Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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Former Omaha Boy Substitute! for
Rt. T. J- Mekay at All
Saint' Church.
Rr. ts W. Heaton. who UI veupy
ths pulpit at tli pervlr of All Ssftits
church Sunday. 1 a former Omh boy
'and an aasistant to Rsv. T. J. Matkay.
Mr. Hoaton la now rector of Bt. raul's
church at Newport. Ark. He wss several
years lay-rerter and Sunday school su.
perintendent at All Saints'. Mr. Heaton
was railed to Omaha to occupy the pulpit
here during the Illness of Mr. Mackay.
Iter. Charles E. Cobhey will In
augurate Sunday evening a series of ser-
mona for young people. These aermona
will occur each Sunday evening at the
'First Christian church. Tha Initial ser
mon Sunday evening will be "No Deal
Without an Ideal."
The Keyetone League of Christian En
deavor will hold union meeting at tha
Flrat United Evangelical church Sunday
afternoon. Rev. W. R. Cain of Wichita
aill lead tha meeting.
Memorial aervlcea for the late William
H. Ijawton will be held at the morning
aervlcea of the Plymouth Congregational
church. F. W. Leavltt will conduct the
Puring the remaining Sundays of Tent
rpeclal Lenten aervlcea will be preached
at the Church of the Convenant. Tha
aermona will be on "The Crone aa the
Universal Key."
The Orsre Baptist church at Tenth and
Arboy streets will celebrate Ha twenty
first anniversary Wednesday.
Rev. Joe P. Jacobs of Kansas City will
present a stereoptlcon lecture on mis
sionary work In the United States at the
Calvary Baptist church Wedneaday even
Ing. Unlike other reviews of missionary
work, tha foreign field will not te touched
at all.
The muslo at the All Saints' church
for tha vesper services at 4:30 o'clock
will be aa follows:
Organ Prelude Allegretto In B Minor
None Dimlttts In D minor.... Walmtaley
Baritone Hoi o An Ofrering.. Vincent
C. a Haverstlck.
Anthem O Wisdom j Noble
(ITo acco mpa n!
' Christ laa.
North Side. Twenty-second and tioth.
rop, Qeorge L. Peters, Pastor Hlhle
achool at S0; morning service. 10:46;
theme "Is It Waste?" evening service,
I ; theme, "What Is Conversion?" Inter
mediate Bndeavor, 6;renlor Christian En
deavor, 8:16.
First. Twenty-slth and Harney, Charlea
E.D, Cohbey,- Minister Morning services,
11; "The Torm of Jean;" even
ing service. 7:; "No Peal Without an
Ideal;" first of a series of sermons for
young people. Young People's Society of
Christian Fndeavor, 8:15; Endeavor ex
tort class 8: Junior Endeavor, 4. Bible
school at 96.
(arietta a loleace.
First Church of Christ. Scientist. Bt.
Mary'e Avenue and Twenty-fourth Street
Services U and i, subject, "Man." Sun
day achool (two sessions), 8:45 and 11.
Wednesday evening meeting at 8.
First, Comer Nineteenth and Davenport,
'Rev. Frederick T. House, Pastor Morn
ing worship at 10:80; theme, "The Best
investment." Sunday school at IS. No
evening ncrvlce.
' Central Perk, Corner Forty-second and
Saratoga, South Omaha, Rev. J. II. Beard,
Pastor tounday school at 10; K. D. Oep-
son, superintendent. Morning worship at
I i. a mcmnriol service for O. g Brewster;
all his friends sre invited. Men's Rlhi
'xlsss. U-12 46. Christian Endeavor at 6:46.
l.enlng worship at 7:80.
" Plymouth. Eighteenth and Emmet, Rev.
. h. W. Ieavltt. Minister Communion and
.iecptlon of memhera at 10 30; service In
memory of W Ham 11. Uwton. Bible
(chool at It Junior Kncletv of Christitin
; Endeavor St 3. Intermediate society nt 4
Senior society st 8:80. Evening service at
.SO; topic, "Mount Carmel, Mount of
All Saints' Services on Sunday wl'.l he
conducted by Rv. l,eo V. Heaton, n-ctor
iof St. Paul's church, Newport, Ark. Hours
;of service. 11 and 4 .
c Bt. Matthias', Corner Worthlngton and
j South Tenth. Rev. Albert E. Weiis, Priest
. in t nargo Holy communion at 8. Sunday
, school at 10.' Holy communion rJid aer
.Jn2.n V.?'- Kv,n1"'" Prayer and sermon at
,7:80. All are welcome; aeats sre free.
i Church of Bt. Philip the Deacon,
' T.Tuntyf,r: nw,r f"'. R"v- "" Albert
, Williams. Vicar Third Sunday In Ix-nt.
, Holy communion at 7:30; holy euchaiist
, (choral and sermon st 11. Sunday school
l "- Evening prayer and sermon. J;30.
. Church of the Oood Shepherd, Twcn
tleth and Ohio. Rav. Thomas J. foliar,
Hector Holy communion at R. Sundav
school at :45. Holy communion, vltii
, sermon, at U. Evening prar. with ser-5!l,.t..-
lni?n Trv,c Tuesday nnj
" at 10 Wednesday at 7:10; Thurslj
Mount Morlik t .., .
I R5rL.E- Haybrook. I u. I
Psstor-reacr.lng at It and 7:o. Hunuuy
.1 I i. ,,olv oommiinlon st h:4i.
First. Harnev end P.rk . .,...' . ,
. Rowlands. Mlnlster-Mornlng. loio, seri
f2.? '.olil,.bv ho'" " ; subject.
; The Modern Church;" evening. 7.80 utw
Ject. "The Parable of Jekyll and Hyde."
Sunday school at noon: auperlnlenOnt.
Oeorge Waterman. Young peoples meet-
Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Plnkney.
Arthur J Morrla. Pastor Morning wor-
ship, 10:30; topic, selected The Lord a
supiier will ho cbserved i:ill school at
noon; young peoile's meeting st 8 30
Evening worship at J 10; subject selected'
JZ T,,."n on Wedneedsy arternoon
fl Midweek praver and praise serv
ice eilnuHoay vt-nhiK aj a
Calvary, Hamilton and Twenty-fifth, J
A. Maxwell, I'antor-Mornlng. "Hilfltuai
E:lps:" rommunlon snd reception of
ne ineinberi: evenliif, "A lillmse Into
Heaven. I Ible ai'hool st noon; U. W
Noble, su-. erintrndi nt. Young people's
HK-ednq at li:i. ii-d by Elmer Eil
lean. A etereii (Icon presentation of mls
iunrv r oik In our cwn lard Wednesday
e' er.lnr bv Rev. Joreph P. Jacobs of
Xanana City.
Cra-e. Tenth and Arbor. E. R Taft
'ator .Men s praver meeting nt )'
. "tin.i'v si ho I 10; morning worship.
11: s bj!ct, "Christ's T'se of Prayer"
i'otIii iuir cle of sermon. Junior
rie-tlic I:C. Haitl.t Young IVo-
TKetlng, 7; evening worshlu
.:4i. eA-. J. A. Leavltt. D p., field rep-
. rertil"e ef Grand Islsnd college, will
. k. Mission bundsy school. Jli South
" rrfh x. The churth will celebrate
, ta te entv-first anniversary next Wednew
. on- evening
V-n. Twenty-sisth snl Franklin. Rsv
"Tll-m F. Botts. B. 8. T.. Hastor
Mnrring. covenant meeting, I0:W lo 11
''veiling. Baptist Young People' I'nlon
:TA o 7:i: son service T-.M n '
prenrh'ng st 8. Sun lay school, I2 to
; !. Klster Susie Smith, superintendent.
. Psstor's Bibls class, 2 30 to Mo Mld
week prsyer services. Wednesdsy nurht
J All are welcome.
i German. Corner Eighteenth and Cum
I ,nlt;.r 0",TUli '-t'-8unday achool
! at 18. Eumlnwtlon service at 11. Youna
' People's sc-Wty at 7:1. Sermon by the
' pastor at 1 Prayer meeting, Wednea.
' dsy evening at 8.
; First United. 8420 Franklin, Key J Vf
J Runloe. Pastor Teacher' a meeting at 8 '
Pr.s. hlng at 11 by Rev. J Gregory
I Mnntle of London, Engtand. Bunday
s-hool at 18. Junior Endeavor at t Mid
winter convention. Preaching by Ry
Mr. Mantle at I Key.ton lsiuT of
lirilia Endeavor union meetlns led
by Rev W R. Cain at 8 JoVPreachlni
; at 7 M by Rev. Mr. Mantle. "
' t. Pul Twenty-fifth end Evans
Rev. t. T. Otto, Pastor Services at 18
and 7.m Confession service at 71V Even
ing Ienten theme: ,''hriet Asnny snd
I'isyer In (etheniane. Sunday srhool
st 11. m.
CaM Out." Evening service st ?. sub
ject, 'The cliurrh at Mount Sinai." Sun-
oay school st 10. subject, "Anointed
King." Catechetical rises on K-lday
at fi.
Orar Ensllsh. 13 South Twenty-
slsth, Clarence N. Shart. Minister
vors Oulrling" at 11. "Jenua' I'ower
tiver Death" at K Sunday school at
s o". J. Fred Smith. supenntendent.
I-uther Ieague at 7. Cnnf Irmallim
clseses, Friday at 4 snd 7:30. Inten
service, Wednesdsy at 8.
Kountxe Memorial, Farnam and Twen-ty-slth.
Rev. Oliver 1. Baltrlv. Ph. P.
P. P.. Paetor Morning worship at 11.
Subject. "A priceless Possession Oone."
Evening worship at 8. Subject. "All the
World n Two Classes " Sunday school
at 8.4S, Oscar P. tioodman, auperlntend
enL Other services: Luther league at
7. Rperlal 1enten servlceei Wednesday
evening, at 8. Suhlect, "The World's
Oreatesl Surrender'
Elon. Thlrtr-alxth Street snd Ijifsveree
Avenue. A. T. Irfrlmer. Pastor Sundav
school st Services at 11 and S. The
Sunday school tesrhers will meet In the
church psrlors on Monday evenlnir
Thursday afternoon. March 11, the ladles'
Aid will meet In the church parlors. Mid
week services Thursday evening at 7:W.
Choir practice Immediately after. The
confirmation class will meet Saturday
afternoon at 1:10.
Wl,ti mil rn,iw.ft... ci 1.-
Oliver M. Keve. Minister Sundav school
at 10. Isgue at 8.W). Church services at
u ana 7:30.
Trinity. Twenlv-flrst and rtlnnev
Thomas Blthell, I'sstor Morning serv
ice st 10:30. Evening service at 7:30.
Sabbath school at 12. Epworth Ix-JUnie
at :30. i
Street and Wool worth Avenue. C. W.
Mcl'ssklll. fastor Preaching seirlces at
11 and 7:45. oonducted bv the Pastor. Tha
evening service will be a cantata. "The
Forty-second Psslm." bv the choir, to-
? ether with a short exposition of the
salm by the pastor. Everybody la cor
dially invited. Sunday school at 8:46.
Kpworth League at 8:40 Prayer service
Wednesday evening at 8.
First Swedish. Corner of North Nine
teenth snd Burt. Oustav (Ylckson,
Pastor-Sunday school at 10. Communion
service st 11. Subject, "The Oodfillad
Life." Epworth league at 8:30. Pong
service at 7:30, Subject, "Fanny Crosby
and her Songs."
Hirst Memorial. Thirty-fourth Street
and Larlmnre Avenue, H. E. Hess,
Pastor Sundsy services: Preaching at
11. Subject, "Spiritual Vision." Preach
ing at 7:30. Subject, "The Sting of Sin."
Sunday school at 10. E. W. Slnnett, n-
Krlntendent. Epworth league at 830.
taders Messrs. Egbert Weeks and Carl
Evan a.
First, Twentieth and Davenport, Tltua
Ixwe, Minister Sunday school at 8 4fi.
T. F. Sturgess, superintendent. Morning
worship at 11. Subject. "The Penalty of
Leadership." Epworth League at 8:30.
A meeting for all young people. Evening
worship at 7:80. A bright people's service.
Sermon on "Life's Arch-Maglclan." A
oordlal welcome to all. .
McCabe, Fortieth nnd Farnam, W. H.
Underwood. Pastor Morning service at
11. Evening service at 7:80. Sunday
school at 10. Mrs. Oeorge Entrlkln, su
perintendent. Other services: Ault Bible
clnss at 10, John Lewis, teacher. Ep
worth league at 8:80, Mm. Ethel Thorpe,
(resident. Topic, "The Promises of Son
ship to tJod." leader, Mrs. C. B. Tyler.
Dleti Memorial Tenth and Fierce, C.
N. Dawson, Minister Sunday school at
9-46, Dr. J. L. Frani, superintendent.
Preaching at 11. "The Victor's Inheri
tance." Epworth League at 6:30, Miss
Mllllinan, loader. Preaching at 7:30, "A
Remarkable Cure." Brotherhood meet
ing, Tuesday at 8. Sunday school board
and prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7:30.
Pearl Memorial. Earl E. Bowen, Mlnlster-Mornlng
worship at 10:80. Sunday
school at noon. J. W. Mavnard. superin
tendent. Children's meeting at 8. Ep
worth league at 8:30. leader. Robert
Cain. Evening service at 7:10. Praver
meeting Wedneaday at 7:30. Indies' Aid
society will meet at the parsonage, 4008
North Twenty-fourth street, on Wednes
day at 2.80. Mrs. Rlngler and Mrs. Bowen
will entertain.
Parkvala, Thlrty-flrat and Hold, Rev.
A. K. Lehmann, Minister Morning Bible
achool and worship at 10. Junior Chris
tian Endeavor society at 8:80. Senior
Christian Bndeavor society at 7:00. Even
ing service of sermon and song at 7 45.
North, Comer Twenty-fourth and Wirt,
Rev. M. V. Hlgbee. 1. D Pastor Morn
ing worship at 10:80. Evening worship at
7:3i). Sunday school at 11. Young Peo.
fles Society f Christian Endeavor at
:S0. Prsyer meeting, Wednesday even
ing at 8.
First, Seventeenth and Podge, Rev.
Edwin Hart Jenks, ft. p., Pnstor Morn
ing, at. 10:30. subject, "Hold Fast the
Oood." Kvenlng at J:30. subject. "What
Think Ye of Christ?" SMnday school s,t
noon. Endeavor meeting at 180.
Third. Twentieth snd Ieavenworth
Fi.nday school at :0. Puhllc worship
ami sermon by ths pastor at 10:46. In
termediate anil Junior Endeavor meet
Inws at 3. Christian Endeavor prayer
meeting at 8:30. Evening worship and
sermon by the pastor at 7:46.
Clifton Hill., Orsnt and Forty-fifth.
Rev. H. R. von der Llppe. Pastor .Morn
ing at 11, "Aa the Snow From Heaven."
Christian Endeavor at 8:30. Preaching at
0) EvTIE
24th and L Streets South Omaha
Not One Day But Every Day
Special Ualues This Dee!.
Rug ValUOG
0x13 HK AM LESS ttO tl
0x1 a AXMIVS.
TKll Itl'CiS. . , .
Be oar oom piste lta. et WUMa
a4 Body Brussels Boss.
7 9ft, "Conquering snd to Conquer." Sun
day school at 10, 11. C. Forgy, superin
tendent. Men's meeting for Bible study
at 1.
The Chun-h of the Covenant, Pratt and
Twenty-seventh. nv. Charles H. Flem
ing. Pastor Morning worship at 10 8ft,
"Mis Cross, the Key to the Bible ss a
Whole." This Is the first of four Len
ten sermons. Bible school at noon. En
deavor at 8.4S. Evening worship nt 7:80,
"How Jesus Sows." Midweek services,
Wednesdsy evening st 8.
Lowe Avenue, 1023 North Fortieth, Rev.
A. F. Ernst. Ph. P.. Pastor The pas
tor will presch at 10 30 end 7 30. Evening
subject. "Is a Man Worth More than a
Sheep?" Hahhath sch-mi at noon. Jun
ior Endeavor snd pastor's Instruction
class at J. Senior Bndeavor meeting at
8:46. The session will rcet st I0;15 to re
ceive members Into the church.
Fsirvlew. Pratt JMreet and Fortieth
Avenue, Rev. Charles H. Flemln. I'ss
tor Bible school at 2. Afternoon wor
ship at 3, "His Cross, the Key to the
Bible ss a Whole." Th Is Is the first of
four I Allien sermons. Evening service
st 7:30. at which Bev. Morris of the
semlnsry, will preach. Midweek service
at the home of Mrs. Wlttlske on Tues
day evening.
Benson. Rev. A. J. McCluns. Ptnr
Punduy school at 10. Mornlnr wnrahln
st II. Rev. T. M. C. Birmingham will
presch on "World Peace." Junior Chris-
llsn Endeavor at 3. Senior Christian
Kncieavor at 8:30. Kveninr worshlo
at 7:30. Second number of the series of
services on the Psalms. The sermon on
the twenty-fourth Psalm. Prayer meet
ing, Wednesday evening at 8.
Westminster. Obrnir Mason Street snd
Vienrgta Avenue, Rev. James Franklin
loung, I'sstor Morning worship at lo
theme, "The Worth of the Local Church.
Hlble school at 12. Evening, Young Peo
ples' meeting at 8 30, topic, "How To
Mske This a Happier World." I'rov. S.
13-18. Evening worsh'" at 7:30. theme.
"Our Place In the World's Battle." Mid
week prayer service, Wednesday at 7:45,
t ailed Presbyterian.
Central. Twenty-fourth and Podge,
Rev. Hugh B. Speer. Pastor-4'hrist'a
Message to iAikewarm Church Members,"
st 10:30. Sahhsth school at 12. Young
1'enple's meeting st 8:80. "The Service
Worth While," at 7:80.
First, Twenty-first and Emmet. Rev.
A. C. Iouglas, Paator Puhllc worship
and preaching at 10:30 and 7 80. Moaning
theme, "The Duty and Privilege of Chris
tian diving." Bible school at 12. Young
When digestion is impaired you can
nearly always look to a lazy liver and
constipated bowels as the real cause
When you think of the suffering after each
meal from Heartburn, Bloating, Nausea.
Headache it is no wonder you have no
interest in mealtime. Soon you lose
flesh and are in a rundown con
- dition. You must help Nature
correct such ailments so that
the body can be properly
nourished. This sug
gests a fair- trial of
hJiHrillMflY-J) 1
rrtj &
People's meeting for prayer and Rlble
study at 8. in.
I nltnrlan.
Servlcea at the parish house, 4I8 North
Fortieth. Sundsy afternoon at 4 .10
Preaching by Ir. A. L. Weetherly "f
Lincoln. Sermon based on the "Sixth
M Iseelln neons.
Pentecostal Assembly. 23" Cuming.
Fred E. Pools, pastor- VMIl gosnel meet
ings st 1.30 and 7:.w. We nlshts. Tues
day, Thursday and Frldcy, at 7:4i. lull
salvation for body, soul and nplrlt.
First Prosressive Spiritualist. 114 Har
ney Evening at s, message service and
open meeting for testimonies. Tursdny
st 8, message service by Rev. Mr.
Thomas. Thursday at 2.30, Ia:IIcs' Aid
message service.
The Associated Bible Students meet in
the Labor temple hall. Nineteenth n1
Farnam, Sunday st X T. McNsught will
lecture, topic. "Why Is the World Not
Converted. The publl": Is Invited. Seats
free. No collection.
United Brethren. Nineteenth and tjnth
rop, Bev. W. O. Jones, Pistor Morning
st IL "The Courage of Jesus." Kvenlng
st 7:80. Sunday achool at 10. Christian
Endeavor at 8:30. Prayer meet'ng,
Wednesday at 7:30.
Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of
lAtter Day Saints. Twenty-fourth snd
Ohio-.Sunday school at f . Preaching
st ll by R. Etsenhouser. Sacrament serv
ice at 1:30. Kellglo at t.3' Presetting at
8 by R. Etrenhouaer. Prayer meeting.
Wednesday evening at 8.
Haw, Tastor Sunday achool t 8:45.
Morfilng worship at 11. theme, "The Mas
lev's Call." Christian Endeavor .at 7.
Etenlng worship st 1. theme, "The Mae
tet end the Hungry Multitude." A cordial
wll come la extended to members and
I'alon Oospel Mission, If M Davenport
Evanllstlc. meetlnss are held every
evening st 8, Rev. Hesket has charge of
the Huntay service; Rev. Douglas, Mon
day; Re. Cobbey, Tuesday; The Pres
byterian seminary. Wednesday; Rev. W.
R. Hill. Thursday: Rev. Hugh R. Ppeer,
Friday, and the Oldeons. Saturday. Mr.
Jorgenson and Iean tPiinderlnnd have
charge of the music. All ar cordially
Invited to attend.
Investors with money read the Real
Estate nds In The Bee. Advertise your
propertf for a quick sale.
.11 1 fi IIWIiIIIIi II, .JJt, II
Compare Our
Prices With Those
Asked By
Other Stores.
LU Iff
3i X
in e.
livir I if J m Riifiiii.'iii.Siiiilil 7l f
cflia w w : i hi mini mm
Turks Anxious to Get
Flour from America
WAI-HINMTON, Match 8.-.rvrlcsn
Ambassador Morgenthau at Constanti
nople cabled to the Department of Com
merce today that quotations were wantd
In the Turkish capital on the various
grades of flour nt New York, Information
on the approximate freight and Insurance
rale to Dedeagatch and the time required
for shipments. The Turkish minister of
commerce whs quoted ns saying American
flour was wanted for the exclusive use of
the civilian population.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 6. (Special. Arthur
F. Mullen of Omaha has registered as a
lobbyist, representing Felix I. McShane.
.1r., of Omaha in the matter of H. R. 632
and H. R. M3. In registering he notes
that It Is his second registration, he hav
ing signed the book previously as a
representative in legislative matters of
J. If. Haite.
Edgar M. Morsman, attorney for the
Nebraska Telephone company, hns regis
tered as representing his company In gen
eral legislation.
o) (O)
Smokoloss Sootloss Satisfactory
Guaranteed to Ploase or Your EVIonoy Back
$7 Per Ton, $3.75 Half Ton, $2 )i Ton
Customer Next Season
QJJ - ' -1 H w. V. M r
When Tires Go Wrong
Remember There's a Better Road Above You
Goodyears Mean Content
By going wrong we don't mean tires' univer
sal fate. All tires wear out in time. All makes
will yield to mishap or misuse. We would
not have you pass snap judgment on a tire.
We mean inherent weakness. We mean
skimped quality. We mean faults which
Goodyear ways avoid.
When you meet such trouble-makers, take
the road above you. It is occupied now by
hundreds of thousands to whom Goodyears
brought content
Vast Difference
Between a Goodyear Fortified Tire and the
best of its rivals there's a- wide, wide spread.
Goodyears combat rim-cuts in the most
efficient way. They combat blowouts and
loose treads by exclusive, costly features. One
of them -our "On-Air" cure costs us
$450,000 yearly.
For safety's sake, each
Fortified Tire has 126
braided piano wires vul
canized into the tire base.
And our All-Weather
tread tough and double
thick combats punctures
and skidding as does no
other tread.
Goodyear Service StationTires in Stock
Anna SVata k Taxi UT.ry Oo, BBOa LHTnlth St.
Kin aumtwara Oo aiUS Cumins; an.
OmsJi Auto riuiiia; ataUom, Mo. 1, 109 So, ITth aH.
Oaiaika Auto IT till n- Station, In, t, 4oJ Ma. BOla Si,
fwm Oaraaa, al-ai rrmm
a.a. Antoiaohtl. acikool. 1413 IXxla-. St.
Karrlnrtoa ltrvu.' oarara, soO Loruwortt Bt.
Aato taa, salt IrMrusarU at.
i From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, March 8 (Special. Thu
senate this morning sdot.ted the report
of the conference committee on S. F. 31,
by Krumbach of Pol, creating the of
fice of state parole officer.
The house, after conferring with the
Board of font rat for Stele Institutions,
whose employes the rhhplaln Is, amended
th? bill so as to make the secretary of
the State Board of Pardons the parole
officer. The bill makes no provlston
for salary, but does make allowance
for traveling expenses.
I'KNDLKTON, Ore.. March .-Cyrus
Noble has been addsd to the horrors of
Cyrus Noble Is one of the most famous
bucking bronchos that ever tried to kick
holes In the sky at the Pendleton
round-up. He was sold today to the
French government for use ss a cavalry
horse. The unsuspecting French officer
who purchased Cyrus failed to discover
hla bucking abilities.
Rent room quirk with a Bee Want Ad.
Office Opposite Orphcum Theater
How Can You Hesitate?
Note the place which Goodyear holds
the highest place in Tiredom.
Note its users and endorsers more than
any other tire ever had.
Note its growing prestige. Last year men
bought 1.479.883.
Are you fair to yourself when you foil to
prove out what is known to so many as the
super-quality tire?
Reduction No. 3
On February 1st we put into effect our
third reduction in two years. The three
total 45 per cent Yet we retain every costly
and exclusive feature. We are spending
$100,000 yearly to discover other better
ments. You will find that they average best They
mean less trouble, less
Fortified Tires
fKICasi by oar Ko-Rlm-Cut fsaturs.
I ll M ii i li rn i m- Air" .....
J I am TrS
A in..wttr by I
br uss v ratibsr rivals.
I A brstdsd plaao wins.
5l.iJrl.s br uut doubl-
thick AU-WMibsr Inad.
Barber Hardware Co.. 4118 Vorta B4tB St.
Vord BinpylT Co-. 8 la Tknus t
Oaaaa Til's 8tulr Co., itaoi Taraaaa St.
oss Wuiff, asaaoa, Ksb.
rioroaoo ()ni, rioraaoa. Van.
Aaa.rtma Aata OuLU alaa rteua St.
Xamlaa-w Auto Oo Mia raraaas (.
StUuul Auto Trslulus Ass's, abM4 la, BOta i
Piles Quickly
Cured at Homo
e"Tfc Prramld Vg,,
Pyramid Pile Remedy gives quick re
lief, stops ltchln?, bleeding or protruding
piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal troubles.
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