Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Mr. Dyspeptic!
You Can How Eat
A IUn-Roilnir. Rich Meal If You'll
Take- a Htaart's Iyspor.U
Tablet Arter It.
Xoat Take Onr Word Tor It. X-et "OS
Band To a "Tree Sample to r"Tore It.
All you etomach sufferers whom
food has cowed and who walk to yonr
meals as) though you were about to
enter the, arena of Vero, here la a
message that will make you glad.
la digestion
Good Digestion.
Tak a little randy-like. Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablet after each meal, and
one at bod time, and no matter what
you eat or when you eat It. aood old
fa hloned-honeet-fried-bakcd or boiled
food will not Injure vou.
Many physicians prescribe gttiart'a
Dyspepsia Tableta in their esses of
atomnch troubles and digestive dls
ordera. Tliev are aold at erery drug
store, everywhere, price BO cents box.
If you want proof before you purchase,
fill out coupon below.
Free Trial Coupon
T. A. tnart CO, ISO Stuart Mg
Mas-shall, Kista, send me at once
by return mail, a free trial r ure
ase of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta,
citv :
"Ouro Your
Rupture Liko
I Cured Hino"
013 Sea Captain Cured Hii Own
Rupture After Doctors Said
"Operate or Death."
Eli Earned? and Book Bent Free.
Captain Colllngs eailed the aeai for
many yeare; then he sustained a bad
double rupture that soon forced him to
not only remala ashore, but kept him
bedridden for yeara. ,He tried doctor
after doctor and trust after truss. No
reaulta! Finally, ha woa assured that
ha must either submit to a dangerous
and abhorrent operation or die. He did
eitaerl Ha cured hJmaelf Instead.
TatW Mas Bui Wonin, You Dtml Hava
Ta Cat Up, and To Don't Have
V T Be Tortured By Trasses."
Captain Colllngs made a ' alddy of
Mmseir. of Ms condition and at last he
waa rewarded by the finding; of the
method that ao quickly made him a well,
atront, vigorous and happy man. -
Anyone can use the same method I
It'a simple, easv, aafe and .inexpensive.
Every ruptured person In the world
shout! have the Captain Colllngs book,
telling all about how he cured nbnself,
and now anyone! may follow the same
treatment in tht own home without
any trouble The'ubolc and medicine are
FREE. They will be sent prepaid to
any rupture aurrerer wbo will ml out
the below coupon. But send It right
wny bow before you put down this
Cat. W. A, ColHnts (Inc.)
bo.700Watertowa. N.Y.
Plcae send me your FRE1B Rupture
Remedy Book without any obli
gation on my' part whatever.
A mas wbo Is c-slabrsling
SIS twentr-tllth analvaramrr
Of lM'CMtul wars Is nat
urally la s vsry happr sua'
nerous tram of mlfid.
This Is luat the cosdl
Ilea of Catarrh rVpa-tallt
Kproola of Boston. hoM
1 ' picture you sas hare. yr
f TJ twantj-flva year ha baa
kw, Y baen turtnf Catarrh all
L over ttaa ouuotrf.
t lis baa siren op a vary -
I saa. thing fur what ba
C& V hla life work a
); 1 aurgeon In the Brltli
I Ma" Naval Barvlu
t, ' I and nlghta to atudi
thing fur what ba Wt was
s post ss
Brltlah Royal
study and ra-
- aearch. II a has traveller
s extaaalvely, obaarrlns Uis
affarta of rllmaut oo Ca
tarrh. Uuls wonder when
you know aJI tbla that ha la
today huown as 1 bo Catarrh
CatarrK - Asocial lt of America.
SaecitiiM fprouls Hla mat hod of treatment
la sew. different from othara. and baa brought
untold Joy to hundreds sad bundreda ot Catarrh
Sut. yen ssr. I would like to saa tbla traat
ateat. Hers la your opportunity-. To celabrata
hla Win aanlvaraary. Cauirru riperlaltet Kproula
eirera Ma famous C atarrh Treatment JTras to sll
wtw writs bator Uia 31t of March.
Thluk whfti this offer means to yout You se
cure s treatment wturh ta Ismoua all oear Amor
Ira you see for yourself a siettiod of treatmewt
which has really cured -Catarrh, sad you (at
this tram aunt tor sotstai.
Rauierohor this U a moat sxpesalvs relebrs
tloa for tr.s (pocialiat and ha can't afford to da
It tor loot. Vou nail sot Biles the cbssca. Juat
gat payer and pencil and ot dows your full
nams sod sddraaa. with luat three worua. "(V
tarrh TreaunaLt VYea. " It you hays a poet-oerd
1tauy. use that. 1 ba point la. to aend ax sues
for this treatment, ao Utal you can' gel It free
avad try It IVa- youreelf. 1
You know bow toothsome sad ilagusttsc a
dlaaaaa CetaJTb Is. You ksow that It teaua to
dreadful tnrurebie trcuMea. Perhape you bavs
aiaaya Ihousbt tfaat Oierrs waa Inuuntbia. Yau
had nut r Milled that there was s mss wha baa
devoted s suarter of s century to Ita study, who
has aurh S vaet SKporieuie thai he Bluet berve
cured avorea of oaaes )uat Ilka yours
itoa't delay, but writs right as tor the Free
Ai aiverasry Treatment.
Adilrena Catarrh Bpeolaliat Rproule,
18 Trade aUdlag', Bostoa, Maea.
are Boot Jrrial XV New Beacon Press
Barf sss-araadsa Oe. L'jhtlnf future
stsbraaka Barlara aad Isaa asaa
New office between rity halt and Fon
tenelle hotel, 211 South F.ighteenth Ft.
ears to tlaeota District ' Judge
8eara went to Lincoln In the Interest of
bill affecting; the Juvenile court pend
ing In (he legislature.
Today's eesapleta Msris Frotrrajsi"
alar si fled section today, and appeaia la
The Tit EXC1.U6IVELT. Find out what
Iba vsjioue movina; picture theaters offer.
Cleio XVesfus Keeta The annual
meeting of the Omaha Civic learue will
be held at the city hall council chamber
Friday evening-. Officers will be elected
and other business for the year trans
acted. Lahey Betnrna A letter has been
received at police headquartera from Of
ficer George Alton, who la spending a
few weeks at Hot Springs. Ark. Detec
tive Dan LsJiey has returned from Ex
celsior Springs.
riaad (or Breaking- Bottle John
6h-ckler of South Omaha waa fined 15
and coats in police court for breaking a
bottle on the pavement near Tenth and
Farnam streets. Officer Sam Morris
made the arrest.
Quickly Ioeated and easily acoeaalbld
are two prime requisites of a desirable
of flea location. Tenants In The Bee build
ing, "the building that la always new.
find these two conditions of great service
In building up their business.
Bays School Bevtew Zane Thomp
son hss purchased the Middle-Weat
School Review and will hereafter con
duct this journal. He alms to devoto
tho pages to work In the Interest of the
teachers of Nebraska and adjoining
rarrand Xoass Port ronads Police
Officer Ollle Karrand, who haa been 111
for the last three weeks with Inflamma
tory rheumatism, appeared at police
headquarters this morning. Farrand dar
ing hla Illness lost forty pounds . In
Xrraws Thirty' Says Bert Dugan,
801 North Sixteenth street, who was ar
rested tor the theft of a bundle of
clothes from a Puritan laundry wagon,
pleaded guilty In police court and waa
sentenced to thirty days In the county
BeateaoeA Thirty Irays George An
derson of Auburn, Neb., who stole a
pair of shoes from the Brandels Stores
and was arrested by especial Offioer
Finn, received a sentence ot thirty days
In the county Jail when arraigned before
Judge Brltt. .
Otnosam Danoe The . Cinosam Dan
cing club will give a dance and enter
tainment at the Scottish Rite cathedral
Wednesday evening. . The dance sched
uled for March U will be held on March
19 as the Scottish Rite reunion will oc
cur March 22 to 23.
Operate on Dr. JTilason Dr. J. - R.
Nllfson, accompanied by his wife and
daughter. Hclon. and. Dr. H. A. Wlgton,
have gone to Rochester. Minn., where at
the Mayo hospital there Dr. Nilsaon will
be operated on for gall atones. Dr. Nils
son has been ill for some time.
Caught XatchUa- Dollar L. C. Reed,
address the London hotel, was arrested
Monday rilght at the Union station by
Officer Jensen, who caught Reed trying
to match dollars with a rurallte. Reed
waa brought to pollca headquarters and
released on $10 cash bonds, which ha for
feited. ' Hist arts Balvatloa Army Joe Hoff
man) stopping at the Salvation, Army In
dsurtruu om, grew decidedly notsy
Monday night, and when remonstrated
With' by vFrank, Brown, took off hls shoe
and hit Mr. Brown on the noser with It.
Hoffman was arrested and fined tlO and
costs In police court.
Baabandies la Baa Charles Law
son, aged 60 years, waa arrested In the
Merchants' National bank Monday after
noon, where lie went to beg. "You had
better keep out of that bank or you get
soma of my money," Informed Judge
Brltt. who sentenced the felloV to thirty
days for panhandling. !
Milwaukee Waata Wuna-lL O.
Warren, charged with passing an t
worthless check, which waa endorsed by
Chaiies Karbaeh, Is being held at the
city Jail for the Milwaukee authorities,
who want him on a similar charge. War
ren gave hit local address as the Rome
hotel, where he also owes a large bill,
according to the police.
Dies at County Hospital Hans
Ruser, 61 years old, was found doad this
morning in his room at the county hos
pital. He had been an inmate twelve
years. Death Is s imposed to have been
caused by heart failure or apoplexy, A
post-mortem examination, will be held.
Ruser la survived by a brother living In
South Omaha, and the latter has been
Postmaster Charged
With Embezzlement
Carl Kredrrlckson, former postmaster
at Hubbard, Neb., who disappeared last
spring, while his accounts were under
suspicion, has been arrested at Sioux
Falls, f. D., and brought to Omaha under
federal charges of embezxllng 1825 in
money orders and postal funds ot his
office. He wss brought here by Deputy
Marshall N. H. Jensen,' and la now In
the county jail.
The city commissioners have referred
to the department of public accounts and
finance a statement submitted by Rome
Miller, president or the Innaha Auditor
ium company, relating to the proposition
that the city buy the Auditorium property
for the actual indebtedness of about
$150,000. The department of accounts will
determine for the city commissioners the
names of the bondholders and other in
formation which (he commissioners went
before they decide to submit a bond
proposition to the voters.
Improvement is reported In the condi
tion of Rev. T. J Mackay of All Saints'
church, who has been confined 'to his
bed for some time with illness.
A Specific Asaws Vls.
"If there is such a thing aa a speelfle
agalnat colds. It la to be found In the
sleeping porch or the open bed room.
Next to that comes the cold spoage bath
in the morning," aays the Youths Com
panion. Be aa careful as you can you
will occasionally take cold, ajid when
you do you will find Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a great help in enabling you to
get rid of It. Try it Obtainable every-a-here
Spring Bring Activity in Repair
and Maintenance for All Lines
Centering Here.
Railroads rentorinn at Omaha wll!
soon ba employing a large number ot
men In repairing, the wrongs of win
ter and In bringing their lines up to
ktandard. Not much of new tracg Is
planned for 1915 construction.
Right now the Rurlnlgton has a
large force of men at work on the
Wendover cut-off, where they aro
boring through seven trifles ot solid
rock along the riatte river, between
Guernsey and Wendover. This
stretch Is the meet expensive con
struction on the Burlington system,
costing, it is asserted, more than $3,
000,000 to complete the seren miles.
Two Ken Osisha I.tnee.
The Wwndover cutoff, as It will be
known, ahortena the line Into Wyoming,
giving Omaha better access to the whole
of the northwest country.
Other work that the Burlington has In
contemplation for 1915 is the completion
of the Chalco-Yuten cutoff, which means
the building of some fifteen miles of road
ir. the western part of Douglas anil the
eastern part of Saunders county, giving
Omaha another short line Into Sioux City
and northern Nebraska. The building of
this cutoff and the construction ot the
bridges, one of which will be across the
Platte river, will cost close to HMJ.0CKX
Phelan A Pherley of Omaha have tho con
tract for the grading and they are ex
pected to commence work about the mid
dle of May. It la proposed to havo the
cutoff completed in time to .handle the
next crop. i
t'Bton Pacific Plana.
About the only thing In the way of
construction that the Union r&ciflc will
do this season will be to finish up some
tsn miles of heavy work in the vicinity
of Devil's Gate, Utah. What Is really a
second track Is being constructed there
for eastbound business. The main line,
on which all the business Is handled, has
TS per cent grade' coming east. The
new track,1 which will be laid to the south,
will have a 90 per cent grade coming east
The Union Pacific's new work at Devil's
Gate Is almost wholly through solid rran-
tte. A large fore was put to work some
thirty days ago blasting out the side of
the mountain, and good headway Is being
The Missouri Pacific will do much work
In the way of finishing up contracts that
were unfinished when winter set In. but
ao new projects are under ccmslderatlon.
The Northwestern, Illinois Ontral,
Great Western, Rock Island, Wabash,
Milwaukee and Omaha roads will make
Improvements and betterments In order
to keep their respective lines In present
Preparing for Coming
of Miss Mary Antm
Members Of the Political .Equality
league to the number ot thirty met at
the home of M las lone C Duffy Monday
evening as a preliminary to boost the
coming of Mary Antln, tho author af
"The Promised Land" and ''They Who
Knock at Our Gates." Miss Antin will
speak on "The Public Bchools as a Teat
of American F"alth" Tuesday evening,
March S3, at the First Methodlat church.
Miaa Kate A. McHugh, former torlnolDal
of the Omaha High school, gave a re
view of "The Promised Land" and Mrs
Agnes Harrison read a biographical
sketch of the author. A delightful musi
cal program, including vooai selections
by Miaa Fannie McHugh. violin solos by
Miss Jean Undeland, accompanlel by
Miss Agnes Undeland, and piano numbers
by Cecil Berryman, waa a feature of the
Mayor J. C. Dahlman snent an lt-
esung Bnernoon Monday composing a
i.nyworu telegram for Lindaev HnrJrlr,.
ny DlciBi or Atlanta, Ga.. who wrote
for information on the Jitney situation In
Omaha. He wanted to know the attl-
tuae or the public of the publlo servloa
corporations and asked many other quetw
none, in mayor believes he could now
qualify aa a correspondent whose chief
throught Is to save teltgraph tolls by
cAirfsnHii nimseir oriefly.
The city council lias postponed to Tues
day, March 1, the hearing on the con
demnation of the Board of Trade build
lnjr- This action waa taken upon the re
quest of the owner, who say tipsy wish
to have a hearing and are not prepared
at this time.
Pure Blood Makes
Healthy People
Hood's Saraaparllla removes scrofula
soreg, bolls and other eruptions, because
It drives out ot the blood the humors that
cauae them. Eruptions cannot be sue
cessfully treated with external appllca-
tlons, because theae cannot purify the
uooa s r.rapriua makes rich, red
blood, perfects the digestion, and builds
up the whole system. Insist on having
liood g. uet it now.
Pea' I
bullgias Ifa-
roirir Pct.
baranse ot
lao af taoiialoal
arewlaSsa on lbs
art of ma contrac
tors. Ira Sollara la
cor socket t maMr
oaart Urhnltal suDarvta-
tca aucs aa I an able ta
rrDdar. Call pbuua ar rit.
alaabar Aoiartcaa 1stitula
of Klaitriuti kngiaaara.
iao4 w. o. w. aid.
Priors Sources feO?7.
Safety Belt Saves
Human Fly from
Fall from Window
Herman t'romwell, the ' human fly" of
the city hall, sllppe'l from a second-story
ledire of the mtinlt Insl htilltHna at noon
Tuesday and only escaped Injury by rea
son nf l.avinc n "safety first" belt fas
tened to his waist.
Ills body drcied s'Hnt twelve feet
and aside from a "linking up. he was none
the worse for his enpeilence.
CHy hsll e.nployes hauled the suspended
man to a window.
Mr. Cromwell wslks all around tlin
lednt-a of the city hall and Is he object
tf considerable Interest on occasions, lla
learned his climbing ability on the masts
of sailing vessels at sea. lie wss re
movlnft Icirles from ledges of the win
dows at the time.
William P. Hughs nas bought a lot
and two brick buildings of James Cam
eron at 2112 and 2114 Harney street for
$1 f ,000. The deal was made through J. It.
Dumont A Co., The property consists of
a S-foot fronl, extending 1:12 feet to the
alley, with a double brick tenement, on
Harney street and a two-story brlclc shop
on the alley. Mr. Hughes is secretaiy-of
the Nebraska Bankers' association. He
bought the property as an Investment.
Her husband gave her only $1 In five
year, Mrs. Catherine Woodward tetl-
fleld before District Judge Redlck In a
divorce ault In which John Woodward of
Mouth Omaha, a house mover, was de
fendant Mrs. Woodward, whose home
a at Twenty-first and O streets, testi
fied that when she needed supplies she
worked to secure them. She ta i years
old. The court granted a decree.
The executive committee of the Ne
braska Press association, with President
Henry Allen Bralnerd of Hebron at the
head. Is in Omaha conferring with R. V.
Parrlsh of the bureau of publicity In re
gard to final arrangements for the en
tertainment of the editors when the
Presa association Is to meet In Omaha,
April 19 to 21.
The rontenene hotel has made a liberal
subsoriptlon to the bureau of publicity
of the Commercial club. Manager Bur-
bank got on the telephone and made hla
subscription by telephone. This is about
the first case ot this kind on record.
J. Llntsman. 1182 North Nineteenth
street, wss fined tl and costs In irolice
court for failure to shove the snow from
tho sidewalk in front of his place. Two
other men arrested for a like offense
were discharged.
Richard Ia Metcalfe was called to
Washington Saturday and will likely be
there moat of the week, ire Is called to
Washington periodically in connection
with the Panama canal opening, aa he
Is cAalnnaa of tha opening commission.
P. U Ryan, Mot Decatur street, waa
arrested and fined tt and costs for re
fusing to pay his street car fare. A con
ductor on the North Twenty-fourth ttreet
line appeared against him.
Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad.
Vic Are
The phrase, "big corporation," is
often used as if one were describing a
certain individual reputed to have
There are bad corporations and
good corporations, just as there are
bad men and good.
Some corporations in the past have
done things that, in the name of jus
tice, they had no right to do; but all
corporations should not suffer for the
sins of a few.
But times have changed. The corpo
ration Is a dandy that gets away with
anything that it should not in these
days of the vigilant press, the watch
Steam Coal Comes
in Right Season
The strain cosl situation that Paturvlsy
Ke pninilac of becoming aiiito on a
count of a possible shortsse. wss relieved
Sunday night by the nrrtvat Hnndsy o(
three trains of twenty t ars eai h over
the Missouri rsr'flo from the Kansas
mines. This supply will run the pni king
house and the lli; buildings In Omaha a
rouplo of days, or st lst until more
Some lime a so. fisi nriiist tbst the Inter
wss sbxnt over, the extensive consumer
of stestii cos I. hern and In South Omaha,
let th; storsge stock run low. depending
upon current receipts for the supply. The
storm of lssl week tied up freluht train
service for a couple of days, and Satur
day there were evidences of a lamlnr In
this particular kind of fuel.
The proposed advances an freight rates
on coal and coke affeotlng the shipments
of theso commodities to Omaha hns been
suspended by the Interstate Commerce
oc.nimlslon. The traffls bureau of the
Commercial cltih made the protest to the
commission ngnlnst the Increase in rates
The case Is lo be heard, however. In
Chicago before an examiner for the In
terstate Commerce commission March 'JS
A Few
New arrival new designs inlaid and printed pattern
tile effect and plain full roll or at much a you like
nothing held back everything going in this sale.
YOU MUST COME EARLY TJiis is a big money
saving sale. UoavieBt reduction yot. Yon can not delay.
PRINTED, Per Square INLAID, Per Square Yard
50o' 6 ft. wide, now . .35c P.V, pood quality, for 70c
55c. ( ft. wide, heavy, 30c $1.35, fine quality, for $1
65c, 6 ft. extra liravy, 49o $1 .50, extra heavy, $1.25
IV!-, X up to 4 ynrda 25, 50 and $1
YOU MUST COME EARLY to get a good choice.
y x s
Full of Style-Quality
s ' s s s '
Called a "Big Corporation"
"We Advertise So That Ae People May Know.
(o .'.'. Those w-lio desire lo oppose the
advance must appesr then to show caissn
hy the advance should not be granted
In the mesntlme the tsriffs are Sus
pended for a period of !. days, which
tarries the suspension over until June 2!.
f.ooil for flick Headache.
Constipation tause sick headache and
Dr. Kino's New Ufe Pills will cure It.
Tnkn a dose tonight. ' AM drucalsts.
Advt rtlsrincnt.
Cliatlrs Cnrr, alio. In Judge Kngllsh's
district cinirt desi rtbed a house from
which plumbing flMres had been stolen
immediately after having pleaded not
guilty to a charge of breaking, and enter
ing the residence, ohansrd his plea to
guilty and received a penitentiary sen
tence of from one to ten years.
Carr was arraigned Saturday.
"Not guilty." he said.
"Is there a plunihlng shop at n"8 Routh
Twenty-fifth avenue asked Judge Eng
lish, commenting on the large quantity of
plumbing fixtures named In the Informa
tion. '
"It may have been a hoarding house."
ssld County Attorney Magney.
"No, It was a large new house," said
After that he thought he might as well
pit ad Ruilty.
Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad.
Days Longer
s:y s7
1 v.iii
' ' - , I
v I
I,. . I,, A (J
ful public and the various state and
national public service commissions.
Today the public are watching the
corporations closer than any cat ever
watched at a rat hole; but no corpo
ration that intends to be on the square
objects to being watched.
Big business means more economy,
greater efficiency and intelligent or
ganization. It means better service
at a less cost to the public.
Merely being a "big corporation"
should not be considered a crime.
This company is big because it has
to be. A child can't do a man's work.
. This company must be big to do a big
job to render big service to you.
Food Facts For The
Vorkingnan's Wife
To Study
Vou ows it lo yoursslf, your husban.1
and fsmllv to liny sll food stuffs from
rraotlcslly ona stsndpolnt antrltloa.
Othsr far-tors count, of oiirss but ni
trltlon should, not h sacrificed for any
thing fs, for nutrition Is the basis of
economic food buvlns.
Most wnrklngmsn's wlvss ssrvs ton
Truii-li msst. Kroin a standpoint of mi-
trltlon. most Is elrsr food. Horn niSHt
Is essential, but v can nrofltshlr cut
out much of our meat and substltnto
other nutrition but much chesrer food.
There's Faust Hpsahettl. When we
est It, ae absorb practically all of it;
most of it goes to snrlrh our blood and
build tin our bodies. Kaust Hfsshettl ia
mads of Iniruin wheat a highly glu
tinous ceresJ. Sold In lsrgs loo pack
ages la a splendid partial meat substi
tute, la easily prepared and makes fine
eating. Try plenty of Kaust Spaghetti
Ut down on mest.
St. lionls, V. 8. A.
Every Woman
Can Uso
and ought to use occasionally
a proper remedy for the
headache, backache, languor,
nervousness and depress
ion to which ehe may be
Bubject These troubles and
others are symptoms of debil
ity and poor circulation caused
by indigestion or constipation
are at onta lafa, eartaia and
oonTeniant Ther clear tha ayttem
and purify tha blood. They sx
art a g-eneral ionic affect and
intura good health and strength,
go that all tha bodily organs da
their natora) work without catufng
Buffering1;. Evary woman of U
thousands who faaya tried them,
know iaiat Beech am'a Pill act
To Certain
Dtractksa ss ttary Saa at Ssakl Taka a Tai
. taU a i, skat a. Is Vssssj Wfc, 3.
A SB-.. . . . I .
8omro-N-eor r-5 fnr,
t ja a a a rirL af f'JJ,'!
J00 ftATKra
1 IU?
Expf CrWfM Paid . -
try It nam. stall aa this ad with SO erata
la stsssaa sr eotfr s4 wawill sasxl jrou
a full quart bottla of Sayntr frivol
Stack BMtlU-ln-Bd Whtaksy In aaalad
lass sniisisrhsrsaaTialil, ItaeAi
im-ftmd srhlaka of tns fiaaat kind
asalsd srtUi UisU.B. Oovsrnasmt's Oiasa
Btama r tha aork fully ea-ad. full
t00 praof, fall assaaar tw to aasssa
ya ia rJ wtur, aa talii M a ha ami
waaraeaaaf tha krgsat Distil iars la
Assartea baass ta feualsMsa raara
CBPital K0,bu0U. OrJrr rifht sna
ards aur, thaa ana auut If yosi lik
goods srUi go forward ay Brat axpt
Oran traas N.Maa., Ookv, Wt.
ad all awtas waat anarM Btsat aau lor
liM it aaa aar-aaraaa swd. sa-g
Drtsa.tX FaaUsa. D. C. tUssvaa.
TsM,0. sWaa,klsss. Kaaaas Citj.sis,
lassnaU, Oais. tastaaaeia, lad.
H. raas, siisa. jassaaswiis, wm.
Maw Mesas, La.
1007o efficiency that's
what you want when yoa
place an order for engraved
plates. We put snap in
oar work, we have work
men that we can rely upon.
Vi- hi 1 ' " i ur
A mQd STstsra of treatment that earaa
lrliea. Irtaiula and keetal LaseaMS
wlUiout yis use of a kulf a. Ns cluor
fair SB. atar etbar gsusrsl aa
aaaUisUvS ascd. Nd uonsooaaary da
lay I rasa business, da abaulma eee
-II 1-
RfttTltr First Half-
UUG Mi!, 40o for
X tick lidttioml mile there-
after for tha dliUnce you
ride. Re short for eill- I
J tag or rtturntng. I
WarUas? Tim a Sats '
af IU0 Vsr Homr.
I "latt'i Oat ae-TV-loa a
Telephone Doug. SO. I
V Omaha Taxi Senrica Co.y
. 8104 Farnaai fit. S
$ uarsatead In sterr os aooepved.
pay tjs,m vou mmt ccntgr
The aura first, thaa the par. Tbse ssf
alios. It'a fair and square. I aiaa (ia
wnilen s-uaj-antSB last the enra wut last
a lite time, wnw fur Prave lsa. wwa
ria foul ffar'5isra.
... I.aat sUa.aTMsea Ml