Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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Laugh At
tlf Vttog m Stuart's Dyspepsia Tub
In Alter Any and Kvery M1
Von Est, for a Short Tim.
Free Samels raokaars Br
Oo to your next meal happy and
then end there make up your mind to
rat Juat what you think you would
)lk to eat.
After the meal take a Ftuart'e Pya-i
pepela Tablet and you will digest that I
meal, for then little tablets contain
Juat the Ingredients necessary to com- i
plete direction.
Commercial Club Must Protect Fa
mou Painting on Exhibit at
Fonteselle Hotel.
Win Joe Kelley and Don Lm carry
concealed weapons at the ball at the
Fontenelle hotel next Tuesday even-
"Don TaU V I Cant rat.
tnrt'a Dyspepsia Tablet
My Stomach wseae Kelp."
X Use
I lfMiv hftnn thm UurAan nf v-A-
- - j r, " " '
sponsibillty on the heads of these two
KenUeroen, and Incidentally It in
volves a heavy responstblUty of the
Commercial club a responsibility,
say, of some several hundred thou
sands of dolars in real legal tender.
Whether Joe Kelly and Don Lee
carry concealed weapons at that ball
or not, a half dozen men will. These
will be plain clothes detectives, or
perhaps dress-suit detectives. No
loss than a half dozen of these have
been engaged for the dance.
It la the dance ta be given by the
Omaha committee In charge of the mar-
Bishop Beecher and First Class of Nurses from St. Luke's
No matter whether every organ and u- -
mmbfr of your body la In a sound ' ' " "
atate of health and strength. If your Omalia. The dance la to be a feature of
tomseh la In any way disordered, vou I lne entertainment afforded the out-of-Ire
n;1ober..U,::,;i-of-.Jr!town merchant, who are coming her.
nervous or sullen Individual whose ao- from a half dosen states during this week
tlona will reflect your mnilltlnn inside,
and people will naturally avoid you.
Get a box of Rtuart'e rnre. sla Tab
lets at anv drug store. If In doubt as
to the merits of these tablets, why noi
end for a small sample package first
Mailed free. Bend coupon below.
Free Trial Coupon
T. A. Stuart Co.. ISO BtTtarl BHf.,
Marshall, Mich., aetM me at once
by return mall, a free trial pack
age ot Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet a
Kajras mh . ntiii. ' . .
Street , i , - . .-...-
at Btata
For Grip, Influenza,
Coughs, Bore Throat
''8evoty-seven" for colds and Grip
U carefully prepared from a pre
scription of
Frederick Humphrey, M. D.,
Lata Profeswor of Institutes of Home
opathy,' Pathology, and Medical Practice
In the Homeopathic Medical College, of
Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia; author
of "Dysentery and Its Treatment,"
"Cholera and Its Treatment," rtc-. etc.
"Sevvnty-eeTen" la a dependable
remedy for Colds and Grip, pleasant
ta take, handy to carry, fits the vest
pocket. -
tSe and li. at all druggists or malted.
Ktunpfcreys Ilomeo. Medicine Co, 168
millajnjatreet, NewJYork.
fully and thorough
Vyour choicest Silks, Lace a,
Cloves, etc, without losing
delicacy of color or fabric
Send 25c today for a bos
Hi 4 Braae'lM Theatre
;AllN Blag., OMAHA. NEB.
rnone uoutt ooo
to do their shopping and take In the
city for a week.
Are the committee members then afraid
that some"Alkall Ike" win come In with
the merchants to shoot up the city or the
FontenrUt hotel?
Are they afraid some sneak thief will
endeavor to gallop away wtth the hotel
In his watch pocket?
Not that at all.
And yet, Joe Kelly, chairman of the
merchants' market week committee, and
Don Iee, oil airman of the subcommittee
for entertainment, are a bit worriedt.
Likewise Is the Commercial dab some
what orrted.
A Heavy ReapoaslMlHr.
For there are to be articles on the wall
of that ballroom worth, far mora than
their weight In gold. They are to be er
tlrlea that cannot be readily carried away,
but, oh, they are articles that could be
readily destroyed by a punch of an elbow
or by the touch of a match,
Then what then? The committee has
vowed that It would stand responsible
for any damage that might occur. They
said It glibly. They did not think. Then
later In the day It oame to them that
famous paintings asa as rare as dis
monds. The fact la, the Omaha Fine Arts so
ciety Is holding Its exhibit In the great
ball room of the FonteneUe hotel.
Alone: oame the merehanta market
week committee and wanted the room
for this ball Tuesday e-r suing. Out of
courtesy the Fine Arts society la allow
ing them to nae the room for an evening,
leaving a quarter of a million dollars
worth of pictures hanging on the walla,
"Sure, we'll be responsible," the com
mitteemen answered, when asked for as
surance of the safety ot these rare paint
ings at the dance.
Then when the committee heard some
thing about the prloa of some of these
rarities they began to hold their heads
and experience acute neuralgia,
Is Dveaa Swlt Detectives.
But they were game. They couldn't
back out then. Who want to be a
quitter? They are going ahead, 80 they
bave engaged six dress suit detectives to
hang round Just underneath the most
valuable paintings and watch for any
crank that might want to throw a toma
hawk through the faoe of Mona Lisa.
Theae fellowa are loaded with every
thing from Mack jaoka to European ar
tillery. And while Mona Lisa and her
olass are to be particularly guarded,
woe Indeed uiito the man who durea In
tuit September Morn.
80 the bridge Is built over this ohaam
In the plans for merchants' market week.
From all appearances a hugs throne; la
to be In the city during the week from a
half doaen states.
Monday night la to be educational
night. At- the Commercial club rooms
that evening Prof. Paul 1L Neyatrom ot
the University of Minnesota Is to speak
on salearaanahlp. lie Is not only a col
lege professor thoroughly conversant,
with the principles of economics and
I business, but Is said to bave a vast store
lot good practical knowledge of bualneee
I and salesmanship.
Tuesday night Is the dance at the Foa
tenelle, presided over by the detectives.
Wednesday night there Is to be a style
1 show at the Commercial club rooms,
tlx or eight living model will demon
strate with the neatest and classiest of
up-to-date garments:
Thursday night there la to be a din
ner at the Hotel Rome, followed by a
theater party, which In turn Is to be
4 followed by a danoe at the Home.
5 Days Treatment
by the method used exclusively
by the doctors of The Bareka
Xrag Treatment la guaranteed to
remove permanently all craving
Cocaine and other habit -fnrmtna
Coeane and other hablt-C'ermlng
it Abaetaiely
aad rainless. Terms Bteaassabla.
Pay When Satisfied
that all deelre Has been removed.
Call or write
Eureka Drug Treatment
U Fart; Ave, (Beata tetk Ave.)
raoae afcaraey DM
1 mi 11 r
1 1 1 t
Bsaav .lian ?iaT LJtz: La;i:
II. S, Cotton Ship on
Way to Bremen is
Halted by English
BOSTON, March 6 The steamer. Pa
cific, carrying cotton from Galveston
fnr rt'itterdsm, has hem held tip by
a British warship and taken to Ieal,
according to a nvssaare ri-crlved by the
Kmerr Ftenmship compsrv, operators of
the vessel, today.
OAl,VKSTON. Tex, MarcK . The
stoamshtp, Pnelf o, left Galveston Febru
ary 7 for Ylnttrrdam with 14,5no bnlrs of
rotton. It Inst was reported at Falmouth
three days ngo, a cable message reporting
all well It was loaded undi r the super
vision of the customs officers at this port
and its hatches were sealed by them. The
Pacific is a brand new vessel, built In
1S14, for the Panama canal trade. In an
American ship yard, for an American
owner. It was currently reported that It
was chartered for the highest price ever
paid for on American wttnmer, $4o,0P0 per
month. Captain Mundy is Its master.
Final cteaau of all 110 Baits, blue
serf, brown worsteds and rray
ccTrr. 55.00
fit Overcoats, la gray, brown or
fancy mixtures, your JfJ QQ
i:t Pants. In all Slsas. dark ant
hht eulwrs. oa SI RQ
J. i::!;hisJ Clsthiag Co.,
fle-lS Kortk letk Bt.
Lillian Cook Left
While Deranged Says
"Affinity" of Mayo
NEW TOBK, March S. lirts Water-
bury, head ot the home Virginias J.
Mayo maintained In Brooklyn under the
name of James Dudley, said today that
she had received a letter from Lillian
Cook, written a day or so before Miss
Cook disappeared.
"It Is ridiculous to suppose that Mr.
Mayu had anything to do with Lillian's
disappearance," said Mlas Waterbury.
"lie was Interested In her because of me.
I became very fond of har. Before she
left she became fully acquainted with
the facta of the relationship existing be
tween Mr. Mayo and myself. Bhe knew
that I wasn't married to him. But ahe
did not leave because she learned of this.
She left because she was Intelligent,
ambitious, wanted to Improve herself and
the place as nurse girl was not the kind
of plaoe for hvr.
"We decided that ahe should ge to Mew
Haven to Join Mr. Mayo's offloe force.
I don't know whether the suggestion that
she should ge there earn from Ma Mays
or from me; I don t remember.
"In way opinion Lillian wandered away
while temporarily deranged, tshe was
studying very bard, he wrote to roe be
fore she disappeared to tell me about the
examination she was to take the follow
big night at the business School. I ant
afraid that It was all too much for her.
Imseet Bites and lafeetlea baa
aero as.
Apply Sloan's Liniment to any bite.
sting or bruise It kills the poison and
beajp the wound. Only 9e, All drug,
gist Advertisement. "
Ft. Luke's hospital, locn,td at Kearney,
Neb., was opened on March L 1912. under
the management of the Kplscopal church
In the district of Western Nebraska. The
first graduating exercises were held in
St. Lnke'a church, Kearney. Friday aft
ernoon, February a, at which time five
young women from the training school
for nurses were Riven their diplomas.
These young women are ell Nebraska
girls and most of them were born In the
state. The hospital is doing a splendid
work and Is gradually Increasing Its scope
of usefulness. The graduation of these
five nurses from the training school win
afford an opportunity for worthy young
women to apply for training as nurses
If the- so desire. Such application should
he made to Bishop Beecher at Hastings,
or to the superintendent. Miss McDolc.
it Kearney.
Boy or Girl?
Great Question!
Omahans Awakening to a Very
Wonderful Rug Clean
ing Process.
The "Result" Is Far Different
and Better If the Rug Passes
Through Dresher's Hands.
Prosperity Will Not
Come Till Republican
Occupies White House
NKJW YOTtK. March . Chairman
Charleit D. IfUIee of the republican na
tional committee, In a statement at the
conclusion of a conference here today
Ith a number of manufacturers, mer
chants and buslneea men, announced the
present business situation was discussed
and the decision was reached that not
"until a reivubllcan Is returned to the
White House can there be a return to
prosperity." Chairman HQIes said there
was no chairman and that the meeting
waa Informal.
"The "isetlng simply waa one of a num
ber to be held throughout the country by
business men and manufacturers Inter
ested In the success of the republican
party," Chairman HIT! en added. I am
frank to confess the sentiment was unan
imous among us today that if there had
been a presidential election on this year
our candidates would have won without
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 6.-Spclal )-Wltb
all its teeth drawn by amendments
adopted In the committee of the whole
Wednesday, the county unit school dis
trict bill passed the senate on third read
ing today.
Its chief object, as admitted 'by the
western senators. Is to make It possible
for the weak districts off the railroad to
get in on the railroad taxes on a parity
as far as school of fairs are concerned,
with those districts so fortunate as to be
located on a highly-valued and heavily
taxed right-of-way. The house yesterduy
killed a county unit bill without going to
the trouble to draw Its teeth.
Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad.
Copper Fx ports.
WASHINGTON. March 6. Exports of
copper at the ten pr'nclpal customs porta
during the week ending February 27, to
taled $1,4)7 214 or 10.172,719 pounds. Im
ports for the week were S,604,29t pounds,
worth J.T78.10S. France, Italy, England,
r'anala and Denmark were the principal
Omaha Man Declares
Will to Be Forgery
HASTINGS, Neb.. March 6. (Special
Telegram.) ln the O'Connor will case to
day W. O. Shane, paying teller of the
Omaha National bank, testifying as a
handwriting expert, declared that the wUl
In controversy, leaving the 1100,000 O'Con
nor estate to John T. Culavln of Omaha,
Is a forgery.
He Identified as O'Connor's, however, a
letter and a memorandum said to have
been given Culavln by O'Connor, also n
signature In a pocketbook. This tesrl
mony directly connected O'Connor and
Culavln In circumstances sworn to pre
viously by Culavln. Phano waa on the
stand nearly all day, being put through
a rigid cross-examination by Duncan N.
Vlnsonhaler of Omalia.
Dr. w. J. O'Hara, who was one of
three physicians who examined the body
of O'Connor shortly after be died, ex
amined the body again today and testi
fied that some scars had been on the face
since the first examination. O'Connor
died August 17, IMS, and the body has
since been held ln the morgue.
1 ' .&& M'ri
This brings to many minds an old and
Iried family remedy an external ap
plication known as "Mother's Friend."
During the period of expectancy It Is
applied to the abdominal muscles and la
designed to soothe the Intricate network
of nerves Involved. In this manner It
has such a splendid influence as to Justify
Its use ln all cases of coming mother
hood. It has been generally recom
mended for years and years and those
who have used it speak ln highest praise
of the Immense relief It affords. Partic
ularly do these knowing mothers speak
Of the absence of morning sickness,
absence of strain on the ligaments and
freedom from those many other dis
tresses which are usually looked forward
to wtth so much concern.
There Is no question but what
"Mother's Friend" has a marked tendency
to relieve the mind and this of Itself In
addition to the physical relief has given
, It a very wide popularity among women,
i It is absolutely safe to use, renders
' the skin pliable, is penetrating In Ita
' nature and is composed of those embro
1 cations best suited to thoroughly lubri
cate the nerves, muscles, tendons and
ligaments Involved.
Ton can obtain "Mother's Friend" at
almost any drug store.
It Is prepared only by Bradfleld Reg
ulator Co 01 Lamar Bids., Atlanta, Ga.
"When the Dresher Bros.' $57.W Dry
Cleaning and Dyeing establishment at
2211. KU Famam St., first claimed to
have something "different" In the way of
a Rug Cleaning Process, many an Croa
tian hummed and hawed end said to him
self: "Just an advertisement. I don't
suppose they clean .rugs any better than
any one else."
But it's different now. Dresher can
not clean rugs fast enough. Rugs are
being sent In, not only from every street
in Omaha, but the surrounding towns,
counties and even states have gotten wind
of Dresners "much different" rug clean
ing work and are continually sending In
their shipments.
You see Dreshers have devised appar
atus to handle large rugs Just as they
would bandle dainty silk frocks, ate The
rugs are actually cleaned. They are ac
tually softened. They are actually made
like new, with the original nap nlcoiy re
stored. And. best of all, the original
colors are again brought out warmly,
beautiful, and brilliant, provided, of
course, that there is any color left to
start with. Of course. If the color or
fabric Is worn away Dreshers cannot put
it back again, but, if it's simply a case
of a dirty, soiled, grease laden, limp and
straggly rug, Dreshers will guarantee to
put It in perfect shape again.
When you send In rugs be sure to send
in Draperies, Curtains, even Blankets,
Comforters and the like, for Dreshers
clean such Items quite as successfully as
they clean rugsi
Then, too, on general principles, remem
ber that Kaster will be here April 4th
and that It is already time to send In all
spring wearables for a deft cleaning,
thorough repairing and marvelous re
styling. Dresher's private phone exchange la
Tyler 343. The Dresher Brandeie store
branch is situated at the entranoe of the
Pompelan room. Dreshers pay carrying
charges one way on any sized package
to any point ln America.
Send for the Dresher Illustrated book
let entitled: "Plantplctures" and post up
on the cleaning subject.
O Vs1Sls4jst,ta4(a4)ftf4
S TV T .A 9Z sTT J Trr Jl 99
We will furnish 4 rooms completely, all ready for housekeeping, for only $99.00, and we will accept payments of $5 a month. Don't Fail to See These Outfits.
Everyone who is interested in greater home comfort should visit our
btore. No doubt there is something wanted to complete the comfort of
your hometis ngle article or a number of pieces. It is false mod
esty to allow a small salary or lack of ready cash to stand between
you and home comforts. "Haven t got the cash is a very poor ex
cuse for denying yourself a well furnished home.
The aize of your salary will not limit your buying power at Hartman's.
Our open charge account system makes it possible for you to purchase a
few pieces or furnish an enti e home, by making a small first payment
and meeting the balance in small monthly amounts as convenient to you:
you aiiu nome comforts, "tiaven t got the casn is a very poor ex- one low price to ail every article marked wjth the plain figure price
3 case for denying yourself a well furnished home. tag.
n?tep' W-t nUprfpTI . SLIDING DISK COMPARTMENTS fTfV", ,fft Catalog Free A . uirngv
Jm&s$jlf mmM Cu,,onwr' It
am."" -v - - - ...-.. v IK I i jy vr 'tiu rui I'.IUW
1 ii. I I S I
VET HUtl, made of selev'ed woolen yarn In
harmonious color comblnsft'wn. large assort
ment of designs to choose from,
suitable for rarlor. dining
room or bed room; an excep
tional value
li Combination Kitchen j
. i Table; this kaiiltary cab- 1
V If inet baae lias 1 large II
II blua. each holding b 1
Elerant solid oak Library Bet. Three large pieces consisting of roomy Magazine Rack
j&oie ii nee wun euaiag aesc erawer, chair and rocker, upholstered in guar-
anteea ttpamsn raorieoid Learner over lull set or steel springs. We positively
guurantee you a aaving uf 110.00 on the price when we offer you this complete
eei it mis low price..,..
-inch continuous post vernls Marten Bed, made
In full size, with 10 heavy fillers and heavy sup
porting rods; the enamel usea is guar
anteed not to tarnish or rub off; us-
ally sold for Sv.bO. specially priced
for this week's yelling at thla low price.
Combination Kitchen
Table; this kaiiltary cab
inet baae baa 1 lar
blua. each holding
lbs. of flour, 2 utensil
Urawers and slitting
kneading board: saves
many steps around the kitcheu
well Constructed article that no
borne should be without: for this
wee at this low price
. .....
: 4.35
"' . -
4 m a
JB B BiBB BMPSBBJsSPSfwasssssssWSsBwsasssPSSSjsasBsa Bk
S J la M K( 1 I J I
h- ji ii I i 'iwa J
The illustration shown, is an
extremely weU made sad
high grade Collapsible Go-
Car t; folds completely
with one motion; hood,
and all wheels have
heavy rubber
ttrcs, and body
aipholstered - In
Imperial leather;
a real value, at
A rare bargain In a high grade Dining Room Pet Six beautiful Oialra with
heavy saddle seats ana broad panel backs. torfUUmtlv pollahecj golden Table
baa large 4-i-lnch top exteitding to ft., with easy running 4 n mt
slides; lias maualve square pedestals supported by four cola
iui turned reet; entire set is mads of selected, Anrsrlcan qu
terea uniiauuu oa anu apeciaiiy priced lor ins week
built throughout of seasoned hard wood, beautifully fin
ished in American quarter sawed Imitation oak, heavy
planked top supported by heavy paneled t r
ends, which real on a heavy scroll baaa JLf II Br
and absolutely new dealgn of a high grade Oaa7CJ
table, very special , w
3Sx 1R K
uar- lOJO
at. .. .
?yvwe p.y.yrF
1414-1416-1410 DOUGLAS ST.
st -J 'i E .bVL'sShSK i -f T I
Not only beautiful in ap
pearance, but extremely well
made; frame is of choice
elected oek. finished
fumed; upbolaterinc
is of guaranteed Bpan-
Uh Fabrlcord Leather
over full steel construc
tion: large, comfortable
head rest: beautiful pat.
tern and an extremal
5.99 '
SikmI value,
priced for
this week