THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: MA1SC1I 7, 11)15. 9 A WILSON MAY CALL ON POWERS TO AID Hexico City Facei Starvation with Outside Relief Barred and Washington Worried. CONDITIONS WORSE THAN EVER AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Some Local Office Holders Said to Hare Won a Few Converts from Among the Corporations. POSITION OF THESE INTERESTS WASHINGTON, March 6. Presi dent Wllron was confronted tonight with one of the most serious and per plexing developments that has ever arisen In the Mexican situation. Mexico City Is on the verge of starva tion. General Obregon, the Carranza commander, refuses to permit an In ternational relief committee com posed of wealthy members of the foreign colony to succor the needy. "Mexico needs no foreign aid," the general Is reported to have said. Mont Open Stores. All merchants who closed their stores have been ordered to reopen under threat of punishment. Three hundred of them, all Mexicans, havo been Imprisoned. The people of the city are living In terror of another evacuation since Obregon has an nounced that he will not prevent looting or pillaging for food or money. . The Brazilian, British, Spanish and Italian ambassadors called separately at the State department today bringing pessimistic reports of the situation which 'corresponded to reports already received tiy the American government. The for eign diplomats suggested no solution. Drvnn Sends Trlea-ram. Secretary Bryan announced that he had sent an urgent telegram to American Con sul Sllllman with instructions to lay the situation earnestly before General Car- . ranza, so that General Obrepon might be ftlrerteil to accept the proffered aid of the foreign residents. Freight service is suspended between Mexico City and Vera Cruz. Transportation facilities for relief purposes are being withheld by General Obregon on the ground of military neces sity. President Wilson was advised of all the facts late today as revealed In official messages nnd the reports from the for eign ambassadors. Tonight the president was reported to be studying the various phases of the question closely. Should lieneral Obregon continue to refuse out side aid drastic measures might be neces sary in view of the foreign diplomats. TOore Terrlblo Than Kver. The situation is described by them as more intolerable than It ever has been since revolutionary troubles began In the southern republic. Talk of an allied ex pedition similar to the one that went to ' the relief of foreign legations at Peking during the Boxer uprising - was again heard In official quarters, where it was generally admitted that a grave condition of affairs had arisen. For the present the outcome of the telegraphic correspondence with General Carranza will bo awaited. Hitherto he has been reported as standing by all the activiiles of General Obregon, whose pur pose, according to official reports, seems to te to force the loww classes to en , list In the Carranza army or starve. All sorts of .wtid rumors . are afloat ,Jn rxico City,, due ,' the Incendiary utterances of General Obregon, who, In newspaper interviews, - has practically sanctioned plunder for food, C'arransa Appealed To. " General Carranza hai been asked by the American governmtnt 'to. Instruct General Ogregbn to take soma measures to protect lives and property af ftrVbjnr ers, in the event of am evacuation. . The people fear the 'water supply may be shut of and the electric light cables may be cut, thus leaving the city in darkness at night and permitting the ir responsible element ' to commit wanton depredations. Just why the 300 merchants were Im prisoned has not been revealed. They were reported to have appealed to Obre gon for relief from a heavy tax, which he Imposed on them. Secretary Bryan said that so far as the State department had been advised, all the Mexican priests arrested for failure to contribute funds demanded by Obregon, were still In prison. ' The international relief committee, which raised about 260,000 pesos, was not permitted to aid the poor, according to official dispatches, because General Obregon declined ot accept funds re stricted to any definite use. He desired that the foreigners pay the tax, recently levied, but revoked on representations from foreign governments without ques tioning how It would be used. Mast Accept Money. The latest decree put Into effect by Obregon provides that all merchants not only must open their places of business under threat of punishment, but that any person refusing to accept Carranza fiat money will be Imprisoned. Beyond saying that conditions were much worse than they had ever been in Mexico City, the various foreign diplo mats, who called nt the State depart ment, did not discuss the situation or indicate the attitude of their govern ments. All of their ministers at Mexico City have instructions to withdraw from the capital at their own discretion, but In the circumstances they are desirous of remaining so as to exert what in fluence they can for the relief of the starving population. As a last resort local officeholders and antl leaders are said to have won a cer tain measure of corporation assistance In their fight against Oreater Omaha. The corporations, as such, are said not to be for or neilnst the measure, but ' ecrporatlon officials, as individuals dis tinguished from corporation rulers, are I letting It bo known that they are averse to the passage of the Oreater Omaha bill, I It is asserted by consolidatlontsta. ) One corporation official is quoted to the 'effect that: "It Is a cold proposition with ! us We know what we can do here, tut I in a Oreater Omaha It might be dif ferent" Ono well-known stockman asserted that ! he was advised not to make the trip In favor f the measure, although others have made the trip to lobby against the bill. "Dad" Walker Dead. H. J. Walker, known for a decade hire as "Dad." died Thursday at Wise Memo- 1 rial Omaha hospital, following an opera tion, aged 49 years. He was a brother of W. H. If. Walker of the Health Omaha Horse and Mule company. leosed was a ell known In South Omaha live stock circles and especially on the horse mar ket Ho is survived by a mother and two Sisters of Carlisle, Pa. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 8:S0 o'clock at Brewer's chapel. Rev. Robert Ij. Wheeler officiating. Interment will be In Grace land Park cemetery. Cadahy florins; for Water, The Cudahy company will supply its own plants with well water after having concluded the well borings which It Is understood are now going on.- It is un derstood, that the wells have been driven below a depth of 2.500 feet, but that the borings will continue to 4.000 feet Al ready the flow of water from the new wells averages several hundred gallons a minute. It is said another plant will start a well in the near future. Month Omaha C hurch Services. St. Luke's Lutheran, Rev. S H. Yerlan, I'astor--Sunday school at 9:4S; morning service at 11, subject of sermon, "Tho Second word From the Cross." Catecheti cal class at 3. Baptist, Twenty-fifth and II. Rev. W. inn, fastor Canadian services at 11 evening. Preaching tv the raster Sun day school nt 45. KVworth legie nt Maain II,. raving contrm tors of the city are busy promoting raving material. t-ast night s receptton at the ChHtlsn church was postponed on sccount of bad weather. A number of the city officials ho hnve been to Lincoln for several ilavs vcre seen in town yester lay. The Hesr theater has an umisusllv t ttactlve program for today's illM'ly. in cluding an Ksssnnr multiple photo fea ture. It also offers new vaudeville. The meeting if the Chllde Conservation league, which was to have tveen held this week has been postponed until March 11, when Important business will be tran suded.. A declamatory contest for the purpose of selecting candidates to the mIkIi tchool declamatory contest at Krsnm it. vns held it.t night at the high school auditorium. STUDENTS PROTEST BAN ONMMPERS Tilt Hundred at University of Pcnn tylrania Denounce Faculty for Refusing Labor Chief Hall. THEY DEMAND FREE SPEECH Employment Agency Bill Pushed Along LINCOLN. March .- Specials The Pruesedow-Koeter hill, requiring- all em ployment agencies to take out a license and nay a fee to the state of $100, was sent to third reading In the house yesterday. The bill, H. R. 144, also requires that the agency shall file a bond for 12,000 to Insure compliance with the law. '.Splitting fees with employers of labor Is forbidden and a penalty of .v to $100 fine or three months In Jail prescribed. Bringing laborers Into the state for con tract employment must be don without misrepresentation. rHILAI-ElaHUA. March 6. More than t00 University of Vennsyl vanla students fornterl a fre speech society today and adopted resolutions denouncing, the authorities of the In stitution and those in charge of the Pennsylvanlan, a dally student pub lication, because ot the alleged at titude of the authorities and the Pennsylvania!! toward Samuel Gornp ers, president of the American Fed eration of Labor. Address by Komp'ri. The action was takea at a meeting of the students held in Knights of Columbus hall, which was addressed by Mr. Oomp ers. The resolutions censured the members of the faculty for refusing to permit Mr. Gcmpera to speak In one ot the halls of the university and crttclses the editors of the student publication for refusing te announce today's meeting In the columns of the Prhnsyh snhm. After effecting permanent'n the students announced that staled meet ings would be beld and speakers In ail walks of life invited to th-llvrr addresses Does Not Hear Heated speeches. Mr. (lompers, slthoimh be denounced the university authorities for their action, made no attempt to urge tin students to revolt. Most of his address was devoted to the evolution of organised labor and he lift (lie hull befoiv the heated addresses were made by rtitdi nla. The resolutions, which were adopted without discussion, nl.m protest axAlnsi any attempt to prevent t?ie discussion ot public Issues at the university and de manded recognition of the newly formed orgnnltatlon A copy of the resolutions wa1' sot to Provost Fmlth, the board of trusties, the secretary of the faculty and to the sev eral student publications of tho Institution. H00SIER HOUSE VOTES TO POSTPONE PRESS BILL IVniANAPOLlS. Ind. Msrch .-TVie house of the Indiana legislature oted unanimously today to postpone Indefi nitely coiiialderatlon of a Mil which pro vided tbat all press associations oierat Ing in the s'ate furn'sh service for all who tarMred It and that the press asso ciations be placed tinder control of pub lic service commission. The bill had passed the senste and been made a caucus measure by lions democrats. Worm Turns, Hanging Of Mexican Murderer In Texas is Protested PAN ANTONIO. Tet.. March . Ad vices received -here today by mn constl tutlonsllst consul any thnt Oencrsl I ar runsa la sending to Washington a protest iiKaliist the execution on Wednesday of Ki-derlro Sanches at Onkvtiln, Tex, for tho murder of the jailer. Mexican authorities assert Sandier, was only 17 j cms of age and a native of Mex ico, and a d -h g.ttlun c' Ms rotmtrvmen appealed In .pcimm . rjjvemor Ferguson to slsy the bnnclng. but without result. The incsH.-igc from I'lirrannn. said to be based upon reports furnished hint from Texas, slleges race discrimination and ssks the Mexican r presentatlvps in Washington to "protest against the dis crimination against our race, a men ami in the name of humanity against this vlo latlon of the law." MUSCATINE MAN AGAIN NAMED MASTER WORKMAN WHl.KI.lNn. W. Va March . Will iam M. Mania of Muscatine, la , was re elected master wotkmsn of th supreme lodge of the Ancient Order of T'nlted Woikmcn of the I'nl'e.l States and Par ada In the closing session of the annual meeting today. Little Rock, Ark., was chosen as the next meeting- place. Eat Less Meat If Back Hurts k . Take glass of Halts to flush Kidneys If lUadik-r bother yon Drink lts of wafer. Eating meat regularly eventually pro duces kidney trouble In somn form or other, nays a well-known authority, be cause the uric acid In meat excites the kidneys, they become, overworked; et sluggish; Hog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly bsrkache and mis ery In the kidney region: rheumatic twin ges, severs headaches; arid stomach, con ftlpatlon. torpid liver, sleeplessness. Mad der and tirlnnry Irritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys firm t acting right, or If bladder bothers you. get about four ounces of Jafl Baits from any good pharmacy; take a table soonfiil In a glass of water before, break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then ad fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juloe. combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys an.l stlmiilste them to normal activity; also to neutralise the acids In the urlna so It n longer Irritates, thus ending bin. bier disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which millions of men and women take now snd then to keep the -kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. Advertisement. . R. Rev. George Taft, president of tho Grand isiana college, will give an -address In the evening. Runday school at :46. Methodist Episcopal, J. W. Klrkpatrlck. Tastor Regular services morning and A Beautiful Complexion May lie Obtained by the Use of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, the Greatest of All ttlood -llll1fierfl. No need for anyone, to go about any loniter with n face covered with pimples, blotches, eruptions, blackheads and liver spots. These ure all due to Impurities in the blood. Cleanse the blood thor oughly and the blemishes will disappear. ."Stuart's CaUonm Wafers will (Ire yon as asoellent skin color and re aaare all facial eruptions." That's what Stuart's Calcium Wafers are. Intended to accomplish and do ac complish. Their principal Ingredient is Calcium Sulphide, the quickest and most thorcugh blood cleanser known. These wonderful little wafers get right into the blood and destroy eruptive sub stances present in it. In eomo cases a. few lays are sufficient to make a marked Improvement. And when the blood Is pur the whole system is a hundred per cent better. Go to any drag store and get a 80-cent box of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Get them today. Don't fret any longer about those black heads, pimples, bolls, tetter, ecxema spot or skin eruptions; they all go and "go oulox" if you use Stuarts Calcium wafers. A small sample package mailed free by sending coupon below. Free Trial Coupon T. A. Stuart Co ITS Stuart Bldr Marshall, Mich., send me at once, by return mail, a free trial package of Stuart's Callcum Wafers. Name Street City state Physicians' Lien In Damage Suits (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March . 8peclal.)-The senate committee of the whole this morn ing recommended for passage II. It. No. 36, which provides for the filing- of a physicians' lien In damage suits, grow ing out of accidents. The senate, liowevet, tacked on an amendment, designed to appease the fears of Maliery of Box Butte and oth ers, that the measure would Interfere with tho complete operation of tbs work men's compensation law as it now stands. The amendment exempts from the oper ation of the Hen all sucn cases as might arise under the compensation act as passed by the last legislature. BROOKLEY ANTI-DOPE BILL ADVANCED IN THE HOUSE LINCOLN. March s. -Special Tele gram.) in a night session the lower house In committee of the whole recom mended for third reading the Brookley anti-dope bill backed by the Omaha Com mercial club and State Druggists' association. EARS ARE IN STYLE AGAIN LIFT IIP YOUR HAIR The now style of lifting the hair from 1 the ears looks much nicer if the hair is , soft so it drapes around the ears rather than being pulled up In straight, hard lines. To get the best effect in any . style of hairdresalng, every strand mubl be fluffy, lustrous and, of course, clean. In washing the hair It Is not advisable to use a makeshift, but always use a preparation made for shampooing only. Tou can enjoy the best that la known for about three cents a shampoo by getting a package of canthrox from your drug gist; dissolve a teaspoonfnl In a tup of hot water and your shampoo is ready. After its use the hair dries rapidly, with uniform color. Dandruff, exoesa oil and dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear, i Your hair will be so fluffy It will lk! much heavier than It It. Its lustre and I softness will also delight you, while the stimulated scalp ga'ns the health which Insures hair growth. -Advertisement. J) iwsapw ae" Does Your Little Girl Indulge in Dreams? THINK back Grandmas; did you have dreams of possessing a real piano of your own? Of being able to entertain your friends even better than Susie Jones, who's possession of a piano you were inclined to erivy? Remember, Mother, how happy you were when Grandma, realizing what it meant to a little girl, induced Grandpa to buy you a piano of your own. i i j Why Not Make Her Dream Reality? I Don't say impossible; for from the impossible to the possible is only a step; and times have changed. What was virtually an impossibility for Grandfather is, by changed conditions, made very certainly easily possible for father. y What was an unusual luxury v in Grandmoth er time (except in the, home of the. rich) ' is now looked upon as really a necessity to the proper furnishing of even quite humble homes. Let us demonstrate to you how easily you can ar range for the realization of the little girl's dreams The West's Greatest Distributors of Fully Guaranteed Pianos Remember we guaran tee satisfaction to every customer There can be no J1 Mr to 1 Stein way at $300 1 Vose&Sons at $150 1 Iluntinfrton at .$100 1 Raddison at $175 A I ments. . nl -s xaisswi atrr m . I Hi 11 IL-?J A I II B I t Vwri 1 1 v r i ii ii ii t fa ii i I 1 1 .JlMJ i r 8 i j Our March Piano Sale I I i i y You are not restricted in your selection to one or two rnkes when buy ing : Piano at Eighteen Standard Makes of Pianos Are Here for Your Selection . Right on our salesroom floor where you can compare them carefully, critically, side by side and make your selection with full U certainty of getting the one which in style and tone quality suits you best. Is going to be a great help toward the realization of the dreams of many little girls. Many parents have already taken advantage of the splendid bargains in new and used pianos. Scores of others will need only this reminder to act Here's Some Bargains You Can't Afford to Miss 1 Kiml.all at $90 1 KuwrKon at .$00 1 (fcnover Jit $175 1 Wellington at .'.$150 1 Weiler at $140 1 Cable at $175 1 Iiordman at .$90 1 Hush & Gerts at $100 Some have been taken in exchange some are instruments that have . been rented some have only been used atf samples on our salesroom floor. You'll find all of these and many others offered at upeeial bargain prices in our March sales, . and ever' instrument backed by our absolute guarantee of satisfaction. If you're prepnred to spend more for a piano we Lave the highest class inetru menU produced, for your selection, but in any case Let the Little Girl's Dreams Come True! j Terms of Payment Will Be Arranged To Suit Your Convenience; j i i itasaa