Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    TIIK UKK. OMAHA. WKl)Ni;sl)AV, MAlU'll 10. 1M3.
lloaees and IntUcra,
Wa hare complete list of all house,
apartment ana flats that an for rent.
Thla Uat ran be seen tree of charts at
Crnha Van Storage Co.. n go. '.4th St.
t-R . 9o6 Hlckcrv modem, ulnae U sta
tions, good condition. M'.
Send for our weekly printed Hat.
S1S WOOLWoRTH Ave . 8 rms., mod.. $J0.
IV N. 20th, 4 ronnm, $12.5(1.
JTi Fsrnam, 8 room, mod., brick. $.'A
410 N. EM, 10 room", mod.. 2 hatha, $15.
2V,2 St. Mary'a Ave., 11 room, mod., MO
24T Capitol Ave., 7 rooma mod., $fi.
2714 Howard, 6 rooma. mod., $."0.
1217 8. lfith. R-room flat, for colored, $15.
KINOWAI.T, Rrandrls Theater Hid.
S-room mod, house. 2512 Chicago. 1. 8146.
8-R., 8211 N. IKth, Kountxe naH"modornT
oak flnlah. sleeping porch $:.
Ser.d for cur weekly printed Hat.
HAST1NQ8 HEY DEN. 1S14 Harney St.
7-R. NEW home, 4!U7 Hurt, strictly mod.,
end for our weekly printed Hat.
GOOD. WX14W a ISTH. TBI. R, 49ui -o
FTrvnBua1" all pens of the city.
uou8tl) Creigh Bona A Co.. Bee Bldg.
t-ROOM house, 4526 Decatur Bt. Call
Walnut 8124.
atorre and Offices,
DESK room and telephone In bright office,
Omaha Nut. Rank building (with desk
If preferred); rent reasonable. Call at 917
Omaha Nat. Hank.
l'VTH and Vinton Sts., one store and brick
flat cheap. Tel. Tyler VV.
The binding now occupied
by American Druggist Syndi
cate, IGth and Leavenworth
streets, 4 floors. Possession
April 1st. F. J. Fitzgerald,
340 Bee Bldg.
WANTED TO HKNT-A firnlahed house
for 2 or S months. In (food neighborhood;
references Riven. Address B 123, Bee.
Yale buys everything 2d hand. Tyler 1418.
OFFICII furniture bought and sold. J.
C Reed. )7 Farnam. Doug. 6146
WF. BUY ?d-hand clothes. )4-'l N. 4th.
RKAL estate
of a country where outdoor life is Ideal
all the year around, where health Is per
fect, whfre soil (a rich and productive,
where flowers always bloom. An Inves
tigation of our Colony Ijinda will satisfy
the most exacting. Tou will find them a
represented. Now is the time to buy.
They are going fast. Quick action is
necessary. The Sacramento Valley con
tains nothing better. Oranges, lemons,
alfalfa, peaches, prunes, almonds, wal
nuts are grown here. Go MARCH IB. It
will pay you. Round trip fare $30. Write
W. T. Smith Co.
City National Rank Bldg. D. 2819.
FOR SALK 20 acres Tulare county, CaL,
best aiiaifa and Irult land; 26 minutes
walk from station, church and school, on
slate highway, 1 per acre; $1,600 cash;
balance long time. 8. Yagerline, Upland,
TO SETTLERS ONLY 320-ecrea for $300;
rich corn, alfalfa, and wheat land, do
and. J. A. Tracy. Ft. Morgan. Colo.
BARGAIN 240-acre dairy farm, near Ba
Una, Kan.; write for full description and
list of 100 Kanaaa farms for sale In central
Kansas. V. E. Nlquette, Hallna, Kan.
GOOD lend, close to R. R. town. 20 acre.
$400, $6 nioiuuly; 40 acres, $700, $10
monthly! to acres, 11,200; no interest, no
taxes, no forfeiture; best bargain In
South Missouri; literature free. i. Mer
liam, Ellis & Benton, Kansas CUy. Kan.
414 Barker Blk., Omaha, Neb.
Farming and ranching pays.
We will take your city property at what
It's worth and give you plenty time on a
farm or a ranch, where they are raising
finest crops of all kinds, white face cattle
and altalia: the best of water. Fare from
Omaha ti.
FOR SALK l acres, 6 mlies uorih or
Central City. Neb. Mrs. Amy Stavely,
K0 Lincoln Ave.. Council Bluffs.
Upper Wisconsin
Lva. and aei.v. wup eutiu in UI4
uniun. etnueis wanted. Lauus lor sale at
lew prices un easy terms. Ask for book
let No. ka cn Wisconsin Central LanJ
Uranu Lxceiicnt lanus for stock raising.
It interested In fruit lanas ask for boo,
let oil App.o Uruiaraa. AddtM Lena and
Industrial lapaiuuuai, boo Una Ksuiwuy,
aiibtieapuila. Minu.
UNlllFKOVKli 4 and 11-acre tract.
John N. Frenser. Douglas but.
Farm and Knack Lands.
EXCHANUES-alla ROKU1N3. D. 2842.
CITY auu itt'iii luA.'.a, 6 , 9 pwr ceuu
J. U. Duwont sc Co., 416 State Bank.
A'ANTK1 oiy loan t-euiia iru.i to.
WaNTKLi City loans aud wai-iauts. VV.
fcamam binlih Ac l o., -Ho t iirnam.
$luu lo iio.vub utaue proiupuy. F. L. WeaU,
Wead Blug.. lath aod Farnam Sta
eKK ua flrat for farm loans la eastern
Nsfc. United h tales irut Co., Omana,
(j CITY LOANS. C. ".. i risers.
81Q-H12 brundfia Theater Bldg.
ClTX properly. LarK loan a
W. H louinaa, feuqe Hana Bidg
MONiiY on naau ior city and irui loaua
M. W. bin-;ur. Cut .Natl nana Bid a
VMAliA bonusa JCast Nebraska tariaa
O KEkFfc; HLaL F.sTATfcl CO..
1014 Omaha Natl. Douaiaa mi
100 to Jlo.uuu made promptly. F. 1.1. Weau"
Wead Bldg., inin and r ainani Sts.
RKK1 Abstract Co., oldest abstract of
fice In Nebraska. Hrandwls Theater.
KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.,
a modern abstract office. JU6 S. 17th St
phone Louglaa 64b7.
TWO small improved Nebraska ranohea;
small payment down and terms on bal
ance. Viliy pay rent? Investigata and
get prica and description. Have good ex
changes to offer J. A. Olson, UK Be
Bldx., omaha.
FARM for mdae.; I can take a stock of
iiioae.. Invoicing up to t4,MA in exchange
for an Improved larin and ranch t&i acres
pri e only $J0 per acre. Chaa. J. Nclaou.
i unit, Colo o
Do-ACRK farm close to Paciric Junction.
lu. Will exchange eijulty $. for resi
rirnc in Omaha, Inquire 4U Kartauih
HAVE a buyer that would like to pur
chase a tract of land for subdividing, or
several pieces of closeln property, either
Improved or unimproved. Will Invest
$00,000. Must be worth the money. State
location and price in answering. Address
G 4, care Bee.
AVE have buyers for homes in
nil parts of the city, but must
be worth the juice. If you
really waut to sell your prop
erty, try'
1505 Farnam. Tel. Tyler KL'4.
of good substantial houses for sale. Our
(alesmen will not bother owners with
anything but I've wire buyers. Descrip
tions of proerttes are solicited.
Klo-M W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas SS2i
FOR SALF-Two acres fear Krug Park,
S blocks to car. remrnt sidewalk from
car to land; city water; or will trade
for cottage. Address R. F. Rain, Coun
cil Fluffs. la.
AND 10-acre tracts close In for sub
dividing. Thone Doug. 2947.
$100 Cash
makes the first payment on a 6-room
house at 4712 N. 4"th St. House has been
overhauled end put In good condition.
Is on a large cast front lot and close to
school, stores und car. Will make a fine
homo for you.
Creigh, Sons & Co.
Tel. DoUKlaa
5(18 Hee Bldg.
Strictly nil modern, south front lot,
paved Ptreet, oak finish In living rooms;
price, JM.ooO; paving all paid; located near
IXith and Seward streets.
C. G. CARL B KRCI, 312 Bran. The. Bids.
Brand new house, 3 large rooma, fin
ished in oak, east front lot 63x130, y block
from Amoa Ave. car. Only $3in cash re
Douglas 17X1. Ware Block.
7 ROOMS, modern, hot water heat; on
corner lot; both streets paved, paving
paid; would consider north side lot as
part payment. Price, $4,100. 3724 N. 24th. o
2677 EVANS 6-r. n,o3 tiome, oak finish
throughout; easy terms. Web. &lj.
WILL sell beautiful modern home, eight
rooma, one of Omaha's best residence
districts. Deal direct with owner. Ad
dress L 114. Bee.
7 rooms, hot water heat, birch finish, ele
gant east front lot, house all modern,
paved fctreet. first class location, east
tront, price $3. will take good cash
payment down, balance monthly. 38th and
' 312 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
REAL estate; WEST SrDB
That Fine Home
At S408 California St, must be sold. Owner
moving to liincoin. uo out and see it.
647 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1261
Your Chance
to buy one of the nicest 6-room bungalows
on corner lot In Dundee and on terms the
likes of which have never been offered to
you be Tore. This Is absolutely one of the
best built houses in Dundee; house is
new. built with brick and concrete founda
tion (not cement block), finished with oak
in tne large living room and dining room;
other rooma maple; big fireplace; good
slzed tile bath room with all the latest
plumbing. To the right f arty will sell
for $5t0 cash, and balance! $30 per month
at 6 per cent.
Ownor leaving city this week and muat
sell at once.
A. W. Burg,
1408 W. O. W. Bldg.
Douglas 4404.
Fireplace, buffet, tiled floor In bath
room, oak finish first floor, birch second
lloor, south front lot close to car.
!2A Btate Bank Bldg. Douglas 1H48.
Dundee Snap
Five-room bungalow, fine condition;
built by day labor. Price, $4,750.
Phone Walnut 1234.
Investor with money read the Real
Kstate ads in The Bee. Advertise your
property for a quick eale.
You Can't Cut Out
will clean them off permanently,
and you work the horse sung time.
I)oea not blister or remove the
hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered.
Will tell you more if you write.
Book 4 K free. ABSORBING JIL,
the antiseptic liniment (or mankind,
reduce! Varicose Veins, Ruptured
Maactetef f f- laarrc (7anl& oltras,
WCa AUar fala sukkty. thma 1100 lot
fesMlls si iniltiMM cr drliwed. I4aautitire alr Sf
W.P. Y0UN6 . P. D. F.. 104 T-.k tt., 8 pri soflsld. Hat.
All rais4xl in Nebraska by the owner.For sale in oaload
lots at redaifd rate for quick sale. Aged 13 to iU months;
fine color and marking's; the rest of breeding.
HERMAN MISCHKE, Crofton, Nebraska
With Cash Article in Great Demand
Wheat Jumps Up Five Cents
in Price.
OMAHA. March 9. 131S.
The wheat market on the board of
trade yesterday aa sensationally strong
This strength was a imrt rrflcc'ton of
the increased demand for tho rash
article, as heavy liiiuldatlons stripped
the market of crierlng and those want
ing wheat were oblimd to bid up lor it.
Traders generally construed tho rovern
ment report on farm teserves ks bull
Isli. Reserves taken with the vlalble sup
ply as complied by Braiistreet's show 212,
i.ti bu. of wheat, or K.nV.rtM leas than
laat year, despite tho fact thst the crop
was 12H.inw.ix bu. In excess of 1!t! Corn
supplies urv V.T.iXXi.OiO bu., or Svx.0O bu.
more thun Inut vear snd mainly in Kan
cas and Nebraska, on a total clop of
22ii,00i,x) bu. for the countiy move than
the previous year. The situation In OHts
Is regarded as especially bullish, skrio
gatcd supplies being 1U.0i,ixx bu or ?V
tKl.0i) bu. less than a year ago, while
last year s crop was 20,().oOO bu. larger
than the previous year. All grains are on
an export basis, particularly wheat and
oats, which bulls contender! more than
offsets the advance In prices as com
pared with last yen
Spot wheat was 6o higher.
Ispot rorn wss unchanged to higher.
Spot oats were ViiWo higher.
learances were: Wheat and flour equal
to bushels; corn, 6.0i bushels,
oats, 23, W busliels
Liverpool closed: Wheat, not quoted;
corn. i4d higher.
Primary wheat re-elpts were K'l.ttVI
bushela and shipments 614.0m bushels,
asulnst receipts of iJV.t.OOo bushels and
sliliioients of 477,(X' bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were WT.OoO bush
ela Mild hlpnn.nt 7.'i .(X bushels, against
receipt t 1,171 oiiO bushels and shipments
of 7J5.000 bushels Inst vesr.
Primary osts receipts were 7(8,000 buah
els and yhipmenta 1. 122,000 bushels,
against recelits of 9M01X) biifhels and
shipments of tycoon bushels last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oatsx
t hlcaso 77 24 ftsl
Mimmaiwlia Ill
Duluth Xto
Onuiha 9 17 8
Kansas City 13 4 4
St. uis 4 ft y,
VA Innlpeg SJ&
The following salne were reported todev:
Wheat No. o hard winter; 1 car. $1.MV;
1 car. $1.49. No. 4 hard winter: 1 eAr,
(smutty) $1.4. No. S mined: I- ear,
$1.00, 1 car, $1.48; 1 car, $1.47. Rye No. 2;
1 1-6 oars, $1.1. Corn No 3 white: 1 car.
70o. No. j white: 1 oar, S14c No. 1 yel
low: I oar, tVc. No. 4 yellow: 2 cars,
Wc; 1 car, c; 1 car. 7Ho. No. 6 yel
low: 1 car. Cito; 1 car, 6tto. No. S mixed:
2 ears. 6c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 68Vic; I
cars. twc. No. mixed: 1 car, 6Sc. Oata
"-Standard: 1 car, c. No. S white: 1
car. 6410. No. 4 white: 1 car. Mo.
Omaha Cash Price Wheat : No. S hard,
$1.4hil.M; No. 3 bard. S1.47Jrl.6t; No. 4
bardt fl.464H.4!)4): No. 3 spring, $1.4fijl.4;
No. 2 durum, tl.404jpl.42; No. 3 durum, tl.89
jl.41. Corn: No. 1 wnlte, 704411010; No.
2 white. 7O1f70Vi; No. t white, fiHf(r70c:
No. 4 white, esVi!1-.-: No. 6 whtte. S0
W'ie: No. 6 white, fKiH)!c; No. 1 yellow.
6.SiX9i,c: No. 1 yellow, 6!44i94c; No. 3
yellow. fifi'c; No. 4 yellow, 674W'c;
No. 5 yellow, 67V4tit9c; No. 6 yellow, ttf8
WiHc; No. 1 mixed. lUHii&iySc; No, 2 mixed.
SyaVSc; No 3 mixed. RN.iS6!c: No. 4
mixed, 87'stb'Vic; No. 6 mixed. CTVitl'W'n0:
JSo. mixed. "iWh.v. Osts: No. i white,
0Mj56'-..c; standard, Mlini&ji'; No. 3 white,
E-fUHV-. No. 4 white, 63iK4o. Barley.
Malting. t'73c: No. 1 feed. 61fc. Rye:
No. 2, tlllWpi 12; No. 3. Vk-
Fratarea of the Trading- Bid Closln
l'rlcea on Board of Trade,
CHIOAOO, March 9. Assertions that
c-xports of wheat from the United State
were In progress at a rate about twice
as rapid as conditions would warrant sent
the market today to a much higher level.
Reactions -.lid not prove of a lasting sort,
and there was a firm close at 'no to 640
net advance. Coin finished Ho to C(-Ho
down, oats a shade lo c up and provi
sions off 104i27Vc.
It was a runaway bull market in wheat
at the start and again In the final iwur.
The government report on farm reserves
as construed by a well known authority,
was said to show that the United States
could only spare 4,O0u,0W) bushels weekly
from now until the marketing of a new
crop. As this would be less than half the
present rate a scramble to buy took
nine. Kinnri call for wheat proved as
urcent as heretofore.
Feeling In the speculative yn in.umu
.. . i . ... ., t.rv, 1 1 mMdav nwinff
to the announcement of a liberal Increase
in the world supply total. Latest trades
were affected nv a current, "unmi. "'"2?
not to exceed 37.0i0.Oi bushela were left
for exnort and for the carry-over Into
the new crop. '
Corn was Inclined to drag because of
the slowness of cash demand. The fact
that farm reserves were less than bad
. . .1 . i . . k i i - u milch Infill
been looaen ior uio. uv
ence except at the start. Weakness of
corn put a bandican on ".V"
sales or oats nere 10 -.v.
be confirmed. t . .,.
Knlartren recci--i i ""7" .7ii,i 7 ti
as a weight on the provisions market. It
r'i ILnmpnt throuehout the mid-
iU went for tho next week.
Artic'd Open. I High. I Low. Cloae-I Sat y.
WMa V 1 61 1 6S t M 1 6B 1 1 404
July! 130 122-J HWJ 13K HI.
CMav1 74 74V ItA 73H 73
July! TS Wtl J
Mav. 674.' M f PTS 57
July. M MVi BS. B3V.I 63
P Ma v 17 0 17 R5 17 fi!i 17 85 17 BP
Ju"y: W2214 IS 32V, 18 05 18 Oo 18 32
U,U. 10 K24 10 5R 10 47 10 &24 10 2'i
july: 10 80 10 K.-H 10 72 10 77 10 90
KMav 10 ir 10 17 10 Wl 10 10 1 10 82
July'. 10 T 1" 47V- 10 :7l 10 37 10 ftO
1.5Sil:'No 2 hard. tl.l.W -Cn:
No 2 vel'ow, 74c; No. 4 yellow. 704'571io;
No' 4 'white. IfVu'U: Oats: No 3 white,
WMliKiiUc; standard. 67ViflC7ic. Rye:
Noiiinal Parley: 71ft'". Seed: Timothy,
mark cases included. 16(17c; ordinary
firms Plc: firsts. 17c. ....
POTATOES Lower; receipts, 24 cars;
Wisconsin red. 3oflSfo; Wisconsin whlto,
POULTRY Higher; springs, 16c;
fowls, lo.
Kraporated APIles and Ilrled KrslH
vipvv VOIt March 9 DRY GOODS
Shippings costs curtailed export trade In
Sealed bids will be received In the of
fice of the Board of Commissioners of
Sta'e Institutions until 2:00 p. m. Thurs
day. March 18. 191!i, for the furnishing of
:ill material, supplies and labor, and tho
roper erection, construction and comple
tion. Including electrical wiring, of an
addition to the Sleeping Porch at the
Hospital for Insane, Lincoln, Nebraska,
a-cordlng to plans and specifications pre
wired by Joseph W. Salmon, architect,
Llnmln, Nebraska.
All bids must be accompanied by a cer
tified check for t of the amount of the
bid, made payable to the Hoard of Com
misaioners of State Institution. Plans
and specification may be had at the of
fice of the Board at the State House or
it the offloe of the archlte tn the First
National Hank Building. Lincoln. The
Board reeervea the right to reject any
or all bida
Dsaed thl tth day of Marrh, WIS.
By Leo Matthews, secretary. M-10-d-lt
4r0'"6i'. clover, i f"ti ' ii"".
Pork $17 3T,- bird. $i0.0; ribs. $9 009.50.
Hl'i'TKK-l"; creamery. 21'(i22c.
i.-v-:i 1.41 wer- receipts. 1!.W5 cases, at
cotton snoda Domestic markets were
quiet. Vine men's near suitings sold adl
for fall FsM silks were nought In a
small way, Yarna were quiet.
Minneapolis Craln Market.
May. $1 .NV JuiT. tie,; No I hard,
tl.MV No. 1 northern, tl 47ti 1 61. No.
1 northern, tl 4,'Vul 4S V
1 1AM li - Advanced, tancy pstents. $T 4
first clears, $.?0; second clears, $4 s0.
11VK-H .0lil .12.
HRAN- $'.'2 .00.
CORN No. : yellow. iSc
OATS-No. 3 ah'te. MSntwc.
F L A X -$1 . s-.", ' 1 . V
new yorFstocx market
Crisis in Mexican Situation Excites
Concern in Financial
NEW YORK. Msreh 9-For the fit at
time since tho outbreak of the European
war conditions across the water were to
day almost wholly subordinated to events
nearer home. latest developments in
the Mexican situation an seen In the at
titude of the Washington invrnunri't,
drew renewed attention to affairs In the
southern republic and excited concern In
financial circles.
Stocks manifested steadiness at the
opening, but became moderately unsettled
on announcement that It had been de
cided to send waishlps to Mexican ports.
Prices became firmer laur when It be
came known '.hat Washington had not
departed from Its policy of non-intervention
In tho quarter. Recoveries to the
early high level were recorded, but trad
ing grew Increasingly dull, with few ma
terial changes at the close.
Retirement of the Oould or dominant
Interest from the Missouri Faclflo and
St Louis and Iron Mountain roads was
reflected by oonalderable activity at ad
vancing pilces In the securities of these
properties. Later, however, profit tak
ing In Missouri P.iclfto caused some shad
ing of quoted value.
Manipulation continued In the aocalled
commercial Mierlal'lca, Including the
motor Shares. Sears, Roebuck, Woolworth,
ex prose company issue and numerous
stocks tn the more obscure list, but was
without effect on the speculative favor
ites, where the movement vu mora nar
row. Western Maryland common and pre
ferred wore the only railway slocJt to
score substantial gain. Canadian Pa
cific, Reading. Lehigh Valley and Chesa
peake and OhJo were relatively heavy.
The feature of the foreign exchange
market was the strength of remlttanoes
to Madrid, pesetas advancing sharply
because of an abrupt decline in sterling
at the SpanlHh capital. .Because of the
large amount of available capital now
held by local hanks, time money was
dull, six month loan being made at
3 per cent.
Sale or stock for the day totalled 209,
There was a marked decrease of future
or foreign sales of our bonds. That mar
ket was irregular, with strength in low
priced issues. Our bankers announced
an Impending loan of $ls,0U0.0M to tho
government of Switzerland In the form of
one to five year 6 per cent notes, the pro
ceeds to be used for purchases In this
country. The notes will be offered to
the public at a prlue slightly under par,
according to report.
Total bond sales, par value, aggregated
$2.417, OuO. United fcitatea bond were un
changed on call.
Number of sales and leading quotation
on stock today were:
Bales Hlsk. Ixw. Close.
Alerts (lets I.lfl S444 't llOt
AlftlSRitts1 Onner .... ,S"0 MVi M U
Amsrlsn iteot Sugar.... 1,200 to l
Ameriran can fix) tn t s
American A. R SOO (4 ti ICT,
America B A M. pfd iol
Am. imr Rorlnlnx (00 101 lmV 101V
Amsrlcsa Tsl. a Tl.... too 1:11 Itn, l.n),
Am.ncuj Tobaeao ...... loo K4 121
Anaconda Mining too IW'i 2
AtnMaon l.tno K M4
Ualtlmors a Ohio l.lXK) aH M :,
llranklrn Rapid Traoait. 4iK r7 I 7
California ivtrolaum .... l ino 17 IT IT
Canadian Parlflo J. en) ii4 )l 6
(Vnlral Isthar 600 at ll lt
ChauiMke a Otlle 400 41Vi 41 41 W
irhl.-ao 1. W 10,
Thlcaao. M. a St. P.... no HTH HTu,
t'hlcaco a N. W" JOO Wt iti 1J1'
t'blno ixippar TOO l4
(teloiwda Fust a Ima... 400 4V $44t
Colorado 4V Soiitharn 24
Danvar a iRia nrande. .. 4n0 7 f4 U
Danver it- O. nfd f US lt It
niatlllanf sacurltlos .... Mn n
Kris l.txN) tl M 93
(tonaral Klactrlo no 141 140a 1'
llroat Norths anl 4na 116V llts ll'H
Ureal No. Ore ntfa l.Tfti) Hl 114 SlSs
OusreidiPlin Riploratlon.. (01 (1 (1 IM4
Illinois t'snlraJ too VH 4 oiv
Intarbnreash Mat. pfd... 4.600 MS Kvl
Inspiration copper 1,400 014 t7 l1e
International HarrMtar la
Kansas Cllr Southern riV,
Lehlgft Vsllar 2.100 usuj IMS 11
Iiulavllle a NaehTllle.. as) us us lla
Meilran Petroleum 4.604 tfi MS 6T
Miami Copper too 20S f0 tn
Mieaonri, K. T txt 10Uj ioa. 1
Mlaaouli Paino ll.HM 12t 1! liu
NUKna meruit , Ino 121 go mu
National Liead 300 L4V, M M
Nevada Oopper .......... ion 11 im
New York OntraJ J, son 4 xi sia
N. Y.. N. H. a H 7..WX R3S US MS
Norfolk a Western as! 10314 10'm ia
Northern Paeina 6U0 104 1UU lots
Paeldo Mall J
Paclflo Tel. A Tel isj
1'ennaylvanls am 06 lots I"!
Pullman Palace Oar sum) im im iui
Rar Coo. Copper 1.lo 17 1714 17S
Readlnf lSi 14, u 14 Mi
II;. public Ima a Steel ..." jo J
Rork Island Oo SOO S V V
Hoek laland Co. pfd ,. ..... til
81. L. K K HI pd jj
Southern I'srirte 4.8)0 lbs WS lS
Southern Rallwav 3.OU0 1SS IKS 1fS
Tenneaeee (ppr ,N) W14 n 27u
T Compear 100 1JS 1 14
fnlon Parlflo U.t.10 120S 11S 120
t'nloo Panlflo pfd 7ii
l olled rllilej Steel ,7wt 4- 45 4&S
V. 8. Steel pf 40 IM 1H pvtk
l:tah Copper l.noo bS U4 1
Weatera i:nlon aio 37
Weatlnshnuee Bleotrte H
Total sales for the 4ar, tto.tM Shares.
New York Money Market.
PAPER 3VUV per cent.
day bills, $4.79; for cables $4.8110; for de
mand, $4 SU6&.
SILVEfl-Har, 60c; Mexican dollara. 38x
BoNlH Government, steady; railroad.
TIM M LOAN-8teady; 0 day, 3H4f24
per cent; 90 day, I per cent; six month,
SVa per cent.
CALL MONBT-teady; high. per
cent; low. 1 per oent; ruling rate, I per
cent; last loans, t per cent; closing bid,
17 per oent; offered at t per cent.
Closing quotation on bona today war
a follow:
O. . ret ta. tw.... "HK. Pae. cv. ts 4
4a eaupaa S N. Y. f" g. Sa... as
0. t- a. rt lWS'N. Y. CM. 4S....1H4S
de eoupea 10lsM. Y. State 4...wa
0 8. 4-. rag 1 N. Y . N. II. a H.
do eoupea lies T. rs
Pinams 1 eoupon..lo'i No. Pacific 4l
Am. flmelters e... 10414 do 3a
A. T. a T. t-. 4 ,. j 0. H L, ref. 4e... l
Armour A Co. 4S.. " Par. T. A T. la.... S7S
Atrlileon sen. 4.... lPens. eon. 4e ais
Hal. A Ohio 4s S do eon. 4S IMS
I'hea. A Ohio 4S. SiReadlnx (en. 4s.... sxv
f. H. a Q i. 4a.... MSB I. a r. r. 4a. 4
V M A 8 P 4SS..10OS o. Pen. it. 4s aju
do tr. ! 10IS do ref. 4a as
C. R. I. P. 4a. a e or. fie WS
ri. a 8. ref. 4Sa.. US Hn. Hallwar U a
I. a R. O. ref. as.. 47S I'nlon Parifie 4a sr,
Krle n. 4e 7 do cr 4a Mu
flea. Bleetrtc Is. . . .1"2S V. P. Rnhber ta... ill(et
fH. No. let 4Sa... fm It. H Steel ( jm
III. fen. ref. e.... 4 Wahaeti 14 ta. ... '. M
K C. Bo. ref. la. .. S W'eat. t'nloo 4Sa..S'S
U A N. unl. 4s... ! Waal. Klec. tf. as. . jus
M. K. T. lat 4a.. 7
BI4. "Ofrere.
London Itoek Market.
LONDON, March 9 The American o
tton of the stock market today was
firmer, with a number of markings of
I'nion Pacific stocks, the Eries and Amsl
gamatnd Copper. The closing was steady,
SILVhlR-Har. 23 k-ld perounce.
MONEY 1 per cent.
DISCOUNT RATES Short and three
month' bill, 1H per cant.
Oil aat Host a.
N rw YORK. March . ROSIN Onlet.
4ic; aalea, 17 bbav; receipts,
t bbla.: ahipnieata, 22V bbla; stork. 31.1W
RK1N trra: aaPea, tn bbla; receipt,
8 bull.: shipments, SOO bbla; mtot ka.
llt.TiS bbla OnotaUtma. A. H, tlHS: C.
D. UtBM,; E. F. l. H. t3.07: I. JC
$3 'i; M, tj90: N, tS.00; WO, tS-46; Ww!
par Maurkal.
NEW YORK. March 9 SUOA R ro
turee were Irregular, with near months
loaer om log Ui tiia decline La tna iot
msrket, while Ister months were steadied
by scattering demand front local commis
sion houses. Ocncral business was less
si th e. lYii cs at mid. lav acre 2 points
lower to 4 print higher Raw aucsr, essy.
centrifugal. 4.71c; molasses. 3 94c; refined,
quiet. l-xte dsv in the sales of L"6.0i
I i.KS of Porto Hlro suKar were made on
the basts of (He for centrifugal Molasses
Misar rsstd off to S S7
4 Ottnn Market.
NEW YORK. March -!lTTON-Spot,
nine'; middling uplands. 8 75c. Sales JX)
The cotton market closed steady at a
net decline of 4 to points.
iten.l) good tnlddlln. R.SW; mlddllns.
5 c7d. low middling. 4 S7d. Sales, 8.0H1
Metal Market.
Lead. $.: !a4 m. Tendon. l-"n His Sd. Spel
ter. $11 M bid; London. 44 10s
Tin. nominal, five ton lots, $47 noirfd no.
Copper, firm: electrolytic, $14 Tf ft'14 87V
isstlng, $l4.2siil4.tUt. Iron, steady and
At London: Spot copper, M 7s M; fu
tures. r4 1."m. Sivnt tin. AH'-a.); futures.
tK' les Antlmonv. li.
ST. LOUIS. March 9 -METAlJ4-lad.
dull, at $;i ST'-t Sis-lter. higher, at $11. av.
I :
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, March 9 -COFTCE-'offej
fi turos were lower today under some
scattering llnuidatlon and a little trade
selling, will, h may possibly have lieen In-
No. ItiVt -
Omaha .National Bank
st Omaha In the State of Nebraska, at
the close of business March 4, 11!;
Loans and dteoounts t .0T1n.lSn.S9
Ovordrsfs unsecured 1.4n9.1
I". S. bonds deposited to secure
circulation trar value) 1.0.10,000.00
I". S. bonds pledged to secure
U. 8. deposits (nar value) "00,000.00
U. S. bonds owned unplmlired
(par value K and 4 per cents JO.lno 00
Pmunlum on bonds
used for circulation t 10.000 00
Premium on other
U. S. bonda 7,000 00 17.000.00
subscription to stock
of Federal Reserve
bank 30,000.00
All other stocks, In-
rttiiling premium
on same 425.000.14 si 45,009.14
Ranking house, and
vaults TOatW.OO
iue rrom Federal
Reser-o bank $"0,0X10.47
tue fnun approved
reserve agents In
central reserve
cities 1,t5S,01.
Pus from banks and
bankers (other than
Included In 12 or 1.0 I.5S6,2T.38
Outside checks and
other cash items,
tfil.lfif.1S: fractional
currency, nickels
and cents, $,",r)Wt.tV, t7.1fln.10
Exchanges for clear
ing house 174,906. 44
Notes of other na
tional hanks 6o,0O0.00
Lawful money re
serve In bank:
Specie 5R1.JU.00
lecal tender rotes. 6S1.1U.00
Redemption fund with V. 8.
treasurer (not more than t
cent 011 circulation) MI.fl03.SO
Total tl4,900,434.94
Capital stock paid In t l.oon.OdO.OO
Surplus fund DflO.OUO.OO
1 noivineo pmiits. x 4,974.!
Reserved for taxos,
$1S,0M.(17 612,035.n
Less current ex
pense, Interest.
and taxes paid.. 06.191.4 445.M3 IS
Circulating note.. 1,000. OUO. U0
'Due to banks and
banker (other
than Included in
5 or 6) 6.817.S13.79
Demand deposits:
Jndlvldial deposit
sohteet tn check. 5.1S3.469.66
Crrtlflcstes of de
posit due In lesa
than 80 day (71,931. S4
Certified checks.... 27,tW7.99
iCnshler'a check
outstanding 74,690.23
United State de
posits IU.99S.&
Certificates of de
posit due on or
fatre 30 day.... 54,06.ti 11.9W.591.S1
Total $14,900,484.94
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss:
I. J. De F. Richards, cashier of the
above named bunk, do solemnly swear
that tho above statement is true to tho
best of my knowledge and belief.
J. DE F. RICHARDS, Cahler.
Subscribed and aworn to before me thla
Rth day of March, 1915
(Seal.) L. D. RPALPTNO,
Notary Publlo.
Correct Attest:
No. 97.K-
The Corn F.xrbange National Bank
at Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, at
the close of business March 4, 1916:
I.oaruj and discount $1,443,031.(3
Overdraft, secured and unse
cured 967.12
U. S. bonds deposited to secure
circulation (par value) 237.600.00
U. S. bond pledged to secure
V. S. deposits (par value) 0,000.00
Other bonds pledged to secure
ostal savings 26.000.00
Other bonds, securities, etc.,
owned unpledged (other than
stocks). Including premium
on same 1,137. GO
Subscription to stock
of Federal Reserve
bank $21,800.00
Less amount unpaid... 14.4fX.W 7,200.00
Ranking house, furniture and
fixture 16,000.00
Due from Federal Re
serve bank t 47,176.64
Due from approvtd
reserve agent In cen
tral reserve cities.. 224,932 37
Due from banks and
bankers 214,787.62
Outside checks and
ether cash Items,
$; fractional
currency, nickels and
cents, $l.2 4.) 4.1411 97
Hxcliangoei for clear
ing house 17,914.19
Notes of other na
tional bank 14,000.00
lawful Money Reserva
in bank:
I "v IT. ....-........ lld,'l.l
14-gal tender notes.... 10.0nu.oo C6,474.14
Redemption fund with 1 . S.
Treasurer (not more than 6
per cent en circulation) 11. $75 00
Due from U, S. Treasurer 7,0u0 00
Total $2,446,176.48
Capital stock paid In $ 300,00000
Surplus fund HO.OOO.OO
Undivided prorita JX.o41.7l
Less current expenses,
liiteiettt and taxes
paid 11.119.80- 4.M2.11
Cln-ulatlug notes 4 237.600.00
Due to tanks and
banker t707.2n4 S
Dividends unpaid .... lJi.OO
Demand deposlta:
Individual deposit
subject to check 934.313.37
Certificate of depuslt
due in leas than 30
day tS,8CT .49 t
Certified check llfi.7a
Cashier' check out
standing 11.9n071
TT. S. deposlta 49.etti.47
Peatal saving depoa-
IU 16, 474 61
Tim deposit:
Cnrtiftca,tes of deposit
due on or after to
daj 75.247.t4-l.04.lSS.S7
Total $3,446,176.4
Stat of Nebraska, County of Douglaa, aa:
I, K. W Km met t, cashtnr of the above
najned bank, do solemnly awear that the
above statement la true to tha beat of tuy
knowledge and belief.
E. F. EMME7TT, Cashier.
Bubejerfbed and sworn to before ma this
tth day of March, lata.
(.Seal.) O. A, 1 (EIjQ UFST.
Notary public.
trract Attest :
O. STORjt,
spired bv the continued 'srge Rratlllan
rewlpts and further heavy clearances
from Itrsxll o Hit United States. The
market opened at a decline to 2 to 3
points snd closed St a net loss of 7 to
1 " ...... I O 1 . . l ,1.U L. . ,
,'.'11111,. cnit'F, 1 - inan .u.n M,
5 "-4c; April, S.&'c; Msy, 8 69c; June, S.Clo;
i' i. . tv i jc , 11 111 1.1, n C4 nriHoiniwr, n. is ;
").-toler. g'sV; November. t 9Qe; I ecemtr,
7 'sir; January, 7.01V. Spot, quiet; Rio
N" 7. 7c; Santos No. 4, 9A.C.
The Prattllnn markets were tinor.snged.
The First National Bank of Omaha.
at Omaha In the state of Nebraska, at
the close of business March 4, 1916;
l.nana snd discount $ S,29n.J.'T3.?
Ovordrsfts. unsecured 7.347.36
U S. bonds deposited to secure
circulation (par value) hxofyioO
U. S bonds pledged to secure
U. tt. dexslts ipar value)..., 70,000.00
Other bonds pledged
to secure U. S. de
Posits $ 40,000 OO
Other hondi plestgeil
to secure postal
savings lim.ponOO 146.Ono.00
Other bonds, securities, etc.,
owned and unpledged (other
stocks). Including premiums
on same 36.173.39
Sutmrriptlons to stock
of 1'e.lersl Reserve
. hank $nO.OfX).0O
lss amotint nnpsld.. W.tVO.Oo 30,Onft.OO
.n inner stocsa including
Premium on same IMf-ntc
Rankin house Moooo0
1010 rrom federal
Reserve bank SfiO.OtsN.cO
Due from epproved
reserve airent in
omtral reserve
''ties 1.2S,M.70
Dtie from bank
and bankers 11s1,7SS 6t
Outside checks and
other cash Items.
t?ft,lti3.33; frsc-
tlonal currency,
nickel and cents,
,WB 2S.MS.9
I hecks on banks in
the same city or
town as reporting
hank H.IS7.67
Exchanges for
clearing house ... 222.1717
Notes of other na
tional banks Oft.OOOoo
Federal reaerve
notes l.Knon
Lawful Money Re
serve In Hank:
Bpeole 6ft7.R 49
t-egai tender note. 40,0m 00 g.OM.tTo.M
iwmiiuMi lunn witn u. B.
8. Treasurer tnot more than 6
per cent on circulation) 1,497 SO
L'ue rrom v. b. Treasurer 2.60
Capital tock paid In....
Surplus fund
I'ndlvlded profit
Circulating note . .$ 60,
Lesa amount on
band and in
treasury for re
demption or In
Due to bank and
hanker 1. ... 6,620,
Ibim.nil d.nn.11.-
t tVW,ofl000
180- 49.997.50
Individual deposits)
subject to check.. S.6.S25.6T
Certificate of de
posit due ta lea
than day 3TS.4KA n
Certified check ... 10,279.96
Cashier' check
outstanding tU.047.KH
I. 8. deposit 100.S94.19
Postal saving de
Posit 70.424 26
Deposit requiring
notice of lea than
M "ay 6S.611S4
Tim deposit:
Certificate of de
posit due on or
after 30 days 1.2S4,4flB.6
Deposit subject to
30 or more daya'
nottr 270,17.6 U.S06.664.04
Total 114.210.711.49
State of Nebraska. County of Dona-la. as-
I. F. 11. Davl. president of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true lo the best of my
anvwieuun ana oener.
F. II. DAVIS. TreaM.n
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
sin aay 01 maron, lHHi,
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
No. 2066 "
The Nebraska National Bank.
at Omaha. In the State of Nebraska, at
me ctose or ousiness MarcU 1, llflo;
Loans and discounts tix4S(tito9
Overdrafts, unsecured aitioill
L. a. bonds deposited to secure
circulation fpar value) JOO.OflO.OO
uinrr con os pieageq to secure
..u-8, .0PoK 110,000.00
u. n. nono owned unpledged
(par value) 2 per cents 10,000.00
winer Donns. securities, etc.,
owned unpledged (other than
stock), including premium
on aame 60961.19
Subscription to stock
of Federal Reserve
bank, tl6,0u0.00; less
amount unpaid,
tlO.OOOOO 6.000.00
All other stocks. Includ
ing premium on mm 1.136.00 4115.00
uniiniii( llllUBe, tiS,S4S.iU,
furnlturaand fixture,
").ibe.a) M.000.00
winer real estate owned 6,648.14
iruin ainroveu re
erv agent In central
reserve cities 320,43.60
Due from bank and
banker (other than
included In 12 or 13).. 3SO,St9.70
wuiniutj chock ana
other cash Items, $11,.
4JK.36; fractional cur
rency, nickel and
cent. tl.2Si.76 12,674.11
Checks on banks In the
en me city or town
as reporting laxnk.... 1.250.75
cxenanse ior Clearing
iniea or other national
. hank 7,000.00
lawiui money reserve
in bank: Specie 94,006.00
Legal-tender notes .. 17,000 00111.006.00
iieuenipiion runo witn
U. S Treasurer (not.
more than 6 per cent
on circulation) 10,000.00
Due from U. S. Treaa
"rer S.760.00
Capital stok paid In
Surplus fund
Undivided profits ... 72.S10.72
Lens current ex
$2,763,436 X8
.. 6O.utO.O0
penses, interest
and taxe paid
Circulating note ..
43.M3 09
Due to bank and
banker (other
than Included In
6 or 6)
Demand deposits:
Individual deposit
subject to check.. 1,070,030 23
Certificate of de
posit due tn lesa
than 30 day
Certified check ..
Cashier's chock
nut standing
United State de
Posits Deposit requiring
notion of lea than
SO day
3.01. M
42.14. 9-
. 1,3Q1,70U.4:
Time d-poalta:
Certificate! or da
posit due 00 or af
ter 30 daya
Total IXTK143,M
Rtata of Nebraska. Cormty of DoiLaa, as:
I. 11 W. Yatea, jr., cashier o the
abova-nameid bank, do aolomnl)' swear
that tna autre statsunecit la true to the
beist of my knowledg and belief.
tt. W. YATES, JR., Caabitr.
Sabacrfhed nd sworn to before m. this
tth day of March, 191&
(BoaJ 1 14CV E. OwTN.NU
. . Notary PubUu.
Correct- aftaat:
. 91 ' ,
The f lty National Baak
Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, at
the close of business March 4, I'm:
ins and discounts 11 Rno m ir.
rdrnfls. urusei-tirefl
47.1 11
bonds deonslted
secure t'tri'iila-
lon lliar value) liY)Annnn
Commercial paper de.
positeii to secure rtr-
u 1 a t I o 11, (book
lue ) 113,252.50
her securities A.-
posited to iiH iirr Ir-
u 1 a 1 1 o n (book
alue) 79.OW.aO- 422.346.00
S bonds pledged to secure L.
I. l4eo,.elta . r,n p i'.l,,ai , .t v aj.
Other bonds piedgod
to secure U. R de
posits tie Ati ra
Other bonds nledsed
to secure jiostal
Savings 47 or on. ee ic. m
----- -- IV,
s. bonds owned unpledged
(par value) 3 per cents 1,30000
Premium on bonds
bsed for rlrculaUon.. $2.635 W)
Premium on other U.
s bond 331.26 2.906.26
:her bonds, sicurltles. etc..
wned unpledged lother than
tocka. Including Dremluma on
"amei miKtH
bsrriptlon to stock
if Federal Tl,up, .
bsnk, $4.400 00; irss
unpaid, $22.a.32 t 11,466.68
11 other stocks, in
cluding; premium, on
1U.071S1 mmn
iirnlture and fixture 6n(VsIM
'ther real estate owned e!oi7.M
ue from Federal Re
serve bank $ 46.499.U
uo from approved
reserve 1.
central reserve citine iuwh
Due from bsnk and
bnnkere im ei.i
Outside check and
other rash Items.
tm.Ono.OO; fractional
currency, nickel and
cent, tl.331.iM 17,321 M '
Check on banks in
the same city or
town reporting bank. t,2.4
tvxrhsnges for clear
ing house 49.901.39
rsouvs of other na
tlonsl banks 10.000.00
Lawful Money Reserve
In bank
ff"'l 1124 0J1 ' .
egal tender note.... SO.OnO.oo 611.456
Redemptlon fund with U. s.
treasurer UJBO.Oft
'spltal stock paid In
.$ 6on.nnn 00
hi i-ms 1 una
'ndlvlded nrnflt.
lW.oua 00
$:'9,948.19; reserved
for taxes and inter-
. ' es,u.w
Les current expenses.
normal and taxes
n a 1 .1 A, a .
r.rcu..t,ng"nota.-V":.r tSSlffi
a 'un - (i na tlaf at nrf
bfiniTAral t in AAA aa
w, . 4eee Uetl. Vt I . y
ppmftntla df-poalti:
11 hl4ar A t,aa. Le ts 1 1 A.ex aa
Crtifttt? of dopod-
iv- qub in (4m trial.
Ml iiflVH r e.a. .a
Certlflen 'Cl V'"
Cashier' checks 'niiil
landing 107.ta.71,
Postal saving dopoa
Tl ma U.nn.V.'.'.' .W6.T
Certificate of deposit
uun on or arter 30
day e "sr. e.
Deposit ubject to' si) ''0,
At TYl -P ak rJ aa t.l . .
rowed "ioney oor.
r0W,"' 150.000.00
Suh,4hJO!,IN r 'IraC03C, fJkahler.
Correct-Attest: Notary Pub,io'
I. A. baumT
chas. c. qbobje:.
- Directors.
No. 2978 " "
.t Omaha, m" tlt. " V Nra.?. .e
the cIom of March wis6
tjoan. and dtttC.E M
u-. b"ls deposited to ecure 7,S,3'4
tr lUl,.'1 p"r value).., 7. . ' 4 00000
Other bds p,ed;;dV,Ue'-- 70. W
-suun) u. b. de-
Other honK,,td-dai,fl0IK
to secure postal
Savlnira ... ... '
Other nd..-;ecurr.les,.eta" 10600(10
nwniul ,. n n 1 ...
e.,L. ", " toiner than
2n ..m- lnoludln Pramlumi
Sub.o,ltlon to "'atock a.500.00
01 reaerai Reserve
hank, $M,000,Of); less
amount unpaid
$M.(jf 1 10
All other . tock.V "in- TW
ciuaing premium
on same . . e u. aa ......
Itaekln. .UUU.W- .,N10 00
'1'iuini reserve
r " nui reserve cities L297.004.17
Due from bank and banker
luthor then l...l.,.l.. .
...... ...v.uticu 111 IL lT IA 1,X3.1X 90
Outside checks and other cash
eij.ontu; fractional
rurITnry- nickel and cents.
Cheek on hank "in ' the 'game
I I f V Or toWn MB Mhnl.. I L . . .
Kxchange for clearing hou.. lfM 477
No es of other national bank.. 64t33 00
Lawful morey reserve
1 i.aiia.
Specie. tiW.IMH 00
l"nl nor notes. 191.ftS.00- (12.393 00
Red-m-tlon fund with U. S e-w
irenaurer (not more than S
ner peril nn . I p.. ,.'..! , u
Due from U. 8. treasurer.!!!"! iiOOftOO
ToUl tlS.87,304.10
Capita! alork paid in $L0no.O00.or
surplus IUIW1 eOLIOllKU
Undivided p r o fi t s w.wu.w
t-M.tmtl; reserved
for taxes. Ilu hri4 fu t17K K
Less urrent expenses.
interest and taxes
Paid SfiAfln rut 117 on
Circulating note $450,000.00 '
Lea amount on hand
and in treaiury for
redemption or in
transit 16.600- iTSjiOOOO
Due to bunks and banker
(other than Included In&orKi 1 m tu u
Demand deposits:
Individual deposit
sublet to rheck...t5.7SS-17x
Certificate of de-
poelt due in lea
than SO day 16.640.24
Certified check 17,097.26
Cashier's check out
standing lo.T024
United State deposits 99,771.81 ,
Postal saving de
posits 67.168 Tl 6 tn
Time deposits:
Certificates of deposit dua on
or after 30 day 6S0.6S4.S1
Total tlS.970 1 kid. 10
State of Nebraska, County of Douglaa, aa:
1, w. K. rtnoaoes. cashier or the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true lo the best of my
Bnowieuge ana neiiei.
w. K. RHOADE8, Cashier.
Correct Attest :
W. A. 6MITK,
D' rector
Robaortbed and worn to before xna thaa
tth aay of March. 1915.
0. wiLLJ AMn. Notary Publa,
fTatsta ad la Tba Baa. iiTssillas sane
ro party for a autck aaia.