THE KKK: OMAHA, ' WEDNESDAY, MA1U11 l'M.V 1 WOMEN CAM HARDLY BELIEVE How Mr. Hurley Waa Re stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Eldon, Ia. " I wu troubled with displacement, inflammation and female I weakness. For two years I could not stand on my feet long at a time and I could not walk two blocks without en during cutting and drawing pains dowa my right side which Increased every month. I hare been at that time purple In the face and would walk the floor. I could not lie down or ait still sometimes for a day and a night at a time. I was nervous, and had very little appetite, no ambition, melancholy, and often felt as though I had not a friend in the world. After I had tried most every female remedy without suc cess, my mother-in-law advised me to take Lydia . E. Pfnkham's Vegetable Compound. I did so and gained in strength every day. I have now no trou ble In any Way and highly praise your medicine It advertises itself." Mrs. S. T. Hurley, Eldon, Missouri Remember, the remedy which did this was Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For sale everywhere. It has helped thousands of women who have been troubled with diaplaee in en ts, Inflammation, ulceration, tumors, Irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing down feeling, indigestion. and nervous prostration, after all other means have failed. Why don't yon try It? Lydia E. Flakhara Medicine Co, Lynn, Mass. If You Have' -j ?EHieumatfemj Write rear same and address mere ' ' -,,,-n Nsjne Address . . . . Anfl send to (FYederios; Dyer. Dept. . OHIO, Jackson, Mich. Return mall will b Tin it you TMi Book and Mr ; 91.00 Drafts to Try rtUUi aa ex- I plained below. '. t Out off her Send Ioday for thia FREE BOOK Tells how to get rid of rheuma tism, no matter where located or how severe, with out Medicine. My (method has' cre ated auch a sen- ation all over the world by tin e x t r a o r d- I nary ulnvHlrlty. aa well aa by Ita certain- ty to b r 1 n a nroniDt and per manent relief, that every sufferer should learn about it at once. Men ana women In every civilixed. country and In every climate are wrltlnir me that my Drafts liave ourerT them, some after 30 and 40 years' Buffering -a whole lifetime of pain cured even after the most expen slve treatments and baths had failed. No matter what your are. nor where or Ihow aevere the pain, I take all risk of failure and send you the drafta right along with my Book, without a cent In advance To Try Tree. Then after trying; my Drafta, If you are fully satisfied with the benefit re ceived, you ran aend me One Dollar. If not keep your . money. You de-. . & jour WUIU. DBIIU ' TODAY aiwf Ret Wr Drafta aad Ms XUuetreted Book, return mall prepaid. Address. Frederick Dyer, Dept. rer. 1 bend ueua, jaoason, auomgan. no money just the coupon. r WONDERFUL HOW RESIfiOL STOPS ITCHING To thoae who have endured for years the Itching torments of ecaema or other auch skta-eruptlons. the relief that the first use of Rcslrvot Ointment and Res lnol Soap gives la perfectly Incredible. After all the suffering they have en dured aiid all the use lees treatments they spent good money for, they cannot believe anything so simple, mild and In expensive can stop the Itching and burn ing INSTANTLY! And they find it still more wonderful that the Improvement la permanent and that Reslnol really drives away the eruption completely tn a very short time. Perhaps there Is a pleasant surprise like this 'in store for you. Reslnol Ointment and Reslnol Soap are sold by all druggists. For trial free, write to Dept. 14-R, Reslnol, Bal timore, Md. QmanaSiEif Omaha L IQUO B -and D RUG Treatment 1502 S. 10th St. Phone D. 7CS8 OMAHA Make Teething Easy lor Baby use Mrs. V.lnsbw's Scclhlng Syrtrp A SPLENDID lieGULATOf? ruRay vegetable- hot narcotis 1 'Ml- RJieumatism Treated; Through l! theFee by CAPTAIN DESCRIBES FIRE OHTOURAINE Crew Fight Blase for More Than a Day and Finally Subdue It Without Help. AID CALLS ONLY A THECAUTION HAVRE. March . A HUd inquiry already has been begun into VI phases of the fire at sea aboard tho French Una steamer La Touralne, which docked here at 4 o'clock yes terday afternoon, and landed all its passengers. Admiral Charlier of the ministry of marine and Director Durorot of the Compagnle General Traus-Atlanttque boarded the vessel upon its arrival and started the in vestigation at once. The report of Ad miral Charlier will be submitted to the government. The paasenirera apparently were none of tho worse for their thrllllnir experi ence. The fire which waa confined to one of the holds, waa extinguished at midnight Sunday and the last stage of the voyage waa completed without In cident. Life Belts DUtribvtea. Life belts were distributed among the passengers and the boats were prepared for Instant use aa aoon aa the flames were discovered but at no time waa there any real danger, according: to u state ment made by Captain Cauasln, who de clared the 8. O. ft. call for assistance waa sent out merely as a measure of precaution. There Waa no disorder and do panto he said, the paeeenger accept ing the situation calmly In the belief that the fire would be conquered and! that other steamers would reply promptly to the wireless lummom The steamer Rotterdam, one of the veeeela which answered La Touralne's oall and stood by until the fire waa ex tinguished, left the French liner at Prawle Point, England. The French cruisers Culchen and Dupletlt Thouars, which also went to La Touralne's assist ance, escorted It, however, as far aa Cherbourg and' then continued on their way. Other veeeela which answered Captain Caus sin's call were Informed that there was no need tor their services and con tinued their trips after receiving the thanks of the liner's captain. OaBtalB Telia of Fire. Captain Cauaaln' told the story cf the fire after he had taken his veasel to lta berth. The ftre was discovered at 1 a. m. Saturday. March s. when we were In north latitude 48.11 and west longitude 21.08," he said. "It waa In the base of one of the ventUatore In the boiler room. Heavy smoke found Its way to the bridge. While the men In the boiler room sought to extinguish the blase, which waa not serious In Itaelf, I turned my' attention to other parts of the ship. "It this moment one of the night watch reported hearing the crackling of flames forward. I ordered all the crew to their stations and aa the ahip waa In a mist I gave directions to stop the veasel In order that I might leave the bridge for the scene of the blase. We discovered flames eating their way toward the pest office and beginning' to attack neighbor ing cabins. , We discovered, that the flames were spreading to the partitions and floor et compartment No. !, so as to Involve a large amount of freight. Be lieving that ao large a part of the cargo might take fire and finding we were not sole to deal with It eaaily, I decided to aend out a jsall for . aid. Meanwhile, through holes made In the partitions we obtained a view of the fire whloh then waa attacked wh jeta of water and steam.' Sunday morning, the'-7tb, we had mastered the blase and danger waa past"' t Captain Cauasln paid tribute to the coolness of hia officers and orew. Owing to the early arrival of La Touralne at Havre, nearly all the passengers were able to proceed to Paris on the train leaving a 6 p. m. The chip shows no ex ternal sign of the flro. It waa admitted that military supplies were Included in the cargo which was threatened. Sharp Battle in Arahia Near Head of Persian Gulf LONDON, March . In a statement is sued this evening regarding the recent fighting between British troops and Turkish forces at the head of the Per sian gulf, the Official Press Bureau said: "The enemy'a loaaea near Ahwas (in Khuxlstan) on March S were heavier than previously reported. Six hundred were killed and many were wounded. "In the aotlnn on the western flank the enemy loat 300 man killed." AMSTKRDAM. March .-Vla London.) An official statement from tho Turkish ministry, received here today from Pon stant'nople, aaya that the British lost 40) men In the recent battle at the head of the Persian gulf. ' Thla fol- lowa: "Three battalions of British Infantry, with two quick-firing field guns, two mountain guns, one machine gun section and one squadron of cavalry, attempted on March I to attack our positions in the region of Ahwas (In Khuxlstan). After a counter attack by our troops, the' Brtt'eh fled In disorder to their ships, leaving 40) dead or wounded. Among the dead were one British major and four other officers. "We captured three guns, M) rlflea. 100 horses and a great quantity of Red Cross material. Our loaaea were Insig nificant." REPORTED ILLNESS OF . COUNTESS IS DENIED NEW YORK. March . The reported illness ,l Countess Lasslo Bsechenyt, formerly Miss Gladys Vanderbilt, daugh ter of the late Comeliua Vanderbilt, was denied today by membera of the Vander bilt family here. Cable reporte said private dispatrhea received Hn London stated that the countess had been dan gerously III of smallpox In Budapest for a fortnight. DEATH RECORD 1. . RrsrearststUa W. A. Day. PtERnU. 8. D.. March pedal ) Representative W. A. Pay of Wanting county died In the hospital here Uxlay from Intestinal trouble. He wus able to be In tils' aeat only for the first fen- day In January and put In practically nil Lie time of Ihrf BRSwion at the hospital. Tli bofiy will tie taken to hU old Bradley for burial. hlmc Votes Eight Times Different Leg TNDIANAPOIJ9. Ind.. March . tTnlted Ptates District Attorney Prank C. Dalley. at the trial of the twenty eight alleged election fraud conspirators of Terr Haute took up the session out lining the government's rase. Samples of the cards, which Mr. Dalley said were prepared at polios headquar ters to be used In fraudulent registration and the alleged false registration applica tions, Were shown to the Jury. The district attorney Intimated that many of the eighty-eight who have pleaded guilty to the Indictment, will be witnesses for the government. Maj or Roberts, the government's coun sel asserted, called a meeting of hia hand-picked election Inapectors" and told them that "no one had a right to touch the voting machine except the Inspectors and that when a man entered for voting the Inspectors should do the work." Rob erta also demonstrated on a voting machine the manner. In which a vote would not be registered and often'timca, WESTERN GRAIN RATES ARE LOWER Chairman Boyd Sayi that Freight Charges Are Below Those Pre vailing1 in Eastern Territoy. PROPOSES SEVERAL ADVANCES CHICAOO, March . r. B. Boyd, chairman of the western trunk lines committee, testified as a grain ex pert at the Interstate Commerce com mission hearing- today that the forty one western railroads which are ask ing; for freight rate increases are now required to carry grain and grain products between certain west era points at rates much lower than the rate prevailing- in eastern terri tory. To equalise the rates Mr. Boyd urged increases asked for by the railroads, as follows: One cent a hundred" pounds for 'grain and grain products . carried from terri tory between the Missouri and. Mississippi rivers to Chicago, excepting transcon tinental trafflo and excepting also points between Kansas and Nebraska and the Missouri river. I Two cents a hundred pounds on grain and grain products shipped from Chicago to gulf ports for export. A minimum of pounds for a car load Instead of S6.000 pounds Is asked. Mr. Boyd presented figures purporting to show that the Increases asked were In equalisation with Ihe rates on the same commodities In other parts of the coun try. "The present low and inadequate rates are the reauit of the old rate wars which the railroada fought before tho ,-Inter- atata Commerce commission waa created." aid Mr. Boyd. "Beck In 19TH the roads under the old competitive avatem reduced their rates to a profitless basis. Under regulation, competition in rates was put out of business. Old and low schedules were enforced so that railroada are work ing tinder rates that fall to yield an adequate return on the greater servtc required by modern condltlonm" . State Takes Ground Thaw Still Insane, Competent to Plot NEW TORK, March .-i-Tha acluat trial of Harry K. Thaw, slayer of Stan ford White, and five codefondants for conspiring to effect Thaw's earape from the state hospital at Matteawan, was be gun In the supreme court today. Deputy Attorney General Franklin Kennedy out lined the case of the state and several witnesses gave' testimony of a technical nature. Mr. Kennedy said It was the contention of the state that Thaw waa insane at the time of hia flight; that It would still constitute a menace to the public aafety to allow him at large, but that becauan of these facta he was by reason of his "peculiar form of insanity" competent to conspire to defeat the administration of Justice. None of the witnesses ex amined during the forenoon session waa crora-examined. The court room was crowded. There were aa many women aa men. Thaw's mother, Mrs. Mary Copely Thaw, hia sister. Mra George U Carnegie and his half brother, Joslah Thaw, occupied seats near him. Photographs and maps. of Matteawan hospital produred hy Robert Hammer lund. a photographer, and James A. WLdell,' a state engineer, the next wit nesses, were passed to theJOry. Patrick O'Connor, a olerk In the bureau of Ueenacs, who waa then called, Identi fied applicatlone for chauffeura' lle ensea, made t,w Thomaa Flood. Roeer Thompaon and Michael O'Keefe. This J testimony waa designed to show .that O'Keefe, Thompaon and Flood actually were the chauffeura who drove the ma chines In which Thaw escaped. At the afternoon session William Gor-! don, proprietor of a hotef at Beacon, N. Y.. identified Butler and O'Keefe aa the mn who came to hia hotel a abort time before Thaw fled from Matte wan. Roger Thompson, the witness said, wss the chauffeur and O'Keefe waa with Thomp aon at the time. State Fair Managers Meet in Chicago CHICAGO, March l.-Managers of state faira were called on today to determine whether a wild west ahow was productive of more or fewer thrtlla among Spec t a tors than the performance of aviators looping the loop or skimming along head downward. The state fair men. western member of the American Association of ' raira ana expositions, were besieged throughout the day by advance agents of various forms of side shows and exhibi tions. The stat air bctrds of Iowa. Nebraska and f.Jth Dakota were among thoae tn attend at the ' session, which waa piTsld-d over by V, R. Mel lor of Lin coln. Tve.b., presidei;:. f the national or ganlxatlcn. Members of the national aa sotlatlon K.fitrrV faira exhibiting to 60.. OOli.OOO persons snnually. The annual meetli g Is to f,e M$ j fn Kran,.lw.0 Novi-niU-i- ii and H. Iloa't ,at tour ( old ,r Worav. Hell's Hlpe-Tar-ili nev will cur wu. .'iiugh and wive you rotful sleep. tjtxxl stj'" in'iiren. Only Lie. All ' druggist.- I 119. Hit? IK.. ( in Day, Uses Each Time Nearly Mr. Dalley said, the Inspectors would pull down the democratic lever, forcing the voter tn vole that ticket. If the voter protested vigorously the Inspector would permit him to vote again, thus pairing the votes and leaving both uncounted, ac cording to the lawyer. "The Roberta Inspectore," Dalley asserted, "always stood in a position to see how a person votod and If the voter voted right' communicated with the man on the outside who handled the money." As an example of the methods used by repeaters, Mr. Dalley gave the fol lowing: "One .busy repeater was a one-legged negro, who voted eight times In one pre cinct. One time he came with a peg leg; another time he wore a oork leg; the third time without anything strapped to hia leg; the fourth time an Iron extension ieg; anoiner ume wun one crutcn, ana one time, for the purpose deception, he wore glasses." U-16 SINKS JFIYE VESSELS One German Submarine Responsible for Number of Merchantmen Sent to the Bottom. WOMEN AND CHILDREN SPARED LONDON, March . A dispatch to Routcr'a Telegram company from Amster dam aavs: "German submarine U-1S was responsi ble for th eslnklng of five of the allied steamers which have been destroyed since the commencement of the submarine blockade, according to Otto von Qott berg. who givea In a Berlin newspaper an account of the crulae of the U-l. "The submarine waa commanded by Commander Hansen, who was tn England when war waa depcared and got sway on the last steamer. Shots do Wild. "Soon after Ita departure from Kiel, according to von oOttberg, tho tMs en countered a British cruleer and a torpedo boat destroyer, but the torpedoes which the submarine fired missed them. It next sighted the steamer Laertes, which out steamed it. "The submarine's first victim waa the British ateamer Dulwlch, the crew of which It allowed to get away In lta boat a The second aa the lTrench steamer Vllle de Lille and the third the French ateamer Dlnorah. nil of which have ben reported In the British official accounts aa having been aunk. trainer Not Molested. "Von oOttberg does not give the namea of the other two steamers which he claims Commander Hansen sank, but -Clares that during the cruise on Frettoh steamer waa not molested aa it had women and children on board. v "This, aaya von oOttberg. may have been chivalry on. hia part, but Oermana will hardly approve of the action of sub marine commandera it they allow their Kinaneas or heart to get the beter of them." : - Abdul HamidFrefc, ' , Rallies His Friends LONDON, March . One of the most -plcturestrue bits of the day's riewa la a report from Bucharest, Rumania, stating mat rormer sultan Abdul Hare Id of Tur key has regained hja freedom ( and la gathering bis friends and supporters around htm. It Is asserted that he may seek to play un Important part In his country'a a fairs. WANT. UPPER MADE UP : BEFORE ENTERING LOWER? WASHINGTON. March .-Tho consti tutionality of the Wisconsin statute pro hibiting sleeping car companlea from making up an' upper berth over an oc cupied lower berth until the upper la en gaged was argued today before the su preme court. "I prefer to have the upper made up when I sleep In a lower," suggested Jus tice McReynolda. "The law Is based on the comfort and desires of the great maas or the traveling public and ' not upon Individual J cases." I replied Assistant Attorney General Webb w r.v,....,, -uu r unending me law. ARTIFICIAL BREATHING FAILS TO SAVE HIS LIFE WASHBURN. Wis., March tfayfe Reuter, ts. thla city, whoae every breath during more than aeven weeks his de- penaea on rnenaa ana relatives, who have . . - . .... i kept him alive by means of artificial ....... UI7U iuubjt. j-nyaiciana pro - nounrea neuter s case one of tl:o most peculiar on record. Re u tor was stricken with nerve paralysis, which sffietod the muaclea ofhe pulmonary region. Relatives and frlenda have forced air Into the young maq's lungs by pumping the chest with their hands. The young man . remained conscious and save In structions aa to how best to pump 'his chest. WOMAN CHARGED WITH HUSBAND'S DEATH RELEASED DUBUQUE, la., March Mr. Doroaa Braxsell, convicted of the murder of her huaband at her first trial a year ago, waa given her liberty today at the open ing of her second trial. The court sua- talned a ' motion by the defense's attor- ' nays to dismiss the rase on the ground ' of Insufficient -evidence. ! CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells IIow To Get Quick Belief from Ilead-Colds. It's Spleiyiidt In one minute your clogged n ovinia i will open, the sir passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, head ache, dryness). No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Oet a small bottle of Fly's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of thla fragraut, antiseptic, healing cream In your nostras. , It penetrates through every air pa anise of the head, aoothe the inflamed or swollen mucous mem brane and relief comes Instantly. It'a lust fine. D.m't stay stuffrd-up I It h cold or nssty catarrh Relief comes so quickly. DESTROY TURKS' COALING STATION Chutei and Docks at Zunguldiak on South Shore of Black Sea Are Bombarded. ANOTHER. COAL PORT DAMAGED TETROORAD. March 9. (Via London.) The bombardment by the Russians of Zunguldlak on the south shore of the Black. Sea, and the de struction of the docks there, as an nounced by the Russian naval author ities yesterday, constituted a serious blow to the Turkish fleet, since it ts from this point that the Turks hith erto have drawn their chief supplies of coal for the. navy. It is reported semt-offtclally that In addition to silencing the batteries which de fended the docks, the Russian fleet also destroyed the coal chutes. Benderegll, forty mllce to the west, whloh Is another coaling port, also was damaged. ' The only damage to the Russian fleet during" the bombardment of Zunguldlak was a alight Injury to the cruiser Almas, a-hloh waa struck by a six-Inch shell. Three soldiers were wounded. The cruis er' s machinery waa not damaged. With the evident Intention of distracting the Russian advance Into Turkish Armenia from Batum to the valley of the Tchoruk, the Turks have started a movement In the, vicinity of Khol, In northwestern Persia to west of Tahrts. The Ruaalan authorities attach little Importance to this move, believing the melting snows and awollen rivers tn thla region will im pede the progress of the Turks and pre clude the possibility of their turning the left flank of the Russian.Csuoaaian army. Efforts to dislodge the right and left flanks of the German forces operating In the Puwalkt district of north fn Poland apparently are bringing some suc- oese. arm oniy me uerman center, in tno ..u u, rminu, iu tiuiuinv , iirm in possession of the positions re cently gained In the advance from East Prussia. The German left flank Is re ported to have retired to positions In the region of Marlanpol-Vlrsbalova and Eldcunen. The right flank, reports from the front Bay, haa retreated hastily thirty 'miles from Grodno toward Augua towo through bogs and foreata.. The retreat of the Ocrman right wing, which la now within, eight miles of the frontier, Is regarded aa especially dam aging to the Germans. Get competent help through The Bee. Planes Shell Repair Submarines Base LONDON, March .-Tho admiralty to night Issued the following statement: "Wing Commander Longmore reports that an sir attack on Ostend was carried out yesterday afternoon by six aero planes of the naval wing. Of these two had to return, owing to their . petrol f reeling. The remainder .reached Ostend and dropped eleven bombs on the sub marine repair base and four bombs on the Kursaal, tho headquarters of the military. , . "All the machines ond pilots icturucd. It ia probable that considerable damage was dooe. No submarines were seen In the basin. The attack waa carried out In a fresh north northwest wind." 'Tiz" for Aching, Sore, Tired Feet "TIZ" for tender, puf fed-up, burning:, calloused feet and corns. "Ah! aWr. 'TIZ' Is the it" ! Peoole who are forced to. t.mi their feet all day know what aore, tender, on ,aweaty. burning feet mean. They use "TIZ." and "TIZ" cures their feet right up. It keepa feet In perfect condition. "TIZ" ts the only remedy In the world that drama out all the poisonous exuda tions which puff up the feet and cause tender, aore, tired, aching feet. It in stantly stops the pain in corns, callouses and bunions. It's simply glorious. Ah! how comfortable your feet feel after using "TIZ." You'll never limp or draw up your face In poln. Your shoes won't tighten and hurt your fret. Oet a W cent box of "TIZ" now from any druggist, department or general store. Juat think' a whole year's foot comfort for only 85 rents. IT RUINS HAIR TO WASH ITWITH SOAP 8oap ahould be uaed very aparlngly. If at all. If you want to keep your hair looking ita .best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins It, Tha best thing for steady use Is just ordinary mulalfled ooroanut oil (which la pure and greaaeleeaj), Is cheaper and better than soap or anything else you can use. One or two teaspoon fule. will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. fMmpiy moisten the hair with water and rub tt In. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and exceaaive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and It leaves the scalp soft, snd the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to msuage. You tan get mutstfled cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, and a few ounces will supply every nu mber of the fam ily for month. Advertisement. Falls Eleven Stories To Death After Fight NEW YORK, March l-ta mystery attarhea to the death of AlexnmW Oordon, M yeara old, who was killed by a fall from an cloven-story window at Broadway and Duane afreet today. Two men. membera of the Amalgamated So. clety of Rnglnocrs. whoee offlcea are on the floor from which Gordon fell, have been held to await a coroner's Inquiry. They are George Wallace, American rep resentative of the engineers aorlety, and Oliver Houston, a machinist. The police declare they have witnesses who saw a scuffle and saw blows struck Just before Gordon fell to the street. Wallace declared ha and Houston had simply tried to prevent Gordon, who was despondentt"from committing suicide. Zaimis Declines to : Form a Ministry liONPON, March A Reuter dispatch from Athena says that M. Zaimis has declined to form a cabinet to euccced that of M.'Venlseloa. which resigned Satur day and that King Conatantlne will aum mon M. Gounarla, deputy for Pntras. for the task. Recipe to Clear a Pimply Skin Pimples are Impurities Seeking an Outlet Through Skin . Pores. Flmples, sores and bolls usually result from toxins, poisons and Impurities which are generated in the bowels and then ab sorbed Into the blood through the very ducts which should absorb only nourish ment to sustain the body. It is the function of the kidneys to filter mpurltlea from the blood and caet thejt out In the form of lirlnA. hut In nunv Instances the' bowels create more toxins and Impurities than the kidneys can all mlnate, then the blood uaea the akin pores aa the next beat means of getting, rid of these impurities which often break out sjl over the akin In the form of pimples. The surest way to clear the akin of these eruptions, says a notod authority. Is to get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Ball a and tako a table spoonful In a glass of hot water each morning before breakfast for one week. Thla will prevent the formation of toxlna In the bowela. It alao atlmulatea the kid neys to normal activity,, thus coaxing them to filter the blood of Impurities and clearing the skin of pimples. Jad Baits la inexpensive, -harnkles and la made from the acid of grapea and lemon Juice, combined with lithia. Here you have a pleasant, effervescont drink which usually makes pimples disappear; cleanses the blood and la excellent for the kidneys as well. Advertisement. RHEUMATISM CONQUERED t Mr that I in conquer rhiimUm ' with a Irrpl home trMtment, without elorlrtrs.1 trasl imnt. atrtnsM dlM. Mknlna battu, or In tart snj iihr of the uul irealinenu recommend Cor tlta mir of rhetifimttiim. Don't shut your oi sar "tmpoaslMs,M bat put bis to th tsst. v Yuu may have irlfd avarythlna you ever haard of and tiara apanl your mofvay right snrl left. I y "well and foui,'' lat ua pruv ar claims eltfiout uvna to yon. 1 At ma Mill ynu without ehartce s trial trnt mant ot DHLUNO'8 mHEVMATlC XNyl'ERKlt. 1 am wilting to tak Ilia eliauca ao4 awmly Ui tM will Mil. no sand m your aamc an 4II4 taat trsaUnant will b satit you at anra. Wban 1 en4 yoa th la. 1 will write you mora fully, and will ahov roe tbat my uaatmant I sot only for batahlu rhau riatlaoi. but abould alo rlaanao tna aycteaa of t rio Aoid and alva treat hanafit In kidney trou ble and fealp tha ganaral haaltta. ThtsMfporin.1 offar will not ha bald opea Indafl niulv. It will ho sacinaarr for you to mak your application qulrkly. Aa aoon as thte dtarueary n bnruaa better hitowo I anal! oeaaa aanilln fras ti .almost and snail then aharga a prlo for this diarovsry which wilk be la proportion to Ua pnt valua. So take iHiiniiK of thla after befora It ta tot lata), ftaiiiotnlwr, iua tat i-oia you abaolulaly nothing, r. M. iMlaoo, lair Ix-iaso Uldg., Syre cto. N. T. I.e-.I.t- r" fix fiBOTTB BROS. CO. aeral Diatrtktators Omaka, Neb. mm I WrMIT I inV 'iii-W'-' Imp . I,-. J Arc Yea Curing r Year Ocdy A Sscire C:sl 1 H SB Read The Ub of Life" This free booklet Is s plus (tateaMOt et Plain Deede aa sa men nuaritans with Parana. They hava used Peruaa. They kaow what they ass talking about. Fathers. Mothan. Sierv Brother. Grsadiathei sod grandchildren. They all Instructor reading. Send Mr ess. Peruaa is a standard household remedy for eoegha, colds aad catarrh. It is alto a light UxabVe. Aa adaaaeble remedy (of old and reanf . It ia a areat saving ia doc tor's bills to have Parana ia th hots. It M also coavanieat. II rout druggist does sot happen to havs Parana ia stock order M direct from as. 11.00 a betde. 15.00 for six. We pay toaoaponsnoa charge. Paraaa win Ma own way. On kotos will coatince you. THE PERUNA COMPANY, Cokmkwt, OMa L MARCH SALE If JiQ Mre bMHt tMnktnr fsf huv1n ft tlmtn4, Wat oh, WrtM Watch, or othur Jawrtry, far pravti 4 vrtmr or for a waxMlng. klrihrrsv or annlvvrmry Sift, thla Ml In yemr opportunity tori gvra ienr. NEW WRiJT WATCH, TriREE-lfi-OKE 1352 rN SI2 llCS Hro't ean be satlrslr atachxl. watch ran ha wnrn wa a aaedant. er as a regular watrfc. Flna (old nilad, amall popular aiaa. l ull U-Kiibr Jvtatol ntrkal movement, pendant eat, eithar ean be alluat4 to any alaa. as aach r. a be link Is aturhaM. We har M U l J' pNca to lin-rork" and offar this I J I I .M m vratnh - Term: $1.50 a Month ess Diamond Ring, 71? Man's Dlamenn Kins. pmng Tooth Mounting. 14k tS olid .M., I 9 17. M a Month 14k snllil sold I.oftuH "Perfection" CCD mounting. . . . wu as a Month, Diamond Scarf Pin XOS Rrarf Pin. solid oll. 1 pearl. 1 genuine din-' inond, eft C(l JE101 !,a Valll ere, fine solid old. 1 fine dia rnnnd, J genulnn pearle, 16- I A In. chain. . V I $1.40 a Moath at TsitMIl 1 a Month Open Dally Titr 8 P. U. Saturday Tilt 9:3Q Call or write for Illustrated Catalogue No. K03. Phone Pouglaa 1444 and our salesman will call. THE RATICXAL Jewelers tM It. Car. lath Banal lav. Oawii I Every Dollar You Save with the Bouth Omaha Savings Pank eama Intercut. irriutT DOIXAJI TOO" bTWUbTD is not only gone forever but the intereat you mtgbt have made la also lost. Stop In the Bank today snd open a Savings Account if you have not already done so, and start to save the dollars that are frittered away. SOUTH OMAHA SAVINGS BANK 24 th and M Streets H. C. nOSTVYTCK, President TRUMAN BUCK, V. Pre. P. B. GETTY, CWhler. "MlKMAMMtB" emblaaons Umatua'c l sisnsj arch. The Bee'g . s-dvertis. inaT columns are the chsjm4 for joa to strnal the rlstvor. HOTELS. Hotel Srailm -Am Hotel WVr Csasste are IVlaal te Feel at liosno" Not too large, yet large enough to tfford the miximum of value at minimum expense. Exceptionally Accessible) 609 KaammKUmt nVstaamf GUrsa Stall Rooms with Ruanlaa Waiar 11.00 10 i.00 sar 4ay Slagle loeau with Tufc r Sboarae l.50tet.0aprday Docbi Beeaaa with kyaalnt Vatar 12.00 lo ta.KO par Say DovMs Beoau with Tub r 6hvar . i.00 le Id.OO par ay EDWARD C. FOGG, Waaarfa tHrtt ROT l 2KOWN. HomuUal Mmiw Willi rid" f U tK eta -' a v y. .v sa ?"?! BfT Ok- I D Credit Lra BROS - i