TIIH I'.KK: OMAHA. MAKHT l.u:v WANT ADS Want ads invlvril at any tline. but te Insure proier ritriaiion miint be pre. eertted be 'ore II oY'ork noon for evening ''Hun and T 80 p. m for mo-nlng anil Sunday edltlnre. Want s"e received after nr-h hour will be tinder th beading, "Too Lata to Clns-rtfy " CASTY RATF.fl. Seven emnsacutlve tm-s. I cent a wort each Insertion. Three times within ona weak. 1H cents a word each Insertion. Ona time, I rents a word. CHAROK RATES. M evwn ermeeontlv times, cent a Una wh Insertion. . Three times wttMn ona week. cant a tin each Insertion. Ona time. It cant a Una. Court six average word to a lino, iilnlmum charge, 89 cents. Ad irtrt)ifnnt Inserted to he ma na- discontinued nuit be etopped or WTlt" tea order. All claims for arrora moat ha rnaa within firtaan days after tha laat Inser tion of tha advertisement. Ttw ran placa your want ad In Tha Baa ey tasaphone. TKLJCPHONB TTTJER 100a. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred of othar answers have been railed, for and delivered during tha laat week, It la raaaonabla to suppose that an of tha paoia below have mads tha daatrad swaps, therefor do not call for tha balsam it their answers. Be want ada aura et result C. c. c, mi iff ttST ltd 1843 1X44 1361 14 ia 14 1874 tsn 1M lass nm 14 )4 is 14fl sc. i 14U 1411 1414 141 14 14 1431 i4;a 1441 1448 144 14M 14 14 14AI 1479 1471 14U ec. un iy 1H1 Ull 1617 UM lf. ID 1M0 IMA IW 1W7 1S70 1672 ir.7 mi 16.19 1667 163S w no ti n tn HI 840 S sn M r t r. tn r.e in ta trt PS r M re "0 M M 444 4(0 4 437 41 t 07 13 im mt m DEATH! AND rURBHAb ROTIOBS ANPURSON Jknder C, Marrli 9. MIS, .atiad k yearn, at family realdenoe, U0 Taylor atree. Funeral Thuradajr, Mar oh U. lll, at S p. m., from Hrallay aV Dorranoe'a chapel. NlneLeeatti and Cumlnc atreeta. Inter ment BprlneTwell cemetery. Friend In vited. Deoeaaed to mtrriyod by hla widow, ona eon, Nela C. Andareon, and ona daughter, Mr. P. Thotnpeon, of Oinaba. JACUBZKK William, Tuaaday, March a. aired 6 yearn Funeral aervicee at tha residence, 5112 North Twenty-fourth treot, Friday, March 12, at o'clock. Interment, Kor ea! Lawn cemetery. Krtende are wel come, CARDS or THANKIi We wtnh to thank tha friend and nalgh bora, alio tha Puiitati Laundry. Fair banks, Moraa A Co.. Oerman Prabytet1an church and Hillatdo Conrnatlonal church for their aympathy and klndnea and beautiful floral tributes In tha loaa of our beloved husband and aon. MRS. RCMFJ PARKKR. MRS. MARY PARKKR. LODUH NOTICE!. Attention Members of Danlah aocla tlon are requested to attend the funeral of A. C. Anderson, Thursday, March 11, at I p. m. liralley Oorrance chapel. By Dr. A. C. Rasrnuasen, president. RIRTUI ADD DEATHS, Birth a R. J. and Beaaie Rrown, 2111 Cass, boy; Patrick 11. and Minnie Casey, hospital, boy; Harry and Lota. Case, Ztll North r'IPty-fourth, boy; Joseph and Mary Domat, 1424 South Twelfth, boy; lauoard and Paulina Lattetl, 287 Hlnney, sirl; Kmll and Ella Rasohke, 2011 Ohio, hoy; Arthur and Margaret O'MaUey, 40 North Kighth. girl. Deaths Mary taisabeth Madden, months, Xilo Karnam; Anastssus. Hugtiea, Du, 4.vil Brown; C. A. Anderson, SflO Tay lor; Theresa Daly, 47, hospital; Valltlna Dussynskl, 61, M Arbor; John E. Flynn, I months, 2M7 rlouth Tenth; M. MoFsr land, U, hoepMsl; Harry Blmon, 10, CJ Parker; Baby Hlmon, 2315 Houth Thirty second. MARRIAGE LICENSES, license to wad hara been Issued to tha following: Name and Address. Aga. Thomas Kramer, Kullerton, over., 21 Freda Muahllch, Bohuyler, over 14 Joe W. Brown, South Omaha 22 Kllna D. Kaanrusaani, South Omaha,.... IS Leonard 'Unk, Beldan. Nab.. H Clara S. Uater, South Omaha........... 34 Tke Ilart. Omaha. 27 May Uhyst, OnMLua. 30 William R. Remlen. AUantto, la 22 Iva M. White, AtlanUo, la 1 Frad W. Sherod. OraaJia 27 Istella Oarrett. Omaiut. 27 Teter A. Anderson, Akron, la,, over.... It Iasora, U. Hatcher, Sioux ClLy, la., ewer It IIILDINO PBSMITS. O. ' M. Mendel, K14 Susrmsjt avenue, frame dwelling, (2,000 Harry ctohoenan, WSl Vlnten. duplex, frame dwelling, TODATS OOMPXiETB MOVtEi PIMK1RAM8 Kxcltulrely la Tha Be. Dtwa t. OAMJDRAPHONK, 1401 DOUGLAS. Imar tha Servitor. I-roei Majeatlo drama. Ta Olden Qraftar. Kaystonsi comedy. Tha fchopUftar. Thanhousar drama. KUTK NO 2, . IU! FAKNAM. O'Oarry of tha Xtofal Mounted. dlth Storey.) S-rael Vlumrraph drama. A Tenibla Break. Mlna ooinetly. KAUNAM THEATER. 14H FARNAM BT. Runaway June will be shown bare every Tueadsy in connection with our regular prog ram and a Keystone eomedy. lilFp luLATtR, bTH AND UARNKT Homa'of Psrauouat Ptottiraa, PARK. TlilATM.H. Feat ore program dally. Keystone Corned his. 614 N. UTH. I'AKLOK, 14( DOUOLAS. Ham and tha Sausage Faotery. Kalem tnmedy. And a good drams. I'KlNCrMl. iai7 DOIKILAH. Tha Hidden Traasara. (Mary Fuller.) 2-r. ' Her Adopted Mother. OSUna Maison.) Kasy Money. Screaming L. Ko comedy. ivertku 24TH AND FORT. ALAMO, Four reels of the bast Mutual pictures. CLIFTON. MIL. AVK 4 BURDKTTE. lva, Fpeed, Thrtila. Ksystooe comedy. After Twenty V ears. Reliance drama. Million-Dollar Mystery No. 1. S-reel. DIAMOND. 2410 LAKH. Whan the God Played a Badger Game. Hex drama. A bit o' Heaven. IDcL The Avenging Ieult. (Rillte Ritchie. )-r. 1 KAN KLIN, ctTIi AND FRANKLIN. The Kscape on the Fast Freight Kal. dr. 'I be Apartment Moure Mytery. Kal. dr. The liomoniflilnf of Henry. Vita. com. (.HAND "Thea'ier Beautiful." It Hinney. The Outlaw Itaformed, Shubert feature, and a Keystone OMitedy IUPPODKOMIS 1HKATKR, 2ol4 Cuming. ttunaaey Jun'., Wh ai'laoda, 2 parts. 'ol of Fire, Ainariksn drama. 4 'olored lltsiny. Kaysione comedy 1 TflT KATEI I. ToT II A tYjhic'ltT. Tha Affair of the feserted House. (Ruth Upland Tba legend of tha Ixme Tree, Itis New Job. (i liMpiln.i -r. Ess. dr. LOTH HOP THEATF.R. 24th and Lot drop. K'ing of th Boaery, the Ufa story of big Tim Snlllvan In four reels. ( 1-Oi AU :Ai C'ALDWeLK 1 The Mystery Woman. -Ta tld cwsl. Ulllv Was a Heal Kinart Boy. Hter. com. Ju It. Cupid Wun. Neslur comedy. TOIUV'H COMPLETE MOVIE PKOtillAMH Exclusively in Tlie l"4. North. PAVKNPORT. PALACE. Through a Knot Hole I. The Milllons're Engineer Ko rnincdy. 2 rl Imp. Srm'RRA N. ?4TM AMI A M I'M Her Hnpr-m Sarrlfl'-n. If-r. Knlm dr. Wlnnln th rld Mun iv-r. Hlo. -nni. Th 1 nilamtmly. r Hhlnrt th H'ni. otli. AllHim, Xf.1t AND ARHOK. Ill lnn. Mn.t. Hr Prama. fiipH and th" lRt Komlr fom'dv. Milln.n-I ''illiir Mjrli-v, Nn. 11. Alt)M-) THKATKK. 2?4 Iavrnworth. M'amt-Kolla No. 11. Tha Apartment IIoi.dp Myntory, Kal. dr. Tha I'mffimora Nlhtnir. VBa. rom. rOU'M B1A TH KATrflT 1710 B. l(fTT BtJ of 0pH, -rt l.nbln ilramn. Tha Hlrh villa Traavrty Troupo, Kl rom. rMFfHT THKATKR. M VINTON. Twantjr Million IHMlar Afyatcry. No. 14. MiUH and Fatty a Married I-lfo. Kay. Abova I'ar, Rallanna. FAVORITF THEATER. 171 VINTON. Hanmt-Hall No. IS. Oh. W hara la My Wandartnr Hoy Tonlnht. I-r KJ. dr. The firlnljr Onlrh Chariot Raca, Kalln rom. OKU THEATEH 126 S 1JTII. Tha Loat Ilra. 2-raal BIon. Soma Nlnhtmara, Jokar cotnady. now Him Foolad Aunty, victor. LTRK: THEATER. 1T17 VINTON'. Hauntad Ilwla. 2-raal Ool.lafal. Runaway Cloaat. Htarllna; comady. WhaHa Within Whaala. Hi I'. PASTIMR THEATF7R ? Lavanonh Tha mot KpactairSilar 3-raa faatura ovar prndiirad. "Rtdveway of Montana." A atronjr, rlaan drama of tha rnciintnln. VENKZ1A. 1111 IU UTh T. Four raala of Mutual plcturaa. Writ. MONROB, 2u FARNAf. Haarta to Let 1ah Rnird. U Dalanav.l A Romanrn of tha Nlttht. Ksnanay dr. A rwiMn Rola. Rxplnlt of Klalna No. ft. ' Braaoa. HKNSON, RJOfi MAIN ST. ft.'harured Uvea, Three-part drama, wrth Harbart Rawllnaon and Anna Little. 'Nellie, IVde of the Flrehouse. Naator. Coanrll Hlaffa FLITB No. 1. R4j BROADWAY. Lena, 2-r. Rdlaon comedy. Hearst-Salts; No. 16. The 1'nderatiidy. or Behind thr ccanea. Vltagraph drama. NICHOLAS M7 BKOADWAY. A Night Out fChaplln.) 2-r. Fm. drama. Th LJIlAlllv ni Unrr. Vll..ni. Mm The Woman Who Paid. Rloxraph drama. ROPKR, 6.17 BROADWAY. Valor's Reward. 2-reel Kc. Tha Destroyer. Imp drama. A Coat's a Coat. Nestor comedv. ark Omaha. BrlftSE. 24T1I AND N. Stars Their Courses Chanire. S-reel Ks- sanay drama. Ham and th Jitney Bus. Kalem comedy. MAOIOT" 24TH AND O. Where the Forest Ends. 2-reel Ren. In and Out of Society. L. Ko. comedy. Vaadeville. ORPHEUM, 24TII AND N. I See Zudora hero tonight. ANNOUNCEMENTS HOMF.MADHl saiissge, only one In Oma- Wadding announteiiianta! Doug. Ptg. Co. HAZKL laf Pile Cones. Best remedy for Itchlna. hlaedinir p Mntmrfl.. tOa postpaid; samples free. Hherman ft iuniieii imi v;o., (j man a. ENROLL now. T. M. Q. A. night a hool. LUCKY wedding rlns at Brodegaard's. "MILL1NKRY TRADH RBVIF.W." msg alne for ilulmur ,i n..u... u.. view, 2217 Capitol A vs. . Oma ha. Ne'h. tilllClOP feeder, notice: Two M,.n ahearera to handle your clip. Addreaa J. Lamb. Mouth Omaha. AUTOMOBILES 1IS VELI K, 4-cyllnder. 6-Pasa, 64-h. p., Gray Davis eleo, light and starter, loft aide drive; vary complete equipment; good condition; cost 12,1)00 new; pay to Invrstl gate; , private owner wants larger car. Pries pit) cash. Call Walnut V371 or Doug la -40U and arrange dtmonatratlon. 1100 REWARD for any magneto we rn't repair. Colls repd. Haysdoi fer.110 N t. o I HAVE a 6-cyl., M h.-p. White car that I will trade for a modern home of equal or greata.' value. H. Pslton. 2206 Farnam. FOR SALK CllKAP-Flve fliTo touring rrs for Jitney buses, front SloO up to IM. Cadlllnu Co. of Omaha, 201)4 Far I am St. Use Overton's for leaky radiator, dealers; AUTO PAINTING. FORDS, 16; OTHERS, $20, tin. Brlgg. 14-Mi N. ltith. Phone Weh. 1730. FONTHN KLLP: AUTOMOB1LB6o.. deal ars lii ueed car that guarantee service. 216 Bo. Ith St I WILL take a good lato model car and cash for equity In good, sightly lot less than ona mile from court house nJ oil 24th street. BsJsnie. t310, payable (10 a month. Call Harney a34 today or after . ra. Mondsy. Oreennugh Omaha Kail. Krp. Co.. sdu Far. AUTO Clearing House, 22o Farnam, buys asd sells used vara. Phone Douglas ;Ql(k C ELAASStCR, aapert radiator and larof tryunk ir. iw, saui iavonworm, Induatrlal Oarage Co.. nh A Harney Bta. FOR BALE Flve-pnsaanger Overland, complete, good condition, new Urea, tub. site rarrtam St Molorer cles. HARLET-DA VIDHON MOTORC'TC?I.ia Bargains In used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 2iy3 Leavenwortn. lln INDIAN MOl OKCYcLK, nuw readyT bargains In used machines. OMAHA BIOVCUS CO.. iuih and thliago. D. J72. 1 ' ' a BUSIXK8S CHANCES AUTO repair shop, garage aud blaca araith shop tor rent or for sale. Charlaa Smasal, Papilllon, Neb. DONELSON does mora than list your bustneas. he JtsUsJt S01 Omaha Nsfl Hk. FOR SALE or rent, cleaning ant tailor ing tiualneaa; quick sot Ion: Just what man with small capital want. Vim t ot r . Besa. pcnuyier, isd. MONEY AND BRAINS WANTED. ' to help develop a large marble business. On my Arkansaa farm la a mountain of tha finest mart in ine country; thro colors, grey, red and blue striped: pro nounced ths highest standard by experts. Bwst transportation rinmiri piMsllila; railway station at tout of nnvintaln. There la a fortune walling for the neces sary capital and a man or mining ex perience. Address F-4L Be. L1HT business chances, property fur rent sals or axebange with me. I will writ all manner of insurance. W. O. Tern- pletoo, un. BKtiK fcK. ani Baa. Ty. SoJ LIST YOUR BUSINESS with na fur Quick action and aauara treatment QUICK. BAXJS COMrAItl, 418 Pas Bldg, Phone Red 2251. SIGNS, snuw card. Clark a Sun. lYirri BAIXK)NS everywhere In slate. Harms Realty Co., Norfolk. Neb. TO GET In or out of business. Call en GANGESTAD. 4.4 Bee Bldg. D 147T. REIJABLH manufacturing oompanv aanta business man, oien office and mMiutge sales force. Exclusive territory. You handle own money. Should net iu. U) annually: thW to 81.0W Investment In goods required. Sales Manager, 576 old Colony Bldg., i hlrago. f IUEATEKS Buy, Teas or sell your the" ater, machine and supplies through Theater r'.xrhange Uo.. I4i Farnam St. Douglas lor TOUR l.unnwa or reel estate q.ib'kly sold. Write Jim Wra, Sioux I'lly. I. C. M. "kATOS, Bus." Broker" HOi "w."tT W., a III help you in or out of business. LI ST YOU 1 riUJsj X KSS" with us for eulck action and square treat ment. giMCK SAlJ-aS (X)., 418 Be Bldg. Tel. Red J24- lit SI N ENS AN(I.4 I Mnomln. Hotter, for Sale. How to sell a rooming house C J. Csnsn. layaatmaata. mm Oi:r Nahraska farm mort- T7 aaaaa r not alfectad ba LX Kuropaan aara or ranlce. It Amount 10 to Mu. W M V collacl all interact and a principal fraa of char, 30 n; in II. a Nahranka farm loan field ;iliout a Ion l our racord. KUiKK INVESTMENT COM PANT. l Omaha Nat. Hank Hlda Omaha. o. KDICATIONAI liOVLEa CX)liLE0E Day School; Nlaht S'hool; complet hualneaa couraa: complata ahortliand or tanotyi rouraa: oomplcta telaaraphy courae; civil acryica trancliea and Ii.n iiah. Ftiwlent ndn)iltd at any tlraa. Write, phone or rail for U1S catalogoa. HOY COLLEGE. H. B. boVLKa, I'roMldont. Boyle Uldc , Omaha. Neb Tel. Doi:!a lf;S. VOH vale the foWowlna achularantp la flrat clna Omaha Hualna Collrfa: Ona unlimited, combination buaiaaxt and ahortliand courae. Ona unlimited bualnea courae. Ona unlimited atenogranhlo rouraa. Ona three month' b'iaineaa or ateno. raphlc couraa. Win ha aold at a d'acount at tha offloa of tne Omaha Baa. The Van JSant School Stenography Kay achuoi, i i, Nlaht a bool. I li U li. lth and Karnam bt '.ojg'aa MT. EJCPK31T lady iTtenocVanher will take pupil. HlloHTH A N I , touch tyiawTlt-Ina-. apalllna-. punctuation, etr., tauaht and complete training given for hualneee rareor. Private Inhtrucilon If desired. M loula It. Tel. Walnut 2327. FUIt HAI.K Farnltara, Hoasrhold floods, K.tr. FOR 8 ALU-Complete set of quarter sawed onk postofflca fixture; about 409 combination lo k bones, dumping table, baft- rack, cabinets, ate. Address Y K6. Hae. ROLI-T( P of ilce'desk ndurniture for quirk sale:, bargain. '711 StRte Hnk. Hid:. Hllll rjtiallty furniture for muck sale at bargain. 114 N. 3xtl Pt. Phone Har. 21M. New & ad-hand furn;turo, caab or terma; reasonable. Amor. Furr.. Co., 606 N. lth DKSKS hm,"nt a nd sold. J. C. Reed. i'Wolw Farnam HL D. 114. Horses and Vehicle. 60 farm mares, horses and mules, off Mo. ranch. O. U Llghtfoot. 2102 Cuming Ht foil HALF. Two teams of well-matched mares and horaaa; wemht. 1,40 pounds each, and In foal: must ha disposed of In the nest few dava; making room for suto truck. 2T Farnnm. FOR WA LB Young, well-matched team; weight 2,M pounds; srund; hesvy In foal and sorvlce paid: party has no use for stock; private residence, 2121 Itodge. Foil ISA LH Team, weight 2.75" Iba: one In foal; also team weighing Srt; one In foal, ages from to years. Call resi dence, 1 oIr)-. SHIP live stork to South Omaha. Save nilleawe and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and caroful atten tion. FARM wagons, t and up; harness, 40. Juhnsun-Danfnrth Co., li(h A Clark Sta. SKVKN hend good mares, weight 1,100 to 1,4)0 pounds; must sell. 1319 8. 33d St Take West HHnscoin park car. FOR MA LW One horse, oiw Holstaln bull siul one blH'k yearling heifer. Telephone South SO, 3llh and county Mna Live Rtork 4 nranitaaloa Marchanta. MARTIN BROS. St CO.. Konaiua Blclg Maileal laatraaieats. Slightly used high grade piano. D, 2017.' Poultry, Eggs aad flappllra. DON'T forget that three times mora chickens have been hatched In Oil Trusty incubator thsn in any other In cubator. Catalogue free on request. Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Cq., clay Cenur. Nel. Leghorn hatching eggs. Tel. Florence 21 STEREOTYPE matrices make the best "iu ncavesi lining lor poultry nouaea. They are Hx2J Inches, stronger and mora durable thsn tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at The Bee office. LET rhlojrens par jrour" rentf nd for free bujgk, "Turning Euks Into Chick ens Into io lars." and fiefisaniLle world a only hatching chart; book describes Rayo Incubators; give most chicks; hatch on one gallon OIL Kayo Incubator Co., 1015 B 12th Sta Omaha. Neb. Phone Red 3i. Mixed grain. K lbs,. 11.73, Wagner 801NlT R. C RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for hatching. Vigorous, hardy stock on country range, (l for 16: $5 nor ion. 1 1. DAIVT. iv, . Phone Borivon 747-W. A. H. BAKER. BENSON, NEB. R. F. D. No. 2. S- C White Leghorn egga for hatching. My hone are from prise winning layer at International egg tewing contoat, Stoora, Conn. $1.60 for 16. M per 100. ,A. H. Baker. Benson, Nob., R. F. D. No. 2. Tel. Benson 747 W. Typewriters. R0NT Remingtons. Monnrrtia and Smith 1'ramlers of their makers. Tha Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12a. Rental credited If you purchase aad only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Ratea, three months for u for underatroke mechlue or H par month for latest model visible writers. VVM have It. That new Factory L. C. Smith typewriter for 246. W have others 110, and up. 434 Bee Bldg. TYPEWRITERS so.d, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exrhange. 207 W. 17th RENT An Oliver tyaewritor. 1 months for 14. Tha Oliver Typewriter Co.. D. 291 Mlseellaasaaa. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard iblee and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all klnda; easy payments. The Brunswick-Halke-Coliender Co.. 407-4(e 8. 10th St ELECTIUC MOTORS l-II. P.. DO volts, 8 phase, new 1 St -H. P., . volts. 2 phase, new s tli- ' M voiu Phase, new...:,... fcj -H. P., iM volta, .1 phase, new....... 67 DYNAMOS. ))'; 110 vol", U- u- T2 6-K. W., U0 volU. D. C, new 100 2k-K. W.. 130-40 volta. now 1-H P. Ouollna KnHn. ZH -H. P. Gasoline Engine,' throttling ur im LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORK8 318 8. 11th St 8-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., fl Paul. FOR HA theater folding chairs. cheap; In good condition. P. 11. Hoppvit, Kearney, Neh. 16 NF.W automatic weighing scales, is and 810. Match machines and lifting machlaea. eleitrto fixtures and supplies, buggy harness, tools, lumber and otntr miscellaneous articles for aa'a or trada J. C. IS1L EXECUTOR 703 Bo. 21st Ave. Phone Harney 242. i FOR 8ALE-46U0 player ptano; nearly new. Address Box 8M. Norfolk, Neb. FOR KALE One Ice box, loxl2. good con dition; this Is a bargain. K. E. Rey nolds. Harvard, Neb. PRACTICALLY new beaut v parlor eUlp. ment for sale at a bargain. 1308 Har ney St. TWO i H P. Falrbanka-Morse motors G 126. Bee. nFIJ WANTED FEMALE Clerical aae) Ufflc. NO USUAL FILING FEE. 8TFVIM1RAPHER, Implements So0 MTr.NOOKAt'HK.K, Insurance 60 STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper.... to HuiiKKKKl'KR. wholesale M LEDGF.R I'l.l.ltK 6 CASHIKR. aonie bookkeeping. 40 Ill'BlNESS MEN'S RE Ft. 11 EX E ASS'N. l;tl-S Woodmen of the World. 1AI.KSI ADV. willing to travel, sal ary and aspen,. SALESLADY. uy. comiuissinn. BOOkKK.FPRIt and Hteuogrsphrr 2TS HooKKKKPFK and M. no,rapher ) MTENtMiRAPHER M Vi hi I R' f. Co.. ttH-40-42 Brandeis Theater STENOGRAPHER and r-eptlon" loorn girl for lawyers office; high school edu cation, of nest sppesrance and some ex perience preferred. Olva full particular in first letter. Address E 81. Be. IIEI.P WANTED EEMALK llerical aad Office. (;OOf) enperiencad dining girl, out of rlty; good waxes UfiOKRS BKF. CO, f2K- State Bk. Bldg. Faetary Trades. LEARN ba'rdreeslng. Oppenhelm Parlor WANTED Experience 1 gown and waist hands In alteration room. Apply Su perintendent Brandsls Stores. Hmwketren ioaeetlea. THE Servant Olrl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tha desired results This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telaphone Tylar 10. WANTED A good girl for neral house work. Apply (lark son Hospital. WANTED Competent girl for general houeownrk; 2 In family; good wsgea; white girl only. Phone Webstar 30R0. WANTED An experienced ,'ervant girl for general housework; must be a good rook; reference required. Call H. 17ST . COMPETENT maid for general house work, family of three, no washing; Ger man or Dane preferred. 124 N. SKth Ave. WA NTKD A girl for general housework. Call at M4 S. 10th St WANTED A young girl to assist with housem-ork snd care small child. 1220 PJnth t WANTED Girl for gnerJ housework. Telephone Walnut 21 H. W A NTF.I Maid st once; mint be good cook; small iamliy; wages . Call So. IS4 mornings. IVVANTELw- A rli'l for general house work In nice home Dlsre. 4'a.ll at Mrs. J. 8. Byrnes, bo? N. 2d St. A NEAT young girl wanted to assist with housework, In suburban home, 20 minutes' walk to oar. Pleaaant home for good girl. Address 8 M, rare Jkee. WANTED Competent whit girl, three In family. Walnut 2. AN experienced plrl for general hnuse worK. Hood wages, small family. Har nev 678, .Hil Farnam. WANTED A girl to assist with general lioosework. 3f.0S Harney St. Miscellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as atrangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building st St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's guide : Union station FREE trip to both California expositions can be easily earned in short tlmn dur ing odd hours; wonderful opportunity. Address The American Co., Clapp Block, lies Moines. GOVERN MENT JOBS FOR WOMEN 270 month. List free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. S68 C, Rochester, N. Y. IlKIiP WANTED MALE Clerical and office. SALESMAN, city COMMISSION SALESMAN, auto exp... .COMMISSION KXPKRIENCHD freight rate clerk. ...trs .STENOGRAPHER W STENOGRAPH EH Six) WATTS KEF. CO.. 8:13-40-42 Brandni Theater. STE.NO.. EXPERIENCED $00 OIL SALESMAN K.yi7n SALESMAN, CITY WORK, SPLENDID PR01VsnTfN FOR LIVE MAN. CO-OPERATIVE 11BF. CO., 1016-W City National. HIUlf-OKADE commenlal positions. WEST. REF. & BOND ASS N., 762 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and clerk ItiO WESTERN REF. at HON D ASS'N, 72 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. NONFILING FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROGERS REF. CO.. 62-8 State Bank. Ageali, Salesnsea aad Solicitors. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD MEN OK GOOD ADDRESS TO TRAVEL; 3 TO S5 PER DAY; STEADY POSITION FOR PRODUCERS. APPLY 833 BRANDEIS THEATER BIDG., BEFORE NOON. WANTEI Iand agent everywhere. "We pay buyer' lares to aae both fair; also to see tne big 1S16 land opening In Fre mont valley.-" located 75 miles from Los Angeles, comprising aO.COO acres level land, opening at an average price ot .4 per acre. In 20-aore tracts or more. Snlendid soil for alfalfa and fruit. An unparalleled opportunity to secure a homo In aou'nern California. Make applications at onoe to secure land at these prices; also f have railroad fare paid to sea both "fairs." Write today for free particulars. Fre mont Valley Land and Water Company, tth and Main Streets, lxs Angeles, Cel. o WANTED Real salesmen to sU our noted and unique line of map and other specialty calendars. Our Una Is different exclusive; It lands the big buyer tired of pictures. We also make a strong line of leather novelties, fans and outdoor algna. Strongest combined outfit ever offered. Big money for live men. We make all our goods. That means low i prices. Write fully, give experience in first letter. Kenyon Company, Dea Moines, la. tlMlth year. o I.CCAL representatives wanted; 226 to 260 a week permanent Income to right party to represent In local territory our line of face creams, toilet waters, powders, per fumes and other toilet preparation. Arti cles are of very highest quality and every sale brlnga repeat orders. No experience necessary, but must have good character and good personality. Handsome sample case furnished. The Thompson Company, St. Louis, Mo. WANTEI Ten high class farm spe cialty stlesmen. Apply Immediately. Bain Bros. Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. o THE fust payment now oovera Insurance til July 1, lll'.B. This makes our policy easy to sell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit, Health and Accident Assn. 423-26 City Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb, AGENTS make money, $100 to 81&0 par month, selling our new Indexed Bible; nothing like it. Fraa training and a pro tected field. MoCormlck Sales Company, Carbondale, lit MARRIED men botaean the ases of 28 and 40, for wagon salesmen and branoh managers; must furnish first-class ref erence snd personal bond; our men are making from 226 to $40 iter week. If you are a live one and want a permanent position with the biggest, most progres sive snd up-to-the-mmuta) tea anil coffee house In tha United Statea, apply to Jewel Tea Co., 1911 Cuinlng, Omaha, Neb. SALESMEN-ATTENTION. A-l specialty advertising salesman fnr I state. New, timely advertising service; a I buslress booster of real merit. Apply V, K. sillier. Koine Hotel, s io to a evenings. Drug store anaps: too. Koetst. BesTBIdgT Faetary aad t rates, Tri-City Biarber I College. Tuition 816, on account of big trade. Wasres for first 8 and 10 cent work. Electric massage taught Hydraulic -hail. Catalog; free. 1124 Douglas St. Omaha. ! MOIiEK BARBER, COLLEGE MOLER Graduate always In demand. Special aummer rates. Make back your tuition while learning. Write for free catalogue. 116 8. 14th St., Omaha. GOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magnetic Eleo. Starter Auto gradu ates, loo many untrained tinker repair man. Good man positively needed. ills 1 spring rush. Fme catalogue. MOOT SCHOOL NOW OPFIN. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEOB. 2f8 Farnam Sl. Omaha. M laeal la aeaaa. GET WISE I A thorough, practical automoblla edu cation at minimum coat. Aak for cata logue "C" and explanation of our get results method, NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHQOU 141S-17 Dodge Street. Omaha, Neb. Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a large salary, or go Into tha auto business fur yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Wnt fur free booklet Nat'l Auto Training AsBn, 2114 N. 30th St.. Omaha. Nsb. MEDIO Mj Why Do , You Suffer When Piles and Fistula Can Be Cured? I cure without auTfrery. My patlentg r not confined to bed and they oo not lose a momenta time from their business. My method Is not a "home cure" or s correspondence treatment," but It Is an application of skilled treatment, administered under the most rigid antiseptic conditions In my office. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE GIVEN IN EVERY CASK TREATED. Pay When Cured .-Si' Mw4. p""1,,d 0mJ for twenty-eight years, and during thla Fistula etoT engaged In treating Diseases of th Reotum, Piles. ,. """f0- o ha most prominent people In Omaha and all parta of the LT nL. nave been cured by r r. Maxwell, whose names may be obtained rr.i. i V, who would gladly certify that Dr. Marwell accomplishes sll he cialm. m hi advertising and at eaao table expense. ....""?" c""' sgalnt Imitators, substitutes or Inferior methods of treatment. Patients muat coma to the office for treatment HOURS: TO 12. 2 TO 6; SUN DAT. 10 TO 11 Dr. William Creighton Maxwell 40-a-io Omaha National Bank Building. Heventaenth and Farnam Streets. Omaha. Graduate of Ballevue Hospital College. New York C1t Mew NO PRINTED LITERATURE SENT OCT. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Terry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op. erntlon. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseaeea with testimonials. DK. K. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldn. RUPTURE jtuptore treated successfully by all cafe, scientific methods. The ma jority are cured without a surgical Operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and Chil dren. The cost la determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank II. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg.. Oma'a, Neb. HELP WANTED .MALE M larellaneoas. (WANTED l.OoO men to eat hnin and egga, 15c Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. OMAHA government clerk examinations April 23. 270 month. Common education sufficient. Sample questions free. Apply Immediately. Address Y 3fil. Bee. MEN. WOMEN WANTED Government jobs. 266 to $160 month. Write for list positions now obtainable. Franklin In stitute, Dept 2?l C. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By n experienced young man, 23, a position as cashier, bill or office clerk In Omaha. Can do any kind of general office work. Am college graduate, good calculator and excellent penman; best of references; willing to start work at a moderate salary. Ad dress, K 76. Bee. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, several years, railroad and office experience; prefer pojttloii as traveling salesman or .office work; can Baa pe writer; not a steno. K mi. Bee. YOUNG man wanta piaoe to work tor board while attending Doylea college. Telephone Douglua 1365. OoIX)RED woman wttnts day work. T. 81 W. PF.RFECT home washing, l.aco curtains a spocixlty. Webster 42K.1. - WINDOW trimmer, card and ad writer desires position with an up-to-the-minute store; dernrtment store preferred; ca puble of producing reu,ts; 6 years' ex perience: best reference; good habits; 4 years of ge. W. A. Stetien, 40.4 Grand Blvd.. chicane. YOUNG gli! wants position in doctor's office or at private switchboard. Phone Webster S1S5. V.KPKIllEtjriCn cnlnraH alrl ,nl, i,t,K, I as chambermaid. Web. SiOi; ask for Ella. YOUNG man, 28 years of age. desires position as salesman with some business concern In Omaha. Has had six years' experience on the road. Best of refercn cea. Addreg W. S 2IH Harney St.. City. EXPERIENCED young man wants work in hotel or restaurant; any kind of work; a willing worker. Address J 126, Bea. OERMAN Well educated, speaking Ger man, English and French, wants cleri cal position; references. Address K 127, Bee. LADY with raHll boy wants position as housakaapar. Mrs. Mary Clark. General I'anvery oouin dinars fostorrli'o. WANTED Fllo position. 210 week to start; three years' experience; good references Addrawa M 1 4k ri EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes position; csn give reference. Address, I. I2H. Bee. Day work wanted; colored lady. Web. 4S36. Investors with money read the Real Estate ads In The) Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sal. LOST AND FOUND LOST Black Persian lamb muff trimmed with Fitch, either In store or Farnam car: I literal reward. Call Wal. 8233 OMAHA At COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soma article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha 4V Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. . I Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore tl cm to the rightful owaer. Call Doug. 48. LOST Week ago, handbag containing pocket book with money; reward. Web. 7333. PERSONAL $7,000 i)R INVALIDS. TOO subscriptions to tha L. H. Journal. 11.60. tha S. E. Poat 81.60, the Country Gentleman 81 00 earna that !7,0n0 fcr Tho Invalids' Pension Association. Your order or rnwal contributes 60 cents. Phone Douglas 7163. Address GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA. NER THE Salvation Army Industrial boma so. lb-Its your old clothing, furnltura, maga tines. We collect Wa distribute. Phone Douglas 41 at and our wagoa will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1111 Dads ot YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strsnaers are Invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian aasoei.tioa building at 17th St and Bt Mary's Ave., where they alii be directed to sultsble boarding places r otherwtss assisted. Look for our Irar alerr' aid st the Union station. DRUG habits successfully treated, k-day guarantee. harmless and painless method, full stock; you can be treated at boms. Address Dr. C C. Altken, 828 Park Ave. Phone Hsrnev3?l o OPIUM, morphine, cocaine, etc. can ba successfullly treated home; guaranteed, patnlew. harmless. Address Dr. c. i Altken 828 Park Ave. Pnone Har. 33.-o MEDICAli York. LIVE WIRE 3TJSINESS MEN OP OMAHA A B C of Omaha N EW and 2d -hand motors, dynamo, magnetos, etc., and mech. repairs. LeBron Elett. Works, 31-20 S. 12th. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 107 Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feathei mattresses and down covers. V ACUIJM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning dona In tha homo. Sanitary Serv ice Co., 90S Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO . "Kickers." loth and Harney. Douglas 1062. Accountants. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A.. Addreaa 433 Ramge Bldg.. Phone Douglas 7406. Adding Macalacs. Dal ton Adding Machine. 411 B. 15. D. 1449. Adder Mch. Co. (Wale). W. O. W. D. t23& A ma tear Finishing:. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 416 Bea Bldg. Dept. D. Architect a. Everett S. Podds, 613 Faxton Blk. D. 2981. Aato and Maaraeto Hepalrtaa. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 34UL Aactioneers. Dowd Auction Co., HiC-16 W. O. W. R. 32S5. Attraotlono. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and tilna bargains. Blue Printing;. ' HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 302 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Barbers. U Chairs, 10c shave, neck ahave. 181T Far. Bras Foundries. Paxton-Mltrhell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta BTEVENSON. 822 S. 2d. Douglas 6620. Callfonl- Lands. W: T. Smith Co.. 1137 City Nat l Bk. D.2ll. leanlnir aad Drtlas, DORA Elsele, 1136 City Nat'I. Doug. 3633. China intlntlaa-. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4842. ivt Ensrlnrers. y-AUcr. "g BEE BLDO. DOCO. 4715. W. J. McEathron. Tel D. 6601. 1018 Om. Nat Cream Seaaratora. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th Farn. Claterw and Well nirri.. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? pnnrtnn goes it. r-none wen. 6631. J. h. RinrRBTT wn v.n.....i V-.' : nothing too big or impossible: estimates furnished. 610 N. 21st St. Omaha, DanoiBa" Acaaeiaies. Tnrpln's Dancing Academy, 28th tk Farn. Try Mackle'g first. 1816 Harney. Doug. 6446. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 187L Detectives. , INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. SOS Paxton Blk. Doug. 1371 Walnut 1620. JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1186. Drrnsisklsg. Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th at Farnam. DRE8SMAKING and tailoring, work guaranteed. 2406 Caas St Tel. Red T23S. MIS8 STURDY, 2416 Cass. Red 7320. KEISTER'S Dressmaking college, day and night school. 138 City Nat'l Bank. DRUGS at cut prloea: freight paid on SIS orders; catalogues free. Sherman 4k Mc Connsll Drug Co., Omaha. Nab. Dentin. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 Tv O. W.Blflg. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandeis Bslley, the Dentist 706 City Nat'l Bank. Tait Det.tal Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2188. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat Bank. Bverylainar for Waa, ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst box pleating; covered buttons, all arses and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. lma. NEW YORK aample store. Must vacate, building coming down: cloaks, suits and dresses sscrtflced; 20H N. lth St KvsrrtblaaT for Wttntaa. SWITCHES from combings. 2L60. Psyche free. Mrs II. M. 'ck. 80i Marcy. H. 6646. HAIRDRKSS1NG at your home. R. th.lL Klerlrl Sappiieo. LEBRON Eiec. V.'k.. 318 S. 12th. D. n?l Florists. A. DONAOHT7R. 1.Q2 Harnay. Doug. ion. BATH'S 1'loiist. 1804 Farnam St HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St U HENDERSON, 11 Farnam. D. lSua. Member Florist Telegraph Del Assn. Feathers Cleaned. BRING in your old straw hats: cleaned, dyed 60c Dora Elsele. 1136 City Nat Data! STOVE repairing. Fire Prevention Co. Douglas 464. Hair Dresslaa. Harper men hod. R 6, Baira Rldg. P. 8lt lloaaccleaalagr. Expert European floor waxing. D. 4?1 Ltghtlav rtttsre aad Wlrtaa. TIIOMAS DURKIN Elactrlo fixtures and supplies, contract Ing and repair work done reasonable. 1418 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2618. LI to Stack Heaaediaa. OMAHA Remedy Co., SOT B. 18th. Red 4553. Ktswsaer and Teaaaster. WHITE LINE. SIS N. 14th St Doug 3312. Mask, 4'aataaes aad laasre Sappltea. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes Ths largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes l- the country. Tbeo. Llebcn A Son, 1614 Howard. D. 411s. Mtss Jscoba mass., manicuring. D. 427. MISS STAPLES, mass., elec. bath. D 718. Open eve.. p. m.: Sundays, 12 to 6. CORA BEIJjINOY X?F?t good, restful Magnetic. Other satisfac tory treatment. Also vspor bslha. Open 14 to 10. Including Sunday. Noll e: En trance downstair. 101 So. 17th Sr., base ment, corner I lodge. , I.IE WIIIE IU NINES MEN OK OMAHA MASSAt.E. ti'21 1'oilKe. Mrs, Steele 11 'I ' I I end mass, nb-ohol rub. Iurs Wllpon, IMJ I-aj ram. K. !. Doug. eTRI. open evening and Sunday. UAsSMlV 620 BEE BUILDING. JllflJOAUfj LhHIQLAS MV2. BATHS, 214 Halrd Bldg., 17th and I'oug. ! Ciara le, bnth nnd maassge. Doug. g75L aiovlnar, Klnrsae aad ( leaalng. ( W. C. FKRP.IN. ir.th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. I ueallsts, ' Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as youi I can. Pre. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. B1dg. Osteopathic) Phyelclans. j D. Hai'i-hs. 2"S4 McCagna Bldg. D. sj. (ir. caterson. tKki Brandeis Bldg., D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. M. Bee Bldg? Prlnttag. WATEHK-B ARNHART Ptg Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190, 624 S, 1.1th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 44. COREY M'KENgJE PTG. CO. D. 244? RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 11120 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. ' 37T4. Patent Devalopmaat. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 9. 11th in. Patents. i H. A. Sturgew. SIS Brandeis Theatar Bldg. D. O. Parnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117? Patntlnar aad l-aperiaa. HUGH M'MANCS, 417 N. 40th. H. R7i. Plamas Renovated. PLUMES & HATS made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Krnger, 4: Paxton. D. M4. Roach Kilfrmlaatoi. B. B. B, Roach powder at Huff a Safe and Time Leek Experts. C A T7T70 Opened, repaired, coi sja.r' UrO changed. F. E. Dav w port 1408 Dodge. D. 1 coma. , en-t 1X2L Shoe Repairing:. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St. Mary's At., FRIEDMAN BROS,, shoe repair. 211 a 14. Slana aad Saowcaros. E. M CLARK AV SON. 113 8. 16TH ST. i CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8. 1' Store aad 4ffioa Ptxtares, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, ahelvwi lug, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha FlxturaJ and Supply Co.. 414-1H-18 S. ll'th. D. 2724.J Towel Snppllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 9. 11th. D. 62, Traahs and 8uteasea, FRELINQ STEINLB. 1S06 Farnam St. , Tailors. CHAS. C. LANDERYOU. 1 N. 1Mb St. , OLSEN afc ROUECllE. lfajb Harney. D. t'fJH Veterinarians. DR. O. R. YOUNG. 4602 Center. Wat. 2021 W ines and Ltqaora. ALEX JETES. 201-8 S. J3th Bt Wines liquors, cigars, plate dinners. 11 to It, lOo, Globe liquor house, 424 N. 16th; California wine. 11.25 per gal. Write for price list , HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, : 16th and Capitol Ave. Tan-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Lienor House. U2 N. loth. Doiurla laW. SWAPTEIV3 COLUMN Al millinery business for trade for landV or house and lot or acreage, or what have you. S. C, 662, care Bea. AUTO One new and one second-hand, touring car, for good first-class mort gage paper. Ans. quick S. C. 671. Bee. ALFALFA Racleaned alfalfa seed for" wnat? Ten snd four-brick cement ma chine, for what? Cement post machine,, make doren lie Address Y 404, Bee. AUTO 1913 6 pass. Buick. fine condition, ' Will trsdo for lot valued 21,000 on paved, treat Will pay difference if lot is worthi more. Call Webster 4S16. AUTO BUS, ETC One 16-passenger bus, windmill. 10 bbl. galvanised wagon tank. ' all In good condition, for calves or grain. What have you? Addross 8. C 708, Bee, : AUTOMOBILES Fot other automoblla ' bargains see tha "Automobile" classify cation. i BUSINESS CHANCE Some young- ruanTl to trade whatever you have for half lrv-1 terest in real estate firm; must know how to work. Make me offer at once. Address. I 8. C. 718. Bee. BASEBURNER Acorn baaeburner and! bicycle to trada for grocery fixture. ' shelving, eta. Phone Walnut 1861. . BONE CUTTER Green bono maxea I chickens lay. One Humphrey green, i bone cutter, cash 217.60, will take for ! chickens or anything 1 can use up to 210 value. Address S. C. 711, care Bee. ! BOOKCASE Mission oak, good shape; ' will trada for sewing machine or ko- ! dak. Address S. C. 672. Dee. BELGIAN HARES For sale or trade. O 88, Bee. BOOKKEEPER'S DESK 10-foot bock- I keeper's desk, good condition. What am I I offered? Addreaa 8. C. 707. Bee. CHECK WRITER One Pay Roll check writer; good condition. What have you. Address 8. C. 706. Bee. - CHICKENS Rhode Island Red cookereU., will exchange for pullets, same variety. Addreaa s. c. bob. Bee. il CARPENTER WORK Will exchanga service as carpenter for two lot grad ing AdressSCj66;JBe: DIAMOND Gentleman's diamond ring, set In lion's head, to trade for or part trade on motorcycle. Add. 8. C. 70S, Bea, FOX TERRI&R pup. five months old. very easy to teach trloks; what haven you? Make offer. Addreaa a. O. 718, Bee. J TOR SALE or trade, one oompleta threso lng outfit For particular write Lock-.) Box, 3H6, mger, weo. I HAVE a Queen coal rang to swap for! a gas range. Adufess S. C T21, Bee, I WILL take a good lata model car and I 3360 cash for equity in good, sightly lot less than one mils from court house and on 24th street Balance 2310, payable 310; a month. Call Harney 6934 today or aftar 4 p. m. Monday. MIMEOGRAPH Edison mimeograph, 1 nearly new, to trado for kodak, or what nave you 7 Address, s. u. fit, mee. MIIP.Rniiliin hull nun 6 rnonrhs old. beautifully marked, for trade for what hava you. 8, C. 271, care Bee. ' PONY TEAM Will trade for anything oiJ equal value; value 880. Addresa S. C i 714, Bee. PIANO New Standard piano for young sound mares or vacant realty, well lo cated Address S. C. T1S. Bee. RESTAURANT snd lunch counlsr doing profitable business on Farnam. Will trada for vacant lot or what have you? Address S. Q. 713. Bee. RIFLE .23 repeating rifle and aeven- , I ..... K . ,H.l. f..W U jewel riiKin ..v n , -.,. . . v. av. medium priced stop watch. Address S. C T13, nee. RUBBER BOOTS Hava good pair ol" rubber boots almost new wui ecu or trade for something I csn use; in good) condition; slse SH. a. C. 461. Bee. fclQXS. howcard. Clark ac Son. D. 1.1:8. TROMBONE Martin lld trombone and. case; nearly new; cost Vi5; will s 11 reaeenable or trade for aometblng I can use on farm. Addreaa Y 40 Bra. TYPEWRITER One Elliott Fisher Eleo trro typewriter, used two months, good ss new. Make ma offer. Addreaa S. C. 76. Bea. 1 TYPEWRITER Wlllism visible writing! : to trsde for violin. Address 4qn nae. TWlr-SEATEU, fifth wheel surrey, rub- ber tires. In first class shape; used very little. Will trade or aell for something of equal value. Address S. C. T20. Bee. , TYPEWRITER Hammond tyrewrltrr In tlrst-class shape.-Aodresa . c ., .u, f e. , VACUUM WASHING MACHINES Have 2i0 well known vacuum washing ins- , chines, all new and u-tu-date. A gu ir anteed machine. Agents, here Is your chance to make a clean-up this spring. Will swap for suto or whst have you? Address. S. C. 62". Ri. VACUUM SWEEPERS Have every kind ot vacuum sweepers, including the best. Would exthsnge for small rug. Addreis, S. O. HO. Bee WATCH A 15-iewel. 18 else, Svyear J. Boss 30 gold-filled case to trade fur shotgun. Address, S. C. 1621. rare It. r. WOULD exrhange s'eeplrv rnt aid I cois, itciium iwnprs. for ee vu'r hebler or desk. W hat have you.' ,d dies 8. C. l Bwa, 4