld place on the
divorce map. While th. rest of the eountry
reprobates the offensive moral scandal which th.
legislature ha. revived. Nevada and Reno de
serve tbe dubious credit of seeking th buaine.a
openly and ab0v, board. No preachment of
form or uplift dlsgul the movement to give
legal sanction to th Barnum motto: "Get
money, honestly If you can. but get money."
Strictly speaking Oman, styles are not a
tnow at all. They are exhibit, of creative art.
dealgued to adorn nature', best handiwork.
r TicTom loixwiTia
IltEARH Thomna A. Walaon tell the story of the
hlrth of thi tplri'hon twlr a story, however,
that warrants tolling and retelling heaus It
goes Into the Intimate life history of an eiwif h-makin
event In whlrh he, himself, was one of the
actors. Without any fine oratory Mr. Watn Is fa.--clnatlns
as well tit Interesting, lie Just huhbles ovt-r
with exuberant pride In tho pnrt he tookm mnklng
the crude telephone Instruments with whl' h Prof. Hell
performed his experiments, and there la an add"d
charm In the outcropping of a vein of dry humor serv.
Ing to lighten a weighty subject.
It goes without saying that no one else can ever
experience the peculiar f. eling of exultation tha; must
have come over Trof. Hell at one end of the wire and
"that boy Watson" at the other when they first real
ised that they had succeeded In conveying audible
sound by electricity coursing through a wire perhaps
fifty yards long. By comparison tho repetition of the
conversation with scenery carefully set and with In
struments certain to work, although 1.600 miles apart,
marking the first direct transmission of the voice
serosa the continent, must have been tame and devoid
of excitement. The ocean-to-oceian long distance phone
proves that the electrical conveyance of sound has no
length limits except those conditioned by Imperfect
To be told that the telephone has leen In operation
less than forty years recalls that Omaha was amo i
the first cities to lie tclephonlcally equipped. Over in
President Yost's office there hangs on the wall a fac
simile of th first telephone directory for Omaha,
which Is dated July 10. 1879, and Is about the slw of
a small handbill printed on one side. It contains the
names of all the subscribers, the epitome of the pro
greaalvo citizenship of the town at that tlie"', and in
the list both the office of The Bee and the residence of
Ita editor. 1 have one of the early directories goins
back almost as fsr. The "dlrectiona for use" printed
In these old directories, as follows, make Mr. Wat
son's account of the first telephone Instruments an1
their operation more vivid:
"L Always hang the telephone on Its hook, as
your circuit cannot be used by others until the
telephone Is so hung.
"2. Never touch the Instrument when the bell
hammer stands away from the bell, as that Indl-
catea that tho line is In use.
"J. To signal, press the button on the right of
the bell.
"4 To communicate with the central office, sig
nal two bells, wait for their response, after which
remove the telephone from Its hook, and be care
ful to push tho hook to the left; and then, holding
the telephone firmly to the ear, you will hear the
voice of the operator at the central office. If you
hear nothing, turn the switch to the right and call,
as It may be aomeone on your own circuit.
"5. To converae with stations on your own cir
cuit: Hgnal slowly the number of the station you
desire to converae with. After receiving their re
sponse, sound your own signal, that they may know
who Is to talk with them.
". To converse with stations not on your own
circuit: Notify the central office with whom you
wish to be placed In communication, first giving
your own name; then hang your telephone on Its
hook, and as soon as tho desired connection Is made
the operator at the central office will tap your belt
once ss the signal to go ahead, and prompt atten
tion to these slgnala is desired to aave waiting on
the part of either party.
"7. Bpeak clearly and distinctly, with your lips
gently touching the telephone.
"8. When your signal la sounded always answer
by repeating It. then you will hear the station call
ing, sound their signal, that you may know with
whom you are to talk.
". Subscribers will please to limit their use of
the telephone to three mlnutea In succession, as
others may wish to tise the circuit."
In the Wataon narrative he told of the difficulties
encountered In devising a method of signaling to ie.t
people know when someone wanted them to respond
on the phone and relieve the original necessity of
keeping th receiver constantly at the ear. He did
this by call bell system, which mesnt that every
phone on the circuit rang every time thst a"hy one of
them did, and he had hitched up twenty to forty
phones on a circuit, with the result that whole neigh,
borhoods were kept awake by the Incessant ringing.
My recollection Is that five or, six phones on a circuit
was a maximum here tn Omaha, each being numbered
and operated with a corresponding signal with short
taps of the bell. When the phone rang, if, for example,
we were No. 8, we had to Ilaten untu more than throe
taps sounded to make sure that the call was not for
us. The only advantage of these old-fashioned four
and line phones wss that they enabled all
the connected houses to break In on th same con
versation and listen and talk back and forth as if it
were a family gathering.
I never think of the telephone without harking
hack to the dreadful night ot our Omaha tornado, and
the merciful service rendered by the telephone In that
emergency. The Atlantic Moothly not long ago con
tained a short essay depicting th switchboard story
of tha great Iroquois theater fire how the flash of
th lights snd the quick messages from homes to hos
pitals and morgues, to doctors and nurses, and po
licemen and firemen, wrote the story In biasing lines
before the eyes of the operators. The same word
plctur could have been patntvd using the switch
board experience of our Omaha storm for material.
When I referred recently In this column 40 an "ex
position of manufactures" which I had seen et up In
a big department atore In Baltimore, In which the
processes of making the goods oti sal there were Mim
trsted by live exhibits. I had no Idea than an exposi
tion of Omaha-mad good wa being- planned along
similar lines hy on of our wm big department stores.
1 looked through thla exposition at the Burges-Nah
cstabtlahment and was very favorably Impreaaed by
It. Huch aa enterprise is especially calculated to open
our eyes to the number snd variety of things we us
mat are oeing made right her among us. It eniphu
alse. too. the vaat good that may be accomplished
by a patronlze-home-lndustry campaign. By compuii
son with tbe exposition I had seen in the eadt the one
here is perhaps more an exhibit of home products
than of home production, but It will well bear repeat
ing and suggest poaaibUltlea for a widened scop
which ampler time for designing and preparation
would easily Insure.
People and Events
Th antl-tlpplng bill ha made Its bow in th low.
By working the divorce route Reno hope to
equalise the diminished output of the Coroalock lodo.
Statistic compiled by the Insurance Spectator
show that 1!,XJ.000 worth of property was buruod
up In tbls country last year.
Twenty-flv thousand men Constituted New J'or't
City' anew ahovaltng army last Sunday. Work awaited
S.QOO more, but hands could not be had.
Kinll A. Treriger, typewriting champion of Green
Bay, Wis., ha put on the scoreboard a record of u
wrord la one minute without an error.
Admiral Carden of the allies' iardanolle fleet la
a long way from Tlpperary, but lit parental horn I
near there, lie was born near Athlone, Ireland.
Mayor Mltchel of New Tork, who goe to society
dances, says that dancing la a comfort to the sole,
provided the sola ia not a fixture In the corn belt.
San Francisco plans to hold public thanksgiving
services en AprU 18. th ninth aiwilvaraary of th
shak-dowa and th fir. In honor of the recovery of
the city.
rtv thousand mor men have ben given work by
th opening of two big glass plant, on in Pennsyl
vania snd one In West Virginia, Th revival la du
to th atoppag of glass plants In Belgium.
"A beautiful Datamation count" has been sen
tenced t a yer'a Imprisonment for playtn th piano
near an open window, it I a groat pity th beautiful
countea ar obliged to live in stub a hewtlea country.
Poaer for WowMer.
RKNMNGTON. Neb.. March ll.-To
the EWItor of The tlee: Ir. Woofter hai
revealed himself to lie a "Bryan crltl
ix.T" In exactly that snv old gran
diloquent Myle aa all Bryan rtitlciaers do.
In other words, he holds that Just he
ii;se our present secretary of state Is
a 'peace advocate," It Is Mis duty to
Muell the uprising which occur over the
entire world. However, I ask you to
permit me to inform Mr. Wooster ot a
few of tho many essentials thst an av
erage American cltlxen constantly benrs
In mind:
1. Kvcry knock at Bryan's reputation
Is a booFt for him. for we know that he
would not be In charge of American af
fair If he were lacking in qualifications
for same. (If he doe not have enough
manly pride about himself to reslttn, why
doesn't Mr. Wilson propose his resignation?)
I. A man's manly pi iGe Is not dis
played by shirking from his duty the
first time he Is needed (aa Mr. Wooster
advocates Mr. Bryan should have done
In the Insignificant Mexican affair, and
probably as Mr. Wooster would have
done had he been In Mr. Bryan's place,
in order that he could show his super
abundant supply of manly pride).
3. K volution decrees thst only I he fit
test shall survive. Mr. Bryan's career
speaks for itself. (Three times nominated
for president nnd three times was he
defeated. Now secretary of state.)
4. A treaty is good only as lung as it
Issts, and Mr. Wooster need not fear
that the treaty made between 1'nlted
State and England, France and Russia
is going to act ss a preventive of our
entering hostilities with the previously
mentioned European nations, if such is
My friend from Silver Creek flatly op
poses the Idea of It being necessary to
send our fleet to Mexican waters. A safe
rule for this gentleman to bear In mind
is. not to condemn or tear down one
thing until he can recommend something
better to take Its place..
Foaadatloa bat Sratlraent.
OMAHA. March ll.-To the Editor of
The Bee: The so-called "Public Welfare"
bill Is pending In the state senate. It
passed the house largely because It Is
applicable to Omaha only, and the heavy
Increase of taxation which it would im
pose upon property, of course, relates
only to Omaha property. The country
delegate in the senate is Kirrm.,i i
saying. "Well, if Omaha wants to fritter
sway ita money on bestitlful visionary
schemes of this nature let it go to it. It
does not cost the rest of the state any
thing." This public welfare bill I built
upon sentimentality. It Includes many
different subjects of legislation not con
templated by its title, and therefore it
would be void, under well known deci
sions of the supreme court. If enacted.
These various subjects, moreover, are
covered either by existing law or city
ordinance, or by other bills pending In
the legislature.
In conclusion, let me say that the chief
objection to thla bill lie In the fact that
It will pile up an enormous expenditure
which will be saddled upon the taxpayers
of Omaha to no good and sufficient pur
pose. I hope the men who would have
to "pay the freight." should this bill
succeed, may without delay telephone
and write the members of the Douglas
county delegation in the senate to atrangle I
! win in in committee.
MI9VV-. O. W. Building.
A a Appeal for Jewish Rlahte.
hW lOHK Mrrh ,0-To th Kdtt'-
of The Bee: Permit me to address -you.
snd through you to yo tr readers, upon a
matter engrossing the attention of the
people or the world.
Nearly fiOO.OUO Jew, are fighting in th
rank, or the armies of th belligerent
nations, battling oh behalf of the coun
tries wher they have auffered and are
still suffering terrible injustice through
the deprivation of tho right accorded to
all other citlsen. While the husbands
and aons are on the firing line, the wives
ana aaugnter. the mother and sisters
sre t the merty of anti-Semites, who.
notwithstanding Jewish heroism and the
patrinio sacrifice of Jewish blood, aiv
inciting the populace against them. ThU
ia notably the case In Poland. It Is a
Pitiful stat of affair, one calling for
the Intervention of all justice and lib
erty loving men and women.
We. Jews, look to America, to the over
powering senee of rignteousness of the
American people, to espouse the cause
of the d.000.009 Innocent men. women and
children, driven and hunted for no
other reason than they cling to the faith
of their fathers.
The Question naturally arises: "What
can be done?"
Th Jewish Dally News has suggested
a plan for th calling of an American
Jewish conference for the purpose of
bringing to tha attenUon of the nation
the deplorable plight of the Jew of
Europe. This proposal liaa received the
nerty . endorsement of leading public
men and women.
We appeal to you to aid ua in thla
humanitarian work. America, thi coun
try that haa always opposed tyranny and
succored the oppressed, can play no
nobler part In thla terrible world's drama
than raise its mighty voice and demand
in the nam of all that 1 sacred that the
carnaae of unoffending human being
cease. ,
We ask you to help us, and the free, un
hampered pica of th United State can
best do so, to secur full eiual right for
Jtw the world over, "for hav wo not all
one Kather, baa not Cne God created
s?" jfl. 8ARASOHN.
Editor Jewish Dally Newa.
Prklk Oat la Ik Opea.
OMAHA. March U.-To th Editor of
The Bee: I are that Dr. Sedla-.ek and
Walter Uren are wanting ;hoe who
writo articles favoring prohibition and
temperance to aiga their full uain. and
they wonder why they do not Uo so.
I ran e no reaaon why :iny person
who writes an article for vuhhVatton
should not be expected to sign ills name
to Jt. snd certainly no one wh favcr
ao popuK.r a movement as prohibitl.yi
now la. need fear to ahWw hi hand.
Th time wa, and not long smtxi. when
it was not popular to favor prohibition,
but that time la passing with tremendous
peed. Cities, state and nation ar
falling Into the prohibition band ws.ou
with a rapidity that I truly t ait linn
and vary gratifying to alt who favor good
government and morality.
Mr. Breoa live in Iowa, has he not
beard of tb thundering of ttm prohibi
tion in hla state and doe he not know
of the remarkable ucoe of the cam
paign for the moral betterment of Dea
Today, no on wUI attempt to defend
th Mlooa and mighty few have th cour
age to apoloalie for It. ' Can either of
these gent'emen give, a reason why the
merlcnn saloon should he allowed to
Editorial Viewpoint
St. litils Glotm Democrat; The presi
dent will not make any unnecessary
tlmlt on that travel allowance now. Ho
may need It next year.
lloston Transcript: Pttik. an average
between the Berlin and l'etrograd dis
patches and no candid man can deny that
there was some kind of a battle.
New Vork World: Ire enormous good
fortune of the people of the 1'nited states
In tho torm ami strera of theso earning
years Is thst their chlf maglrtrste Is sane
tho sanest mind lodny that is intrusted
with tlv: responsibilities of government
anywhere in civilisation.
New Tork Post: The reduction of the
Dardanelles forts was brought forward
as an argument by Senator Dodge for
heavier coast fortifications. If the forts
had held out and . the allied ships had
suffered. Senator Dodio would have asked
for more battleships. No matter who
loses In Europe, the prophets of "pre
paredness" always win.
Baltimore American: A steel company
In Pltteburgh refused to bid on a,0
order for steel shells from Europe on the
ground that while its authorities wrr?
not opposed to either side in the, war,
they did not want to make money from
Instruments used to slaughter people.
Here is an instance that sometimes the
line of humanity Is drawn even In busi
ness, popularly supposed to be above all
merely human and humane considera
tions. Philadelphia ledger: Just about the
wisest man we . have in the world at the
present time lives in America, and he is
a maker of marketable thliiKS who is
studying methods, putting in improved
machinery, inventing economies, planning
publicity nnd salesmanship and getting
business and to insuro his margin or
profit Kor. good people, this old earth
is just about to take a new start, and the
fellow who If ready Is soins to gather In
the' ducats.
Springfield Republican: Secretary I-ane
In announcing Dr. Rittman's discovery of
n Improved process for the production
ot gasoline rejoices that the independent
producers are to have a better chance In
competing with the Standard Oil com
pany. The latter's patented process la
now three times as effective as its rivals'.
Dr. Rittman's process is "confidently ex
pected" to increase the product of the in
dependents by at lest 100 per cent, snd
"perhaps more." Perhaps so. but other
handicaps will also have to bo removed
oerure the Independents establish manv 1
considerable "foundations" for Philanthropy.
' Dunn tlie entire rerviee you neer
kept our eyes off th diamonds of tbe
woman In front of vmi," rcmonatrrtted l e
Well." replld she. "there are sermons
!n stones." i'niladelphla Ledger.
1 io'o inai voun man 10 in- mis
fit the rennies and the dollars would tnke
'sr or themselves
' Me savs he tried to. Hut he seems !
squanders nearly nil his spre time play-
m. 1 fniu 11 if , v asninKcuu
"On dollar, please." said the deutlsl.
"A dollar! But vonr lsn reads: Tain
less extraction of teetT fre." "
"Just so! But as vou hollered a bit. this
does not spily In your case. I do my
painless extrnrtltig fre exactly ss 1
c'tnm. When It hi:rts. t rhsrae for It.
One dollar, please. "Boston Transcript.
"Yes." said the oung physician f
aristocratic Unease, "our family has a
motto, but I prefer not to use it. It 1s
a little too suggestive 1n my profession."
' What ts the motto?"
"Faithful unto death." Boston Tran
script. The returned litre was received with
open arms.
Socletv f'ocked to him In swarms snd
drove and mobs.
Thev made a lion of him.
And lie?
He made a monkey of himself. Phila
delphia ledger.
"So you were a witness In a lawsuit?"
"Die! the opposing attorney bother you
"Not at all. He kept Interrupting nie
so much thet It oeenied I was at home
tel ing mv storv nnd ma wa correcting
me as I wet.t along." Detroit Frc Press.
There's a little house on the 11 111.
It's not much for looks, 1 agree.
But you never tried
To see what's Inside.
And that makes a difference, yoit see.
Of treasures no more could it hold:
It's o'erflowing with diamonds and gold
That wealth could not buy;
'TIs In heart and In eye.
And the h:ilf has never been told.
I would not change it. rot 1.
For the t'sar of Russia's domains;
The United States Mint
Is simply not in't
With tlie wealth that cottage contains
Though no hank would take It In trust.
There no danger from moth or from rust:
It s so crowded In there.
With my son and my heir.
That at times I'm almost nonplused.
When the day's work comes to a close,
You go home In your limousine;
Hut I don't need a car;
It's not very far
To my kingdom, my throne and my
As soon as niv door come In view.
The wealth of the world pours through;
Then eyes they grow bright.
And arms they clasp tight.
And I would not change places with yon.
In the little house on the hill.
Oli. I am a prominent man.
But when I'm outside,
To my work I stride.
And nobody knows who 1 a.m.
But I am contented to be
Just myself, not you, you see.
For though I'm obscure
I'm not at all poor.
But I'm wealthy as wealthy can he.
Omaha. PA VI P.
For years we have been stating in the newspapers of the
country that a great many women have escaped serious op
erations by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, and it is true.
We are permitted to publish in this announcement
extracts from the letters of five women. All have been
recently received unsolicited. Could any evidence be
more convincing?
IHoDonov, Me. w I had pains in both sides and such a soreness
I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached and I
was so nervous I could not sleep, and I thought I never would be
any better until I submitted to an operation, but I commenced taking
Lydia 1 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and soon felt like a new
woman." Mrs. ILiywakd Sowers, Ilodgdon, Me.
2 8helbtville, Kt. "I suffered from a severe female trouble.
My right side hurt me badly it was finally decided that I
must be operated upon. When my husband learned this he got a
bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for me, and after
taking it a few days I got better and continued to improve until I
am now welL" Mrs. Mollis fcmTn, 1LF.D, StelbyviUe, Ky.
3 Hanover, Pa. "Tlie doctor advised a severe operation, but mv
husband got me Lydia E. I'inkham'B Vegetable Compound and I
experienced great relief in a short time. Now I feel like a new person
and can do a hard day's work and not mind it." Mrs. Aja Wilt.
303 Walnut St., Hanover, Pa,
A Decatur- III. "I was sick in bed and three of the best phyii-
cians said I would have to Us taken to the hospital for an oper.
ation as I had something growing in my left side. I refused to sub
nut to the operation and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
poundand it worked a miracle in my case, and I tell other women
what it has done for me." Mra. Laura A. Griswold, 2437 East
WLUiam Street, Decatur, HL 9
C Clsvrland, Ohio. "I was very irregular and for several years
my side pained me so that I exacted to have to undergo an op-
a'wwao Daiu iucj aaic w ui iiuluuik lilou
would help me. I took Lydia K Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and I became regular and free
from paia I am thankful for such a good medi
cine and will always give it the highest praise."
At V ri If 1Kh f 1. 4JA rfl 1 1 tf-V
Lr- (CtmiDENTIlL) LfJiJi, MASS., for advice.
Your letter will be opened, read and answered
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