IV a, rrrn mri:.- omaha, TiinisuAV. unr 11. 101.-). UDIilCIPAL VOTES FOR WOMEN BEATEN Representative Howard's Bill Oifinj Them Voice in City Affain Lost, 40 to 54. PEOPLE HAD SPOKEN LAST FALL ffYotn a Staff Oorreronienl. T.TNCOLuV. Marrh lo.-.pertal -K.iial atiffraire for women In municipal affair ran aralnst imi thin morninr nil lt-p-resentatlve Jerry Howard's bill to thl effect wa drfestl ,1 to M. with lx ab sent For two week the nun of woman suffras-e ha beon looked after by Mr. F. Sff. Hall. Mm. Pomerene and nthr. prominent In the suffrage flaht In l,!n coln and the state laat fall, while tue anti-suffrage work ha hern looked after by Mrs. Crumparker of Omaha, . who seemingly all alone, hu been working against the bill. When the vote waa an nounced thla momlnir slioa-lng that euf f race had been defeated Mra. fnimparker wii very happy woman and wu enn gratulatfd repeatedly on the nva of her effort. Haw Member Kiplnlaed. A good many of tha members mad ver bal explanation of their votna or aent up written statements to be placed In the record. A number of tham expresaad the opinion that tha suffrage question waa voted upon by the people. Mat fall and de feated tha legislature ahould Pass no bill to confer the, voting right on women. Soma ccpreaaed themaelvea aa Individ ually favorahla to suffrage bnt voted against the bill because their district had voted against It. Mr. lieJtounty, who Uvea In a amall country town voted "no" berauae ha feared "that If thla bill become a law tha women of tha under world will con trol th larger rll lea." c Tha Lancaster delegation apllt even on tha bill. Messrs. rotter. Hultoa . and Mosrl.y being recorded In tha . "no" column and Messrs. Jsary, Morkatt . and Peterson among- tha ayes.". Of the Douglas county delegation Howard waa tha only ona who supported tha bill. Following la tha roll call: Tea Tea Anderson (Phalps) , Lanlgan Rates litndaav "' Matteaon Mocketl . Naylor , Nelson Norton Orr '4 Brant Hrooroa Conloy Cos -. ' f rontaj Iafoa Kvana Fults . Oormler 1 Oretmwalt Harris Hnffrnelster Hornby Jloatettler Howard .1 inwartk Jeary Klme Peteraon Relaner Keynolda (Uncolnl MeynoMa (Ked WIlo Rudantl Hcott Horenaon Ktesrna Htehbena Htavenaon Taylor Mr. Speaker 40 No No Alnly, Merredith. Anderaon (Boyd). .. Mvaenburg, Barker, Miner. Barrett. Moseley, Burgeaa, t j deff. Chamber. (ThuratoniNeiv. ('hambera (Doug la), jJIchola. Clay burn. Nutiman. tmiuey, lau. Lrueaedowa Kberma n, Kline llnd, Foster, Fox, . Frlea, Fuller, lluirter, Hulton, HyneR. Katufmaa, Koch, , KoHt, 1 Bounty, . Larson, l.tggftt. Luiidgrcn, Meara, Absent: . Blauaer. Krlnklaw, Parrlott, OMerman, Palmer. .Parkenaon, ' . Bagan, . Relfenrath, 1 heuter. i H1clmond, HaUrhlck. Haa. Kcudder, ' ' allevere, Klndelar, e " Bnilth. v, : JMyder, - . Htelnmeyer. ' Trumbel. '. Van bueen, Ward-44. , Patteraon, Abacnl . Tihbetta. Woodhurat A v a Senators. Keeping :Up with the Bills (From a Staff Correspondent.) TJNCOLN, March ia-(8neclal.)-Tha aanata la making good progreaa In d1a poetag et tta tneaaure. Within a few daya. It 1 expected, all bUla will bo out of tha atandtng coromltteea. ' Thla morn- tng Kohl of Wayne moved that all aenate bill be placed at tha head of the general fllev Thla glvea tham precede ace over houee rolls and ahould clean up tha list In abort order. Tha bouaa roll, ot course, have already paaaed tha lower body and tha genata can take Its lelaure with them. Coroner's Days Are i - Numbered in State (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 10.-8pclal H-Among tha bflla paaaed by tha senate today waa cna l&ai abollahaa lh office of county coronar. transferring his duties to the county attorney. This but had the aup port ttt Douglas county, the largest In tho state. It was" a hoose rbll an I be. comes a law upon tha signature of the governor. PALMER SEEKS TO GET IN CLEAR UPON BILL (TVom a Ftaff Correapondent ) LINCOLN, March 10.-8peclal.)-Rep- reaentatlva I'almer or Douglaa la up agalnat ft. Tie fathered a bill Introduced for the purpoae of ahortenlng the election ballot and for making the terms of county officers four years Instead of tea. This bill was Just what the county of ficial wanted and tho gentleman from Ltouglaa waa receiving letters of com mendation. Now those letters hsve been turned to condemnation, all because of the slip of tha pencil of a ntwapaper cor respondent who when the dlaouaalon on the bill was on ehowed that Palmer had spoken against the bill. Tha facts in the matter are that Mr. Palmer has been ona of tho conakCanl supporters ef the bill and fought for It on tha floor of the house when It era up for oonalderatton. HOUSE FOR PUBLICATION . OF PERSONAL TAX LIST rFrom a Ktaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March' 10. (8pecll.)-The bill by Richmond and Broom requiring the publication of the personal tag itat in the paper having the. largest cir culation in the county, amended ao aa to wake It optional with the county board as t publication paaaed the houae this afternoon by the close vote of 4 to 4. Thla bill had the endorsement of the State Prras aaaoctatlos and membera have Veen watching its progreaa closely. SEND BILL BACK TO HOUSE, Senators Take Fall Out of Lieu tenant Governor Pearson Dur ing" This Procedure. RELATES TO IRRIGATION AFFAIR iKmrn a Ktaff rnrreponlrnt.) LINCOLN. March tn.-fSpet lal Trle Kram.i An Indirect, but apparently Inten tional parliamentary lai In tha fare what the r-nate admlnlt"rrd to It pre aldlna offlrer. I Iruten- nt t.overor Peor (nn. thla morning. The lieutenant governor bad ruled on hi own Initiative that Fenate File 1 ho lid be ent back to the hmiae, thne day a huvin; elapsed alnre lt recall without tlon of any kind. .ni an epiwal from the tilling the senate reversed the halr by a two-third vote and then almoa unanimously, the rm-mlwra a: ho bad been Hunting for the retention of tha bill, turned in and voted with the frlenda or the bill to aend It ba-k to tha hnuae. doing the mine thin that the chair had attempted to do. The bill, whl li gives the federal aovern ment unappropriated flood and unuaed water for reclamation purpow". has been the object of a number of aharp Hit. It lia been uphe'd by the mm bera from Irrigation rountlea and hard fought by membera fror.i countlea fur ther down the river and Intereat-d In power development Wink of Buffalo led the fUht to anwnd the bill In a manner that would prac tically have killed It. I:i thla lie waa aided by Mattea of Otoe, the latter claim ing that he was whoil.' unlntorented ex cept for a desire to aee fair pay. Wink had clairod that something had uen allpped over on him In (retting the bill passed without the amendment, which he aald had been agreed upon. ;. A. It. Kill Advanced. (From a Ktaff Correpondit.) LINCOLN. Marfh 10. -(Special )-The bouse agreed to ndvan houae roll "M, Introduced Tueaday at Oovernq. More head'a requeat, to Ita third reading with out reference to a committee or going through, the committee of the whole. TNi la tho bill which requlrea county clerka or aora to report namca, addreaaea and aarvlce recorda of civil war and Mexican war veteraaa. Legislative Proceedings Rtlls Paaaetl hr the Senate. B. F. 227, Dodge of nouglaa AUtnoriaea levies for public amusements In parks In cities of from S.oon to ,ow population, a it net Khumwav of IHOn Au tnorisea upon a vote of three-fourtha of the electorate the Issue of auditorium bonds In nltiea of th- first class. t. F. 3)1. Wilson of lodge increaaea m.vlmiim ularlltl of Official of Cltlea of the first clase; mayor from MW to $W0 end cnuncllmen from to UUO. t. F. XI. Kleehal of Nemaha--nenulres eounclla in cities of lea than 5,000 to pave on petition of three-fifths frontage owners. 8. F. 190, Tiller of Butler-Penalises misrepresentation by word of mouth or by catalogue in the sale ot dry goods or clothing. H. R. H, llarrla and Hoatettter Pro vide for certlflcetee for firemen exempt by five yearr aervice rrom pou in, jurj II. R. iil, iieianer-and Tlbbets Kxtends glandered horae Indemnity law to animal affected with duralne. II. R. 04. Hoffmelfbrr Iinpoaes fine Where 'exiirona companies fall to properly house and i-ars for llvs stock entrusted (a tlMilr rsr. - J . . . . . . . vt. .. -1 If. It. IB. feisrsc.n oi uintinim . " Uea peremptory challengea allowed atals and accused except In caaea where the ,..liv I. life, when defendant has twelve cnaliengea ana iw muim umy i-. II. R. , Tlbbeta Abollshea office of county coroner and tranerurs ounea iu county attorney. If. IV lO. Peterson Olves stle a per emptory Juror challenge for each chal lenge given to more than one neiennani. H. IV 1M. Dalbey I'rovldea for the em plovment of prlaonera In county and city tails, in cltlea of over ,W0 and counties of over lO.ouO population. II. R. Xl, Fuller and Irfggeiv-iveuucas number of printed copies of biennial re- '"il'r. 1. ScudderProvldes rations for Inmatea of aoldlera' homo at Grand island who live In cottage. H. R. i6, Ianigan of Oreeley-Clarlflea law as to division fences. H. Jt. IS. Frlea Hequlrea road overseer to notify county aurvcyor of lost or de struction of lsnd survey corners. H. R. IT. Bmlth and Btevers Allows rediscounts of state banks to equal cap ital and surplus instead of two-thirds of the capital alone. H. R. 14S. Meredith-Provides for use or atate snd bridgs fund In purvhaea ot private toll brldgea, countlea to pay half. a F. 134, Kamlall of York Makes all note civen In advance to bmlness col lege solicitor for tuition strictly non negotiable until student has been at col lage three daya. Reeeasaseeaed ta Pass by enate Committee of tho Whole. 8. F. 141. Howell of Douglss Companion bill to annexation messure. Consolidates school district, of annexed territory with Omaha f hool district. 8. r. 114. Mattea or tnoe cxempis man ufacturing corporatlona from corporation occupation tax law. t. F Meesner of OTKr-iiiw sheriffs' mileage feea for trlpa within the itiuntr In the service of papers from 6 to 10 cents a mile. P. F. X2 Wllaon ot uoiige Lie lines i-i nvantng of the ord "week." H. F. 217, lodge of Douglas Notices f apidlcations for saloon licenses muat le published in paper of "general," not 'Inrieat." circulation, and makes the maximum charge $10. hV. F. a-, Klechcl of Nemalis Amends law so aa to make ncsotlable prnmlaaory notea received 111 advance payment f fire Insurance policy. leaves present law stand aa to life insurance. Ullla loapoaed by Senate Coaa- mlttee of the Whole. 8. F. ?. Howell of Douglas Provldea charge of iciite a ton fcr aand taken rrom river uea Belonging lo siir Hill Paaaed la lloaae. S. F. i. bv Beal-Motbrra' pension bill, amended to include father who are un able lo aupport their children. Allows IHt per niouUi out of county fund lor each dcuendent child. II. K. M. ikHfoe Autnortsea atate treas urer to Invest uo per cent of cash funds in state or county warrnta. It. K. 4:. Palmer Reuuirea fllatnct lorka to pay over naturalliatlon feea to county treasurer. 11. R. IM, tlm-ns orroi ts a defect In prusent law againut theft of water from Irrigation dttenva. li. R. CM). Uvlfenrath Rellevea bank from liability n forged checka unleaj notified wttktn one year. H. H 4(1. Hunter Ameuda law govern ing practu-e of dtntlstr. ft. H. MT7. HoautUr and llarrla FVr blda ball gamea on Memurtal Sunday prior to t p. ni. Bills Faille; to Pass la lloaae. H R. SSS, lioward-Umltlng the work ing hour of drug clerka to seventy hour per week wa loat on third reading. It received oiny n votes to iv against, H. R. 14i--Claatiie fratxtoai ordera which maintain relief department aa in surance companies and nuking thorn aub Joet to the aarne lawa Thla loat, to A Igaeo by Ueverawr. H. R. a, Hoffmeister Requires every county to establurtt and maintain a coumy high s hool. II. H. -it, Nl hole Raises ealarv limit of rouiiclluien in tltiea of C.Uuv to 26. population to SI W0 P r year, li. R. sul. Nelson Requires lot ownera to mow weeoe in atreela ana alley a front ing their property. -H. K 74s. by the Governor Approorl ating $J,OUO for railway cum mission defi ciency. TEUTON CRUISER SINKS AMERICAN MERCHANT CRAFT fContinued from Page One.) Have the value of the Fry at about ailed la even her. HKATTI.F.. Wash., March 10-The American steel ehlp William P. Frye, 3.S74 gro tona. owned by the Kdward SeaJI tompary of Fath, Me., sailed from Kcattle, November with a cargo of &,2f) long tona of wheat for Queen s Nn and has not been reported alnce It passed Cape Flattery the next day. Cap tain II. H. Klehne had hi wife and two amall m with him and a crew of thirty-one. The ahlp. built at Bath In 1101. waa valued at tlr,0. The cargo M valued at 2.0". I area f 'nnalaaed to Rrlloaa. The Frye'a manlfet. on file at the cub lom house here, show It cleared for Queenatown and Falmouth for order November 4 with IM.JWl bushel of white Walla Walla wheat and 25,178 buahela of rod wheat. No other -argo la mentioned. M. H. liouser. who loaded the boat at tho Weat Seattle elevator, aay It had no other cargo of any kind Rerelre a Word. BATH. Me., March 10-Arther Kewall tk Co.. owner of the William P. Frye, had received no word of the loss of their big ateel sailing ahlo when Informed that Cap lain U. II. Klehne, his wife and member of the Frve'a crew were on the 1'rlnx Kttol Frledrli h. Hasn't llearil Dlreetly. NEW YORK. March 10 D. P. Dear born, local agent for Arthur Hawaii A Co., ownera of the American ship William P. Frye, reported aunk by the German auxiliary cruiser Trim Eltel Frledrlch. had not heard directly from Captain Klehne of the Frve up to tha time he left ilia office late today. Ha aald, how ever, that It waa likely that Captain Klehne would report to him by mall. Mr. Dearborn waa loath to comment on the Iota of the ahlp pending definite and direct new of the occurrence. He did aay, however, that It waa probable that abet proceeding might he Instituted agalnat the Prtnx Eltel Frledrlch. BROOME BEING BOOSTED FOR MAYOR OF ALLIANCE (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 10. (8neclal.)-Repre- sentative Broome of Box Butte county is being boomed at home for mayor of Alliance. Mr. Broome has rcoelved word of this fact In a letter from the present mayor, A. D. Hodgers, who says that "tho boys" are lined up that way pretty strongly. This is the first Intimation Mr. Brooms had that Ms name had even been men tloned for mayor. He has not been home since he came to Lincoln last December, Of course ho feels very much gratified at this expression of sentiment from his neighbors and takes It as an Indorsement of his legislative record. He does not know at this time whether he will maks tho race for mayor or not. SALOON APPLICATIONS MAY BE POSTED, NOT PRINTED (From a Btaff Correspondents : LINCOLN, March 10 (8peclal.)-r'et-ste file X17, by Dodge, was phanged lome sbat from Its original provisions tn the senate and now provides that notices of application for saloon license may bo published In a paper of general clrculu. tlon instead of largest circulation, but no more than f 10 can be charged. In event of too heavy charges the ap plicant may post his notice, in soma con spicuous place Instead of publishing In Paper. INSTITUTE FOR BLIND TO HAVE ANNIVERSARY NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Msrch 10- (8peclaL-Tho Institute for tho mind Is making preparations to celebrsto tho fortieth anniversary of Its founding on Thursday evening, March 11 There will bo musical numbers by pupils of the school and tho musical faculty and short addressee by several of the faculty. This school was founded by Prof. Sam uel Bacon, a man totally blind and wha had previously acted as superintendent of tha Illinois and Iowa schools. From outside of tho school John C. Wat son and John W. 8tolnhart, who have taken great Interest In tha progress ot the in- stltutlon, will roako short addresses. Depart meat orders. WAS HtNOTON. March 10 Hpeclal Telearram.) Nebraska (tensions nrantad: Catharine A. Btrunk, Pawnee City, lit. The Omaha National bank haa been ap proved as a reserve agent for the Fann er' National bank of Atwood, Kan. Tha comptroller of tha currency has granted a charter to the First National bank of Ijake Norden. 8. P., capital til.OCO; D. r. Scott, president: A. S. Bed ford, easnler (to succeed the Farmers' Stats bank). The poaiofrloe at Sweetwater. W'vo.. has been discontinued; mall to Ogdcn. Big Eaters Get Kidney Trouble Take a glass of Mil before break fast If your lUrk hurts or Illadder bothers -you. TUs American turn and women must guard constantly against Kidney trouble, Because wo eat too much and oil our food is rich. Our blood Is filled will) uric ccld which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become alUKSleh; tha ellininatltw tissues clog and tha result Is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline In health Vhen your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts er the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you a obliged to seek relief two or three times during tha night; if you suffer with sick headache or dlsay, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, gat from your phar macist about four ounces of Jsd Baits; take a tableepoonful In a gtsss of water before break f a t for a few days and your kidneys will then art fins. This fanioua salta la made from tho acid of grapes and lemon Julov, combined with 41 thla, and has been uaed for generations to flush and stimulate ilogged kidneys; to neutralise tho adds in the urine ao It no longer is a So urea of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders J ad AalLs is Insspenslvs; cannot Injur, imaksai a delightful effort eaooat Utala- water beverage, and belongs In every home, because nobody can make a mis take by having; a good kidney flushing any time. Advertisement. ECONOMY CLOGS THE WHEELS House Has to Halt Because Small Office Force is Snowed Under with Work. ENGROSSING ROOM IS SWAMPED (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN. March 1". (Special )-The first public acknowledgement that the economy plan of the house was carried out to the sacrlfi'-e of efficiency wa given thla afternoon when the members appeared to be anxloua to continue the work of the morning passing bills. A motion was made by Dr. ICvans to so Into committee ot tne wnoie. wun Hcott In the chair, for tho consideration of bill and this was voted down. The shaker then Informed the house tiiat It rhould go Into committee of the whole, for there was nothing to be gained b p.-tjifllng any more bills for the engrossing room was so crowded with work and the other clerks were so busy that they could not take care of the work and the house might better be working in committee of thu whole. Three stenographers aro trying to get out the work In the engrossing room with the help of the chief clerk of the crew, while at the lat session twenty-three people were necessary to do the work. In the aenate five people are doing the work and It la up to the minute on all bill passed. The house introduced ovei twice as many bill as the senate. BRYAN AND SENATOR AGREE ON NASBYS (Continued from Page One.) atate admitted, but he would net usaVsvtt himself as to the offices In controversy, l.nhrek Ready to Leave. Congressman lobeck has about con cluded hi departmental work in tha rapltol and plana to leave for Omaha to morrow. As to the Omaha postoff Ice situation Mr. Iolicck said today that outside of certain economies which Postmaster Whsrton would be called upon to make before July 1. the personnel of tho office ss now constituted would remain tho same. "General Roper realises our situation." said Mr. Lobeck, "but Is compelled to take notice of suggestions when mado to; him for purpose of both economy and cf-, flclency. I "There are complaints In tha office that ! patrons are not being served with mall. I This is to be looked into as . well as changes in certain routes are to be made. Service Cornea Too Hlah. "Tho efficiency board In Its report on Omaha put the service as costing too much for territory covered. "The Poatofftce department wants) bet ter service for the money expended and my understanding is- that instructions hnvn gone out or will go out to Ju4&e Wl arton to this effect. "Omaha Is not alone In this chocking up," continued Mr. Lobeok. "X teamed that Minneapolis, Denver and Deo Moines were also in tho same catagory. There is nothing against Omaha, but tho Inspeo torj thought A shakeup would bo bene ficial. ...... "Personally I am standing for tho boys who helped to make tho office what It is today and I don't believe there will be sny changes except those that ore voluntarily requested."" ' ' ' " ' ' Congressman KlnkalC of tho Sixth dis trict w III -leave Wfcshlhgton tomorrow lor a vint to California. 'Ho expoota lo be In O'Neill early In April. STOCK HEALTH CERTIFICATE MUST COME WITH CATTLE (From a Ptsff Correspondent) LINCOLN, March 10. ( Special.) The State IJve tock Sanitary board nas added another requirement to its quar antine order. The amended order requires thst stock hipped In from the territory freed from the quarantine be accompanied by a health certificate from the state veter inarian of the state from which the 'ship ment Is made. The territory freed yesterday from tho foot and mouth disease quarantine In cluded the western part of Iowa. Missouri and South Dakota. ' Tho Boo Wants Ads aro tha best Dual ness Boosters, i. . , 1,1 vm j . t e t i J2- jtryoptw It has Uste aaJ indiTkluallty tbat caimot b equaled. twapM it b aJwayt th samo-alway gxxxL jlecmtsm it U brewed to carefully and under such tuutary con utions that It U absolute purat Wawe it U o noambinto that it b enjoyed by every Woose every user b constantly tinting ita praie and wiU ue no other. A f rlrv tttm nmm aM VJL tWaTBnencamwDegiLinua'- VmninT astaaiiosiMia -saw ir.isisss gr OMAHA. NCR. VILLA WILL JOIN WITH CARRANZA IF U.SSTEPS IN (Continued from Tage One.) for active service, maneuvers and target practice, with guns snd torpedoes, as that baaed on Guantanamo, Cuba, for the last two months under the command of Rear Admiral Fletcher, rommnnder-ln-rhlef of the Atlantic fleet. This force now conalats of nineteen battleships and twenty destroyers, with a flagship and a tender. "Baaed also on Guantanamo bay Is the cruiser squadron, consisting of two armored cruisers and seven light cm leers and gunboats, the various units of which have been operating In the vicinity of Haiti, Panto Domingo and the east coast of Mexico. Ready for Any .evlce. "The veasels comprising this fleet ore ready for any aervice and are accom panied by repair ships, supply ships and fuel ships, carrying coal, oil and oupplleo for an extended etiod. "At Key Trat the reserve torpedo flotilla, consisting of ten destroyers and a tender, have been engaged In extended operations. "At Pensacola sis submarines, with four tenders, have been engaged In ma neuvers and In Joint operation with air craft and with the Fan Francisco, a mine laying vessel. "Results of the extended operations In which the above mentioned veasels, to the number of eighty-three are engaged, can not fall to offer tho benefit to the navy." FOUR-YEAR TERM BILL SENT TO THIRD READING (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 10 (Speclal.)-The Plevers bill was ordered to third reading this morning. It provides for a four-year i term for county officer. The original I bill haa been amended by a motion of i Peterson so that present terms will not"j be extended. Tho officials will not 6a elected in presidential years, with the ex-' ceptton of the clerks of the district court : who will continue as heretofore. This' Is tho bill which Palmer of Douglss has been Interested in and which he has put In much effort to put across. auHj.iijajaiimMiiii m. m Stipulation and Detail Acting in the capacity of Executor, Trustee, Administrator orGuard ian, the Peters Tru&t Company can be relied upon to observe every stipulation and detail. Having a permanent charter, strong organi zation and legal exper ience, we are especially well prepared. Write or call for any desired particulars: " sswssasi - Capital and Surplus $475,000.00 JJR, ItRAMU'IlY, DENTIST 98 Tsars In Omaha. In Kis Haw x.ooatlon. sai-aa wood, man of tha World Bids;. A suite of eight rooms, the finest and moat complete dental officea In tha weat. Every up-to-date and pain leas method known. Consider our reputation, experience, prices and our new equipment and you will arrow that we hars reached the highest point in modern efflcienoy. m mm 4 ttfMsa mbfli appetizing and to uniformly food memberof the family. fZruti CU Tit A TT7 . Lt a Vj i 1622 FARNAM STREET XJ, ' II iwif if CosJOisKSaj fpr v rt.iu aaas 602-810 DOUGLAS ST, so HOWARD AND Fashionable New Silks at Interesting Prices In a most wonderful variety of Spring shades "practically every new weave and texture fash' ionable women will wear during the coming season A Few of the Many Chiffon Faille, yard wide, - - - $1.95 Satin Meteor, 49 inchea wide, .... $2.25 New Tub Silks, from 85c to - - - - $1.00 Shepherds' Checks (black and white), $1.50 All Silk Satin de Luxe (26 New Gauze Vests A great variety of styles, suitable for spring and summer wear, 10c to 50 Third Tloor. AMUSEMENT J. A BHAKDEIS THEATER. 8 Days Com. Sun. Eve., March 14th THE KEYSTONE OF KEYSTONES TILLIE'S PUNCTURED ROMANCE . WXTX l ARIE DRESSLER COOG FL of LaugMe: FAST UNNY URIOUS cunn okapubt SB miTB AID TOBOII AX.X. TSOXTBUIS Mats. Sally at a, atao: All Beats loej sTta-hts at 7:30 and . lOo and SOe. XHTXaS BKAJTSSXa OSCXSBTaVA. FEEL YOUNG! It's Dr. Kdward' Olive Tablets For You t - Bewaro of tho habit ot constipation. It develops from just a few constipated uays. unless you take yourself In hand. Coax the jaded bowel muscles back to normal action with Dr. Edward's Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Don't force them to unnatural action with aevere medicines or by merely flushing- out the Intestines with nasty, slckenlns; cathartic. Dr. Kdward believes in gentleness, persistency and Nature's aaaistanco. Dr. Eawnras tJiive -laoieie open mo tlve. There is never any pain or griping 1 -v Miii rT4kKlAOaa m SA WII Oil 4-T. V-1WU WHC ir as? txmA Timt thA klnfl nf treatment old pernor should have. T-i PJ.nr.lai a kHiraa Tft Kl of s fA B. VbbT- ar, CU w ai us. -w at " w - -- etaUe compound mixed with ollv oil. you will Know tnem Dy ineir onve cixor. Take ona or two oecaalonally and have no trouble with your liver, bowels or stom ach. Nfc and 36e per box. All druBSlsts. Tho Olive Taoiei t-ompany. wiumuui, Shirt Sale 50c Work Shlrta. now 25 1 69o Dress Shlrta 30t $1.00 Dress Shirts CDs? $1.00 Flannel Shirts 9i $2.00 Flannel 8Mrts 98 $1.00 Sweater Coats 39 $2.00 Sweater Coats 88 $3.00 Wool Underwear . . . .98? $1.00 Union Bults 69t J. Helphsnd Clothing Co 814-16 No. 16th 8t. J ! Deposit your checks here no matter upon what bank they are drawn. Deposit with us and then pay your own ac counts with your own check on this bank. SIXTEENTH Gros de Londres, yard wide, .... $1.5!) Crepe de Chines, 40 inches wide, $2.00 Tub Crepes, from $1.75 to $2.00 New Bengalines, 42 in. wide, --. - $3.50 - inch) - $1.00 a yard Boys' Waist Suits Of checked dimity, all sues, .... 35c Children's "M" Waists, 2 to 12 years, - - 50c Third Floor. AMUSEMENTS. T.1ADEL iORMAND One Hour and a Half of Screams and Roars AMERICAN THEATER. Grand Opening Friday Night Screen Portrayals Par Excellence OPEKIHG ATTRACTION Mrs. Leslie Carter In a Superb Production of the Famous Drama DU BARRY Complets Symphony Orchestra Prices ICc, 15c and 25c THURSDAY 1 fas aaa a H now o n o w TODAY LEOHABO ANCERSCN & CO. In "When Caeaar Bees Her," Billy Newkirk a The Kvans Bisters. Wm. Morrow a Co. and Daalilns ton s Don Itext Bandar, 4 Days MAX BLOOH TABLOID BOYD OMaSi'l MOST Sflnf.AB t. ... m ti. Today, 1 :30; Tonia-ht, Jol Weak, "Tba waetest Story Itt Tola," merely MAnv Ann ICata, WoA, Thar a. Bat., SS STla-bts. SSo and 6O0. Neat Week: SAMSON. To., Society aTla-ht Oraad Ooora Quart n, aaslsted by roateaeUa Olea Club of so aombara. "OMAHA a UST CXaTTSB." A 41 Centimeter Punch fliiarairtJ !SfM BILLY WATSON'S Jiw Punu.1 book. tor Mmliufi UarkM wm Ultt.raut trtHa wkal ion m beak om. "K-"in wrw J.BSa'1, u4 'Hwhmtv'i Cbruua los". Hum J Cboru at "HMrlw" Indies' IHaae Mstlsea Weah Pays. rkoaa Xoar. es ASto. Taaaaeltla SaUy Mats. S1S an ku iiii Other aots: Cktrdon A Co., Clara lnca. Hal A Prancu. EMMA CARl'S Mra. YORSKA Brown A Rot-hello. Th rliiLv EiimII.U Trio. OrphcUra Travel Weekly. PrloeaMattnae: Uallary. 10o. Pest seats (except baturday and Hundayj. Xm. Nishta. luo. 2S. Wc and 7&c. DIOGENKS sued m laaters but the up-to-dato bnslneaa maa In Omaha asa the adertlsUm col urans of Tha Ilee.