nir, ra:r,: cu. aha, tiitksday, makcf. n. ioir.. 13 K ? V ' SWAri'KR'S rxiA-MN NNI1.I, swap f.,r tinkhTl tree- in good condition, an oak folding bed, complete, fitted with a (lerman beveled pfate mir ror. Address s. c. 077. roit rent A partaaea ts kid Flats. Now Flo-Los These 4-room fireproof apartments are Ideal In arrangement and location. All the :onvrnlrnt. tniproie'-'ments. including a, i on ertltde daven'ort bed, a complete kitchen cabinet, to chest, tan stove, etc. jt tli and Capitol Ave.. faHnu high, school. 2 hlockii from tha Fontenello hotel and Just aouth of First Methodist church. Htinrtay ' tha first day adver tised; one-third were signed up Monday, vith a number of reservations. Have Jan ilor show you and call Petors Trust Company, 123 ramam St ivmglaa 8. t-tZ modern tint. tans S. :4th. $22. H. 47U. FOR RENT Moat beautiful, finely fin ished and up-lo-dato 3. 4 and 6-room apartment In city. Building luet fin ished. Flora Apartments. 31 Junes St PT OEOnOE, US N. 31st Ave; five-room aulte: select West Farnam district. Thona Web. 14. o FIDELITY JTAfe FREE Phone Douglas 1128 for complete list of all vacant houses and apartments, also for storage, moving, packing, shipping. -RM., as 8. ttiTH AVE New, sleeping porch or ran parlor, vary choice. iA year round; close In. cnd for our weekly printed list. 1 IA8TINQ3 oV HETDEN, 1614 Harney Kt j-RM., 2P7 S. 3f.TH AVI''., new. close In. very choice. Send for ouf weekly printed llASTINOS HETPKN. W4 Harney St. FOU RBNT-1415 K. 10th St, strictly mod ern. 7-room apt, furnace heat. Phone D. 4S7. K. I. Hranch. Furnished Apartments. The New "Traverton" FIREPROOF Bril-DIXG. 24th and iAmlon Court. We have a furnished apartment for rent; all modern conveniences; kitchen, private bath, splendidly furnished. See owners. Traver Bros., TVnrla. 115.1. 70S Omah:v National Bank. Hoard and Roums. JEWISH girl wants room and board In .lewfPh family, north or west. F 124, Bee. iT7 I . I I J Rooms THREE pleasant West Farnam rooms, business women preferred ; references required. Address O op. care Omaha Bee. MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat; (10 ino. and up; cafe In ronncctlun. D.59MI NICE room In private family for refined gentleman;, references required. Phone Harney 70. A SUITE of three rooms. In the West Farnam district; five very large closet, with south and east exposure. An Ideal place for summer, with largo porch and yar' Splendid board. Address J. ti3. Bee. Hotels and Apartments. rt.lKiiKMA Hotel, 18th and calirirnla, Weekly rate $3 and up. Douglas 7083. PODOl'. HTM- Modern Reasonable. Light lloaaekecplasr Rooms. OODEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, coms with K'tcnenette. steam neav. i-njn --v ROOMS with kitchenettes.- Ogden Hotel. ... . i. in..,,. rjj riteam neat. v.ouncu mmm. mum r-. Unfurnished Rooms. IF YOU have your own furniture, you can secure an unusually attractive room In the west part of town, together with the finest board. Address G-62, care Bee. Houses and Gottas;'' ' ALL sixes. t3 per month up. 507 Pax ton. ' g-rootn mod, house. 2513 Chicago. P. 8146. Gordon VanCo. S; II N. lltb 6t Phone U 334 or Web. ISM. -R , 191$ Emmet, good location, mod., suitable for families, $30. n . laavlv nftnteri 1 1 f oena i 1 ' ' uui - j ...... . HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1814 Harney St Globe Van&Storage moves, packs, ships; 3-horso van and 3 men. 11.16 per nr.;. storage $3 per mo. Satisfaction guar. P. 408 A TV. 3. Maggard's Van ana Star age Co., Largs van. S man. 11. M cer nr.. may. z men, per nr. uia ebstor. Doug. 14M. TWO new cottages, 2S66-80 Maple St, 6 rooms, mod. ex. heat, H blk. to car; aee these at once. Send for our weekly printed list. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 114 Harney St J. C. Reed Blip. moving, packing ft storage. 1207 Farnam. D. Sl 6EVEN rooms, modern. 106 6o. 36th St. Harney 136. FOE RENT We have m complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van ft Storage Co.. 806 So. :6th St S-R , 9c Hickory, modern, close to sta tions, good condition, f&X Send for our weekly printed list HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1il4 Harney St. tSIS WOOLWOKTH Ave., 8 rma., mod.. luf N. 20th. 4 rooms, $12.60. 2706 Farnam, 8 rooms, mod., ibrlck, $60. 4:o N. 22d, 10 rooms, mod., 2 baths, $46. "2 St. Mary's Ave., 11 rooms, mod., $40 2M6 Capitol Ave., 7 rooms mod , $26. 2716 Howard, 6 rooms, mod., $20. 1217 8. 16th. 5-room flat, for colored, $15. RINGWAL.T. Brandela Theater Bldg. 8-room mod, house. 2512 Chicago. D. 8146. V-R.. 3211 N. 18th, Kountse Place, modern,' oak finish, sleeping porch $30. rttr.d for our weekly printed list. HASTINGS i HKYUKX, 1M4 Harney St. 7-R. NEW home. 4917 burt, strictly piod., Dundee. Send for our weekly printed list HASTINGS ft-HKYUKN, 1614 Harney St. rfniiaaa n Parts of the city. 2flt Capitol Ave., -r., all mod $28 olf. Hawthorne Ave.) 8-r., all mod 36 J1.40S. th St., 7-r., mod. ex. heat 17 371 N. lltli St, 6-r., mod. ex. heat 17 '. Nicholas St., 4-r., mod. ex. heat, strel range, kitchen cabinet, gas plate, water paid 17 RASP BROS., 106 McCague Bldg. MODERN BRICKS. 120 North 30th, 8-room, $32.60. 113 South iKrth, 8-room, $:U.6ti. O'KEEFE REAL. ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas .5. 4218 CUMINO ST. 6-r. mod. cottage In first-class condition; good lot. Vacant .Mar. 15. Rent $26. Phone Red 60S. atorva and Ofrtoes. l'ESK room and telephone In bright office, Omaha Nat. Bank building (with desk If preferred); rent reasonable. Call at 817 Omaha Nat. Bank. PRIVATE olfice. privilege of using fur nished reception room, telephone and st n grapher. In Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 346. WANTED TO REAT WANTED TO RENT A furnished house for 2 or t months, In good neighborhood: references given. Address B 123, Bee. WANTED TO BUT Yale buys everything 2d hand. Tyler 141A OFF1CK furniture bought and sold. J. VJ. wi rarnam, Doug, e 1 w VMS BUI 2d-nand clothes. U2i ii. nth. REAL. ESTATE FARM RANCH VAX US (OR tALB Iowa. . ARE YOU GOING 1X3 BUY AND? . If so you should first get a copy of the Farm and Real Estate Journal. It has lands advertised in it from nearly nery state, so that you can find just what you are looking for In Us columns H keeps you informed on land oppor tunities in all parts of the country, gWra you personal help in finding land. Send tic. today for a yeur's subscription, or Joe lor three months' trial. It will lopped at the end of the time ordered. Farm and Real i tale Journal, Trarr. Iowa. v HK..i, estate I'tmi A nM It I.IMI4 FOR MI R 1,000-AcreRanch Highly Improved, Sonoma Co, Cali fornia, right at town and ra'lroaJ; rlose to San Francisco; running stream through the property; water rlped to all buildinvs; new bungalow, H-r., 2 baths, foreman's house, 10-r. and bath: lalnirer's house, 6-r. and bath; modern horse ham. cow barn, raparltv 100 cows; cranary. tool shed, machinery shed, with steel boiler: creamery house and separator, silo, 240 tons capacity; calf and hog pens. 12S head Jersey, is hnd of horses, 25 head of Berkshire hogs, buggies, wagons and Implements. This ranch has If own Irrigation sys tem, dam and reservoir. The property Is In first-etaas enndltlon and Is for sale as a whole to settle an estate. Price has been made low to af fect a quick aale $126 per acre. Includ ing stock and Implements. Terms ran tx made. If you want an Ideal California ranch, this la an opportunity that Is seldom of fered. This ranch would not be on the market were the owner allvo. There Is big money In this for some one. Address for particulars. W. T. Smith Co., Exclusive Agents. r ?H, city National Bunk Bldg. eO-M"RK FAHM AT BEAUTIFUL PAT TERSON, STANIS1MUS COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. If yon have a good farm or a nice rlty property worth tha money you can ex change It for this choice little place, lo cated In one of the most fertile and beau- ftil valleys In the world, climate Is Ideal, the soil rich and productive. Near the big coast city markets and only 2Vt miles from town. It Is all In cultivation. 40 acres in alfalfa: small house and barn; good well and plenty of water for Irriga tion. This farm Is In one of the most highly developed sections or Callrnrnla. Owner lives In the east and you can set a mlghtv good deal with Mm. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. WARE BLOCK. OMAILV Dream of a land where the sun shines nearly every day; think of the pleasures you could be enjoying In an Ideal home on our rich Colony Lands; THEN ACT. Prices are low and terms easy. Our colonies are Ideally situated in tho heart of the Sac ramento valley, with a passenger train service of trains dally. Rich soil. A well Improved neighborhood and a place, where your money will grow. Excursion MARCH 15. Round trip fare $50. Act now. W. T. Smith Co. I. 2819. City National Bank Bldg. Color 4o rO SETTLERS ONLY 330-acres for $200; rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land, no sand. J. A. Tracy. Ft Morgan, Colo. Missosiri. GOOD lend, closa to It. R. town. 70 acres, $400. $6 monthly; 40 acres. $700. $10 monthly; M acres, $l,iu0; no Interest, no taxes, no forfeiture; best bargain In South Missouri; literature free. D. Mer rlam, Ellis A Benton, Kansas City. Kan. Minnesota. 160-ACRE WHEAT FARM, WILKIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Our client will exchange this fine, level. well-drained farm lor a Nebraska or Iowa farm or for city residence. It is only 5 miles from a live railroad town. About half cultivated, balance good hay and pasture; every acre tillable. Soil mI. Inovn- fln fn, V. .. .. t . alfalfa and potatoes. Lots of corn In the neighborhood, vlelding 35 to 40 bushels per acre. Place is close to church and schools and in a good neighborhood. II ice. $60 per acre $a,tiO0; incumbrance. $2,500. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. ARE BLOCK, OMAHA. Why Pay Rent? We will give you possession of a ISO- acre farm home, with cows and hogs sup piled, all worth from $S,000 to $10,uu0, for a cash payment of only $fi00. Later pay ments amount to less than rent and can easily be made out of the crops you will raise, in addition to giving you a good living. Located In the Red River valley, Polk county, Minnesota. THE VOOKL REALTY AGENCY. 101t-l W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. K a asms. BARGAIN 440-acre dairy farm, near 8a llna, Kan.; write for full description and list of 100 Kansas farms for sale in centra) Kansas, v. Nluuette. Sallna. Kan. Nebraska. 80 acres. Irrigated land, all under cultivation. In Deuel county, Ne braska, within lVi miles of Juleu burg. This la a smooth piece of ex tra fine land and will be sold cheap. Will make terms. W. T. Smith Co., City National Bank Bldg. THE ROriBBUU LAND CO., 414 Barker Blk., Omaha, Neb. FarminT and ranching pays. We will take your city Drouertv at what It's worth' and give you plenty time on a farm or a ranch, where they are raising finest crops of all kinds, white faoe cattle and alfalfa; the best ot water. Fare from Omaha $& A SPLENDID I.W0-ACRE CATTLE RANCH. To exchange for a Firat-Claaa Corn Farm, something that wlU rent well, as ranch owner wishes to retire. Not a foot of tiandy soil on this fine i.lace. fll' KOOd hard land: uhntit half u auction cultivated for roughness, balance the very nest (luuiuy oi butralo ana grama pas ture and wheat-grass hay. Lots of alfalfa in the neighborhood and will grow on tills land. Running water, timbered valley, good wells and mills and an Inexhaustible supply of tine drinking water. Fenced: summer and winter patturea. nig, comrortaoie residence, barn, cor rals, etc. 14 miles from Gordon. Sheridan countv. Nebraska, on tha c. N. at N. W. Ry the heurt of the famous grass-fed beef cattle country. v lite for pictures and descriDtlona nf this ranch. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. WARE BLOCK, OMAHA, FOR MALE Beat large body high-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; vnry little money required. C. Brad lav. Wol bacb. Neb. FOR SALE n acres, mlies north ot Central City. Neb. Mrs. Amy Stavely, $ Lincoln Ave.. Council Bluffs. SCOTT'S BLUFF IRRIGATED FARM, No. .V You can exchange your city prop- eity for a very nice, gently rolling 40-acre tract in the famous Scott s Bluff dis trict; 10 acres is now under cultivation, and all can be cultivated. No improve ments and located 6 miles from a good town. This Is Just the place for a man who a ants to get a start in farming. Soil is best in the world and place Is sur rounded by very productive farms, rais ing, big crops of alfalfa, corn, potatoes, sugar beets and grain. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, WARE BLOCK. OMAHA. Wiiraiila. Upper Wisconsin Best ua.ry and gensial crop state In tn union; aei tiers wanted. Lands (or sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let No. M en Wisconsin CVnlrai I a J Urant. iuxreUent lands for stock raising. If Interested la fruit lands ask. for boos, let on Apple Orchards. Address Land and Industrial DepaiUusnt. boo Line Uailway, Uil ttsapolle. ID FARMfe'FOR RENT UNIMPROVED and 11-acre tract. John N. Ftenzer. Lxiuglss LA. REAL. KSTATK FOR REVT Karut il ltuuvki l.aada. EXCHANGES Silas KOBlIlNj. It. 2S41 KE ESTATE Building Contractors;' Builders of Beautiful Homes 1 Will furnish plans and build your bom. 1 v Wo aro in a position to save you money, trouble, and worry' t if you are going to build. Sop tis Ijook otpt rar work Lot us reftr rou to mnnr for whom we have built homes. NORRIS & NORRIS 400 Bee Buildine. Gallagher & Nelson Real Estate . and Insurance 614 Brandeis Bldg. D. 3382-o 5 UOOMS AND DEN $150 CASH $25 MONTHLY Oak finish, completely modern, brand new, Just decorated throughout, full ce mented basement, first-class furnace, oak floor throughout, window shades and everything complete. 'Phone us or drop In our office. This won t last. SAUNDERS CO., 1215-18 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 9521 -4 REAL -STATE LOANS CITY ami faun loans. 6 b. per cent. J. H. Dumont Co., 416 State Bank. WANTED Oity loans peters '1 rust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1S30 Farnam. $luo to U,iMi made promptly. F. D. Weed, Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. UABVIN BROS rff.Sfc EEE us first for farm loans Id eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. O Xin.ai2 ftrunrlnla Theater HMi CITY property. Large loans a specially. W. H Thomas, tt State Bank Bidg. MONjlY on nawo ior city and term loans. H. W. Binder. City .Natl Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Natl. Douglas 271$. 1100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., Isth ana arnam Kts. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., modern abstract office. $06 8. 17th BL I'faone Douglas 6447. REAL E8TATF FOR EX CHANG Wants Clear Land or clear lots for equity in flno completely modern Omaha home; mortgage, $6,800, payable monthly. Write today. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Douglas !716. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. TWO small Improved Nebraska ranches; small payment down and terms on bal ance. Why pay rent? Investigate and get price and description Have good ex changes to offer. J, A. Olson, bX Be Bldg., Omaha. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE ACREAGE. We have a number of clients who want to exchange small tracts ot land, both Improved and unimproved, for city prop- rtTHE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY, 1015-16 "W. O. W. Bldg o FOR ssALE" Two acres near Krug Park, 3 blocks to car, cement sidewalk from car to land; city water; or will trade for cottage. Address R. F. Rain, Coun cil Bluffs, la. 6 AND 10-acre tracts close In for sub dividing. I 'hone Doug. 294V. REAL ESTATE DOWNTOWN Down Town Buy $10,000 Buys a 3-story brick apartment build ing on Dougias St. west of 2oth. Rental $720 per annum. 'I Mr, ritriUJN iw-rci' u., Tel. Douglas r7. 212 8. lTth St. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE FIVE ROOMS.. Strictly till modern, south front lot; paved Htreet, oak finish In living rooms; price, $3,000; paving all paid; located near 35th and Kewaxd Kts. C. O. CARLBERG, 812 Brandeis Theater Bldg. WHEREVER YOU BUY. Bee our lluts for exceptional bargains In new 6, 6, T, a-room houses and bungalows. M. F NORRIS COMPANY, i3H Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 8678. LOTH KOI SCHOOL DISTRICT FULL TWO-STORY, NEWLY DECORATED On Iocut St., nar Kth St., strictly modern, built less than three years; six rooms and hall. This house is in fine con dition, complete and ready to occupy; lo cated on south front lot, on paved street, I1 blocks from csr line. Terms, $ri00 cash, balance monthly. For further Information call Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha National Bank Bldg. l. 4K4 $2,850 Dandy 5-room, all modern home, sleep ing looms and bath on secund floor, ele gant lot, 40x1), fruit and shade trees, lo cated near 17th and Lsird Sts. C. U. CARLBERG, 8l2Brandeis Theatsr Bldg. EASY PAYMENTS. Several all-modern 6, 6, 7-room houses ana bungalows sre listed for immediate1 dJMPof&l. well located and at the right prices New and well built M. F. NORRIS COMPANY, J?, Bee BMg. Tel. Douglas ttut. n"EAU KoL'NTZE PLACE, $3,360. Completely modern, (-room house, close to 24th street car and Lothrop richool, Protestant and Catholic churches and mighty cheap. PAYNK 1NVE8TMKNT COMPANY. Douglas 17X1. Ware Block. 'J71 KVAXii-6-r. i.iuti tiouie oak flnlsti throughout; tuy terms. Heb J51i. MISCELLANEOUS rhone Douglas 4270 REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE WILL sell beautiful modern home, eight rooms, one of Omaha's best resddence districts. Deal direct with owner. Ad dress L 114. Bee EASY PAYMENTS .,rJl8',.pymnt lwn. balance monthly; w.wio: 4 rooms, all modern eccp heat; lot HhUSO; cement walks, attic; close to Ames Ave. car line; good neighborhood. C. 0. CARLBERG, Mi Branjela Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Letys Build For You At 33d and California We have several good building sites left, fronting east on SM. just north of California, whloh would he an Ideal loca tion for a brick flat or a small apart ment for an Investment. We 'built two buildings in this locality last year and they were rented Immedi ately. We will have plans drawn accord ing to your own Ideas, or we will advise what Is best to build for an Investment In this locality. It will bring you at least 10 per cent net. en your Investment. We have several buildings already built and rented that we can sell you In esse you. do not want to build. About $2,600 cash will handle a double brick buluHhg in this locality. It wUl pay you to see us about this at once. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY ST. West Farnam District Home, $5,500 Flight-room modern house, with hard wood finish and onk floors In first story; four bedrooms and bath in second story; 60-foot south fiont hit, on paved street, close to Farnam car. Price, $ft,6o0. This property Is Ideally located and the price is cheap. You can save $1,6a by buying this house, ft would cost you $7,000 to ouy a lot In this neighborhood and du plicate the house. Terms will be given If wanted. J. H. Dumont & Co. 13 Farnam St. Phone Huuglas GW0. NEAR U4TII AND WEBSTER Nlftv 6-ronm hnnae atrlr.Hu oak finish downstairs, oak floors up stairs; lot 40x160; paved street, .ement walks: 8 block to school. Will mu nn easy terms. THE VOGEL, REALTY AGENCY. 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas D6l. A West Farnam Home You can afford to buy k-r. mod., good condition, new furnace, nicely terrace lot, shade, paved ht., choice location, 11 blks. west of high sch-tol. Roal Imrgain at $V, very easy Urms. McKltrhk H. E. Ct. D. lit- REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS A REAL SNAP Four brick flats, fine buildings, sightly North 23d, walking distance, no trade, $13.0u0; 7 rooms each; income, $115 per mo. Two flats. 26 rooms, brick and slate; walking distance; rented now for $126 it month. These are a real bergs In -$16,600: Incumbrance, $i,Ono. Will exchange for good land within 100 milts of Omaha. W. M. NASH&CO Real Estate, Loans snd Insurance. 02 Bee Bldg. Phone: Red 3iT. REAL EHTATE SUBURBAN Das dee. Your Chance to buy one of the nicest 5-room bungalows on corner lot In Dundee and on terms the likes of which have never been offered to you before. This Is absolutely one of the best built houses in Dundee; house Is new, built with brick and concrete founda tion (not cement block I, finished with oak in the large living room and dining room, other rooms maple; big fireplace; good sised tile bath room with alL the latest ptui nbing. To the right party will sell fur $6A cash, and balance $jo per month at 6 per cent. Owner leaving rlty this week and must ell at once. A. W. Burg, 140$ W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 4404. DUNDEE HOUSE, $5,500 Fireplace, buffet, tiled floor In bath room, oak finish first floor, birch second floor, south front lot (lose to car. W. U, THOMAS & SON, Stale Bank Bldg. Douflas Iftts. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET fports DpcUre Wall Strert Hti Bern Buying- May und Selling July for Several Dayi. PRICES ARE ABOUT THE SAME OMAHA. March 10, V.M5. It was tin- kokmIp of the wheat pit thst Wall etr..'t hsd Iwcn buying Msy nnd selling July for several days, tvniiid Mim hotisi have had ronsideraMe n w ''lying of May and July from traders who ih'Mi'vp that the ulHiiistc man-ity of in.kli wheat tl make higher pliers lc fore ni'UVr crop. It Is shown bv press al'l i 'mt ttii ia has given the bulk of In grains, If not all. as security for a lari loan from England and "France. An offli ln Russian order Issued latelv prohibits t'xpntta of any arilele of food r fodder, exeept on SmcIb1 permit. The sale of si:eh article to foreigners en gaged in the wholesale trade In them' commodities also In pi nhihiteil This to n ureat eitent explains the anxiety of the illles t. force the 1 ardnnellc. Wheat in Russia Is selling at $1 11 to $1 41 per ! ihr. . mixed situation exists In tho piotlalnn ttailr. Some traders are In- !ln.-d to think lhat luwts will he much hU-lter liefnre May 1 and believe that, with otired pmdtiei on a giod mervhnii itle'ng hiisis purchases should be mails i'!i the breaks. 'hiihhn stot market: Y heat was unchnngml. Ci-rn r higher to ;c lower, I'M were tc lower. Clearances were: Wheat and tlour, eininl to l.t.'S.Oi'O bit.; corn, ?.;f.0V lm.; eats. :."7.0 lm. .1 Jvcrpool closing: Wheat, not quoted; corn, .d lower. Prlmarv wheat receipts wrre f.-ro.rtv lm. and shlpmen a Tiil.H'O hu., against receipts ot fA4o bu. and shipments of 4tJ,c00 hu. .i.i yesr. I'l'lmaiy corn receipts were 4SJ.0 0 bu. . nd shipments R4'.,0m) hu.. against rec ipts i f l,(KJ,O"0 bu, and shipments of 741, OW lu. last yesr. Primary onts receipts were W.00rt bu. snd shipments l.S..ti.0iX bu.. against re ceipts of !v.,ooo bn. and shipments of 7.. "00 hu. last year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Osts. ' nirago tin Minneapolis Hi" J- ninth ir, Omaha 2 Kansas City -1 ft lXllllB Wl Winnipeg 3J0 l-'O 14 10 3i Those sales' were reported today . Wheat: No. S hard winter, 1 car (tur key! $1.60t4, 1 car 4I.49. Corn: No. 4 yel low. 1 car esc; No. 6 vellow, 1 oar 7c. Cats: Standard, 1 car Wc; No. i white. 1 car Mc; sample, 1 car die. iimann Caau Prices Wheat: No. I hard. $l.eil.6i; No. 3 hard. $1.47(U'1.60V, No. 4 hard. l.4fnl.4f; No. S spring, 1.40dr!.4!i; No. 2 durum, $1.401.42; No. H durum, $l.fct 1.41. Corn: No. 1 white, 7tf70Vc; No. 2 white, tSe1(s-; No. 3 white, 6S44ieno ; No. 4 white, 6,li)USi,c; No. 6 white. 6811 r; No. white, 6HHifWo; No. 1 yel low, .siVitc; No. 2 yellow, ftiHfrlWic ; No. 3 yellow, fiWqWViC; No 4 yellow, 7Vfc 4H.V; No. 6 yellow, myh!7; No, yell low, 6RV(iWr; No. 1 mixed. W1K5RV4c; No. 2 mixed. 7V(rtise; No. 3 mixed, 7i 07ic. No. 4 mixed, trrtM"1!'; No. ( mixed, Si4i7c; No. mixed. Kk4imti Data JNo. 2 white, M-MKio'r ; standard. f'4Vi M'Vjr; No. .1 white, fiS(fnfv4c: No 4 white, MVlHiC. Rarli-y: Malting. 72iff"c: No. I fed, omffllo. Rye: No. 2. $l.imai.ll; No. 8, tl. 104j l.UVs. CIlICAfiO GRAIN Ah'D rROVIMOM Kratares af the Trading; nasi Closing; Prleea oa Monrd of Trade. CJIICAUO. March lO.-Kuahes of selling followed one another fast today in the wheat pit and broke pnoi s at one tlmo 6'c on account of peaco rumors and of reports that Italy and other powers here tofore neutral, were about to give active aid to 11 rest Hrltalu. The market closed unsettled at 24c to ,14c under last night. Other net losses were: Corn, lc to 14c oats 3tip4c to V. and provisions, 24c to 10c. I'nloadlng by speculative holders ot wheat started the minute trading begin, but the most extreme setback In price did not occur until liiBt before the middle of the session. It was at this uolnt that stop loss nelling was most acute, Influ enced partly bv advice, that export de mand had been Interfered with by In creased difficulty In obtaining charters on vessels. The hulls were further dis couraged by assertions that the domentlc winter crop promised to be the largest ever produced. Knlluro to verify laiarlsh rumors In re gard to supposed Impending radical changes In the war outlook tended partly to restore confidence during the final transactions. Corn sufferer! chleflv from the weak ness of wheat. There were conflicting repons as to aeanoara uemano. Chicago handlers announced sales to tho east, but BANK KT4TKMKNTH, No. 277& REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Merchants National Bank at Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business March 4, 1115 : RKSOURCKH. Loans and discounts $4.719 057.S1 Overdrafts, unsecured 4,961.4$ I". 8 bonds deposited to secure circulation tpar valuel 27j0.00ll.00 I'. r. bonds pledged to secure V. 8. deposits (par value) 100.000.00 Other bunds Wedged to secure pofctal savings 33.000.00 Other bands, securities, etc.. owned unpledged tother than stocks). Including premiums on same S,9S.$4 SubscrlHIon to stock of Federal Reserve bunk $ti0.fln0.fl0 I-esK amount unpaid.. 40,000.00 20.000.00 Hanking house 160,000.00 Due from approved reserve agents In other reserve cities.. 1,177,1441 Duo from banks and bankers... S23.0M 99 Outside chuck and other cash items, $12.04.2; fractional cur rency, nickels and cents, $'419a 12.890.98 Checks on banks In the same city or town as reporting bunk 3.M7.M Kxchanges for clearing house.. 13,u24.4iS Notes of other national banks.. 46.Mui0 Federal reserve notes 600.00 Lawful Money Reserve In bank: Kpecle $4Kl,44tV.OO l-ual tender notes.... It2.k"i0.00- 674,296.00 Redemption fund with I'. 8. Treasurer (not more than 6 per cent on circulation) 12,600.00 Total $8.1", LIAUIL1TIBK. Capital stock raid in $ 600. Ml. 24 ono.oo oiio.oo hurplus fund too, t'noiviaea pro r lis ot,s.j& Le current, ex penses, Interest and taxes paid 1.66J.J- SHI, Circulating notes afrn, Due to banks and bankers 2.070, Dividends unpaid Demand deixislts: 71S.90 (Mint) W1.71 374.00 Individual deposits subject to chnck...$3,4N,ffirT.aO (Certificates of de posit due In leas than 30 days ?? 146 07 Curt I fled checks 102,o.4 Cashier's checks outstanding 170.077.44 I'. S. deposits M, 3X7. 1(1 Postal savings de posits 3,W0.00 4.114.64S.61 1 lme deposits: Certificate of deposit due on v sfter 30 nays SS9.S71.02 Total $8.$66.&U2.24 Htate of Nebraska, County of Douglas, as: I, Fred P. Hamilton, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. - FRKD V. HAMILTON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before nie this th day of March, 1915. 8al.) B. B. WOOD, Notary Public. Correct Attest: LUTHKR DRAKK, FRANK T. HAMILTON. O. 8. ROGERS, Directors. Comment sa'New York St k Ifeahange In-IMIM-It opportunities sr printed la plala KnilinS In THH 'D 1I)T HKVIKrW. i a 7 r. Head for free current iasus. 14 Bm4 wer. Nw York clly. Baltimore sent word of purchases bring cancelled. (Nts were governed almost, entirely In- the action of other grain. Commission hntiars sold freely. Provisions felt the depression In the market for cereals snd hogs Support troni puckers wus not at all of an ener getic sort. Futures were quoted as follows: Artiefei OpenTj fligh". I ,owci"s"i Y-s'y Wheatl I 1 Hv 1 17V I 71'.! rf.v M't: 1 Rl'l 1 !'! nw -S, 7 r-TS1, 17 i I Mat 1 MV $-' 17 17 r. I 1 M 1 T."'S July. Com Mv.; July., Oats I M.iy.! .lulv.i Pork I May. July Lard I May.. J uly. j Ribs .M.iy.i Jnlv I W 17 fi 10 .s 10 i io io 10 .17 V, 17 47s' I 17 R2,, 17 M IK 00 I ii i jv, Ift i.) 10 41 10 M 10 ;7 10 7'.'ii 10 t, V 10 72 1 I li ft-, 10 .I.". 10 K, 1" S.". 10 on 10 ns n in : Cl l 'Ogo i ssh Prices W ties t: No. red. M .VIS til M- . No ha'd. $i A I h -. Corn- No. -i yellow. 7.'4-; No. 4 vellow, - ".7iitr; No. 4 w hite, 70,7OV Oats: No. ' wt.tte. i.iVV ': sianiliinl. M4ifi7c. Rye: No. 2. fl IS Karlev: 7ti4c Seed: Tlmothv. $4ficui Wi; cner, f IoiiI3 7$. Provisions: Pork, $17 20; lard, $.974; ribs. li'.'ftoV.lH'. Ktiii.'s 1'nsetlled: reoelpls 17 Mt cn's; at mark, cores Included. lfi'tf ITtic; nrdl nsry firsts. lK4frln4c; flrets, 17V.tM7Sc. POI IIHY Alive, higher; springs, 17c; fiwle, l1.'. U'TTCR Lower; creamery. 2TiK?4e. If iTATt iKf lower; receipts. 2S cys: Wisconsin n'd, SmfCCic; Wlnconsln while, J-M 4A-. Kansas City Ornln aaal rrnvlstoaa KANSAS tlTY. .March lO.-WHRAT-Nn. $ hai-d, $1 4149; No. 3 red. $1.47fr 1 4S; May. J1 4J; July. $1.13S: September, $l.(V;Hel ojs. coRN-No. 2 mixed. 7W74c: No. i white, 71c; Xo. 2 yellow, 71c; No. . 70c; Msy, f94ti'Sr; Ju'y. 71c; rieptemtier, HATS No. 2 white, WV; No. 3 mixed. tiMii', lU'TTFR-Creamerv. 29c; flrsU. 27c; sci onds. 2f.c; pncKlng. 1T4'-. Ki JUS Firsts. 174c; seconds, Inc. POl LTKY-llens, 1I4-; roosters, 104c, turkeys. Inc. ev York l.rnrrsl Market. NKW YORK. March 10. PTUQAR Fu tuiea opened firmer on scattered covering snd buying by the trado interests, prompted by the steadier tone to the spot I market , where offerings were smaller. I rices at midday were 3W4 points net higher. Raw. steady; centrifugal, 4.71c; mnlssses. J.Wc; refined, steady. Hl'TTKR Weaker; receipts. 7,$46 tubs; rresmery extras, 92 score, 24c; cream ery, higher scoring, 3tij ,104c : creamery firsts. ltofi'2c; seconds. 234i2&4r. F.UUS Steady; receipts 31,902 cases; fresh gathered extras, 20fiti04e; extra firsts. 19c; firsts, 1S4'o184c: seconds, 17 fti'lar; nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy. n"i"c; nearliy hennery browns, 21c, I Ol'LTRY Dressed, very quiet; west ern froxen roasting chickens, Hitfle: lresh fowls, MlilKr: turkeys, I31j:ic; live, steady; western chickens, 144ilSo; fowls, lT4'9c; turkeys, Ufu'lftc. S.lMtala flraln Market. KT. IXMJ1S, March 10. WHICAT-No. 3 rod, $1.52; No. 2 hard. $1.M((1 1.B44; May, $1.48:, July. $l.l4Vpl.l6. OtJRN No. 2. ,2c; No. 3 white, 78c; May, 72Vic; July, 7Vu74e. OATS No. 2. f64ino; No. I white, 67c. Liverpool Urala Market. LIVFRITIOL, March 10. Wit FIAT 8 pot, No. 1 Manitoba. 13a 7d; No. 2, l$s fid; No. 2 hard winter, 1.1a 2d. CORN Spot American mixed, new. 7s lOd; American mixed, old, fa 3d; March. 7s 44d. Minneapolis Krala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 10.-WHKAT-V:nv. $1.42: Julv. J1.S7U: No. I hard $1 484,; No. 1 northern, $1.444(trl.484; No. 2 northern, tl.40a44pl.4nf4. i' 1,1 it' K unchanged. ARLKY-676c. RYK-$110. H HAN-$22.00. CORN No. II yellow. (TSftfiRiaa. OATS-No. white. 64liVi4c. KLAX-?l.K3Vk1.87. us ana unnisnj XaKailT. ' . BtTTTSR No. a. x-n. canons. He: No. f, 60-1 b tubs. c. CHEFBE Imported Swiss, 34c; mr Iran bwlas, J6c; block Swiss, 23c; twins, lr; daisies, Lc; triplets. 17c; Young Anuirlcsa, lc; blue label brick, 174c; llm burgsr, J-lb., 20c; 1-1 b., 30c: New Tork white, iu; imported Freuch Roquefort 40a 1'OTATOKK-Colorado Rurala. 76o bu.j Red River Ohio. Boo bu.; Minnesota, whites, tof.o bu. , riHH Trout,. 3uct large crapples, c; ballbut, 14c: channel catfish. 14o. bWrJET POTATOES Kaiaa, $2.76 bbL BEK CUTH-No. 1 ribs, Wo; No. 2 ribs, 14c; No. t ribs, lofco. No. I loins, 174o; No. 2 loins, 164c: No. I loins, llo. No. 1 chucks, c: No. i chucks. 840; No. t chucks, 7c. No. 1 rounds, K4o: No. rounds, 11c; No. 3 rounds, lOfcta. No. 1 plates. 8c. No. 3 plates, 74c; Mo. 8 plates, 7c. POULTRY Broilers, 14Ho; spring chick ens. He; hens, tKUllo; cocks, Mc; ducks, loo; gueso, 8c; turkeys. 10c; pigeons, per dot., hoc.; ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, rull feathered, 8c; squabs. No. L $1.60. No. Z, Mk'. Market quotations furnished by Oillnskl Fruit compsny. FRUITS Oranges: Per box. extra fancy Alphabetical, all sixes, $2.76; Paul Neyron, large slses, $2.60; Uuiikist, all slses, $2U. Lemone: Per box. fancy, Hunklsl. 300s. ics, $4 0sa4(fl. Orapeirult. Per box, Ma, 4iis, $2.00; 64s and 80s, $160; 64s, $2.26. Apples: per box, extra fancy, washing ton White Winter Pearmalnes, $L7o; Hi Itsenbiirgs, $1.60; Hoovers, $1.26; lllack Ren Davis, $1.25; Black Twigs. $1.60; fancy Black Twigs. 1.86: extra fancy Oanos. $1.26; fancy Rome Beauties, 11.60; 6-box lots, 11.40; Hen navis, very nigniy colored, per bbl., $3.26. QraPee: l'er drum, Calltor nla Kmperors, 3.f0. Pears:- Psr box. An- iuus, Jerseys, Hheldjns, Bunco, Uastar, .'..b. Bananas: Per bunch, $J.0ijl26; per lb., 4c. mrawberrtes: Per qt., itc. Cran berries: Per bbl.. Late liowell. $7.00; per box $2.60. vmrTABLKH- anriower. wnoie crate. $276, half crate, $1.60. Cabliage: New York I'anlsh. itc in.; Wisconsin, ituliana seed, 14c lb.; California, new. 2o lb. Cel ery, Jumbo. fcOn dot ; head lettuce, $1.00 doi ; leaf lettuce, 40c dux. Onions: Red, 2c lb.; yellow, 2c lh.; white, 24c lb; Span ish. 31.76 crate. Artluhoges. I1.&0 dox.: endive, ST.c lb.; Brussels sprouts, 20c lb.; poppers, uoc basket; tomatoes, tu.uu crate; garlic, Italian, 26c lb.; shallots, 60c d.; radiuhes, &0r dox ; turnips, 60c dox.; spin ach, iiOc dox.; (Mirsley, 60c dos. ; bean, $4 60 hamper. Onion sets: Vellow and red, $1.60 bu.:, white, $1.76 bu. Potatoes: Colorado Rurals. 7rc bu.; Red River Chios. 0a bu.; Minnesota whiles, Mi; bu. Hweet pota trx s, $2.76 bbl. M13CKLLANF.OU8 Shelled popcorn, 4o per lb.; limes, $1.76 per brx; cracker jack, $.160 per case; crackerjack, one-half case, $1.76; checkers, $3 60 per case; checkers, one-half case, $1.76. HONEY $4.00 per case. (1HKK-New York elder. $3.60 tier keg. ('()miANl'T8-iaW per sack; Vic dos. NUT8-N0. 1 California walnuts, itc per lb.; block walnuts. 34c per .b.; fil berts. 16c per lb.; pecans. 124c er lb.; Uraslls. 12V Per lb.; almonds, 20c per lb.; 60 fi-ox. figs, $2 per box; sugar wal nut dates, $1.40 per box; Halloween dates, 3c per box. PEANUTS Raw, 7c per lb.; raw. sack lots. Jumbo, 3c per lb.; roasted. I4o per lb.; salted. $1.60 per can. MlVIIROOMS-oOc per lb. Metal Market, NKW YORK, March 10 M KTA LS I,ead. steady at x.l.!!-i-OU; Ixmdon, 420 17s kl. Shelter, ni t quoted; London. 144 toa. Tin. nominal; twenty-five-ton lots. $44 bid, $48 asked. Copper, stesdy: electro lytic, 114. 7CV0 14-874: casting. $14.2rft14 4. Iron, quiet and unchanged. At London: Spot copper, f.4 7s (d; fu tures. 64 16s. Spot tin. C1K, futures, 184 10s. Antlmonv, 73fi76. HT. LOU IS. Msnth ltt-M RTALR-Lead. strong, at $t.S741l3.M. Spelter, stronger. let $11 00-.jill.2S. Irr Roods Market. NEW YORK. March ltt-DRT OOOD8 Rumors In the cotton goods warkeis of reduced cotton Planting stiffened prices. Staple worsted ysrns were quiul; fsncy were active. Burlaps were firm. I ares and embroideries were In moderate demand. Retail trade was more active and Jobbers reported a good trade In white goods and wash abrica. Oiuks Hay Market. STRAW None on the market; choice wheat, $6.60&7.00; choice oat or rye, $7.00 fjl.&O. Kent room quick with a Bee Want Ad. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Opening of Empire State Bidi Draws the Attention of Financial Community. OTHER INCIDENTS OF THE DAY NEW YORK, March 10.-Heause of lis possible hearing iion investment condi tions, the attention of the financial com munity was today drawn lnrgcly toward Albany, where bids were opened for the New York state $27.iO,A(H 4' per cent bond Issue. Up to the close of tha dull and heavy market session no award of the bonds had tecn made, but the ave ago of prices bid for the Issue was re garded satisfactory. On the curb, which traded In the bonds "when Issued," the high quotation was li4V other Incidents of the day embraced the publication of the nlted States Hteet tontistie figures for Kebruarv. showing an Increase of shout 97.0UO tons, which was considerably under general estimates. In cidentally, severs I of the smaller steel companies submitted statements of esnv. lugs for 1911. l-ev kawsnna Steel showed a net deficit of $1,737,000. compared with , angiitis of $.', In 191,1, and the sur plus of the .sioss-Sheffield Steel company suffered considerable depredation. A better showing was mudo In other In ilustrlitl lines, American Tobacco making a gain In net earnings, although total re ceipts fell off because of losses from other sources of Income. The American Sugar company and the National lead com pany scored substantially over their pre- Ions year. Orders fur small amounts of steel were Placed by seveml railroads, but demand for new equipment continues tinder reccm expectations. Current conditions In the trade point to maintenance of present In creased activity for the next few months. Co;er shows no Improvement over last week's quotations, despite a .better Inn qulry by domestic consumers. I'lrniness In marks whs the feature of the exchange market, the change in these remittances being attributed to private buying of the new Herman war notes, which offer an attractive Interest return. The Swiss loan also Imparted strength, to continental exchange. Rumors ot an Impending Russian loan hero were not conflrmable. Ixindon's markets were more ojioerful. but trading In Americans wan quiet. Total sales of stocks for tho day were 176,0110 shares. Bonds as a whole wero heary, severe losses occurring in minor Issuos. Total Sales, par value, aggregalnd $2.44,000. United States bonds wore unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotation on stocks today were: Bel a leak a Oold a Hlth. lxiw. Clnaa '4 ns 3 S 64 III, SS issi ltv t"1 37 s m S4va MV Ml. Amelxsmsleil Corner .... American Heet Sugar.... Anenran lea American S. a ft , Amerlran 8. a H. nrd.. Am. ffiitar Itrflnlns American Tel Tel.... American Tottarrn Aiianinda Mining Aiciilsiin Ilalllniore a Ohio hriKiklyn lUpId Tranalt.. California Petroleum .... 'naillan 1'aririo Cenlrnl lieather linens peak S tHilo .') l.ns sun z.ixn e 10) ima miv lirj jn sen laiHi lan, lais we. jxt jyi l.wm l.i 9ml T4 7 Tt4 4110 17 V, 1. 17V. 3. Km iii jssvi 1.400 at 41', lni Chti'art" 11 at Wenters. Chicago. M. & Mt. I..... 400 fhleigo N. W.... ("hln l'iitper WIS vicrailo rui a Iron... ...... (Vluraittt Southern rum ver A. Rln Grands... '7t4 8 " 7va litv, 21 14 lnv, 11 ins 11 v 6k in H94 'mt. Itanve r a It. O. pi d . . UmilleiV Serurttlea Krle . J.OiK) (Inierat Klei-trlo 39V4 tl (Ireat Nis-theni ntd...... Irest N.. Ore rtte.. OiiKltenhetm Kxploratlnn. . Iilinma Central Interhormigh Met. pfd... lnaplrallnn Copper International Karv eater .. Knniaa I'ltr Houthern.... lehlah Valley Ixmlavtlle Naptivllla.M J. inn ni (iw aiv, IUV4 31 una lost. int 64 n an inn Sf'S JSi '00 IKV4 134U. U ML, Meiiean Petroleum 1,700 Miami 1 Vvppor 1,100 MlMswrl, K aV T Mlsaourt Parllls ........ 11.71 National lllamlt National lad 3ng Namvta Ciaeer New York Central. ....... Dm 7'i aai4j 110 Si 4a 10 UT, llsv, S.1V, IIS sn, 61 W 1H 114 3S a4 IV, r.i N. T.. N. H. 11 i.v I Norfolk 4V Western... tm mi i"j 1tv, INnrtharn Pnrlri" .. . M iravi ioi in: Pari fin Tel. Tel . 2fiV Pen ne-vlva nla .... 1.D00 1H6V, KM Pullnuui 1'alaos car tiny con. Oopper 4on ITU itu ior.l 17H Kesdlns 1,900 14(44 14JW 144 li. Kepubllo Ime (k (ft eel you Roik inland Oo. IRork la Rand Oo. pfd St. I H V 3d ptd rtoultiern 1'arlfte I.JViO Sniilhem Railway joo Tenneaae copnar aoo Teiaa rompany I "V 4 1SS n 15.1V, 4a 10'. fc U4i Wis li.4. 111 u, Hi Ti l'nksi Parlflo 10.100 110 1HV Union Facing pfd United Ktates OumI 11.700 44, 4441 V. S. Steel pfd ,77 t'Uh Copper t,wn ki (I 'imi t'nlon J.ono l tiia Weatliighouaa Eleiirle ... mo 0,4, axu Total sales for the day, 174,400 ebsft New If sir It Moaey Market. NEW YORK. March 10. -MONEY On, call, steady; high, 3 per cent; low, per cent; ruling rate, I per cont; last loan, I per cent; closing bid, l?4j per oent; off erect at 2 per cent. MERCVANTH.B PAPER itViUSS per cent; tlmo loans, easier; sixty days. Swill 3. per cent; ninety days, aflifi per cent: six months, 3 per cent. HTRMXJNO klXC'H A NOB Easier; sixty-day bills, $4 7v; for cables, $4.8UC; for demand, $4.a03S. KlUVER Rar, 61o; Mexican dollars, 3fHo. HOND8 Government, steady; railroad. heavy. Closing quotatloaa oa bonds today war ss follows: D. S. rat. la. rag-.. " I Mo Psa. er. (s.... da upon U N. Y. t". g. Sa,... Mt C. g. la. rsg lttlVt N. Y. Clt- 4Ha.....KHV, da eoupwi IvlVt'N. Y. Hlate ... .loe V. B. 4.. rag l' iN. Y., N. H. a H. do eoupoa llOV rv. ......Ml Panama 3 eoupoa. .114 '4 No. l"aoiflo to mt. Am. Btnelter, 4S....104V, do 3, 4v. A. T. a T. cv. 4fc H 'O. 8. L. t. 4s... so Armour 4k Co. 4a.. tl Pan. T. V T. W.... t, Atrhlaon sen. 4a.... t penn. oob. 4a. 9v. Hal. Ohio 4a ka4, go ooo. 4M,a liMi, 4'hes. A Oblo 4Vtf... S4 iReellng a. 4ak.... ktv V. H. g. J. 4a.... M eg.,1 4 g. r 4, CHtSPi 4S,, 80.I Par. er. 4a. lit, do ci. oa 101 14, do raf. 4a . . . a, v U. R I. aV P. r. 4a H do n. Sa st? C. . raf. 4Va... 2S o. Kallwar 6a. mu? P. S It. O. raf. 6a . 4T, I nlon Hacino 4a 5 lOrla sea. 4a (XT', do cv. 4s u (in. Klm-trlc (a lul f. g. Rubbaf 101'4 lit. N... M 4e... I'. H. bleel ta peC III. Can. ret 4a KU, Wabajih 1 6a loo K. :. Ho. ret. at.,, I'nlua 4V.... U 4V N nnl. 4a ... i Wat. Elw. ct u.. Pii'J SI K. aV T. 1st 4s. nH .. Bid. Offered. Local stocks aal Bomds. Quotatloaa tumlahed br Bums. Brlnkw 4c CK, 448 (.HnaJia National b k bulldlsg, Umaiia: mocke ttld. Asked. Oinilnental Uaa a glee 3 ooaa...... ja m lleere at Co. ptd .w... 14 at Kalrmont Crauuery 7 ptd. ......UXe 10IV4 liraat nimar, mpv pia M. .... 4U1 lXMieo-Wllea HlacuU let pld ao l.lee Htork Nal'l, gouU) Omaha 171 Omaha a (V Hlutfa Ht. lly. pfd 4 Oaiaha Co lllutla SI. lly. com (IV, Kocr alouutaln Fuel ptd.. com. bonus 10 Mate Hank ut Omaha 114 tuck Yavnla Nat'l. tfoutb Omaha.. .. Hwiri a Compaur 1M t'Dlnn stork Yards. Ouaba 93 tpdike Cram com M Uon da Com mental Oaa A Elec. (a. 1MT (Nab.). M Henrer Uaa Notes. . Ml M Ha . . . 77 47V, H6 115 tsi 10 4 low M 7Vk Dallas Sibeol 4V,.. 1K4J lot Humboldt. Neh.. rat 6a, 1KJS Kanaaa city, Mo , Hchool 4a. KM 1061, tat Uinaba Co. Hlurts HU gjr. 6a, g.. Ma Omaha Water 4V,a. 11 101 losv, On.alia Ho Bool 4. 1VJ1 p; Hocky llouuials Fuel m s hwiit Company 6a. 144 KV, asi Trl-iHy Ky. LA. lm, IMC- tn tiw Vnlveralty Plaoe. Neb.. 4v,a, U17 tw tZ WtchlU Sto-k Varla 6a, U44 ( n w.. u. h. a r.. not Hpriusa, g. d 7 roffee Market. NEW YORK, March la-tXlFFTSEJ-. The market for coffee futurua were very quiet today, but prices ruled generally steady on a little covering and trade buy ing in the absence of important offerings. The opening was unchanged to 1 points higher and active months sold t to 4 points net higher during the middle of the day,- but eased slightly In the late tradlnif, aitii the close net unchanged tr 3 points higher. Sales, 5.570 bags. March, &.i5c; April, 6.S3c; May. 670c: June. 6.7Sc; July, 6.7ic; August, tj.btic; September. .SSc; October. o.Wic; November, 7.01c; Decern- ber, 7.0t-c; January. 7.12c. Bpot, quiet: Rio No. 7. 74c; Pantos No. 4. W Cost and freight offers were generally unchanged. Ki" exchange oil London was l',,d higher and milreis priors were unchanged In Santos, but Tl rels lower in the Rio market. Kraporaled Apples sad DHeal Fn alts NEW TORK. March 10. KVAVO KATHI APPUl-! lull. lmiKD r urns Apricots andjicaiches. quiet and easy. Raulns . dull.