THf-; I IKK: OMAHA. WKDNKSPAY, MAKC1L 10. 1315. REISNER ATTACKS TAYLOROF CUSTER Thomas County Member Asserts He Will Never More Be Found Fol-. lowing His Leadership. DIFFER OVER APPROPRIATION (Prom a. Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 9. (Special Tel erram. ) Representative: Helsner of Thomas county Just before the cloning of the afternoon session of the house attacked Representative Taylor of Caster with words that Dialed with sarcasm. The Thomas county mem ber pot the Custer man on the grid die and roasted htm to a turn, while the members cheered him on, the ap Plause at times being almost deafen ing. Taylor had attempted to reconsider a voto of the morning when the $125,000 appropriation for normal training la high schools was made. His motion to reconsider brought out a warm talk from Con ley, who had been mostly responsible in earing the appropriation at that time. ReUner then took a hand in the talk and turning Ma attention to , the man from Custer reacted him with an ava lanche of blUnt; word Ms. Jtolanar charged Taylor with beta nnfalr and livnonaJstent. ' Carded away by his own words Rels ner saldi I raina to this legislature unao Qnalntad witb the wars of 1 epilation. I though yrMl was lneoro In your advo cacy of certain things, and I stood by you d the things yoi advocated, but If 0od will torsive me for that mistake Dtwr more will I be found following; so as I have don In the past.." A man has not been caatlg-ated on the door oc that house in suoh a manner for fears, no It Is said, and the applause which sweated RctaDer at Its close dem onstrated that the members enjoyed the oocastoau - M Fees Kemoved , J&om Inspection of; Stock Remedies i (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March .(SpoclaD-The committee of the whole In the senate recommended Benate File 139, in which Senator Kiechel proposes to require the Inspection, registration and branding; of all stock remedies and stock, foods. A provision In the proposed law originally charged a fee of (36 a remedy against the manufacturer. This raised such a storm of protest from the retail dealers, although It did not affect them directly, that the friends of the msasurw aad com mittee struck out all fees In order to In sure the bill's passage. BEDFORD LOSES HIS BILL WHILE DODGE MAKES POINT (From a Staff Correspondent.) '. LINCOLN, March t.-t8peclal.) Sena tor Bedford's bill, B. P. ZDS, providing for a thirty-day notice to the vendee in a contract "for the) sale of real estate where the vendor seeks to forfeit for conditions not performed, was Indefi nitely postponed on the report of the atnato standing committee this morning. Senator Dodge's bill for a state director of employment, 6. P. S32, was recom mended for paasags after , It . had been amended to strike out provisions In the bill calling for the regulation of private employment agencies. The report of the standing committee on the bill was adopted. I Gsaswaty Bill Ksvores. LINCOLN, March t.-(8pectal.)-After considerable discussion the senate com mittee of the whole this morning recom mended for passage Senate File 110. which allows state books upon liquidation or nationalization to withdraw 71 per cent ef the money they have paid into the bank guaranty fund of the state. Mrs. Orwaapeteker Slams mm Leaky let. XJNTJOUN. March s.-(8peolal.)-Mrs. X W. Crumpecker of Omaha has rogis ersd with the secretary of state as a lobbyist Mis signs s a representative of the association opposed to woman's suffrage. I Legisl ative Proceedings BUI sVeMsaaaCBdeal. im Pass by ata Cssassttte of Wfsols. H. R. la, ricuddor Provides for the serv ing of rations to inmates of old soldiers' MUD M Urand Island, who live In cot tages oulaida the grounds. 11. H. Ms. Fuller and IJggett Reduces number of biennial reports required to be printed by stats otllcera from l.Um) sund leas to fuo and les. B. Y. 124. ctandall of York Makes any Botes given In advance to a solicitor fur a business ooilegs strictly nun negotiable until the student has bee a at ths college three day. 8. F. tw. Bedford of Douglas Limits the board of coutrol and university rea nls In the employment of arvhiucte ts clt sens of Nebraska. ii. H. at, llUbrls Abolishes office of county coruni-r and ttaiuitrrs his duties to county attorney. l. H. 14, DaJ bey Provides for the em ployment of county or city Jail prUoners m counties of over '. population and cities of over t.OuO population. H. K. Va. Dalbey Provides for sheriff offering rewards for autontoblls thieves. H. K. 131. Peterson of l-auvanter-In-crmses peremptory Jury chllengrs to b allowed the state wti;n mote than one de fendant ts on trial. II. R. 7K, Peterson of Lancaster Kqual lacs the number of peremptory dial Ituign allowed the defendant and allowed lha state except In cases where the penhy la life. In which case the defendant gets twelve and the stats only ten. 8. K. riO. Mr. n yr of Webster etets banks liquidating or nationalising ata entitled to get back 7S per cant of the money tbey have paid Into the bank guaranty fund. K. V. 1. K lechel of Nemaha Provides for the restoration with the food comtnts sionar and the branding of all stock foods and remedies No rugtstratiun fee. JI- R-,u- Frles-Provldea for the notifi cation by road overseers of the county surveyors when corners of land surveys are lost or stolen. H. K. its, Meredith-Permits use of rait of stale and bridge fund for the pur chase of private toll bridges. it. R. 167 tiinilh and levers Redis counts of state banks may equal capital and surplus instead of two-tldrds uf capital alone. 11. R. a4. I-enlgan of Greeley-CJsrifles la-v as to division fences. Kent room quick with a Bra Want Ad. ATTACK ON RAILWAY BOARD Appropriation Bill Bring Doings of Body Before Legislature for Discussion. PROVIDE FOR NORMAL TRAINING 'From a Staff rv.rriion1nt LINCOLN. Mnn h 9 -(Snrcial . hrnnka may l nn Inmme of Its nwn In stitution fur rrlppM rliililrr-n tx'ff.rp th pKnt M.iinliim Is ncr If thvr sr-natt dm not undo thn work of the house today when l rut appropriations for rnnlntrnnnrp down to srvcral hundred thouurn. I dollars loss than in prlvous yers. It did not do Bnv rood for members of the house this morning when the Rene ml maintenance hill was up to plead for sufficient fumls to carry on the business of the state. The men who me rvln to make rerord were strong enough to whirl the whip and the Mil w,.nt through in most Instance, without a kkk. How ever, two appropriations ranw In for a fltht, one was an attempt to allow the KUite Railway commission an allowanee of S1.5U0 a year for Its expert Monog rapher and the other was an attempt to cripple the National fjuard hy rutting Its appropriation from IM.non to .77,fmo. Conley of flsKe made a vigorous fiKht sgainst euttlng the bill for normal train Ing In hlKh school and was successful by a voto or 4S to SO n grain the appro priation hack to IIX,00( Instead of being out to $75,000. In a discussion of the appropriation for the state railway commission an attempt was made to provide for an extra stenog rapher. or rather for the one which here tofore has heen paid out of the funds of the commission. Rclshlc k of Klehardson made Insinuations against the hoard and its employes which they were not In a position to answer bec ause they were not entitled to the floor of the house. Nichols defended the nppropriatlon. Ho called attention to the members that the people had created the commission. Two years ago they wore given an appropria tion of )0,flno. This hous had (riven them an additional aum to continue their work. Now It turns around and seeks to cripple the creature of Its creation by refusing Its funds to prosecute IU work laid down by the laws of the state. Mr. Nichols vigorously protested against the attack on the railway commission. whose members could not defend them selves on the floor. Even a republican, he said, has some rights and feelings which democrats ought to respect Nichols did not think It fair to compare the work of the railway commission with that of the Board of Control. He charged that the democrats had a preconceived plan "to cripple the one republican department in the rapltol," and called It a oor move on the political chessboard. Chairman Norton of that committee said that the SI2.&00 allowance for antra help as provide In the bill was more than it had ever spent in any blennlum. He thought that this was very liberal treatment and that If the commission should actually need another stenographer it could hire one out of this appropria tion. In the division upon this Question La- Bounty and Negan, democrats, vote with the republicans to add the 11,600 Item. On the other hand Nutaman and Reynolds of Red Willow, who are republican mem bers of the finance committee, voted with the democrats to leave the appropria tion as It stood. hTe amendment was not adopted. NEBRASKA ARCHITECTS ONLY FOR STATE'S WORK (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb., March .-(Spclal Tel egram.) Douglas county senators divided up again nn a measure before the senate this afternoon known as Fledford's S. F. 166, which would force the university authorities and the Board of Control to employ only Nebraska architects. Lodge and Saunders thought the field should be left open to anybody. Qtitnbv thought the republicans should take their ewn medicine and protect home archi tect Howell went after the regents hard for letting a SISO.OOO contract at the uni versity to outside parties. Ha said the president of the National Association of Achltects lived In Omaha and that archl tecta have a uniform scale of prices and therefore nothing could be rained by going out of the state. The bill was recommended for passage by a vote of It to It. A going business can be sold quickly through The Bee s "Business Chances." Women Lose la Delaware. nOVKR. Del.. Mar-h .-The Delaware rouse of representatives toduy defeated the equal suffrsgn amendment to the constitution. 8 to Z3. Hero is the Piano Opportunity of to offer rock We cordially Invite the public to i Of arane pianos and player pianos. la order to make room for the balance of onr spring- stock which will arrive shortly, we must dlxnoo of about seventj-nre slightly ased and dkcoatiBBed styles of nprlghU, grands aad player pianos, regard less of cost. Ken An tha Mikes and Prices. 500 J. ft C, Fischer, sqnare g 600 lose k Sons, square 1,000 Weber, sqnare fii Adam Hchaff. it. 15 20 30 100 125 135 150 right S0 Uirhter, upright 825 Hrhmolier ft Muel ler, up right SH bU-irer ft Hob, up rlK-t $20 Plaaola Cabinet Player Small weekly or monthly terms ience, free Mool, Iree Heart, tree life Insurance. S3.50 PER M0JT1I BENTS 1 HIGH GRADE PIAR0 Schmollcr & r.luollor Piano Co. 1811-1311 Famam Street. Headquarter tor Tletrolas aad Gralaaolaa. ANNEXATION BILL COMES UPTHURSDAY Greater Omaha Measure Made Spe cial Order in House Committee of Whole. BOTH SIDES ACTIVELY AT WORK From a Staff Correspondent.) ..LINCOLN. March 9. (Special.) The fate of the (Jreater Omaha bill will bo settled Thursday, and it will bo a pretty contest In the house. The bill, S. F. No. 2, has been made a special order for 1:30 o'clock Thurs day afternoon. Jlepresrntatlve Henry C. Richmond moved to make the bill a special or der. He says he Is sanguine of sue reus. He asserts the bill Is gaining new friendft every hour and that the temper of the house Is unquestionably In favor of settling the annexation , , ,, A, question here and now for all time. Mr. Richmond says that friends of the Greater Omaha bill are vigilant and right on the lob. "I do not deny that there Is a sentiment In the nonce npslnst what Is rommml termed the force' feature of the bill.' said Representative Richmond to The Bee PrtM-edenta Favor Law. j "There are those who will oppose It tn j the end on that account. When you con- 1 elder, however, the precedents for such a I law. and the general sentiment of good I will on the part of the country members towards Omaha. It Is apparent that the great benefits that will obtain through the passage of such a law put the house In the attitude that the ends justify the means. "Anyhow, the annexation question Is ripe to be settled now, and I asked that the Mil be brought out at thla time merely to dispose of It and not place Its friends under the charge of holding It In abey ance for the purpose of Influencing legis lation In the Benate or using It for trading purposes. I think it will be settled be fore the house adjourns Thursday after noon." Omahana Take Pari. John Taul Breen. the Omaha lawyer who drew the bill. Is on the ground, and S't Is the special committee of the Omaha Commercial club, onQmprlalng Gould Diets, Randall K. Brown and George II. Havexatlck. These gentlemen are su premely confident that the bill will pass with votes to spare. Other prominent taxpayers of Omaha are making their presence felt In behalf of the bill. Opponents of the bill are as fully con fident of Its defeat. S. Arlon lewls for Dundee and City Attorney II. C. Murphy of Routh Omaha are on the Job every minute and they have volunteer workers In the house It Is reported that W. J. Taylor of Custer will flBht the bill. The house members are getting a bushel of letters pro and con in every mall with reference to annexation. Judge Sears Allowed His Back Hotel Bills (From a fltaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March . 8peclal Tele gram. ) House members In commit ee of the whole tonight agreed to pass K R. 7H, the claims bill, carrying appropria tions of 125.000 for publishing constitu tional amendments and with various mlai cellaneous items. Among them is Judge Heara' claim for $30 board and railway fare as district Judge The law gave him the right to this allowance, but he did not present his claim until several years after it went into effect. floott of Hamilton endeavored to prevent the allowance, but he had only a few sup porters. The house passed on third reading IT. R 760, the general salary appropriation bill. Omaha People Protest Slash in Guard Funds (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, March (.(Special.) A pe tition was' filed with the state senate this morning protesting against the pro posed slash by the house rinanoe. ways and moans committee In the appropriation for the national guard la this stste. The petition Is signed by Leo J. Crosby of Omaha, together with aome 100 others. or Player Piano Your Lifetime An! rltrhtlT may It be railed snch, for never In the history of onr piano business have we dls played m many beaaMrul styles of the world's famed pianos, sach ast Strtnway, Weber, Hard man, fttetrer & Sons, Emerson, Mr Phall, Mndeman A Hons and ftr hmoller Mueller pianos, and Aeolian Pianola Pianos, Oar first shipment of five ears of oar spring- stock arrived last week, and we are la a position bottom rWs and easy terms. Inspect this beantifal array of high They Speak for Them wives I S0 ftehmoUer ft Muel ler, upright S155 44 tetter ft Son, up right 210 1,000 ( bickering ft Sons, grand 200 1,100 Stela way, grand 450 660 ( lough YTarrea Player Piano 220 700 Htayresaat Pianola Plane 400 S50 airaajred U salt your conven Wilson Won't Give Rejected Nominees Recess Appointment Washington, March .-Preident Wilson, It became known tonight, hsj de cided not to give recess appointments to a number of persons wIiom nominations! for federal offices wore rejected by the senate during the last session. His de cision, however, does not apply to nomi nations whkh the senate merely failed to act upon and In most of these cases recess appointments will be made In the near future. Those whose nominations were rejected and in whose places others probably will be rhosen aoon Include: John I). l,yon, I'nlted Stales attorney for the wextern district of New York. W. N. Collins, postmaster at Kansas City, Mo Mrs. Marjorie J. Bloom, postmaster at Devil's Lake. N. I). ' Kwlng ('. Rlsnd. I'nlted Rtates marshal for the western district of Missouri. A. H. Bule, postmaster at Knnlw. Tex. Oeorne Hampton, collector of Internal revenue for the first district of New Jersey. The president has written a letter to at i 'T "e PP'nt y,n!h ; while he might have the legal right to , Kive reo,M appointments to men whose nominations have been rejected by the , senate he does not think that such action would be In accord with the spirit of the law. i TJ JaJ V, TXT-. fl-ff i j DTI lib li VlCti UII1C6 Given Authority to Take Over Factories I)NnoX, March . A drastic amend ment to the defense of the realm act. unexpectedly presented to the House of Commons this afternoon by Chancellor of the Rxchequrr L4oyd George, passed all Its stages. The chancellor proposed that the government be empowered to commandeer all factories required for war purposes. t'p to the present firms and factories already producing war materials oould be taken under government control. The amending bill of the chancellor extends this power to cover all other concerns which the government may wish to utilise for this purpose. Mr. Uiiyd George laid particular em phasis upon his statement that not only the duration, but the success of the war depended upon the output of munitions. The government, he declared, proposed to organize the engineering community through a committee headed by business men, with the Idea of assisting In the In crease of output. Departwest Orders. WASHINGTON. March .-(Bpeelal Telegram.) South Dakota postmasters appointed: Opal. Meade county, Elmer C. Franxwa, vice Frank A. Franswa; Saint Onge, Lawrence county, Charles Kurols, vice A. Kurols: Whltewood. Law rence county. Ida V. Uhllg. vtca Louisa t'hllg South Dakota postmasters reappointed: Hill City, I'ennlngton county, Lnren A. Frankforter; Okaton. Lyman county, Ed ward K. Gable; Rockford, Pennington county, B. B. Deffenbaugh, John ' F. Forney has been appointed rural letter carrier at Fremont, Neb. Station No. 4 of the Beatrice, Neb., postofflce has been discontinued. The Bee Wants Ada are the beet Busi ness Boosters. A Big Special Sale at the CENTRAL FURNITURE STORE ORE DAY OXLY, SATDDOAT, F.1ABC11 13tb Laco Curtains, Couch Covers and Portieres An Immense purchase of beauti ful lacs curtains, portieres and couch covers..' bought 'direct from the mills -at auoh big discount that we are .enabled to put the entire, shipment on BPEC1AL. 8 ALB for' lhls ONE DAY ONLY 'at a price which will mean a posit Ivs saving to, you of at - least one-half. These goods are all fresh and crisp and but very recently left the looms of the biggest -mills In this country. Come to the Bid 8ALB Saturday March ths ltth. expecting to find some very ' extraordinary bargains, and you will not be disappointed. As usual, you make your own terms.' Is the kind we give you. Call on us when you want Printing of Distinction and Character Prompt and Painstaking; Serv ice, no matter how large or how small the Job, and our prices are as low an Is consist ent with the quality of work we dp. Phone Douglas 7474 and let us figure with you on your next Job. M. F. SUAFER&CO. 12th and Farnam Sts. DK. HKADBIHY, DKNTIST Tsars U-Oasaaa. Xa axis araw Lcoatioa, wood, mea of tha World aUAg. A suite of els lit rooms, lite finest and most romilat. dental offices la Ota west aAery up-to-Uuta and pain lass method known. C'onald.r our reputation, .xpertanca. prlcaa and our new eeiulpmant and you will aars that wa have raarhed the hlaaasl point in modern efficiency. r ' ' - V - -S- , V -,''. ' . ' J- v.- , . :;- V . - - - K . ' -- - t - ... - "Quality Printing" BULGARIAN WAR MINISTRY FALLS (Premier Who Would Push State Into Conflict on Side of Allies Forced Out by King. 11 PLASHED TO TAKE ADRIANOPLE PAR1P. March .-A ministerial crisis similar to that In Oreece has occurred In Hulgarla, according to Information reach ing Paris in special dispatches. Premier Radoslavoff Is reported to have been overthrown by the influence of King Frederick and the followers of Dr. Ghenadlcff, former foreign minister be cause be desired to take Immediate ac tion against Turkey by occupying Adrla nople. Kadoslavoffs opponents are said to have declared this policy, which would THOMPSON, BELDEN COMPANY- New Corded Faille Silk A very handsome yard wide fabric, chiffon finish, for $1.95 a yard. Everyone, dealers and customers alike, are talking of the scarcity of corded failles. Our announcement for Wednesday is. therefore, doubly important. A large shipment in a wide range of new shades, in blue, sand, and battleship gray, arrived two days ago. The Spring Highway of Fashion The Important Place Accorded Silk Suits To do a thing right requires particular effort. To show a comprehensive variety of some really up-to-the-minute style is one feature of our policy which has placed this store in the position of fashion authority in Omaha. For Wednesday A truly remarkable offering of stylish Silk Suits, This is not a meager display of a very few models. It is an extensive collection of desirable, attractive spring fashions. m . It's a PI To IXWVv. r rival ml mm Jr La Grecque Gowns, Skirts, Combinations, Corset Covers, Drawers, Envelope Chemise, sizes 34 to 46. Prices varied to suit every woman. AMt'fEM r.MTf. IMVIIiHENTI, A BRA8DEIS THEATER, t Days Com. Sun. Eve. March 14th THE KEYSTONE OF KEYSTONES TILLIE'S PUNCTURED ROMANCE F.1ARIE DRESSLER till FL of LmMtr rj"AOT UNHY II iiDiniiR CIULII n rava Awn roaoiT alx. rmotraus Mais. Baal at g, suot All Basts 10 ang-hts a T:30 aad a, 10 aad BO. aVafTUa JhAJTDXia CaCUITBA, have placed Bulgaria In opposition to Germany and Austris, was too adven ' turotig. The principal argument they are reported to have used was that the resignation of Premier Vcnlielos at Athens, left Greece more Isolated than before and If Bulgaria remained neutral It might hope for advantages others than those should find In Thrace. Although this Information has not been definitely made It Is generally believed In French official circles that Rados lavoff hsd reeolvrd to march on Adrla nople if Greece pronounced for the triple entente, and that Venlzelos made such nn announcement at Athena when the question of Intervention came up. ATHENS. March . (Via Tarisl-M. Gounarls. deputy for Patrss. has con sented, at the request of King Constan tlne, to undertake the task of forming a new cabinet. It Is reported that M. Pal tad Ha, who was foreign njlnlster In the Theotokls cabinet, has consented to take that portfolio under the leadership of M. Gournarls. M. Gournarls will submit his list of Taffetas and Shantung Silks for Your Easter Gowns CHIFFON TAFFETAS in the finest soft weaves, brilliantly lus trous and especially well adapted for the new wide circular skirt. In an endless variety of shades, one yard wide an unusual value for $1,50 a Yard IMPORTED SHANTUNG in the nat ural color which is the fashionable "sand shade." Stylish for smart suits, gowns, blouses; about 34 inches wide, $1.00 to $1.75 a Yard easure Announce the Ar- of the New La Grecque Undermuslins They are so dainty and at tractive, so fresh and charm- for spring and summer; many new touches of style and trimming will interest you. UNDERMUSLINS THIRD FLOOR ABEL nonnnriD Ons Boer tad afclfefSereias and Roars WITH ministers to the king tomorrow. It Is un derstood, and obtain an agreement tha. the Chamber shall be dissolved If the sup porters of the ministry are In the minority, which is considered hlghlv probahle. The new premier is expected to favor the continued neutrality of Greece. Greek Grsrral staff Pears Bslnsrla. PARIS, March . M. Rhallys, a former prime minister of Oreece, In an Interview at Athens, printed In the Matin, says that King Constantlne acted on the a1 vice of his general staff In opposing the policy of Intervention proposed by M. Venlxelos. The staff was of the opinion that an expedition against Constantinople v.ould weaken the military situation on the Bulgarian frontier, which In Athens Is regarded as dangerous in view of Bul garia's doubtful attitude. Berahardt's Coadltloa Improves. BORDEAUX, March 9-(Via Parls.l- Continued Improvement in the condition of Fare Bernhardt was reported today by her physician. Inexpensive Spring Wash Goods Never Appeared So Beautiful A Specially Well Chosen List of Offeriags Has Been Pre pared for Wednesday. PRINTED VOILES, 40 inches wide, all new pat terns, stripes and floral designs, all colors, 25c yd. SHEER WASH FABRICS, beautiful printed Flazons and Fancy Tissue Ging hams, in every wanted style or color; both are 27 inches wide, 25c a yard. BEST QUALITY KRm KLE SEERSUCKER, ex . tensive range of staple and fancy stripes, 15c a yard. WINDSOR CREPE PLISSE 30 inches wide, in a var iety of pretty floral do signs, rosebud stripes and plain colors, 20o a yard. The Store for Shirtwaists (Original) This spacious section is more attractive than ever, showin g greater variety of new spring blouses in really exclusive designs. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD OMASA'S MOST VOrDXAJs VkaaSa. Mat. Today, aooj Tonight, AJ1 Wssk, Tbs Sweat ast Story aver Told," MERELY MARY Anfi - Wad, Thais, Sat., BS.) Vla-ats, Me and fiOo. Next Week: 8AMHON. was essty Wight Orang Overs QaarWt. a.alstel toy roataaalla drlss Clam of SO members. -J HIPP Tit TER Sorurlaa aoas IBtA sad Iuut. T03MLT AmTD Ts 111 i II TOniLT AmTD TXTSB89A.X fl AuennemanoiL' OUs-S hNSBMr Of ure ocaatr yiaylBar ataxs-levr. . vtgats. sut Other acts: Oorduu EMMA CARCS Mme, TOK8KA at Co., Clara Ing. Hal At Frances. ftraarn Si T Ahal I The rviutr Eusllah Tri. Orphsuns Travel Weakly. Prtoas Matisse: OaUary. K Beat seats Saturday and Sunday), tbe. Nights, Uc, 60c and Too. "o mama it rtrm cxmtbjv a U CaatnaMsr Fasak OaanaSeet ZZZimm BILLY WATSON'S Ew run.jr eueket far slereasars Mais.1 Wm. Otffaretit troa ekat res ee. back seu.. "-1rt Bterar ta JpaJ. So4 KreM,rar' Cbrluea. las". Baf 3ana at "kaHa1' Zaias' Disss Marias Wash Says.