Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Cattle Receipt L.rjit Since Mid
die of Lut December Sheep
Steady to 8tron;.
80UTH OMAHA. Maroh 1, 1l.Y
Receipt were: Cattle. Hof. Sheep.
Official Monday.. l.yJ 2,1k? i
Offjoi-J Tuesday 40 ll.n? &.71.1 I
Krtlmata Wertnesdsy... !. Zl.OO '
Three dura this wtwk.14.KM
Vimn days las. wrek...14 44
ra'n day I wk st..).M
Mm days I wka so..lX
Mams daya 4 wka aax..13.W1
fcsme daya laat year....V,016
M .J7
The following table show th receipt
ef rattle, hois and sheep at tha South
Omaha live slock markat for tha year to
data, aa compared with laat year:
11&. 1S14. Inr
Csttls 13. 1"0.2M IS"
Hos S710S4 d.- lfl.4So
Sheep Sa,Tna Kl.m 4.S11
Tha following- table ahowa tha average
price, for hogs at the Pouth Omaha live
stock market for the laat few daya, with
IMS. 11014. )812
lll.l10 19B.
Ib. U
Fob. ti
Feb. 4
MVI I Ui W 1
M ll t! 1! I rW I
to lioo) T.I
' 0
7 10
' 04
t 191
70i 1M
Feb. .
47H I 4l I 11
9. Mi
J .J
Feb. 17.
Feb. M.
Mar. 1.
Mar. 2.
Mar. 4 .
Mar. .
Mar. 1.
Mar. 7..
Mar. ,.
Mar. ..
f 11
9 66
( I 11 I mi a
rl in.
-Mar. W I .131 II 32
T&llO U bl
Itecetpta and d reposition of live stock at
tha lnlon Stock Tarda. South Omaha, for
tha t wsnty-f our houra eodlng at I o'clock
Cattle.Hos. Sheep. H'ses.
C, M. BL P 10
Wahaah i 10 ..
Missouri Parjflo .... 4 I
Virion Peel llo TI M i 4
N. W., east... t K 1
C. N. W., west... T J
C, Ht. P., M. O . M I ..
C. B. Q.. eaat... 10 10 ., .,
.. B. V Q.. weat... 77 44 f I
C, R. I. P., eaat.
C , R. I A p., west, t 1 - ..
llllnoia Central ...
(.'hlcato Q. W 1 ,, M
Total reoelpta ..tT7 M M
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
... m t,7K8 i.i
Morris Co
Kwlft aV Co
'udahy Packing Co,...
Armour aV Co
.1. W. Murphy
Lincoln Packlnf Co
Ho. Omaha PacklruT Co
W. B. Vanaant Co!!!!!i
Benton, Vanaant fc !.,
F. B. L?wls
Huston Co ,.
J. H. Koot Co
J. H BuHa
I F. Hura
Kel loirs; v.,
erthelmer A Decen...
H F. Hamilton
fulltvan Hroa
Mo. 4t Kan. Calf Co....
Xaker. Jonea finilth..
Tanner Bros.
John Harvey
Dennis ft Francis
Other buyers ,
4, am
.. 718
. ht
..6.7U 10.7M
t ATTI.K Receipts numbered tit car,
being the largest of any day slnoe Le
lember 14. The large receipt, together
with unfavorable advices from eastern
points, waa ot tiaeU aujflctent to make
buyer very bearish la their view. At
the same time, quite a number of the
train did not arrive until late la th
forenoon nnd, us usual, buyer held
back, waiting for later arrival before
flliing orders. Taking all the conditions
into consideration, it waa not surprising
thu the market was very slow, with
price generally lower than yesterday.
Uuyera of the better grad of beef steer
that would do for shipping paid in mint
rases almost steady price, but their bid
a a rule were livjl5o or more lower than
yesterday on killers, but not far from
steady on feeder.
' In the end the best shipping rattle aold
at prices that were very little lower than
yesterday and. In spot, pulbly ateadv.
The medium grades of beef steers Wefe
around le lower. Cow and heifer were
alow and mostly lt.(n&o lower. Feeders,
on aocount of the light supply, generally
commanded steady price.
Quotation ou cattle: Good to -.'hole
tornfed beeve, 7.76.-fj.; fair to flood
cornled beeve. f7.0wV7.7: common to
fair cornfed beeves, H9unJflM; good to
choice heifers. t.2i,(T.W; good to i r.olo
eow. 15.7I.?.; fair to good owe. Vu.owi
.T; common to fair cow, fl 50 00,
gr.od to chut aiocker and feeders,
?;4i',i,r lw oo4 ockere and feeder,
l.5uJ7.0C: common to fair stockers and
fesdar. t5.7wj.; stock halfer. S.
LiLflJ: 00 w. .0ot(.IS; stock calve.
U.o4.0; veal calve. $7.00ta.a4; bull,
stats, etc., M 7tu
HepreaenUtlv salea
Ne. - A. St. No. At. Pt.
KJ I U . nt IH
! '
1 4. u. let 7 t
i 1UM II I
..ion lu
.. Ki I u
..ien t H is
..1KM M
..nn t a,
II-. W7 IN 11.....
1 ti 4 4 !..'..,
... m a....
I in I at i
i -. w 14 t
1 taw I a io
............. 4 t i
I.....I T.t 4 t it....,
I KM 4 It !.(..,
' I Illi I M
1 " 4
. 1.. ti at ....
' .: it 4 it i....,
i i tt
4 15 IH..,.
t tti M 1.,..
1 IN I.....
, i i til'Lia.
1 1 t . I....
I. ft W 1....
1 JkMi t 4V
. iLVKS.
. i yj i i. ...
, I K 1 M 1....
I lit t W 1....
. t i
1 11 IS.
mtA.i .. AND
I SI IH 4J ...
4 Ttl IN I... .
t mi 7 at l ...
... U IN It ...
M tOi I....
t IM 1 U 14....
I Ill t 1 It....
:i tin 1 14
.m in
. tw w
.m Ik
U44 I M
HM 4 1
im w
ist w iAt
tie is 6
U 1 t
M lU
IttM 1 J
1 7
1J 7 M ,
1 to
i 1 N
' 14
iiuuft-tiiui u. iho hc-avloet runs for
iMiioe days abutted up thl fnurniikg.
kim thing like cats, or tl.Uti hetul,
l-euig roiiivel. Ttie total for tha three
lays la KMUS ad. being nearly 111,000
. etu viler than aat week, but ,ui large
than for the same period last year.
Trade opened out dull this morning.
Many trains were late and. a th yards
were more or less crowded, only a Part
vf the bog iiad been yarded when first
killer blda wore made at figure that
wer pretty close to a dime lower. Ship.
t bought a number of huge early at
I'Kuree tnat were no more thaui U- lower.
Killrrs stuck by their early bids for
nuue wlnle, but two buyers, who
wanted hog pretty badly, finally raised
tnolr offers, and when the supi ly ataitrd
to mov prtt-4-s were no more than 6c
lower In ey rase, and wer In a good
many lnataacea pretty rloae to steady.
Trad continued on thta basis until th
ft- kvi, who bouttit practically all th
t-arly hoga had filled hi order. Offer
inn soiued down on a fully 6c lower
, l.aia, and In the end the big end of the
hoys will on thl level. Trade runuilntd
ciy stow all the ay through, and
ali-end at the luw lime of the dev. lite last
vu-p I -hi y lu.; lower than yesterday
H'liM. At Iii time of rloetng this i e-
oi I tiM-r Mere still a IiuiiiImt of loads
lu first Un.i and a good many b ini In t
liMd not h bc-es yariled.
"I'ha i-'i.-it market re around 5c lower.
Yeti.lay inarHrl, aa weli as litdav ,
waa uneven and It is pieltv hard to mty
ea mv"ft iii ieoit of Uik tu dais.
. iiuik v( today s ullcrliig iuov4 at v
42i a tie
IM 111
I to
It I
M Sin
f.V as atnt yesterday's h'llk "f p'.
! T. and today's top of P .70. In just a
nickel tflnw Tuesday's jilsh flsuie.
Itpreeentetlve sale
Ko. At V Tr. rs. At V r
4 t lH M If. ... S
iu 40 87 17 f ...
' 4t :'4 ... t 7( M ... S
I 4 :-4 ... n tT ...
, l til ... 0 17 1H ... f
2V, ... 4 n 7t 2l f.
It H ... l ?x to
: mi ... s tsi ... r
. i mi ... ;i ;i ... r;
7 I? M iH4j 2"4 ... 47'
' f7 2ft ... in ... 170
rHKKr 1 hr aivm Hi tla on Moil
day anil TiirmlHy due to lluht runa m
thn daya lnrrp"d the rc'lpta thin
momlnu to aomfthlna; more like norninl
proiiortione. The estimate called for I.H.HK
hral, whirli wna a little under that of
onn and two weeka uo, but more than
what showed tip nn the eame day a year
naro. Colorado and the Srntt Itluff roun
try were the chief rnntributora.
The market opened In very fair season,
hut with dtxvraxln( advlcea from east
ern points the early ttade wns a little
easier on lamhe, thouah strona on aced
hevp. Aa the morning advancrd, how
ver, the reeling Improved and lambs
loeed active and fully steady with Tties-
dajr's trade. The mutton offerlnaa con
tinued alrons; all tha forenoon and in In
stances prli-ea were a shade higher.
Aa was the raxe on Tiiendav. the bulk
of the lambs moved at !.tiH. 70, with
enteral loads of fed westerns nd Men.
lean topping at $9.75. There waw no
feeder trade to epemk of A ranBn of 7.60
Cr7 s rauaht most of the ernes, m-lth mw
shipment of fed weeterns reac hln IT ,
a new record for the season. The ee
supply waa lanrer today. Mom llshf and
' handywelnht offerlnKa wtre noted amon
! the lamb receipts than yesterday, thousjn
there were quite a few lamb weighing
irom ru in n pounni. tw puckers still
prefer th handywelght when the re
ceipts are generous.
Quotations on sheep and lamb: Lamb,
Mexican, M toft. M; lambs, fed westerns.
.iW 7fi; lambs, sheering. H.l(Vii.(lt;
yearlings. light, M7Mi00; yearlings,
heavy, 8.;i0irTM.7l. wethers, good to choice,
17 TMjfl.00; wethers, fslr to wooil. 7.5f7.7.';
ewes, good to choice, f7 .Vtl7.7l; rwes, fair
to good. 7WiM.
A few sheep and lambs that came In
late after the early arrivals had changed
hands sold 10c higher. Mexican lambs
old a high a $i. and Mexican ewes
at r.7R.
Representative sales:
M0 Mexican lamb
1 fed lambs
1W fed lamb
tM fed lamb
fW fed lamb
K4 fed lambs
SM fed lamb
241 fed lamb
4i4 fed lamb fed lamb
K2 Mexican lamb
fed lamb
tit fed ewe
4 fed lamb
177 fed lamb
A v. Pr.
i 7t
. 0 fiS
, M S
, M 6
, m 9 a
t KM
.as r
, 7S 0 Ti
, W tSn
, T4 a i
,74 t6
41 n 76
, W 7 10
ill II 25
I 1 25
7. 9 70
.70 tCO
7 70
N.I 9 AS
7 70
M to
K ,
( t 00
t fV)
113 7 n
71 75
60 1 00
the recent
Ml Colorado lamb
7M Colorado lamha
110 Colorado lambs
tn Colorado lambs
1 Colorado htmha
4 Wyoming lamb ....
85 cull lamb
34 Colorado lambs
IT fed lamb
121 Wyoming ewe
114K Mexican lamb
tno Wyoming lamb
HOHSHS On aocount
snowstorm the receipt
week have been livht
horses thin
The quality of
the offerings haa been very good and the
ci on ran re seasonable. The nr nrm in.
qulry ha been for army purposes, buyers
... ctnmmiunii wie ttritisn. r reach and
Italian government. Uenerallv price
were about the aam a for the laat three
week. The cheaper klnda of horse con
tinue to ba a drag on the market, and
farm and southern demand I still very
limited, due In a large measure to the
unfavorable Industrial condition In the
south and th recent snowstorms which
have been ao general over the nymi..
checking traffic In a good many locali
ties. The high cost of feed remalna a
strong bear Influence. The Frenob, war
horse Inspection 1 to continue for at
least thirty day yet.
Cattle Vat-lIogra Weak Lower
he Firm.
CHICAGO, March 10. -C .TTIJC-Re-celpu,
H.ono head: market weak; native
steers. 5.7iVq 7o; western, 8.00t7 .; cow
and heifer. 3.3oei7.); calve, .9.76.
,,?tl2w!pta- S00(' h- market
wik,.l'15:.,owp: buk a'". 7(K(j
0; light. KL&i.iiniBn; mixed, k.66ib.H6:
&er"ifttio uuh, H-- p''
811 KKP AND LAMBrt-Recelnts, !&.()
head; market firm; sheep,
yearling. 7.7r(.v; lambs. 7.7s4J10.lO. .
Hloaa City Live Stock Market. '
HIOUX CITY. Mrch 10.-CATTLB-R-celit,
a.0,0 head: markeJ, rVtjlOf lower
native steer. i.VT.t.- T.uti hers, tf i 41
7.M; cow and hellers. M.7Wt(; cannera.
U.50aJ.U; stockers and feedera W.tmti7.0;
calves, tf.ta.W; bulla, ataga. etc., lj.0C
Iicas-Racelpta. IS.tOO head; market c
lower; heavy, t6.i6itii4l.tU; mixed. I. 66:
light. H,; bulk o sales t.5K.
. HIEKP AND LA MBS-Receipt. 200
nt. l.oala 1.1 v Stack Market.
KT. LOCI8, March 10. CATTLE R
rclpt. 4 loo l ead: market lower; native
N-ef steera, cowa and helfera.
If rV fH v sonthe-n sers, t5.Jft7.78; cowa
and heifer. M.OvWOO; native calve. 100
310 76.
BHKK ANI LAMBS Receipts. ' X0
head: market higher; native muttons,
I .MiatO; lamha. IHWfVIO.OJ; yearlings,
T.'.tOtiliW: flipped yearlings. M 50V7.W.
Kttiti Cllv 1.1 ve Market.
Kecelpta, CiuO head; market lower; prime
fed steers, IH.! r; dressed beef ateera.
f7.lWi.lh, western, ii.T64380; stockers and
teeder. .VUta7.K: bull. I5.i.7r: calves.
1IOU8 Rocelot, It. 400 head market,
ilsher; bulk of aales, $6 KxhT OO; heavy.
$6 Kf 4-tTVk; packera ami butchers,
r.' light, w.Ko;ii: tuga, attri.u.
PHIKI AND LAM bi Receipts, .0OJ
head: - market hid her: Inmbs, .;
yearlings. M OOHuS.isl; wether, tT.6tft.ii;
owes, T.:5f7.f5.
HI. Jmenh t.tve Ittek Mneajet.
T JOSEPH. March 10.-CATTLTC-Re--el"ta.
S.OO head; market slow; steer,
l7.eoiS.yi: cows und heifers, t00OS.3;
alve. tti0fKef.T5.
HOOP Recelot. 1,10 head: market,
lower- top. i; bulk of sales. grUfra 0.
KHRRP ANI LAMBS Keceipls. 1.500
head; market strong, lamba t.tvtl.Ti.
' I
Celfoa Market'.
Hio4. quiet; middling upland. R.g.V. Sales.
m iiiM
spot, ateaily; good middling. a!M: mid
dims. t.vTil; low middling, l.tiTd; sales, n0
The cotton market cloaed firm at net
advance of 16 to 17 points.
rfaala ttoek Market.
LONDON, March 10-eAmerlcan aecur.
i tie on the atoclc market today failed to
maintain veaterday'a Improvement and
cloned easy. '
SILVKR Bar. M 1-lfed per ouno.
MONEY 1 per cent. Dlacount rate,
ihort and 1 month. lSfc per etui
Commissioner John J. Ryder will turn
out a big gang of men Thursday morn
ing on th street to clear them from
now a soon a possible. At th recess
set ion of th council Ryder will ask for
n emergency appropriation ef fund with
which to carry on the work. He declare
the altuMtlon I becoming critical and im
mediate action necessary or th atreet
will become veritable flood - with the
first thaw.
IS VALUED AT $295,000
An Inventory of th tit at of th liu
John Under, wholesale It iuor dealer, filed
io county court, ahowa total valuation
of more than tVJft.OOO. The stock In the
store at 15 Douglas street Is valued at
lt'1.417. "Bsd accounts" amounting to
tl.Ttt ud "doubtful accounts'' of ll,Ji
n incuud la th list
Pnttino- Pnrnifura in OmahVa lAt
J ett Hoitelry, Which Will Open
on Twentieth of March.
Furniture for the new Castle hotel,
which opens March ), began to arrive
today, and the work ot putting it In
pla'-e was started by Beaton Laler,
whn have the contract.
Tha foyer, ladles' parlor and the writ
ing room will be furnished In brown reed
witll Rnenlati la. Ili.r Kni'.Hn. Tk.M
.. .. . , ,
wm lnT 'uno orrangod In groups
so "is io give more tne errect or a living
room In a home than that of a hotel
The furniture ot the bedrooms wilt he
of the mission type and hex all been
specially conotructed for the fastle hotel.
The beds are of the finest quality.
"t'o hotel In the country has belter
beds than the Caetle will have,'- said
Fred Castle, leasee and manager. "They
will have the highest grade de luxe
sprtnga and Plxle tnattrcse and every
thing that makes for comfort and easy
resting qualities "
The bedrooms will be decorated with
English Imported paper of small, neat
designs, and the very latest patterns.
The walla of the halls will be painted In
soft French gray tones. .
"There will he many little refinements
In the room," sM c. W. Laler of Bea
ton I-aler, "such a night tables and
tninlc racks. Another feature making
for cleanliness Is the covering of the top
of all drersets and desks with Dlate
Postman Refused
to Wait for Woman
to Finish Letter
I'ncle Sam's letter carrier are most
accommodating, but one of them recently
railed to satisfy an exacting patron of
hi route, and complaint was made to
Assistant Superintendent Brown.
"II wouldn't wait until I wrote a let
ter," the aggrieved woman complained.
"It would have taken only a few minutes
for me to finish the letter, and I wanted
to have It mailed Immediately, hut the
mailman wouldn't wait, although I of
fered td let him come Into the house and
It down."
When Brown said he would look Into
the matter, the fair complainant grew
solicitous and said she hoped the man
wouldn't be discharged this time.
Two Travelers from
Canajoharie Greet
Each Other in Omaha
It' not every day that the nam
"Canajoharie" I Inscribed upon the reg
ister of an Omaha hotel. ).
Yet it wa written on the reglater of
th Rom yesterday twice within three
W. H. Matcht arrived and wrote hi
nam and the New York village hi
horn town.
Later In the-day M. P. Stone arrived
nd wrote the same big name of a small
city after hi autograph. A green clerk
looked at the word and thought the new
guet was joking. Ha wanted to know
whether that place (he pointed to It and
didn't try to pronounce It) wa the real
home town of the traveler. Whereupon
Mr. Stone told him a few facta and fig
ure retarding the lively little cltv o.-i
the Mohawk river and the Erie renal.
Altogether It wa a big cay for Can
ajoharie. It oore on th Rom register
wa high a that of New York. Boston,
Nebraska City and Pender.
CanaJoharlsT Well, you Jut bet it can?
Easter Bazaar at
German Home Today
Th vnt In Auatro-German-Hungartan
elrolag today I the Easter baxaar being
held at the German Horn for the bene
fit of the wr aufferera' relief fund.
Home-mad candle, cake and other de-
ircacie. rancy work, gold and silver
jewelry which cam In for th fund In
exchange for the Iron ring, will be sold
by th women, who will all be attired In
their national costumes, folk song will
be sting. '
Thi evening. Hungarian goulash, tha
national dlh. will be served by a large
oorp of Hungarian women, th goulash
having been prepared under the personal
supervision of Mr. Henry Pollack.
Mr. Bertha Oetxechmann. Mr. Charle
Haarmann. Mr. O. M. Tohneman and
Mr. Walter Brandea. officer of th re
lief association, are in charge of th f
far. W. T, Canada Takes
Turn for the Worse
Th (omiitlon of William T. Canada,
retired chief of th secret aervlc depart
ment of the I'nlon Pacific Tuesday took
drcidod turn for the wars and. yes
terday he was taken to St. Catharine's
hospital.. In addition to hi other ail
ments. It ta asserted that dropsy has de
veloped and that the outlook for his re
covery Is far from being hopeful.
The present Illness of Mr. Canada
datea from his trip to New Orleans a
Tew weeks ago, whirl ha went to attend
the Mardl Qrae. On the trip he took a
aevere cold that haa failed t respond
to the treatment of th physician.
Henry Springer of Oak Grove. Mo.,
charged with disturbing the' peace, , was
sentenced to ninety days In ths county
Jail by Judge Brltt.
Testimony waa given in court' to the
effect that Springer had threatened the
life of Margaret Campbell, a young Scotch
girl who ha been in this country less
than three month, becaue ah Intended
to marry another tnaa. Also that h had
tried to ruin th good reputation of the
girl, and had so far succeeded that th
engagement between Miss Campbell and
hr husband-to-b had been broken. Miss
Campbell live t 1MT North Seventeenth
Judge Brltt reprimanded th man ee
verely for hi attitude toward the young before sentencing hlmto Jalt for
three month.
Rent room quick with a Be Want Ad.
Why the Abstracters
Oppose Torrens Bill
"If the legislature opens the door to
the so-called Torrens system of lnd title
registration. It will mean confiscation
nd added expense for real estte own
er Instead of simplifying matter," la
the declaration of local abstracters, "No,
we are not making a fight against the
bill for fear It will seriously interfere
with our business, but we believe if the
lawmakers knew what was Involved they
would hesitate to try an experiment that
haa resulted disastrously whenever at
tempted under Ilk circumstance. All
we have done Is to end a letter to the
member of the .legislature calling their
attention to certain fact."
The letter refers to the enactment of
the Torrens act in Ohio, and It subse
quent repeal, and quotes from tb de
cision of the Ohio supreme court declar
ing the scheme lnconMlttltlnnel It also
'sets forth the following reon for hold
ing to tha present system of tyic trans
fers: 1. It is more cumbersome and far more
extensive than the present system.
2. If the Torrens system has any ad
viintHges over the present method It
should be compulsory, then -the county
wouhi not re at the expenee of carrying
on a double ovatem of registration and
recording nf lend title.
.1. In ell slate where the Torrens sys
tem U In fo;re the -record show that
only those who have bad and doubtful
tltlns take advantage' at the t." ' Tha
county and state therefore goo Into the
business of Insuring bad risks and con
sequently the ptiblrc I Indirectly" corn
pclled to bear the loss incurred through
the rcyitrntlon of defective titles.
4. Only the first registration of a land
litle is judicial,' the subsequent registrar
lions are merely ministerial, and tt Is
doubtful If any one would loan money
on a ministerial- registration.
5. Th insurance iawa of the state pro
vide for the Insurance of land titles. The
present law. however, requiring a de
posit with tin- state hosrd of llflO.ofiO In
securities should be amended by reducing
the deposit In securities to tSO.OOO, for
the reason that an abstract and lnaur-
sme company in a city the else of Omaha
must first inveet a sum of not less than
t'Oft.000 in compiling a set of abstract
books. Including Indices of all Judgments,
decrees, suits pending, estates, etc.
Offer Cash Prizes
to Editors of State
Catih prlxes mounting to are to
be given away to editor nf the state at
the Nebraska Press association meeting
In Omaha April 19 to 21. The prize re
offered by the L'nlon Stock Yard com
pany. The competition 1 In the setting
up of a display advertisement. The copy
for the d will be furnished in the plain
est form, and It hal! he the task of the
printer to dress It up in the handsomest
nd most attractive design of display
The executive committee of the Ne
braska Press association at a meeting In
Omaha has Just completed the details of
the entertainment for the visiting editors
of the state. Also the committee definitely
divided on the dates of April 19. 30 and 21,
Rtialnees sessions are to be held Monday,
Tuesday nnd Wednesday mornings of the
week, and on Wednesday afternoon the
visiting editors are to spend the after
noon at South Omaha at the stock yards.
Luncheon Is to be served t the, tock
yards and certain entertainment features
are to be prepared. The prlxes for the
best display of the advertisement are to
be divided Into a first and second prlxe,
with J100 for each.
Elks'to Take Special
Train to Convention
The committee on transportation for
the Omaha Elks' club met Tuesday to
discuss preliminary plans for the over
land Journey to the national convention,
which will be held In Los Angeles the
week of July 11. The committee decided
to hold a second meeting Saturday for
the purpose of entertaining proposition
rrom the various passenger representa
tives of the railroad running out of
Omaha Omaha Elk will go to the con
vention on a special train. The commit
tee consist of B. F. lirallry, c. C.
Wearne. D. II. Beck. Carroll II. Wright.
John Sullivan. Walter C. . Nelson and
John B. Byrne.
Charles Bryaon, trainer, and Glen W11
llitm. fighter, both colored, of Des
Moines. 1.. declared in court that they
had come here to train for a coming ten
round mill between Williams and Thun
derbolt Smith. Wllllsms wanted to give
Judge Brltt an exhibition of his power
lp court, but was denied his request. Fol
lowing the session the pair put on a
brief boxing contest before a large con
gregation of police court habitue.
Face Eruptions Have
Deep Significance
Often Ther Indicate Im
purities Deep in the
Th result shown by ft. fi. R, In clearing
the skin reveal how eearrblngly and bow
deeply thi (aavori blood purifier attack
blood trouble. Karlal eruptions are more
ftea elgnlAcaat of Impaired nutrition result- !
lag from faulty ellmuiatloa of body waste.
Moat people realls thl t ; true. And
yet it I a dtfllrnlt matter to convince suck
people they should avoid tbo harmful drug
uch as mercury. Iodide of potash, arsenic
ad on. ft. 8. B. give Just good elect
without tha tteetrartlv results, because it la
mere aearrhlng. It goes deeply late the cir
culation where Tec th blood flow, but It does .
net remain to cleg the system. Aad Its elect
Is eomplet and thorough a Indicated by
blood testa On ef the strange tblag today
I that so many people are wedded to the
notion that mercury I th on antidote. It
I not so. There la t 8. 8. ft. product of
nature that ta rated ee of tha most potent
principle known for tb complete llmlaatlogj
of blood trouble.
Wherever von m there Bra neon la whs
, know thl t be trtM -from tbrtr own expert
I eoce, for It ha beea clearly show a there la
aae ingredient In 8. ft. ft. aa eaten tie I to
health U the blood be Impure a th aourish
Ing dements of the grains, sugar and salt
ot our dally food, (let a bottle of 8. 8. 8.
today ot aay drugrlnt. but Insist upon 8. 8. '
K-, accept ao substitute. And It your rase la
peculiar or of long atasdlng. writ ta tb
out aug, Auaaia, u.
Bellevue Seniors
Present Class Play
"Tommy' Wife." the fere given by
th senior . class of Bellevue academy
last night, was a wholly successful pro
duction. Clint lsy played the young
artist to perfection, and Randall Biart,
as his chum. ws a convincing lover.
Karl Branstad a the French fencing
master, kept the audience In continual
laughter, and hi portray! of thl role
wns probably the most finished work of
the evening. Ruth Stokes, the leading
lady, and F.dna Glbbs, a wealthy society
womsn, both made pleasing Impressions.
The cast of characters was aa follow:
Thomas ('Brothers, a budding young
artist.... flint K. lvtv
Rose Cat-other, his sister.... Ruth cttoke
I'lrk Urannis. his chum. In love with
t. "Tn Ci Randall Hinrt
Patty Campbell. a student at the
Broadway tiramatlc school
Anna Rasmussen
Talking of Furniture?
Have You Looked Over
the Splendid Specials
In Our March Sales? Do
So Thursday.
Hundreds Upon Hundreds of
A Magnificent Showing of Xevv l)r?xes The range
of prices 1s broad enough to meet the wishes of all
buyers and at each price the assortment and values
are really phenomenal. Designs for all occasions,
at prices from 815, $18.50. $22.50 up to $G5
Three Delightful Wnist Nrxx-ials that will crowd the
department with eager buyers Thursday. Don't
ml!" them, 81.05. $2.05 and $3.05
The choicest waist values t all prices shown in
Hllk Petticoats, all colors Crepe kimonos that sold
and black, pleated and to 3.B0, big assortment
ruffled flounce . . .$1.30 t $1.08
Four Remarkable Special Sale Event Thursday in
Our Busy Furnishing Goods Section
Men's Shirts
Values to $2.00, in fine madras or silk
fronts, all siies 14 to 18 Mi, all colors,
oil clean, new stock and guaranteed
Men's Night Shirts
To 11.60 values, in Cambric, Muslins
or Nainsooks, all sixes 15 to 20, well
'made, cut long and full
A Great Special Sale of FINE LACES
Our Semi-Annual Lace Display Closed Wednesday but on Thursday and Friday We
Will Offer Lace and Embroidery Specials That Will Set Omaha Talking.
Fine Val. Torchons, Zion City and Barmen
Laces on sale at, yd. 2Y2c, 3Vc, 5c and 7Vo
Beautiful Flouncings in the richest Cream,
Ivory and Two-Tone Effects, at 39c, 59c,
79c, 89c, 98c and $1.25
big showing ot the very popular black and white combinations
also the new Regimental Blues, O'Rose, Sands and Battleship Greys.
Among the shapes are a big assortment of sailors and poke bonnet
m fl VI i'?l tlT 1 s 1 -we
enecis. me materials are Lilian iiemps, live ena Lilians, L.izare
and Barnyard straw braids, etc. Only the very latest trimmings
used. Remarkable bargain at. our special . sale price Thursday,
at : "..
We want to Introduce to vrv
housewife or person who bake their
own bread, rake or plea, our Fam
ous Diamond H Flour, mads from
th best selected No. t wheat and
yuaranteod to aiv perfect satisfac
tion or your monsr refunded In full.
Tharadaj, par eaVla. sack . . . . . W.T1
Mak you own Bread. Ctkke eat
rasa It Fy.
17 Iba. best Granulated Surar tl.00
19 bar Beat-Km-AU. Whit Rue
elan. Ianoa. Diamond C or Laun
- dry Queen Whit laundry Koap sac
gklnner Macaroni. Vermicelli or
Hpaahettl: made in Omaha, pa. TUo
Adve Jell; It' quality sooda, made
In Omaha pka T.a
lb, heat nire Buckwheat Klour aft
Loose-W'lies famous t'ookies. spe
cial mad in Omaha:
All reaular lie cookies, lb. . .!-,
AH rraular lIVsc t-okla. lb., loo
All rea-ular lc cooktca. Ih Sl,e
t tan Oil or Mustard (Swrtilnes S5
J-lh. cans Karly June tvaa. Fancy
Sweet Suaar Com; Wax, rMrlna-.
Green or Lima Heana TVt
I La 1
(Mrs. p Yorbiirgh-Hmlth, a wealthy
i society woman I-:dna Clbhs
j Sylvia, her daughter, young end Im-
! presslonable nils purceil
I Pierre Ie Ronton, a French fencing
maeti-r Karl Hrsnstail
Edith Branson, a friend of ltne. in
terested in cliarlt,es..F:iixabeth klntnr
Omaha Uni Debaters
Looking for Trouble
The University of Omaha. Debating
club la looking for some one to debate,
preferably some young people's organisa
tion. They are willing to 'argue any
question, but are especially primed to
display logic on the subjects of womsn
suffrage, temperance, Sunday base ball,
or the advantages of a college education.
The manager of the Debating club. Roy
Creeling, report a formtdble array of
debating talent Including among others.
Miss Gladys Shamp. Will Thompson, Mr.
Chenowlth and Roy Greellng.
i n In
Suits and Dresses
At most attractive pricings, qualities considered,
that it has been our pleasure to offer in
many seasons. See the new ones.
WiU show you an immense assortment of distinc
tively artistic new desifns in every wanted color
and fabric, remarkable values at each price Thurs
day ...I . . 29.75, $35, $42.50 up to $75,
Crown Jewel Tailored Suits are always supreme
favorites, at $25.00
They 're equal in quality of workmanship and ma
terial and style beauty to garments priced at $35
elscwheria Compare them.
One Hundred and Fifty Tailored Suits, made
to sell at $18.1)0 and $20.00, nearly all samples,
tvm in Serges, Gabardines, Iraper-Af i rjf
ini Tweeds, etc., all colors, at y 1 1 O
New Spring Coats Are Here in almost endless va
riety of classy styles and most desirable fabrics and
colors. "Palm Bech" coats are extremely popular.
See the splendid values at $12.50. S 15.00,
S10.50 P to $35.00
Brt Skirt Values In Omaha, is the invariable verdict
of visitors to the Dress Skirt Dept." The new shirred
or pleated waist and yoke effects are most popular.
Special values . . . .$6.05. 97.50. 810 to $15
Children's Coats, best I Infant' Bootee, knit and
showing- In Omaha, from "tlng sacque, hqes,
$2.03, $3.05,
Worth 25 to 50 More Than
A Wonderful Showing t JQ
Smartly Trimmed Hats JA
Oualitv and Stvle Eaual ta Anv
-a afT 1 "s y
You'll Find Elsewhere at $7.50
Up-to-date shapes and colorings
most artistically trimmed, innl
l-lb. ran Golden Pumpkln. Homlny ,
Haked Heana or rtauer Kraut.. TVs
4 lbs. beat Hand licked Nary Beans
fur ISO
4 Ih. Fancy Japan Rice as
-Tall can Alabka Salmon ........ 10c
2-ox. Jars iur K trained Honey. 860
S2-os. r Tur Fruit Preeervee. .S5o
Hrvakfaat Cocoa, lb BO
(.uliten Santo Coffee, lb S0
EOOI, par aoaaa Me
Mot Kin finer at any prlo.
Th beat Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, per lu. Mo
Fancy Country Cre4unery Butter Btr
Fancy Dairy R 11 Iter. lb. 16a
tlooii Dairy Mutter, lb S3
Full Cream, White or Colored Cheese
per lb SOO
Imported Swiss or Roquefort Cheex...
per lb 400
tin nniuT
The hishest quality fruit crown In
Calif urn is
Thursday, 2u0 aise, per doien HSe
Thursday. 214 alsa, per doaen .
Thursday, 174 else, per doxen . . SOe
Thursday, !; aUe, per doxen ..ISO
C.eorae Warner of ITU Howard street
would have the city of Omsha pav Uir
damnaes for personal Injuries said tn
have been suffered when he stubbed his
big toe on the walk near the alley on
Sixteenth street between Harney and
Howard streets, breaking a left wrist ani
rauetng him physical and mental Incon
venience. Mr. Warner states in a notice Just
served upon the city officials that at the
r.olnt where he fell the pavement pro
Jecta an Inch and a half above the side
walk (line, this forming an obstruction to
the safe movements of pedestrians.
Mtaa Helen Keller Improvlaa.
AT'STTN. Tex., March 10 Miss Helen?
Keller, who was taken to an Infirmary
last night suffering from a cold which It
wss feared might develop Into pneumonia,
whs much Improved today. It was b.
lleved her recovery would be complete It
a few days.
Do You Need Dinnerware?
You'll Find It Greatly
To Your Advantage To
Buy During Our Great
March Discount Sale.
Beautiful New
I I r- . nri allna. t. art
$4.05 up
value ...ISO
on Main Floor
Ladies' Aprons
To $1.25 values, fine madras, percales
and ginghams, in all styles Including 56
in. fitted Bungalow and Empire aprons.
Men's Guaranteed Socks
All colors, with linen heel and toe, or
black with white feet, 6 prs. guaranteed
to wear for 6 months.
A Complete Line of Beautiful Oriental Laces
in four, lots Yard 10c, 15c, 29c and 39c
An Exquisite Line of Embroideries for grad
uation, communion and bridal gowns, yard,
at 39c, 59c, 79c, 98c, $1.75 to $4.98
Sale Prices.
V XdaUt All Ton Waa.
Chase Famou Florida Oro Fruir
perfect fruit, flr.t Duality
TES rinsT.s n wi..
15 Iba. best cookinr Potatoes . IT We
Fancy aolld heads Cabhnae. "h.:! 1
S' i
lOo 1
. , . iu 1 rariDerries, q 64
t1"" .uu"c'" fresh Meet. Carrots
."""v"- onaiiom or nauisiiea
fancy Cookinn- Apples, peck...
amy Hvd I time, head.... evil
Irire l'niiiinh.r. ' J
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb
Fancy Cauliflower, lb. ...
l-B.i..v 'l -1 .1 - . - -1
80 c
Good Whit or Red Ctiokini' Onion;.
Old Beet. Carrots. Turiiipi
snips, per lb
or Pai -
I Iba. best laf I-ard
First quality tsteer Rot Roast!
hirst quality fresh Kpare Rlha
First Quality Lean FW.-r... ik
. ..
We have a full line of fresh' and
ealt flali during Lent.